List of usage examples for java.lang Double intValue
public int intValue()
From source
/** * Posts inventory data relating to any new or changed AmazonProductInventory records to Amazon. * @param dctx a <code>DispatchContext</code> value * @param context the service context <code>Map</code> * @return the service response <code>Map</code> *///from w w w . ja v a 2s . co m public static Map<String, Object> publishProductInventoryToAmazon(DispatchContext dctx, Map<String, Object> context) { Delegator delegator = dctx.getDelegator(); LocalDispatcher dispatcher = dctx.getDispatcher(); Locale locale = (Locale) context.get("locale"); GenericValue userLogin = (GenericValue) context.get("userLogin"); String prodId = (String) context.get("productId"); boolean postActualInventory = AmazonConstants.postActualInventory; try { List<EntityCondition> conditions = UtilMisc.<EntityCondition>toList(EntityCondition.makeCondition( "statusId", EntityOperator.IN, Arrays.asList(AmazonConstants.statusProductCreated, AmazonConstants.statusProductError, AmazonConstants.statusProductChanged))); if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(prodId)) { conditions.add(EntityCondition.makeCondition("productId", EntityOperator.EQUALS, prodId)); } TransactionUtil.begin(); EntityListIterator amazonInventoryIt = delegator.findListIteratorByCondition("AmazonProductInventory", EntityCondition.makeCondition(conditions, EntityOperator.AND), null, Arrays.asList("productId")); TransactionUtil.commit(); GenericValue productStore = delegator.findByPrimaryKey("ProductStore", UtilMisc.toMap("productStoreId", AmazonConstants.productStoreId)); long messageId = 1; Map<GenericValue, String> invalidAmazonInventory = new HashMap<GenericValue, String>(); List<GenericValue> validAmazonInventory = new ArrayList<GenericValue>(); Document inventoryDoc = AmazonConstants.soapClient .createDocumentHeader(AmazonConstants.messageTypeInventory); GenericValue amazonProductInventory = null; while ((amazonProductInventory = != null) { String errMessage = null; // Check that the failure threshold has not been reached previously if (AmazonConstants.productPostRetryThreshold <= amazonProductInventory.getLong("postFailures") .intValue()) { String errorLog = UtilProperties.getMessage(AmazonConstants.errorResource, "AmazonError_PostImageAttemptsOverThreshold", UtilMisc.<String, Object>toMap("productId", amazonProductInventory.getString("productId"), "threshold", AmazonConstants.productPostRetryThreshold), locale); Debug.logInfo(errorLog, MODULE); continue; } // Check if this product was exported and acknowledged earlier if (delegator.findCountByAnd("AmazonProduct", UtilMisc.toMap("productId", amazonProductInventory.getString("productId"), "statusId", AmazonConstants.statusProductPosted, "ackStatusId", AmazonConstants.statusProductAckRecv)) != 1) { String errorLog = UtilProperties.getMessage(AmazonConstants.errorResource, "AmazonError_PostInventoryNonExistentProduct", UtilMisc.toMap("productId", amazonProductInventory.getString("productId")), locale); Debug.logError(errorLog, MODULE); continue; } // Ignore products marked deleted if (AmazonUtil.isAmazonProductDeleted(delegator, amazonProductInventory.getString("productId"))) { String errorLog = UtilProperties.getMessage(AmazonConstants.errorResource, "AmazonError_IgnoringProductInventory_ProductDeleted", UtilMisc.toMap("productId", amazonProductInventory.getString("productId")), locale); Debug.logError(errorLog, MODULE); continue; } String upc = null; if (AmazonConstants.requireUpcCodes || AmazonConstants.useUPCAsSKU) { // Establish and validate the UPC upc = getProductUPC(delegator, amazonProductInventory.getString("productId"), locale); if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(upc) && AmazonConstants.requireUpcCodes) { errMessage = AmazonUtil.compoundError(errMessage, UtilProperties.getMessage(AmazonConstants.errorResource, "AmazonError_MissingCodeUPC", UtilMisc.toMap("productId", amazonProductInventory.getString("productId")), locale)); } else if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(upc) && !UtilProduct.isValidUPC(upc)) { errMessage = AmazonUtil.compoundError(errMessage, UtilProperties.getMessage(AmazonConstants.errorResource, "AmazonError_InvalidCodeUPC", UtilMisc.toMap("productId", amazonProductInventory.getString("productId")), locale)); } } // Establish and validate the SKU String sku = getProductSKU(delegator, amazonProductInventory, upc); if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(sku) && !AmazonConstants.useUPCAsSKU) { errMessage = AmazonUtil.compoundError(errMessage, UtilProperties.getMessage(AmazonConstants.errorResource, "AmazonError_NoRequiredParameter", UtilMisc.toMap("parameterName", "SKU", "productName", amazonProductInventory.getString("productId")), locale)); } if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(errMessage)) { invalidAmazonInventory.put(amazonProductInventory, errMessage); continue; } Element message = UtilXml.addChildElement(inventoryDoc.getDocumentElement(), "Message", inventoryDoc); UtilXml.addChildElementValue(message, "MessageID", "" + messageId, inventoryDoc); UtilXml.addChildElementValue(message, "OperationType", "Update", inventoryDoc); Element invElement = UtilXml.addChildElement(message, "Inventory", inventoryDoc); UtilXml.addChildElementValue(invElement, "SKU", sku, inventoryDoc); Double atp = new Double(0); TransactionUtil.begin(); Map<String, Object> serviceResult = dispatcher.runSync("getInventoryAvailableByFacility", UtilMisc.toMap("productId", amazonProductInventory.getString("productId"), "facilityId", productStore.getString("inventoryFacilityId"), "userLogin", userLogin)); TransactionUtil.commit(); if (serviceResult.containsKey("availableToPromiseTotal")) { atp = (Double) serviceResult.get("availableToPromiseTotal"); } // Amazon doesn't like inventory values < 0 if (atp.doubleValue() < 0) { atp = new Double(0); } // Amazon doesn't like inventory values > 99,999,999 if (atp.doubleValue() > 99999999) { postActualInventory = false; } GenericValue productFacility = delegator.findByPrimaryKey("ProductFacility", UtilMisc.toMap("productId", amazonProductInventory.getString("productId"), "facilityId", productStore.getString("inventoryFacilityId"))); // Post inventory as Available if ProductFacility.minimumStock > 0 and AmazonConstants.inventoryIsAvailableIfMinimumStock, even if there is no actual inventory boolean available = atp.intValue() > 0; if ((!available) && AmazonConstants.inventoryIsAvailableIfMinimumStock && UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(productFacility) && UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(productFacility.getDouble("minimumStock")) && productFacility.getDouble("minimumStock").doubleValue() > 0) { postActualInventory = false; available = true; } if (postActualInventory) { UtilXml.addChildElementValue(invElement, "Quantity", "" + atp.intValue(), inventoryDoc); } else { UtilXml.addChildElementValue(invElement, "Available", available ? "true" : "false", inventoryDoc); } if (AmazonConstants.postInventoryDaysToShip && UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(productFacility) && UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(productFacility.get("daysToShip"))) { long daysToShip = productFacility.getLong("daysToShip").longValue(); // Amazon doesn't like FulfillmentLatency > 30 if (daysToShip > 30) { daysToShip = 30; } // Amazon doesn't like FulfillmentLatency <= 0 if (daysToShip > 0) { UtilXml.addChildElementValue(invElement, "FulfillmentLatency", "" + daysToShip, inventoryDoc); } } amazonProductInventory.set("acknowledgeMessageId", "" + messageId); validAmazonInventory.add(amazonProductInventory); messageId++; if (messageId % 500 == 0) Debug.logInfo(UtilProperties.getMessage(AmazonConstants.errorResource, "AmazonError_Processed_Records_Inventory", UtilMisc.toMap("count", messageId), locale), MODULE); } amazonInventoryIt.close(); LinkedHashMap<GenericValue, String> emailErrorMessages = new LinkedHashMap<GenericValue, String>(); if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(validAmazonInventory)) { String infoMessage = UtilProperties.getMessage(AmazonConstants.errorResource, "AmazonError_PostNoNewProductInventory", locale); Debug.logInfo(infoMessage, MODULE); } else { boolean success = true; String postErrorMessage = null; long processingDocumentId = -1; try { String xml = UtilXml.writeXmlDocument(inventoryDoc); Debug.logVerbose(xml, MODULE); Writer writer = new OutputStreamWriter( new FileOutputStream(AmazonConstants.xmlOutputLocation + "AmazonProductInventoryFeed_" + AmazonConstants.xmlOutputDateFormat.format(new Date()) + ".xml"), "UTF-8"); writer.write(xml); writer.close(); processingDocumentId = AmazonConstants.soapClient.postProductInventory(xml); Debug.logInfo(UtilProperties.getMessage(AmazonConstants.errorResource, "AmazonError_ProcessingDocumentId_Inventory", UtilMisc.toMap("processingDocumentId", processingDocumentId), locale), MODULE); } catch (RemoteException e) { success = false; postErrorMessage = e.getMessage(); List<String> productIds = EntityUtil.getFieldListFromEntityList(validAmazonInventory, "productId", true); String errorLog = UtilProperties.getMessage(AmazonConstants.errorResource, "AmazonError_PostInventoryError", UtilMisc.toMap("productIds", productIds, "errorMessage", postErrorMessage), locale); Debug.logError(errorLog, MODULE); } // Store operational data of the post attempt for (GenericValue validAmazonInv : validAmazonInventory) { validAmazonInv.set("statusId", success ? AmazonConstants.statusProductPosted : AmazonConstants.statusProductError); validAmazonInv.set("postTimestamp", UtilDateTime.nowTimestamp()); validAmazonInv.set("postErrorMessage", success ? null : postErrorMessage); if (!success) { validAmazonInv.set("postFailures", validAmazonInv.getLong("postFailures") + 1); } validAmazonInv.set("processingDocumentId", success ? processingDocumentId : null); validAmazonInv.set("ackStatusId", AmazonConstants.statusProductNotAcked); validAmazonInv.set("acknowledgeTimestamp", null); validAmazonInv.set("acknowledgeErrorMessage", null);; if (AmazonConstants.sendErrorEmails && !success) { emailErrorMessages.put(validAmazonInv, postErrorMessage); } } } for (GenericValue invalidAmazonInv : invalidAmazonInventory.keySet()) { String errorMessage = invalidAmazonInventory.get(invalidAmazonInv); invalidAmazonInv.set("statusId", AmazonConstants.statusProductError); invalidAmazonInv.set("postTimestamp", UtilDateTime.nowTimestamp()); invalidAmazonInv.set("postErrorMessage", errorMessage); invalidAmazonInv.set("postFailures", invalidAmazonInv.getLong("postFailures") + 1); invalidAmazonInv.set("processingDocumentId", null); invalidAmazonInv.set("ackStatusId", AmazonConstants.statusProductNotAcked); invalidAmazonInv.set("acknowledgeTimestamp", null); invalidAmazonInv.set("acknowledgeErrorMessage", null);; if (AmazonConstants.sendErrorEmails) { emailErrorMessages.put(invalidAmazonInv, errorMessage); } } if (AmazonConstants.sendErrorEmails && UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(emailErrorMessages)) { AmazonUtil.sendBulkErrorEmail(dispatcher, userLogin, emailErrorMessages, UtilProperties.getMessage(AmazonConstants.errorResource, "AmazonError_ErrorEmailSubject_PostInventory", AmazonConstants.errorEmailLocale), AmazonConstants.errorEmailScreenUriProducts); } } catch (GenericEntityException gee) { UtilMessage.createAndLogServiceError(gee, locale, MODULE); } catch (IOException ioe) { UtilMessage.createAndLogServiceError(ioe, locale, MODULE); } catch (GenericServiceException gse) { UtilMessage.createAndLogServiceError(gse, locale, MODULE); } return ServiceUtil.returnSuccess(); }
