List of usage examples for java.lang Double toString
public String toString()
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/** * Specifies the minimum eco-efficiency thresholds at VM level. * If any of them are surpassed, a proactive notification will be generated. * Note that setting a value of -1.0 to any of the thresholds will disable * them (separately)./*ww w . j ava 2 m*/ * * @param vmId VM identifier. * @param energyEfficiencyTH Energy efficiency threshold. * @param ecologicalEfficiencyTH Ecological efficiency threshold. */ public void setVMEcoThreshold(String vmId, Double energyEfficiencyTH, Double ecologicalEfficiencyTH) { try { if (vmId != null) { WebResource resource = client.resource(this.getAddress()).path("proactive/vm").path(vmId) .path("setth"); if (energyEfficiencyTH != null) { resource = resource.queryParam("enEffTH", energyEfficiencyTH.toString()); } if (ecologicalEfficiencyTH != null) { resource = resource.queryParam("ecoEffTH", ecologicalEfficiencyTH.toString()); }; } } catch (UniformInterfaceException ex) { ClientResponse cr = ex.getResponse(); log.error(cr.getStatus()); ex.printStackTrace(); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
From source
/** * Specifies the minimum eco-efficiency thresholds at node level. * If any of them are surpassed, a proactive notification will be generated. * Note that setting a value of -1.0 to any of the thresholds will disable * them (separately)./*from w ww. ja va 2 s . c om*/ * @param nodeId Node identifier. * @param energyEfficiencyTH Energy efficiency threshold. * @param ecologicalEfficiencyTH Ecological efficiency threshold. */ public void setNodeEcoThreshold(String nodeId, Double energyEfficiencyTH, Double ecologicalEfficiencyTH) { try { if (nodeId != null) { WebResource resource = client.resource(this.getAddress()).path("proactive/node").path(nodeId) .path("setth"); if (energyEfficiencyTH != null) { resource = resource.queryParam("enEffTH", energyEfficiencyTH.toString()); } if (ecologicalEfficiencyTH != null) { resource = resource.queryParam("ecoEffTH", ecologicalEfficiencyTH.toString()); }; } } catch (UniformInterfaceException ex) { ClientResponse cr = ex.getResponse(); log.error(cr.getStatus()); ex.printStackTrace(); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
From source
/** * Specifies the minimum eco-efficiency thresholds at service level. * If any of them are surpassed, a proactive notification will be generated. * Note that setting a value of -1.0 to any of the thresholds will disable * them (separately).//from w ww . jav a2s. co m * @param serviceId Service identifier. * @param energyEfficiencyTH Energy efficiency threshold. * @param ecologicalEfficiencyTH Ecological efficiency threshold. */ public void setServiceEcoThreshold(String serviceId, Double energyEfficiencyTH, Double ecologicalEfficiencyTH) { try { if (serviceId != null) { WebResource resource = client.resource(this.getAddress()).path("proactive/service").path(serviceId) .path("setth"); if (energyEfficiencyTH != null) { resource = resource.queryParam("enEffTH", energyEfficiencyTH.toString()); } if (ecologicalEfficiencyTH != null) { resource = resource.queryParam("ecoEffTH", ecologicalEfficiencyTH.toString()); }; } } catch (UniformInterfaceException ex) { ClientResponse cr = ex.getResponse(); log.error(cr.getStatus()); ex.printStackTrace(); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
From source
/** * Ham dieu chinh trang thai/serial/so luong hang hoa theo yu cau * * @param changeOrder//from w w w.j a va2 s. c o m * @param lstChangeGoods * @return */ @Override public ResultKTTS changeStockGoods(ChangeOrder changeOrder, List<ChangeGoods> lstChangeGoods) { //day thong tin ra LOG System.out.println("START OUTPUT DATA CHANGE GOODS: " + changeOrder.getOrderCode()); System.out.println(changeOrder.toString()); for (ChangeGoods changeGods : lstChangeGoods) { System.out.println(changeGods.toString()); } System.out.println("END OUTPUT DATA CHANGE GOODS: " + changeOrder.getOrderCode()); // ResultKTTS resultKTTS = new ResultKTTS(); if (DataUtil.isNullObject(changeOrder)) { resultKTTS.setStatus(ParamUtils.SYNC.FAIL); resultKTTS.setReason(BundelUtils.getkey("")); return resultKTTS; } resultKTTS.setOrderCode(changeOrder.getOrderCode()); List<ConditionBean> lstConditionBeanSearch = new ArrayList<>(); //danh sach trang thai hang hoa hop le List<String> lstGoodsState = new ArrayList(); lstGoodsState.add("1"); lstGoodsState.add("2"); //danh sach lich su can luu lai List<HistoryChangeGoodsDTO> lstHistoryChangeGoodsDTOs = new ArrayList(); List<ChangeGoods> lstChangeGoodsFilter = new ArrayList(); List<String> lstGoodsCode = new ArrayList(); Map<String, GoodsDTO> mapGoodsDTO = new HashMap<>(); Map<String, GoodsDTO> mapGoodsDTOById = new HashMap<>(); StockDTO stockDTOInfor = new StockDTO(); List<GoodsDTO> lstGoodsDTO = new ArrayList(); List<ConditionBean> lstConditionBean = new ArrayList<>(); List<ChangeGoods> lstErrList = new ArrayList(); String custId = ""; String custName = ""; SynLogDTO synLogDTO = new SynLogDTO(); synLogDTO.setAppCode("WMS_CHANGE_STOCK_GOODS"); try { //kiem tra thong tin yeu cau dau vao StringBuilder sbError = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder contentError = new StringBuilder(); if (DataUtil.isStringNullOrEmpty(changeOrder.getOrderCode())) {//thieu thong tin ma yeu cau sbError.append(", "); sbError.append(BundelUtils.getkey("")); System.out.println("Thieu thong tin ma yeu cau"); } else { synLogDTO.setKey(changeOrder.getOrderCode()); } if (DataUtil.isStringNullOrEmpty(changeOrder.getStockCode())) {//thieu thong tin kho sbError.append(", "); sbError.append(BundelUtils.getkey("")); System.out.println("Thieu thong tin ma kho"); } if (DataUtil.isStringNullOrEmpty(changeOrder.getExpectedDate())) {//thieu thong tin ngay gui yc sbError.append(", "); sbError.append(BundelUtils.getkey("")); System.out.println("Thieu thong tin ngay gui yeu cau"); } if (DataUtil.isStringNullOrEmpty(changeOrder.getOrderUserName())) {//thieu thong tin nguoi gui yc sbError.append(", "); sbError.append(BundelUtils.getkey("")); System.out.println("Thieu thong tin nguoi gui yeu cau"); } if (!DataUtil.isStringNullOrEmpty(sbError.toString())) { contentError.append(BundelUtils.getkey("")); contentError.append(":"); contentError.append(sbError.toString().replaceFirst(",", "")); resultKTTS.setStatus(ParamUtils.SYNC.FAIL); resultKTTS.setReason(contentError.toString()); insertSynLog(synLogDTO, ParamUtils.SYNC.FAIL, BundelUtils.getkey("")); return resultKTTS; } // kiem tra la duy nhat tren he thong boolean iCheckOrder = checkOrderCodeInTrans(changeOrder.getOrderCode()); if (!iCheckOrder) { resultKTTS.setStatus(ParamUtils.SYNC.FAIL); resultKTTS.setReason(BundelUtils.getkey("notifi.orderCode.exists")); insertSynLog(synLogDTO, ParamUtils.SYNC.FAIL, BundelUtils.getkey("notifi.orderCode.exists")); return resultKTTS; } //map 2 kho ben KTTS vs Logistics MapStockDTO mapStockDTO = new MapStockDTO(); mapStockDTO.setStockCode(changeOrder.getStockCode()); mapStockDTO.setType("1"); List<MapStockDTO> lstMapStockDTOs = WSMapStock.getListMapStockDTO(mapStockDTO, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, "", ""); if (!DataUtil.isListNullOrEmpty(lstMapStockDTOs)) { changeOrder.setStockCode(lstMapStockDTOs.get(0).getLogStockCode()); } else { contentError.append(BundelUtils.getkey("notifi.stock.notsearch")); resultKTTS.setStatus(ParamUtils.SYNC.FAIL); resultKTTS.setReason(contentError.toString()); insertSynLog(synLogDTO, ParamUtils.SYNC.FAIL, BundelUtils.getkey("notifi.stock.notsearch")); return resultKTTS; } //tim kiem thong tin khach hang if (!DataUtil.isStringNullOrEmpty(changeOrder.getCustCode())) { lstConditionBeanSearch.clear(); lstConditionBeanSearch .add(new ConditionBean("status", ParamUtils.NAME_EQUAL, "0", ParamUtils.TYPE_STRING)); lstConditionBeanSearch.add(new ConditionBean("code", ParamUtils.NAME_EQUAL, changeOrder.getCustCode(), ParamUtils.TYPE_STRING)); List<CustomerDTO> lstTempCus = WSCustomer.getListCustomerByCondition(lstConditionBeanSearch, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, "", ""); if (!DataUtil.isListNullOrEmpty(lstTempCus)) { custId = lstTempCus.get(0).getCustId(); custName = lstTempCus.get(0).getName(); changeOrder.setCustId(custId); changeOrder.setCustName(custName); } } //kiem tra danh sach hang hoa dau vao if (DataUtil.isListNullOrEmpty(lstChangeGoods)) { resultKTTS.setStatus(ParamUtils.SYNC.FAIL); resultKTTS.setReason(BundelUtils.getkey("")); insertSynLog(synLogDTO, ParamUtils.SYNC.FAIL, BundelUtils.getkey("")); return resultKTTS; } for (ChangeGoods change : lstChangeGoods) { if (DataUtil.isStringNullOrEmpty(change.getOldGoodsCode())) {//kiem tra ma hang hoa System.out.println("Thieu thong tin ma hang hoa"); addInforErrorForList(lstErrList, change, ""); continue; } if (DataUtil.isStringNullOrEmpty(change.getOldState())) {//kiem tra trang thai System.out.println("Thieu thong tin trang thai"); addInforErrorForList(lstErrList, change, ""); continue; } else { if (!lstGoodsState.contains(change.getOldState())) { System.out.println("Sai thong tin tran thai"); addInforErrorForList(lstErrList, change, "infor.goodsstate.error"); continue; } } if (DataUtil.isStringNullOrEmpty(change.getAmount())) {//kiem tra so luong System.out.println("Thieu thong tin so luong"); addInforErrorForList(lstErrList, change, ""); continue; } else { change.setAmount(DataUtil.getQuantity(change.getAmount())); if ("0".equals(change.getAmount())) {//neu amount = 0 thi bo qua hang hoa(do hang hoa khong thay doi) if (!lstGoodsCode.contains(change.getOldGoodsCode())) { lstGoodsCode.add(change.getOldGoodsCode()); } if (!DataUtil.isStringNullOrEmpty(change.getNewGoodsCode())) { if (!lstGoodsCode.contains(change.getNewGoodsCode())) { lstGoodsCode.add(change.getNewGoodsCode()); } } continue; } } if (!DataUtil.isStringNullOrEmpty(change.getChangeType())) { if (change.getChangeType().equals("1")) {//dieu chinh trang thai if (DataUtil.isStringNullOrEmpty(change.getNewState())) {//kiem tra trang thai hang hoa addInforErrorForList(lstErrList, change, ""); System.out.println("Thieu thong tin trang thai moi"); continue; } Double amount = Double.parseDouble(change.getAmount()); if (amount < 0) {//neu amount nho hon 0 thi hang hoa chuyen trang thai tu hong => tot amount = amount * (-1); change.setAmount(DataUtil.getQuantity(amount.toString())); String oldState = change.getOldState(); String newState = change.getNewState(); change.setOldState(newState); change.setNewState(oldState); } } else if (change.getChangeType().equals("2")) {//dieu chinh serial_1 =>serial_2 if (!DataUtil.isStringNullOrEmpty(change.getOldFromSerial()) && !DataUtil.isStringNullOrEmpty(change.getOldToSerial()) && !DataUtil.isStringNullOrEmpty(change.getNewFromSerial()) && !DataUtil.isStringNullOrEmpty(change.getNewToSerial())) { //Kiem tra do dai serial neu >19 thi cat do kieu Long chi co do dai toi da 19 Long oldAmount = amountInSerial(change.getOldFromSerial(), change.getOldToSerial()); Long newAmount = amountInSerial(change.getNewFromSerial(), change.getNewToSerial()); Long amount = Long.parseLong(DataUtil.getQuantity(change.getAmount())); if (!amount.equals(oldAmount) || !amount.equals(newAmount)) { addInforErrorForList(lstErrList, change, ""); System.out.println("Sai thong tin amount != oldAmount != newAmuont"); continue; } } else { addInforErrorForList(lstErrList, change, ""); System.out.println("Thieu thong tin serial"); continue; } } else if (change.getChangeType().equals("3")) {//dieu chinh ma hang hoa if (DataUtil.isStringNullOrEmpty(change.getNewGoodsCode())) { addInforErrorForList(lstErrList, change, ""); System.out.println("Thieu thong tin ma hang hoa moi"); continue; } if (!lstGoodsCode.contains(change.getNewGoodsCode())) { lstGoodsCode.add(change.getNewGoodsCode()); } } else if (change.getChangeType().equals("4")) {//dieu chinh ca ma hang hoa va trang thai if (DataUtil.isStringNullOrEmpty(change.getNewState())) { addInforErrorForList(lstErrList, change, ""); System.out.println("Thieu thong tin trang thai moi"); continue; } if (DataUtil.isStringNullOrEmpty(change.getNewGoodsCode())) { addInforErrorForList(lstErrList, change, ""); System.out.println("Thieu thong tin ma hang hoa moi"); continue; } if (!lstGoodsCode.contains(change.getNewGoodsCode())) { lstGoodsCode.add(change.getNewGoodsCode()); } } else {//ma dieu chuyen khong dung System.out.println("Ma dieu chuyen khong dung"); addInforErrorForList(lstErrList, change, "infor.changeType.error"); continue; } } else {//thieu thong tin dieu chuyen addInforErrorForList(lstErrList, change, ""); System.out.println("Thieu thong tin loai dieu chuyen"); continue; } if (!lstGoodsCode.contains(change.getOldGoodsCode())) { lstGoodsCode.add(change.getOldGoodsCode()); } lstChangeGoodsFilter.add(change); } if (!DataUtil.isListNullOrEmpty(lstErrList)) { StringBuilder messReason = new StringBuilder(); for (ChangeGoods goodsError : lstErrList) { if (!DataUtil.isStringNullOrEmpty(goodsError.getOldGoodsName())) { messReason.append(BundelUtils.getkey("change.goodsCode")); messReason.append(" "); messReason.append(goodsError.getOldGoodsCode()); messReason.append(": "); messReason.append(goodsError.getInforError()); messReason.append("; "); } } if (DataUtil.isStringNullOrEmpty(messReason)) { messReason.append(BundelUtils.getkey("")); } //resultKTTS.setLstChangeGoods(lstErrList); resultKTTS.setStatus(ParamUtils.SYNC.FAIL); resultKTTS.setReason(BundelUtils.getkey("infor.inforError") + ". " + messReason.toString()); insertSynLog(synLogDTO, ParamUtils.SYNC.FAIL, BundelUtils.getkey("infor.inforError") + messReason.toString()); return