List of usage examples for java.lang Double intValue
public int intValue()
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private void importDataToWorkbook(HSSFWorkbook xlsBook, Workbook workbook) { if (workbook.getObservations() != null) { HSSFSheet observationSheet = xlsBook.getSheetAt(1); int xlsRowIndex = 1; //row 0 is the header row for (MeasurementRow wRow : workbook.getObservations()) { HSSFRow xlsRow = observationSheet.getRow(xlsRowIndex); for (MeasurementData wData : wRow.getDataList()) { String label = wData.getLabel(); int xlsColIndex = findColumn(observationSheet, label); Cell cell = xlsRow.getCell(xlsColIndex); String xlsValue = ""; if (cell != null) { if (cell.getCellType() == Cell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC) { Double doubleVal = Double.valueOf(cell.getNumericCellValue()); Integer intVal = Integer.valueOf(doubleVal.intValue()); if (Double.parseDouble(intVal.toString()) == doubleVal.doubleValue()) { xlsValue = intVal.toString(); } else { xlsValue = doubleVal.toString(); }//from w w w. j av a 2 s . c om } else xlsValue = cell.getStringCellValue(); } wData.setValue(xlsValue); } xlsRowIndex++; } } }
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@Override public void execute(TaskContext aContext) throws Exception { if (learningMode.equals(Constants.LM_MULTI_LABEL)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot use multi-label setup in clustering."); }//from w w w . j a v a2s . co m boolean multiLabel = false; File arffFileTrain = new File( aContext.getStorageLocation(TEST_TASK_INPUT_KEY_TRAINING_DATA, AccessMode.READONLY).getPath() + "/" + TRAINING_DATA_FILENAME); Instances trainData = TaskUtils.getInstances(arffFileTrain, multiLabel); // get number of outcomes List<String> trainOutcomeValues = TaskUtils.getClassLabels(trainData, multiLabel); Clusterer clusterer = AbstractClusterer.forName(clusteringArguments.get(0), clusteringArguments.subList(1, clusteringArguments.size()).toArray(new String[0])); Instances copyTrainData = new Instances(trainData); trainData = WekaUtils.removeOutcomeId(trainData, multiLabel); // generate data for clusterer (w/o class) Remove filter = new Remove(); filter.setAttributeIndices("" + (trainData.classIndex() + 1)); filter.setInputFormat(trainData); Instances clusterTrainData = Filter.useFilter(trainData, filter); clusterer.buildClusterer(clusterTrainData); // get a mapping from clusterIDs to instance offsets in the ARFF Map<Integer, Set<Integer>> clusterMap = getClusterMap(clusterTrainData, clusterer); Map<String, String> instanceId2TextMap = getInstanceId2TextMap(aContext); ConditionalFrequencyDistribution<Integer, String> clusterAssignments = new ConditionalFrequencyDistribution<Integer, String>(); for (Integer clusterId : clusterMap.keySet()) { System.out.println("CLUSTER: " + clusterId); for (Integer offset : clusterMap.get(clusterId)) { // get instance ID from instance Instance instance = copyTrainData.get(offset); Double classOffset = new Double(instance.value(copyTrainData.classAttribute())); String label = (String) trainOutcomeValues.get(classOffset.intValue()); clusterAssignments.addSample(clusterId, label); String instanceId = instance .stringValue(copyTrainData.attribute(AddIdFeatureExtractor.ID_FEATURE_NAME).index()); System.out.println(label + "\t" + instanceId2TextMap.get(instanceId)); } System.out.println(); } System.out.println("ID\tSIZE\tPURITY\tRMSE"); for (Integer clusterId : clusterMap.keySet()) { FrequencyDistribution<String> fd = clusterAssignments.getFrequencyDistribution(clusterId); double purity = (double) fd.getCount(fd.getSampleWithMaxFreq()) / fd.getN(); String purityString = String.format("%.2f", purity); double rmse = getRMSE(fd, trainOutcomeValues); String rmseString = String.format("%.2f", rmse); System.out.println( clusterId + "\t" + clusterMap.get(clusterId).size() + "\t" + purityString + "\t" + rmseString); } System.out.println(); }
