List of usage examples for java.lang Float NEGATIVE_INFINITY
To view the source code for java.lang Float NEGATIVE_INFINITY.
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public static void burnIN() throws IOException, InterruptedException {"BurnIN started ... "); HashIntObjMap<Result> results = null; for (int i = 1; i <= 1; i++) {"Iteration " + i); results = HashIntObjMaps.newMutableMap(); float sPD[][] = new float[2][src_mixdomain.length]; int split = (int) Math.ceil(src_mixdomain.length / 100000d); latch = new CountDownLatch(split); for (int sent = 0; sent < src_mixdomain.length; sent += 100000) { int end = sent + 100000; if (end > src_mixdomain.length) { end = src_mixdomain.length; }// w ww . j av a2 m calcualteBurnInScore(sent, end, sPD); } latch.await(); float countPD[] = new float[2]; countPD[0] = Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; countPD[1] = Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; for (int sent = 0; sent < src_mixdomain.length; sent++) { if (ignore.containsKey(sent)) continue; if (Float.isNaN(sPD[0][sent]) || Float.isNaN(sPD[1][sent])) { ignore.put(sent, sent);"Ignoring " + (sent + 1)); continue; } countPD[0] = logAdd(countPD[0], sPD[0][sent]); countPD[1] = logAdd(countPD[1], sPD[1][sent]); results.put(sent, new Result(sent, sPD[0][sent])); } }"BurnIN DONE");"Writing outdomain corpus ... "); ArrayList<Result> sortedResult = new ArrayList<Result>(results.values()); Collections.sort(sortedResult); PrintWriter src_out = new PrintWriter("outdomain." + SRC + ".encoded"); PrintWriter trg_out = new PrintWriter("outdomain." + TRG + ".encoded"); PrintWriter out_score = new PrintWriter("outdomain.scores"); src_outdomain = new int[src_indomain.length][]; trg_outdomain = new int[trg_indomain.length][]; int j = 0; for (Result r : sortedResult) { int sentIndex = r.sentenceNumber - 1; int ssent[] = src_mixdomain[sentIndex]; int tsent[] = trg_mixdomain[sentIndex]; out_score.println(r.sentenceNumber + "\t" + r.score); src_outdomain[j] = ssent; trg_outdomain[j] = tsent; for (int w = 1; w < ssent.length; w++) { src_out.print(ssent[w]); src_out.print(" "); } src_out.println(); for (int w = 1; w < tsent.length; w++) { trg_out.print(tsent[w]); trg_out.print(" "); } trg_out.println(); j++; if (j == src_indomain.length) { break; } } out_score.close(); src_out.close(); trg_out.close();"DONE"); }
From source
private void logResults(List<PersistentSolution>[] solutions, List<EvaluationResult[]>[] subpopEvals, String outPath) throws Exception { // Log results File log = new File(outPath + "comp" + name + ".stat"); BufferedWriter bfw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(log)); float[] bestFar = new float[] { Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY }; for (int g = 0; g < subpopEvals[0].size(); g++) { bfw.write(g + ""); for (int s = 0; s < 2; s++) { EvaluationResult[] er = subpopEvals[s].get(g); // assumes fitness evaluation is in first index float fit = (Float) (((CompoundEvaluationResult) er[0]).getEvaluation(s).value()); // assumes behaviour evaluation is in second index BehaviourResult br = null;/* w w w . j av a 2 s.c om*/ if (er[1] instanceof CompoundEvaluationResult) { br = (BehaviourResult) ((CompoundEvaluationResult) er[1]).getEvaluation(s); } else { br = (BehaviourResult) er[1]; } bestFar[s] = Math.max(bestFar[s], fit); bfw.write(" " + fit + " " + bestFar[s] + " " + br.toString()); } bfw.newLine(); } bfw.close(); // Persist the most interesting challenge PersistentSolution best0 = solutions[0].get(bestIndex(subpopEvals[0], 0)); PersistentSolution best1 = solutions[1].get(bestIndex(subpopEvals[1], 1)); HeterogeneousGroupController hc0 = (HeterogeneousGroupController) best0.getController(); HeterogeneousGroupController hc1 = (HeterogeneousGroupController) best1.getController(); HeterogeneousGroupController newC = new HeterogeneousGroupController( new AgentController[] { hc0.getAgentControllers(2)[0], hc1.getAgentControllers(2)[1] }); CompoundEvaluationResult ser = new CompoundEvaluationResult(new FitnessResult(bestFar[0]), new FitnessResult(bestFar[1])); PersistentSolution sol = new PersistentSolution(); sol.setController(newC); sol.setEvalResults(new EvaluationResult[] { ser }); File superBest = new File(outPath + "challenge" + name + ".xml"); SolutionPersistence.writeSolution(sol, superBest); }
