Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2013, Cloudera, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Cloudera, Inc. licenses this file to you under the Apache License, * Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for * the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the * License. */ package com.cloudera.oryx.als.serving; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReadWriteLock; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.cloudera.oryx.als.common.IDValue; import com.cloudera.oryx.als.common.NumericIDValue; import com.cloudera.oryx.als.common.Rescorer; import com.cloudera.oryx.als.common.StringLongMapping; import com.cloudera.oryx.als.serving.generation.ALSGenerationManager; import com.cloudera.oryx.common.LangUtils; import com.cloudera.oryx.als.common.NoSuchItemException; import com.cloudera.oryx.als.common.NoSuchUserException; import com.cloudera.oryx.als.common.NotReadyException; import com.cloudera.oryx.als.common.OryxRecommender; import com.cloudera.oryx.common.ReloadingReference; import com.cloudera.oryx.als.common.PairRescorer; import com.cloudera.oryx.als.common.TopN; import com.cloudera.oryx.common.collection.LongFloatMap; import com.cloudera.oryx.common.collection.LongObjectMap; import com.cloudera.oryx.common.collection.LongSet; import com.cloudera.oryx.common.iterator.FileLineIterable; import com.cloudera.oryx.common.iterator.LongPrimitiveIterator; import com.cloudera.oryx.common.math.Solver; import com.cloudera.oryx.common.parallel.ExecutorUtils; import; import com.cloudera.oryx.als.serving.candidate.CandidateFilter; import com.cloudera.oryx.common.math.SimpleVectorMath; import com.cloudera.oryx.als.serving.generation.Generation; import; /** * <p>The core implementation of {@link OryxRecommender} that lies inside the Serving Layer.</p> * * @author Sean Owen */ public final class ServerRecommender implements OryxRecommender, Closeable { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ServerRecommender.class); private final ALSGenerationManager generationManager; private final int numCores; private final ReloadingReference<ExecutorService> executor; public ServerRecommender(File localInputDir) throws IOException { Preconditions.checkNotNull(localInputDir, "No local dir"); numCores = ExecutorUtils.getParallelism(); executor = new ReloadingReference<ExecutorService>(new Callable<ExecutorService>() { @Override public ExecutorService call() { return Executors.newFixedThreadPool(2 * numCores, new ThreadFactoryBuilder().setDaemon(true).setNameFormat("ServerRecommender-%d").build()); } }); this.generationManager = new ALSGenerationManager(localInputDir); this.generationManager.refresh(); } @Override public void refresh() { generationManager.refresh(); } @Override public void ingest(File file) throws IOException { Reader reader = null; try { reader = IOUtils.openReaderMaybeDecompressing(file); ingest(reader); } finally { if (reader != null) { reader.close(); } } } @Override public void ingest(Reader reader) { for (CharSequence line : new FileLineIterable(reader)) { String[] columns = DelimitedDataUtils.decode(line); if (columns.length < 2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad line: [" + line + "]"); } String userID = columns[0]; String itemID = columns[1]; if (columns.length > 2) { String valueToken = columns[2]; float value = valueToken.isEmpty() ? Float.NaN : LangUtils.parseFloat(valueToken); if (Float.isNaN(value)) { removePreference(userID, itemID); } else { setPreference(userID, itemID, value); } } else { setPreference(userID, itemID); } } } @Override public void close() { generationManager.close(); ExecutorService executorService = executor.maybeGet(); if (executorService != null) { ExecutorUtils.shutdownNowAndAwait(executorService); } } /** * @throws NotReadyException if {@link ALSGenerationManager#getCurrentGeneration()} returns null */ private Generation getCurrentGeneration() throws NotReadyException { Generation generation = generationManager.getCurrentGeneration(); if (generation == null) { throw new NotReadyException(); } return generation; } /** * Like {@link #recommend(String, int, Rescorer)} but supplies no rescorer. */ @Override public List<IDValue> recommend(String userID, int howMany) throws NoSuchUserException, NotReadyException { return recommend(userID, howMany, null); } /** * Like {@link #recommend(String, int, boolean, Rescorer)} and specifies to not consider known items. */ @Override public List<IDValue> recommend(String userID, int howMany, Rescorer rescorer) throws NoSuchUserException, NotReadyException { return recommend(userID, howMany, false, rescorer); } /** * @param userID user for which recommendations are to be computed * @param howMany desired number of recommendations * @param considerKnownItems if true, items that the user is already associated to are candidates * for recommendation. Normally this is {@code false}. * @param rescorer rescoring function used to modify association strengths before ranking results * @return {@link List} of recommended {@link IDValue}s, ordered from most strongly recommend to least * @throws NoSuchUserException if the user is not known in the model * @throws NotReadyException if the recommender has no model available yet */ @Override public List<IDValue> recommend(String userID, int howMany, boolean considerKnownItems, Rescorer rescorer) throws NoSuchUserException, NotReadyException { return recommendToMany(new String[] { userID }, howMany, considerKnownItems, rescorer); } @Override public List<IDValue> recommendToMany(String[] userIDs, int howMany, boolean considerKnownItems, Rescorer rescorer) throws NoSuchUserException, NotReadyException { Preconditions.checkArgument(howMany > 0, "howMany must be positive"); Generation generation = getCurrentGeneration(); LongObjectMap<float[]> X = generation.getX(); Lock xLock = generation.getXLock().readLock(); List<float[]> userFeatures = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(userIDs.length); xLock.lock(); try { for (String userID : userIDs) { float[] theUserFeatures = X.get(StringLongMapping.toLong(userID)); if (theUserFeatures != null) { userFeatures.add(theUserFeatures); } } } finally { xLock.unlock(); } if (userFeatures.isEmpty()) { throw new NoSuchUserException(Arrays.toString(userIDs)); } LongObjectMap<LongSet> knownItemIDs = generation.getKnownItemIDs(); if (knownItemIDs == null && !considerKnownItems) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Can't ignore known items because no known items available"); } LongSet usersKnownItemIDs = null; if (!considerKnownItems) { Lock knownItemLock = generation.getKnownItemLock().readLock(); knownItemLock.lock(); try { for (String userID : userIDs) { LongSet theKnownItemIDs = knownItemIDs.get(StringLongMapping.toLong(userID)); if (theKnownItemIDs == null) { continue; } if (usersKnownItemIDs == null) { usersKnownItemIDs = theKnownItemIDs; } else { LongPrimitiveIterator it = usersKnownItemIDs.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { if (!theKnownItemIDs.contains(it.nextLong())) { it.remove(); } } } if (usersKnownItemIDs.isEmpty()) { break; } } } finally { knownItemLock.unlock(); } } float[][] userFeaturesArray = userFeatures.toArray(new float[userFeatures.size()][]); Lock yLock = generation.getYLock().readLock(); yLock.lock(); try { return multithreadedTopN(userFeaturesArray, usersKnownItemIDs, rescorer, howMany, generation.getCandidateFilter()); } finally { yLock.unlock(); } } private List<IDValue> multithreadedTopN(final float[][] userFeatures, final LongSet userKnownItemIDs, final Rescorer rescorer, final int howMany, CandidateFilter candidateFilter) throws NotReadyException { Collection<Iterator<LongObjectMap.MapEntry<float[]>>> candidateIterators = candidateFilter .getCandidateIterator(userFeatures); int numIterators = candidateIterators.size(); int parallelism = FastMath.min(numCores, numIterators); final Queue<NumericIDValue> topN = TopN.initialQueue(howMany); if (parallelism > 1) { ExecutorService executorService = executor.get(); final Iterator<Iterator<LongObjectMap.MapEntry<float[]>>> candidateIteratorsIterator = candidateIterators .iterator(); Collection<Future<Object>> futures = Lists.newArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < numCores; i++) { futures.add(executorService.submit(new Callable<Object>() { @Override public Void call() throws NotReadyException { float[] queueLeastValue = { Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY }; while (true) { Iterator<LongObjectMap.MapEntry<float[]>> candidateIterator; synchronized (candidateIteratorsIterator) { if (!candidateIteratorsIterator.hasNext()) { break; } candidateIterator =; } Iterator<NumericIDValue> partialIterator = new RecommendIterator(userFeatures, candidateIterator, userKnownItemIDs, rescorer, getCurrentGeneration().getIDMapping()); TopN.selectTopNIntoQueueMultithreaded(topN, queueLeastValue, partialIterator, howMany); } return null; } })); } ExecutorUtils.checkExceptions(futures); } else { for (Iterator<LongObjectMap.MapEntry<float[]>> candidateIterator : candidateIterators) { Iterator<NumericIDValue> partialIterator = new RecommendIterator(userFeatures, candidateIterator, userKnownItemIDs, rescorer, getCurrentGeneration().getIDMapping()); TopN.selectTopNIntoQueue(topN, partialIterator, howMany); } } return translateToStringIDs(TopN.selectTopNFromQueue(topN, howMany)); } private List<IDValue> translateToStringIDs(Collection<NumericIDValue> numericIDValues) throws NotReadyException { StringLongMapping mapping = getCurrentGeneration().getIDMapping(); List<IDValue> translated = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(numericIDValues.size()); for (NumericIDValue numericIDValue : numericIDValues) { translated.add(new IDValue(mapping.toString(numericIDValue.getID()), numericIDValue.getValue())); } return translated; } @Override public List<IDValue> recommendToAnonymous(String[] itemIDs, int howMany) throws NotReadyException, NoSuchItemException { return recommendToAnonymous(itemIDs, howMany, null); } @Override public List<IDValue> recommendToAnonymous(String[] itemIDs, float[] values, int howMany) throws NotReadyException, NoSuchItemException { return recommendToAnonymous(itemIDs, values, howMany, null); } @Override public List<IDValue> recommendToAnonymous(String[] itemIDs, int howMany, Rescorer rescorer) throws NotReadyException, NoSuchItemException { return recommendToAnonymous(itemIDs, null, howMany, rescorer); } @Override public List<IDValue> recommendToAnonymous(String[] itemIDs, float[] values, int howMany, Rescorer rescorer) throws NotReadyException, NoSuchItemException { Preconditions.checkArgument(howMany > 0, "howMany must be positive"); float[] anonymousUserFeatures = buildAnonymousUserFeatures(itemIDs, values); LongSet userKnownItemIDs = new LongSet(itemIDs.length); for (String itemID : itemIDs) { userKnownItemIDs.add(StringLongMapping.toLong(itemID)); } float[][] anonymousFeaturesAsArray = { anonymousUserFeatures }; Generation generation = getCurrentGeneration(); Lock yLock = generation.getYLock().readLock(); yLock.lock(); try { return multithreadedTopN(anonymousFeaturesAsArray, userKnownItemIDs, rescorer, howMany, generation.getCandidateFilter()); } finally { yLock.unlock(); } } private float[] buildAnonymousUserFeatures(String[] itemIDs, float[] values) throws NotReadyException, NoSuchItemException { Preconditions.checkArgument(values == null || values.length == itemIDs.length, "Number of values doesn't match number of items"); Generation generation = getCurrentGeneration(); LongObjectMap<float[]> Y = generation.getY(); Solver ytySolver = generation.getYTYSolver(); if (ytySolver == null) { throw new NotReadyException(); } float[] anonymousUserFeatures = null; Lock yLock = generation.getYLock().readLock(); boolean anyItemIDFound = false; for (int j = 0; j < itemIDs.length; j++) { String itemID = itemIDs[j]; float[] itemFeatures; yLock.lock(); try { itemFeatures = Y.get(StringLongMapping.toLong(itemID)); } finally { yLock.unlock(); } if (itemFeatures == null) { continue; } anyItemIDFound = true; double[] userFoldIn = ytySolver.solveFToD(itemFeatures); if (anonymousUserFeatures == null) { anonymousUserFeatures = new float[userFoldIn.length]; } double signedFoldInWeight = foldInWeight(0.0, values == null ? 1.0f : values[j]); if (signedFoldInWeight != 0.0) { for (int i = 0; i < anonymousUserFeatures.length; i++) { anonymousUserFeatures[i] += (float) (signedFoldInWeight * userFoldIn[i]); } } } if (!anyItemIDFound) { throw new NoSuchItemException(Arrays.toString(itemIDs)); } return anonymousUserFeatures; } @Override public List<IDValue> mostPopularItems(int howMany) throws NotReadyException { return mostPopularItems(howMany, null); } @Override public List<IDValue> mostPopularItems(int howMany, Rescorer rescorer) throws NotReadyException { Preconditions.checkArgument(howMany > 0, "howMany must be positive"); Generation generation = getCurrentGeneration(); LongObjectMap<LongSet> knownItemIDs = generation.getKnownItemIDs(); if (knownItemIDs == null) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } LongFloatMap itemCounts = new LongFloatMap(); Lock knownItemReadLock = generation.getKnownItemLock().readLock(); knownItemReadLock.lock(); try { Lock xReadLock = generation.getXLock().readLock(); xReadLock.lock(); try { for (LongObjectMap.MapEntry<LongSet> entry : generation.getKnownItemIDs().entrySet()) { LongSet itemIDs = entry.getValue(); synchronized (itemIDs) { LongPrimitiveIterator it = itemIDs.