List of usage examples for java.lang Character isUpperCase
public static boolean isUpperCase(int codePoint)
From source
@Override public EntityMatchList disambiguate(DexterLocalParams localParams, SpotMatchList sml) { entityScoreMap = new HashMap<String, EntityScores>(); selectedEntities = new HashSet<String>(); Multiset<String> entityFrequencyMultiset = HashMultiset.create(); EntityMatchList entities = sml.getEntities(); String inputText = localParams.getParams().get("text"); String algorithm = Property.getInstance().get("algorithm"); String ambigious = Property.getInstance().get("algorithm.ambigious"); List<Token> inputTokens = Zemberek.getInstance().disambiguateFindTokens(inputText, false, true); List<Double> documentVector = DescriptionEmbeddingAverage.getAverageVectorList(inputText); Multiset<String> inputTokensMultiset = HashMultiset.create(); for (Token token : inputTokens) { inputTokensMultiset.add(token.getMorphText()); }//from w w w . jav a 2 s. c o m Multiset<String> domainMultiset = HashMultiset.create(); Multiset<String> typeMultiset = HashMultiset.create(); HashMap<String, Double> entitySimMap = new HashMap<String, Double>(); // if (printCandidateEntities) { // printEntities(entities); // } HashSet<String> words = new HashSet<String>(); Multiset<String> leskWords = HashMultiset.create(); // first pass for finding number of types and domains for (int i = 0; i < entities.size(); i++) { EntityMatch em = entities.get(i); String id = em.getId(); if (!entityFrequencyMultiset.contains(id)) { entityFrequencyMultiset.add(id); Entity entity = em.getEntity(); words.add(entity.getShingle().getText()); String type = entity.getPage().getType(); if (type != null && type.length() > 0) { typeMultiset.add(type); } String domain = entity.getPage().getDomain(); if (domain != null && domain.length() > 0) { domainMultiset.add(domain); } String desc = entity.getPage().getDescription(); List<Token> tokens = Zemberek.getInstance().disambiguateFindTokens(desc, false, true); for (Token token : tokens) { leskWords.add(token.getMorphText()); } } else { entityFrequencyMultiset.add(id); } } int maxDomainCount = 0; for (String domain : Multisets.copyHighestCountFirst(domainMultiset).elementSet()) { maxDomainCount = domainMultiset.count(domain); break; } int maxTypeCount = 0; for (String type : Multisets.copyHighestCountFirst(typeMultiset).elementSet()) { maxTypeCount = typeMultiset.count(type); break; } double maxSuffixScore = 0, maxLeskScore = 0, maxSimpleLeskScore = 0, maxLinkScore = 0, maxHashInfoboxScore = 0, maxwordvecDescriptionLocalScore = 0, maxHashDescriptionScore = 0, maxPopularityScore = 0, maxWordvectorAverage = 0, maxWordvecLinksScore = 0; // second pass compute similarities between entities in a window int currentSpotIndex = -1; SpotMatch currentSpot = null; for (int i = 0; i < entities.size(); i++) { EntityMatch em = entities.get(i); SpotMatch spot = em.getSpot(); if (currentSpot == null || spot != currentSpot) { currentSpotIndex++; currentSpot = spot; } String id = em.getId(); Entity entity = entities.get(i).getEntity(); EntityPage page = entities.get(i).getEntity().getPage(); String domain = page.getDomain(); String type = page.getType(); Shingle shingle = entity.getShingle(); /* windowing algorithms stars */ int left = currentSpotIndex - window; int right = currentSpotIndex + window; if (left < 0) { right -= left; left = 0; } if (right > sml.size()) { left += (sml.size()) - right; right = sml.size(); if (left < 0) { left = 0; } } double linkScore = 0, hashInfoboxScore = 0, wordvecDescriptionLocalScore = 0, hashDescriptionScore = 0, wordvecLinksScore = 0; for (int j = left; j < right; j++) { SpotMatch sm2 = sml.get(j); EntityMatchList entities2 = sm2.getEntities(); for (EntityMatch em2 : entities2) { String id2 = em2.getId(); EntityPage page2 = em2.getEntity().getPage(); int counter = 0; if (!ambigious.equals("true")) { for (EntityMatch entityMatch : entities2) { if (entityMatch.getId().startsWith("w")) { counter++; } } } if ((ambigious.equals("true") || counter == 1) && em.getSpot() != em2.getSpot() && !id.equals(id2)) { // Link Similarity calculation starts double linkSim = 0; if (id.startsWith("w") && id2.startsWith("w")) { if (entitySimMap.containsKey("link" + id + id2)) { linkSim = entitySimMap.get("link" + id + id2); } else { HashSet<String> set1 = Sets.newHashSet(page.getLinks().split(" ")); HashSet<String> set2 = Sets.newHashSet(page2.getLinks().split(" ")); linkSim = JaccardCalculator.calculateSimilarity(set1, set2); entitySimMap.put("link" + id + id2, linkSim); } linkScore += linkSim; // Link Similarity calculation ends } // Entity embedding similarity calculation starts double eeSim = 0; if (id.startsWith("w") && id2.startsWith("w")) { if (entitySimMap.containsKey("ee" + id + id2)) { eeSim = entitySimMap.get("ee" + id + id2); } else { eeSim = EntityEmbeddingSimilarity.getInstance().getSimilarity(page, page2); entitySimMap.put("ee" + id + id2, eeSim); } hashInfoboxScore += eeSim; } double w2veclinksSim = 0; if (id.startsWith("w") && id2.startsWith("w")) { if (entitySimMap.containsKey("wl" + id + id2)) { w2veclinksSim = entitySimMap.get("wl" + id + id2); } else { w2veclinksSim = AveragePooling.getInstance().getSimilarity(page.getWord2vec(), page2.getWord2vec()); entitySimMap.put("wl" + id + id2, w2veclinksSim); } wordvecLinksScore += w2veclinksSim; } // Entity embedding similarity calculation ends // Description word2vec similarity calculation // starts double word2vecSim = 0; if (entitySimMap.containsKey("w2v" + id + id2)) { word2vecSim = entitySimMap.get("w2v" + id + id2); } else { word2vecSim = AveragePooling.getInstance().getSimilarity(page2.getDword2vec(), page.getDword2vec()); entitySimMap.put("w2v" + id + id2, word2vecSim); } wordvecDescriptionLocalScore += word2vecSim; // Description word2vec similarity calculation ends // Description autoencoder similarity calculation // starts double autoVecSim = 0; if (entitySimMap.containsKey("a2v" + id + id2)) { autoVecSim = entitySimMap.get("a2v" + id + id2); } else { autoVecSim = AveragePooling.getInstance().getSimilarity(page2.getDautoencoder(), page.getDautoencoder()); entitySimMap.put("a2v" + id + id2, autoVecSim); } hashDescriptionScore += autoVecSim; // Description autoencoder similarity calculation // ends } } } if (linkScore > maxLinkScore) { maxLinkScore = linkScore; } if (hashInfoboxScore > maxHashInfoboxScore) { maxHashInfoboxScore = hashInfoboxScore; } if (wordvecDescriptionLocalScore > maxwordvecDescriptionLocalScore) { maxwordvecDescriptionLocalScore = wordvecDescriptionLocalScore; } if (hashDescriptionScore > maxHashDescriptionScore) { maxHashDescriptionScore = hashDescriptionScore; } if (wordvecLinksScore > maxWordvecLinksScore) { maxWordvecLinksScore = wordvecLinksScore; } /* windowing algorithms ends */ double domainScore = 0; if (domainMultiset.size() > 0 && maxDomainCount > 1 && domainMultiset.count(domain) > 1) { domainScore = (double) domainMultiset.count(domain) / maxDomainCount; } double typeScore = 0; if (typeMultiset.size() > 0 && maxTypeCount > 1 && typeMultiset.count(type) > 1) { typeScore = (double) typeMultiset.count(type) / maxTypeCount; } if (typeBlackList.contains(type)) { typeScore /= 10; } double typeContentScore = 0; if (type.length() > 0 && StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(words.toString(), type)) { typeContentScore = 1; } double typeClassifierScore = TypeClassifier.getInstance().predict(page, page.getTitle(), page.getType(), entity.getShingle().getSentence()); double wordvecDescriptionScore = AveragePooling.getInstance().getSimilarity(documentVector, page.getDword2vec()); if (wordvecDescriptionScore > maxWordvectorAverage) { maxWordvectorAverage = wordvecDescriptionScore; } double suffixScore = 0; if (type != null && type.length() > 0) { Set<String> suffixes = new HashSet<String>(); String t = entity.getTitle().toLowerCase(new Locale("tr", "TR")); for (int x = 0; x < entities.size(); x++) { EntityMatch e2 = entities.get(x); if (e2.getId().equals(entity.getId())) { suffixes.add(e2.getMention()); } } suffixes.remove(t); suffixes.remove(entity.getTitle()); // String inputTextLower = inputText.toLowerCase(new // Locale("tr", // "TR")); // while (inputTextLower.contains(t)) { // int start = inputTextLower.indexOf(t); // int end = inputTextLower.indexOf(" ", start + t.length()); // if (end > start) { // String suffix = inputTextLower.substring(start, end); // // .replaceAll("\\W", ""); // if (suffix.contains("'") // || (Zemberek.getInstance().hasMorph(suffix) // && !suffix.equals(t) && suffix.length() > 4)) { // suffixes.add(suffix); // } // inputTextLower = inputTextLower.substring(end); // } else { // break; // } // } if (suffixes.size() >= minSuffix) { for (String suffix : suffixes) { double sim = gd.calculateSimilarity(suffix, type); suffixScore += sim; } } } // String entitySuffix = page.getSuffix(); // String[] inputSuffix = shingle.getSuffix().split(" "); // for (int j = 0; j < inputSuffix.length; j++) { // if (entitySuffix.contains(inputSuffix[j])) { // suffixScore += 0.25f; // } // } if (suffixScore > maxSuffixScore) { maxSuffixScore = suffixScore; } // if (id.equals("w691538")) { //""); // } double letterCaseScore = 0; int lc = page.getLetterCase(); if (StringUtils.isAllLowerCase(em.getMention()) && lc == 0 && id.startsWith("t")) { letterCaseScore = 1; } else if (StringUtils.isAllUpperCase(em.getMention()) && lc == 1 && id.startsWith("w")) { letterCaseScore = 1; } else if (Character.isUpperCase(em.getMention().charAt(0)) && lc == 2 && id.startsWith("w")) { letterCaseScore = 1; } else if (StringUtils.isAllLowerCase(em.getMention()) && id.startsWith("t")) { letterCaseScore = 1; } double nameScore = 1 - LevenshteinDistanceCalculator.calculateDistance(page.getTitle(), Zemberek.removeAfterSpostrophe(em.getMention())); double popularityScore = page.getRank(); if (id.startsWith("w")) { popularityScore = Math.log10(popularityScore + 1); if (popularityScore > maxPopularityScore) { maxPopularityScore = popularityScore; } } double leskScore = 0, simpleLeskScore = 0; String desc = em.getEntity().getPage().getDescription(); if (desc != null) { List<Token> tokens = Zemberek.getInstance().disambiguateFindTokens(desc, false, true); for (Token token : tokens) { if (inputTokensMultiset.contains(token.getMorphText()) && !TurkishNLP.isStopWord(token.getMorphText())) { simpleLeskScore += inputTokensMultiset.count(token.getMorphText()); } if (leskWords.contains(token.getMorphText()) && !TurkishNLP.isStopWord(token.getMorphText())) { leskScore += leskWords.count(token.getMorphText()); } } leskScore /= Math.log(tokens.size() + 1); simpleLeskScore /= Math.log(tokens.size() + 1); if (leskScore > maxLeskScore) { maxLeskScore = leskScore; } if (simpleLeskScore > maxSimpleLeskScore) { maxSimpleLeskScore = simpleLeskScore; } if (!entityScoreMap.containsKey(id)) { EntityScores scores = new EntityScores(em, id, popularityScore, nameScore, letterCaseScore, suffixScore, wordvecDescriptionScore, typeContentScore, typeScore, domainScore, hashDescriptionScore, wordvecDescriptionLocalScore, hashInfoboxScore, linkScore, wordvecLinksScore, leskScore, simpleLeskScore, typeClassifierScore); entityScoreMap.put(id, scores); } else { EntityScores entityScores = entityScoreMap.get(id); entityScores.setHashInfoboxScore((entityScores.getHashInfoboxScore() + hashInfoboxScore) / 2); entityScores.setHashDescriptionScore( (entityScores.getHashInfoboxScore() + hashDescriptionScore) / 2); entityScores.setLinkScore((entityScores.getLinkScore() + linkScore) / 2); entityScores.setWordvecDescriptionLocalScore( (entityScores.getWordvecDescriptionLocalScore() + wordvecDescriptionLocalScore) / 2); entityScores .setWordvecLinksScore((entityScores.getWordvecLinksScore() + wordvecLinksScore) / 2); entityScores.setLeskScore((entityScores.getLeskScore() + leskScore) / 2); } } } /* normalization and total score calculation starts */ Set<String> set = new HashSet<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < entities.size(); i++) { EntityMatch em = entities.get(i); String id = em.getId(); EntityScores entityScores = entityScoreMap.get(id); if (set.contains(id)) { continue; } if (id.startsWith("w")) { if (maxLinkScore > 0 && entityScores.getLinkScore() > 0) { entityScores.setLinkScore(entityScores.getLinkScore() / maxLinkScore); } if (maxHashInfoboxScore > 0 && entityScores.getHashInfoboxScore() > 0) { entityScores.setHashInfoboxScore(entityScores.getHashInfoboxScore() / maxHashInfoboxScore); } if (maxWordvecLinksScore > 0 && entityScores.getWordvecLinksScore() > 0) { entityScores.setWordvecLinksScore(entityScores.getWordvecLinksScore() / maxWordvecLinksScore); } if (maxPopularityScore > 0 && entityScores.getPopularityScore() > 0) { entityScores.setPopularityScore(entityScores.getPopularityScore() / maxPopularityScore); } } if (maxwordvecDescriptionLocalScore > 0 && entityScores.getWordvecDescriptionLocalScore() > 0) { entityScores.setWordvecDescriptionLocalScore( entityScores.getWordvecDescriptionLocalScore() / maxwordvecDescriptionLocalScore); } if (maxHashDescriptionScore > 0 && entityScores.getHashDescriptionScore() > 0) { entityScores .setHashDescriptionScore(entityScores.getHashDescriptionScore() / maxHashDescriptionScore); } if (maxWordvectorAverage > 0 && entityScores.getWordvecDescriptionScore() > 0) { entityScores.setWordvecDescriptionScore( entityScores.getWordvecDescriptionScore() / maxWordvectorAverage); } if (maxLeskScore > 0 && entityScores.getLeskScore() > 0) { entityScores.setLeskScore(entityScores.getLeskScore() / maxLeskScore); } if (maxSimpleLeskScore > 0 && entityScores.getSimpleLeskScore() > 0) { entityScores.setSimpleLeskScore(entityScores.getSimpleLeskScore() / maxSimpleLeskScore); } if (maxSuffixScore > 0 && entityScores.getSuffixScore() > 0) { entityScores.setSuffixScore(entityScores.getSuffixScore() / maxSuffixScore); } set.add(id); }"\t" + "id\tTitle\tURL\tScore\tPopularity\tName\tLesk\tSimpeLesk\tCase\tNoun\tSuffix\tTypeContent\tType\tDomain\twordvecDescription\twordvecDescriptionLocal\thashDescription\thashInfobox\tword2vecLinks\tLink\t\ttypeClassifier\tDescription"); for (int i = 0; i < entities.size(); i++) { EntityMatch em = entities.get(i); String id = em.getId(); EntityScores e = entityScoreMap.get(id); double wikiScore = 0; if (id.startsWith("w") && Character.isUpperCase(em.getMention().charAt(0))) { wikiScore = wikiWeight; } else if (id.startsWith("t") && Character.isLowerCase(em.getMention().charAt(0))) { wikiScore = wikiWeight; } // if(id.equals("w508792")){ //""); // } double totalScore = wikiScore + e.getPopularityScore() * popularityWeight + e.getNameScore() * nameWeight + e.getLeskScore() * leskWeight + e.getSimpleLeskScore() * simpleLeskWeight + e.getLetterCaseScore() * letterCaseWeight + e.getSuffixScore() * suffixWeight + e.getTypeContentScore() * typeContentWeight + e.getTypeScore() * typeWeight + e.getDomainScore() * domainWeight + e.getWordvecDescriptionScore() * wordvecDescriptionWeight + e.getWordvecDescriptionLocalScore() * wordvecDescriptionLocalWeight + e.getHashDescriptionScore() * hashDescriptionWeight + e.getHashInfoboxScore() * hashInfoboxWeight + e.getWordvecLinksScore() * word2vecLinksWeight + e.getLinkScore() * linkWeight + e.getTypeClassifierkScore() * typeClassifierkWeight; if (ranklib == true) { totalScore = RankLib.getInstance().score(e); } if (em.getEntity().getPage().getUrlTitle().contains("(")) { totalScore /= 2; } em.setScore(totalScore); e.setScore(totalScore);"\t" + id + "\t" + em.getEntity().getPage().getTitle() + "\t" + em.getEntity().getPage().getUrlTitle() + "\t" + em.getScore() + "\t" + e.getPopularityScore() * popularityWeight + "\t" + e.getNameScore() * nameWeight + "\t" + e.getLeskScore() * leskWeight + "\t" + e.getSimpleLeskScore() * simpleLeskWeight + "\t" + e.getLetterCaseScore() * letterCaseWeight + "\t" + e.getSuffixScore() * suffixWeight + "\t" + e.getTypeContentScore() * typeContentWeight + "\t" + e.getTypeScore() * typeWeight + "\t" + e.getDomainScore() * domainWeight + "\t" + e.getWordvecDescriptionScore() * wordvecDescriptionWeight + "\t" + e.getWordvecDescriptionLocalScore() * wordvecDescriptionLocalWeight + "\t" + e.getHashDescriptionScore() * hashDescriptionWeight + "\t" + e.getHashInfoboxScore() * hashInfoboxWeight + "\t" + e.getWordvecLinksScore() * word2vecLinksWeight + "\t" + e.getLinkScore() * linkWeight + "\t" + e.getTypeClassifierkScore() * typeClassifierkWeight + "\t" + em.getEntity().getPage().getDescription()); } // if (annotateEntities) { // annotateEntities(localParams.getParams().get("originalText"), sml); // } EntityMatchList eml = new EntityMatchList(); for (SpotMatch match : sml) { EntityMatchList list = match.getEntities(); if (!list.isEmpty()) { list.sort(); eml.add(list.get(0)); selectedEntities.add(list.get(0).getId()); } } return eml; }
From source
/** * camel case ? ?? underscore ? ? <br><br> * * StringUtils.convertToUnderScore("anyframeJavaTest") = "anyframe_java_test" * * @param camelCase camel case ? ?/*from w w w .ja v m*/ * @return underscore ? ? */ public static String convertToUnderScore(String camelCase) { String result = ""; for (int i = 0; i < camelCase.length(); i++) { char currentChar = camelCase.charAt(i); // This is starting at 1 so the result does not end up with an // underscore at the begin of the value if (i > 0 && Character.isUpperCase(currentChar)) { result = result.concat("_"); } result = result.concat(Character.toString(currentChar).toLowerCase()); } return result; }
From source
public boolean isUpperCase(int codePoint) { boolean result = Character.isUpperCase(codePoint); if (!result && symbolUppersCodePoints != null) { result = symbolUppersCodePoints.contains(codePoint); }//from w ww . j ava 2s. com return result; }
From source
