List of usage examples for java.lang IllegalArgumentException toString
public String toString()
From source
public void copyInBase64(String b64) throws IOException { if (b64 == null) throw new IOException("copyInBase64() null string"); byte[] imgBytes = new byte[100]; try {//from ww w. j av a2 s .com imgBytes = DatatypeConverter.parseBase64Binary(b64); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { throw new IOException("copyInBase64() could not parse: " + ex.toString()); } File file = (this.localPath() != null) ? this.localPath().toFile() : File.createTempFile("b64-" + Util.generateUUID(), ".tmp"); FileOutputStream stream = new FileOutputStream(file); try { stream.write(imgBytes); } finally { stream.close(); } if (file.exists()) { this.copyIn(file); } else { throw new IOException("copyInBase64() could not write " + file); } }
From source
public String getUsers() { List<Users> users;// ww w. j a v a2 s . co m Message msg = new Message(); GsonBuilder builder = new GsonBuilder(); Gson gson = builder.create(); try { Query q = entity.createNamedQuery("Users.findAll"); users = q.getResultList(); msg.setCode(200); msg.setMsg(gson.toJson(users)); msg.setDetail("OK"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { msg.setCode(422); msg.setMsg("Error de entidad, el usuario no es una entidad."); msg.setDetail(e.toString()); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { msg.setCode(422); msg.setMsg("Error de entidad, el usuario no es una entidad o ha sido removido."); msg.setDetail(e.toString()); } catch (QueryTimeoutException e) { msg.setCode(509); msg.setMsg("La operacin tardo demasiado, por favor vuelve a intentarlo."); msg.setDetail(e.toString()); } catch (TransactionRequiredException e) { msg.setCode(509); msg.setMsg("La operacin tardo demasiado, por favor vuelve a intentarlo."); msg.setDetail(e.toString()); } catch (PessimisticLockException e) { msg.setCode(400); msg.setMsg("Error, operacin bloqueada (Pesimistic), no se realizo la transaccin."); msg.setDetail(e.toString()); } catch (LockTimeoutException e) { msg.setCode(400); msg.setMsg("Error, operacin bloqueada (Lock), no se realizo la transaccin."); msg.setDetail(e.toString()); } catch (PersistenceException e) { msg.setCode(400); msg.setMsg("Error, operacin bloqueada (Persistence), no se realizo la transaccin."); msg.setDetail(e.toString()); } return gson.toJson(msg); }
From source
public void processReleases() { String startDateString = DateUtil.displayDateFormatter.print(System.currentTimeMillis());"Starting release update process (%s)", startDateString)); // get site config TODO: use config service Site site = siteDAO.getDefaultSite(); int retcount = 0; Directory nzbBaseDir = fileSystemService.getDirectory("/nzbs"); checkRegexesUptoDate(site.getLatestRegexUrl(), site.getLatestRegexRevision()); // Stage 0// w w w . j a v a 2 s. co m // this is a hack - tx is not working ATM TransactionStatus transaction = transactionManager .getTransaction(new DefaultTransactionDefinition(TransactionDefinition.PROPAGATION_REQUIRED)); // // Get all regexes for all groups which are to be applied to new binaries // in order of how they should be applied // List<ReleaseRegex> releaseRegexList = releaseRegexDAO.getRegexes(true, "-1", false); for (ReleaseRegex releaseRegex : releaseRegexList) { String releaseRegexGroupName = releaseRegex.getGroupName();"Applying regex %d for group %s", releaseRegex.getId(), ValidatorUtil.isNull(releaseRegexGroupName) ? "all" : releaseRegexGroupName)); // compile the regex early, to test them String regex = releaseRegex.getRegex(); Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(fixRegex(regex), Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); // remove '/' and '/i' HashSet<Long> groupMatch = new LinkedHashSet<>(); // // Groups ending in * need to be like matched when getting out binaries for groups and children // Matcher matcher = _wildcardPattern.matcher(releaseRegexGroupName); if (matcher.matches()) { releaseRegexGroupName = releaseRegexGroupName.substring(0, releaseRegexGroupName.length() - 1); List<Group> groups = groupDAO.findGroupsByName(releaseRegexGroupName); for (Group group : groups) { groupMatch.add(group.getId()); } } else if (!ValidatorUtil.isNull(releaseRegexGroupName)) { Group group = groupDAO.getGroupByName(releaseRegexGroupName); if (group != null) { groupMatch.add(group.getId()); } } List<Binary> binaries = new ArrayList<>(); if (groupMatch.size() > 0) { // Get out all binaries of STAGE0 for current group binaries = binaryDAO.findByGroupIdsAndProcStat(groupMatch, Defaults.PROCSTAT_NEW); } Map<String, String> arrNoPartBinaries = new LinkedHashMap<>(); DateTime fiveHoursAgo =; // this for loop should probably be a single transaction for (Binary binary : binaries) { String testMessage = "Test run - Binary Name " + binary.getName(); Matcher groupRegexMatcher = pattern.matcher(binary.getName()); if (groupRegexMatcher.find()) { String reqIdGroup = null; try { reqIdGroup ="reqid"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { _log.debug(e.toString()); } String partsGroup = null; try { partsGroup ="parts"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { _log.debug(e.toString()); } String nameGroup = null; try { nameGroup ="name"); } catch (Exception e) { _log.debug(e.toString()); } _log.debug(testMessage + " matches with: \n reqId = " + reqIdGroup + " parts = " + partsGroup + " and name = " + nameGroup); if ((ValidatorUtil.isNotNull(reqIdGroup) && ValidatorUtil.isNumeric(reqIdGroup)) && ValidatorUtil.isNull(nameGroup)) { nameGroup = reqIdGroup; } if (ValidatorUtil.isNull(nameGroup)) { _log.warn(String.format( "regex applied which didnt return right number of capture groups - %s", regex)); _log.warn(String.format("regex matched: reqId = %s parts = %s and name = %s", reqIdGroup, partsGroup, nameGroup)); continue; } // If theres no number of files data in the subject, put it into a release if it was posted to usenet longer than five hours ago. if ((ValidatorUtil.isNull(partsGroup) && fiveHoursAgo.isAfter(binary.getDate().getTime()))) { // // Take a copy of the name of this no-part release found. This can be used // next time round the loop to find parts of this set, but which have not yet reached 3 hours. // arrNoPartBinaries.put(nameGroup, "1"); partsGroup = "01/01"; } if (ValidatorUtil.isNotNull(nameGroup) && ValidatorUtil.isNotNull(partsGroup)) { if (partsGroup.indexOf('/') == -1) { partsGroup = partsGroup.replaceFirst("(-)|(~)|(\\sof\\s)", "/"); // replace weird parts delimiters } Integer regexCategoryId = releaseRegex.getCategoryId(); Integer reqId = null; if (ValidatorUtil.isNotNull(reqIdGroup) && ValidatorUtil.isNumeric(reqIdGroup)) { reqId = Integer.parseInt(reqIdGroup); } //check if post is repost Pattern repostPattern = Pattern.compile("(repost\\d?