Example usage for java.lang Double NaN

List of usage examples for java.lang Double NaN


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang Double NaN.


double NaN

To view the source code for java.lang Double NaN.

Click Source Link


A constant holding a Not-a-Number (NaN) value of type double .


From source file:mop.MemoryLogger.java

 * Registers the memory consumption every 100 events. Flag MEMORY_LOGGING has to be activated.
 *///from w w w  .jav a  2 s .c o  m
public void logMemoryConsumption() {
    if (STATS_LOGGING && timestamp++ % 100 == 0) {
        double memoryConsumption = (((double) (Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory() / 1024) / 1024)
                - ((double) (Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory() / 1024) / 1024));
        // filter NaNs
        if (memoryConsumption != Double.NaN) {
        } else {

From source file:at.alladin.rmbt.controlServer.ResultUpdateResource.java

public String request(final String entity) {
    addAllowOrigin();//  www  .  jav  a 2s . c o m

    JSONObject request = null;

    final ErrorList errorList = new ErrorList();
    final JSONObject answer = new JSONObject();

    final String ip = getIP();

    System.out.println(MessageFormat.format(labels.getString("NEW_RESULT_UPDATE"), ip));

    if (entity != null && !entity.isEmpty()) {
        try {
            request = new JSONObject(entity);
            final UUID clientUUID = UUID.fromString(request.getString("uuid"));
            final UUID testUUID = UUID.fromString(request.getString("test_uuid"));
            final int zipCode = request.optInt("zip_code", 0);
            final double geoLat = request.optDouble("geo_lat", Double.NaN);
            final double geoLong = request.optDouble("geo_long", Double.NaN);
            final float geoAccuracy = (float) request.optDouble("accuracy", 0);
            final String provider = request.optString("provider").toLowerCase();

            final Client client = new Client(conn);
            final long clientId = client.getClientByUuid(clientUUID);
            if (clientId < 0)
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("error while loading client");

            final Test test = new Test(conn);
            if (test.getTestByUuid(testUUID) < 0)
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("error while loading test");

            if (test.getField("client_id").longValue() != clientId)
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("client UUID does not match test");

            if (zipCode > 0) {
                ((IntField) test.getField("zip_code")).setValue(zipCode);
            if (!Double.isNaN(geoLat) && !Double.isNaN(geoLong)
                    && (provider.equals(GEO_PROVIDER_GEOCODER) || provider.equals(GEO_PROVIDER_MANUAL))) {
                final GeoLocation geoloc = new GeoLocation(conn);

                final Timestamp tstamp = java.sql.Timestamp
                        .valueOf(new Timestamp((new Date().getTime())).toString());
                geoloc.setTime(tstamp, TimeZone.getDefault().toString());

                ((DoubleField) test.getField("geo_lat")).setValue(geoLat);
                ((DoubleField) test.getField("geo_long")).setValue(geoLong);
                ((DoubleField) test.getField("geo_accuracy")).setValue(geoAccuracy);


            if (test.hasError())
        } catch (final JSONException e) {
            System.out.println("Error parsing JSDON Data " + e.toString());
        } catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) {
            System.out.println("Error parsing JSDON Data " + e.toString());

    return answer.toString();

From source file:org.jfree.data.statistics.SimpleHistogramBinTest.java

 * Some checks for the accepts() method.
 *//*from  w ww  . jav a  2s  . c om*/
public void testAccepts() {
    SimpleHistogramBin bin1 = new SimpleHistogramBin(1.0, 2.0);

    SimpleHistogramBin bin2 = new SimpleHistogramBin(1.0, 2.0, false, false);