private StringBuffer getTestName(String className) { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); boolean first = true; for (char c : className.substring(className.lastIndexOf('$') + 1).toCharArray()) { if (Character.isUpperCase(c)) { if (!first) { buffer.append(' '); buffer.append(Character.toLowerCase(c)); } else { buffer.append(c);/*from w w w .j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ first = false; } } else { buffer.append(c); } } return buffer; }
From source
public static String generateSummary(String txt, String title, int numChars, boolean truncateInSentence) { String finalSummary = ""; try {//ww w. j a v a2s. com String[] puncChars = { ":", "--", "PM", "MST", "EST", "CST", "PST", "GMT", "AM", " " }; txt = txt.replace(" | ", " "); txt = txt.replace(" |", " "); ArrayList<String> sentences = TextProcessor.splitToSentences(txt); // System.out.println("Sentences are:"); StringBuffer sum = new StringBuffer(); int cnt = 0; int lCnt = 0; for (String s : sentences) { cnt++; // System.out.println(s + "\n"); s = trimSentence(s, title); // see if sentence has a time in it // boolean containsTime ="[0-9]"); if (s.length() > 60 && !s.contains("By") && !s.contains("Page") && !s.contains(">>") && Character.isUpperCase(s.charAt(0))) { // System.out.println("cleaned: " + s + "\n"); if (Math.abs(cnt - lCnt) != 1 && lCnt != 0) { if (sum.toString().endsWith(".")) { sum.append(".."); } else { sum.append("..."); } } else { sum.append(" "); } sum.append(s.trim()); lCnt = cnt; } if (sum.length() > numChars) { break; } } finalSummary = sum.toString().trim(); if (truncateInSentence) { finalSummary = truncateTextOnSpace(finalSummary, numChars); int numPeriods = countTrailingPeriods(finalSummary); if (numPeriods < 3 && finalSummary.length() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < 3 - numPeriods; i++) { finalSummary += "."; } } } else { // trim final period if (finalSummary.endsWith("..")) { finalSummary = finalSummary.substring(0, finalSummary.length() - 2); } } // check to see if we have anything, if not, return the fullcontent if (finalSummary.trim().length() < 5) { finalSummary = txt; } // see if have a punc in the first 30 chars int highestIdx = -1; int sIdx = Math.min(finalSummary.length() - 1, 45); for (String p : puncChars) { int idx = finalSummary.trim().substring(0, sIdx).lastIndexOf(p); if (idx > highestIdx && idx < 45) { highestIdx = idx + p.length(); } } if (highestIdx > -1) { finalSummary = finalSummary.substring(highestIdx); } int closeParenIdx = finalSummary.indexOf(")"); int openParenIdx = finalSummary.indexOf("("); // if(closeParenIdx < ) if (closeParenIdx != -1 && closeParenIdx < 15 && (openParenIdx == -1 || openParenIdx > closeParenIdx)) { finalSummary = finalSummary.substring(closeParenIdx + 1).trim(); } finalSummary = trimPunctuationFromStart(finalSummary); // check to see if we have anything, if not, return the fullcontent if (finalSummary.trim().length() < 5) { finalSummary = txt; } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.severe("Problem forming summary for: " + txt); LOG.severe("Using full text for the summary" + e); finalSummary = txt; } return finalSummary.trim(); }
From source
private static boolean ignoreMethod(String iItem, String iMethodName) { if (iItem.endsWith("^*")) { String trunk = iItem.substring(0, iItem.length() - 2); if (iMethodName.startsWith(trunk) && Character.isUpperCase(iMethodName.charAt(trunk.length()))) return true; } else if (iItem.endsWith("*")) { if (iMethodName.startsWith(iItem.substring(0, iItem.length() - 1))) return true; } else if (iItem.startsWith("*")) { if (iMethodName.endsWith(iItem.substring(1))) return true; } else {/* ww w. j a v a 2 s. co m*/ if (iMethodName.equals(iItem)) return true; } return false; }
