Java tutorial
/*L * Copyright SAIC * * Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. * See for details. */ package gov.nih.nci.ispy.web.reports.quick; import gov.nih.nci.caintegrator.application.bean.FindingReportBean; import gov.nih.nci.caintegrator.application.cache.BusinessTierCache; import gov.nih.nci.caintegrator.enumeration.FindingStatus; import gov.nih.nci.caintegrator.service.findings.Finding; import gov.nih.nci.ispy.dto.query.ISPYclinicalDataQueryDTO; import gov.nih.nci.ispy.service.annotation.IdMapperFileBasedService; import gov.nih.nci.ispy.service.annotation.SampleInfo; import gov.nih.nci.ispy.service.clinical.AgeCategoryType; import gov.nih.nci.ispy.service.clinical.ClinicalDataService; import gov.nih.nci.ispy.service.clinical.ClinicalDataServiceFactory; import gov.nih.nci.ispy.service.clinical.MorphologyType; import gov.nih.nci.ispy.service.clinical.PatientData; import gov.nih.nci.ispy.service.clinical.PcrType; import gov.nih.nci.ispy.service.clinical.RaceType; import gov.nih.nci.ispy.service.findings.ISPYClinicalFinding; import gov.nih.nci.ispy.service.imaging.ImagingFileBasedQueryService; import gov.nih.nci.ispy.web.factory.ApplicationFactory; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFCell; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFRow; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFSheet; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook; import org.dom4j.Document; import org.dom4j.DocumentHelper; import org.dom4j.Element; public class QuickClinicalReport { public static StringBuffer quickSampleReport(String sessionId, String taskId) { BusinessTierCache cacheManager = ApplicationFactory.getBusinessTierCache(); ISPYClinicalFinding clinicalFinding = (ISPYClinicalFinding) cacheManager .getObjectFromSessionCache(sessionId, taskId); StringBuffer html = new StringBuffer(); List<PatientData> patientsData = clinicalFinding.getPatientData(); if (!patientsData.isEmpty()) { ImagingFileBasedQueryService iqs = (ImagingFileBasedQueryService) ImagingFileBasedQueryService .getInstance(); Document document = DocumentHelper.createDocument(); Element table = document.addElement("table").addAttribute("id", "reportTable").addAttribute("class", "report"); Element tr = null; Element td = null; tr = table.addElement("tr").addAttribute("class", "header"); // String longHeaders = "ISPY_ID, NCIA_IMAGE, INST_ID, AGE, AGECAT, RACE_ID, SSTAT, SURVDTD, CHEMOCAT, CHEMO, TAM, HERCEPTIN, DOSEDENSEANTHRA, DOSEDENSETAXANE, MENOSTATUS, SENTINELNODESAMPLE, SENTINELNODERESULT, HIST_TYPE_INV_OS, HISTOLOGICGRADEOS, ER_TS, PGR_TS, ERPOS, PGRPOS, HER2COMMUNITYPOS, HER2COMMUNITYMETHOD, SURGERYLUMPECTOMY, SURGERYMASTECTOMY, HISTOLOGICTYPEPS, INITLUMP_FUPMAST, SURGERY, REASON_NO_SURG, RTTHERAPY, RTBREAST, RTBOOST, RTAXILLA, RTSNODE, RTIMAMNODE, RTCHESTW, RTOTHER, TSIZECLINICAL, NSIZECLINICAL, STAGETE, STAGENE, STAGEME, CLINICALSTAGE, CLINRESPT1_T2, CLINRESPT1_T3, CLINRESPT1_T4, Morphologic pattern at T1, LES_T1, LES_T2, LES_T3, LES_T4, LD_T1, LD_T2, LD_T3, LD_T4, MRI % change T1_T2, MRI % change T1_T3, MRI % change T1_T4," + // "MRI % change T2_T3, MRI % change T2_T4, MRI % change T3_T4, DCISONLYPS, PTUMOR1SZCM_MICRO_1, HISTOLOGICGRADEPS, NUMPOSNODESPS, NODESEXAMINEDPS, PATHOLOGYSTAGEPS,InSituHistoPS, InvDzHistoPS, InvDzMultiFoc, InvDzCellularity, SurgMargins, yT, yN, yM, RCBIndex, localProgTimeD (days), distProgTimeD (days)"; // 04-17-2010, delete following columns: HISTOLOGICTYPEPS, LES_T1, LES_T2, LES_T3, LES_T4, LD_T1, LD_T2, LD_T3, LD_T4, String longHeaders = "ISPY_ID, NCIA_IMAGE, INST_ID, AGE, AGECAT, RACE_ID, SSTAT, SURVDTD, CHEMOCAT, CHEMO, TAM, HERCEPTIN, DOSEDENSEANTHRA, DOSEDENSETAXANE, MENOSTATUS, SENTINELNODESAMPLE, SENTINELNODERESULT, HIST_TYPE_INV_OS, HISTOLOGICGRADEOS, ER_TS, PGR_TS, ERPOS, PGRPOS, HER2COMMUNITYPOS, HER2COMMUNITYMETHOD, SURGERYLUMPECTOMY, SURGERYMASTECTOMY, INITLUMP_FUPMAST, SURGERY, REASON_NO_SURG, RTTHERAPY, RTBREAST, RTBOOST, RTAXILLA, RTSNODE, RTIMAMNODE, RTCHESTW, RTOTHER, TSIZECLINICAL, NSIZECLINICAL, STAGETE, STAGENE, STAGEME, CLINICALSTAGE, CLINRESPT1_T2, CLINRESPT1_T3, CLINRESPT1_T4, Morphologic pattern at T1, MRI % change T1_T2, MRI % change T1_T3, MRI % change T1_T4," + "MRI % change T2_T3, MRI % change T2_T4, MRI % change T3_T4, DCISONLYPS, PTUMOR1SZCM_MICRO_1, HISTOLOGICGRADEPS, NUMPOSNODESPS, NODESEXAMINEDPS, PATHOLOGYSTAGEPS,InSituHistoPS, InvDzHistoPS, InvDzMultiFoc, InvDzCellularity, SurgMargins, yT, yN, yM, RCBIndex, localProgTimeD (days), distProgTimeD (days)"; String[] heads = StringUtils.split(longHeaders, ","); for (String h : heads) { td = tr.addElement("td").addAttribute("class", "header").addText(h.trim()); } for (PatientData pd : patientsData) { tr = table.addElement("tr").addAttribute("class", "data"); String tmp = ""; String dv = "-"; if (pd == null) { for (int i = 0; i < heads.length - 2; i++) { td = tr.addElement("td").addAttribute("class", "header").addText(dv); } } else if (pd != null) { tmp = pd.getISPY_ID() != null ? pd.getISPY_ID() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp).addAttribute("name", "patient") .addAttribute("class", "patient").addAttribute("id", tmp).addElement("input") .addAttribute("type", "checkbox").addAttribute("name", "checkable") .addAttribute("class", "saveElement").addAttribute("value", pd.getISPY_ID()); if (iqs.hasImagingData(pd.getISPY_ID())) { String link = iqs.buildImagingLink(pd); try { String encodedLink = URLEncoder.encode(link, "UTF-8"); td = tr.addElement("td").addElement("a") .addAttribute("onclick", "'" + link + "','new','toolbar=yes,width=800,height=600,location=yes,status=yes,menubar=yes,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes');") .addElement("img").addAttribute("src", "images/nciaLink.png"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } else { td = tr.addElement("td").addText(dv); } tmp = pd.getInst_ID() != null ? pd.getInst_ID() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getPatientAge() != null ? pd.getPatientAge().toString() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getAgeCategory() != null ? pd.getAgeCategory().toString() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getRace() != null ? pd.getRace().toString() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getSSTAT() != null ? pd.getSSTAT() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getSURVDTD() != null ? pd.getSURVDTD() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getChemoCat() != null ? pd.getChemoCat() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getChemo() != null ? pd.getChemo() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getTAM() != null ? pd.getTAM() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getHerceptin() != null ? pd.getHerceptin() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getDosedenseanthra() != null ? pd.getDosedenseanthra() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getDosedensetaxane() != null ? pd.getDosedensetaxane() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getMenoStatus() != null ? pd.getMenoStatus() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getSentinelNodeSample() != null ? pd.getSentinelNodeSample() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getSentinelNodeResult() != null ? pd.getSentinelNodeResult() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getHistTypeOfInvasiveTumor() != null ? pd.getHistTypeOfInvasiveTumor() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getHistologicGradeOS() != null ? pd.getHistologicGradeOS() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getER_TS() != null ? pd.getER_TS() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getPGR_TS() != null ? pd.getPGR_TS() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getERpos() != null ? pd.getERpos() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getPgRpos() != null ? pd.getPgRpos() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getHER2CommunityPOS() != null ? pd.getHER2CommunityPOS() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getHER2CommunityMethod() != null ? pd.getHER2CommunityMethod() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getSurgeryLumpectomy() != null ? pd.getSurgeryLumpectomy() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getSurgeryMastectomy() != null ? pd.getSurgeryMastectomy() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); //04-17-2010, delete HISTOLOGICTYPEPS // tmp = pd.getHistTypePS()!=null ? pd.getHistTypePS() : dv; // td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getINITLUMP_FUPMAST() != null ? pd.getINITLUMP_FUPMAST() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getSurgery() != null ? pd.getSurgery() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getReasonNoSurg() != null ? pd.getReasonNoSurg() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getRTTherapy() != null ? pd.getRTTherapy() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getRTBreast() != null ? pd.getRTBreast() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getRTBOOST() != null ? pd.getRTBOOST() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getRTAXILLA() != null ? pd.getRTAXILLA() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getRTSNODE() != null ? pd.getRTSNODE() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getRTIMAMNODE() != null ? pd.getRTIMAMNODE() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getRTChestW() != null ? pd.getRTChestW() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getRTOTHER() != null ? pd.getRTOTHER() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getTSizeClinical() != null ? pd.getTSizeClinical() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getNSizeClinical() != null ? pd.getNSizeClinical() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getStageTE() != null ? pd.getStageTE() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getStageNE() != null ? pd.getStageNE() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getSTAGEME() != null ? pd.getSTAGEME() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getClinicalStageStr() != null ? pd.getClinicalStageStr() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getClinRespT1_T2() != null ? pd.getClinRespT1_T2() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getClinRespT1_T3() != null ? pd.getClinRespT1_T3() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getClinRespT1_T4() != null ? pd.getClinRespT1_T4() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getMorphology() != null ? pd.getMorphology().toString() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); // 04-17-2010, delete LES_T1, LES_T2, LES_T3, LES_T4, LD_T1, LD_T2, LD_T3, LD_T4 // tmp = pd.getLES_T1()!=null ? pd.getLES_T1() : dv; // td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); // // tmp = pd.getLES_T2()!=null ? pd.getLES_T2() : dv; // td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); // // tmp = pd.getLES_T3()!=null ? pd.getLES_T3() : dv; // td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); // // tmp = pd.getLES_T4()!=null ? pd.getLES_T4() : dv; // td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); // // tmp = pd.getLdT1()!=null ? Double.toString(pd.getLdT1()) : dv; // td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); // // tmp = pd.getLdT2()!=null ? Double.toString(pd.getLdT2()) : dv; // td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); // // tmp = pd.getLdT3()!=null ? Double.toString(pd.getLdT3()) : dv; // td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); // // tmp = pd.getLdT4()!=null ? Double.toString(pd.getLdT4()) : dv; // td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getMriPctChangeT1_T2() != null ? String.valueOf(pd.getMriPctChangeT1_T2()) : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getMriPctChangeT1_T3() != null ? String.valueOf(pd.getMriPctChangeT1_T3()) : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getMriPctChangeT1_T4() != null ? String.valueOf(pd.getMriPctChangeT1_T4()) : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getMriPctChangeT2_T3() != null ? Double.toString(pd.getMriPctChangeT2_T3()) : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getMriPctChangeT2_T4() != null ? Double.toString(pd.getMriPctChangeT2_T4()) : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getMriPctChangeT3_T4() != null ? Double.toString(pd.getMriPctChangeT3_T4()) : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); // dispaly path data // change dcisonly to dcisonlyps tmp = pd.getDCISOnlyPS() != null ? pd.getDCISOnlyPS() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); // Ptumor1szcm_micro_1 tmp = pd.getPtumor1szcm_micro_1() != null ? pd.getPtumor1szcm_micro_1().toString() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); // HistologicGradePS tmp = pd.getHistologicGradePS() != null ? pd.getHistologicGradePS() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); //NumPosNodes tmp = pd.getNumPosNodesPS() != null ? pd.getNumPosNodesPS() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); //NodesExamined tmp = pd.getNodesExaminedPS() != null ? pd.getNodesExaminedPS() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); // PathologyStage tmp = pd.getPathologyStagePS() != null ? pd.getPathologyStagePS() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); // InSituHisto tmp = pd.getInSituHistoPS() != null ? pd.getInSituHistoPS() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); // invDzHisto tmp = pd.getInvDzHistoPS() != null ? pd.getInvDzHistoPS() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); //invDzMultiFoc tmp = pd.getInvDzMultiFoc() != null ? pd.getInvDzMultiFoc() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); //invDzCellularity