From source
private void createSegment(Element datenSegment, VertragComposite vertrag) { // Iterable<FlurstueckComposite> flurstuecke = // FlurstueckComposite.Mixin.forEntity( vertrag ); // FlurstueckComposite flurstueck = null; Double bodenrichtwert = null; Integer baujahr = null;/* w w w .j a v a 2 s. c o m*/ Double wohnflaeche = null; GebaeudeTypStaBuComposite gebaeudeTyp = null; GebaeudeArtStaBuComposite gebaeudeArt = null; WohnlageStaBuComposite wohnlage = null; String stellplatz = null; String garage = null; String carport = null; KellerComposite keller = null; Double grundstuecksflaeche = null; VertragsdatenBaulandComposite baulandComposite = VertragsdatenBaulandComposite.Mixin.forVertrag(vertrag); if (baulandComposite != null) { bodenrichtwert = baulandComposite.richtwert().get(); baujahr = baulandComposite.baujahr().get(); wohnflaeche = baulandComposite.wohnflaeche().get(); gebaeudeTyp = baulandComposite.gebaeudeTypStaBu().get(); gebaeudeArt = baulandComposite.gebaeudeArtStaBu().get(); keller = baulandComposite.keller().get(); wohnlage = baulandComposite.wohnlageStaBu().get(); stellplatz = baulandComposite.stellplaetze().get(); carport = baulandComposite.carport().get(); garage = baulandComposite.garage().get(); grundstuecksflaeche = baulandComposite.verkaufteFlaeche().get(); } FlurstueckComposite flurstueck = null; for (FlurstueckComposite f : FlurstueckComposite.Mixin.forEntity(vertrag)) { NutzungComposite nutzung = f.nutzung().get(); if (nutzung != null && nutzung.isAgrar().get() != null && !nutzung.isAgrar().get().booleanValue()) { flurstueck = f; break; } } NutzungComposite nutzung = flurstueck.nutzung().get(); Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(); cal.setTime(vertrag.vertragsDatum().get()); GemarkungComposite gemarkung = flurstueck.gemarkung().get(); GemeindeComposite gemeinde = gemarkung != null ? gemarkung.gemeinde().get() : null; KaeuferKreisComposite verkaeufer = vertrag.verkaeuferKreis().get(); KaeuferKreisStaBuComposite veraeusserer = verkaeufer != null ? verkaeufer.kaeuferKreisStabu().get() : null; KaeuferKreisComposite kaeufer = vertrag.kaeuferKreis().get(); KaeuferKreisStaBuComposite erwerber = kaeufer != null ? kaeufer.kaeuferKreisStabu().get() : null; ArtDerBauflaecheStaBuComposite artDerBauflaeche = nutzung.artDerBauflaeche().get(); VertragsdatenErweitertComposite vertragsdatenErweitertComposite = vertrag.erweiterteVertragsdaten().get(); Double kaufpreis = vertragsdatenErweitertComposite != null && vertragsdatenErweitertComposite.bereinigterVollpreis().get() != null ? vertragsdatenErweitertComposite.bereinigterVollpreis().get() : vertrag.vollpreis().get(); // TODO Wohnflche, Baujahr // Liste // WohnungComposite wohnung = WohnungComposite.Mixin.findWohnungenFor( // flurstueck ); // grundstcksflche Element satz = addElement(datenSegment, "satz"); String name; // TODO bebaut = 1, wohneigentum = 2 // TODO sollte hier nicht auch mal Wohneigentum auftauchen? // if (nutzung.isWohneigentum().get()) { // satz.setAttribute( "kennung", "SA-Wohneigentum" ); // addMM( satz, "Satzart", "2" ); // name = "Wohnungseigentum"; // } // else { satz.setAttribute("kennung", "SA-Bebaute-Grundstcke"); addMM(satz, "Satzart", "1"); name = "Bebaute_Grundstuecke"; // } Element mmgrOuter = addElement(satz, "mmgr"); mmgrOuter.setAttribute("name", name); Element pwi = addElement(mmgrOuter, "mmgr"); pwi.setAttribute("name", "PWI"); addMM(pwi, "Kennummer_Kauffall", String.valueOf(vertrag.eingangsNr().get())); addMM(pwi, "Kaufdatum_TT", twoCol(cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH))); addMM(pwi, "Kaufdatum_MM", twoCol(cal.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1)); addMM(pwi, "Kaufdatum_JJJJ", String.valueOf(cal.get(Calendar.YEAR))); // TODO Landkreiskennung in Properties erfassen if (gemeinde != null) { addMM(pwi, "Gemeindeschluessel", "14" + gemeinde.schl().get()); } if (gemarkung != null) { addMM(pwi, "Gemarkungsschluessel", gemarkung.schl().get()); } if (veraeusserer != null) { addMM(pwi, "Veraeusserer", veraeusserer.schl().get()); } if (erwerber != null) { addMM(pwi, "Erwerber", erwerber.schl().get()); } if (kaufpreis != null) { addMM(pwi, "Kaufpreis", String.valueOf(kaufpreis.intValue())); } if (bodenrichtwert != null) { addMM(pwi, "Bodenrichtwert", String.valueOf(bodenrichtwert.intValue())); } if (artDerBauflaeche != null) { // schlssel stabu in winakps und stabexport weichen voneinander ab addMM(pwi, "Flaechenart", artDerBauflaeche.schl().get() == "1" ? "10" : "21"); } if (baujahr != null) { addMM(pwi, "Baujahr", String.valueOf(baujahr.intValue())); } if (wohnflaeche != null) { addMM(pwi, "Wohnflaeche", String.valueOf(wohnflaeche.intValue())); } // TODO Stellplatz // if (carport != null && carport.equals( "J" ) ||) if (wohnlage != null) { addMM(pwi, "Lagequalitaet", wohnlage.schl().get()); } // TODO Unterscheidung Wohnungseigentum vs. Grundstuecke // if (nutzung.isWohneigentum().get()) { // Element wohnungseigentum = addElement( mmgrOuter, "Wohnungseigentum" ); // } // else { Element grundstuecke = addElement(mmgrOuter, "Grundstuecke"); if (grundstuecksflaeche != null && grundstuecksflaeche != 0.0d) { addMM(grundstuecke, "Grundstuecksflaeche", String.valueOf(new Double(grundstuecksflaeche).intValue())); } if (gebaeudeArt != null) { addMM(grundstuecke, "Gebaeudeart", gebaeudeArt.schl().get()); } if (gebaeudeTyp != null) { addMM(grundstuecke, "Gebaeudetyp", gebaeudeTyp.schl().get()); } if (keller != null && !keller.schl().get().endsWith("1")) { if (keller.schl().get().equals("2")) { addMM(grundstuecke, "Unterkellerung", "0"); } else { addMM(grundstuecke, "Unterkellerung", "1"); } } }
From source
SimpleObject extractFamilyAndPartnerTestingRows(Set<Obs> obsList) { Integer contactConcept = 160750; Integer ageConcept = 160617;/*from w w w . j a v a2s . c o m*/ Integer relationshipConcept = 1560; Integer relStatusConcept = 163607; Integer baselineHivStatusConcept = 1169; Integer nextTestingDateConcept = 164400; Integer ageUnitConcept = 1732; Integer HIVTestResultConcept = 159427; Integer InCareConcept = 159811; Integer CCCNoConcept = 162053; String relType = null; Integer age = 0; Double artNo = null; String baselineStatus = null; String relStatus = null; String inCare = null; String hivTestResult = null; String nextTestDate = null; String contactName = null; String ageUnit = null; for (Obs obs : obsList) { if (obs.getConcept().getConceptId().equals(contactConcept)) { contactName = obs.getValueText(); } else if (obs.getConcept().getConceptId().equals(ageConcept)) { // get age age = obs.getValueNumeric().intValue(); } else if (obs.getConcept().getConceptId().equals(baselineHivStatusConcept)) { baselineStatus = hivStatusConverter(obs.getValueCoded()); } else if (obs.getConcept().getConceptId().equals(relStatusConcept)) { // current HIV status relStatus = hivStatusConverter(obs.getValueCoded()); } else if (obs.getConcept().getConceptId().equals(HIVTestResultConcept)) { // HIV test result hivTestResult = hivStatusConverter(obs.getValueCoded()); } else if (obs.getConcept().getConceptId().equals(nextTestingDateConcept)) { nextTestDate = DATE_FORMAT.format(obs.getValueDate()); } else if (obs.getConcept().getConceptId().equals(CCCNoConcept)) { artNo = obs.getValueNumeric(); } else if (obs.getConcept().getConceptId().equals(InCareConcept)) { inCare = booleanAnswerConverter(obs.getValueCoded()); } else if (obs.getConcept().getConceptId().equals(relationshipConcept)) { relType = relationshipConverter(obs.getValueCoded()); } else if (obs.getConcept().getConceptId().equals(relStatusConcept)) { relStatus = statusConverter(obs.getValueCoded()); } else if (obs.getConcept().getConceptId().equals(ageUnitConcept)) { ageUnit = ageUnitConverter(obs.getValueCoded()); } } if (contactName != null) { return SimpleObject.create("contact", contactName.toUpperCase(), "relType", relType != null ? relType : "", "relStatus", relStatus != null ? relStatus : "", "age", age != null ? new StringBuilder().append(age).append(" ").append(ageUnit) : "", "art_no", artNo != null ? artNo.intValue() : "", "baselineStatus", baselineStatus != null ? baselineStatus : "", "nextTestDate", nextTestDate != null ? nextTestDate : "", "inCare", inCare != null ? inCare : "", "testResult", hivTestResult != null ? hivTestResult : ""); } return null; }
From source
/** * Rcupre les dtails de la pratique/*from w w w.ja v a 2 s . c om*/ * * @param pMapping le mapping. * @param pForm le formulaire lire. * @param pRequest la requte HTTP. * @param pResponse la rponse de la servlet. * @return l'action raliser. */ public ActionForward mark(ActionMapping pMapping, ActionForm pForm, HttpServletRequest pRequest, HttpServletResponse pResponse) { ActionForward forward = null; ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors(); // sert aussi pour le traceur String value = "", minValue = "", maxValue = "", factorParent = "", param = "", note = "", markParamForTracker = ""; try { forward = init(pMapping, pRequest, pForm); if (null == forward) { param = (String) pRequest.getParameter("tre"); factorParent = (String) pRequest.getParameter("factorParent"); IApplicationComponent acGrid = AccessDelegateHelper.getInstance("QualityGrid"); // Obtention de la pratique long practiceId = Long.parseLong((String) pRequest.getParameter("tre")); PracticeRuleDTO practice = new PracticeRuleDTO(); practice.setId(practiceId); practice = (PracticeRuleDTO) acGrid.execute("getQualityRule", new Object[] { practice, new Boolean(false) }); FactorRuleDTO factor = new FactorRuleDTO(); if (factorParent != null) { // Obtention du facteur long factorId = Long.parseLong(factorParent); factor.setId(factorId); factor = (FactorRuleDTO) acGrid.execute("getQualityRule", new Object[] { factor, new Boolean(false) }); } else { factor.setId(-1); factor.setName(""); } // Prparation de l'appel des couches mtier IApplicationComponent ac = AccessDelegateHelper.getInstance("Results"); AuditDTO audit = (AuditDTO) (ActionUtils.getCurrentAuditsAsDTO(pRequest).get(0)); ComponentDTO project = (ComponentDTO) pRequest.getSession() .getAttribute(BaseDispatchAction.PROJECT_DTO); ResultsDTO result = null; value = (String) pRequest.getParameter("currentMark"); // Suivant le type de paramtre pass, on peut savoir si on vient du graph ou si // on vient du tableau de rpartition if (value != null) { // Clic sur le tableau de rpartition // Note