From source
/** * using the pre-configuration information passed here, analyse the logs * and produce the aggregation file/*from w w w.j a va 2 s .c o m*/ * * @param context the DSpace context object this occurs under * @param myLogDir the passed log directory. Uses default if null * @param myFileTemplate the passed file name regex. Uses default if null * @param myConfigFile the DStat config file. Uses default if null * @param myOutFile the file to which to output aggregation data. Uses default if null * @param myStartDate the desired start of the analysis. Starts from the beginning otherwise * @param myEndDate the desired end of the analysis. Goes to the end otherwise * @param myLookUp force a lookup of the database * @return aggregate output * @throws IOException if IO error * @throws SQLException if database error * @throws SearchServiceException if search error */ public static String processLogs(Context context, String myLogDir, String myFileTemplate, String myConfigFile, String myOutFile, Date myStartDate, Date myEndDate, boolean myLookUp) throws IOException, SQLException, SearchServiceException { // FIXME: perhaps we should have all parameters and aggregators put // together in a single aggregating object // if the timer has not yet been started, then start it startTime = new GregorianCalendar(); //instantiate aggregators actionAggregator = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); searchAggregator = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); userAggregator = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); itemAggregator = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); archiveStats = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); //instantiate lists generalSummary = new ArrayList<String>(); excludeWords = new ArrayList<String>(); excludeTypes = new ArrayList<String>(); excludeChars = new ArrayList<String>(); itemTypes = new ArrayList<String>(); // set the parameters for this analysis setParameters(myLogDir, myFileTemplate, myConfigFile, myOutFile, myStartDate, myEndDate, myLookUp); // pre prepare our standard file readers and buffered readers FileReader fr = null; BufferedReader br = null; // read in the config information, throwing an error if we fail to open // the given config file readConfig(configFile); // assemble the regular expressions for later use (requires the file // template to build the regex to match it setRegex(fileTemplate); // get the log files File[] logFiles = getLogFiles(logDir); // standard loop counter int i = 0; // for every log file do analysis // FIXME: it is easy to implement not processing log files after the // dates exceed the end boundary, but is there an easy way to do it // for the start of the file? Note that we can assume that the contents // of the log file are sequential, but can we assume the files are // provided in a data sequence? for (i = 0; i < logFiles.length; i++) { // check to see if this file is a log file agains the global regex Matcher matchRegex = logRegex.matcher(logFiles[i].getName()); if (matchRegex.matches()) { // if it is a log file, open it up and lets have a look at the // contents. try { fr = new FileReader(logFiles[i].toString()); br = new BufferedReader(fr); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("Failed to read log file " + logFiles[i].toString()); System.exit(0); } // for each line in the file do the analysis // FIXME: perhaps each section needs to be dolled out to an // analysing class to allow pluggability of other methods of // analysis, and ease of code reading too - Pending further thought String line = null; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { // get the log line object LogLine logLine = getLogLine(line); // if there are line segments get on with the analysis