resultKTTS; } //lay danh sach hang hoa va dua vao map lstGoodsDTO = getListGoods(lstGoodsCode, custId); mapGoodsDTO = putGoodsToMap(lstGoodsDTO); mapGoodsDTOById = putGoodsToMapById(lstGoodsDTO); //map danh sach kho if (!DataUtil.isStringNullOrEmpty(changeOrder.getStockCode())) { lstConditionBean.clear(); lstConditionBean.add(new ConditionBean("code", ParamUtils.OP_IN, changeOrder.getStockCode(), ParamUtils.TYPE_STRING)); List<StockDTO> lstTemp = stockBusiness.searchByConditionBean(lstConditionBean, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, "", "code"); if (!DataUtil.isListNullOrEmpty(lstTemp)) { stockDTOInfor = (StockDTO) DataUtil.cloneObject(lstTemp.get(0)); changeOrder.setStockId(stockDTOInfor.getStockId()); changeOrder.setStockName(stockDTOInfor.getName()); // StaffStockDTO staffStockDTO = new StaffStockDTO(); staffStockDTO.setStatus("1"); staffStockDTO.setStockId(stockDTOInfor.getStockId()); List<StaffStockDTO> lstStaffStockDTO = WSStaffStock.getListStaffStockDTO(staffStockDTO, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, "", "id"); //loc lay danh sach hang hoa theo kho fillterMapStaffGoodsByStock(lstStaffStockDTO); } } //tao giao dich, chi tiet giao dich, chi tiet serial giao dich boolean isError = initGoodsTransferTrans(lstChangeGoodsFilter, mapGoodsDTO, changeOrder); if (!isError) { StringBuilder messReason = new StringBuilder(); for (ChangeGoods goodsError : lstChangeGoodsError) { messReason.append(BundelUtils.getkey("change.goodsCode")); messReason.append(" "); messReason.append(goodsError.getOldGoodsCode()); messReason.append(": "); messReason.append(goodsError.getInforError()); messReason.append("; "); } resultKTTS.setStatus(ParamUtils.SYNC.FAIL); resultKTTS.setReason(BundelUtils.getkey("infor.inforError") + ". " + messReason); insertSynLog(synLogDTO, ParamUtils.SYNC.FAIL, BundelUtils.getkey("infor.inforError") + ". " + messReason); return resultKTTS; } // ResultDTO result = new ResultDTO(); /* Map giua hang da xuat -> danh sach stock_goods cua hang do */ if (!DataUtil.isListNullOrEmpty(lstTransExportDetail)) { result = stockExportService.goodsTransferSynsKTTS(transExport, transImport, lstTransExportDetail, lstTransImportDetail, lstTransExportSerial, lstTransImportSerial, changeOrder, lstChangeGoods, mapGoodsDTO, lstMapStaffGoodsDTOs); if (!result.getMessage().equals(ParamUtils.SUCCESS)) { StringBuilder sb1 = new StringBuilder(); String sb = ""; String addInfor = ""; if ("NotEnoughAmount".equals(result.getKey())) { BundelUtils.getkey("NotEnoughAmount"); try { if (!DataUtil.isStringNullOrEmpty(result.getFromSerial()) && !DataUtil.isStringNullOrEmpty(result.getToSerial())) { sb1.append(BundelUtils.getkey("notitfi.trans.NotEnoughAmount")); sb = sb1.toString(); sb = sb.replace("@fromSerial", result.getFromSerial()); sb = sb.replace("@toSerial", result.getToSerial()); } else { String message = result.getMessage(); if (!DataUtil.isStringNullOrEmpty(message)) { message = message.substring(0, message.indexOf(",")); } GoodsDTO gdto = mapGoodsDTOById.get(message); sb = BundelUtils.getkey("notitfi.trans.NotEnoughAmount2"); sb = sb.replace("@goodCode", gdto.getCode()); } } catch (Exception e) { sb = BundelUtils.getkey("notitfi.trans.NotEnoughAmount3"); } } else if ("INSERT_ERROR_HISTORY".equals(result.getKey())) { sb = BundelUtils.getkey("notifi.insert.history"); addInfor = BundelUtils.getkey("notifi.addInfor.errorHistory"); } else if ("INSERT_ERROR_MESSAGES".equals(result.getKey())) { sb = BundelUtils.getkey("notifi.insert.history"); addInfor = BundelUtils.getkey("notifi.addInfor.errorMessage"); } resultKTTS.setStatus(ParamUtils.SYNC.FAIL); String mess = BundelUtils.getkey("changeGoods.error.trans") + sb; resultKTTS.setReason(BundelUtils.getkey("changeGoods.error.trans") + ". " + sb); insertSynLog(synLogDTO, ParamUtils.SYNC.FAIL, mess + ". " + addInfor); return resultKTTS; } } else { lstHistoryChangeGoodsDTOs = convertFromHistoryChangeGoods(changeOrder, lstChangeGoods, mapGoodsDTO); String messInsert = historyChangeGoodsBusiness.insertList(lstHistoryChangeGoodsDTOs); if (!ParamUtils.SUCCESS.equals(messInsert)) { insertSynLog(synLogDTO, ParamUtils.SYNC.SUCCESS, BundelUtils.getkey("notifi.insert.history")); resultKTTS.setStatus(ParamUtils.SYNC.FAIL); return resultKTTS; } result.setKey(BundelUtils.getkey("notifi.trans.empty")); } StringBuilder mesSucc = new StringBuilder(); mesSucc.append(BundelUtils.getkey("changeStockGoods.success")); mesSucc.append(result.getKey() == null ? "" : result.getKey()); insertSynLog(synLogDTO, ParamUtils.SYNC.SUCCESS, mesSucc.toString()); //-> commit resultKTTS.setStatus(ParamUtils.SYNC.SUCCESS); return resultKTTS; } catch (Exception e) { //e.printStackTrace(); Logger.getLogger(StockImportServiceImpl.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, e); resultKTTS.setStatus(ParamUtils.SYNC.FAIL); resultKTTS.setReason(BundelUtils.getkey(ParamUtils.SYSTEM_OR_DATA_ERROR)); insertSynLog(synLogDTO, ParamUtils.SYNC.FAIL, BundelUtils.getkey(ParamUtils.SYSTEM_OR_DATA_ERROR)); return resultKTTS; } finally { } }
From source
/** * Returns the value of the columnName passed for the table row. If <code>cuurencyCode</code> is not <code>NULL</code>, then * currencyExtraction rules are applied to the extracted value corresponding to the code. * // ww w .j a v a 2 s. c o m * @param row {@link Row} row from which the values are to be extracted. * @param columnPassed {@link String} name of the column whose value is to be extracted. * @param currencyCode {@link CurrencyCode} implies the rules for currency extraction. If null currency extraction is not * performed. * @return {@link String} Value extracted corresponding to the column. */ private String getColumnValue(final Row row, final String columnPassed, final CurrencyCode currencyCode) { String extractedValue = getColumnValue(row, columnPassed); if (currencyCode != null) { Double currencyValue = CurrencyUtil.getDoubleValue(extractedValue, currencyCode.getRepresentationValue()); if (currencyValue != null) { extractedValue = currencyValue.toString(); } }"Extracted value for ", columnPassed, " is ", extractedValue)); return extractedValue; }
From source