entire ajouter l'url du traceur markParamForTracker = "¤tMark=" + value; Integer intValue = new Integer(value); // Un nombre maximal de rsultats est retrouv Object[] paramIn = { audit, project, new Long(practiceId), intValue, new Integer(WebMessages.getString(Locale.getDefault(), "component.max")) }; // Appel de la couche mtier result = (ResultsDTO) ac.execute("getValueResults", paramIn); // Transformation vers le formulaire WTransformerFactory.objToForm(MarkTransformer.class, (WActionForm) pForm, new Object[] { result, factor, practice, intValue }); note = WebMessages.getString(pRequest, "project.results.mark.status_" + value); } else { // clic sur le graph minValue = (String) pRequest.getParameter("minMark"); maxValue = (String) pRequest.getParameter("maxMark"); // Intervalle ajouter l'url du traceur markParamForTracker = "&minMark=" + minValue + "&maxMark=" + maxValue; // Conversion en double Double minMark = new Double(minValue); Double maxMark = new Double(maxValue); // Un nombre maximal de rsultats est retrouv Object[] paramIn = { audit, project, new Long(practiceId), minMark, maxMark, new Integer(WebMessages.getString(Locale.getDefault(), "component.max")) }; // Appel de la couche mtier result = (ResultsDTO) ac.execute("getValueResultsForInterval", paramIn); // Transformation vers le formulaire WTransformerFactory.objToForm(MarkTransformer.class, (WActionForm) pForm, new Object[] { result, factor, practice, minMark, maxMark }); note = WebMessages.getString(pRequest, "project.results.mark"); // pour le traceur note += "[" + minMark.doubleValue() + "," + maxMark.doubleValue(); // Suivant la note, on l'inclus ou pas la dans l'intervalle // on ne l'inclus que si c'est 3 if (maxMark.intValue() != PracticeResultBO.EXCELLENT) { note += "["; } else { note += "]"; } } forward = pMapping.findForward("mark"); } } catch (Exception e) { // Traitement factoris des exceptions handleException(e, errors, pRequest); } if (!errors.isEmpty()) { // Enregistrement des messages et routage vers une page d'erreur saveMessages(pRequest, errors); forward = pMapping.findForward("total_failure"); } // Mise en place du traceur historique String url = "" + param + markParamForTracker; if (factorParent != null) { url += "&factorparent=" + factorParent; } updateHistTracker(note, url, TrackerStructure.FACTOR_VIEW, pRequest, false); // Indique que l'on vient d'une vue synthse et pas d'une vue composant changeWay(pRequest, "false"); // ICI on doit dire qu'il faudra effacer completement le traceur // aprs le passage sur le prochain composant needToReset(pRequest, "true"); // ***************************************************************** return forward; }
From source
@Override public QueryResult getFrequency(Query query, Region region, int regionIntervalSize) { // db.variants.aggregate( { $match: { $and: [ {chr: "1"}, {start: {$gt: 251391, $lt: 2701391}} ] }}, // { $group: { _id: { $subtract: [ { $divide: ["$start", 20000] }, { $divide: [{$mod: ["$start", 20000]}, // 20000] } ] }, // totalCount: {$sum: 1}}}) QueryOptions options = new QueryOptions(); // If interval is not provided is set to the value that returns 200 values if (regionIntervalSize <= 0) { // regionIntervalSize = options.getInt("interval", (region.getEnd() - region.getStart()) / 200); regionIntervalSize = (region.getEnd() - region.getStart()) / 200; }//from w w w . j a va 2 s . c o m Document start = new Document("$gt", region.getStart()); start.append("$lt", region.getEnd()); BasicDBList andArr = new BasicDBList(); andArr.add(new Document(DocumentToVariantConverter.CHROMOSOME_FIELD, region.getChromosome())); andArr.add(new Document(DocumentToVariantConverter.START_FIELD, start)); // Parsing the rest of options Document mongoQuery = parseQuery(query); if (!mongoQuery.isEmpty()) { andArr.add(mongoQuery); } Document match = new Document("$match", new Document("$and", andArr)); // qb.and("_at.chunkIds").in(chunkIds); // qb.and(DBObjectToVariantConverter.END_FIELD).greaterThanEquals(region.getStart()); // qb.and(DBObjectToVariantConverter.START_FIELD).lessThanEquals(region.getEnd()); // // List<String> chunkIds = getChunkIds(region); // DBObject regionObject = new Document("_at.chunkIds", new Document("$in", chunkIds)) // .append(DBObjectToVariantConverter.END_FIELD, new Document("$gte", region.getStart())) // .append(DBObjectToVariantConverter.START_FIELD, new Document("$lte", region.getEnd())); BasicDBList divide1 = new BasicDBList(); divide1.add("$start"); divide1.add(regionIntervalSize); BasicDBList divide2 = new BasicDBList(); divide2.add(new Document("$mod", divide1)); divide2.add(regionIntervalSize); BasicDBList subtractList = new BasicDBList(); subtractList.add(new Document("$divide", divide1)); subtractList.add(new Document("$divide", divide2)); Document subtract = new Document("$subtract", subtractList); Document totalCount = new Document("$sum", 1); Document g = new Document("_id", subtract); g.append("features_count", totalCount); Document group = new Document("$group", g); Document sort = new Document("$sort", new Document("_id", 1)); //"getAllIntervalFrequencies - (>_)>"); // System.out.println(options.toString()); // System.out.println(match.toString()); // System.out.println(group.toString()); // System.out.println(sort.toString()); long dbTimeStart = System.currentTimeMillis(); QueryResult output = variantsCollection.aggregate(/*"$histogram", */Arrays.asList(match, group, sort), options); long dbTimeEnd = System.currentTimeMillis(); Map<Long, Document> ids = new HashMap<>(); // Create DBObject for intervals with features inside them for (Document intervalObj : (List<Document>) output.getResult()) { Long auxId = Math.round((Double) intervalObj.get("_id")); //is double Document intervalVisited = ids.get(auxId); if (intervalVisited == null) { intervalObj.put("_id", auxId); intervalObj.put("start", getChunkStart(auxId.intValue(), regionIntervalSize)); intervalObj.put("end", getChunkEnd(auxId.intValue(), regionIntervalSize)); intervalObj.put("chromosome", region.getChromosome()); intervalObj.put("features_count", Math.log((int) intervalObj.get("features_count"))); ids.put(auxId, intervalObj); } else { Double sum = (Double) intervalVisited.get("features_count") + Math.log((int) intervalObj.get("features_count")); intervalVisited.put("features_count", sum.intValue()); } } // Create DBObject for intervals without features inside them BasicDBList resultList = new BasicDBList(); int firstChunkId = getChunkId(region.getStart(), regionIntervalSize); int lastChunkId = getChunkId(region.getEnd(), regionIntervalSize); Document intervalObj; for (int chunkId = firstChunkId; chunkId <= lastChunkId; chunkId++) { intervalObj = ids.get((long) chunkId); if (intervalObj == null) { intervalObj = new Document(); intervalObj.put("_id", chunkId); intervalObj.put("start", getChunkStart(chunkId, regionIntervalSize)); intervalObj.put("end", getChunkEnd(chunkId, regionIntervalSize)); intervalObj.put("chromosome", region.getChromosome()); intervalObj.put("features_count", 0); } resultList.add(intervalObj); } QueryResult queryResult = new QueryResult(region.toString(), ((Long) (dbTimeEnd - dbTimeStart)).intValue(), resultList.size(), resultList.size(), null, null, resultList); return queryResult; }
From source
/** * Export the assignments to actual work * // w ww .j a v a2s . c om * @param document * @param assignmentElementTemplate * @param timephasedDataElementTemplate * @param existingTrackPlusWorkItemsMap * @param allCostBeansList * @param workItemIDToTaskUIDMap * @param personIDToResourceUIDMap * @param hoursPerWorkday * @param removedTaskIDs * @param allowOvertimeBookings * @param maxOvertimeHoursPerDay * @param allowOverdayBookings * @param allowActualWorkOverlap * @param allowDayRestartIfOverlappedActualWork */ private static void exportAssignments(ProjectFile project, Map<Integer, TWorkItemBean> existingTrackPlusWorkItemsMap, List<TCostBean> allCostBeansList, Map<Integer, Integer> workItemIDToTaskUIDMap, Map<Integer, List<Integer>> personIDToResourceUIDMap, Double hoursPerWorkday, Set<Integer> removedTaskIDs, boolean allowOvertimeBookings, double maxOvertimeHoursPerDay, boolean allowOverdayBookings, boolean allowActualWorkOverlap, /* * boolean * allowDayRestartIfOverlappedActualWork * , */ Map<Integer, Map<String, List<String[]>>> calendarUIDBasedBaseCalendarExceptionWorkingTimes, Map<Integer, Map<Integer, List<String[]>>> calendarUIDBasedBaseCalendarWeekDayWorkingTimes, Map<Integer, Map<String, List<String[]>>> personBasedCalendarExceptionWorkingTimes, Map<Integer, Map<Integer, List<String[]>>> personBasedCalendarWeekDayWorkingTimes, Map<Integer, Integer> personIDToBaseCalendar) { // TODO unused MPXJ /* * Element assignmentsElement = * MsProjectExchangeDOMHelper.getChildByName(projectElement, * PROJECT_ELEMENTS.Assignments); Element assignmentsElement = * project.getAss() if (assignmentsElement==null) { assignmentsElement = * document.createElement(PROJECT_ELEMENTS.Assignments); * projectElement.appendChild(assignmentsElement); } */ // get last imported assignments // List<Element> importedAssignmentsList = // MsProjectExchangeDOMHelper.getElementList( // projectElement, PROJECT_ELEMENTS.Assignments, // PROJECT_SUBELEMENTS.Assignment); List<ResourceAssignment> importedAssignmentsList = project.getAllResourceAssignments(); /* * for(int i = 0; i < importedAssignmentsList.size(); i++) { * ResourceAssignment tmp = importedAssignmentsList.get(i); * tmp.setStart(tmp.getTask().getStart());; * tmp.setFinish(tmp.getTask().getFinish()); tmp.setActualStart(null); * tmp.setActualFinish(null); tmp.setActualWork(null); } */ if (removedTaskIDs != null && removedTaskIDs.size() > 0) { // remove the assignments associated with removed tasks for (int i = 0; i < importedAssignmentsList.size(); i++) { ResourceAssignment assignmentElement = importedAssignmentsList.get(i); Integer taskID = assignmentElement.getTaskUniqueID(); if (removedTaskIDs.contains(taskID)) { importedAssignmentsList.remove(i); } } } Map<Integer, ResourceAssignment> UIDBasedAssignmentsMap = MsProjectExchangeDOMHelper .getSubelementBasedElementMapAssignment(importedAssignmentsList); int maxAssignmentUID = getMaxInteger(UIDBasedAssignmentsMap.keySet()); Map<Integer, Map<Integer, ResourceAssignment>> importedTaskUIDToResourceUIDToAssignmentsMap = MsProjectExchangeDOMHelper .getAssignmentsMap(importedAssignmentsList); Map<Integer, Task> UIDBasedTaskElementMap = getUIDBasedTasks(project); String emptyTimeSpan = MsProjectExchangeBL.getTimeSpanFromDouble(0.0); // NumberFormat numberFormatTimeSpan = new DecimalFormat("00"); /** * Add empty assignment: if a workItem has no cost in Genji and it was * not imported before from MSPRoject a default assignment (with * actualWork=0 and work=total task budget and remainingWork=remaining * task budget) should still be added to the task, to assign the * workItem's responsible as resource to the task (otherwise the task * will have no duration) */ Map<Integer, List<TCostBean>> worksByWorkItemMap = getWorksByWorkItem(allCostBeansList); Iterator<Integer> itrExistingWorkItems = existingTrackPlusWorkItemsMap.keySet().iterator(); while (itrExistingWorkItems.hasNext()) { Integer workItemID =; TWorkItemBean workItemBean = existingTrackPlusWorkItemsMap.get(workItemID); Integer taskUID = workItemIDToTaskUIDMap.get(workItemID); if (!worksByWorkItemMap.containsKey(workItemID) && !importedTaskUIDToResourceUIDToAssignmentsMap.containsKey(taskUID)) { // it has no actualWork and was not imported before: it will not // be processed in the "existing costs" loop below List<Integer> personList = new ArrayList<Integer>(); personList.add(workItemBean.getResponsibleID()); personList.add(workItemBean.getOwnerID()); personList.add(workItemBean.getOriginatorID()); Integer resourceID = getBestResourceID(personList, personIDToResourceUIDMap); if (resourceID != null && taskUID != null) { Task taskElement = UIDBasedTaskElementMap.get(taskUID); if (taskElement != null) { ResourceAssignment assignmentElement = new ResourceAssignment(project); ResourceAssignment existing = importedTaskUIDToResourceUIDToAssignmentsMap.get(taskUID) .get(resourceID); assignmentElement.setUniqueID(++maxAssignmentUID); assignmentElement.setTaskUniqueID(taskUID); assignmentElement.setResourceUniqueID(resourceID); // TODO set emptyTimeSpan string as duration not // possible in MPXJ // assignmentElement.setActualWork(Duration.emptyTimeSpan); // get the values directly from the task: the Work and // RemainingWork are probably equal // String work = // MsProjectExchangeDOMHelper.getSubelementText(taskElement, // COMMON_ELEMENTS.Work); if (importedTaskUIDToResourceUIDToAssignmentsMap.get(resourceID) != null) { assignmentElement.setWork(existing.getWork()); assignmentElement.setRemainingWork(existing.getRemainingWork()); assignmentElement.setStart(existing.getStart()); assignmentElement.setStart(existing.getFinish()); } } } } } /** * The actual booked calendar for a certain date for a certain user */ Map<Integer, Map<String, Calendar>> effortDateToCalBookedForPersonMap = new HashMap<Integer, Map<String, Calendar>>(); /** * The exhausted effort dates for a certain user */ Map<Integer, Map<String, Boolean>> effortDateExhaustedForPersonMap = new HashMap<Integer, Map<String, Boolean>>(); // loop through the existing costs in track+ based on workItemID and // personID Iterator<Integer> itrWorksByWorkItemIDMap = worksByWorkItemMap.keySet().iterator(); while (itrWorksByWorkItemIDMap.hasNext()) { Integer workItemID =; List<TCostBean> costBeansWorkItem = worksByWorkItemMap.get(workItemID); // get the workItem costs pro person Map<Integer, List<TCostBean>> costsByPerson = getCostsByPerson(costBeansWorkItem); Map<Integer, Double> personActualWorkMap = new HashMap<Integer, Double>(); for (Iterator<Integer> iterator = costsByPerson.keySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Integer personID =; List<TCostBean> costs = costsByPerson.get(personID); personActualWorkMap.put(personID, getSumOfActualWorks(costs)); } Integer taskUID = workItemIDToTaskUIDMap.get(workItemID); if (taskUID != null) { Task taskElement = UIDBasedTaskElementMap.get(taskUID); if (taskElement != null) { Date taskActualStart = null; Date taskActualFinish = null; // all assignments for workItem: both last imported (even if // there is no actual work (costBean) associated) and new // ones Map<Integer, ResourceAssignment> resourceBasedAssignmentsForWorkItem = new HashMap<Integer, ResourceAssignment>(); Set<Integer> resoucesWithImportedRemainingWork = new HashSet<Integer>(); // iterate through costBeans for each person Iterator<Integer> itrPerson = costsByPerson.keySet().iterator(); while (itrPerson.hasNext()) { Integer personID =; List<TCostBean> costBeansPerson = costsByPerson.get(personID); List<Integer> resourceUIDForPersonList = personIDToResourceUIDMap.get(personID); Integer resourceUID = null; if (resourceUIDForPersonList == null || resourceUIDForPersonList.isEmpty()) { // unknown person, should never happen continue; } else { if (resourceUIDForPersonList.size() == 1) { // unambiguous person <-> resource: the // corresponding person was mapped only to this // resource resourceUID = resourceUIDForPersonList.get(0); } } ResourceAssignment assignmentElement = null; Map<Integer, ResourceAssignment> importedResourceUIDToAssignmentsMap = importedTaskUIDToResourceUIDToAssignmentsMap .get(taskUID); // last imported assignments for task exist if (importedResourceUIDToAssignmentsMap != null && importedResourceUIDToAssignmentsMap.size() > 0) { if (resourceUID == null && importedResourceUIDToAssignmentsMap.size() > 0) { // ambiguous: the same person was mapped for // more resources: // find the resourceID based on the available // assignments from the previous import: // get the first last imported resourceID found // which was mapped for the person. // (as best effort but still error prone) Iterator<Integer> itrResource = importedResourceUIDToAssignmentsMap.keySet() .iterator(); while (itrResource.hasNext()) { resourceUID =; if (resourceUIDForPersonList.contains(resourceUID)) { break; } else { resourceUID = null; } } } // person had assignment to task both in the // previous import and in track+: remove it if found // to process them now // assignments not processed (removed) here should // be looped at the end for removing (probably their // costBeans were removed) assignmentElement = importedResourceUIDToAssignmentsMap.remove(resourceUID); } if (resourceUID == null) { // no previous import for this assignment, so there // is no way to uniquely identify the resourceID // for adding the assignment for, as best effort // take the first mapped for the person resourceUID = resourceUIDForPersonList.get(0); } // the timephased data will be calculated depending on // the unit Double unit = new Double(1.0); // default 1.0 = 100% boolean isNew = false; if (assignmentElement == null) { assignmentElement = new ResourceAssignment(project); // new assignment: the workItem has actual work // booked by a person but the previous // import file contains no assignments: actual // work(s) added in track+ exclusively since the // last import isNew = true; } else { // get the unit from the previously imported // assignment // unit = // MsProjectExchangeDOMHelper.getSubelementDouble(assignmentElement, // ASSIGNMENT_ELEMENTS.Units); unit = assignmentElement.getUnits().doubleValue(); if (unit == null || Math.abs(unit.doubleValue()) < EPSILON) { unit = new Double(1.0); } /* * if assignmentElement was already imported try to * preserve the remaining work pro person (taking * into account the corresponding actual work * difference). This counts by calculating the * duration of the task */ Double lastActualWorkPerson = assignmentElement.getActualWork().getDuration(); if (lastActualWorkPerson == null) { lastActualWorkPerson = new Double(0.0); } Double lastRemainingWorkPerson = assignmentElement.getRemainingWork().getDuration(); if (lastRemainingWorkPerson == null) { lastRemainingWorkPerson = new Double(0.0); } Double currentActualWorkPerson = personActualWorkMap.get(personID); if (currentActualWorkPerson == null) { currentActualWorkPerson = new Double(0.0); } double actualWorkDifference = currentActualWorkPerson.doubleValue() - lastActualWorkPerson.doubleValue(); double newRemainingWorkPerson = 0.0; if (lastRemainingWorkPerson.doubleValue() >= actualWorkDifference) { newRemainingWorkPerson = lastRemainingWorkPerson.doubleValue() - actualWorkDifference; } assignmentElement .setRemainingWork(Duration.getInstance(newRemainingWorkPerson, TimeUnit.HOURS)); } // because it is not trivial to combine two lists of // works for changes (last imported and actual from // Genji), // all imported ASSIGNMENT_ACTUAL_WORK and // ASSIGNMENT_REMAINING_WORK type // and without value timePhasedData elements will be // removed // (and later the ASSIGNMENT_ACTUAL_WORK elements from // track+ will be added again based on Genji costBeans) project.getAllResourceAssignments().remove(assignmentElement); resourceBasedAssignmentsForWorkItem.put(resourceUID, assignmentElement); if (isNew && costBeansPerson != null && costBeansPerson.size() > 0) { ResourceAssignment newAssignmentElement = new ResourceAssignment(project); newAssignmentElement.setUniqueID(++maxAssignmentUID); assignmentElement.setTaskUniqueID(taskUID); assignmentElement.setResourceUniqueID(resourceUID); } /** * add TimephasedData elements */ // if actualStart does not comply with the // timephasedData elements // then the Actual work may have the wrong value in // MSProject Date assignmentActualStart = null; Date assignmentActualFinish = null; int assignmentActualOvertimeHours = 0; int assignmentActualOverTimeMinutes = 0; // formatted effortDate mapped to calendar with with // actualized times for // a certain user to avoid double allocation for a user // in a certain time Map<String, Calendar> effortDateToCalBookedMap = null; Map<String, Boolean> effortDateExhaustedMap = null; if (!allowActualWorkOverlap) { effortDateToCalBookedMap = effortDateToCalBookedForPersonMap.get(personID); effortDateExhaustedMap = effortDateExhaustedForPersonMap.get(personID); } if (effortDateToCalBookedMap == null) { effortDateToCalBookedMap = new HashMap<String, Calendar>(); if (!allowActualWorkOverlap) { effortDateToCalBookedForPersonMap.put(personID, effortDateToCalBookedMap); } } // whether the date was exhausted by previous works if (effortDateExhaustedMap == null) { effortDateExhaustedMap = new HashMap<String, Boolean>(); if (!allowActualWorkOverlap) { effortDateExhaustedForPersonMap.put(personID, effortDateExhaustedMap); } } if (costBeansPerson != null && costBeansPerson.size() > 0) { // add the ASSIGNMENT_ACTUAL_WORK timephasedData // elements from Genji Date effortDate = null; Date previousEffortDate = null; for (TCostBean costBean : costBeansPerson) { if (effortDate != null) { // effort date is null at the beginning and // after by overbooked days if // allowOvertimeBookings=false // in previousEffortDate the last valid // (non-null) effortDate should be kept previousEffortDate = effortDate; } effortDate = costBean.getEffortdate(); if (previousEffortDate != null && effortDate != null && previousEffortDate.before(effortDate)) { // add empty timespans for the gaps between // actual work, // otherwise the gap is considered as // actually worked addEmptyIntervals(project, assignmentElement, previousEffortDate, effortDate, emptyTimeSpan, effortDateToCalBookedMap, effortDateExhaustedMap, personBasedCalendarExceptionWorkingTimes.get(personID), personBasedCalendarWeekDayWorkingTimes.get(personID), calendarUIDBasedBaseCalendarExceptionWorkingTimes .get(personIDToBaseCalendar.get(personID)), calendarUIDBasedBaseCalendarWeekDayWorkingTimes.get( personIDToBaseCalendar.get(personID)), allowOvertimeBookings); } Double hours = costBean.getHours(); if (effortDate != null && hours != null && hours.intValue() > 0.0) { // calculate the unit proportional values, // because in TimephasedData element the // Start and Finish // date fields