List of usage examples for java.lang Boolean TYPE
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public org.apache.commons.configuration.Configuration mockConfiguration(Field field, boolean isInconfig) { if (field == null) { return null; }/*from w w w.ja v a2 s.c om*/ org.apache.commons.configuration.Configuration configuration = mock( org.apache.commons.configuration.Configuration.class); when(configuration.containsKey(field.getName())).thenReturn(isInconfig); if (isInconfig) { Class<?> type = field.getType(); String configParamName = field.getAnnotation(Configuration.class).value(); if (type.isArray()) { type = type.getComponentType(); if (type == Integer.TYPE || type == Integer.class) { when(configuration.getStringArray(configParamName)) .thenReturn(new String[] { String.valueOf(Integer.MAX_VALUE) }); } else if (type == Boolean.TYPE || type == Boolean.class) { when(configuration.getStringArray(configParamName)).thenReturn(new String[] { "true" }); } else if (type == Short.TYPE || type == Short.class) { when(configuration.getStringArray(configParamName)) .thenReturn(new String[] { String.valueOf(Short.MAX_VALUE) }); } else if (type == Byte.TYPE || type == Byte.class) { when(configuration.getStringArray(configParamName)) .thenReturn(new String[] { String.valueOf(Byte.MAX_VALUE) }); } else if (type == Long.TYPE || type == Long.class) { when(configuration.getStringArray(configParamName)) .thenReturn(new String[] { String.valueOf(Long.MAX_VALUE) }); } else if (type == Float.TYPE || type == Float.class) { when(configuration.getStringArray(configParamName)) .thenReturn(new String[] { String.valueOf(Float.MAX_VALUE) }); } else if (type == Double.TYPE || type == Double.class) { when(configuration.getStringArray(configParamName)) .thenReturn(new String[] { String.valueOf(Double.MAX_VALUE) }); } else if (type == Character.TYPE || type == Character.class) { when(configuration.getStringArray(configParamName)).thenReturn(new String[] { "t" }); } else if (type == String.class) { when(configuration.getStringArray(configParamName)).thenReturn(new String[] { "test" }); } else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Type " + type + " cannot be mocked"); } else { if (type == Integer.TYPE || type == Integer.class) { when(configuration.getString(configParamName)).thenReturn(String.valueOf(Integer.MAX_VALUE)); } else if (type == Boolean.TYPE || type == Boolean.class) { when(configuration.getString(configParamName)).thenReturn("true"); } else if (type == Short.TYPE || type == Short.class) { when(configuration.getString(configParamName)).thenReturn(String.valueOf(Short.MAX_VALUE)); } else if (type == Byte.TYPE || type == Byte.class) { when(configuration.getString(configParamName)).thenReturn(String.valueOf(Byte.MAX_VALUE)); } else if (type == Long.TYPE || type == Long.class) { when(configuration.getString(configParamName)).thenReturn(String.valueOf(Long.MAX_VALUE)); } else if (type == Float.TYPE || type == Float.class) { when(configuration.getString(configParamName)).thenReturn(String.valueOf(Float.MAX_VALUE)); } else if (type == Double.TYPE || type == Double.class) { when(configuration.getString(configParamName)).thenReturn(String.valueOf(Double.MAX_VALUE)); } else if (type == Character.TYPE || type == Character.class) { when(configuration.getString(configParamName)).thenReturn("t"); } else if (type == String.class) { when(configuration.getString(configParamName)).thenReturn("test"); } else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Type " + type + " cannot be mocked"); } } return configuration; }