tmp = pd.getInvDzCellularity() != null ? pd.getInvDzCellularity() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); //surgMargins tmp = pd.getSurgMargins() != null ? pd.getSurgMargins() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); //yT tmp = pd.getYT() != null ? pd.getYT() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); //yN tmp = pd.getYN() != null ? pd.getYN() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); //yM tmp = pd.getYM() != null ? pd.getYM() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); // rcb index tmp = pd.getRcbIndexSize() != null ? pd.getRcbIndexSize() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); //localProgTimeD:days tmp = (pd.getLocalProgTimeD() != null && pd.getLocalProgTimeD().toString().indexOf("-") == -1) ? pd.getLocalProgTimeD().toString() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); //distProgTimeD:days tmp = pd.getDistProgTimeD() != null ? pd.getDistProgTimeD().toString() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); } } html.append(document.asXML()); } else { html.append("No Data for selected clinical parameters"); } return html; } public static StringBuffer quickSampleReport(List<String> sampleIds, String sessionId, String taskId) { Set set = new HashSet(); set.addAll(sampleIds); if (set.size() < sampleIds.size()) { sampleIds.clear(); sampleIds.addAll(set); } String dv = "-"; StringBuffer html = new StringBuffer(); Document document = DocumentHelper.createDocument(); if (sampleIds != null) { try { IdMapperFileBasedService idMapper = IdMapperFileBasedService.getInstance(); ImagingFileBasedQueryService iqs = (ImagingFileBasedQueryService) ImagingFileBasedQueryService .getInstance(); //List<RegistrantInfo> registrants = List<SampleInfo> samples = idMapper.getSampleInfoForLabtrackIds(sampleIds); //List<ClinicalData> clinicalDataList = new ArrayList<ClinicalData>(); ClinicalDataService cqs = ClinicalDataServiceFactory.getInstance(); List<PatientData> pdList = new ArrayList<PatientData>(); if (samples.isEmpty()) { html.append("No Data"); return html; } //WHEN switching to the new PatientData method of getting data //remove the for loop below /* for (SampleInfo si : samples) { clinicalDataList.add(cqs.getClinicalDataForPatientDID(si.getISPYId(), si.getTimepoint())); } */ if (sampleIds != null) { int count = 0; Element table = document.addElement("table").addAttribute("id", "reportTable") .addAttribute("class", "report"); Element tr = null; Element td = null; tr = table.addElement("tr").addAttribute("class", "header"); //String longHeaders = "ISPY_ID, LabTrak ID, NCIA_IMAGE, INST_ID, AGE, AGECAT, RACE_ID, SSTAT, SURVDTD, CHEMOCAT, CHEMO, TAM, HERCEPTIN, MENOSTATUS, SENTINELNODESAMPLE, SENTINELNODERESULT, HIST_TYPE_INV_OS, HISTOLOGICGRADEOS, ER_TS, PGR_TS, HER2COMMUNITYPOS, HER2COMMUNITYMETHOD, SURGERYLUMPECTOMY, SURGERYMASTECTOMY, HISTOLOGICTYPEPS, INITLUMP_FUPMAST, SURGERY, DCISONLYPS, PTUMOR1SZCM_MICRO, HISTOLOGICGRADEPS, NUMPOSNODESPS, NODESEXAMINEDPS, PATHOLOGYSTAGEPS, REASON_NO_SURG, RTTHERAPY, RTBREAST, RTBOOST, RTAXILLA, RTSNODE, RTIMAMNODE, RTCHESTW, RTOTHER, TSIZECLINICAL, NSIZECLINICAL, STAGETE, STAGENE, STAGEME, CLINICALSTAGE, CLINRESPT1_T2, CLINRESPT1_T3, CLINRESPT1_T4, Morphologic pattern at T1, LES_T1, LES_T2, LES_T3, LES_T4, LD_T1, LD_T2, LD_T3, LD_T4, MRI % change T1_T2, MRI % change T1_T3, MRI % change T1_T4," + //"MRI % change T2_T3, MRI % change T2_T4, MRI % change T3_T4"; // String longHeaders = "ISPY_ID, LabTrak ID, NCIA_IMAGE, INST_ID, AGE, AGECAT, RACE_ID, SSTAT, SURVDTD, CHEMOCAT, CHEMO, TAM, HERCEPTIN, DOSEDENSEANTHRA, DOSEDENSETAXANE, MENOSTATUS, SENTINELNODESAMPLE, SENTINELNODERESULT, HIST_TYPE_INV_OS, HISTOLOGICGRADEOS, ER_TS, PGR_TS, HER2COMMUNITYPOS, HER2COMMUNITYMETHOD, SURGERYLUMPECTOMY, SURGERYMASTECTOMY, HISTOLOGICTYPEPS, INITLUMP_FUPMAST, SURGERY, DCISONLYPS, PTUMOR1SZCM_MICRO, HISTOLOGICGRADEPS, NUMPOSNODESPS, NODESEXAMINEDPS, PATHOLOGYSTAGEPS, REASON_NO_SURG, RTTHERAPY, RTBREAST, RTBOOST, RTAXILLA, RTSNODE, RTIMAMNODE, RTCHESTW, RTOTHER, TSIZECLINICAL, NSIZECLINICAL, STAGETE, STAGENE, STAGEME, CLINICALSTAGE, CLINRESPT1_T2, CLINRESPT1_T3, CLINRESPT1_T4, Morphologic pattern at T1, LES_T1, LES_T2, LES_T3, LES_T4, LD_T1, LD_T2, LD_T3, LD_T4, MRI % change T1_T2, MRI % change T1_T3, MRI % change T1_T4," + // "MRI % change T2_T3, MRI % change T2_T4, MRI % change T3_T4"; // these are the fields from the new clincial data and pathology data file: 10/22-2007, this method is used when trying to obtain clincial data from hoa reports // String longHeaders = "ISPY_ID, LabTrak ID, NCIA_IMAGE, INST_ID, AGE, AGECAT, RACE_ID, SSTAT, SURVDTD, CHEMOCAT, CHEMO, TAM, HERCEPTIN, DOSEDENSEANTHRA, DOSEDENSETAXANE, MENOSTATUS, SENTINELNODESAMPLE, SENTINELNODERESULT, HIST_TYPE_INV_OS, HISTOLOGICGRADEOS, ER_TS, PGR_TS, ERPOS, PGRPOS, HER2COMMUNITYPOS, HER2COMMUNITYMETHOD, SURGERYLUMPECTOMY, SURGERYMASTECTOMY, HISTOLOGICTYPEPS, INITLUMP_FUPMAST, SURGERY, REASON_NO_SURG, RTTHERAPY, RTBREAST, RTBOOST, RTAXILLA, RTSNODE, RTIMAMNODE, RTCHESTW, RTOTHER, TSIZECLINICAL, NSIZECLINICAL, STAGETE, STAGENE, STAGEME, CLINICALSTAGE, CLINRESPT1_T2, CLINRESPT1_T3, CLINRESPT1_T4, Morphologic pattern at T1, LES_T1, LES_T2, LES_T3, LES_T4, LD_T1, LD_T2, LD_T3, LD_T4, MRI % change T1_T2, MRI % change T1_T3, MRI % change T1_T4," + // "MRI % change T2_T3, MRI % change T2_T4, MRI % change T3_T4, DCISONLYPS, PTUMOR1SZCM_MICRO_1, HISTOLOGICGRADEPS, NUMPOSNODESPS, NODESEXAMINEDPS, PATHOLOGYSTAGEPS,InSituHistoPS, InvDzHistoPS, InvDzMultiFoc, InvDzCellularity, SurgMargins, yT, yN, yM, RCBIndex,localProgTimeD (ays),distProgTimeD (days)"; // 04/17/2010, delete HISTOLOGICTYPEPS, LES_T1, LES_T2, LES_T3, LES_T4, LD_T1, LD_T2, LD_T3, LD_T4, String longHeaders = "ISPY_ID, LabTrak ID, NCIA_IMAGE, INST_ID, AGE, AGECAT, RACE_ID, SSTAT, SURVDTD, CHEMOCAT, CHEMO, TAM, HERCEPTIN, DOSEDENSEANTHRA, DOSEDENSETAXANE, MENOSTATUS, SENTINELNODESAMPLE, SENTINELNODERESULT, HIST_TYPE_INV_OS, HISTOLOGICGRADEOS, ER_TS, PGR_TS, ERPOS, PGRPOS, HER2COMMUNITYPOS, HER2COMMUNITYMETHOD, SURGERYLUMPECTOMY, SURGERYMASTECTOMY, INITLUMP_FUPMAST, SURGERY, REASON_NO_SURG, RTTHERAPY, RTBREAST, RTBOOST, RTAXILLA, RTSNODE, RTIMAMNODE, RTCHESTW, RTOTHER, TSIZECLINICAL, NSIZECLINICAL, STAGETE, STAGENE, STAGEME, CLINICALSTAGE, CLINRESPT1_T2, CLINRESPT1_T3, CLINRESPT1_T4, Morphologic pattern at T1, MRI % change T1_T2, MRI % change T1_T3, MRI % change T1_T4," + "MRI % change T2_T3, MRI % change T2_T4, MRI % change T3_T4, DCISONLYPS, PTUMOR1SZCM_MICRO_1, HISTOLOGICGRADEPS, NUMPOSNODESPS, NODESEXAMINEDPS, PATHOLOGYSTAGEPS,InSituHistoPS, InvDzHistoPS, InvDzMultiFoc, InvDzCellularity, SurgMargins, yT, yN, yM, RCBIndex,localProgTimeD (ays),distProgTimeD (days)"; String[] heads = StringUtils.split(longHeaders, ","); for (String h : heads) { td = tr.addElement("td").addAttribute("class", "header").addText(h.trim()); } for (SampleInfo si : samples) { if (si != null) { //PatientData pd = cqs.getPatientDataForPatientDID(si.getISPYId()); Set<String> ispyIds = new HashSet<String>(); ispyIds.add(si.getISPYId()); ISPYclinicalDataQueryDTO dto = new ISPYclinicalDataQueryDTO(); dto.setRestrainingSamples(ispyIds); dto.setReturnAll(false); Set<PatientData> pdSet = cqs.getClinicalData(dto); for (PatientData pd : pdSet) { pdList.add(pd); tr = table.addElement("tr").addAttribute("class", "data"); String tmp = ""; tmp = si.getISPYId() != null ? si.getISPYId() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp).addAttribute("name", "patient") .addAttribute("class", "patient").addAttribute("id", tmp) .addElement("input").addAttribute("type", "checkbox") .addAttribute("name", "checkable").addAttribute("class", "saveElement") .addAttribute("value", pd.getISPY_ID()); tmp = si.getLabtrackId() != null ? si.getLabtrackId() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); if (pd == null) { for (int i = 0; i < heads.length - 2; i++) { td = tr.addElement("td").addAttribute("class", "header").addText(dv); } } else if (pd != null) { // tmp = pd.getDataExtractDT()!=null ? pd.getDataExtractDT() : dv; // td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); if (iqs.hasImagingData(pd.getISPY_ID())) { String link = iqs.buildImagingLink(pd); try { String encodedLink = URLEncoder.encode(link, "UTF-8"); td = tr.addElement("td").addElement("a") .addAttribute("onclick", "'" + link + "','new','toolbar=yes,width=800,height=600,location=yes,status=yes,menubar=yes,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes');") .addElement("img").addAttribute("src", "images/nciaLink.png"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } else { td = tr.addElement("td").addText(dv); } tmp = pd.getInst_ID() != null ? pd.getInst_ID() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getPatientAge() != null ? pd.getPatientAge().toString() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getAgeCategory() != null ? pd.getAgeCategory().toString() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getRace() != null ? pd.getRace().toString() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getSSTAT() != null ? pd.getSSTAT() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getSURVDTD() != null ? pd.getSURVDTD() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getChemoCat() != null ? pd.getChemoCat() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getChemo() != null ? pd.getChemo() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getTAM() != null ? pd.getTAM() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getHerceptin() != null ? pd.getHerceptin() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getDosedenseanthra() != null ? pd.getDosedenseanthra() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getDosedensetaxane() != null ? pd.getDosedensetaxane() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getMenoStatus() != null ? pd.getMenoStatus() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getSentinelNodeSample() != null ? pd.getSentinelNodeSample() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getSentinelNodeResult() != null ? pd.getSentinelNodeResult() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getHistTypeOfInvasiveTumor() != null ? pd.getHistTypeOfInvasiveTumor() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getHistologicGradeOS() != null ? pd.getHistologicGradeOS() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getER_TS() != null ? pd.getER_TS() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getPGR_TS() != null ? pd.getPGR_TS() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getERpos() != null ? pd.getERpos() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getPgRpos() != null ? pd.getPgRpos() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getHER2CommunityPOS() != null ? pd.getHER2CommunityPOS() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getHER2CommunityMethod() != null ? pd.getHER2CommunityMethod() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getSurgeryLumpectomy() != null ? pd.getSurgeryLumpectomy() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getSurgeryMastectomy() != null ? pd.getSurgeryMastectomy() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); //04-17-2010, delete HISTOLOGICTYPEPS // tmp = pd.getHistTypePS()!=null ? pd.getHistTypePS() : dv; // td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getINITLUMP_FUPMAST() != null ? pd.getINITLUMP_FUPMAST() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getSurgery() != null ? pd.getSurgery() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getReasonNoSurg() != null ? pd.getReasonNoSurg() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getRTTherapy() != null ? pd.getRTTherapy() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getRTBreast() != null ? pd.getRTBreast() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getRTBOOST() != null ? pd.getRTBOOST() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getRTAXILLA() != null ? pd.getRTAXILLA() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getRTSNODE() != null ? pd.getRTSNODE() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getRTIMAMNODE() != null ? pd.getRTIMAMNODE() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getRTChestW() != null ? pd.getRTChestW() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getRTOTHER() != null ? pd.getRTOTHER() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getTSizeClinical() != null ? pd.getTSizeClinical() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getNSizeClinical() != null ? pd.getNSizeClinical() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getStageTE() != null ? pd.getStageTE() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getStageNE() != null ? pd.getStageNE() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getSTAGEME() != null ? pd.getSTAGEME() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getClinicalStageStr() != null ? pd.getClinicalStageStr() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getClinRespT1_T2() != null ? pd.getClinRespT1_T2() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getClinRespT1_T3() != null ? pd.getClinRespT1_T3() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getClinRespT1_T4() != null ? pd.getClinRespT1_T4() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getMorphology() != null ? pd.getMorphology().toString() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); // 04-17-2010, delete LES_T1, LES_T2, LES_T3, LES_T4, LD_T1, LD_T2, LD_T3, LD_T4 // tmp = pd.getLES_T1()!=null ? pd.getLES_T1() : dv; // td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); // // tmp = pd.getLES_T2()!