are based on unit // proportional hours, but the Value field // is based on real hours // depending on Assignment element's Unit // sub-element Double unitHours = hours.doubleValue() / unit.doubleValue(); int unitProportionalHours = unitHours.intValue(); double unitDecimalHours = unitHours - unitProportionalHours; int unitProportionalMinutes = (int) Math.round(unitDecimalHours * 60); // date over-booked by previous costBeans effortDate = getNextValidDate(effortDate, effortDateExhaustedMap, personBasedCalendarExceptionWorkingTimes.get(personID), personBasedCalendarWeekDayWorkingTimes.get(personID), calendarUIDBasedBaseCalendarExceptionWorkingTimes .get(personIDToBaseCalendar.get(personID)), calendarUIDBasedBaseCalendarWeekDayWorkingTimes.get( personIDToBaseCalendar.get(personID)), allowOverdayBookings); if (effortDate == null) { if (allowOverdayBookings) { LOGGER.warn("No reasonable effort date found for person " + personID + " workItem " + workItemID + " costID " + costBean.getObjectID()); } else { LOGGER.warn("The work " + hours.doubleValue() + " for person " + personID + " workItem " + workItemID + " costID " + costBean.getObjectID() + " could not be added because the worktime for date " + MsProjectExchangeBL.formatDateTime(effortDate) + " is exhausted by previous works"); } continue;// to the next costBean } String effortDateStr = MsProjectExchangeBL.formatDate(effortDate); Calendar calToTime = Calendar.getInstance(); calToTime.setTime(effortDate); boolean jumpToNextWorkingTimeInterval = false; List<String[]> workingPeriods = getWorkingTimeForDay( personBasedCalendarExceptionWorkingTimes.get(personID), personBasedCalendarWeekDayWorkingTimes.get(personID), calendarUIDBasedBaseCalendarExceptionWorkingTimes .get(personIDToBaseCalendar.get(personID)), calendarUIDBasedBaseCalendarWeekDayWorkingTimes .get(personIDToBaseCalendar.get(personID)), effortDate); if (workingPeriods == null) { // should never happen, continue; } // else { int realHours = 0; int realMinutes = 0; boolean isOvertime = false; // the Start date of the timephasedData Date timePhasedDataStart = null; for (Iterator itrWorkPeriod = workingPeriods.iterator(); itrWorkPeriod .hasNext();) { // try each workingTime interval to see // where the work can be added String[] workingTime = (String[]); String fromTime = workingTime[0]; String toTime = workingTime[1]; Map<String, Integer> timeUnitsMapFromTime = MsProjectExchangeBL .getTimeUnitsMapFromCalendarTime(fromTime); Map<String, Integer> timeUnitsMapToTime = MsProjectExchangeBL .getTimeUnitsMapFromCalendarTime(toTime); Integer previousHour = calToTime.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY); calToTime.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, timeUnitsMapToTime.get(MSPROJECT_TIME_UNITS.HOUR)); calToTime.set(Calendar.MINUTE, timeUnitsMapToTime.get(MSPROJECT_TIME_UNITS.MINUTE)); Integer nextHour = calToTime.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY); if (!itrWorkPeriod.hasNext() && allowOvertimeBookings) { // midnight means the start of the // next day if (previousHour > nextHour) { // overtime over the midnight calToTime.add(Calendar.DATE, 1); } isOvertime = true; } else { isOvertime = false; } Calendar calBookedForPerson = effortDateToCalBookedMap.get(effortDateStr); if (calBookedForPerson == null) { calBookedForPerson = Calendar.getInstance(); calBookedForPerson.setTime(effortDate); calBookedForPerson.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, timeUnitsMapFromTime.get(MSPROJECT_TIME_UNITS.HOUR)); calBookedForPerson.set(Calendar.MINUTE, timeUnitsMapFromTime.get(MSPROJECT_TIME_UNITS.MINUTE)); effortDateToCalBookedMap.put(effortDateStr, calBookedForPerson); } // jumped first time or from the // previous workingTime interval if (jumpToNextWorkingTimeInterval) { calBookedForPerson.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, timeUnitsMapFromTime.get(MSPROJECT_TIME_UNITS.HOUR)); calBookedForPerson.set(Calendar.MINUTE, timeUnitsMapFromTime.get(MSPROJECT_TIME_UNITS.MINUTE)); jumpToNextWorkingTimeInterval = false; } if (calBookedForPerson.getTime().after(calToTime.getTime()) || calBookedForPerson.getTimeInMillis() == calToTime .getTimeInMillis()) { // try the next workingTime interval // because till this time // the user booked previous // costBeans LOGGER.debug("Period from " + MsProjectExchangeBL.formatDateTime(calToTime.getTime()) + " for personID " + personID + " workItemID " + workItemID + " costID " + costBean.getObjectID() + " added at date " + MsProjectExchangeBL.formatDateTime(effortDate) + " expense work " + hours.doubleValue() + " already booked by other costBeans."); if (calBookedForPerson.getTimeInMillis() == calToTime .getTimeInMillis()) { jumpToNextWorkingTimeInterval = true; } continue; // to the next working // time of the current // date } else { // available working time found if (timePhasedDataStart == null) { timePhasedDataStart = calBookedForPerson.getTime(); } long millisecondsLeftInInterval = calToTime.getTimeInMillis() - calBookedForPerson.getTimeInMillis(); if (millisecondsLeftInInterval == 0) { continue; // to the next working // time of the // current date } long diffHours = millisecondsLeftInInterval / (60 * 60 * 1000); long diffMinutes = (millisecondsLeftInInterval - diffHours * 60 * 60 * 1000) / (60 * 1000); if (unitProportionalHours < diffHours || (unitProportionalHours == diffHours && unitProportionalMinutes <= diffMinutes)) { // the current workingTime // interval is enough for work // to add calBookedForPerson.add(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, unitProportionalHours); calBookedForPerson.add(Calendar.MINUTE, unitProportionalMinutes); Double unitPropRemainingHours = new Double(unitProportionalHours + (double) unitProportionalMinutes / 60); // add the real hours Double realHoursDouble = new Double( unitPropRemainingHours * unit.doubleValue()); realHours += realHoursDouble.intValue(); if (isOvertime) { assignmentActualOvertimeHours += realHoursDouble.intValue(); } double decimalHours = realHoursDouble - realHoursDouble.intValue(); realMinutes += (int) Math.round(decimalHours * 60); if (isOvertime) { assignmentActualOverTimeMinutes += (int) Math .round(decimalHours * 60); } addTimephasedDataElement(project, assignmentElement, timePhasedDataStart, calBookedForPerson.getTime(), MsProjectExchangeBL.getTimeSpanFromHoursAndMinutes( realHours, realMinutes)); if (assignmentActualStart == null || assignmentActualStart.after(timePhasedDataStart)) { assignmentActualStart = timePhasedDataStart; } if (assignmentActualFinish == null || assignmentActualFinish .before(calBookedForPerson.getTime())) { assignmentActualFinish = calBookedForPerson.getTime(); } LOGGER.debug("Added actual work for person " + personID + " workItem " + workItemID + " cost " + costBean.getObjectID() + " added at date " + MsProjectExchangeBL.formatDateTime(effortDate) + " start " + MsProjectExchangeBL.formatDateTime(timePhasedDataStart) + " finish " + MsProjectExchangeBL .formatDateTime(calBookedForPerson.getTime()) + " expense work " + hours.doubleValue() + " actual work " + realHours + ":" + realMinutes); if (!itrWorkPeriod.hasNext() && allowOverdayBookings && unitProportionalHours == diffHours && unitProportionalMinutes == diffMinutes) { // if terminated exactly at // midnight reset the // effortDateToEffortDateWithTime // to start again at the // first FromTime // effortDateToCalBookedForPersonMap.remove(effortDateStr); effortDateExhaustedMap.put(effortDateStr, Boolean.TRUE); } break; // successfully added for // this day, break to // continue with the // next CostBean } else { // the current workingTime // interval is not enough for // the entire work to add: // add only a part of the work // till the end of the current // interval int remainingHoursInWorkingTimePeriod = Long.valueOf(diffHours) .intValue(); int remainingMinutesInWorkingTimePeriod = Long.valueOf(diffMinutes) .intValue(); // book up to the end of the // current workingTime calBookedForPerson.setTime(calToTime.getTime()); jumpToNextWorkingTimeInterval = true; unitProportionalHours -= remainingHoursInWorkingTimePeriod; if (unitProportionalMinutes < remainingMinutesInWorkingTimePeriod) { unitProportionalMinutes += 60; unitProportionalHours--; } unitProportionalMinutes -= remainingMinutesInWorkingTimePeriod; // add only a part of the work // till the end of this // workingTime interval // add the real hours Double remainingHours = new Double(millisecondsLeftInInterval * unit.doubleValue() / (60 * 60 * 1000)); realHours += remainingHours.intValue(); if (isOvertime) { assignmentActualOvertimeHours += remainingHours.intValue(); } double decimalHours = remainingHours - remainingHours.intValue(); realMinutes += (int) Math.round(decimalHours * 60); if (isOvertime) { assignmentActualOverTimeMinutes += (int) Math .round(decimalHours * 60); } if (!itrWorkPeriod.hasNext()) { // the user consumed the // entire workDay and // overtime // till midnight but this is // still not enough // add the biggest possible // part of the work as best // effort addTimephasedDataElement(project, assignmentElement, timePhasedDataStart, calBookedForPerson.getTime(), MsProjectExchangeBL.getTimeSpanFromHoursAndMinutes( realHours, realMinutes)); if (assignmentActualStart == null || assignmentActualStart.after(timePhasedDataStart)) { assignmentActualStart = timePhasedDataStart; } if (assignmentActualFinish == null || assignmentActualFinish .before(calBookedForPerson.getTime())) { assignmentActualFinish = calBookedForPerson.getTime(); } LOGGER.debug("Added actual work part for person " + personID + " workItem " + workItemID + " cost " + costBean.getObjectID() + " start " + MsProjectExchangeBL .formatDateTime(timePhasedDataStart) + " finish " + MsProjectExchangeBL .formatDateTime(calBookedForPerson.getTime()) + " expense work " + hours.doubleValue() + " actual work " + realHours + ":" + realMinutes); // effortDateToCalBookedForPersonMap.remove(effortDateStr); effortDateExhaustedMap.put(effortDateStr, Boolean.TRUE); // force to initialize again // at the first FromTime calBookedForPerson = null; timePhasedDataStart = null; realHours = 0; realMinutes = 0; effortDate = getNextValidDate(effortDate, effortDateExhaustedMap, personBasedCalendarExceptionWorkingTimes.get(personID), personBasedCalendarWeekDayWorkingTimes.get(personID), calendarUIDBasedBaseCalendarExceptionWorkingTimes .get(personIDToBaseCalendar.get(personID)), calendarUIDBasedBaseCalendarWeekDayWorkingTimes .get(personIDToBaseCalendar.get(personID)), allowOverdayBookings); if (effortDate == null) { if (allowOvertimeBookings) { LOGGER.warn( "No reasonable effort date found for person " + personID + " workItem " + workItemID + " costID " + costBean.getObjectID()); } else { LOGGER.warn("The work " + unitProportionalHours + ":" + unitProportionalMinutes + " for person " + personID + " workItem " + workItemID + " costID " + costBean.getObjectID() + " could not be added because the worktime for date " + MsProjectExchangeBL.formatDateTime(effortDate) + " is