Example usage for java.lang Character isUpperCase

List of usage examples for java.lang Character isUpperCase


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang Character isUpperCase.


public static boolean isUpperCase(int codePoint) 

Source Link


Determines if the specified character (Unicode code point) is an uppercase character.


From source file:kltn.controller.StartController.java

public static boolean checkUpper(String s) {
    if (s.length() >= 1) {
        return Character.isUpperCase(s.charAt(0));
    }/*from  ww  w .j  a  va  2 s.c om*/
    return false;

From source file:com.google.dart.engine.services.internal.correction.CorrectionUtils.java

private static String getBaseNameFromExpression(Expression expression) {
    String name = null;/*  w  w w.j  av  a 2 s  .  com*/
    // e as Type
    if (expression instanceof AsExpression) {
        AsExpression asExpression = (AsExpression) expression;
        expression = asExpression.getExpression();
    // analyze expressions
    if (expression instanceof SimpleIdentifier) {
        SimpleIdentifier node = (SimpleIdentifier) expression;
        return node.getName();
    } else if (expression instanceof PrefixedIdentifier) {
        PrefixedIdentifier node = (PrefixedIdentifier) expression;
        return node.getIdentifier().getName();
    } else if (expression instanceof MethodInvocation) {
        name = ((MethodInvocation) expression).getMethodName().getName();
    // strip known prefixes
    if (name != null) {
        for (int i = 0; i < KNOWN_METHOD_NAME_PREFIXES.length; i++) {
            String curr = KNOWN_METHOD_NAME_PREFIXES[i];
            if (name.startsWith(curr)) {
                if (name.equals(curr)) {
                    return null; // don't suggest 'get' as variable name
                } else if (Character.isUpperCase(name.charAt(curr.length()))) {
                    return name.substring(curr.length());
    // done
    return name;

From source file:CharUtils.java

 * True if string is all caps.//w ww  .  j  a v  a 2 s .c  o  m
 * @param s
 *            String to check for being all capitals.
 * @return True if string is all capitals.

public static boolean isAllCaps(String s) {
    boolean result = true;

    for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
        char ch = s.charAt(i);

        if (Character.isLetter(ch)) {
            result = result && Character.isUpperCase(ch);
            if (!result)

    return result;

From source file:com.sinosoft.one.mvc.web.impl.module.ModulesBuilderImpl.java

private List<InterceptorDelegate> findInterceptors(XmlWebApplicationContext context)
        throws FileNotFoundException, ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, IOException {
    String[] interceptorNames = SpringUtils.getBeanNames(context.getBeanFactory(), ControllerInterceptor.class);
    ArrayList<InterceptorDelegate> interceptors = new ArrayList<InterceptorDelegate>(interceptorNames.length);
    for (String beanName : interceptorNames) {
        ControllerInterceptor interceptor = (ControllerInterceptor) context.getBean(beanName);
        Class<?> userClass = ClassUtils.getUserClass(interceptor);
        if (userClass.isAnnotationPresent(Ignored.class)) {
            if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                logger.debug("Ignored interceptor (Ignored):" + interceptor);
            }/*from  ww w  .  j a v  a  2s  .c o  m*/
        if (userClass.isAnnotationPresent(NotForSubModules.class)
                && !context.getBeanFactory().containsBeanDefinition(beanName)) {
            if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                logger.debug("Ignored interceptor (NotForSubModules):" + interceptor);
        if (!userClass.getSimpleName().endsWith(MvcConstants.INTERCEPTOR_SUFFIX)) {
            logger.error("", new IllegalArgumentException("Interceptor must be end with '"
                    + MvcConstants.INTERCEPTOR_SUFFIX + "': " + userClass.getName()));
        InterceptorBuilder builder = new InterceptorBuilder(interceptor);
        Interceptor annotation = userClass.getAnnotation(Interceptor.class);
        if (annotation != null) {
        String interceporName;
        if (beanName.startsWith(AUTO_BEAN_NAME_PREFIX)) {
            interceporName = StringUtils.removeEnd(StringUtils.uncapitalize(userClass.getSimpleName()),
        } else {
            interceporName = StringUtils.removeEnd(beanName, MvcConstants.INTERCEPTOR_SUFFIX);
        final String mvc = "mvc";
        if (interceporName.startsWith(mvc)
                && (interceporName.length() == mvc.length()
                        || Character.isUpperCase(interceporName.charAt(mvc.length())))
                && !userClass.getName().startsWith("com.sinosoft.one.mvc.")) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("illegal interceptor name '" + interceporName + "' for "
                    + userClass.getName() + ": don't starts with 'mvc', it's reserved");


        InterceptorDelegate wrapper = builder.build();
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            int priority = 0;
            if (interceptor instanceof Ordered) {
                priority = ((Ordered) interceptor).getPriority();
            logger.debug("recognized interceptor[priority=" + priority + "]: " // \r\n
                    + wrapper.getName() + "=" + userClass.getName());

