List of usage examples for java.lang Boolean TYPE
Class TYPE
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/** * Produces a String representing a call to the EL interpreter. * @param expression a String containing zero or more "${}" expressions * @param expectedType the expected type of the interpreted result * @param fnmapvar Variable pointing to a function map. * @param XmlEscape True if the result should do XML escaping * @return a String representing a call to the EL interpreter. *///w ww . ja v a 2s .c o m public static String interpreterCall(boolean isTagFile, String expression, Class expectedType, String fnmapvar, boolean XmlEscape) { /* * Determine which context object to use. */ String jspCtxt = null; if (isTagFile) jspCtxt = "this.getJspContext()"; else jspCtxt = "pageContext"; /* * Determine whether to use the expected type's textual name * or, if it's a primitive, the name of its correspondent boxed * type. */ String targetType = expectedType.getName(); String primitiveConverterMethod = null; if (expectedType.isPrimitive()) { if (expectedType.equals(Boolean.TYPE)) { targetType = Boolean.class.getName(); primitiveConverterMethod = "booleanValue"; } else if (expectedType.equals(Byte.TYPE)) { targetType = Byte.class.getName(); primitiveConverterMethod = "byteValue"; } else if (expectedType.equals(Character.TYPE)) { targetType = Character.class.getName(); primitiveConverterMethod = "charValue"; } else if (expectedType.equals(Short.TYPE)) { targetType = Short.class.getName(); primitiveConverterMethod = "shortValue"; } else if (expectedType.equals(Integer.TYPE)) { targetType = Integer.class.getName(); primitiveConverterMethod = "intValue"; } else if (expectedType.equals(Long.TYPE)) { targetType = Long.class.getName(); primitiveConverterMethod = "longValue"; } else if (expectedType.equals(Float.TYPE)) { targetType = Float.class.getName(); primitiveConverterMethod = "floatValue"; } else if (expectedType.equals(Double.TYPE)) { targetType = Double.class.getName(); primitiveConverterMethod = "doubleValue"; } } if (primitiveConverterMethod != null) { XmlEscape = false; } /* * Build up the base call to the interpreter. */ // XXX - We use a proprietary call to the interpreter for now // as the current standard machinery is inefficient and requires // lots of wrappers and adapters. This should all clear up once // the EL interpreter moves out of JSTL and into its own project. // In the future, this should be replaced by code that calls // ExpressionEvaluator.parseExpression() and then cache the resulting // expression objects. The interpreterCall would simply select // one of the pre-cached expressions and evaluate it. // Note that PageContextImpl implements VariableResolver and // the generated Servlet/SimpleTag implements FunctionMapper, so // that machinery is already in place (mroth). targetType = toJavaSourceType(targetType); StringBuffer call = new StringBuffer( "(" + targetType + ") " + "org.apache.jasper.runtime.PageContextImpl.proprietaryEvaluate" + "(" + Generator.quote(expression) + ", " + targetType + ".class, " + "(PageContext)" + jspCtxt + ", " + fnmapvar + ", " + XmlEscape + ")"); /* * Add the primitive converter method if we need to. */ if (primitiveConverterMethod != null) { call.insert(0, "("); call.append(")." + primitiveConverterMethod + "()"); } return call.toString(); }
From source
/** * Convert a <code>ResultSet</code> column into an object. Simple * implementations could just call <code>rs.getObject(index)</code> while * more complex implementations could perform type manipulation to match * the column's type to the bean property type. * * <p>/* w w w . j a v a 2 s. co m*/ * This implementation calls the appropriate <code>ResultSet</code> getter * method for the given property type to perform the type conversion. If * the property type doesn't match one of the supported * <code>ResultSet</code> types, <code>getObject</code> is called. * </p> * * @param rs The <code>ResultSet</code> currently being processed. It is * positioned on a valid row before being passed into this method. * * @param index The current column index being processed. * * @param propType The bean property type that this column needs to be * converted into. * * @throws SQLException if a database access error occurs * * @return The object from the <code>ResultSet</code> at the given column * index after optional type processing or <code>null</code> if the column * value was SQL NULL. */ protected Object processColumn(ResultSet rs, int index, Class<?