From source file:eagle.log.entity.EntityQualifierUtils.java

public static Map<String, Double> keyValuesToDoubleMap(List<KeyValue> row, EntityDefinition ed) {
    Map<String, Double> result = new HashMap<String, Double>();
    for (KeyValue kv : row) {
        String qualifierName = new String(kv.getQualifier());
        if (!ed.isTag(qualifierName)) {
            Qualifier qualifier = ed.getDisplayNameMap().get(qualifierName);
            if (qualifier == null) {
                qualifier = ed.getQualifierNameMap().get(qualifierName);
            }//w  ww.  j a v  a  2  s.c  o m
            qualifierName = qualifier.getDisplayName();
            Object value = qualifier.getSerDeser().deserialize(kv.getValue());
            result.put(qualifierName, convertObjToDouble(value));
        } else {
            result.put(qualifierName, Double.NaN);
    return result;

From source file:it.unibo.alchemist.model.implementations.timedistributions.SAPEREExponentialTime.java

 * @param rateEquation/*www  .  java  2 s. com*/
 *            the rate equation
 * @param start
 *            initial time
 * @param random
 *            the {@link RandomGenerator}
public SAPEREExponentialTime(final String rateEquation, final Time start, final RandomGenerator random) {
    super(Double.NaN, start, Objects.requireNonNull(random));
    double temp = 0d;
    boolean numeric = true;
    try {
        temp = Double.parseDouble(Objects.requireNonNull(rateEquation));
    } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
        numeric = false;
    numericRate = numeric;
    staticRate = temp;
    if (numericRate) {
        if (Double.isInfinite(staticRate)) {
            exp = new Expression("asap");
        } else {
            exp = new Expression(FORMAT.format(staticRate));
    } else {
        exp = new Expression(rateEquation);

From source file:de.biomedical_imaging.traJ.features.SplineCurveSpatialFeature.java

/**/*  w  w  w.j  av a2s.  com*/
 * @return [0] Mean  distance [1] SD  distance 
public double[] evaluate() {
    splinefit = new TrajectorySplineFit(t, nSegments);
    if (!splinefit.wasSuccessfull()) {
        return new double[] { Double.NaN, Double.NaN };
    double[] data = new double[t.size()];
    for (int i = 0; i < t.size(); i++) {

        Point2D.Double help = new Point2D.Double(splinefit.getRotatedTrajectory().get(i).x,
        data[i] = help.distance(splinefit.minDistancePointSpline(new Point2D.Double(
                splinefit.getRotatedTrajectory().get(i).x, splinefit.getRotatedTrajectory().get(i).y), 50));
    Mean m = new Mean();
    StandardDeviation sd = new StandardDeviation();
    result = new double[] { m.evaluate(data), sd.evaluate(data) };
    return result;


From source file:com.zatarox.chess.skychess.tables.TranspositionTable.java

 * Returns the upperbound for the current board.
 * @param position/*  w w w.j av  a 2s.co  m*/
 * @return
public synchronized double getUpperbound(Board position) {
    double result = Double.NaN;
    if (getTable().containsKey(position)) {
        result = ((Entry) getTable().get(position)).upperbound;
    return result;

From source file:org.geppetto.simulation.CustomSerializer.java

public void serialize(Double value, JsonGenerator jgen, SerializerProvider provider)
        throws IOException, JsonGenerationException {

    if (null == value) {
        // write the word 'null' if there's no value available
        jgen.writeNull();/*from ww  w  .j  av  a 2s .  c  o m*/
    } else if (value.equals(Double.NaN)) {
    } else {
        final String pattern = "#.##";
        final DecimalFormat myFormatter = new DecimalFormat(pattern);
        final String output = myFormatter.format(value).replace(",", ".");

From source file:com.bmwcarit.barefoot.matcher.MatcherSample.java

 * Creates a {@link MatcherSample} object with an identifier, measured position and time of
 * measurement.//from w ww. jav a2  s  .  c o  m
 * @param id Identifier of sample.
 * @param time Time of measurement in milliseconds epoch time.
 * @param point Point of measured position.
public MatcherSample(String id, long time, Point point) {
    this(id, time, point, Double.NaN);

From source file:mt.LengthDistribution.java

public static void GetLengthDistributionArray(ArrayList<File> AllMovies, double[] calibration) {