|re\\-?up)", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); Matcher binaryNameRepostMatcher = repostPattern.matcher(binary.getName()); if (binaryNameRepostMatcher.find() && !nameGroup.toLowerCase().matches("^[\\s\\S]+(repost\\d?|re\\-?up)")) { nameGroup = nameGroup + (" " +; } String partsStrings[] = partsGroup.split("/"); int relpart = Integer.parseInt(partsStrings[0]); int relTotalPart = Integer.parseInt(partsStrings[1]); binary.setRelName(nameGroup.replace("_", " ")); binary.setRelPart(relpart); binary.setRelTotalPart(relTotalPart); binary.setProcStat(Defaults.PROCSTAT_TITLEMATCHED); binary.setCategoryId(regexCategoryId); binary.setRegexId(releaseRegex.getId()); binary.setReqId(reqId); binaryDAO.updateBinary(binary); } } } } transactionManager.commit(transaction); // this is a hack - tx is not working ATM transaction = transactionManager .getTransaction(new DefaultTransactionDefinition(TransactionDefinition.PROPAGATION_REQUIRED)); // // Move all binaries from releases which have the correct number of files on to the next stage. //"Stage 2"); List<MatchedReleaseQuery> matchedReleaseQueries = binaryDAO .findBinariesByProcStatAndTotalParts(Defaults.PROCSTAT_TITLEMATCHED); matchedReleaseQueries = combineMatchedQueries(matchedReleaseQueries); int siteMinFilestoFormRelease = site.getMinFilesToFormRelease(); for (MatchedReleaseQuery matchedReleaseQuery : matchedReleaseQueries) { retcount++; // // Less than the site permitted number of files in a release. Dont discard it, as it may // be part of a set being uploaded. // int minFiles = siteMinFilestoFormRelease; String releaseName = matchedReleaseQuery.getReleaseName(); long matchedReleaseQueryGroup = matchedReleaseQuery.getGroup(); Long matchedReleaseQueryNumberOfBinaries = matchedReleaseQuery.getNumberOfBinaries(); int matchecReleaseTotalParts = matchedReleaseQuery.getReleaseTotalParts(); String fromName = matchedReleaseQuery.getFromName(); Integer reqId = matchedReleaseQuery.getReqId(); Group group = groupDAO.findGroupByGroupId(matchedReleaseQueryGroup); if (group != null && group.getMinFilesToFormRelease() != null) { minFiles = group.getMinFilesToFormRelease(); } if (matchedReleaseQueryNumberOfBinaries < minFiles) { _log.warn(String.format("Number of files in release %s less than site/group setting (%s/%s)", releaseName, matchedReleaseQueryNumberOfBinaries, minFiles)); binaryDAO.updateBinaryIncrementProcAttempts(releaseName, Defaults.PROCSTAT_TITLEMATCHED, matchedReleaseQueryGroup, fromName); } else if (matchedReleaseQueryNumberOfBinaries >= matchecReleaseTotalParts) { // Check that the binary is complete List<Binary> releaseBinaryList = binaryDAO.findBinariesByReleaseNameProcStatGroupIdFromName( releaseName, Defaults.PROCSTAT_TITLEMATCHED, matchedReleaseQueryGroup, fromName); boolean incomplete = false; for (Binary binary : releaseBinaryList) { long partsCount = partDAO.countPartsByBinaryId(binary.getId()); if (partsCount < binary.getTotalParts()) { float percentComplete = ((float) partsCount / (float) binary.getTotalParts()) * 100; _log.warn(String.format("binary %s from %s has missing parts = %s/%s (%s%% complete)", binary.getId(), releaseName, partsCount, binary.getTotalParts(), percentComplete)); // Allow to binary to release if posted to usenet longer than four hours ago and we still don't have all the parts DateTime fourHoursAgo =; if (fourHoursAgo.isAfter(new DateTime(binary.getDate()))) {"allowing incomplete binary " + binary.getId()); } else { incomplete = true; } } } if (incomplete) { _log.warn(String.format("Incorrect number of parts %s-%s-%s", releaseName, matchedReleaseQueryNumberOfBinaries, matchecReleaseTotalParts)); binaryDAO.updateBinaryIncrementProcAttempts(releaseName, Defaults.PROCSTAT_TITLEMATCHED, matchedReleaseQueryGroup, fromName); } // // Right number of files, but see if the binary is a allfilled/reqid post, in which case it needs its name looked up // TODO: Does this even work anymore? else if (ValidatorUtil.isNotNull(site.getReqIdUrl()) && ValidatorUtil.isNotNull(reqId)) { // // Try and get the name using the group //"Looking up " + reqId + " in " + group.getName() + "..."); String newTitle = getReleaseNameForReqId(site.getReqIdUrl(), group, reqId, true); // // if the feed/group wasnt supported by the scraper, then just use the release name as the title. // if (ValidatorUtil.isNull(newTitle) || newTitle.equals("no feed")) { newTitle = releaseName; _log.warn("Group not supported"); } // // Valid release with right number of files and title now, so move it on // if (ValidatorUtil.isNotNull(newTitle)) { binaryDAO.updateBinaryNameAndStatus(newTitle, Defaults.PROCSTAT_READYTORELEASE, releaseName, Defaults.PROCSTAT_TITLEMATCHED, matchedReleaseQueryGroup, fromName); } else { // // Item not found, if the binary was added to the index yages ago, then give up. // Timestamp timestamp = binaryDAO.findMaxDateAddedBinaryByReleaseNameProcStatGroupIdFromName( releaseName, Defaults.PROCSTAT_TITLEMATCHED, matchedReleaseQueryGroup, fromName); DateTime maxAddedDate = new DateTime(timestamp); DateTime twoDaysAgo =; if (maxAddedDate.isBefore(twoDaysAgo)) { binaryDAO.updateBinaryNameAndStatus(releaseName, Defaults.PROCSTAT_NOREQIDNAMELOOKUPFOUND, releaseName, Defaults.PROCSTAT_TITLEMATCHED, matchedReleaseQueryGroup, fromName); _log.warn("Not found in 48 hours"); } } } else { binaryDAO.updateBinaryNameAndStatus(releaseName, Defaults.PROCSTAT_READYTORELEASE, releaseName, Defaults.PROCSTAT_TITLEMATCHED, matchedReleaseQueryGroup, fromName); } } else { // // Theres less than the expected number of files, so update the attempts and move on. //"Incorrect number of files for %s (%d/%d)", releaseName, matchedReleaseQueryNumberOfBinaries, matchecReleaseTotalParts)); binaryDAO.updateBinaryIncrementProcAttempts(releaseName, Defaults.PROCSTAT_TITLEMATCHED, matchedReleaseQueryGroup, fromName); } if (retcount % 10 == 0) {"-processed %d binaries stage two", retcount)); } } transactionManager.commit(transaction); retcount = 0; int nfoCount = 0; // this is a hack - tx is not working ATM transaction = transactionManager .getTransaction(new DefaultTransactionDefinition(TransactionDefinition.PROPAGATION_REQUIRED)); // // Get out all distinct relname, group from binaries of STAGE2 //"Stage 3"); List<MatchedReleaseQuery> readyReleaseQueries = binaryDAO .findBinariesByProcStatAndTotalParts(Defaults.PROCSTAT_READYTORELEASE); readyReleaseQueries = combineMatchedQueries(readyReleaseQueries); for (MatchedReleaseQuery readyReleaseQuery : readyReleaseQueries) { retcount++; String releaseName = readyReleaseQuery.getReleaseName(); int numParts = readyReleaseQuery.getReleaseTotalParts(); long binaryCount = readyReleaseQuery.getNumberOfBinaries(); long groupId = readyReleaseQuery.getGroup(); // // Get the last post date and the poster name from the binary // String fromName = readyReleaseQuery.getFromName(); Timestamp timestamp = binaryDAO.findMaxDateAddedBinaryByReleaseNameProcStatGroupIdFromName(releaseName, Defaults.PROCSTAT_READYTORELEASE, groupId, fromName); DateTime addedDate = new DateTime(timestamp); // // Get all releases with the same name with a usenet posted date in a +1-1 date range. // Date oneDayBefore = addedDate.minusDays(1).toDate(); Date oneDayAfter = addedDate.plusDays(1).toDate(); List<Release> relDupes = releaseDAO.findReleasesByNameAndDateRange(releaseName, oneDayBefore, oneDayAfter); if (!relDupes.isEmpty()) { binaryDAO.updateBinaryNameAndStatus(releaseName, Defaults.PROCSTAT_DUPLICATE, releaseName, Defaults.PROCSTAT_READYTORELEASE, groupId, fromName); continue; } // // Get total size of this release // Done in a big OR statement, not an IN as the mysql binaryID index on parts table // was not being used. // // SM: TODO this should be revisited, using hb mappings long totalSize = 0; int regexAppliedCategoryId = 0; long regexIdUsed = 0; int reqIdUsed = 0; int relTotalParts = 0; float relCompletion; List<Binary> binariesForSize = binaryDAO.findBinariesByReleaseNameProcStatGroupIdFromName(releaseName, Defaults.PROCSTAT_READYTORELEASE, groupId, fromName); long relParts = 0; for (Binary binary : binariesForSize) { if (ValidatorUtil.isNotNull(binary.getCategoryId()) && regexAppliedCategoryId == 0) { regexAppliedCategoryId = binary.getCategoryId(); } if (ValidatorUtil.isNotNull(binary.getRegexId()) && regexIdUsed == 0) { regexIdUsed = binary.getRegexId(); } if (ValidatorUtil.isNotNull(binary.getReqId()) && reqIdUsed == 0) { reqIdUsed = binary.getReqId(); } relTotalParts += binary.getTotalParts(); relParts += partDAO.countPartsByBinaryId(binary.getId()); totalSize += partDAO.sumPartsSizeByBinaryId(binary.getId()); } relCompletion = ((float) relParts / (float) relTotalParts) * 100f; // // Insert the release // String releaseGuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); int categoryId; Category category = null; Long regexId; Integer reqId; if (regexAppliedCategoryId == 0) { categoryId = categoryService.determineCategory(groupId, releaseName); } else { categoryId = regexAppliedCategoryId; } if (categoryId > 0) { category = categoryService.getCategory(categoryId); } if (regexIdUsed == 0) { regexId = null; } else { regexId = regexIdUsed; } if (reqIdUsed == 0) { reqId = null; } else { reqId = reqIdUsed; } //Clean release name of '#', '@', '$', '%', '^', '', '', '', '' String cleanReleaseName = releaseName.replaceAll("[^A-Za-z0-9-_\\ \\.]+", ""); Release release = new Release(); release.setName(cleanReleaseName); release.setSearchName(cleanReleaseName); release.setTotalpart(numParts); release.setGroupId(groupId); release.setAddDate(new Date()); release.setGuid(releaseGuid); release.setCategory(category); release.setRegexId(regexId); release.setRageId((long) -1); release.setPostDate(addedDate.toDate()); release.setFromName(fromName); release.setSize(totalSize); release.setReqId(reqId); release.setPasswordStatus(site.getCheckPasswordedRar() == 1 ? -1 : 0); // magic constants release.setCompletion(relCompletion); releaseDAO.updateRelease(release); long releaseId = release.getId();"Added release " + cleanReleaseName); // // Tag every binary for this release with its parent release id // remove the release name from the binary as its no longer required // binaryDAO.updateBinaryNameStatusReleaseID("", Defaults.PROCSTAT_RELEASED, releaseId, releaseName, Defaults.PROCSTAT_READYTORELEASE, groupId, fromName); // // Find an .nfo in the release // ReleaseNfo releaseNfo = nfo.determineReleaseNfo(release); if (releaseNfo != null) { nfo.addReleaseNfo(releaseNfo); nfoCount++; } // // Write the nzb to disk // nzb.writeNZBforReleaseId(release, nzbBaseDir, true); if (retcount % 5 == 0) {"-processed " + retcount + " releases stage three"); } }"Found " + nfoCount + " nfos in " + retcount + " releases"); // // Process nfo files // if (site.getLookupNfo() != 1) {"Site config (site.lookupnfo) prevented retrieving nfos"); } else { nfo.processNfoFiles(site.getLookupImdb(), site.getLookupTvRage()); } // // Lookup imdb if enabled // if (site.getLookupImdb() == 1) { movieService.processMovieReleases(); } // // Lookup music if enabled // if (site.getLookupMusic() == 1) { musicService.processMusicReleases(); } // // Lookup games if enabled // if (site.getLookupGames() == 1) { gameService.processConsoleReleases(); } // // Check for passworded releases // if (site.getCheckPasswordedRar() != 1) {"Site config (site.checkpasswordedrar) prevented checking releases are passworded"); } else { processPasswordedReleases(true); } // // Process all TV related releases which will assign their series/episode/rage data // tvRageService.processTvReleases(site.getLookupTvRage() == 1); // // Get the current