exhausted"); } break; } effortDateStr = MsProjectExchangeBL.formatDate(effortDate); // calToTime is now midnight // (starting of the next // day). // set to the actual // effortDate day because // the // iterator for workPeriods // is started again with // this new date calToTime.setTime(effortDate); workingPeriods = getWorkingTimeForDay( personBasedCalendarExceptionWorkingTimes.get(personID), personBasedCalendarWeekDayWorkingTimes.get(personID), calendarUIDBasedBaseCalendarExceptionWorkingTimes .get(personIDToBaseCalendar.get(personID)), calendarUIDBasedBaseCalendarWeekDayWorkingTimes .get(personIDToBaseCalendar.get(personID)), effortDate); itrWorkPeriod = workingPeriods.iterator(); } } } } } } } // assignment level ActualStart, Start and ActualFinish // dates if (assignmentActualStart != null) { assignmentElement.setActualStart(assignmentActualStart); if (taskActualStart == null || taskActualStart.after(assignmentActualStart)) { taskActualStart = assignmentActualStart; } } // the Start should be not later as the ActualStart Date startElement = assignmentElement.getStart(); if (startElement != null) { Date startDate = assignmentElement.getStart(); if (startDate != null && assignmentActualStart != null && startDate.after(assignmentActualStart)) { assignmentElement.setStart(assignmentActualStart); } } if (assignmentActualFinish != null) { // it is actually finished only when remaining work // is 0 // so it might be removed later assignmentElement.setActualFinish(assignmentActualFinish); if (taskActualFinish == null || taskActualFinish.before(assignmentActualFinish)) { taskActualFinish = assignmentActualFinish; } } // do we have ActualOvertimeWork? if (assignmentActualOvertimeHours > 0 || assignmentActualOverTimeMinutes > 0) { String actualOverTimeHoursTimeSpan = MsProjectExchangeBL.getTimeSpanFromHoursAndMinutes( assignmentActualOvertimeHours, assignmentActualOverTimeMinutes); DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat(); Double actualOverTimeWork = assignmentElement.getActualOvertimeWork().getDuration(); if (actualOverTimeWork == null) { actualOverTimeWork = new Double(0); } Double overtimeWork = assignmentElement.getOvertimeWork().getDuration(); if (overtimeWork == null) { overtimeWork = new Double(0); } // the OvertimeWork will not be less than the // ActualOvertimeWork if (actualOverTimeWork.doubleValue() > overtimeWork.doubleValue()) { // TODO MPXJ, set setOvertimeWork check. try { Calendar myCal = Calendar.getInstance(); myCal.setTime(df.parse(actualOverTimeHoursTimeSpan)); int hours = myCal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY); assignmentElement.setOvertimeWork(Duration.getInstance(hours, TimeUnit.HOURS)); } catch (Exception ex) { LOGGER.error("Date parse error: " + ex.getMessage()); } } } } // end person loop /** * actualize the remaining work and work for each assignment * of the current task it is important because the duration * is calculated based on the works assigned to each person * (for example if a user is set to 100% but no Work and * RemainingWork is set for him then it will not shorten the * duration as expected) */ // process those assignments of the current task which were // imported last time but // no TCostBean corresponding to person were found for them // consequently // they wern't processed (removed) above in the loop for // persons. // Probably the TCostBean was removed since the last import. // The assignment will not be deleted (that should be made // in MsProject) but the // actual work will be set to 0 (no TCostBean). We still // need the assignment because of the // remaining work: if we would remove the entire assignment // the task duration would increase // because the remaining work of this assignment should be // taken by other resources Map<Integer, ResourceAssignment> importedResourceUIDToAssignmentsMap = importedTaskUIDToResourceUIDToAssignmentsMap .get(taskUID); if (importedResourceUIDToAssignmentsMap != null && importedResourceUIDToAssignmentsMap.size() > 0) { Iterator<Integer> itrResource = importedResourceUIDToAssignmentsMap.keySet().iterator(); while (itrResource.hasNext()) { Integer resouceID =; ResourceAssignment noCostAssignmentElement = importedResourceUIDToAssignmentsMap .remove(resouceID); // String emptyValue = // MsProjectExchangeBL.getTimeSpanFromDouble(0.0); // reset the ActualWork to 0 because there is no // costBean for this // TODO MPXJ // noCostAssignmentElement.setActualWork(emptyTimeSpan); resoucesWithImportedRemainingWork.add(resouceID); resourceBasedAssignmentsForWorkItem.put(resouceID, noCostAssignmentElement); // TODO MPXJ // removeTimephasedData(noCostAssignmentElement); } } /** * "normalize" the RemainingWork and Work for assignments */ // sum up the remaining work from each resource // (both new and imported assignments, but for new it is 0 // anyway) double allPersonsRemainingWork = 0.0; for (Map.Entry<Integer, ResourceAssignment> entry : resourceBasedAssignmentsForWorkItem .entrySet()) { // Integer resourceID = entry.getKey(); ResourceAssignment assignmentElement = entry.getValue(); Double remainingWork = assignmentElement.getRemainingWork().getDuration(); if (remainingWork != null) { allPersonsRemainingWork += remainingWork.doubleValue(); } } // remaining work for the entire task Double taskRemainingHours = taskElement.getRemainingWork().getDuration(); if (taskRemainingHours == null) { taskRemainingHours = new Double(0.0); } if (Math.abs(allPersonsRemainingWork - taskRemainingHours.doubleValue()) > 0.001) { // "normalization" needed if (allPersonsRemainingWork > taskRemainingHours.doubleValue()) { // the task level remaining work is less than the // sum if remaining work for assignments: // (probably was explicitly set in track+ to a // smaller value) // we must remove some person level remainingWork at // best effort double difference = allPersonsRemainingWork - taskRemainingHours.doubleValue(); for (Iterator itrAssignments = resourceBasedAssignmentsForWorkItem.keySet() .iterator(); itrAssignments.hasNext();) { Integer resourceID = (Integer); ResourceAssignment assignmentElement = resourceBasedAssignmentsForWorkItem .get(resourceID); Double remainingWork = assignmentElement.getRemainingWork().getDuration(); if (remainingWork != null && Math.abs(remainingWork.doubleValue()) > EPSILON) { if (difference > remainingWork.doubleValue()) { // TODO MPXJ set setRemainingWork // validation. assignmentElement.setRemainingWork( Duration.getInstance(remainingWork, TimeUnit.HOURS)); difference -= remainingWork.doubleValue(); } else { assignmentElement.setRemainingWork(Duration.getInstance( remainingWork.doubleValue() - difference, TimeUnit.HOURS)); break; } } } } else { // the difference should be added to one or more // person specific remainingWork at best effort: double difference = taskRemainingHours.doubleValue() - allPersonsRemainingWork; List<ResourceAssignment> newRemainingWorkElements = new ArrayList<ResourceAssignment>(); // see whether there are new assignments (those // which doesn't appear in the last import) // because for them the remainingWork should not be // preserved for (Iterator itrAssignments = resourceBasedAssignmentsForWorkItem.keySet() .iterator(); itrAssignments.hasNext();) { Integer resourceID = (Integer); if (!resoucesWithImportedRemainingWork.contains(resourceID)) { newRemainingWorkElements .add(resourceBasedAssignmentsForWorkItem.get(resourceID)); } } if (newRemainingWorkElements.isEmpty() && resourceBasedAssignmentsForWorkItem.size() > 0) { // no new assignment found, we must mess up a // "to be preserved" remainingWork of an // existing assignment ResourceAssignment assignmentElement = resourceBasedAssignmentsForWorkItem.values() .iterator().next(); double remainingWork = assignmentElement.getRemainingWork().getDuration(); assignmentElement.setRemainingWork( Duration.getInstance(remainingWork + difference, TimeUnit.HOURS)); } else { // new assignment(s) found: divide the remaining // work equally for each new assignment Double remainingWorkProPerson = difference / newRemainingWorkElements.size(); for (Iterator<ResourceAssignment> iterator = newRemainingWorkElements .iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { ResourceAssignment assignmentElement =; assignmentElement.setRemainingWork( Duration.getInstance(remainingWorkProPerson, TimeUnit.HOURS)); } } } } /* * set the Works for each assignment: it is always the sum * of actual work and remaining work (doesn't matter the * value from track+ total budget) */ double taskActualOvertimeWork = 0.0; if (resourceBasedAssignmentsForWorkItem != null && resourceBasedAssignmentsForWorkItem.size() > 0) { for (Iterator itrAssignments = resourceBasedAssignmentsForWorkItem.keySet() .iterator(); itrAssignments.hasNext();) { Integer resourceID = (Integer); ResourceAssignment assignmentElement = resourceBasedAssignmentsForWorkItem .get(resourceID); Double remainingWorkHours = assignmentElement.getRemainingWork().getDuration(); if (remainingWorkHours != null && Math.abs(remainingWorkHours.doubleValue()) > EPSILON) { // if there is remaining work then remove the // actual finish date Date actualFinishElement = assignmentElement.getActualFinish(); if (actualFinishElement != null) { project.getAllResourceAssignments().remove(assignmentElement); } } // assignment level OvertimeWork, // ActualOvertimeWork, RegularWork Duration actualWorkDuration = assignmentElement.getActualWork(); Double actualWorkHours = null; if (actualWorkDuration != null) { actualWorkHours = actualWorkDuration.getDuration(); } if (actualWorkHours == null) { actualWorkHours = Double.valueOf(0); } Double work = remainingWorkHours + actualWorkHours; assignmentElement.setWork(Duration.getInstance(work, TimeUnit.HOURS)); Duration overtimeWorkDuration = assignmentElement.getOvertimeWork(); Double assignmentOvertimeWork = null; if (overtimeWorkDuration != null) { assignmentOvertimeWork = overtimeWorkDuration.getDuration(); } if (assignmentOvertimeWork == null) { assignmentOvertimeWork = new Double(0); } /* * Double assignmentActualOvertimeWork = * assignmentElement.getActualWork().getDuration(); * if (assignmentActualOvertimeWork==null) { * assignmentActualOvertimeWork = new Double(0); } * taskActualOvertimeWork += * assignmentActualOvertimeWork.doubleValue(); */ taskActualOvertimeWork += actualWorkHours; assignmentElement.setRegularWork( Duration.getInstance(work - assignmentOvertimeWork, TimeUnit.HOURS)); } } // task level OvertimeWork, ActualOvertimeWork, RegularWork Duration overtimeWorkDuration = taskElement.getOvertimeWork(); Double taskOvertimeWork = null; if (overtimeWorkDuration != null) { taskOvertimeWork = overtimeWorkDuration.getDuration(); } if (taskOvertimeWork == null) { taskOvertimeWork = new Double(0); } // the OvertimeWork will not be less than the // ActualOvertimeWork if (taskActualOvertimeWork > taskOvertimeWork.doubleValue()) { taskElement.setOvertimeWork(Duration.getInstance(taskActualOvertimeWork, TimeUnit.HOURS)); taskOvertimeWork = taskActualOvertimeWork; } if (taskActualOvertimeWork > 0.0) { // taskElement.setActualOvertimeWork(Duration.getInstance(taskActualOvertimeWork, // TimeUnit.HOURS)); } Double work = taskElement.getWork().getDuration(); if (work == null) { work = new Double(0); } taskElement.setRegularWork(Duration .getInstance(work.doubleValue() - taskOvertimeWork.doubleValue(), TimeUnit.HOURS)); // task level ActualStart, Start and ActualFinish dates if (taskActualStart != null) { } Date startElement = taskElement.getStart(); if (startElement != null) { Date startDate = taskElement.getStart(); if (startDate != null && taskActualStart != null && startDate.after(taskActualStart)) { // taskElement.setStart(taskActualStart); } } if (taskActualFinish != null && taskRemainingHours != null && Math.abs(taskRemainingHours.doubleValue()) < 0.0001) { taskElement.setActualFinish(taskActualFinish); } } } } // assignments which still remained are probably from tasks which // doesn't have actualWork. // The actual work should be set to 0 (no TCostBean) anyway for each // one, but ideally none of them should // be deleted (the assignment is still needed because of their remaining // work assigned to a person). // If the remainingWork is changed for the workItem then we would have // the evenly distribute the difference // among the previously imported assignments' remainingWorks. This is // too complicated, instead we assign // the task's entire remainingWork to the first person and delete the // assignments for the other persons if (importedTaskUIDToResourceUIDToAssignmentsMap.size() > 0) { // TODO Parsing correctness validation for (Integer key : importedTaskUIDToResourceUIDToAssignmentsMap.keySet()) { Integer taskUID = key; Task taskElement = UIDBasedTaskElementMap.get(taskUID); if (taskElement != null && taskElement.getRemainingWork() != null) { Double taskRemainingWork = taskElement.getRemainingWork().getDuration(); Map<Integer, ResourceAssignment> resourceUIDToAssignmentsMap = importedTaskUIDToResourceUIDToAssignmentsMap .get(taskUID); if (resourceUIDToAssignmentsMap != null) { boolean first = true; for (Integer key2 : resourceUIDToAssignmentsMap.keySet()) { Integer resourceID = resourceUIDToAssignmentsMap.get(key2).getUniqueID(); // only the real resourceIDs are important if (first) { // TODO assignmentElement REMAINING_WORK field // missing first = false; ResourceAssignment assignmentElement = resourceUIDToAssignmentsMap.get(resourceID); // assignmentElement.getTim // reset the ActualWork to 0 because there is no // costBean for this // removeTimephasedData(assignmentElement); // TODO MPXJ! // assignmentElement.setActualWork(Duration.getInstance(emptyTimeSpan, // TimeUnit.HOURS)); // work = actualWork + remainingWork // so if we set actual work to emptyTimeSpan we // should make work=remainingWork, otherwise the // file doesn't open // TODO MPXJ!! // assignmentElement.setRemainingWork(Duration.getInstance(taskRemainingWork, // TimeUnit.HOURS)); // MsProjectExchangeDOMHelper.setChildTextByName(assignmentElement, // COMMON_ELEMENTS.Work, taskRemainingWork, // true); // TODO remove if statement MPXJ if (assignmentElement != null) { assignmentElement .setWork(Duration.getInstance(taskRemainingWork, TimeUnit.HOURS)); } } else { ResourceAssignment assignmentElement = resourceUIDToAssignmentsMap.get(resourceID); project.getAllResourceAssignments().remove(assignmentElement); // reset the ActualWork to 0 because there is no // costBean for this } } } } } } }
From source
private void createStyleComponent(final Composite commonComposite) { m_symbolizer = parseStyle();//from w w w.j a v a 2 s . c o m /* choose the composite, depending on the style */ if (m_symbolizer[0] instanceof SurfaceLineSymbolizer) { final SurfaceLineSymbolizer symb = (SurfaceLineSymbolizer) m_symbolizer[0]; final LineColorMap colorMap = symb.getColorMap(); if (colorMap.getColorMap().length > 0) { final LineColorMapEditorComposite comp = new LineColorMapEditorComposite(commonComposite, SWT.NONE, colorMap, m_minValue, m_maxValue); final GridData gridDataComp = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, true); gridDataComp.horizontalSpan = 2; comp.setLayoutData(gridDataComp); } else { final Text errorText = new Text(commonComposite, SWT.NONE); errorText.setText(Messages.getString("org.kalypso.ui.wizards.results.editor.EditStyleDialog.5")); //$NON-NLS-1$ errorText.setBackground(commonComposite.getBackground()); } } else if (m_symbolizer[0] instanceof SurfacePolygonSymbolizer) { final SurfacePolygonSymbolizer symb = (SurfacePolygonSymbolizer) m_symbolizer[0]; final PolygonColorMap colorMap = symb.getColorMap(); final PolygonColorMapEntry[] colorMapEntries = colorMap.getColorMap(); if (colorMapEntries.length > 0) { final PolygonColorMapEntry fromEntry = colorMapEntries[0]; final PolygonColorMapEntry toEntry = colorMapEntries[colorMapEntries.length - 1]; final PolygonColorMapEditorComposite comp = new PolygonColorMapEditorComposite(commonComposite, SWT.NONE, fromEntry, toEntry, m_minValue, m_maxValue) { @Override protected void colorMapChanged() { final List<PolygonColorMapEntry> colorMapList = getColorMap(); if (colorMapList.size() > 0) colorMap.replaceColorMap(colorMapList); } }; final GridData gridDataComp = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, true); gridDataComp.horizontalSpan = 2; comp.setLayoutData(gridDataComp); } else { final Text errorText = new Text(commonComposite, SWT.NONE); errorText.setText(Messages.getString("org.kalypso.ui.wizards.results.editor.EditStyleDialog.6")); //$NON-NLS-1$ errorText.setBackground(commonComposite.getBackground()); } } else if (m_symbolizer[0] instanceof PointSymbolizer) { final PointSymbolizer symb = (PointSymbolizer) m_symbolizer[0]; final Object[] mag = symb.getGraphic().getMarksAndExtGraphics(); final Object object = mag[0]; /* * getting the static map for actual step with settings for using in property function */ final String sourceFile = m_resultAddLayerCommandData.getSource(); final int beginIndex = sourceFile.indexOf(ResultMeta1d2dHelper.TIME_STEP_PREFIX) + ResultMeta1d2dHelper.TIME_STEP_PREFIX.length(); final String stepName = sourceFile.substring(beginIndex, beginIndex + 16); final String nodeStyleType = ResultMeta1d2dHelper .resolveResultTypeFromSldFileName(m_fileName, NodeResultHelper.NODE_TYPE).toLowerCase(); // m_mapSldSettingsIntern = NodeResultHelper.getSldSettingsMapForStyleStep( nodeStyleType, stepName ); m_mapSldSettingsIntern = NodeResultHelper.getSldSettingsMapForStep(stepName); if (object instanceof Mark) { m_mark = (Mark) object; try { m_fill = m_mark.getFill(); if (m_fill.getGraphicFill() == null && !nodeStyleType.equals(NodeResultHelper.VELO_TYPE.toLowerCase()) && !nodeStyleType.equals(NodeResultHelper.WAVE_DIRECTION_TYPE.toLowerCase())) { /* * getting the according values from sld file, needen to save the last selected configuration for next calls */ final CssParameter cssFillMin = m_fill.getParameter("minColor"); //$NON-NLS-1$ final CssParameter cssFillMax = m_fill.getParameter("maxColor"); //$NON-NLS-1$ final CssParameter cssValueAmountClasses = m_fill.getParameter("amountClasses"); //$NON-NLS-1$ Color fromColor = resolveColor( m_mapSldSettingsIntern.get(NodeResultHelper.COLOR_MIN_PREFIX + nodeStyleType)); Color toColor = resolveColor( m_mapSldSettingsIntern.get(NodeResultHelper.COLOR_MAX_PREFIX + nodeStyleType)); Double amountOfClasses = (Double) m_mapSldSettingsIntern .get(NodeResultHelper.AMOUNT_OF_CLASSES_PREFIX + nodeStyleType); try { /* * replacing the information needed for color settings from the loaded sld. initially set from the static * map in the helper. if this data was provided in sld, set it also in to the map */ fromColor = (Color) extractCssValue(cssFillMin); toColor = (Color) extractCssValue(cssFillMax); final Double extValueMin = (Double) m_mapSldSettingsIntern .get(NodeResultHelper.VALUE_MIN_PREFIX + nodeStyleType); final Double extValueMax = (Double) m_mapSldSettingsIntern .get(NodeResultHelper.VALUE_MAX_PREFIX + nodeStyleType); amountOfClasses = (Double) extractCssValue(cssValueAmountClasses); m_mapSldSettingsIntern.put(NodeResultHelper.AMOUNT_OF_CLASSES_PREFIX + nodeStyleType, amountOfClasses); m_maxValue = new BigDecimal(extValueMax); m_minValue = new BigDecimal(extValueMin); } catch (final Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } final BigDecimal width = m_maxValue.subtract(m_minValue) .divide(new BigDecimal(4), BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP) .setScale(3, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP); final PolygonColorMapEntry fromEntry = StyleFactory.createPolygonColorMapEntry(fromColor, fromColor, m_minValue, m_minValue.add(width)); final PolygonColorMapEntry toEntry = StyleFactory.createPolygonColorMapEntry(toColor, toColor, m_maxValue.subtract(width), m_maxValue); final NodeStyleEditorComposite comp = new NodeStyleEditorComposite(commonComposite, SWT.NONE, fromEntry, toEntry, m_minValue, m_maxValue, amountOfClasses.intValue()) { private Map<Integer, Color> m_mapActualColorsCache; @Override protected void contentChanged() { m_boolNodeStyleChanged = true; /* * changing the name is needed to be placed in sld file. */ final CssParameter newMinColor = getFromEntry().getFill().getParameter("fill"); //$NON-NLS-1$ newMinColor.setName("minColor"); //$NON-NLS-1$ m_fill.addCssParameter("minColor", newMinColor); //$NON-NLS-1$ final CssParameter newMaxColor = getToEntry().getFill().getParameter("fill"); //$NON-NLS-1$ newMaxColor.setName("maxColor"); //$NON-NLS-1$ m_fill.addCssParameter("maxColor", newMaxColor); //$NON-NLS-1$ final Double newAmountClasses = ((Integer) getAmountOfClassesForInterpolation()) .doubleValue(); final CssParameter cssNewValueAmountClasses = m_fill.getParameter("amountClasses"); //$NON-NLS-1$ cssNewValueAmountClasses.setValue("" + newAmountClasses); //$NON-NLS-1$ m_fill.addCssParameter("amountClasses", cssNewValueAmountClasses); //$NON-NLS-1$ final Color extractedCssValueMinColor = (Color) extractCssValue(newMinColor); m_mapSldSettingsIntern.put(NodeResultHelper.COLOR_MIN_PREFIX + nodeStyleType, extractedCssValueMinColor); final Color extractedCssValueMaxColor = (Color) extractCssValue(newMaxColor); m_mapSldSettingsIntern.put(NodeResultHelper.COLOR_MAX_PREFIX + nodeStyleType, extractedCssValueMaxColor); m_mapSldSettingsIntern.put( NodeResultHelper.AMOUNT_OF_CLASSES_PREFIX + nodeStyleType, newAmountClasses); /* * this map placed also in the settings of actual result step, works as a cache of interpolated color, * by changing of color settings should be reseted */ m_mapActualColorsCache = (Map<Integer, Color>) m_mapSldSettingsIntern .get(NodeResultHelper.COLOR_MAP_PREFIX + nodeStyleType); if (m_mapActualColorsCache != null) m_mapActualColorsCache.clear(); } }; final GridData gridDataComp = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, true); gridDataComp.horizontalSpan = 2; comp.setLayoutData(gridDataComp); return; } } catch (final Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } final Double extValueMin = (Double) m_mapSldSettingsIntern .get(NodeResultHelper.VALUE_MIN_PREFIX + nodeStyleType); final Double extValueMax = (Double) m_mapSldSettingsIntern .get(NodeResultHelper.VALUE_MAX_PREFIX + nodeStyleType); m_maxValue = new BigDecimal(extValueMax).setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP); m_minValue = new BigDecimal(extValueMin).setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP); final VectorEditorComposite comp = new VectorEditorComposite(commonComposite, SWT.NONE, symb, m_minValue, m_maxValue); final GridData gridDataComp = new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, true); gridDataComp.horizontalSpan = 2; comp.setLayoutData(gridDataComp); } else { final Text errorText1 = new Text(commonComposite, SWT.NONE); final GridData gridDataText1 = new GridData(SWT.BEGINNING, SWT.CENTER, true, true); gridDataText1.horizontalSpan = 2; gridDataText1.widthHint = 400; errorText1.setLayoutData(gridDataText1); errorText1.setText(Messages.getString("org.kalypso.ui.wizards.results.editor.EditStyleDialog.7")); //$NON-NLS-1$ errorText1.setBackground(commonComposite.getBackground()); final Text errorText2 = new Text(commonComposite, SWT.NONE); errorText2.setLayoutData(gridDataText1); errorText2.setText(Messages.getString("org.kalypso.ui.wizards.results.editor.EditStyleDialog.8")); //$NON-NLS-1$ errorText2.setBackground(commonComposite.getBackground()); } }