From source
private List<Object> flattenRows(Table table, long limit, boolean addRowIndex) { Util.throwIfNot(limit >= 0); final List<Object> flatList = new ArrayList<>(); long numColumns = table.getColumnCount(); final RowFetcher rowFetcher = RowFetcher.getInstance(); final long tableSize = table.size(); for (long index = 0; index < limit && index < tableSize; index++) { final long row = ascendingOrder ? index : (tableSize - index - 1); final RowWrapper rowData = RowWrapper.wrap(rowFetcher.getRow(table, row)); if (addRowIndex) { flatList.add(rowData.getIndex()); }/*from w w w .jav a 2 s. co m*/ for (int column = 0; column < numColumns; column++) { switch (rowData.getColumnType(column)) { case INTEGER: if (rowData.isNull(column)) { flatList.add(NULL); } else { flatList.add(rowData.getLong(column)); } break; case BOOLEAN: if (rowData.isNull(column)) { flatList.add(NULL); } else { flatList.add(rowData.getBoolean(column)); } break; case STRING: if (rowData.isNull(column)) { flatList.add(NULL); } else { flatList.add(rowData.getString(column)); } break; case BINARY: if (rowData.isNull(column)) { flatList.add(NULL); } else { flatList.add(rowData.getBinaryByteArray(column)); } break; case FLOAT: if (rowData.isNull(column)) { flatList.add(NULL); } else { final float aFloat = rowData.getFloat(column); if (Float.isNaN(aFloat)) { flatList.add("NaN"); } else if (aFloat == Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY) { flatList.add("Infinity"); } else if (aFloat == Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) { flatList.add("-Infinity"); } else { flatList.add(aFloat); } } break; case DOUBLE: if (rowData.isNull(column)) { flatList.add(NULL); } else { final double aDouble = rowData.getDouble(column); if (Double.isNaN(aDouble)) { flatList.add("NaN"); } else if (aDouble == Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) { flatList.add("Infinity"); } else if (aDouble == Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) { flatList.add("-Infinity"); } else { flatList.add(aDouble); } } break; case OLD_DATE: case DATE: if (rowData.isNull(column)) { flatList.add(NULL); } else { flatList.add(formatDate(rowData.getDate(column))); } break; case OBJECT: if (rowData.isNullLink(column)) { flatList.add(NULL); } else { flatList.add(rowData.getLink(column)); } break; case LIST: // LIST never be null flatList.add(formatList(rowData.getLinkList(column))); break; default: flatList.add("unknown column type: " + rowData.getColumnType(column)); break; } } } if (limit < table.size()) { for (int column = 0; column < numColumns; column++) { flatList.add("{truncated}"); } } return flatList; }
From source
public void testConstructor_primitive_array_float_Infinity() { try {// ww w.ja v a 2 s. c o m JSONArray.fromObject(new float[] { Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY }); fail("Should have thrown a JSONException"); } catch (JSONException expected) { // OK } try { JSONArray.fromObject(new float[] { Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY }); fail("Should have thrown a JSONException"); } catch (JSONException expected) { // OK } }
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protected Component createGroup(int groupIndex, Map<Component, Integer> groupMap) { float fromX = Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY; float fromY = Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY; float toX = Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; float toY = Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; for (Component component : groupMap.keySet()) if (groupMap.get(component) == groupIndex) { fromX = Math.min(component.getFromX(), fromX); fromY = Math.min(component.getFromY(), fromY); toX = Math.max(component.getToX(), toX); toY = Math.max(component.getToY(), toY); }//from w w w . j a v a2 s.c om return new GroupComponent(fromX, fromY, toX, toY); }