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public void fillWithNullRefs() { for (int i = 0; i < parameters.size(); i++) { VariableReference ref = parameters.get(i); if (ref == null) { Class<?> expected = getExpectedParameterType(i); Object value = null;//from w w w . j ava2 s . co m if (expected.isPrimitive()) { //can't fill a primitive with null if (expected.equals(Integer.TYPE)) { value = 0; } else if (expected.equals(Float.TYPE)) { value = 0f; } else if (expected.equals(Double.TYPE)) { value = 0d; } else if (expected.equals(Long.TYPE)) { value = 0L; } else if (expected.equals(Boolean.TYPE)) { value = false; } else if (expected.equals(Short.TYPE)) { value = Short.valueOf("0"); } else if (expected.equals(Character.TYPE)) { value = 'a'; } } parameters.set(i, new ConstantValue(tc, new GenericClass(expected), value)); } } }
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@Override protected DataBinder<Member> initDataBinderForRead(final ActionContext context) { final BeanBinder<Member> dataBinder = (BeanBinder<Member>) super.initDataBinderForRead(context); dataBinder.registerBinder("hideEmail", PropertyBinder.instance(Boolean.TYPE, "hideEmail")); return dataBinder; }
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private Object getPrimitive(Class<?> type, String s) throws NamingException { Object value = s;/*from w w w . ja v a2 s . c o m*/ if (Integer.TYPE.equals(type)) { value = Integer.parseInt(s); } else if (Boolean.TYPE.equals(type)) { value = new Boolean("TRUE".equals(s)); } else if (Long.TYPE.equals(type)) { value = Long.parseLong(s); } else if (Float.TYPE.equals(type)) { value = Float.parseFloat(s); } else if (Double.TYPE.equals(type)) { value = Double.parseDouble(s); } else if (Byte.TYPE.equals(type)) { value = Byte.parseByte(s); } else if (Short.TYPE.equals(type)) { value = Short.parseShort(s); } return value; }
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private void initInternalSerializers() { //First part: java internal class. {// w w w .java2s .c o m InstanceSerializer ser = new InstanceSerializer<Enum>() { @Override public Enum readInstance(NBTBase nbt) throws Exception { NBTTagCompound tag = (NBTTagCompound) nbt; try { Class enumClass = Class.forName(tag.getString("class")); Object[] objs = (Object[]) enumClass.getMethod("values").invoke(null); return (Enum) objs[tag.getInteger("ordinal")]; } catch (Exception e) { ARModContainer.log.error("Failed in enum deserialization. Class: {}.", tag.getString("class")); e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } @Override public NBTBase writeInstance(Enum obj) throws Exception { NBTTagCompound ret = new NBTTagCompound(); ret.setString("class", obj.getClass().getName()); ret.setByte("ordinal", (byte) ((Enum) obj).ordinal()); return ret; } }; setInstanceSerializerFor(Enum.class, ser); } { DataSerializer ser = new DataSerializer<Byte>() { @Override public Byte readData(NBTBase nbt, Byte obj) throws Exception { return ((NBTTagByte) nbt).func_150290_f(); } @Override public NBTBase writeData(Byte obj) throws Exception { return new NBTTagByte(obj); } }; setDataSerializerFor(Byte.TYPE, ser); setDataSerializerFor(Byte.class, ser); } { DataSerializer ser = new DataSerializer<Byte[]>() { @Override public Byte[] readData(NBTBase nbt, Byte[] obj) throws Exception { return ArrayUtils.toObject(((NBTTagByteArray) nbt).func_150292_c()); } @Override public NBTBase writeData(Byte[] obj) throws Exception { return new NBTTagByteArray(ArrayUtils.toPrimitive(obj)); } }; setDataSerializerFor(Byte[].class, ser); } { DataSerializer ser = new DataSerializer<byte[]>() { @Override public byte[] readData(NBTBase nbt, byte[] obj) throws Exception { return ((NBTTagByteArray) nbt).func_150292_c(); } @Override public NBTBase writeData(byte[] obj) throws Exception { return new NBTTagByteArray(obj); } }; setDataSerializerFor(byte[].class, ser); } { DataSerializer ser = new DataSerializer<Double>() { @Override public Double readData(NBTBase nbt, Double obj) throws Exception { return ((NBTTagDouble) nbt).func_150286_g(); } @Override public NBTBase writeData(Double obj) throws Exception { return new NBTTagDouble(obj); } }; setDataSerializerFor(Double.TYPE, ser); setDataSerializerFor(Double.class, ser); } { DataSerializer ser = new DataSerializer<Float>() { @Override public Float readData(NBTBase nbt, Float obj) throws Exception { return ((NBTTagFloat) nbt).func_150288_h(); } @Override public NBTBase writeData(Float obj) throws Exception { return new NBTTagFloat(obj); } }; setDataSerializerFor(Float.TYPE, ser); setDataSerializerFor(Float.class, ser); } { DataSerializer ser = new DataSerializer<Integer>() { @Override public Integer readData(NBTBase nbt, Integer obj) throws Exception { return ((NBTTagInt) nbt).func_150287_d(); } @Override public NBTBase writeData(Integer obj) throws Exception { return new NBTTagInt(obj); } }; setDataSerializerFor(Integer.TYPE, ser); setDataSerializerFor(Integer.class, ser); } { DataSerializer ser = new DataSerializer<Integer[]>() { @Override public Integer[] readData(NBTBase nbt, Integer[] obj) throws Exception { return ArrayUtils.toObject(((NBTTagIntArray) nbt).func_150302_c()); } @Override public NBTBase writeData(Integer[] obj) throws Exception { return new NBTTagIntArray(ArrayUtils.toPrimitive(obj)); } }; setDataSerializerFor(Integer[].class, ser); } { DataSerializer ser = new DataSerializer<int[]>() { @Override public int[] readData(NBTBase nbt, int[] obj) throws Exception { return ((NBTTagIntArray) nbt).func_150302_c(); } @Override public NBTBase writeData(int[] obj) throws Exception { return new NBTTagIntArray(obj); } }; setDataSerializerFor(int[].class, ser); } { DataSerializer ser = new DataSerializer<Long>() { @Override public Long readData(NBTBase nbt, Long obj) throws Exception { return ((NBTTagLong) nbt).func_150291_c(); } @Override public NBTBase writeData(Long obj) throws Exception { return new NBTTagLong(obj); } }; setDataSerializerFor(Long.TYPE, ser); setDataSerializerFor(Long.class, ser); } { DataSerializer ser = new DataSerializer<Short>() { @Override public Short readData(NBTBase nbt, Short obj) throws Exception { return ((NBTTagShort) nbt).func_150289_e(); } @Override public NBTBase writeData(Short obj) throws Exception { return new NBTTagShort(obj); } }; setDataSerializerFor(Short.TYPE, ser); setDataSerializerFor(Short.class, ser); } { DataSerializer ser = new DataSerializer<String>() { @Override public String readData(NBTBase nbt, String obj) throws Exception { return ((NBTTagString) nbt).func_150285_a_(); } @Override public NBTBase writeData(String obj) throws Exception { return new NBTTagString(obj); } }; setDataSerializerFor(String.class, ser); } { //TODO: Maybe there is a more data-friendly method? DataSerializer ser = new DataSerializer<Boolean>() { @Override public Boolean readData(NBTBase nbt, Boolean obj) throws Exception { return ((NBTTagCompound) nbt).getBoolean("v"); } @Override public NBTBase writeData(Boolean obj) throws Exception { NBTTagCompound tag = new NBTTagCompound(); tag.setBoolean("v", obj); return tag; } }; setDataSerializerFor(Boolean.class, ser); setDataSerializerFor(Boolean.TYPE, ser); } //Second part: Minecraft objects. { DataSerializer ser = new DataSerializer<NBTTagCompound>() { @Override public NBTTagCompound readData(NBTBase nbt, NBTTagCompound obj) throws Exception { return (NBTTagCompound) nbt; } @Override public NBTBase writeData(NBTTagCompound obj) throws Exception { return obj; } }; setDataSerializerFor(NBTTagCompound.class, ser); } { InstanceSerializer ser = new InstanceSerializer<Entity>() { @Override public Entity readInstance(NBTBase nbt) throws Exception { int[] ids = ((NBTTagIntArray) nbt).func_150302_c(); World world = SideHelper.getWorld(ids[0]); if (world != null) { return world.getEntityByID(ids[1]); } return null; } @Override public