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { long itemID = it.nextLong(); itemCounts.increment(itemID, 1.0f); } } } } finally { xReadLock.unlock(); } } finally { knownItemReadLock.unlock(); } return translateToStringIDs(TopN.selectTopN( new MostPopularItemsIterator(itemCounts.entrySet().iterator(), rescorer, generation.getIDMapping()), howMany)); } /** * @param userID user ID whose preference is to be estimated * @param itemID item ID to estimate preference for * @return an estimate of the strength of the association between the user and item. These values are the * same as will be returned from {@link #recommend(String, int)}. They are opaque values and have no interpretation * other than that larger means stronger. The values are typically in the range [0,1] but are not guaranteed * to be so. Note that 0 will be returned if the user or item is not known in the data. * @throws NotReadyException if the recommender has no model available yet */ @Override public float estimatePreference(String userID, String itemID) throws NotReadyException { return estimatePreferences(userID, itemID)[0]; } @Override public float[] estimatePreferences(String userID, String... itemIDs) throws NotReadyException { Generation generation = getCurrentGeneration(); LongObjectMap<float[]> X = generation.getX(); float[] userFeatures; Lock xLock = generation.getXLock().readLock(); xLock.lock(); try { userFeatures = X.get(StringLongMapping.toLong(userID)); } finally { xLock.unlock(); } if (userFeatures == null) { return new float[itemIDs.length]; // All 0.0f } LongObjectMap<float[]> Y = generation.getY(); Lock yLock = generation.getYLock().readLock(); yLock.lock(); try { float[] result = new float[itemIDs.length]; for (int i = 0; i < itemIDs.length; i++) { String itemID = itemIDs[i]; float[] itemFeatures = Y.get(StringLongMapping.toLong(itemID)); if (itemFeatures != null) { float value = (float), userFeatures); Preconditions.checkState(Floats.isFinite(value), "Bad estimate"); result[i] = value; } // else leave value at 0.0f } return result; } finally { yLock.unlock(); } } @Override public float estimateForAnonymous(String toItemID, String[] itemIDs) throws NotReadyException, NoSuchItemException { return estimateForAnonymous(toItemID, itemIDs, null); } @Override public float estimateForAnonymous(String toItemID, String[] itemIDs, float[] values) throws NotReadyException, NoSuchItemException { Generation generation = getCurrentGeneration(); LongObjectMap<float[]> Y = generation.getY(); Lock yLock = generation.getYLock().readLock(); float[] toItemFeatures; yLock.lock(); try { toItemFeatures = Y.get(StringLongMapping.toLong(toItemID)); } finally { yLock.unlock(); } if (toItemFeatures == null) { throw new NoSuchItemException(toItemID); } float[] anonymousUserFeatures = buildAnonymousUserFeatures(itemIDs, values); return (float), toItemFeatures); } /** * Calls {@link #setPreference(String, String, float)} with value 1.0. */ @Override public void setPreference(String userID, String itemID) { setPreference(userID, itemID, 1.0f); } @Override public void setPreference(String userID, String itemID, float value) { // Record datum try { generationManager.append(userID, itemID, value); } catch (IOException ioe) { log.warn("Could not append datum; continuing", ioe); } Generation generation; try { generation = getCurrentGeneration(); } catch (NotReadyException nre) { // Corner case -- no model ready so all we can do is record (above). Don't fail the request. return; } long longUserID = StringLongMapping.toLong(userID); long longItemID = StringLongMapping.toLong(itemID); float[] userFeatures = getFeatures(longUserID, generation.getX(), generation.getXLock()); boolean newItem; Lock yReadLock = generation.getYLock().readLock(); yReadLock.lock(); try { newItem = generation.getY().get(longItemID) == null; } finally { yReadLock.unlock(); } if (newItem) { generation.getCandidateFilter().addItem(itemID); } float[] itemFeatures = getFeatures(longItemID, generation.getY(), generation.getYLock()); updateFeatures(userFeatures, itemFeatures, value, generation); LongObjectMap<LongSet> knownItemIDs = generation.getKnownItemIDs(); if (knownItemIDs != null) { LongSet userKnownItemIDs; ReadWriteLock knownItemLock = generation.getKnownItemLock(); Lock knownItemReadLock = knownItemLock.readLock(); knownItemReadLock.lock(); try { userKnownItemIDs = knownItemIDs.get(longUserID); if (userKnownItemIDs == null) { userKnownItemIDs = new LongSet(); Lock knownItemWriteLock = knownItemLock.writeLock(); knownItemReadLock.unlock(); knownItemWriteLock.lock(); try { knownItemIDs.put(longUserID, userKnownItemIDs); } finally { knownItemReadLock.lock(); knownItemWriteLock.unlock(); } } } finally { knownItemReadLock.unlock(); } synchronized (userKnownItemIDs) { userKnownItemIDs.add(longItemID); } } } private static float[] getFeatures(long longID, LongObjectMap<float[]> matrix, ReadWriteLock lock) { float[] features; Lock readLock = lock.readLock(); readLock.lock(); try { features = matrix.get(longID); if (features == null) { int numFeatures = countFeatures(matrix); if (numFeatures > 0) { features = new float[numFeatures]; Lock writeLock = lock.writeLock(); readLock.unlock(); writeLock.lock(); try { matrix.put(longID, features); } finally { readLock.lock(); writeLock.unlock(); } } } } finally { readLock.unlock(); } return features; } private static void updateFeatures(float[] userFeatures, float[] itemFeatures, float value, Generation generation) { if (userFeatures == null || itemFeatures == null) { return; } double signedFoldInWeight = foldInWeight(, itemFeatures), value); if (signedFoldInWeight == 0.0) { return; } // Here, we are using userFeatures, which is a row of X, as if it were a column of X'. // This is multiplied on the left by (X'*X)^-1. That's our left-inverse of X or at least the one // column we need. Which is what the new data point is multiplied on the left by. The result is a column; // we scale to complete the multiplication of the fold-in and add it in. Solver xtxSolver = generation.getXTXSolver(); double[] itemFoldIn = xtxSolver == null ? null : xtxSolver.solveFToD(userFeatures); // Same, but reversed. Multiply itemFeatures, which is a row of Y, on the right by (Y'*Y)^-1. // This is the right-inverse for Y', or at least the row we need. Because of the symmetries we can use // the same method above to carry out the multiply; the result is conceptually a row vector. // The result is scaled and added in. Solver ytySolver = generation.getYTYSolver(); double[] userFoldIn = ytySolver == null ? null : ytySolver.solveFToD(itemFeatures); if (itemFoldIn != null) { for (int i = 0; i < itemFeatures.length; i++) { double delta = signedFoldInWeight * itemFoldIn[i]; Preconditions.checkState(Doubles.isFinite(delta)); itemFeatures[i] += (float) delta; } } if (userFoldIn != null) { for (int i = 0; i < userFeatures.length; i++) { double delta = signedFoldInWeight * userFoldIn[i]; Preconditions.checkState(Doubles.isFinite(delta)); userFeatures[i] += (float) delta; } } } private static int countFeatures(LongObjectMap<float[]> M) { // assumes the read lock is held return M.isEmpty() ? 0 : M.entrySet().iterator().next().getValue().length; } /** * This function decides how much of a folded-in user or item vector should be added to a target item or user * vector, respectively, on a new action. The idea is that a positive value should push the current value towards * 1, but not further, and a negative value should push towards 0, but not further. How much to move should be * mostly proportional to the size of the value. 