if (logLine != null) { // first find out if we are constraining by date and // if so apply the restrictions if ((startDate != null) && (!logLine.afterDate(startDate))) { continue; } if ((endDate != null) && (!logLine.beforeDate(endDate))) { break; } // count the number of lines parsed lineCount++; // if we are not constrained by date, register the date // as the start/end date if it is the earliest/latest so far // FIXME: this should probably have a method of its own if (startDate == null) { if (logStartDate != null) { if (logLine.beforeDate(logStartDate)) { logStartDate = logLine.getDate(); } } else { logStartDate = logLine.getDate(); } } if (endDate == null) { if (logEndDate != null) { if (logLine.afterDate(logEndDate)) { logEndDate = logLine.getDate(); } } else { logEndDate = logLine.getDate(); } } // count the warnings if (logLine.isLevel("WARN")) { // FIXME: really, this ought to be some kind of level // aggregator warnCount++; } // count the exceptions if (logLine.isLevel("ERROR")) { excCount++; } if (null == logLine.getAction()) { continue; } // is the action a search? if (logLine.isAction("search")) { // get back all the valid search words from the query String[] words = analyseQuery(logLine.getParams()); // for each search word add to the aggregator or // increment the aggregator's counter for (int j = 0; j < words.length; j++) { // FIXME: perhaps aggregators ought to be objects // themselves searchAggregator.put(words[j], increment(searchAggregator, words[j])); } } // is the action a login, and are we counting user logins? if (logLine.isAction("login") && !userEmail.equals("off")) { userAggregator.put(logLine.getUser(), increment(userAggregator, logLine.getUser())); } // is the action an item view? if (logLine.isAction("view_item")) { String handle = logLine.getParams(); // strip the handle string Matcher matchHandle = handleRX.matcher(handle); handle = matchHandle.replaceAll(""); // strip the item id string Matcher matchItem = itemRX.matcher(handle); handle = matchItem.replaceAll("").trim(); // either add the handle to the aggregator or // increment its counter itemAggregator.put(handle, increment(itemAggregator, handle)); } // log all the activity actionAggregator.put(logLine.getAction(), increment(actionAggregator, logLine.getAction())); } } // close the file reading buffers br.close(); fr.close(); } } // do we want to do a database lookup? Do so only if the start and // end dates are null or lookUp is true // FIXME: this is a kind of separate section. Would it be worth building // the summary string separately and then inserting it into the real // summary later? Especially if we make the archive analysis more complex archiveStats.put("All Items", getNumItems(context)); for (i = 0; i < itemTypes.size(); i++) { archiveStats.put(itemTypes.get(i), getNumItems(context, itemTypes.get(i))); } // now do the host name and url lookup hostName = ConfigurationManager.getProperty("dspace.hostname").trim(); name = ConfigurationManager.getProperty("").trim(); url = ConfigurationManager.getProperty("dspace.url").trim(); if ((url != null) && (!url.endsWith("/"))) { url = url + "/"; } // do the average views analysis if ((archiveStats.get("All Items")).intValue() != 0) { // FIXME: this is dependent on their being a query on the db, which // there might not always be if it becomes configurable Double avg = Math.ceil((actionAggregator.get("view_item")).doubleValue() / (archiveStats.get("All Items")).doubleValue()); views = avg.intValue(); } // finally, write the output return createOutput(); }