NBTBase writeInstance(Entity obj) throws Exception { return new NBTTagIntArray(new int[] { obj.dimension, obj.getEntityId() }); } }; setInstanceSerializerFor(Entity.class, ser); } { InstanceSerializer ser = new InstanceSerializer<TileEntity>() { @Override public TileEntity readInstance(NBTBase nbt) throws Exception { int[] ids = ((NBTTagIntArray) nbt).func_150302_c(); World world = SideHelper.getWorld(ids[0]); if (world != null) { return world.getTileEntity(ids[1], ids[2], ids[3]); } return null; } @Override public NBTBase writeInstance(TileEntity obj) throws Exception { return new NBTTagIntArray(new int[] { obj.getWorldObj().provider.dimensionId, obj.xCoord, obj.yCoord, obj.zCoord }); } }; setInstanceSerializerFor(TileEntity.class, ser); } { //TODO this implementation can not be used to serialize player's inventory container. InstanceSerializer ser = new InstanceSerializer<Container>() { @Override public Container readInstance(NBTBase nbt) throws Exception { int[] ids = ((NBTTagIntArray) nbt).func_150302_c(); World world = SideHelper.getWorld(ids[0]); if (world != null) { Entity entity = world.getEntityByID(ids[1]); if (entity instanceof EntityPlayer) { return SideHelper.getPlayerContainer((EntityPlayer) entity, ids[2]); } } return SideHelper.getPlayerContainer(null, ids[2]); } @Override public NBTBase writeInstance(Container obj) throws Exception { EntityPlayer player = SideHelper.getThePlayer(); if (player != null) { //This is on client. The server needs player to get the Container. return new NBTTagIntArray(new int[] { player.worldObj.provider.dimensionId, player.getEntityId(), obj.windowId }); } else { //This is on server. The client doesn't need player (just use thePlayer), use MAX_VALUE here. return new NBTTagIntArray(new int[] { Integer.MAX_VALUE, 0, obj.windowId }); } } }; setInstanceSerializerFor(Container.class, ser); } { InstanceSerializer ser = new InstanceSerializer<World>() { @Override public World readInstance(NBTBase nbt) throws Exception { return SideHelper.getWorld(((NBTTagInt) nbt).func_150287_d()); } @Override public NBTBase writeInstance(World obj) throws Exception { return new NBTTagInt(obj.provider.dimensionId); } }; setInstanceSerializerFor(World.class, ser); } { DataSerializer ser = new DataSerializer<ItemStack>() { @Override public ItemStack readData(NBTBase nbt, ItemStack obj) throws Exception { if (obj == null) { return ItemStack.loadItemStackFromNBT((NBTTagCompound) nbt); } else { obj.readFromNBT((NBTTagCompound) nbt); return obj; } } @Override public NBTBase writeData(ItemStack obj) throws Exception { NBTTagCompound nbt = new NBTTagCompound(); obj.writeToNBT(nbt); return nbt; } }; setDataSerializerFor(ItemStack.class, ser); } { DataSerializer ser = new DataSerializer<Vec3>() { @Override public Vec3 readData(NBTBase nbt, Vec3 obj) throws Exception { NBTTagCompound tag = (NBTTagCompound) nbt; return Vec3.createVectorHelper(tag.getFloat("x"), tag.getFloat("y"), tag.getFloat("z")); } @Override public NBTBase writeData(Vec3 obj) throws Exception { NBTTagCompound nbt = new NBTTagCompound(); nbt.setFloat("x", (float) obj.xCoord); nbt.setFloat("y", (float) obj.yCoord); nbt.setFloat("z", (float) obj.zCoord); return nbt; } }; setDataSerializerFor(Vec3.class, ser); } //network part { DataSerializer ser = new DataSerializer<NetworkTerminal>() { @Override public NetworkTerminal readData(NBTBase nbt, NetworkTerminal obj) throws Exception { return NetworkTerminal.fromNBT(nbt); } @Override public NBTBase writeData(NetworkTerminal obj) throws Exception { return obj.toNBT(); } }; setDataSerializerFor(NetworkTerminal.class, ser); } { Future.FutureSerializer ser = new Future.FutureSerializer(); setDataSerializerFor(Future.class, ser); setInstanceSerializerFor(Future.class, ser); } //misc { DataSerializer ser = new DataSerializer<BitSet>() { @Override public BitSet readData(NBTBase nbt, BitSet obj) throws Exception { NBTTagCompound tag = (NBTTagCompound) nbt; BitSet ret = BitSet.valueOf(tag.getByteArray("l")); return ret; } @Override public NBTBase writeData(BitSet obj) throws Exception { NBTTagCompound tag = new NBTTagCompound(); byte[] barray = obj.toByteArray(); tag.setByteArray("l", barray); return tag; } }; setDataSerializerFor(BitSet.class, ser); } }