datetime again, as using now() in the housekeeping queries prevents the index being used. // DateTime now = new DateTime(); // // Tidy away any binaries which have been attempted to be grouped into // a release more than x times (SM: or is it days?) // int attemtpGroupBinDays = site.getAttemtpGroupBinDays();"Tidying away binaries which cant be grouped after %s days", attemtpGroupBinDays)); DateTime maxGroupBinDays = now.minusDays(attemtpGroupBinDays); binaryDAO.updateProcStatByProcStatAndDate(Defaults.PROCSTAT_WRONGPARTS, Defaults.PROCSTAT_NEW, maxGroupBinDays.toDate()); // // Delete any parts and binaries which are older than the site's retention days // int maxRetentionDays = site.getRawRetentionDays(); DateTime maxRetentionDate = now.minusDays(maxRetentionDays);"Deleting parts which are older than %d days", maxRetentionDays)); partDAO.deletePartByDate(maxRetentionDate.toDate());"Deleting binaries which are older than %d days", maxRetentionDays)); binaryDAO.deleteBinaryByDate(maxRetentionDate.toDate()); // // Delete any releases which are older than site's release retention days // int releaseretentiondays = site.getReleaseRetentionDays(); if (releaseretentiondays != 0) {"Determining any releases past retention to be deleted."); DateTime maxReleaseRetentionDate =; List<Release> releasesToDelete = releaseDAO.findReleasesBeforeDate(maxReleaseRetentionDate.toDate()); for (Iterator<Release> iterator = releasesToDelete.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Release release =; releaseDAO.deleteRelease(release); } } transaction.flush(); // may be unneeded transactionManager.commit(transaction);"Processed %d releases", retcount)); if (!transaction.isCompleted()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Transaction is not completed or rolled back."); } //return retcount; }
From source
/** * Send the request to the server, handling any I/O exceptions. * /*w w w . ja va 2s . c om*/ * @param state * state * @param client * client * @param request * request * @return sendRequest * @throws StopRequest * StopRequest */ private HttpResponse sendRequest(State state, HttpClient client, HttpGet request) throws StopRequest { try { return client.execute(request); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { throw new StopRequest(Downloads.Impl.STATUS_HTTP_DATA_ERROR, "while trying to execute request: " + ex.toString(), ex); } catch (IOException ex) { logNetworkState(); throw new StopRequest(getFinalStatusForHttpError(state), "while trying to execute request: " + ex.toString(), ex); } }
From source
@Post("json") public String request(final String entity) { final String secret = getContext().getParameters().getFirstValue("RMBT_SECRETKEY"); addAllowOrigin();/* w w w. jav a 2 s. com*/ JSONObject request = null; final ErrorList errorList = new ErrorList(); final JSONObject answer = new JSONObject(); System.out.println(MessageFormat.format(labels.getString("NEW_QOS_RESULT"), getIP())); if (entity != null && !entity.isEmpty()) // try parse the string to a JSON object try { request = new JSONObject(entity); final String lang = request.optString("client_language"); // Load Language Files for Client final List<String> langs = Arrays .asList(settings.getString("RMBT_SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES").split(",\\s*")); if (langs.contains(lang)) { errorList.setLanguage(lang); labels = ResourceManager.getSysMsgBundle(new Locale(lang)); } // System.out.println(request.toString(4)); if (conn != null) { ResultOptions resultOptions = new ResultOptions(new Locale(lang)); conn.setAutoCommit(false); final Test test = new Test(conn); if (request.optString("test_token").length() > 0) { final String[] token = request.getString("test_token").split("_"); try { // Check if UUID final UUID testUuid = UUID.fromString(token[0]); final String data = token[0] + "_" + token[1]; final String hmac = Helperfunctions.calculateHMAC(secret, data); if (hmac.length() == 0) errorList.addError("ERROR_TEST_TOKEN"); if (token[2].length() > 0 && hmac.equals(token[2])) { final List<String> clientNames = Arrays .asList(settings.getString("RMBT_CLIENT_NAME").split(",\\s*")); final List<String> clientVersions = Arrays .asList(settings.getString("RMBT_VERSION_NUMBER").split(",\\s*")); if (test.getTestByUuid(testUuid) > 0) if (clientNames.contains(request.optString("client_name")) && clientVersions.contains(request.optString("client_version"))) { //save qos test results: JSONArray qosResult = request.optJSONArray("qos_result"); if (qosResult != null) { QoSTestResultDao resultDao = new QoSTestResultDao(conn); Set<String> excludeTestTypeKeys = new TreeSet<>(); excludeTestTypeKeys.add("test_type"); excludeTestTypeKeys.add("qos_test_uid"); for (int i = 0; i < qosResult.length(); i++) { JSONObject testObject = qosResult.optJSONObject(i); //String hstore = Helperfunctions.json2hstore(testObject, excludeTestTypeKeys); JSONObject resultJson = new JSONObject(testObject, JSONObject.getNames(testObject)); for (String excludeKey : excludeTestTypeKeys) { resultJson.remove(excludeKey); } QoSTestResult testResult = new QoSTestResult(); //testResult.setResults(hstore); testResult.setResults(resultJson.toString()); testResult.setTestType(testObject.getString("test_type")); testResult.setTestUid(test.getUid()); long qosTestId = testObject.optLong("qos_test_uid", Long.MIN_VALUE); testResult.setQoSTestObjectiveId(qosTestId);; } } QoSTestResultDao resultDao = new QoSTestResultDao(conn); PreparedStatement updateCounterPs = resultDao .getUpdateCounterPreparedStatement(); List<QoSTestResult> testResultList = resultDao.getByTestUid(test.getUid()); //map that contains all test types and their result descriptions determined by the test result <-> test objectives comparison Map<TestType, TreeSet<ResultDesc>> resultKeys = new HashMap<>(); //test description set: Set<String> testDescSet = new TreeSet<>(); //test summary set: Set<String> testSummarySet = new TreeSet<>(); //iterate through all result entries for (QoSTestResult testResult : testResultList) { //reset test counters testResult.setFailureCounter(0); testResult.setSuccessCounter(0); //get the correct class of the result; TestType testType = TestType .valueOf(testResult.getTestType().toUpperCase()); Class<? extends AbstractResult<?