    ArrayList<Double> maxlist = new ArrayList<Double>();
    for (int i = 0; i < AllMovies.size(); ++i) {

        double maxlength = LengthDistribution.Lengthdistro(AllMovies.get(i));

        if (maxlength != Double.NaN && maxlength > 0)
            maxlist.add(maxlength);//from  ww w . j  av a 2  s .c om


    int min = 0;
    int max = (int) Math.round(maxlist.get(maxlist.size() - 1)) + 1;
    XYSeries counterseries = new XYSeries("MT length distribution");
    XYSeries Logcounterseries = new XYSeries("MT Log length distribution");
    final ArrayList<Point> points = new ArrayList<Point>();
    for (int length = 0; length < max; ++length) {

        HashMap<Integer, Integer> frameseed = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();

        int count = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < AllMovies.size(); ++i) {

            File file = AllMovies.get(i);

            double currentlength = LengthDistribution.Lengthdistro(file);

            ArrayList<FLSobject> currentobject = Tracking.loadMTStat(file);

            if (currentlength > length) {

                for (int index = 0; index < currentobject.size(); ++index) {
                    ArrayList<Integer> seedlist = new ArrayList<Integer>();
                    if (currentobject.get(index).length >= length) {
                        if (frameseed.get(currentobject.get(index).Framenumber) != null
                                && frameseed.get(currentobject.get(index).Framenumber) != Double.NaN) {

                            int currentcount = frameseed.get(currentobject.get(index).Framenumber);
                            frameseed.put(currentobject.get(index).Framenumber, seedlist.size() + currentcount);
                        } else if (currentobject.get(index) != null)
                            frameseed.put(currentobject.get(index).Framenumber, seedlist.size());





        // Get maxima length, count
        int maxvalue = Integer.MIN_VALUE;

        for (int key : frameseed.keySet()) {

            int Count = frameseed.get(key);

            if (Count >= maxvalue)
                maxvalue = Count;

        if (maxvalue != Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
            counterseries.add(length, maxvalue);

            if (maxvalue > 0) {
                Logcounterseries.add((length), Math.log(maxvalue));
                points.add(new Point(new double[] { length, Math.log(maxvalue) }));


    final XYSeriesCollection dataset = new XYSeriesCollection();
    final XYSeriesCollection nofitdataset = new XYSeriesCollection();
    final XYSeriesCollection Logdataset = new XYSeriesCollection();

    final JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createScatterPlot("MT length distribution", "Number of MT",
            "Length (micrometer)", dataset);

    final JFreeChart nofitchart = ChartFactory.createScatterPlot("MT length distribution", "Number of MT",
            "Length (micrometer)", nofitdataset);

    // Fitting line to log of the length distribution
    interpolation.Polynomial poly = new interpolation.Polynomial(1);
    try {


    } catch (NotEnoughDataPointsException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    DisplayPoints.display(nofitchart, new Dimension(800, 500));
    dataset.addSeries(Tracking.drawexpFunction(poly, counterseries.getMinX(), counterseries.getMaxX(), 0.5,
            "Exponential fit"));
    NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.ENGLISH);
    TextTitle legendText = new TextTitle("Mean Length" + " : " + nf.format(-1.0 / poly.getCoefficients(1))
            + "  " + "Standard Deviation" + " : " + nf.format(poly.SSE));

    DisplayPoints.display(chart, new Dimension(800, 500));

    final JFreeChart logchart = ChartFactory.createScatterPlot("MT Log length distribution", "Number of MT",
            "Length (micrometer)", Logdataset);
    //     DisplayPoints.display(logchart, new Dimension(800, 500));
    for (int i = 1; i >= 0; --i)
        System.out.println(poly.getCoefficients(i) + "  " + "x" + " X to the power of " + i);

    //  Logdataset.addSeries(Tracking.drawFunction(poly, counterseries.getMinX(), counterseries.getMaxX(), 0.5, "Straight line fit"));

    WriteLengthdistroFile(AllMovies, counterseries, 0);