private void loteSelector1ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {//GEN-FIRST:event_loteSelector1ActionPerformed this.proveedorSelector1.setFocusable(false); this.JDc_FechaCompra.setFocusable(false); this.JDc_fechaRecepcion.setFocusable(false); this.tf_Compra.setFocusable(false); this.tf_PesoCompra.setFocusable(false); this.tf_pesoRecepcion.setFocusable(false); recepcion = new Recepcion(); recepcion.cargarPorLote(loteSelector1.getSelectedItem().toString()); proveedorSelector1.setSelectedItem(recepcion.proveedor.descripcion); tf_Compra.setText(recepcion.folio);//from ww w.ja v a 2 s . com Double d = recepcion.peso_origen / recepcion.animales; if (d > 0) { tf_PesoCompra.setText(d.toString()); } d = recepcion.peso_recepcion / recepcion.animales; if (d > 0) { tf_pesoRecepcion.setText(d.toString()); } JDc_fechaRecepcion.setDate(recepcion.fecha_recepcion); JDc_FechaCompra.setDate(recepcion.fecha_compra); ((JLabel) loteSelector1.getRenderer()).setHorizontalAlignment(SwingConstants.CENTER); }
From source
@Override public T visitAsignacion1(MyLanguageParser.Asignacion1Context ctx) { // Camino 1, asignar ID if (ctx.ID(1) != null) { Objeto obj = isDefined(ctx.ID(0).toString()); Objeto obj2 = buscar(ctx.ID(1).toString()); if (obj2 == null) { // SEMANTICO error = "Error, variable: " + ctx.ID(1) + " no definida."; error();// www . j a v a 2s .c om } else if (obj2.getObjeto() == null) { // SEMANTICO error = "Error, variable: " + ctx.ID(1) + " no tiene valor."; error(); } else { table.remove(obj); obj.setObjeto(obj2.getObjeto()); } } // Camino 2 asigna expr else if (ctx.expr(1) == null && ctx.contenido_escribir() == null && ctx.expr(0) != null) { Objeto obj = isDefined(ctx.ID(0).toString()); T tipo1 = visitExpr(ctx.expr(0)); T tipo = posicionArray(tipo1); if (tipo != null) { boolean isNumber = NumberUtils.isNumber(tipo.toString()); if (getTipo(obj) == 1) { if (isNumber) { Double number = Double.valueOf(tipo.toString()); if (isInt(number)) { Integer value = Integer.valueOf(tipo.toString()); obj.setObjeto(value + ""); } else { error = "se esperaba un entero"; error(); } } else { error = "se esperaba un numero"; error(); } } else if (getTipo(obj) == 2) { if (isNumber) { Double number = Double.valueOf(tipo.toString()); String asd = isInt(number) ? Integer.valueOf(tipo.toString()).toString() : number.toString(); obj.setObjeto(asd + ""); } else { error = "se esperaba un numero"; error(); } } else if (getTipo(obj) == 3) { obj.setObjeto(tipo + ""); } else if (getTipo(obj) == 4) { if (tipo.equals("verdadero") || tipo.equals("falso")) { obj.setObjeto(tipo + ""); } else { error = "Se esperaba verdadero o falso"; error(); } } else { error = "error desconocido asignacion - contenido escribir"; error(); } } else { error = "Se debe asignar un valor no nulo"; error(); } } // camino 3 arreglos REWVISAR aslkjdqhiwi else if (ctx.expr(1) != null || ctx.contenido_escribir() != null) { T tipo = visitExpr(ctx.expr(0)); // ArrayList<String> arreglo = (ArrayList<String>) tipo; String ctxid = ctx.ID().toString().substring(1, ctx.ID().toString().length() - 1); String valores = tipo.toString().replace(" ", ""); String id = ctxid + valores; Objeto obj = buscar(id); if (obj != null) { if (ctx.expr(1) != null) { T tipo1 = visitExpr(ctx.expr(1)); T tipo3 = posicionArray(tipo1); obj.setObjeto(tipo3.toString()); } else { obj.setObjeto(visitContenido_escribir(ctx.contenido_escribir()).toString()); } } else { error = "Variable no definida " + id; error(); } } // camino 4 cadenas else if (ctx.MENSAJE() != null) { Objeto obj = isDefined(ctx.ID(0).toString()); if (getTipo(obj) != 3) { // SEMANTICO error = "Se esperaba un " + obj.getTipo(); error(); } else { obj.setObjeto(ctx.MENSAJE() + ""); } } // camino 5 boolean else if (ctx.booleanExpr() != null) { Objeto obj = isDefined(ctx.ID(0).toString()); if (getTipo(obj) != 4) { // SEMANTICO error = "Se esperaba un " + obj.getTipo(); error(); } else { obj.setTipo(visitBooleanExpr(ctx.booleanExpr()).toString()); } } else { error = "Error desconocido asignacion "; error(); } return null; }
From source
/** * Busca el comando que se le paso al constructor y llama a la calculadora * para que ejecute el comando con los argumentos de entrada. * * Este metodo utiliza el <b>return</b> para devolver los resultados una vez * encuentra un comando devuelve el resultado y no pasa por los demas * sentencias.// ww w . j a va2 s . c o m * * Se debe controlar cada uno de los comandos y pasarle los numeros a la * calculadora. * * Nota: -Si en la linea de comandos de entrada no hay ningun comando de la * aplicacion no devuelve una cadena vacia para que no muestre nada en * pantalla. * * -Si la opcion es de ayuda se le pasa una cadena unica que interpretara el * controlador principal para mostrar la ayuda. * * -Nunca se devuelve null * * Refacotorizado varias veces, antes estaba toda la busqueda concentrada en * el metodo. * * @see ControladorCalc#Todos los metodos * @see Object#toString() * @return String el resultado de la operacion * @throws IllegalArgumentException argumentos no son correctos * @throws NumberFormatException tipos de argumentos erroneos */ public String busquedaDeComandos() throws IllegalArgumentException, NumberFormatException { String resultado = ""; //Resultado de las posibles operaciones Double result; Boolean resultBoo; //Si el comando es help if (cmdLine.hasOption(HELP)) { if (cmdLine.hasOption(PROPERTY)) { //Devuelvo un valor unico posible para decirle al controlador //principal que tiene que mostrar la ayuda de el comando -D resultado = "AYUDAPROPERTY"; } else { //Devuelvo un valor unico posible para decirle al controlador //principal que tiene que mostrar la ayuda a la vista resultado = "AYUDA"; } } else //Si el comando es exit if (cmdLine.hasOption(EXIT)) { //Devuelvo un valor unico posible para decirle al controlador //principal que tiene que salirse de la linea de comandos resultado = "EXIT"; } else /* Propiedades */ if (cmdLine.hasOption("D")) { //Devuelve el resultado de la conversion resultado = conversor(); } else if ((result = operacionesAritmetricas()) != null) { /* OperacionesAritmetricas */ //Resultado de las posibles operaciones resultado = result.toString(); } else if ((result = operacionesTrigonometricas()) != null) { /* OperacionesTrigonometricas */ resultado = result.toString(); } else if ((resultBoo = tablasVerdad()) != null) { /* Tablas de verdad */ //Resultado de las posibles operaciones booleanas resultado = resultBoo.toString(); } //Devuelve el resultado return resultado; }
From source