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private List<IDValue> multithreadedTopN(final float[][] userFeatures, final LongSet userKnownItemIDs, final Rescorer rescorer, final int howMany, CandidateFilter candidateFilter) throws NotReadyException { Collection<Iterator<LongObjectMap.MapEntry<float[]>>> candidateIterators = candidateFilter .getCandidateIterator(userFeatures); int numIterators = candidateIterators.size(); int parallelism = FastMath.min(numCores, numIterators); final Queue<NumericIDValue> topN = TopN.initialQueue(howMany); if (parallelism > 1) { ExecutorService executorService = executor.get(); final Iterator<Iterator<LongObjectMap.MapEntry<float[]>>> candidateIteratorsIterator = candidateIterators .iterator();/*from ww w .jav a 2s. com*/ Collection<Future<Object>> futures = Lists.newArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < numCores; i++) { futures.add(executorService.submit(new Callable<Object>() { @Override public Void call() throws NotReadyException { float[] queueLeastValue = { Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY }; while (true) { Iterator<LongObjectMap.MapEntry<float[]>> candidateIterator; synchronized (candidateIteratorsIterator) { if (!candidateIteratorsIterator.hasNext()) { break; } candidateIterator =; } Iterator<NumericIDValue> partialIterator = new RecommendIterator(userFeatures, candidateIterator, userKnownItemIDs, rescorer, getCurrentGeneration().getIDMapping()); TopN.selectTopNIntoQueueMultithreaded(topN, queueLeastValue, partialIterator, howMany); } return null; } })); } ExecutorUtils.checkExceptions(futures); } else { for (Iterator<LongObjectMap.MapEntry<float[]>> candidateIterator : candidateIterators) { Iterator<NumericIDValue> partialIterator = new RecommendIterator(userFeatures, candidateIterator, userKnownItemIDs, rescorer, getCurrentGeneration().getIDMapping()); TopN.selectTopNIntoQueue(topN, partialIterator, howMany); } } return translateToStringIDs(TopN.selectTopNFromQueue(topN, howMany)); }
From source
@Test public void testNewAddedColumns() throws Exception { String pqlQuery;/*from w w w . j av a2 s . c om*/ String sqlQuery; // Test queries with each new added columns. pqlQuery = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mytable WHERE NewAddedIntMetric = 1"; sqlQuery = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mytable"; runQuery(pqlQuery, Collections.singletonList(sqlQuery)); pqlQuery = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mytable WHERE NewAddedLongMetric = 1"; sqlQuery = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mytable"; runQuery(pqlQuery, Collections.singletonList(sqlQuery)); pqlQuery = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mytable WHERE NewAddedFloatMetric = 0.0"; sqlQuery = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mytable"; runQuery(pqlQuery, Collections.singletonList(sqlQuery)); pqlQuery = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mytable WHERE NewAddedDoubleMetric = 0.0"; sqlQuery = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mytable"; runQuery(pqlQuery, Collections.singletonList(sqlQuery)); pqlQuery = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mytable WHERE NewAddedIntDimension < 0"; sqlQuery = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mytable"; runQuery(pqlQuery, Collections.singletonList(sqlQuery)); pqlQuery = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mytable WHERE NewAddedLongDimension < 0"; sqlQuery = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mytable"; runQuery(pqlQuery, Collections.singletonList(sqlQuery)); pqlQuery = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mytable WHERE NewAddedFloatDimension < 0.0"; sqlQuery = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mytable"; runQuery(pqlQuery, Collections.singletonList(sqlQuery)); pqlQuery = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mytable WHERE NewAddedDoubleDimension < 0.0"; sqlQuery = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mytable"; runQuery(pqlQuery, Collections.singletonList(sqlQuery)); pqlQuery = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mytable WHERE NewAddedStringDimension = 'newAdded'"; sqlQuery = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mytable"; runQuery(pqlQuery, Collections.singletonList(sqlQuery)); // Test queries with new added metric column in aggregation function. pqlQuery = "SELECT SUM(NewAddedIntMetric) FROM mytable WHERE DaysSinceEpoch <= 16312"; sqlQuery = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mytable WHERE DaysSinceEpoch <= 16312"; runQuery(pqlQuery, Collections.singletonList(sqlQuery)); pqlQuery = "SELECT SUM(NewAddedIntMetric) FROM mytable WHERE