From source
/** * Gets the bean size intern./* w w w. ja va 2 s . c o m*/ * * @param bean the bean * @param clazz the clazz * @param m the m * @param classNameMatcher the class name matcher * @param fieldNameMatcher the field name matcher * @return the bean size intern */ public static int getBeanSizeIntern(Object bean, Class<?> clazz, IdentityHashMap<Object, Object> m, Matcher<String> classNameMatcher, Matcher<String> fieldNameMatcher) { if (classNameMatcher.match(clazz.getName()) == false) { return 0; } if (clazz.isArray() == true) { if (clazz == boolean[].class) { return (((boolean[]) bean).length * 4); } else if (clazz == char[].class) { return (((char[]) bean).length * 2); } else if (clazz == byte[].class) { return (((byte[]) bean).length * 1); } else if (clazz == short[].class) { return (((short[]) bean).length * 2); } else if (clazz == int[].class) { return (((int[]) bean).length * 4); } else if (clazz == long[].class) { return (((long[]) bean).length * 4); } else if (clazz == float[].class) { return (((float[]) bean).length * 4); } else if (clazz == double[].class) { return (((double[]) bean).length * 8); } else { int length = Array.getLength(bean); int ret = (length * 4); for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) { ret += getBeanSize(Array.get(bean, i), m, classNameMatcher, fieldNameMatcher); } return ret; } } int ret = 0; try { for (Field f : clazz.getDeclaredFields()) { int mod = f.getModifiers(); if (Modifier.isStatic(mod) == true) { continue; } if (fieldNameMatcher.match(clazz.getName() + "." + f.getName()) == false) { continue; } if (f.getType() == Boolean.TYPE) { ret += 4; } else if (f.getType() == Character.TYPE) { ret += 2; } else if (f.getType() == Byte.TYPE) { ret += 1; } else if (f.getType() == Short.TYPE) { ret += 2; } else if (f.getType() == Integer.TYPE) { ret += 4; } else if (f.getType() == Long.TYPE) { ret += 8; } else if (f.getType() == Float.TYPE) { ret += 4; } else if (f.getType() == Double.TYPE) { ret += 8; } else { ret += 4; Object o = null; try { o = readField(bean, f); if (o == null) { continue; } } catch (NoClassDefFoundError ex) { // nothing continue; } int nestedsize = getBeanSize(o, o.getClass(), m, classNameMatcher, fieldNameMatcher); ret += nestedsize; } } } catch (NoClassDefFoundError ex) { // ignore here. } if (clazz == Object.class || clazz.getSuperclass() == null) { return ret; } ret += getBeanSizeIntern(bean, clazz.getSuperclass(), m, classNameMatcher, fieldNameMatcher); return ret; }
From source
@Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected DataBinder<Member> initDataBinderForWrite(final ActionContext context) { final BeanBinder<Member> dataBinder = (BeanBinder<Member>) super.initDataBinderForWrite(context); dataBinder.registerBinder("hideEmail", PropertyBinder.instance(Boolean.TYPE, "hideEmail")); final BeanBinder<? extends User> userBinder = BeanBinder.instance(getUserClass(), "user"); userBinder.registerBinder("username", PropertyBinder.instance(String.class, "username")); dataBinder.registerBinder("user", userBinder); // Add another custom field value attribute: hidden final BeanCollectionBinder collectionBinder = (BeanCollectionBinder) dataBinder.getMappings() .get("customValues"); final BeanBinder elementBinder = (BeanBinder) collectionBinder.getElementBinder(); elementBinder.registerBinder("hidden", PropertyBinder.instance(Boolean.TYPE, "hidden")); return dataBinder; }