=null ? pd.getLES_T2() : dv; // td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); // // tmp = pd.getLES_T3()!=null ? pd.getLES_T3() : dv; // td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); // // tmp = pd.getLES_T4()!=null ? pd.getLES_T4() : dv; // td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); // // tmp = pd.getLdT1()!=null ? Double.toString(pd.getLdT1()) : dv; // td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); // // tmp = pd.getLdT2()!=null ? Double.toString(pd.getLdT2()) : dv; // td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); // // tmp = pd.getLdT3()!=null ? Double.toString(pd.getLdT3()) : dv; // td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); // // tmp = pd.getLdT4()!=null ? Double.toString(pd.getLdT4()) : dv; // td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getMriPctChangeT1_T2() != null ? String.valueOf(pd.getMriPctChangeT1_T2()) : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getMriPctChangeT1_T3() != null ? String.valueOf(pd.getMriPctChangeT1_T3()) : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getMriPctChangeT1_T4() != null ? String.valueOf(pd.getMriPctChangeT1_T4()) : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getMriPctChangeT2_T3() != null ? Double.toString(pd.getMriPctChangeT2_T3()) : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getMriPctChangeT2_T4() != null ? Double.toString(pd.getMriPctChangeT2_T4()) : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); tmp = pd.getMriPctChangeT3_T4() != null ? Double.toString(pd.getMriPctChangeT3_T4()) : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); // dispaly path data // dcisonly tmp = pd.getDCISOnlyPS() != null ? pd.getDCISOnlyPS() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); // Ptumor1szcm_micro_1 tmp = pd.getPtumor1szcm_micro_1() != null ? pd.getPtumor1szcm_micro_1().toString() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); // HistologicGradePS tmp = pd.getHistologicGradePS() != null ? pd.getHistologicGradePS() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); //NumPosNodes tmp = pd.getNumPosNodesPS() != null ? pd.getNumPosNodesPS() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); //NodesExamined tmp = pd.getNodesExaminedPS() != null ? pd.getNodesExaminedPS() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); // PathologyStage tmp = pd.getPathologyStagePS() != null ? pd.getPathologyStagePS() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); // InSituHisto tmp = pd.getInSituHistoPS() != null ? pd.getInSituHistoPS() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); // invDzHisto tmp = pd.getInvDzHistoPS() != null ? pd.getInvDzHistoPS() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); //invDzMultiFoc tmp = pd.getInvDzMultiFoc() != null ? pd.getInvDzMultiFoc() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); //invDzCellularity tmp = pd.getInvDzCellularity() != null ? pd.getInvDzCellularity() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); //surgMargins tmp = pd.getSurgMargins() != null ? pd.getSurgMargins() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); //yT tmp = pd.getYT() != null ? pd.getYT() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); //yN tmp = pd.getYN() != null ? pd.getYN() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); //yM tmp = pd.getYM() != null ? pd.getYM() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); // rcb index tmp = pd.getRcbIndexSize() != null ? pd.getRcbIndexSize() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); // LocalProgTimeD tmp = pd.getLocalProgTimeD() != null ? pd.getLocalProgTimeD().toString() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); // DistProgTimeD tmp = pd.getDistProgTimeD() != null ? pd.getDistProgTimeD().toString() : dv; td = tr.addElement("td").addText(tmp); } } } } if (!pdList.isEmpty()) { ISPYClinicalFinding clinicalFinding = new ISPYClinicalFinding(sessionId, taskId, null, FindingStatus.Running); clinicalFinding.setPatientData(pdList); FindingReportBean frb = new FindingReportBean(); frb.setFinding(clinicalFinding); ApplicationFactory.getPresentationTierCache().addPersistableToSessionCache( clinicalFinding.getSessionId(), clinicalFinding.getTaskId(), frb); } } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } return html.append(document.asXML()); } public static HSSFWorkbook getReportExcel(Finding finding) { ISPYClinicalFinding clinicalFinding = (ISPYClinicalFinding) finding; HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(); HSSFSheet sheet = wb.createSheet(clinicalFinding.getTaskId()); List<PatientData> patientsData = clinicalFinding.getPatientData(); String longHeaders = "ISPY_ID, INST_ID, AGE, AGECAT, RACE_ID, SSTAT, SURVDTD, CHEMOCAT, CHEMO, TAM, HERCEPTIN, DOSEDENSEANTHRA, DOSEDENSETAXANE, MENOSTATUS, SENTINELNODESAMPLE, " + "SENTINELNODERESULT, HIST_TYPE_INV_OS, HISTOLOGICGRADEOS, ER_TS, PGR_TS, HER2COMMUNITYPOS, HER2COMMUNITYMETHOD, " + // "SURGERYLUMPECTOMY, SURGERYMASTECTOMY, HISTOLOGICTYPEPS, INITLUMP_FUPMAST, SURGERY, REASON_NO_SURG, RTTHERAPY, RTBREAST, RTBOOST, " + // delete HISTOLOGICTYPEPS "SURGERYLUMPECTOMY, SURGERYMASTECTOMY, INITLUMP_FUPMAST, SURGERY, REASON_NO_SURG, RTTHERAPY, RTBREAST, RTBOOST, " + "RTAXILLA, RTSNODE, RTIMAMNODE, RTCHESTW, RTOTHER, TSIZECLINICAL, NSIZECLINICAL, STAGETE, STAGENE, " + "STAGEME, CLINICALSTAGE, CLINRESPT1_T2, CLINRESPT1_T3, CLINRESPT1_T4, Morphologic pattern at T1," + // "LES_T1, LES_T2, LES_T3, LES_T4, LD_T1, LD_T2, LD_T3, LD_T4, MRI % change T1_T2, MRI % change T1_T3, MRI % change T1_T4," + // delete LES_T1, LES_T2, LES_T3, LES_T4, LD_T1, LD_T2, LD_T3, LD_T4 "MRI % change T1_T2, MRI % change T1_T3, MRI % change T1_T4," + "MRI % change T2_T3, MRI % change T2_T4, MRI % change T3_T4, Height, weight, BSA, ERpos, PgRpos, FineNeedle, CoreNeedle, Incisional, BilateralCa," + "Laterality, RtBrTD, RtBoTD, RtAxTD, RtSNTD, RtIMTD, RtCWTD, RtOtTD, LocalProgress, DistProgress, T4Baseline, T4Early, " + "T4Int, T4PreS, BaseAxillary, EarlyAxillary, IntAxillary, PreSAxillary, BaseInternalM, EarlyInternalM, IntInternalM," + "PreSInternalM, BaseSupra, EarlySupra, IntSupra, PreSSupra, BaseInfra, EarlyInfra, IntInfra, PreSInfra,DCISONLYPS, PTUMOR1SZCM_MICRO_1, " + "HISTOLOGICGRADEPS, NUMPOSNODESPS, NODESEXAMINEDPS, PATHOLOGYSTAGEPS, InSituDzPS, InSituHistoPS, InSituSpan, %InSitu, InSituGradePS," + "InvDzPS, InvDzHistoPS, LVI, InvDzMultiFoc, InvDzCellularity, SurgMargins, MetSzLN, yT, yN, yM, PCR, RCB Index, RCBclass, RCB_PATHSZ_1," + "RCB_PATHSZ_2, PTUMOR1SZCM_MICRO_2, RFS, RFS_ind, LocalSiteIpBreast,LocalSiteAxillaryNode,LocalSiteSupraNode,LocalSiteChestW,LocalSiteIMammaryN,LocalSiteInfrNodes,LocalSiteAxilla,DistSite,LocalProgTimeD (days),DistProgTimeD (days)," + "AromataseI, OvarianSup, OvarianAbl"; String[] heads = StringUtils.split(longHeaders, ","); HSSFRow row = sheet.createRow((short) 0); for (int j = 0; j < heads.length; j++) { HSSFCell cell = row.createCell((short) j); cell.setCellValue(heads[j]); } HSSFRow dataRow; for (int i = 0; i < patientsData.size(); i++) { dataRow = null; dataRow = sheet.createRow((short) i + 1); PatientData data = patientsData.get(i); String rowData = ""; String noRowData = "--"; Double rowDouble = 0.0; Long rowLong = new Long(0); HSSFCell cell = null; cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 0); rowData = data.getISPY_ID(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 1); rowData = data.getInst_ID(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 2); Double age = data.getPatientAge(); if (age != null) { rowData = age.toString(); } else rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 3); AgeCategoryType ageCat = data.getAgeCategory(); if (ageCat != null) { rowData = ageCat.toString(); } else rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 4); RaceType rt = data.getRace(); if (rt != null) { rowData = rt.toString(); } else rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 5); rowData = data.getSSTAT(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 6); rowData = data.getSURVDTD(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 7); rowData = data.getChemoCat(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 8); rowData = data.getChemo(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 9); rowData = data.getTAM(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 10); rowData = data.getHerceptin(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 11); rowData = data.getDosedenseanthra(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 12); rowData = data.getDosedensetaxane(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 13); rowData = data.getMenoStatus(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 14); rowData = data.getSentinelNodeSample(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 15); rowData = data.getSentinelNodeResult(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 16); rowData = data.getHistTypeOfInvasiveTumor(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 17); rowData = data.getHistologicGradeOS(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 18); rowData = data.getER_TS(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 19); rowData = data.getPGR_TS(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 20); rowData = data.getHER2CommunityPOS(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 21); rowData = data.getHER2CommunityMethod(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 22); rowData = data.getSurgeryLumpectomy(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 23); rowData = data.getSurgeryMastectomy(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 24); rowData = data.getHistTypePS(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 25); rowData = data.getINITLUMP_FUPMAST(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 26); rowData = data.getSurgery(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 27); rowData = data.getReasonNoSurg(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 28); rowData = data.getRTTherapy(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 29); rowData = data.getRTBreast(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 30); rowData = data.getRTBOOST(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 31); rowData = data.getRTAXILLA(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 32); rowData = data.getRTSNODE(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 33); rowData = data.getRTIMAMNODE(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 34); rowData = data.getRTChestW(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 35); rowData = data.getRTOTHER(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 36); rowData = data.getTSizeClinical(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 37); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; rowData = data.getNSizeClinical(); cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 38); rowData = data.getStageTE(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 39); rowData = data.getStageNE(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 40); rowData = data.getSTAGEME(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 41); rowData = data.getClinicalStageStr(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 42); rowData = data.getClinRespT1_T2(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 43); rowData = data.getClinRespT1_T3(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 44); rowData = data.getClinRespT1_T4(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 45); MorphologyType mt = data.getMorphology(); if (mt != null) { rowData = mt.toString(); } else { rowData = noRowData; } cell.setCellValue(rowData); // cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 46); // rowData = data.getLES_T1(); // cell.setCellValue(rowData); // // cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 47); // rowData = data.getLES_T2(); // cell.setCellValue(rowData); // // cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 48); // rowData = data.getLES_T3(); // cell.setCellValue(rowData); // // cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 49); // rowData = data.getLES_T4(); // cell.setCellValue(rowData); // // cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 50); // rowDouble = data.getLdT1(); // if(rowDouble!=null){ // cell.setCellValue(rowDouble); // } // else cell.setCellValue(noRowData); // // cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 51); // rowDouble = data.getLdT2(); // if(rowDouble!=null){ // cell.setCellValue(rowDouble); // } // else cell.setCellValue(noRowData); // // cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 52); // rowDouble = data.getLdT3(); // if(rowDouble!=null){ // cell.setCellValue(rowDouble); // } // else cell.setCellValue(noRowData); // // cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 53); // rowDouble = data.getLdT4(); // if(rowDouble!