From source
/** * Checks a term if it can be processed correctly. */* w w w. j a v a 2 s . co m*/ * @return boolean - true if, and only if, the given term consists in letters. */ private boolean isStemmable(String term) { boolean upper = false; int first = -1; for (int c = 0; c < term.length(); c++) { // Discard terms that contain non-letter characters. if (!Character.isLetter(term.charAt(c))) { return false; } // Discard terms that contain multiple uppercase letters. if (Character.isUpperCase(term.charAt(c))) { if (upper) { return false; } // First encountered uppercase letter, set flag and save // position. else { first = c; upper = true; } } } // Discard the term if it contains a single uppercase letter that // is not starting the term. if (first > 0) { return false; } return true; }
From source
/** * Converts a property name into its natural language equivalent eg ('firstName' becomes 'First Name') * @param name The property name to convert * @return The converted property name//from w w w . j a va 2 s .co m * * @deprecated Use {@link grails.util.GrailsNameUtils#getNaturalName(String)} instead. */ @Deprecated public static String getNaturalName(String name) { List<String> words = new ArrayList<String>(); int i = 0; char[] chars = name.toCharArray(); for (int j = 0; j < chars.length; j++) { char c = chars[j]; String w; if (i >= words.size()) { w = ""; words.add(i, w); } else { w = words.get(i); } if (Character.isLowerCase(c) || Character.isDigit(c)) { if (Character.isLowerCase(c) && w.length() == 0) { c = Character.toUpperCase(c); } else if (w.length() > 1 && Character.isUpperCase(w.charAt(w.length() - 1))) { w = ""; words.add(++i, w); } words.set(i, w + c); } else if (Character.isUpperCase(c)) { if ((i == 0 && w.length() == 0) || Character.isUpperCase(w.charAt(w.length() - 1))) { words.set(i, w + c); } else { words.add(++i, String.valueOf(c)); } } } StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); for (Iterator<String> j = words.iterator(); j.hasNext();) { buf.append(; if (j.hasNext()) { buf.append(' '); } } return buf.toString(); }
From source
private List<InterceptorDelegate> findInterceptors(XmlWebApplicationContext context) { String[] interceptorNames = SpringUtils.getBeanNames(context.getBeanFactory(), ControllerInterceptor.class); ArrayList<InterceptorDelegate> interceptors = new ArrayList<InterceptorDelegate>(interceptorNames.length); for (String beanName : interceptorNames) { ControllerInterceptor interceptor = (ControllerInterceptor) context.getBean(beanName); Class<?> userClass = ClassUtils.getUserClass(interceptor); if (userClass.isAnnotationPresent(Ignored.class)) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Ignored interceptor (Ignored):" + interceptor); }/* w w w .j av a2 s .co m*/ continue; } if (userClass.isAnnotationPresent(NotForSubModules.class) && !context.getBeanFactory().containsBeanDefinition(beanName)) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Ignored interceptor (NotForSubModules):" + interceptor); } continue; } if (!userClass.getSimpleName().endsWith(RoseConstants.INTERCEPTOR_SUFFIX)) { logger.error("", new IllegalArgumentException("Interceptor must be end with '" + RoseConstants.INTERCEPTOR_SUFFIX + "': " + userClass.getName())); continue; } InterceptorBuilder builder = new InterceptorBuilder(interceptor); Interceptor annotation = userClass.getAnnotation(Interceptor.class); if (annotation != null) { builder.oncePerRequest(annotation.oncePerRequest()); } String interceporName; if (beanName.startsWith(AUTO_BEAN_NAME_PREFIX)) { interceporName = StringUtils.removeEnd(StringUtils.uncapitalize(userClass.getSimpleName()), RoseConstants.INTERCEPTOR_SUFFIX); } else { interceporName = StringUtils.removeEnd(beanName, RoseConstants.INTERCEPTOR_SUFFIX); } final String rose = "rose"; if (interceporName.startsWith(rose) && (interceporName.length() == rose.length() || Character.isUpperCase(interceporName.charAt(rose.length()))) && !userClass.getName().startsWith("net.paoding.rose.")) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("illegal interceptor name '" + interceporName + "' for " + userClass.getName() + ": don't starts with 'rose', it's reserved"); }; InterceptorDelegate wrapper =; interceptors.add(wrapper); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { int priority = 0; if (interceptor instanceof Ordered) { priority = ((Ordered) interceptor).getPriority(); } logger.debug("recognized interceptor[priority=" + priority + "]: " // \r\n + wrapper.getName() + "=" + userClass.getName()); } } Collections.sort(interceptors); throwExceptionIfDuplicatedNames(interceptors); return interceptors; }
From source
private List<InterceptorDelegate> findInterceptors(XmlWebApplicationContext context) { String[] interceptorNames = SpringUtils.getBeanNames(context.getBeanFactory(), ControllerInterceptor.class); ArrayList<InterceptorDelegate> interceptors = new ArrayList<InterceptorDelegate>(interceptorNames.length); for (String beanName : interceptorNames) { ControllerInterceptor interceptor = (ControllerInterceptor) context.getBean(beanName); Class<?> userClass = ClassUtils.getUserClass(interceptor); if (userClass.isAnnotationPresent(Ignored.class)) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Ignored interceptor (Ignored):" + interceptor); }//w w w .j a va 2 s . co m continue; } if (userClass.isAnnotationPresent(NotForSubModules.class) && !context.getBeanFactory().containsBeanDefinition(beanName)) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Ignored interceptor (NotForSubModules):" + interceptor); } continue; } if (!userClass.getSimpleName().endsWith(BlitzConstants.INTERCEPTOR_SUFFIX)) { logger.error("", new IllegalArgumentException("Interceptor must be end with '" + BlitzConstants.INTERCEPTOR_SUFFIX + "': " + userClass.getName())); continue; } InterceptorBuilder builder = new InterceptorBuilder(interceptor); Interceptor annotation = userClass.getAnnotation(Interceptor.class); if (annotation != null) { builder.oncePerRequest(annotation.oncePerRequest()); } String interceporName; if (beanName.startsWith(AUTO_BEAN_NAME_PREFIX)) { interceporName = StringUtils.removeEnd(StringUtils.uncapitalize(userClass.getSimpleName()), BlitzConstants.INTERCEPTOR_SUFFIX); } else { interceporName = StringUtils.removeEnd(beanName, BlitzConstants.INTERCEPTOR_SUFFIX); } final String rose = "rose"; if (interceporName.startsWith(rose) && (interceporName.length() == rose.length() || Character.isUpperCase(interceporName.charAt(rose.length()))) && !userClass.getName().startsWith("net.paoding.rose.")) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("illegal interceptor name '" + interceporName + "' for " + userClass.getName() + ": don't starts with 'rose', it's reserved"); }; InterceptorDelegate wrapper =; interceptors.add(wrapper); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { int priority = 0; if (interceptor instanceof Ordered) { priority = ((Ordered) interceptor).getPriority(); } logger.debug("recognized interceptor[priority=" + priority + "]: " // \r\n + wrapper.getName() + "=" + userClass.getName()); } } Collections.sort(interceptors); throwExceptionIfDuplicatedNames(interceptors); return interceptors; }