From source
/** * Called prior to form display. Allows for data to be put in the request to be used in the view * * @see org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.SimpleFormController#referenceData(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest) *//* ww w . j a v a 2 s . co m*/ protected Map<String, Object> referenceData(HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception { Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); if (!Context.hasPrivilege("View Observations")) { return map; } MessageSourceAccessor msa = getMessageSourceAccessor(); Locale locale = Context.getLocale(); ConceptService cs = Context.getConceptService(); String conceptId = request.getParameter("conceptId"); //List<Obs> obs = new Vector<Obs>(); //List<Obs> obsAnswered = new Vector<Obs>(); if (conceptId != null) { Concept concept = cs.getConcept(Integer.valueOf(conceptId)); ObsService obsService = Context.getObsService(); if (concept != null) { // previous/next ids for links map.put("previousConcept", cs.getPrevConcept(concept)); map.put("nextConcept", cs.getNextConcept(concept)); //obs = obsService.getObservations(concept, "valueNumeric, obsId"); //obsAnswered = obsService.getObservationsAnsweredByConcept(concept); if (ConceptDatatype.NUMERIC.equals(concept.getDatatype().getHl7Abbreviation())) { map.put("displayType", "numeric"); List<Obs> numericAnswers = obsService.getObservations(null, null, Collections.singletonList(concept), null, Collections.singletonList(OpenmrsConstants.PERSON_TYPE.PERSON), null, Collections.singletonList("valueNumeric"), null, null, null, null, false); if (numericAnswers.size() > 0) { Double min = numericAnswers.get(0).getValueNumeric(); Double max = (Double) numericAnswers.get(numericAnswers.size() - 1).getValueNumeric(); Double median = (Double) numericAnswers.get(numericAnswers.size() / 2).getValueNumeric(); Map<Double, Integer> counts = new HashMap<Double, Integer>(); // counts for the histogram Double total = 0.0; // sum of values. used for mean // dataset setup for lineChart TimeSeries timeSeries = new TimeSeries(concept.getName().getName(), Day.class); TimeSeriesCollection timeDataset = new TimeSeriesCollection(); Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); // array for histogram double[] obsNumerics = new double[(numericAnswers.size())]; Integer i = 0; for (Obs obs : numericAnswers) { Date date = (Date) obs.getObsDatetime(); Double value = (Double) obs.getValueNumeric(); // for mean calculation total += value; // for histogram obsNumerics[i++] = value; Integer count = counts.get(value); counts.put(value, count == null ? 1 : count + 1); // for line chart calendar.setTime(date); Day day = new Day(calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH), calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1, // January = 0 calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR) < 1900 ? 1900 : calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR) // jfree chart doesn't like the 19th century ); timeSeries.addOrUpdate(day, value); } Double size = new Double(numericAnswers.size()); Double mean = total / size; map.put("size", numericAnswers.size()); map.put("min", min); map.put("max", max); map.put("mean", mean); map.put("median", median); // create histogram chart HistogramDataset histDataset = new HistogramDataset(); // dataset for histogram histDataset.addSeries(concept.getName().getName(), obsNumerics, counts.size()); JFreeChart histogram = ChartFactory.createHistogram(concept.getName().getName(), msa.getMessage("Concept.stats.histogramDomainAxisTitle"), msa.getMessage("Concept.stats.histogramRangeAxisTitle"), histDataset, PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, false, true, false); map.put("histogram", histogram); if (size > 25) { // calculate 98th percentile of the data: Double x = 0.98; Integer xpercentile = (int) (x * size); Double upperQuartile = numericAnswers.get(xpercentile).getValueNumeric(); Double lowerQuartile = numericAnswers.get((int) (size - xpercentile)).getValueNumeric(); Double innerQuartile = upperQuartile - lowerQuartile; Double innerQuartileLimit = innerQuartile * 1.5; // outliers will be greater than this from the upper/lower quartile Double upperQuartileLimit = upperQuartile + innerQuartileLimit; Double lowerQuartileLimit = lowerQuartile - innerQuartileLimit; List<Obs> outliers = new Vector<Obs>(); // move outliers to the outliers list // removing lower quartile outliers for (i = 0; i < size - xpercentile; i++) { Obs possibleOutlier = numericAnswers.get(i); if (possibleOutlier.getValueNumeric() >= lowerQuartileLimit) { break; // quit if this value is greater than the lower limit } outliers.add(possibleOutlier); } // removing upper quartile outliers for (i = size.intValue() - 1; i >= xpercentile; i--) { Obs possibleOutlier = numericAnswers.get(i); if (possibleOutlier.getValueNumeric() <= upperQuartileLimit) { break; // quit if this value is less than the upper limit } outliers.add(possibleOutlier); } numericAnswers.removeAll(outliers); double[] obsNumericsOutliers = new double[(numericAnswers.size())]; i = 0; counts.clear(); for (Obs values : numericAnswers) { Double value = values.getValueNumeric(); obsNumericsOutliers[i++] = value; Integer count = counts.get(value); counts.put(value, count == null ? 1 : count + 1); } // create outlier histogram chart HistogramDataset outlierHistDataset = new HistogramDataset(); outlierHistDataset.addSeries(concept.getName().getName(), obsNumericsOutliers, counts.size()); JFreeChart histogramOutliers = ChartFactory.createHistogram(concept.getName().getName(), msa.getMessage("Concept.stats.histogramDomainAxisTitle"), msa.getMessage("Concept.stats.histogramRangeAxisTitle"), outlierHistDataset, PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, false, true, false); map.put("histogramOutliers", histogramOutliers); map.put("outliers", outliers); } // create line graph chart timeDataset.addSeries(timeSeries); JFreeChart lineChart = ChartFactory.createTimeSeriesChart(concept.getName().getName(), msa.getMessage("Concept.stats.lineChartDomainAxisLabel"), msa.getMessage("Concept.stats.lineChartRangeAxisLabel"), timeDataset, false, true, false); map.put("timeSeries", lineChart); } } else if (ConceptDatatype.BOOLEAN.equals(concept.getDatatype().getHl7Abbreviation())) { // create bar chart for boolean answers map.put("displayType", "boolean"); List<Obs> obs = obsService.getObservations(null, null, Collections.singletonList(concept), null, Collections.singletonList(OpenmrsConstants.PERSON_TYPE.PERSON), null, null, null, null, null, null, false); DefaultPieDataset pieDataset = new DefaultPieDataset(); // count the number of unique answers Map<String, Integer> counts = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); for (Obs o : obs) { Boolean answer = o.getValueAsBoolean(); if (answer == null) { answer = false; } String name = answer.toString(); Integer count = counts.get(name); counts.put(name, count == null ? 1 : count + 1); } // put the counts into the dataset for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : counts.entrySet()) { pieDataset.setValue(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } JFreeChart pieChart = ChartFactory.createPieChart(concept.getName().getName(), pieDataset, true, true, false); map.put("pieChart", pieChart); } else if (ConceptDatatype.CODED.equals(concept.getDatatype().getHl7Abbreviation())) { // create pie graph for coded answers map.put("displayType", "coded"); List<Obs> obs = obsService.getObservations(null, null, Collections.singletonList(concept), null, Collections.singletonList(OpenmrsConstants.PERSON_TYPE.PERSON), null, null, null, null, null, null, false); DefaultPieDataset pieDataset = new DefaultPieDataset(); // count the number of unique answers Map<String, Integer> counts = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); for (Obs o : obs) { Concept value = o.getValueCoded(); String name; if (value == null) { name = "[value_coded is null]"; } else { name = value.getName().getName(); } Integer count = counts.get(name); counts.put(name, count == null ? 1 : count + 1); } // put the counts into the dataset for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : counts.entrySet()) { pieDataset.setValue(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } JFreeChart pieChart = ChartFactory.createPieChart(concept.getName().getName(), pieDataset, true, true, false); map.put("pieChart", pieChart); } } } //map.put("obs", obs); //map.put("obsAnswered", obsAnswered); map.put("locale", locale.getLanguage().substring(0, 2)); return map; }
From source
public Date getLastDoseObsDate(Integer personId, String conceptName, Integer doseNumber) { List<Obs> matchingObs = obsService.getObservationsByPersonAndConcept(personService.getPerson(personId), conceptService.getConcept(conceptName)); for (Obs obs : matchingObs) { Double value = obs.getValueNumeric(); if (value != null && doseNumber == value.intValue()) { return obs.getObsDatetime(); }/* w w w . jav a 2s .c o m*/ } return null; }
From source
public Date getLastDoseObsDateInActivePregnancy(Integer patientId, String conceptName, Integer doseNumber) { Obs pregnancy = getActivePregnancy(patientId); if (pregnancy != null) { Integer pregnancyObsId = pregnancy.getObsId(); List<Obs> matchingObs = getMatchingObs(personService.getPerson(patientId), conceptService.getConcept(conceptName), null, pregnancyObsId, null, null); for (Obs obs : matchingObs) { Double value = obs.getValueNumeric(); if (value != null && doseNumber == value.intValue()) { return obs.getObsDatetime(); }/*from ww w. j a v a 2 s. co m*/ } } return null; }