/** * Creates new form Interface_Main// w w w . j a v a2 s. c om * Populates the com port combo box * Init the graphs for Current, Voltage, and Wattage */ public Interface_Main() { initComponents(); btnStop.setEnabled(false); btnStart.setEnabled(false); btnThreshold.setEnabled(false); sldScreen.setEnabled(false); btnReset.setEnabled(false); spnRefSpd.setEnabled(false); Image im = null; try { im ="/faviconbot2edit.png")); setIconImage(im); } catch (IOException ex) { } //Version check to notify user and update title bar. Double newVer = checkVersion('A'); if (newVer > appVersion) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "Update available! Visit:", "Update", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); jlblVer.setVisible(false); appTitle = appTitle + " - New Version: " + newVer.toString(); jlblVer.setText(appTitle); } else { jlblVer.setText(appTitle); } cmbPort.removeAllItems(); ArrayList portNames = listPorts(); for (int i = 0; i < portNames.size(); i++) { cmbPort.addItem(portNames.get(i)); } cmbBaud.setSelectedIndex(7); this.seriesCurrent = new TimeSeries("Time1", Millisecond.class); this.seriesCurrentMax = new TimeSeries("Time", Millisecond.class); this.seriesCurrentMin = new TimeSeries("Time", Millisecond.class); final TimeSeriesCollection dataset = new TimeSeriesCollection(this.seriesCurrent); dataset.addSeries(seriesCurrentMax); dataset.addSeries(seriesCurrentMin); JFreeChart chart = createChartCurrent(dataset); ChartPanel chartPanel = new ChartPanel(chart); //chartPanel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(100, 260)); //size according to my window chartPanel.setMouseWheelEnabled(true); plCurrent.add(chartPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER); plCurrent.validate(); this.seriesVolt = new TimeSeries("Time", Millisecond.class); this.seriesVoltMax = new TimeSeries("Time", Millisecond.class); this.seriesVoltMin = new TimeSeries("Time", Millisecond.class); final TimeSeriesCollection datasetVolt = new TimeSeriesCollection(this.seriesVolt); datasetVolt.addSeries(seriesVoltMax); datasetVolt.addSeries(seriesVoltMin); JFreeChart chartVolt = createChartVolt(datasetVolt); ChartPanel chartPanelVolt = new ChartPanel(chartVolt); //chartPanelVolt.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(400, 260)); //size according to my window chartPanelVolt.setMouseWheelEnabled(true); plVoltage.add(chartPanelVolt, BorderLayout.CENTER); plVoltage.validate(); this.seriesWatt = new TimeSeries("Time", Millisecond.class); final TimeSeriesCollection datasetWatt = new TimeSeriesCollection(this.seriesWatt); JFreeChart chartWatt = createChartWatt(datasetWatt); ChartPanel chartPanelWatt = new ChartPanel(chartWatt); //chartPanelWatt.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(400, 260)); //size according to my window chartPanelWatt.setMouseWheelEnabled(true); plWattage.add(chartPanelWatt, BorderLayout.CENTER); plWattage.validate(); this.seriesDm = new TimeSeries("Time", Millisecond.class); final TimeSeriesCollection datasetDm = new TimeSeriesCollection(this.seriesDm); JFreeChart chartDm = createChartDm(datasetDm); ChartPanel chartPanelDm = new ChartPanel(chartDm); //chartPanelWatt.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(400, 260)); //size according to my window chartPanelDm.setMouseWheelEnabled(true); plmWh.add(chartPanelDm, BorderLayout.CENTER); plmWh.validate(); this.seriesDp = new TimeSeries("Time", Millisecond.class); final TimeSeriesCollection datasetDp = new TimeSeriesCollection(this.seriesDp); JFreeChart chartDp = createChartDp(datasetDp); ChartPanel chartPanelDp = new ChartPanel(chartDp); //chartPanelWatt.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(400, 260)); //size according to my window chartPanelDp.setMouseWheelEnabled(true); plmAh.add(chartPanelDp, BorderLayout.CENTER); plmAh.validate(); if (cmbPort.getItemCount() > 0) { btnStart.setEnabled(true); lblStatus.setText("Select COM Port and Baud Rate."); } else lblStatus.setText("No serial port found."); System.out.println(cmbPort.getItemCount()); File f = new File(logTmpFile); if (f.exists()) { int reply = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(this, "Data temp file exists, resume? (No deletes file)", "Resume?", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION); if (reply == JOptionPane.NO_OPTION) { try { f.delete(); } catch (Exception e) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "Unable to delete"); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, e); } } } else { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "New session", "Session", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); } System.out.println(f.getAbsolutePath()); }
From source
public static HSSFWorkbook getReportExcel(Finding finding) { ISPYClinicalFinding clinicalFinding = (ISPYClinicalFinding) finding; HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(); HSSFSheet sheet = wb.createSheet(clinicalFinding.getTaskId()); List<PatientData> patientsData = clinicalFinding.getPatientData(); String longHeaders = "ISPY_ID, INST_ID, AGE, AGECAT, RACE_ID, SSTAT, SURVDTD, CHEMOCAT, CHEMO, TAM, HERCEPTIN, DOSEDENSEANTHRA, DOSEDENSETAXANE, MENOSTATUS, SENTINELNODESAMPLE, " + "SENTINELNODERESULT, HIST_TYPE_INV_OS, HISTOLOGICGRADEOS, ER_TS, PGR_TS, HER2COMMUNITYPOS, HER2COMMUNITYMETHOD, " +//w ww. j ava 2 s . c o m // "SURGERYLUMPECTOMY, SURGERYMASTECTOMY, HISTOLOGICTYPEPS, INITLUMP_FUPMAST, SURGERY, REASON_NO_SURG, RTTHERAPY, RTBREAST, RTBOOST, " + // delete HISTOLOGICTYPEPS "SURGERYLUMPECTOMY, SURGERYMASTECTOMY, INITLUMP_FUPMAST, SURGERY, REASON_NO_SURG, RTTHERAPY, RTBREAST, RTBOOST, " + "RTAXILLA, RTSNODE, RTIMAMNODE, RTCHESTW, RTOTHER, TSIZECLINICAL, NSIZECLINICAL, STAGETE, STAGENE, " + "STAGEME, CLINICALSTAGE, CLINRESPT1_T2, CLINRESPT1_T3, CLINRESPT1_T4, Morphologic pattern at T1," + // "LES_T1, LES_T2, LES_T3, LES_T4, LD_T1, LD_T2, LD_T3, LD_T4, MRI % change T1_T2, MRI % change T1_T3, MRI % change T1_T4," + // delete LES_T1, LES_T2, LES_T3, LES_T4, LD_T1, LD_T2, LD_T3, LD_T4 "MRI % change T1_T2, MRI % change T1_T3, MRI % change T1_T4," + "MRI % change T2_T3, MRI % change T2_T4, MRI % change T3_T4, Height, weight, BSA, ERpos, PgRpos, FineNeedle, CoreNeedle, Incisional, BilateralCa," + "Laterality, RtBrTD, RtBoTD, RtAxTD, RtSNTD, RtIMTD, RtCWTD, RtOtTD, LocalProgress, DistProgress, T4Baseline, T4Early, " + "T4Int, T4PreS, BaseAxillary, EarlyAxillary, IntAxillary, PreSAxillary, BaseInternalM, EarlyInternalM, IntInternalM," + "PreSInternalM, BaseSupra, EarlySupra, IntSupra, PreSSupra, BaseInfra, EarlyInfra, IntInfra, PreSInfra,DCISONLYPS, PTUMOR1SZCM_MICRO_1, " + "HISTOLOGICGRADEPS, NUMPOSNODESPS, NODESEXAMINEDPS, PATHOLOGYSTAGEPS, InSituDzPS, InSituHistoPS, InSituSpan, %InSitu, InSituGradePS," + "InvDzPS, InvDzHistoPS, LVI, InvDzMultiFoc, InvDzCellularity, SurgMargins, MetSzLN, yT, yN, yM, PCR, RCB Index, RCBclass, RCB_PATHSZ_1," + "RCB_PATHSZ_2, PTUMOR1SZCM_MICRO_2, RFS, RFS_ind, LocalSiteIpBreast,LocalSiteAxillaryNode,LocalSiteSupraNode,LocalSiteChestW,LocalSiteIMammaryN,LocalSiteInfrNodes,LocalSiteAxilla,DistSite,LocalProgTimeD (days),DistProgTimeD (days)," + "AromataseI, OvarianSup, OvarianAbl"; String[] heads = StringUtils.split(longHeaders, ","); HSSFRow row = sheet.createRow((short) 0); for (int j = 0; j < heads.length; j++) { HSSFCell cell = row.createCell((short) j); cell.setCellValue(heads[j]); } HSSFRow dataRow; for (int i = 0; i < patientsData.size(); i++) { dataRow = null; dataRow = sheet.createRow((short) i + 1); PatientData data = patientsData.get(i); String rowData = ""; String noRowData = "--"; Double rowDouble = 0.0; Long rowLong = new Long(0); HSSFCell cell = null; cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 0); rowData = data.getISPY_ID(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 1); rowData = data.getInst_ID(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 2); Double age = data.getPatientAge(); if (age != null) { rowData = age.toString(); } else rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 3); AgeCategoryType ageCat = data.getAgeCategory(); if (ageCat != null) { rowData = ageCat.toString(); } else rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 4); RaceType rt = data.getRace(); if (rt != null) { rowData = rt.toString(); } else rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 5); rowData = data.getSSTAT(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 6); rowData = data.getSURVDTD(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 7); rowData = data.getChemoCat(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 8); rowData = data.getChemo(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 9); rowData = data.getTAM(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 10); rowData = data.getHerceptin(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 11); rowData = data.getDosedenseanthra(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 12); rowData = data.getDosedensetaxane(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 13); rowData = data.getMenoStatus(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 14); rowData = data.getSentinelNodeSample(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 15); rowData = data.getSentinelNodeResult(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 16); rowData = data.getHistTypeOfInvasiveTumor(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 17); rowData = data.getHistologicGradeOS(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 18); rowData = data.getER_TS(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 19); rowData = data.getPGR_TS(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 20); rowData = data.getHER2CommunityPOS(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 21); rowData = data.getHER2CommunityMethod(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 22); rowData = data.getSurgeryLumpectomy(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 23); rowData = data.getSurgeryMastectomy(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 24); rowData = data.getHistTypePS(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 25); rowData = data.getINITLUMP_FUPMAST(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 26); rowData = data.getSurgery(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 27); rowData = data.getReasonNoSurg(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 28); rowData = data.getRTTherapy(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 29); rowData = data.getRTBreast(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 30); rowData = data.getRTBOOST(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 31); rowData = data.getRTAXILLA(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 32); rowData = data.getRTSNODE(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 33); rowData = data.getRTIMAMNODE(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 34); rowData = data.getRTChestW(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 35); rowData = data.getRTOTHER(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 36); rowData = data.getTSizeClinical(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 37); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; rowData = data.getNSizeClinical(); cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 38); rowData = data.getStageTE(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 39); rowData = data.getStageNE(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 40); rowData = data.getSTAGEME(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 41); rowData = data.getClinicalStageStr(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 42); rowData = data.getClinRespT1_T2(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 43); rowData = data.getClinRespT1_T3(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 44); rowData = data.getClinRespT1_T4(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 45); MorphologyType mt = data.getMorphology(); if (mt != null) { rowData = mt.toString(); } else { rowData = noRowData; } cell.setCellValue(rowData); // cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 46); // rowData = data.getLES_T1(); // cell.setCellValue(rowData); // // cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 47); // rowData = data.getLES_T2(); // cell.setCellValue(rowData); // // cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 48); // rowData = data.getLES_T3(); // cell.setCellValue(rowData); // // cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 49); // rowData = data.getLES_T4(); // cell.setCellValue(rowData); // // cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 50); // rowDouble = data.getLdT1(); // if(rowDouble!=null){ // cell.setCellValue(rowDouble); // } // else cell.setCellValue(noRowData); // // cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 51); // rowDouble = data.getLdT2(); // if(rowDouble!=null){ // cell.setCellValue(rowDouble); // } // else cell.setCellValue(noRowData); // // cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 52); // rowDouble = data.getLdT3(); // if(rowDouble!=null){ // cell.setCellValue(rowDouble); // } // else cell.setCellValue(noRowData); // // cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 53); // rowDouble = data.getLdT4(); // if(rowDouble!