=null){ // cell.setCellValue(rowDouble); // } // else cell.setCellValue(noRowData); // cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 54); rowDouble = data.getMriPctChangeT1_T2(); if (rowDouble != null) { cell.setCellValue(rowDouble); } else cell.setCellValue(noRowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 55); rowDouble = data.getMriPctChangeT1_T3(); if (rowDouble != null) { cell.setCellValue(rowDouble); } else cell.setCellValue(noRowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 56); rowDouble = data.getMriPctChangeT1_T4(); if (rowDouble != null) { cell.setCellValue(rowDouble); } else cell.setCellValue(noRowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 57); rowDouble = data.getMriPctChangeT2_T3(); if (rowDouble != null) { cell.setCellValue(rowDouble); } else cell.setCellValue(noRowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 58); rowDouble = data.getMriPctChangeT2_T4(); if (rowDouble != null) { cell.setCellValue(rowDouble); } else cell.setCellValue(noRowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 59); rowDouble = data.getMriPctChangeT3_T4(); if (rowDouble != null) { cell.setCellValue(rowDouble); } else cell.setCellValue(noRowData); // Height cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 60); rowLong = data.getHeight(); if (rowLong != null) { cell.setCellValue(rowLong); } else cell.setCellValue(noRowData); // Weight cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 61); rowLong = data.getWeight(); if (rowLong != null) { cell.setCellValue(rowLong); } else cell.setCellValue(noRowData); // BSA cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 62); rowDouble = data.getBsa(); if (rowDouble != null) { cell.setCellValue(rowDouble); } else cell.setCellValue(noRowData); // ERpos cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 63); rowData = data.getERpos(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // PgRpos cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 64); rowData = data.getPgRpos(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // FineNeedle cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 65); rowData = data.getFineNeedle(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // CoreNeedle cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 66); rowData = data.getCoreNeedle(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // Incisional cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 67); rowData = data.getIncisional(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // BilateralCa cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 68); rowData = data.getBilateralCa(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // Laterality cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 69); rowData = data.getLaterality(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // RtBrTD cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 70); rowData = data.getRtBrTD(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // RtBoTD cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 71); rowData = data.getRtBoTD(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // RtAxTD cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 72); rowData = data.getRtAxTD(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // RtSNTD cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 73); rowData = data.getRtSNTD(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // RtIMTD cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 74); rowData = data.getRtIMTD(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // RtCWTD cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 75); rowData = data.getRtCWTD(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // RtOtTD cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 76); rowData = data.getRtOtTD(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // LocalProgress cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 77); rowData = data.getLocalProgress(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // DistProgress cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 78); rowData = data.getDistProgress(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // T4Baseline cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 79); rowData = data.getT4Baseline(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // T4Early cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 80); rowData = data.getT4Early(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // T4Int cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 81); rowData = data.getT4Int(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // T4PreS cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 82); rowData = data.getT4PreS(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // BaseAxillary cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 83); rowData = data.getBaseAxillary(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // EarlyAxillary cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 84); rowData = data.getEarlyAxillary(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // IntAxillary cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 85); rowData = data.getIntAxillary(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // PreSAxillary cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 86); rowData = data.getPreSAxillary(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // BaseInternalM cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 87); rowData = data.getBaseInternalM(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // EarlyInternalM cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 88); rowData = data.getEarlyInternalM(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // IntInternalM cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 89); rowData = data.getIntInternalM(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // PreSInternalM cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 90); rowData = data.getPreSInternalM(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // BaseSupra cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 91); rowData = data.getBaseSupra(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // EarlySupra cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 92); rowData = data.getEarlySupra(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // IntSupra cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 93); rowData = data.getIntSupra(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // PreSSupra cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 94); rowData = data.getPreSSupra(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // BaseInfra cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 95); rowData = data.getBaseInfra(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // EarlyInfra cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 96); rowData = data.getEarlyInfra(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // IntInfra cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 97); rowData = data.getIntInfra(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // PreSInfra cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 98); rowData = data.getPreSInfra(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 99); rowData = data.getDCISOnlyPS(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 100); rowData = data.getPtumor1szcm_micro_1(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 101); rowData = data.getHistologicGradePS(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 