0 should move the result not at all; 2 ought to move twice as * much as 1, etc. This isn't quite possible but can be approximated by moving a fraction 1-1/(1+value) of the * distance towards 1, or 0. */ private static double foldInWeight(double estimate, float value) { Preconditions.checkState(Doubles.isFinite(estimate)); double signedFoldInWeight; if (value > 0.0f && estimate < 1.0) { double multiplier = 1.0 - FastMath.max(0.0, estimate); signedFoldInWeight = (1.0 - 1.0 / (1.0 + value)) * multiplier; } else if (value < 0.0f && estimate > 0.0) { double multiplier = -FastMath.min(1.0, estimate); signedFoldInWeight = (1.0 - 1.0 / (1.0 - value)) * multiplier; } else { signedFoldInWeight = 0.0; } return signedFoldInWeight; } @Override public void removePreference(String userID, String itemID) { // Record datum try { generationManager.remove(userID, itemID); } catch (IOException ioe) { log.warn("Could not append datum; continuing", ioe); } Generation generation; try { generation = getCurrentGeneration(); } catch (NotReadyException nre) { // Corner case -- no model ready so all we can do is record (above). Don't fail the request. return; } long longUserID = StringLongMapping.toLong(userID); long longItemID = StringLongMapping.toLong(itemID); ReadWriteLock knownItemLock = generation.getKnownItemLock(); boolean removeUser = false; LongObjectMap<LongSet> knownItemIDs = generation.getKnownItemIDs(); if (knownItemIDs != null) { Lock knownItemReadLock = knownItemLock.readLock(); LongSet userKnownItemIDs; knownItemReadLock.lock(); try { userKnownItemIDs = knownItemIDs.get(longUserID); } finally { knownItemReadLock.unlock(); } if (userKnownItemIDs == null) { // Doesn't exist? So ignore this request return; } synchronized (userKnownItemIDs) { if (!userKnownItemIDs.remove(longItemID)) { // Item unknown, so ignore this request return; } removeUser = userKnownItemIDs.isEmpty(); } } // We can proceed with the request LongObjectMap<float[]> X = generation.getX(); ReadWriteLock xLock = generation.getXLock(); if (removeUser) { Lock knownItemWriteLock = knownItemLock.writeLock(); knownItemWriteLock.lock(); try { knownItemIDs.remove(longUserID); } finally { knownItemWriteLock.unlock(); } Lock xWriteLock = xLock.writeLock(); xWriteLock.lock(); try { X.remove(longUserID); } finally { xWriteLock.unlock(); } } } /** * One-argument version of {@link #mostSimilarItems(String[], int)}. */ @Override public List<IDValue> mostSimilarItems(String itemID, int howMany) throws NoSuchItemException, NotReadyException { return mostSimilarItems(itemID, howMany, null); } /** * One-argument version of {@link #mostSimilarItems(String[], int, PairRescorer)}. */ @Override public List<IDValue> mostSimilarItems(String itemID, int howMany, PairRescorer rescorer) throws NoSuchItemException, NotReadyException { Preconditions.checkArgument(howMany > 0, "howMany must be positive"); long longItemID = StringLongMapping.toLong(itemID); Generation generation = getCurrentGeneration(); LongObjectMap<float[]> Y = generation.getY(); Lock yLock = generation.getYLock().readLock(); yLock.lock(); try { float[] itemFeatures = Y.get(longItemID); if (itemFeatures == null) { throw new NoSuchItemException(itemID); } return translateToStringIDs( TopN.selectTopN(new MostSimilarItemIterator(Y.entrySet().iterator(), new long[] { longItemID }, new float[][] { itemFeatures }, rescorer, generation.getIDMapping()), howMany)); } finally { yLock.unlock(); } } /** * Like {@link #mostSimilarItems(String[], int, PairRescorer)} but uses no rescorer. */ @Override public List<IDValue> mostSimilarItems(String[] itemIDs, int howMany) throws NoSuchItemException, NotReadyException { return mostSimilarItems(itemIDs, howMany, null); } /** * Computes items most similar to an item or items. The returned items have the highest average similarity * to the given items. * * @param itemIDs items for which most similar items are required * @param howMany maximum number of similar items to return; fewer may be returned * @param rescorer rescoring function used to modify item-item similarities before ranking results * @return {@link IDValue}s representing the top recommendations for the user, ordered by quality, * descending. The score associated to it is an opaque value. Larger means more similar, but no further * interpretation may necessarily be applied. * @throws NoSuchItemException if any of the items is not known in the model * @throws NotReadyException if the recommender has no model available yet */ @Override public List<IDValue> mostSimilarItems(String[] itemIDs, int howMany, PairRescorer rescorer) throws NoSuchItemException, NotReadyException { Preconditions.checkArgument(howMany > 0, "howMany must be positive"); long[] longItemIDs = new long[itemIDs.length]; for (int i = 0; i < longItemIDs.length; i++) { longItemIDs[i] = StringLongMapping.toLong(itemIDs[i]); } Generation generation = getCurrentGeneration(); LongObjectMap<float[]> Y = generation.getY(); Lock