=null){ // cell.setCellValue(rowDouble); // } // else cell.setCellValue(noRowData); // cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 54); rowDouble = data.getMriPctChangeT1_T2(); if (rowDouble != null) { cell.setCellValue(rowDouble); } else cell.setCellValue(noRowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 55); rowDouble = data.getMriPctChangeT1_T3(); if (rowDouble != null) { cell.setCellValue(rowDouble); } else cell.setCellValue(noRowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 56); rowDouble = data.getMriPctChangeT1_T4(); if (rowDouble != null) { cell.setCellValue(rowDouble); } else cell.setCellValue(noRowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 57); rowDouble = data.getMriPctChangeT2_T3(); if (rowDouble != null) { cell.setCellValue(rowDouble); } else cell.setCellValue(noRowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 58); rowDouble = data.getMriPctChangeT2_T4(); if (rowDouble != null) { cell.setCellValue(rowDouble); } else cell.setCellValue(noRowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 59); rowDouble = data.getMriPctChangeT3_T4(); if (rowDouble != null) { cell.setCellValue(rowDouble); } else cell.setCellValue(noRowData); // Height cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 60); rowLong = data.getHeight(); if (rowLong != null) { cell.setCellValue(rowLong); } else cell.setCellValue(noRowData); // Weight cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 61); rowLong = data.getWeight(); if (rowLong != null) { cell.setCellValue(rowLong); } else cell.setCellValue(noRowData); // BSA cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 62); rowDouble = data.getBsa(); if (rowDouble != null) { cell.setCellValue(rowDouble); } else cell.setCellValue(noRowData); // ERpos cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 63); rowData = data.getERpos(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // PgRpos cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 64); rowData = data.getPgRpos(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // FineNeedle cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 65); rowData = data.getFineNeedle(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // CoreNeedle cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 66); rowData = data.getCoreNeedle(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // Incisional cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 67); rowData = data.getIncisional(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // BilateralCa cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 68); rowData = data.getBilateralCa(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // Laterality cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 69); rowData = data.getLaterality(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // RtBrTD cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 70); rowData = data.getRtBrTD(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // RtBoTD cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 71); rowData = data.getRtBoTD(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // RtAxTD cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 72); rowData = data.getRtAxTD(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // RtSNTD cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 73); rowData = data.getRtSNTD(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // RtIMTD cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 74); rowData = data.getRtIMTD(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // RtCWTD cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 75); rowData = data.getRtCWTD(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // RtOtTD cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 76); rowData = data.getRtOtTD(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // LocalProgress cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 77); rowData = data.getLocalProgress(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // DistProgress cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 78); rowData = data.getDistProgress(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // T4Baseline cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 79); rowData = data.getT4Baseline(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // T4Early cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 80); rowData = data.getT4Early(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // T4Int cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 81); rowData = data.getT4Int(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // T4PreS cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 82); rowData = data.getT4PreS(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // BaseAxillary cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 83); rowData = data.getBaseAxillary(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // EarlyAxillary cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 84); rowData = data.getEarlyAxillary(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // IntAxillary cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 85); rowData = data.getIntAxillary(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // PreSAxillary cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 86); rowData = data.getPreSAxillary(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // BaseInternalM cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 87); rowData = data.getBaseInternalM(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // EarlyInternalM cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 88); rowData = data.getEarlyInternalM(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // IntInternalM cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 89); rowData = data.getIntInternalM(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // PreSInternalM cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 90); rowData = data.getPreSInternalM(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // BaseSupra cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 91); rowData = data.getBaseSupra(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // EarlySupra cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 92); rowData = data.getEarlySupra(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // IntSupra cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 93); rowData = data.getIntSupra(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // PreSSupra cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 94); rowData = data.getPreSSupra(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // BaseInfra cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 95); rowData = data.getBaseInfra(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // EarlyInfra cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 96); rowData = data.getEarlyInfra(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // IntInfra cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 97); rowData = data.getIntInfra(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // PreSInfra cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 98); rowData = data.getPreSInfra(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 99); rowData = data.getDCISOnlyPS(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 100); rowData = data.getPtumor1szcm_micro_1(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 101); rowData = data.getHistologicGradePS(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 102); rowData = data.getNumPosNodesPS(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 