>> clazz = testType.getClazz(); //parse hstore data final JSONObject resultJson = new JSONObject(testResult.getResults()); AbstractResult<?> result = QoSUtil.HSTORE_PARSER.fromJSON(resultJson, clazz); result.setResultJson(resultJson); if (result != null) { //add each test description key to the testDescSet (to fetch it later from the db) if (testResult.getTestDescription() != null) { testDescSet.add(testResult.getTestDescription()); } if (testResult.getTestSummary() != null) { testSummarySet.add(testResult.getTestSummary()); } testResult.setResult(result); } //compare test results with expected results QoSUtil.compareTestResults(testResult, result, resultKeys, testType, resultOptions); //resultList.put(testResult.toJson()); //update all test results after the success and failure counters have been set resultDao.updateCounter(testResult, updateCounterPs); //System.out.println("UPDATING: " + testResult.toString()); } } else errorList.addError("ERROR_CLIENT_VERSION"); } else errorList.addError("ERROR_TEST_TOKEN_MALFORMED"); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) { e.printStackTrace(); errorList.addError("ERROR_TEST_TOKEN_MALFORMED"); } catch (HstoreParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); errorList.addError("ERROR_DB_CONNECTION"); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { e.printStackTrace(); errorList.addError("ERROR_TEST_TOKEN_MALFORMED"); } } else errorList.addError("ERROR_TEST_TOKEN_MISSING"); conn.commit(); } else errorList.addError("ERROR_DB_CONNECTION"); } catch (final JSONException e) { errorList.addError("ERROR_REQUEST_JSON"); //System.out.println("Error parsing JSDON Data " + e.toString()); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (final SQLException e) { //System.out.println("Error while storing data " + e.toString()); e.printStackTrace(); } else errorList.addErrorString("Expected request is missing."); try { answer.putOpt("error", errorList.getList()); } catch (final JSONException e) { System.out.println("Error saving ErrorList: " + e.toString()); } return answer.toString(); }
From source
@Override public void onDestroy() { super.onDestroy(); try {/*from w ww . ja va 2s . c o m*/ if (uploadOn && mAlarmManager != null) { mAlarmManager.cancel(mPI); } if (taskOn) { handleTask.removeCallbacks(taskScan); } if (clipOn) { handleClipb.removeCallbacks(clipboardScan); } if (delayNewCallEvent != null) { delayNewCallEvent.cancel(); } if (gpsOn) { locMngr.removeUpdates(locListener); } if (wifiOn && wifiReceiver != null) { unregisterReceiver(wifiReceiver); } if (smsOn && smsObserver != null && smsObserver.inSms != null) { unregisterReceiver(smsObserver.inSms); smsObserver.unregisterObserver(); } if (callOn && callsReceiver != null) { unregisterReceiver(callsReceiver); } if (idleOn && idleReceiver != null) { unregisterReceiver(idleReceiver); } if (urlOn && urlObserver != null) { urlObserver.unregisterObserver(); } if (usbOn && usbReceiver != null) { unregisterReceiver(usbReceiver); } if (powerOn && powerReceiver != null) { unregisterReceiver(powerReceiver); } if (mediaOn && mediaReceiver != null) { unregisterReceiver(mediaReceiver); } if (gsmOn && telManager != null && gsmObserver != null) { telManager.listen(gsmObserver, PhoneStateListener.LISTEN_NONE); } if (airOn && airReceiver != null) { unregisterReceiver(airReceiver); } if (photoOn && photoObserver != null) { photoObserver.unregisterObserver(); } if (mConReceiver != null) unregisterReceiver(mConReceiver); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { app.logError(CN + "onDestroy", e.toString()); } saveToPref("fileName", file); saveToPref("uploadedSize", uploadedSize); // Log stop service logServiceState(false); serviceStarted = false; app.mService = null; //Log.i(CN + "onDestroy", "onDestroy"); }
From source
/** * Called by the Controller bean (RDB or PDB) to execute this SQL statement * with the given params.//from w ww.ja v a2s .co m * * @param params * @throws SQLException */ public SqlResult execute(List<Map<String, String>> params) { if (params == null) { params = new ArrayList<Map<String, String>>(); } LOG.debug("execute: executing this statement: " + getOriginal()); LOG.debug("execute: ... with this number of param maps = " + params.size()); // first, do some light validation work if (params.size() == 0 && (isPrepared() || isCallable())) { // if it is callable and it requires an IN param if (isCallable() && getInTokens().size() > 0) { LOG.error("execute: ERROR, IN params were not provided " + "for this callable statement that requires IN params: " + getPrepared()); return null; } // all prepared statements that are not callable require an // input param else { LOG.error("execute: ERROR, params were not provided " + "for this prepared statement: " + getPrepared()); return null; } } else if (params.size() > 0 && !isPrepared()) { LOG.error("execute: ERROR, params were provided " + "for this static or non-prepared statement that does not " + "require params: " + getOriginal()); return null; } // make sure given params match if (params.size() > 0) { for (Map<String, String> pMap : params) { if (!isMatch(pMap.keySet())) { LOG.error("execute: ERROR, given key:value set does not match " + "this statement's key:value set\n" + getKeyTokens().toString() + " vs. " + params.toString()); return null; } } } // if trace is on, dump params if any if (params.size() > 0 && LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { for (Map<String, String> pMap : params) { LOG.trace("execute: valid param set = " + pMap.toString()); } } // A list that essentially represents the result set returned by the // DB for queries. List<Map<String, Object>> listOfMaps = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>(); // dequeue a sqlResult object from the SqlResult cache SqlResult sqlResult = SqlResult.dequeue(); try { // if this statement is call'able, then execute its stored procedure // object. Note that we don't support batching calls to stored // procedures and functions. Maybe that can be a future // enhancement... if (isCallable()) { LOG.debug("execute: invoking this stored procedure or function: " + getStoredProcName()); Map<String, Object> kvMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); // first prepare the IN params (if any) if (params.size() > 0) { for (KeyValueObject kvObj : getPreparedObjects(params.get(0))) { kvMap.put(kvObj.getKey(), kvObj.getObj()); } } // now execute the function or stored proc // Note from Spring docs: The execute() method returns a // map with an entry for each declared output parameter, // using the parameter name as the key. kvMap = getStoredProcedure().execute(kvMap); // now that the execute has completed, fetch the OUT params // from the kvMap. i suppose it is possible for a stored proc // not to have any OUT params. // need to transfer each key:value that is associated with // the OUT param as a map to listOfMaps. However, those // keys that pertain to cursors or sets, point // to a List of Maps!! for (SqlToken sqlToken : getSortedKeyTokens()) { // skip IN only params; we're only looking for OUT params if (sqlToken.isIn()) { continue; } Object outObj = kvMap.remove(sqlToken.getKey()); if (outObj == null) { LOG.error("execute: object was not returned for this " + "out param: " + sqlToken.getKey()); continue; } if (sqlToken.isCursor() || sqlToken.isRset()) { if (outObj instanceof List) { List<Map<String, Object>> mList = (List<Map<String, Object>>) outObj; for (Map<String, Object> map : mList) { listOfMaps.add(map); } } else { LOG.error("execute: this OUT result set param did not return a type of List: " + sqlToken.getKey()); LOG.error("execute: got this type/class instead: " + outObj.getClass().getName()); } } else { Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); map.put(sqlToken.getKey(), outObj); listOfMaps.add(map); } } /* * Any undeclared results returned are added to the output map * with generated names like "#result-set-1" "#result-set-2" * etc. You can change this by setting 'skipUndeclaredResults' * to true, and then these undeclared resultsets will be * skipped. TODO: look into the update count */ if (!kvMap.isEmpty()) { LOG.debug("execute: looking for result sets"); for (Object kvObj : kvMap.values()) { if (kvObj instanceof List) { for (Map<String, Object> map : (List<Map<String, Object>>) kvObj) { listOfMaps.add(map); } } else { LOG.debug( "execute: unknown object returned from execute: " + kvObj.getClass().getName()); LOG.debug("execute: unknown object's toString value: " + kvObj.toString()); } } } sqlResult.setResultSet(listOfMaps); return sqlResult; } // if (isCallable()... // key:value type objects used for binding the input params to // prepared statements List<KeyValueObject> kvObjs = null; Object bindObjs[] = null; // is this a query; i.e., select statement? if (getSqlStmntType() == SqlStmntType.SELECT) { if (isPrepared()) { LOG.debug("execute: executing this prepared SELECT statement: " + getPrepared()); kvObjs = getPreparedObjects(params.get(0)); bindObjs = new Object[kvObjs.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < bindObjs.length; i++) { bindObjs[i] = kvObjs.get(i).getObj(); } listOfMaps = getJdbcTemplate().query(getPrepared(), bindObjs, this); } else { LOG.trace("execute: executing this SELECT statement: " + getOriginal()); listOfMaps = getJdbcTemplate().query(getOriginal(), this); } if (listOfMaps != null && listOfMaps.size() > 0) { LOG.trace("execute: dumping first map - " + listOfMaps.get(0).toString()); } sqlResult.setResultSet(listOfMaps); return sqlResult; } // ok, this statement is neither call'able nor a query so it // must be either an update of some kind; i.e., insert, update or // delete // note that keyHolders are only used for INSERT statements! if (!isPrepared()) { PreparedStmntCreator creatorSetter = new PreparedStmntCreator(this, bindObjs); // i guess it is possible to have a non prepared update of some // sort if (getSqlStmntType() == SqlStmntType.INSERT) { GeneratedKeyHolder keyHolder = new GeneratedKeyHolder(); sqlResult.setNumRows(getJdbcTemplate().update(creatorSetter, keyHolder)); sqlResult.setKeyHolder(keyHolder); } else { sqlResult.setNumRows(getJdbcTemplate().update(getOriginal(), creatorSetter)); } } // we have a prepared update; is the client requesting a batch // update? else if (params.size() > 1) { LOG.debug("execute: invoking batch update for this statement: " + getPrepared()); // create the list of objects for the batch update List<Object[]> batchArgs = new ArrayList<Object[]>(); for (Map<String, String> map : params) { // prepare the bind objects for the prepared // statement kvObjs = getPreparedObjects(map); bindObjs = new Object[kvObjs.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < bindObjs.length; i++) { bindObjs[i] = kvObjs.get(i).getObj(); } batchArgs.add(bindObjs); } sqlResult.setBatchNumRows(getJdbcTemplate().batchUpdate(getPrepared(), batchArgs)); // note that a key holder is not possible with a batch // update } // we have a prepared update, but it is not a batch update else if (params.size() == 1) { LOG.debug("execute: invoking prepared update for this statement: " + getPrepared()); kvObjs = getPreparedObjects(params.get(0)); bindObjs = new Object[kvObjs.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < bindObjs.length; i++) { bindObjs[i] = kvObjs.get(i).getObj(); } // note that PreparedStmntCreator is both a creator and setter PreparedStmntCreator creatorSetter = new PreparedStmntCreator(this, bindObjs); if (getSqlStmntType() == SqlStmntType.INSERT) { LOG.trace("execute: executing prepared INSERT statement"); GeneratedKeyHolder keyHolder = new GeneratedKeyHolder(); int numRows = getJdbcTemplate().update(creatorSetter, keyHolder); sqlResult.setNumRows(numRows); sqlResult.setKeyHolder(keyHolder); } else { LOG.trace("execute: executing UPDATE statement"); int numRows = getJdbcTemplate().update(getPrepared(), creatorSetter); sqlResult.setNumRows(numRows); } } } catch (IllegalArgumentException exc) { LOG.error("execute: ERROR, caught this " + "IllegalArgumentException while executing sql: " + exc.toString()); LOG.error("execute: exception stack trace follows:"); dumpStackTrace(exc.getStackTrace()); if (exc.getCause() != null) { LOG.error("execute: Caused by " + exc.getCause().toString()); LOG.error("execute: causing exception stack trace follows:"); dumpStackTrace(exc.getCause().getStackTrace()); } if (sqlResult != null) { SqlResult.enqueue(sqlResult); } sqlResult = null; } catch (DataAccessException exc) { LOG.error("execute:ERROR, caught this " + "DataAccessException while executing sql: " + exc.toString()); LOG.error("execute: exception stack trace follows:"); dumpStackTrace(exc.getStackTrace()); LOG.error("execute: Most Specific Cause = " + exc.getMostSpecificCause().toString()); LOG.error("execute: MSC exception stack trace follows:"); dumpStackTrace(exc.getMostSpecificCause().getStackTrace()); if (sqlResult != null) { SqlResult.enqueue(sqlResult); } sqlResult = null; } return sqlResult; }