102); rowData = data.getNumPosNodesPS(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 103); rowData = data.getNodesExaminedPS(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 104); rowData = data.getPathologyStagePS(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); //inSituDz cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 105); rowData = data.getInSituDzPS(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); //inSituHisto cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 106); rowData = data.getInSituHistoPS(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); //inSituSpan cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 107); rowData = data.getInSituSpan(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); //%InSitu cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 108); rowData = data.getPercentInSitu(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); //InSituGrade cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 109); rowData = data.getInSituGradePS(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // invDz cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 110); rowData = data.getInvDzPS(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); //invDzHisto cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 111); rowData = data.getInvDzHistoPS(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); //lVI cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 112); rowData = data.getLVI(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // invDzMultiFoc cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 113); rowData = data.getInvDzMultiFoc(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); //invDzCellularity cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 114); rowData = data.getInvDzCellularity(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); //surgMargins cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 115); rowData = data.getSurgMargins(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // metSzLN cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 116); rowData = data.getMetSzLN(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // yT cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 117); rowData = data.getYT(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // yN cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 118); rowData = data.getYN(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // yM cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 119); rowData = data.getYM(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // PCR cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 120); PcrType pcrType = data.getPcrType(); if (pcrType != null) { rowData = pcrType.toString(); } else rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // RCB Index cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 121); if (data.getRcbIndexSize() != null) { rowData = data.getRcbIndexSize().toString(); } if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); //rcbClass cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 122); rowData = data.getRcbClass(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); //rCB_PATHSZ_1 cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 123); rowData = data.getRCB_PATHSZ_1(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); //rCB_PATHSZ_2 cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 124); rowData = data.getRCB_PATHSZ_2(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // once implement this, make sure to remove PTUMOR1SZCM_MICRO //PTUMOR1SZCM_MICRO_1 /*cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 86); rowData = data.getPtumor1szcm_micro_1(); if(rowData==null)rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); */ // PTUMOR1SZCM_MICRO_2 cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 125); rowData = data.getPtumor1szcm_micro_2(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // DFS cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 126); rowLong = data.getRFS(); if (rowLong != null && rowLong.toString().indexOf("-") == -1) { cell.setCellValue(rowLong); } else cell.setCellValue(noRowData); // DFS_ind change to RFS_ind // change data type from Long to String cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 127); rowData = data.getRFS_ind(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // rowLong = data.getRFS_ind(); // if(rowLong!=null){ // cell.setCellValue(rowLong); // } // else cell.setCellValue(noRowData); // LocalSiteIpBreast cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 128); rowData = data.getLocalSiteIpBreast(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // LocalSiteAxillaryNode cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 129); rowData = data.getLocalSiteAxillaryNode(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // LocalSiteAxillaryNode cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 130); rowData = data.getLocalSiteSupraNode(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // LocalSiteChestW cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 131); rowData = data.getLocalSiteChestW(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // LocalSiteIMammaryN cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 132); rowData = data.getLocalSiteIMammaryN(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // LocalSiteInfrNodes cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 133); rowData = data.getLocalSiteInfrNodes(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // LocalSiteAxilla cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 134); rowData = data.getLocalSiteAxilla(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); //DistSite cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 135); rowData = data.getDistSite(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // LocalProgTimeD cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 136); rowLong = data.getLocalProgTimeD(); if (rowLong != null && rowLong.toString().indexOf("-") == -1) { cell.setCellValue(rowLong); } else cell.setCellValue(noRowData); // DistProgTimeD cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 137); rowLong = data.getDistProgTimeD(); if (rowLong != null) { cell.setCellValue(rowLong); } else cell.setCellValue(noRowData); // AromataseI cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 138); rowData = data.getAromataseI(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // OvarianSup cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 139); rowData = data.getOvarianSup(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); // OvarianAbl cell = dataRow.createCell((short) 140); rowData = data.getOvarianAbl(); if (rowData == null) rowData = noRowData; cell.setCellValue(rowData); } return wb; } }