> propType) throws SQLException { if (!propType.isPrimitive() && rs.getObject(index) == null) { return null; } if (propType.equals(String.class)) { return rs.getString(index); } else if (propType.equals(Integer.TYPE) || propType.equals(Integer.class)) { return Integer.valueOf(rs.getInt(index)); } else if (propType.equals(Boolean.TYPE) || propType.equals(Boolean.class)) { return Boolean.valueOf(rs.getBoolean(index)); } else if (propType.equals(Long.TYPE) || propType.equals(Long.class)) { return Long.valueOf(rs.getLong(index)); } else if (propType.equals(Double.TYPE) || propType.equals(Double.class)) { return Double.valueOf(rs.getDouble(index)); } else if (propType.equals(Float.TYPE) || propType.equals(Float.class)) { return Float.valueOf(rs.getFloat(index)); } else if (propType.equals(Short.TYPE) || propType.equals(Short.class)) { return Short.valueOf(rs.getShort(index)); } else if (propType.equals(Byte.TYPE) || propType.equals(Byte.class)) { return Byte.valueOf(rs.getByte(index)); } else if (propType.equals(Timestamp.class)) { return rs.getTimestamp(index); } else if (propType.equals(SQLXML.class)) { return rs.getSQLXML(index); } else { return rs.getObject(index); } }
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private void initDefaultConverters() { try {//w w w . ja va2 s. c o m final CLAPConverter<String> stringConverter = new CLAPConverter<String>() { @Override public String convert(final String pInput) { return pInput; } }; addConverter(String.class, stringConverter); final CLAPConverter<Boolean> booleanConverter = new CLAPConverter<Boolean>() { @Override public Boolean convert(final String pInput) { if (pInput.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ return true; } if (pInput.equalsIgnoreCase("false")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ return false; } if (pInput.equalsIgnoreCase("yes")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ return true; } if (pInput.equalsIgnoreCase("no")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ return false; } if (pInput.equalsIgnoreCase("on")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ return true; } if (pInput.equalsIgnoreCase("off")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ return false; } if (pInput.equalsIgnoreCase("enable")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ return true; } if (pInput.equalsIgnoreCase("disable")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ return false; } throw new RuntimeException(pInput); } }; addConverter(Boolean.class, booleanConverter); addConverter(Boolean.TYPE, booleanConverter); final Class<?>[] someWrapperClasses = new Class<?>[] { Byte.class, Short.class, Integer.class, Long.class, Float.class, Double.class }; for (int i = 0; i < someWrapperClasses.length; i++) { final Class<?> wrapperClass = someWrapperClasses[i]; addStringConstructorConverter(wrapperClass); final Class<?> primitiveClass = ClassUtils.wrapperToPrimitive(wrapperClass); if (primitiveClass != null) { addPrimitiveConverter(wrapperClass, primitiveClass); } } } catch (final Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } }
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public Object getSpawnPacket() { Class<?> Entity = Util.getCraftClass("Entity"); Class<?> EntityLiving = Util.getCraftClass("EntityLiving"); Class<?