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@Override public boolean onMenuOpened(int featureId, Menu menu) { if (featureId == Window.FEATURE_ACTION_BAR && menu != null) { if (menu.getClass().getSimpleName().equals("MenuBuilder")) { try { Method m = menu.getClass().getDeclaredMethod("setOptionalIconsVisible", Boolean.TYPE); m.setAccessible(true);//from www . ja v a2 s . c o m m.invoke(menu, true); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { System.out.println("Could not display action icons in menu"); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } } return super.onMenuOpened(featureId, menu); }
From source
/** * Creates a temporary oracle.sql.BLOB instance via reflection and spools * the contents of the specified stream. *//* w w w . j av a 2 s.c o m*/ protected Blob createTemporaryBlob(InputStream in) throws Exception { /* BLOB blob = BLOB.createTemporary(con, false, BLOB.DURATION_SESSION);; OutputStream out = blob.getBinaryOutputStream(); ... out.flush(); out.close(); blob.close(); return blob; */ Method createTemporary = blobClass.getMethod("createTemporary", new Class[] { Connection.class, Boolean.TYPE, Integer.TYPE }); Object blob = createTemporary.invoke(null, new Object[] { con, Boolean.FALSE, durationSessionConstant }); Method open = blobClass.getMethod("open", new Class[] { Integer.TYPE }); open.invoke(blob, new Object[] { modeReadWriteConstant }); Method getBinaryOutputStream = blobClass.getMethod("getBinaryOutputStream", new Class[0]); OutputStream out = (OutputStream) getBinaryOutputStream.invoke(blob, null); try { IOUtils.copy(in, out); } finally { try { out.flush(); } catch (IOException ioe) { } out.close(); } Method close = blobClass.getMethod("close", new Class[0]); close.invoke(blob, null); return (Blob) blob; }
From source
/** * Returns a new value that is not equal to oldVal. The returned object * will always be a NEW instance compatible with oldVal. This differs from * {@link #modifyObject(MatchMakerObject, PropertyDescriptor, Object)} in that * this does not take mutability into account. * /*from w w w .j av a 2 s .c om*/ * @param mmo The object to which the property belongs. You might need this * if you have a special case for certain types of objects. * @param property The property that should be modified. It belongs to mmo. * @param oldVal The existing value of the property. */ private Object getNewDifferentValue(MatchMakerObject mmo, PropertyDescriptor property, Object oldVal) throws IOException { Object newVal; // don't init here so compiler can warn if the // following code doesn't always give it a value if (property.getPropertyType() == Integer.TYPE || property.getPropertyType() == Integer.class) { if (oldVal == null) newVal = new Integer(0); else { newVal = ((Integer) oldVal) + 1; } } else if (property.getPropertyType() == Short.TYPE || property.getPropertyType() == Short.class) { if (oldVal == null) newVal = new Short("0"); else { Integer temp = (Short) oldVal + 1; newVal = Short.valueOf(temp.toString()); } } else if (property.getPropertyType() == String.class) { // make sure it's unique newVal = "new " + oldVal; } else if (property.getPropertyType() == Boolean.class || property.getPropertyType() == Boolean.TYPE) { if (oldVal == null) { newVal = new Boolean(false); } else { newVal = new Boolean(!