From source
private CommandResponse processQuery(String host, String commandName, String queryString, boolean secureServer) throws InternalRequestException { // Convert the URI into a JSONObject, stuffing in some extra relevant fields like // the signature, and the message signed. try {/*from ww w . j a v a 2 s .c o m*/ // Note that the commandName is not part of the queryString string here so // it doesn't end up in the jsonCommand. Also see below where we put the // command integer into the jsonCommand. JSONObject jsonCommand = Util.parseURIQueryStringIntoJSONObject(queryString); // If the signature exists it is Base64 encoded so decode it now. if (jsonCommand.has(GNSProtocol.SIGNATURE.toString())) { jsonCommand.put(GNSProtocol.SIGNATURE.toString(), new String(Base64.decode(jsonCommand.getString(GNSProtocol.SIGNATURE.toString())), GNSProtocol.CHARSET.toString())); } // getCommandForHttp allows for "dump" as well as "Dump" CommandType commandType = CommandType.getCommandForHttp(commandName); if (commandType == null) { return new CommandResponse(ResponseCode.OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED, GNSProtocol.BAD_RESPONSE.toString() + " " + GNSProtocol.OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED.toString() + " Sorry, don't understand " + commandName + QUERYPREFIX + queryString); } //Only allow mutual auth commands if we're on a secure (HTTPS) server if (commandType.isMutualAuth() && !secureServer) { return new CommandResponse(ResponseCode.OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED, GNSProtocol.BAD_RESPONSE.toString() + " " + GNSProtocol.OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED.toString() + " Not authorized to execute " + commandName + QUERYPREFIX + queryString); } // The client currently just uses the command name (which is not part of the // query string above) so we need to stuff // in the Command integer for the signature check and execution. jsonCommand.put(GNSProtocol.COMMAND_INT.toString(), commandType.getInt()); // Optionally does some sanity checking on the message if that was enabled at the client. // This makes necessary changes to the jsonCommand so don't remove this call // unless you know what you're doing and also change the code in the HTTP client. sanityCheckMessage(jsonCommand); // Hair below is to handle some commands locally (creates, delets, selects, admin) // and the rest by invoking the GNS client and sending them out. // Client will be null if GNSC.DISABLE_MULTI_SERVER_HTTP (see above) // is true (or there was a problem). if (client == null || commandType.isLocallyHandled()) { // EXECUTE IT LOCALLY AbstractCommand command; try { command = commandModule.lookupCommand(commandType); // Do some work to get the signature and message into the command for // signature checking that happens later on. // This only happens for local execution because remote handling (in the // other side of the if) already does this. processSignature(jsonCommand); if (command != null) { return CommandHandler.executeCommand(command, new CommandPacket((long) (Math.random() * Long.MAX_VALUE), jsonCommand, false), requestHandler); } LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "lookupCommand returned null for {0}", commandName); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "lookupCommand failed for {0}", commandName); } return new CommandResponse(ResponseCode.OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED, GNSProtocol.BAD_RESPONSE.toString() + " " + GNSProtocol.OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED.toString() + " Sorry, don't understand " + commandName + QUERYPREFIX + queryString); } else { // Send the command remotely using a client try { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "Sending command out to a remote server: {0}", jsonCommand); CommandPacket commandResponsePacket = getResponseUsingGNSClient(client, jsonCommand); return new CommandResponse(ResponseCode.NO_ERROR, // Some crap here to make single field reads return just the value for backward compatibility // There is similar code to this other places. specialCaseSingleFieldRead(commandResponsePacket.getResultString(), commandType, jsonCommand)); } catch (IOException | ClientException e) { return new CommandResponse(ResponseCode.UNSPECIFIED_ERROR, GNSProtocol.BAD_RESPONSE.toString() + " " + GNSProtocol.UNSPECIFIED_ERROR.toString() + " " + e.toString()); // } catch (ClientException e) { // return new CommandResponse(ResponseCode.GNSProtocol.UNSPECIFIED_ERROR.toString(), // GNSProtocol.BAD_RESPONSE.toString() + " " + GNSProtocol.OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED.toString() // + " Sorry, don't understand " + commandName + QUERYPREFIX + queryString); } } } catch (JSONException | UnsupportedEncodingException e) { return new CommandResponse(ResponseCode.UNSPECIFIED_ERROR, GNSProtocol.BAD_RESPONSE.toString() + " " + GNSProtocol.UNSPECIFIED_ERROR.toString() + " " + e.toString()); } }
From source