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@Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void work() throws Exception { // Get input/*from www . j av a 2 s . c o m*/ Map<UUID, Map<String, Object>> vectorMap; try { vectorMap = (Map<UUID, Map<String, Object>>) this.getInputAsObject(this.INPUT_PORTS[0]); } catch (Exception e) { ErrorLogger.getInstance().writeError(CDKTavernaException.WRONG_INPUT_PORT_TYPE, this.getActivityName(), e); throw new CDKTavernaException(this.getConfiguration().getActivityName(), e.getMessage()); } File targetFile = this.getInputAsFile(this.INPUT_PORTS[1]); String directory = Tools.getDirectory(targetFile); String name = Tools.getFileName(targetFile); // Do work ChartTool chartTool = new ChartTool(); ArrayList<String> molIdSWeightCSV = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<String> weightDistributionCSV = new ArrayList<String>(); try { QSARVectorUtility util = new QSARVectorUtility(); List<UUID> uuids = util.getUUIDs(vectorMap); LinkedList<Double> weigths = new LinkedList<Double>(); int maxWeight = 0; molIdSWeightCSV.add("ID;Molecular Weight (g/mol);"); for (int i = 0; i < uuids.size(); i++) { UUID uuid = uuids.get(i); Map<String, Object> values = vectorMap.get(uuid); Double weight = (Double) values.get("weight"); if (weight.isInfinite() || weight.isNaN()) { continue; } weigths.add(weight); if (weight.intValue() > maxWeight) { maxWeight = weight.intValue(); } molIdSWeightCSV.add(uuid.toString() + ";" + String.format("%.2f", weight) + ";"); } int[] weightDistribution = new int[maxWeight + 1]; for (Double weight : weigths) { int value = weight.intValue(); weightDistribution[value]++; } weightDistributionCSV.add("Molecular Weight (g/mol);Number Of Molecules;"); for (int i = 1; i < weightDistribution.length; i++) { weightDistributionCSV.add(i + ";" + weightDistribution[i] + ";"); } // Create chart XYSeries series = new XYSeries("Weight"); for (int i = 0; i < weightDistribution.length; i++) { series.add(i, weightDistribution[i]); } XYSeriesCollection dataset = new XYSeriesCollection(series); JFreeChart chart = chartTool.createXYBarChart("Weight Distribution", "Weight (g/mol)", "Number of Compounds", dataset, true, false); File file = FileNameGenerator.getNewFile(directory, ".pdf", name); chartTool.writeChartAsPDF(file, Collections.singletonList((Object) chart)); } catch (Exception e) { ErrorLogger.getInstance().writeError("Error during extraction of molecular weight from QSAR vector!", this.getActivityName(), e); throw new CDKTavernaException(this.getConfiguration().getActivityName(), e.getMessage()); } // Set output this.setOutputAsStringList(weightDistributionCSV, this.OUTPUT_PORTS[0]); this.setOutputAsStringList(molIdSWeightCSV, this.OUTPUT_PORTS[1]); }
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/** * The compareTo method compares the receiving object with the specified object and returns a * negative integer, 0, or a positive integer depending on whether the receiving object is * less than, equal to, or greater than the specified object. * * @param c the event to compare this one to * * @return an integer indicating comparison result *//* w ww.ja v a 2 s. c o m*/ public int compareTo(Coordinate c) { String me = this.getLatitudeAsString() + this.getLongitudeAsString(); String you = c.getLatitudeAsString() + c.getLongitudeAsString(); Double meDbl = Double.valueOf(me); Double youDbl = Double.valueOf(you); if (meDbl == youDbl) { return 0; } else { Double tmp = Math.floor(meDbl - youDbl); return tmp.intValue(); } }
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@Override public void onViewStateRestored(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onViewStateRestored(savedInstanceState); Double d = graphViewData[graphViewData.length - 1].getY(); mLastTemp.setText(String.valueOf(d.intValue()) + "\u00b0"); return;//from w ww . j a va2 s .c o m }
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/** * Compatibility method to speed up calls made using doubles. * /* w ww . j a v a 2 s . com*/ * @param i * the element position (will be floored to int) * @return the i-th element */ public Object get(final Double i) { return get(i.intValue()); }