((Boolean) oldVal).booleanValue()); } } else if (property.getPropertyType() == Long.class) { if (oldVal == null) { newVal = new Long(0L); } else { newVal = new Long(((Long) oldVal).longValue() + 1L); } } else if (property.getPropertyType() == BigDecimal.class) { if (oldVal == null) { newVal = new BigDecimal(0); } else { newVal = new BigDecimal(((BigDecimal) oldVal).longValue() + 1L); } } else if (property.getPropertyType() == MungeSettings.class) { newVal = new MungeSettings(); Integer processCount = ((MatchMakerSettings) newVal).getProcessCount(); if (processCount == null) { processCount = new Integer(0); } else { processCount = new Integer(processCount + 1); } ((MatchMakerSettings) newVal).setProcessCount(processCount); } else if (property.getPropertyType() == MergeSettings.class) { newVal = new MergeSettings(); Integer processCount = ((MatchMakerSettings) newVal).getProcessCount(); if (processCount == null) { processCount = new Integer(0); } else { processCount = new Integer(processCount + 1); } ((MatchMakerSettings) newVal).setProcessCount(processCount); } else if (property.getPropertyType() == SQLTable.class) { newVal = new SQLTable(); } else if (property.getPropertyType() == ViewSpec.class) { newVal = new ViewSpec("*", "test_table", "true"); } else if (property.getPropertyType() == File.class) { newVal = File.createTempFile("mmTest", ".tmp"); ((File) newVal).deleteOnExit(); } else if (property.getPropertyType() == PlFolder.class) { newVal = new PlFolder(); } else if (property.getPropertyType() == ProjectMode.class) { if (oldVal == ProjectMode.BUILD_XREF) { newVal = ProjectMode.FIND_DUPES; } else { newVal = ProjectMode.BUILD_XREF; } } else if (property.getPropertyType() == MergeActionType.class) { if (oldVal == MergeActionType.AUGMENT) { newVal = MergeActionType.SUM; } else { newVal = MergeActionType.AUGMENT; } } else if (property.getPropertyType() == MatchMakerTranslateGroup.class) { newVal = new MatchMakerTranslateGroup(); } else if (property.getPropertyType() == MatchMakerObject.class) { newVal = new TestingAbstractMatchMakerObject(); } else if (property.getPropertyType() == SQLColumn.class) { newVal = new SQLColumn(); } else if (property.getPropertyType() == Date.class) { newVal = new Date(); } else if (property.getPropertyType() == List.class) { newVal = new ArrayList(); } else if (property.getPropertyType() == Project.class) { newVal = new Project(); ((Project) newVal).setName("Fake_Project_" + System.currentTimeMillis()); } else if (property.getPropertyType() == SQLIndex.class) { return new SQLIndex("new index", false, "", "HASHED", ""); } else if (property.getPropertyType() == Color.class) { if (oldVal == null) { newVal = new Color(0xFAC157); } else { Color oldColor = (Color) oldVal; newVal = new Color((oldColor.getRGB() + 0xF00) % 0x1000000); } } else if (property.getPropertyType() == ChildMergeActionType.class) { if (oldVal != null && oldVal.equals(ChildMergeActionType.DELETE_ALL_DUP_CHILD)) { newVal = ChildMergeActionType.UPDATE_DELETE_ON_CONFLICT; } else { newVal = ChildMergeActionType.DELETE_ALL_DUP_CHILD; } } else if (property.getPropertyType() == MungeResultStep.class || property.getPropertyType() == DeDupeResultStep.class) { newVal = new DeDupeResultStep(); } else if (property.getPropertyType() == TableMergeRules.class) { if (oldVal == null) { newVal = mmo; } else { newVal = null; } } else if (property.getPropertyType() == PoolFilterSetting.class) { if (oldVal != PoolFilterSetting.EVERYTHING) { newVal = PoolFilterSetting.EVERYTHING; } else { newVal = PoolFilterSetting.INVALID_ONLY; } } else if (property.getPropertyType() == AutoValidateSetting.class) { if (oldVal != AutoValidateSetting.NOTHING) { newVal = AutoValidateSetting.NOTHING; } else { newVal = AutoValidateSetting.SERP_CORRECTABLE; } } else if (property.getPropertyType() == Point.class) { if (oldVal == null) { newVal = new Point(0, 0); } else { newVal = new Point(((Point) oldVal).x + 1, ((Point) oldVal).y + 1); } } else { throw new RuntimeException("This test case lacks a value for " + property.getName() + " (type " + property.getPropertyType().getName() + ") from " + mmo.getClass()); } if (newVal instanceof MatchMakerObject) { ((MatchMakerObject) newVal).setSession(session); } return newVal; }