DaysSinceEpoch > 16312"; sqlQuery = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mytable WHERE DaysSinceEpoch > 16312"; runQuery(pqlQuery, Collections.singletonList(sqlQuery)); pqlQuery = "SELECT SUM(NewAddedLongMetric) FROM mytable WHERE DaysSinceEpoch <= 16312"; sqlQuery = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mytable WHERE DaysSinceEpoch <= 16312"; runQuery(pqlQuery, Collections.singletonList(sqlQuery)); pqlQuery = "SELECT SUM(NewAddedLongMetric) FROM mytable WHERE DaysSinceEpoch > 16312"; sqlQuery = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mytable WHERE DaysSinceEpoch > 16312"; runQuery(pqlQuery, Collections.singletonList(sqlQuery)); // Test other query forms with new added columns. JSONObject response; JSONObject groupByResult; pqlQuery = "SELECT SUM(NewAddedFloatMetric) FROM mytable GROUP BY NewAddedStringDimension"; response = postQuery(pqlQuery); groupByResult = response.getJSONArray("aggregationResults").getJSONObject(0).getJSONArray("groupByResult") .getJSONObject(0); Assert.assertEquals(groupByResult.getInt("value"), 0); Assert.assertEquals(groupByResult.getJSONArray("group").getString(0), "newAdded"); pqlQuery = "SELECT SUM(NewAddedDoubleMetric) FROM mytable GROUP BY NewAddedIntDimension"; response = postQuery(pqlQuery); groupByResult = response.getJSONArray("aggregationResults").getJSONObject(0).getJSONArray("groupByResult") .getJSONObject(0); Assert.assertEquals(groupByResult.getInt("value"), 0); Assert.assertEquals(groupByResult.getJSONArray("group").getString(0), String.valueOf(Integer.MIN_VALUE)); pqlQuery = "SELECT SUM(NewAddedIntMetric) FROM mytable GROUP BY NewAddedLongDimension"; response = postQuery(pqlQuery); groupByResult = response.getJSONArray("aggregationResults").getJSONObject(0).getJSONArray("groupByResult") .getJSONObject(0); Assert.assertEquals(groupByResult.getInt("value"), TOTAL_DOCS); Assert.assertEquals(groupByResult.getJSONArray("group").getString(0), String.valueOf(Long.MIN_VALUE)); pqlQuery = "SELECT SUM(NewAddedIntMetric), SUM(NewAddedLongMetric), SUM(NewAddedFloatMetric), SUM(NewAddedDoubleMetric) " + "FROM mytable GROUP BY NewAddedIntDimension, NewAddedLongDimension, NewAddedFloatDimension, " + "NewAddedDoubleDimension, NewAddedStringDimension"; response = postQuery(pqlQuery); JSONArray groupByResultArray = response.getJSONArray("aggregationResults"); groupByResult = groupByResultArray.getJSONObject(0).getJSONArray("groupByResult").getJSONObject(0); Assert.assertEquals(groupByResult.getInt("value"), TOTAL_DOCS); Assert.assertEquals(groupByResult.getJSONArray("group").getString(0), String.valueOf(Integer.MIN_VALUE)); Assert.assertEquals(groupByResult.getJSONArray("group").getString(1), String.valueOf(Long.MIN_VALUE)); Assert.assertEquals(groupByResult.getJSONArray("group").getString(2), String.valueOf(Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY)); Assert.assertEquals(groupByResult.getJSONArray("group").getString(3), String.valueOf(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY)); groupByResult = groupByResultArray.getJSONObject(1).getJSONArray("groupByResult").getJSONObject(0); Assert.assertEquals(groupByResult.getInt("value"), TOTAL_DOCS); Assert.assertEquals(groupByResult.getJSONArray("group").getString(0), String.valueOf(Integer.MIN_VALUE)); Assert.assertEquals(groupByResult.getJSONArray("group").getString(1), String.valueOf(Long.MIN_VALUE)); Assert.assertEquals(groupByResult.getJSONArray("group").getString(2), String.valueOf(Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY)); Assert.assertEquals(groupByResult.getJSONArray("group").getString(3), String.valueOf(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY)); groupByResult = groupByResultArray.getJSONObject(2).getJSONArray("groupByResult").getJSONObject(0); Assert.assertEquals(groupByResult.getInt("value"), 0); Assert.assertEquals(groupByResult.getJSONArray("group").getString(0), String.valueOf(Integer.MIN_VALUE)); Assert.assertEquals(groupByResult.getJSONArray("group").getString(1), String.valueOf(Long.MIN_VALUE)); Assert.assertEquals(groupByResult.getJSONArray("group").getString(2), String.valueOf(Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY)); Assert.assertEquals(groupByResult.getJSONArray("group").getString(3), String.valueOf(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY)); groupByResult = groupByResultArray.getJSONObject(3).getJSONArray("groupByResult").getJSONObject(0); Assert.assertEquals(groupByResult.getInt("value"), 0); Assert.assertEquals(groupByResult.getJSONArray("group").getString(0), String.valueOf(Integer.MIN_VALUE)); Assert.assertEquals(groupByResult.getJSONArray("group").getString(1), String.valueOf(Long.MIN_VALUE)); Assert.assertEquals(groupByResult.getJSONArray("group").getString(2), String.valueOf(Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY)); Assert.assertEquals(groupByResult.getJSONArray("group").getString(3), String.valueOf(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY)); pqlQuery = "SELECT * FROM mytable"; runQuery(pqlQuery, null); }
From source
private Map<NGram<Integer>, Map<Integer, Pair<Double, Double>>> getNextForSingleTaggedToken( final Set<NGram<Integer>> prevTagsSet, Collection<Integer> anals) { Map<NGram<Integer>, Map<Integer, Pair<Double, Double>>> ret = new HashMap<NGram<Integer>, Map<Integer, Pair<Double, Double>>>(); for (NGram<Integer> prevTags : prevTagsSet) { Map<Integer, Pair<Double, Double>> tagProbs = new HashMap<Integer, Pair<Double, Double>>(); Integer tag = anals.iterator().next(); Double tagProb = model.getTagTransitionModel().getLogProb(prevTags.toList(), tag); tagProb = tagProb == Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY ? 0 : tagProb; tagProbs.put(tag, new ImmutablePair<Double, Double>(tagProb, 0.0)); ret.put(prevTags, tagProbs);//w w w . j a v a2 s . c o m } return ret; }
From source
public static void training() throws FileNotFoundException, InterruptedException {"Starting Invitation EM ..."); latch = new CountDownLatch(2); ttable[2] = new TranslationTable(); ttable[3] = new TranslationTable(); initializeTranslationTable(src_outdomain, trg_outdomain, ttable[2]); initializeTranslationTable(trg_outdomain, src_outdomain, ttable[3]); latch.await();/*from www . j av a 2 s .co m*/ for (int i = 1; i <= iMAX; i++) {"Iteration " + i); HashIntObjMap<Result> results = HashIntObjMaps.newMutableMap(); float sPD[][] = new float[2][src_mixdomain.length]; int splits = 10; int split_size = src_mixdomain.length / splits; latch = new CountDownLatch(splits); for (int s = 0; s < splits; s++) { int start = s * split_size; int end = start + split_size; if (s == (splits - 1)) { end = src_mixdomain.length; } calcualteScore(start, end, sPD); } latch.await(); float countPD[] = new float[2]; countPD[0] = Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; countPD[1] = Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; for (int sent = 0; sent < src_mixdomain.length; sent++) { if (ignore.containsKey(sent)) continue; if (Float.isNaN(sPD[0][sent]) || Float.isNaN(sPD[1][sent])) { ignore.put(sent, sent);"Ignoring " + (sent + 1)); continue; } countPD[0] = logAdd(countPD[0], sPD[0][sent]); countPD[1] = logAdd(countPD[1], sPD[1][sent]); float srcP = lm[0][sent]; float trgP = lm[1][sent]; results.put(sent, new Result(sent, sPD[1][sent], srcP + trgP)); } float newPD1 = countPD[1] - logAdd(countPD[0], countPD[1]); float newPD0 = countPD[0] - logAdd(countPD[0], countPD[1]);"PD1 ~ PD0 " + Math.exp(newPD1) + " ~ " + Math.exp(newPD0)); writeResult(i, results); if (i > 1 && Math.abs(Math.exp(newPD1) - Math.exp(PD1)) <= CONV_THRESHOLD) {"Convergence threshold reached."); break; } PD1 = newPD1; PD0 = newPD0; if (i < iMAX) { latch = new CountDownLatch(4); updateTranslationTable(src_mixdomain, trg_mixdomain, ttable[0], sPD[1]); updateTranslationTable(trg_mixdomain, src_mixdomain, ttable[1], sPD[1]); updateTranslationTable(src_mixdomain, trg_mixdomain, ttable[2], sPD[0]); updateTranslationTable(trg_mixdomain, src_mixdomain, ttable[3], sPD[0]); latch.await(); } } }
From source
/** * Calculate a histogram given the provided data * //from www.ja va2 s . c o m * @param data * @param numBins * The number of histogram bins between min and max * @return The histogram as a pair of arrays: { value[], frequency[] } */ public static float[][] calcHistogram(float[] data, int numBins) { float min = Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY; float max = Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; for (float f : data) { if (min > f) min = f; if (max < f) max = f; } return calcHistogram(data, min, max, numBins); }