    // start by kylin

    List<String> rList = ResourceLoaderUtil.getResource("interceptors-order.xml", true);
    if (rList != null) {
        int tempGlobalPriority = 1;
        for (String configInterName : rList) {
            for (int j = 0, length = interceptors.size(); j < length; j++) {
                InterceptorDelegate interceptorDelegate = interceptors.get(j);
                ControllerInterceptor temp = InterceptorDelegate
                if (temp.getClass().getName().startsWith("com.sinosoft.one.mvc.web")
                        || temp.getClass().getName().startsWith("com.sinosoft.one.mvc.controllers")) {
                if (rList.toString().contains(temp.getClass().getName())) {
                    if (configInterName.trim().equals(temp.getClass().getName())) {
                        if (temp instanceof ControllerInterceptorAdapter) {
                            ((ControllerInterceptorAdapter) temp).setPriority(
                                    this.GLOBAL_INTERCEPTOR_CONFIG_START_PRIORITY - tempGlobalPriority++);
                        } else {
                            if (temp instanceof ControllerInterceptorAdapter) {
                                ((ControllerInterceptorAdapter) temp).setPriority(
                                        this.INTERCEPTOR_NOT_CONFIG_START_PRIORITY - tempGlobalPriority++);
                } else {
                    if (temp instanceof ControllerInterceptorAdapter) {
                        ((ControllerInterceptorAdapter) temp)
                                .setPriority(this.INTERCEPTOR_NOT_CONFIG_START_PRIORITY - tempGlobalPriority++);
                if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    logger.debug("Interceptor's Priority:" + temp.getClass().getName() + ":"
                            + ((ControllerInterceptorAdapter) temp).getPriority());
    // end by kylin
    return interceptors;

From source file:org.jiemamy.utils.JmStringUtil.java

 * Java???Java???SLQ????/*from  w  ww.j  a  va2 s .  co  m*/
 * <p>SQL?????????????</p>
 * @param str Java?????Java??
 * @return SQL???{@code str}?????????
public static String toSqlName(String str) {
    if (isEmpty(str)) {
        return str;
    if (isSqlName(str)) {
        return str;
    if ((isJavaClassName(str) || isJavaName(str)) == false) {
        return str.toUpperCase(Locale.getDefault());
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(str);
    for (int i = 0; i < sb.length(); i++) {
        char c = sb.charAt(i);
        if (Character.isUpperCase(c) && i != 0) {
            sb.insert(i++, "_");
        } else {
            sb.setCharAt(i, Character.toUpperCase(c));
    return sb.toString();

From source file:org.jsweet.input.typescriptdef.util.Util.java

public static boolean elligibleToClass(ModuleDeclaration module) {
    if (Character.isUpperCase(module.getName().charAt(0)) && !StringUtils.isAllUpperCase(module.getName())) {
        for (Declaration declaration : module.getMembers()) {
            if (declaration instanceof TypeDeclaration || declaration instanceof ModuleDeclaration) {
                return false;
            }//from w w w.  j ava 2 s. com
        return true;
    } else {
        return false;

From source file:org.languagetool.rules.de.VerbAgreementRule.java

private RuleMatch ruleMatchWrongVerbSubject(AnalyzedTokenReadings subject, AnalyzedTokenReadings verb,
        String expectedVerbPOS, int pos, AnalyzedSentence sentence) {
    String msg = "Mglicherweise fehlende grammatische bereinstimmung zwischen Subjekt ("
            + subject.getToken() + ") und Prdikat (" + verb.getToken()
            + ") bezglich Person oder Numerus (Einzahl, Mehrzahl - Beispiel: "
            + "'ich sind' statt 'ich bin').";

    List<String> suggestions = new ArrayList<>();
    List<String> verbSuggestions = new ArrayList<>();
    List<String> pronounSuggestions = new ArrayList<>();

    RuleMatch ruleMatch;/*  w w w. j a va  2s .co m*/
    if (subject.getStartPos() < verb.getStartPos()) {
        ruleMatch = new RuleMatch(this, sentence, pos + subject.getStartPos(),
                pos + verb.getStartPos() + verb.getToken().length(), msg);
        verbSuggestions.addAll(getVerbSuggestions(verb, expectedVerbPOS, false));
        for (String verbSuggestion : verbSuggestions) {
            suggestions.add(subject.getToken() + " " + verbSuggestion);
                .addAll(getPronounSuggestions(verb, Character.isUpperCase(subject.getToken().charAt(0))));
        for (String pronounSuggestion : pronounSuggestions) {
            suggestions.add(pronounSuggestion + " " + verb.getToken());
    } else {
        ruleMatch = new RuleMatch(this, sentence, pos + verb.getStartPos(),
                pos + subject.getStartPos() + subject.getToken().length(), msg);
                getVerbSuggestions(verb, expectedVerbPOS, Character.isUpperCase(verb.getToken().charAt(0))));
        for (String verbSuggestion : verbSuggestions) {
            suggestions.add(verbSuggestion + " " + subject.getToken());
        pronounSuggestions.addAll(getPronounSuggestions(verb, false));
        for (String pronounSuggestion : pronounSuggestions) {
            suggestions.add(verb.getToken() + " " + pronounSuggestion);

    return ruleMatch;

From source file:com.adaptc.mws.plugins.testing.transformations.TestMixinTransformation.java

 * Calculate the name for a getter method to retrieve the specified property
 * @param propertyName//from   ww w . j  a  v  a 2s  . co  m
 * @return The name for the getter method for this property, if it were to exist, i.e. getConstraints
public static String getGetterName(String propertyName) {
    final String suffix;
    if (propertyName.length() > 1 && Character.isLowerCase(propertyName.charAt(0))
            && Character.isUpperCase(propertyName.charAt(1))) {
        suffix = propertyName;
    } else {
        suffix = Character.toUpperCase(propertyName.charAt(0)) + propertyName.substring(1);
    return "get" + suffix;

From source file:CharUtils.java

 * True if string contains at least one capital letter.
 * //  w w  w.  j a  v a  2s  . com
 * @param s
 *            String to check for having a capital letter.
 * @return True if string has a capital letter.

public static boolean hasCapitalLetter(String s) {
    boolean result = false;

    for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
        char ch = s.charAt(i);

        result = result || Character.isLetter(ch) && Character.isUpperCase(ch);

        if (result)

    return result;