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private Dimension geCustomImageSizeDimention(String imgSize) { try {//from w ww. ja va2 s . co m if (StringUtils.isBlank(imgSize)) { return null; } String size = imgSize.trim(); String[] parts = size.split("x"); if (parts.length < SIZE_LENGTH) { return null; } int width = Integer.parseInt(parts[0]); int height = Integer.parseInt(parts[1]); Double dwidth = width * PIXEL_MULTIPLIER; Double dheight = height * PIXEL_MULTIPLIER; return new Dimension(dwidth.intValue(), dheight.intValue()); } catch (Exception e) {; return null; } }
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/** * Makes 26 ^ seqWidth UniqueId and stores it in the * UniqueIds as UNIQ_ID_ + the generated chars * //from w ww.j a va2s .c o m * currently seqWidth is 4 so the ID-s start at * UNIQ_ID_AAAA and ends at UNIQ_ID_ZZZZ * * This function runs only one time, to generate all the UNIQ_ID_ * */ private void makeUniqueId() { this.nextIdPosition = 0; // This is the configurable param int seqWidth = 4; Double charSetSize = 26d; // The size of the array will be 26 ^ seqWidth. ie: if 2 chars wide, 26 // * 26. 3 chars, 26 * 26 * 26 Double total = Math.pow(charSetSize, (new Integer(seqWidth)).doubleValue()); StringBuilder[] sbArr = new StringBuilder[total.intValue()]; // Initializing the Array for (int j = 0; j < total; j++) { sbArr[j] = new StringBuilder(); } char ch = 'A'; // Iterating over the entire length for the 'seqWidth' number of times. for (int k = seqWidth; k > 0; k--) { // Iterating and adding each char to the entire array. for (int l = 1; l <= total; l++) { sbArr[l - 1].append(ch); if ((l % (Math.pow(charSetSize, k - 1d))) == 0) { ch++; if (ch > 'Z') { ch = 'A'; } } } } this.UniqueIds = new ArrayList<String>(); // Use the stringbuilder array, to fill the UniquIds for (StringBuilder id : sbArr) { this.UniqueIds.add("UNIQ_ID_" + id); } }
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/** * Parse a global report to XML format.//from w ww . ja v a 2 s . c o m * * @param outputfile the output file. * @param gr the global report. */ public void parseGlobal(String outputfile, GlobalReport gr, ReportGenerator generator) { String templatePath = "templates/global.html"; String imagePath = "templates/image.html"; String newHtmlFolder = outputfile.substring(0, outputfile.lastIndexOf("/")); String imagesBody = ""; String pieFunctions = ""; // Parse individual Reports int index = 0; for (IndividualReport ir : gr.getIndividualReports()) { if (!ir.containsData()) continue; String imageBody; imageBody = generator.readFilefromResources(imagePath); // Image String imgPath = "html/img/" + new File(ir.getReportPath()).getName() + ".jpg"; boolean check = tiff2Jpg(ir.getFilePath(), newHtmlFolder + "/" + imgPath); if (!check) { imgPath = "html/img/noise.jpg"; } imageBody = StringUtils.replace(imageBody, "##IMG_PATH##", encodeUrl(imgPath)); // Basic int percent = ir.calculatePercent(); imageBody = StringUtils.replace(imageBody, "##PERCENT##", "" + percent); imageBody = StringUtils.replace(imageBody, "##INDEX##", "" + index); imageBody = StringUtils.replace(imageBody, "##IMG_NAME##", "" + ir.getFileName()); /** * Errors / warnings resume (individual) */ String rowTmpl = "<tr>\n" + "\t\t\t\t\t\t <td class=\"c1\">##NAME##</td>\n" + "\t\t\t\t\t\t <td class=\"c2 ##ERR_C##\">##ERR_N## errors</td>\n" + "\t\t\t\t\t\t <td class=\"c2 ##WAR_C##\">##WAR_N## warnings</td>\n" + "\t\t\t\t\t\t <td></td>\n" + "\t\t\t\t\t\t </tr>"; String rows = ""; int totalWarnings = 0; for (String iso : ir.getCheckedIsos()) { if (ir.hasValidation(iso)) { String name = ImplementationCheckerLoader.getIsoName(iso); String row = rowTmpl; int errorsCount = ir.getNErrors(iso); int warningsCount = ir.getNWarnings(iso); totalWarnings += warningsCount; row = StringUtils.replace(row, "##NAME##", name); row = StringUtils.replace(row, "##ERR_N##", "" + errorsCount); row = StringUtils.replace(row, "##WAR_N##", "" + warningsCount); if (errorsCount > 0) { row = StringUtils.replace(row, "##ERR_C##", "error"); } else { row = StringUtils.replace(row, "##ERR_C##", ""); } if (warningsCount > 0) { row = StringUtils.replace(row, "##WAR_C##", "warning"); } else { row = StringUtils.replace(row, "##WAR_C##", ""); } rows += row; } } imageBody = StringUtils.replace(imageBody, "##TABLE_RESUME_IMAGE##", rows); imageBody = StringUtils.replace(imageBody, "##HREF##", "html/" + encodeUrl(new File(ir.getReportPath()).getName() + ".html")); /** * Percent info */ if (percent == 100) { imageBody = StringUtils.replace(imageBody, "##CLASS##", "success"); imageBody = StringUtils.replace(imageBody, "##RESULT##", "Passed"); if (totalWarnings > 0) { imageBody = StringUtils.replace(imageBody, "##DISPLAY_WAR##", "inline-block"); } else { imageBody = StringUtils.replace(imageBody, "##DISPLAY_WAR##", "none"); } } else { imageBody = StringUtils.replace(imageBody, "##CLASS##", "error"); imageBody = StringUtils.replace(imageBody, "##RESULT##", "Failed"); imageBody = StringUtils.replace(imageBody, "##DISPLAY_WAR##", "none"); } /** * Percent chart */ int angle = percent * 360 / 100; int reverseAngle = 360 - angle; String functionPie = "plotPie('pie-" + index + "', " + angle + ", " + reverseAngle; if (percent < 100) { functionPie += ", '#CCCCCC', 'red'); "; } else { functionPie += ", '#66CC66', '#66CC66'); "; } pieFunctions += functionPie; imagesBody += imageBody; index++; } // Parse the sumary report numbers String htmlBody; htmlBody = generator.readFilefromResources(templatePath); Double doub = 1.0 * gr.getAllReportsOk() / gr.getReportsCount() * 100.0; int globalPercent = doub.intValue(); htmlBody = StringUtils.replace(htmlBody, "##IMAGES_LIST##", imagesBody); htmlBody = StringUtils.replace(htmlBody, "##PERCENT##", "" + globalPercent); String scount = gr.getReportsCount() + " "; if (gr.getReportsCount() == 1) scount += "file"; else scount += "files"; htmlBody = StringUtils.replace(htmlBody, "##COUNT##", "" + scount); htmlBody = StringUtils.replace(htmlBody, "##OK##", "" + gr.getAllReportsOk()); /** * Conforms table (all) */ String rows = ""; for (String iso : gr.getCheckedIsos()) { if (gr.getIsos().contains(iso) || gr.getReportsOk(iso) == gr.getReportsCount()) { rows += makeConformsRow(gr, iso, true); } } htmlBody = StringUtils.replace(htmlBody, "##TABLE_RESUME##", rows); htmlBody = StringUtils.replace(htmlBody, "##KO##", "" + gr.getAllReportsKo()); if (gr.getAllReportsOk() >= gr.getAllReportsKo()) { htmlBody = StringUtils.replace(htmlBody, "##OK_C##", "success"); htmlBody = StringUtils.replace(htmlBody, "##KO_C##", "info-white"); } else { htmlBody = StringUtils.replace(htmlBody, "##OK_C##", "info-white"); htmlBody = StringUtils.replace(htmlBody, "##KO_C##", "error"); } // Chart int angleG = globalPercent * 360 / 100; int reverseAngleG = 360 - angleG; String functionPie = ""; if (angleG > reverseAngleG) { functionPie = "plotPie('pie-global', " + angleG + ", " + reverseAngleG; if (gr.getAllReportsOk() >= gr.getAllReportsKo()) { functionPie += ", '#66CC66', '#F2F2F2'); "; } else { functionPie += ", '#F2F2F2', 'red'); "; } } else { functionPie = "plotPie('pie-global', " + reverseAngleG + ", " + angleG; if (gr.getAllReportsOk() >= gr.getAllReportsKo()) { functionPie += ", '#F2F2F2', '#66CC66'); "; } else { functionPie += ", 'red', '#F2F2F2'); "; } } pieFunctions += functionPie; // All charts calls htmlBody = StringUtils.replace(htmlBody, "##PLOT##", pieFunctions); // TO-DO htmlBody = StringUtils.replace(htmlBody, "##OK_PC##", "0"); htmlBody = StringUtils.replace(htmlBody, "##OK_EP##", "0"); // END TO-DO htmlBody = htmlBody.replaceAll("\\.\\./", ""); generator.writeToFile(outputfile, htmlBody); }