103); rowData = data.getNodesExaminedPS(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 104); rowData = data.getPathologyStagePS(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); //inSituDz cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 105); rowData = data.getInSituDzPS(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); //inSituHisto cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 106); rowData = data.getInSituHistoPS(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); //inSituSpan cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 107); rowData = data.getInSituSpan(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); //%InSitu cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 108); rowData = data.getPercentInSitu(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); //InSituGrade cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 109); rowData = data.getInSituGradePS(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // invDz cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 110); rowData = data.getInvDzPS(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); //invDzHisto cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 111); rowData = data.getInvDzHistoPS(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); //lVI cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 112); rowData = data.getLVI(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // invDzMultiFoc cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 113); rowData = data.getInvDzMultiFoc(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); //invDzCellularity cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 114); rowData = data.getInvDzCellularity(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); //surgMargins cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 115); rowData = data.getSurgMargins(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // metSzLN cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 116); rowData = data.getMetSzLN(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // yT cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 117); rowData = data.getYT(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // yN cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 118); rowData = data.getYN(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // yM cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 119); rowData = data.getYM(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // PCR cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 120); PcrType pcrType = data.getPcrType(); if (pcrType != null) { rowData = pcrType.toString(); } else rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // RCB Index cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 121); if (data.getRcbIndexSize() != null) { rowData = data.getRcbIndexSize().toString(); } if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); //rcbClass cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 122); rowData = data.getRcbClass(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); //rCB_PATHSZ_1 cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 123); rowData = data.getRCB_PATHSZ_1(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); //rCB_PATHSZ_2 cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 124); rowData = data.getRCB_PATHSZ_2(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // once implement this, make sure to remove PTUMOR1SZCM_MICRO //PTUMOR1SZCM_MICRO_1 /*cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 86); rowData = data.getPtumor1szcm_micro_1(); if(rowData==null)rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); */ // PTUMOR1SZCM_MICRO_2 cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 125); rowData = data.getPtumor1szcm_micro_2(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // DFS cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 126); rowLong = data.getRFS(); if (rowLong != null && rowLong.toString().indexOf("-") == -1) { cell.setCellValue(rowLong); } else cell.setCellValue(noRowData); // DFS_ind change to RFS_ind // change data type from Long to String cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 127); rowData = data.getRFS_ind(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // rowLong = data.getRFS_ind(); // if(rowLong!=null){ // cell.setCellValue(rowLong); // } // else cell.setCellValue(noRowData); // LocalSiteIpBreast cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 128); rowData = data.getLocalSiteIpBreast(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // LocalSiteAxillaryNode cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 129); rowData = data.getLocalSiteAxillaryNode(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // LocalSiteAxillaryNode cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 130); rowData = data.getLocalSiteSupraNode(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // LocalSiteChestW cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 131); rowData = data.getLocalSiteChestW(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // LocalSiteIMammaryN cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 132); rowData = data.getLocalSiteIMammaryN(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // LocalSiteInfrNodes cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 133); rowData = data.getLocalSiteInfrNodes(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // LocalSiteAxilla cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 134); rowData = data.getLocalSiteAxilla(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); //DistSite cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 135); rowData = data.getDistSite(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // LocalProgTimeD cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 136); rowLong = data.getLocalProgTimeD(); if (rowLong != null && rowLong.toString().indexOf("-") == -1) { cell.setCellValue(rowLong); } else cell.setCellValue(noRowData); // DistProgTimeD cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 137); rowLong = data.getDistProgTimeD(); if (rowLong != null) { cell.setCellValue(rowLong); } else cell.setCellValue(noRowData); // AromataseI cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 138); rowData = data.getAromataseI(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // OvarianSup cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 139); rowData = data.getOvarianSup(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // OvarianAbl cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 140); rowData = data.getOvarianAbl(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); } return wb; }