yLock = generation.getYLock().readLock(); yLock.lock(); try { List<float[]> itemFeatures = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(itemIDs.length); for (long longItemID : longItemIDs) { float[] features = Y.get(longItemID); if (features != null) { itemFeatures.add(features); } } if (itemFeatures.isEmpty()) { throw new NoSuchItemException(Arrays.toString(itemIDs)); } float[][] itemFeaturesArray = itemFeatures.toArray(new float[itemFeatures.size()][]); return translateToStringIDs(TopN.selectTopN(new MostSimilarItemIterator(Y.entrySet().iterator(), longItemIDs, itemFeaturesArray, rescorer, generation.getIDMapping()), howMany)); } finally { yLock.unlock(); } } @Override public float[] similarityToItem(String toItemID, String... itemIDs) throws NotReadyException, NoSuchItemException { Generation generation = getCurrentGeneration(); LongObjectMap<float[]> Y = generation.getY(); float[] similarities = new float[itemIDs.length]; Lock yLock = generation.getYLock().readLock(); yLock.lock(); try { float[] toFeatures = Y.get(StringLongMapping.toLong(toItemID)); if (toFeatures == null) { throw new NoSuchItemException(toItemID); } double toFeaturesNorm = SimpleVectorMath.norm(toFeatures); boolean anyFound = false; for (int i = 0; i < similarities.length; i++) { float[] features = Y.get(StringLongMapping.toLong(itemIDs[i])); if (features == null) { similarities[i] = Float.NaN; } else { anyFound = true; double featuresNorm = SimpleVectorMath.norm(features); similarities[i] = (float) (, toFeatures) / (featuresNorm * toFeaturesNorm)); } } if (!anyFound) { throw new NoSuchItemException(Arrays.toString(itemIDs)); } } finally { yLock.unlock(); } return similarities; } /** * <p>Lists the items that were most influential in recommending a given item to a given user. Exactly how this * is determined is left to the implementation, but, generally this will return items that the user prefers * and that are similar to the given item.</p> * * <p>These values by which the results are ordered are opaque values and have no interpretation * other than that larger means stronger.</p> * * @param userID ID of user who was recommended the item * @param itemID ID of item that was recommended * @param howMany maximum number of items to return * @return {@link List} of {@link IDValue}, ordered from most influential in recommended the given * item to least * @throws NoSuchUserException if the user is not known in the model * @throws NoSuchItemException if the item is not known in the model * @throws NotReadyException if the recommender has no model available yet */ @Override public List<IDValue> recommendedBecause(String userID, String itemID, int howMany) throws NoSuchUserException, NoSuchItemException, NotReadyException { Preconditions.checkArgument(howMany > 0, "howMany must be positive"); Generation generation = getCurrentGeneration(); LongObjectMap<LongSet> knownItemIDs = generation.getKnownItemIDs(); if (knownItemIDs == null) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("No known item IDs available"); } Lock knownItemLock = generation.getKnownItemLock().readLock(); LongSet userKnownItemIDs; knownItemLock.lock(); try { userKnownItemIDs = knownItemIDs.get(StringLongMapping.toLong(userID)); } finally { knownItemLock.unlock(); } if (userKnownItemIDs == null) { throw new NoSuchUserException(userID); } LongObjectMap<float[]> Y = generation.getY(); Lock yLock = generation.getYLock().readLock(); yLock.lock(); try { float[] features = Y.get(StringLongMapping.toLong(itemID)); if (features == null) { throw new NoSuchItemException(itemID); } LongObjectMap<float[]> toFeatures; synchronized (userKnownItemIDs) { toFeatures = new LongObjectMap<float[]>(userKnownItemIDs.size()); LongPrimitiveIterator it = userKnownItemIDs.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { long fromItemID = it.nextLong(); float[] fromFeatures = Y.get(fromItemID); toFeatures.put(fromItemID, fromFeatures); } } return translateToStringIDs(TopN.selectTopN( new RecommendedBecauseIterator(toFeatures.entrySet().iterator(), features), howMany)); } finally { yLock.unlock(); } } @Override public boolean isReady() { try { getCurrentGeneration(); return true; } catch (NotReadyException ignored) { return false; } } @Override public void await() throws InterruptedException { while (!isReady()) { Thread.sleep(1000L); } } }