> EntityEnderDragon = Util.getCraftClass("EntityEnderDragon"); Object packet = null;/*w ww.j a va 2 s .c o m*/ try { this.dragon = EntityEnderDragon.getConstructor(new Class[] { Util.getCraftClass("World") }) .newInstance(new Object[] { getWorld() }); Method setLocation = Util.getMethod(EntityEnderDragon, "setLocation", new Class[] { Double.TYPE, Double.TYPE, Double.TYPE, Float.TYPE, Float.TYPE }); setLocation.invoke(this.dragon, new Object[] { Integer.valueOf(getX()), Integer.valueOf(getY()), Integer.valueOf(getZ()), Integer.valueOf(getPitch()), Integer.valueOf(getYaw()) }); Method setInvisible = Util.getMethod(EntityEnderDragon, "setInvisible", new Class[] { Boolean.TYPE }); setInvisible.invoke(this.dragon, new Object[] { Boolean.valueOf(isVisible()) }); Method setCustomName = Util.getMethod(EntityEnderDragon, "setCustomName", new Class[] { String.class }); setCustomName.invoke(this.dragon, new Object[] { }); Method setHealth = Util.getMethod(EntityEnderDragon, "setHealth", new Class[] { Float.TYPE }); setHealth.invoke(this.dragon, new Object[] { Float.valueOf( }); Field motX = Util.getField(Entity, "motX"); motX.set(this.dragon, Byte.valueOf(getXvel())); Field motY = Util.getField(Entity, "motY"); motY.set(this.dragon, Byte.valueOf(getYvel())); Field motZ = Util.getField(Entity, "motZ"); motZ.set(this.dragon, Byte.valueOf(getZvel())); Method getId = Util.getMethod(EntityEnderDragon, "getId", new Class[0]); = ((Number) getId.invoke(this.dragon, new Object[0])).intValue(); Class<?> PacketPlayOutSpawnEntityLiving = Util.getCraftClass("PacketPlayOutSpawnEntityLiving"); packet = PacketPlayOutSpawnEntityLiving.getConstructor(new Class[] { EntityLiving }) .newInstance(new Object[] { this.dragon }); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (SecurityException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (InstantiationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return packet; }
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public Object convertStringToObject(String value, Class type) { if (type.isEnum()) { return Enum.valueOf(type, value); } else if (String.class.equals(type)) { return value; }// w w w . j a v a 2 s .co m if (StringUtils.isBlank(value)) { return null; } else if (Number.class.equals(type)) { return NumberUtils.createNumber(value); } else if (Integer.class.equals(type) || Integer.TYPE.equals(type)) { return new Integer(value); } else if (Long.class.equals(type) || Long.TYPE.equals(type)) { return Long.valueOf(value); } else if (Double.class.equals(type) || Double.TYPE.equals(type)) { return Double.valueOf(value); } else if (Float.class.equals(type) || Float.TYPE.equals(type)) { return Float.valueOf(value); } else if (Pattern.class.equals(type)) { return Pattern.compile(value); } else if (Boolean.class.equals(type) || Boolean.TYPE.equals(type)) { return BooleanUtils.toBoolean(value); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unable to convert the value " + value + " to an object of type " + type.getName()); } }
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/** * Create a new HttpsConnector/*from ww w .j a va 2 s . c om*/ * * @param parent MBean Name of the associated parent component * @param address The IP address on which to bind * @param port TCP port number to listen on * * @exception Exception if an MBean cannot be created or registered */ public String createHttpsConnector(String parent, String address, int port) throws Exception { Object retobj = null; try { // Create a new CoyoteConnector instance // use reflection to avoid j-t-c compile-time circular dependencies Class cls = Class.forName("org.apache.coyote.tomcat4.CoyoteConnector"); Constructor ct = cls.getConstructor(null); retobj = ct.newInstance(null); Class partypes1[] = new Class[1]; // Set address String str = new String(); partypes1[0] = str.getClass(); Method meth1 = cls.getMethod("setAddress", partypes1); Object arglist1[] = new Object[1]; arglist1[0] = address; meth1.invoke(retobj, arglist1); // Set port number Class partypes2[] = new Class[1]; partypes2[0] = Integer.TYPE; Method meth2 = cls.getMethod("setPort", partypes2); Object arglist2[] = new Object[1]; arglist2[0] = new Integer(port); meth2.invoke(retobj, arglist2); // Set scheme Class partypes3[] = new Class[1]; partypes3[0] = str.getClass(); Method meth3 = cls.getMethod("setScheme", partypes3); Object arglist3[] = new Object[1]; arglist3[0] = new String("https"); meth3.invoke(retobj, arglist3); // Set secure Class partypes4[] = new Class[1]; partypes4[0] = Boolean.TYPE; Method meth4 = cls.getMethod("setSecure", partypes4); Object arglist4[] = new Object[1]; arglist4[0] = new Boolean(true); meth4.invoke(retobj, arglist4); // Set factory Class serverSocketFactoryCls = Class.forName(""); Class coyoteServerSocketFactoryCls = Class .forName("org.apache.coyote.tomcat4.CoyoteServerSocketFactory"); Constructor factoryConst = coyoteServerSocketFactoryCls.getConstructor(null); Object factoryObj = factoryConst.newInstance(null); Class partypes5[] = new Class[1]; partypes5[0] = serverSocketFactoryCls; Method meth5 = cls.getMethod("setFactory", partypes5); Object arglist5[] = new Object[1]; arglist5[0] = factoryObj; meth5.invoke(retobj, arglist5); } catch (Exception e) { throw new MBeanException(e); } try { // Add the new instance to its parent component ObjectName pname = new ObjectName(parent); Server server = ServerFactory.getServer(); Service service = server.findService(pname.getKeyProperty("name")); service.addConnector((Connector) retobj); } catch (Exception e) { // FIXME // disply error message // the user needs to use keytool to configure SSL first // addConnector will fail otherwise return null; } // Return the corresponding MBean name ManagedBean managed = registry.findManagedBean("CoyoteConnector"); ObjectName oname = MBeanUtils.createObjectName(managed.getDomain(), (Connector) retobj); return (oname.toString()); }
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public static Class<?> getTypeForPrimitive(Class<?> primitiveType) { if (primitiveType == Boolean.TYPE) { return Boolean.class; } else if (primitiveType == Integer.TYPE) { return Integer.class; } else if (primitiveType == Long.TYPE) { return Long.class; } else if (primitiveType == Float.TYPE) { return Float.class; } else if (primitiveType == Double.TYPE) { return Double.class; } else if (primitiveType == Character.TYPE) { return Character.class; } else if (primitiveType == Byte.TYPE) { return Byte.class; } else if (primitiveType == Short.TYPE) { return Short.class; }//w w w. j a v a 2s .co m return primitiveType; }
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@Override public boolean onMenuOpened(int featureId, Menu menu) { if (featureId == Window.FEATURE_ACTION_BAR && menu != null) { if (menu.getClass().getSimpleName().equals("MenuBuilder")) { try { Method m = menu.getClass().getDeclaredMethod("setOptionalIconsVisible", Boolean.TYPE); m.setAccessible(true);//from www . ja v a 2s . co m m.invoke(menu, true); } catch (Exception e) { } } } return super.onMenuOpened(featureId, menu); }
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/** * Copy array values./*from ww w . j ava 2s . c o m*/ * * @param values * The array values. * @param name * The property name. * @param obj * The object value. * @param type * The array type. * @param compType * The component type. * @throws MappingException * Thrown if the mapping was unsuccessful. */ private void extractNonFloats(final AnnotationMetaValues values, final String name, final Object obj, final Class<?> type, final Class<?> compType) throws MappingException { try { if (Boolean.TYPE.equals(compType)) { final boolean[] array = boolean[].class.cast(obj); for (final boolean a : array) { values.getMetaValueList(name).add(this.converterTool.convertToString(Boolean.TYPE, a)); } } else if (Character.TYPE.equals(compType)) { final char[] array = char[].class.cast(obj); for (final char a : array) { values.getMetaValueList(name).add(this.converterTool.convertToString(Character.TYPE, a)); } } else { this.copyObjectTypes(values, name, obj, type, compType); } } catch (final ConverterException e) { throw new MappingException(e); } }
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/** * Returns the virtual machine's Class object for the named primitive type.<br/> * If the type is not a primitive type, {@code null} is returned. * * @param name the name of the type/*from ww w .j a va2 s. c o m*/ * @return the Class instance representing the primitive type */ private static Class<?> getPrimitiveType(String name) { name = StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(name, ""); if (name.equals("int")) return Integer.TYPE; if (name.equals("short")) return Short.TYPE; if (name.equals("long")) return Long.TYPE; if (name.equals("float")) return Float.TYPE; if (name.equals("double")) return Double.TYPE; if (name.equals("byte")) return Byte.TYPE; if (name.equals("char")) return Character.TYPE; if (name.equals("boolean")) return Boolean.TYPE; if (name.equals("void")) return Void.TYPE; return null; }