/** * Copies the music file to a new path and adds the mp3 meta data * @param musicTrack Track information//from w w w .jav a 2 s . c o m * @param src The source mp3 file * @param dest The destination path * return Return if the operation was successful */ private boolean trackWriteID3(MusicTrack musicTrack, String src, String dest) { try { // Opens the mp3 Mp3File mp3File = new Mp3File(src); // Removes all existing tags mp3File.removeId3v1Tag(); mp3File.removeId3v2Tag(); mp3File.removeCustomTag(); // We want to add a fallback ID3v1 tag if (mID3EnableFallback) { // Create a new tag with ID3v1 ID3v1Tag tagID3v1 = new ID3v1Tag(); // Set all tag values tagID3v1.setTrack(musicTrack.getTitle()); tagID3v1.setArtist(musicTrack.getArtist()); tagID3v1.setAlbum(musicTrack.getAlbum()); tagID3v1.setYear(musicTrack.getYear()); // Search the genre for (int n = 0; n < ID3v1Genres.GENRES.length; n++) { // Genre found if (ID3v1Genres.GENRES[n].equals(musicTrack.getGenre())) { tagID3v1.setGenre(n); break; } } mp3File.setId3v1Tag(tagID3v1); } // It can't be null final ID3v2 tagID3v2; // Creates the requested version switch (mID3v2Version) { case ID3v22: tagID3v2 = new ID3v22Tag(); break; case ID3v23: tagID3v2 = new ID3v23Tag(); break; case ID3v24: tagID3v2 = new ID3v24Tag(); break; default: tagID3v2 = null; break; } // Set all tag values tagID3v2.setTitle(musicTrack.getTitle()); tagID3v2.setArtist(musicTrack.getArtist()); tagID3v2.setAlbum(musicTrack.getAlbum()); tagID3v2.setAlbumArtist(musicTrack.getAlbumArtist()); tagID3v2.setTrack("" + musicTrack.getTrackNumber()); tagID3v2.setPartOfSet("" + musicTrack.getDiscNumber()); tagID3v2.setYear(musicTrack.getYear()); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(musicTrack.getGenre())) { try { // Maybe the genre is not supported tagID3v2.setGenreDescription(musicTrack.getGenre()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { Logger.getInstance().logWarning("TrackWriteID3", e.getMessage()); } } // Add the artwork to the meta data if (mID3EnableArtwork) { // Load the artwork Bitmap bitmap = ArtworkLoader.loadArtwork(musicTrack, mID3ArtworkMaximumSize); if (bitmap != null) { // JPEG is default String mimeType = "image/jpeg"; // Load the bitmap into a byte array ByteArrayOutputStream artworkDataStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); bitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 90, artworkDataStream); // Adds the artwork to the meta data tagID3v2.setAlbumImage(artworkDataStream.toByteArray(), mimeType); } } mp3File.setId3v2Tag(tagID3v2); // Save the file; // Done return true; } catch (Exception e) { Logger.getInstance().logError("TrackWriteId3", e.toString()); } // Failed return false; }
From source
@Override public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws IOException { VelocityEngine ve = new VelocityEngine(); ve.setProperty(RuntimeConstants.FILE_RESOURCE_LOADER_PATH, "html/pages, html/snippets, html/templates"); ve.init();//from w ww .ja va2 s. c o m VelocityContext context = new VelocityContext(); Pair<Entity, UserCookie> infoAndCookie = init(context, req); UserCookie userCookie = infoAndCookie.y; boolean loggedIn = (boolean) context.get("loggedIn"); Map<String, Integer> awardCriteria = Retrieve.awardCriteria(infoAndCookie.x); if (!loggedIn && req.getParameter("refresh") != null && req.getParameter("refresh").equals("1")) { resp.sendRedirect("/?refresh=1"); } Entity contestInfo = infoAndCookie.x; context.put("testsGradedNums", contestInfo.hasProperty("testsGradedNums") && contestInfo.getProperty("testsGradedNums") != null ? ((Text) contestInfo.getProperty("testsGradedNums")).getValue() : "{}"); if (contestInfo.hasProperty("testsGraded") && contestInfo.getProperty("testsGraded") != null) { context.put("testsGraded", contestInfo.getProperty("testsGraded")); } Object complete = contestInfo.getProperty("complete"); if (complete != null && (Boolean) complete || loggedIn && userCookie.isAdmin()) { context.put("complete", true); String type = req.getParameter("type"); context.put("type", type); if (type != null) { String[] types = type.split("_"); String levelString = req.getParameter("level"); Level level; try { level = Level.fromString(levelString); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { resp.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, "Invalid level: " + levelString); return; } context.put("level", level.toString()); context.put("tests", Test.getTests(level)); context.put("Test", Test.class); if (type.startsWith("category_")) { context.put("test", Test.fromString(types[1])); context.put("trophy", awardCriteria.get("category_" + level + "_trophy")); context.put("medal", awardCriteria.get("category_" + level + "_medal")); context.put("winners", Retrieve.categoryWinners(types[1], level)); } else if (type.startsWith("qualifying_")) { context.put("School", School.class); Pair<School, List<Student>> schoolAndStudents = Retrieve.schoolStudents(types[1], level); context.put("school", schoolAndStudents.x); context.put("students", schoolAndStudents.y); } else if (type.startsWith("categorySweep")) { context.put("trophy", awardCriteria.get("categorySweep_" + level)); context.put("winners", Retrieve.categorySweepstakesWinners(level)); } else if (type.equals("sweep")) { context.put("trophy", awardCriteria.get("sweepstakes_" + level)); context.put("winners", Retrieve.sweepstakesWinners(level)); } else if (type.equals("visualizations")) { Map<Test, Statistics> statistics; try { statistics = Retrieve.visualizations(level); } catch (JSONException e) { resp.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, e.toString()); e.printStackTrace(); return; } context.put("statistics", statistics); } else { resp.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, "Invalid type: " + type); return; } } else { context.put("type", "avail"); } } else { context.put("complete", false); } Map<Level, List<String>> schools = new HashMap<Level, List<String>>(); for (Level level : Level.values()) { schools.put(level, Retrieve.schoolNames(level)); } context.put("schools", schools); context.put("qualifyingCriteria", Retrieve.qualifyingCriteria(infoAndCookie.x)); context.put("hideFullNames", contestInfo.getProperty("hideFullNames")); context.put("date", contestInfo.getProperty("updated")); context.put("subjects", Subject.values()); context.put("Level", Level.class); context.put("levels", Level.values()); context.put("esc", new EscapeTool()); close(context, ve.getTemplate("publicResults.html"), resp); }