Example usage for java.io UnsupportedEncodingException getClass

List of usage examples for java.io UnsupportedEncodingException getClass


In this page you can find the example usage for java.io UnsupportedEncodingException getClass.


public final native Class<?> getClass();

Source Link


Returns the runtime class of this Object .


From source file:be.fedict.eid.idp.sp.protocol.ws_federation.AuthenticationResponseProcessor.java

 * Process the incoming WS-Federation response.
 * //  w  w  w .  j  a  v  a 2 s .c om
 * @param recipient
 *            recipient, should match SAML v2.0 assertions's
 *            AudienceRestriction
 * @param context
 *            optional expected context
 * @param requiresResponseSignature
 *            do we expect a signature on the response or not, or
 *            <code>null</code> if to be retrieved from the
 *            {@link AuthenticationResponseService}.
 * @param request
 *            the HTTP servlet request that holds the SAML2 response.
 * @return the {@link be.fedict.eid.idp.common.saml2.AuthenticationResponse}
 * @throws AuthenticationResponseProcessorException
 *             case something went wrong
public AuthenticationResponse process(String recipient, String context, Boolean requiresResponseSignature,
        HttpServletRequest request) throws AuthenticationResponseProcessorException {

    DateTime now = new DateTime();
    SecretKey secretKey = null;
    PrivateKey privateKey = null;
    int maxOffset = 5;
    boolean expectAssertionSigned = null != requiresResponseSignature ? requiresResponseSignature : false;
    ValidationService validationService = null;

    if (null != this.service) {
        secretKey = this.service.getAttributeSecretKey();
        privateKey = this.service.getAttributePrivateKey();
        maxOffset = this.service.getMaximumTimeOffset();
        expectAssertionSigned = this.service.requiresResponseSignature();
        validationService = this.service.getValidationService();

    // force UTF8 encoding!
    try {
    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
        throw new AuthenticationResponseProcessorException(e);

    // check wa
    String wa = request.getParameter("wa");
    if (null == wa) {
        throw new AuthenticationResponseProcessorException("Missing \"wa\" param.");
    if (!wa.equals("wsignin1.0")) {
        throw new AuthenticationResponseProcessorException("Unexpected value for \"wa\" param.");

    // validate optional ctx
    validateContext(context, request.getParameter("wctx"));

    // get wresult
    String wresult = request.getParameter("wresult");
    LOG.debug("wresult=\"" + wresult + "\"");

    if (null == wresult) {
        throw new AuthenticationResponseProcessorException("Missing \"wresult\" param.");
    Document responseDocument = Saml2Util.parseDocument(wresult);
    RequestSecurityTokenResponseCollection rstCollections = Saml2Util

    if (rstCollections.getRequestSecurityTokenResponses().size() != 1) {
        throw new AuthenticationResponseProcessorException("Expected exactly 1 RequestSecurityTokenResponse");

    RequestSecurityTokenResponse rstResponse = rstCollections.getRequestSecurityTokenResponses().get(0);

    // context
    validateContext(context, rstResponse.getContext());

    // tokentype

    // requesttype

    // keytype

    // validate security token
    Assertion assertion = validateSecurityToken(rstResponse);

    // validate assertion
    AuthenticationResponse authenticationResponse;
    try {
        authenticationResponse = Saml2Util.validateAssertion(assertion, now, maxOffset, recipient, recipient,
                null, secretKey, privateKey);
    } catch (AssertionValidationException e) {
        throw new AuthenticationResponseProcessorException(e);

    // check if SP expects a signature and if there is one
    if (null == assertion.getSignature() && expectAssertionSigned) {
        throw new AuthenticationResponseProcessorException("Expected a signed assertion but was not so! ");

    // validate assertion's signature if any
    if (null != assertion.getSignature()) {
        try {
            // fix for recent versions of Apache xmlsec
            assertion.getDOM().setIdAttribute("ID", true);

            List<X509Certificate> certificateChain = Saml2Util.validateSignature(assertion.getSignature());

            if (null != validationService) {
                // have to reparse the document here
                NodeList assertionNodeList = Saml2Util.parseDocument(wresult)
                        .getElementsByTagNameNS("urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion", "Assertion");
                LOG.debug("number of SAML2 assertions: " + assertionNodeList.getLength());
                if (1 != assertionNodeList.getLength()) {
                    throw new AuthenticationResponseProcessorException("missing SAML2 Assertion");
                Element assertionElement = (Element) assertionNodeList.item(0);

                DocumentBuilderFactory documentBuilderFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
                DocumentBuilder documentBuilder = documentBuilderFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
                Document tokenDocument = documentBuilder.newDocument();
                Node assertionTokenNode = tokenDocument.importNode(assertionElement, true);

                String validationServiceLocation = validationService.getLocation();
                String expectedAudience = validationService.getExpectedAudience();
                SecurityTokenServiceClient securityTokenServiceClient = new SecurityTokenServiceClient(
                securityTokenServiceClient.validateToken(tokenDocument.getDocumentElement(), expectedAudience);
            if (null != this.service) {

        } catch (CertificateException e) {
            throw new AuthenticationResponseProcessorException(e);
        } catch (ValidationException e) {
            throw new AuthenticationResponseProcessorException(e);
        } catch (Exception e) {

            if ("javax.ejb.EJBException".equals(e.getClass().getName())) {
                Exception exception;
                try {
                    Method getCausedByExceptionMethod = e.getClass().getMethod("getCausedByException",
                            new Class[] {});
                    exception = (Exception) getCausedByExceptionMethod.invoke(e, new Object[] {});
                } catch (Exception e2) {
                    LOG.debug("error: " + e.getMessage(), e);
                    throw new AuthenticationResponseProcessorException(
                            "error retrieving the root cause: " + e2.getMessage());

                throw new AuthenticationResponseProcessorException("Validation exception: "
                        + (null != exception ? exception.getMessage() : e.getMessage()));

            throw new AuthenticationResponseProcessorException(e);

    return authenticationResponse;

From source file:fedora.server.access.dissemination.DisseminationService.java

 * <p>//from w  w w  .j ava  2s  .  c o  m
 * Assembles a dissemination given an instance of <code>
 * DisseminationBindingInfo</code>
 * which has the dissemination-related information from the digital object
 * and its associated Service Deployment object.
 * </p>
 * @param context
 *        The current context.
 * @param PID
 *        The persistent identifier of the digital object.
 * @param h_userParms
 *        A hashtable of user-supplied method parameters.
 * @param dissBindInfoArray
 *        The associated dissemination binding information.
 * @return A MIME-typed stream containing the result of the dissemination.
 * @throws ServerException
 *         If unable to assemble the dissemination for any reason.
public MIMETypedStream assembleDissemination(Context context, String PID, Hashtable h_userParms,
        DisseminationBindingInfo[] dissBindInfoArray, String deploymentPID, ServiceDeploymentReader bmReader,
        String methodName) throws ServerException {

    LOG.debug("Started assembling dissemination");

    String dissURL = null;
    String protocolType = null;
    DisseminationBindingInfo dissBindInfo = null;
    MIMETypedStream dissemination = null;
    long initStartTime = new Date().getTime();
    boolean isRedirect = false;

    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {

    if (dissBindInfoArray != null && dissBindInfoArray.length > 0) {
        String replaceString = null;
        int numElements = dissBindInfoArray.length;

        // Get row(s) of binding info and perform string substitution
        // on DSBindingKey and method parameter values in WSDL
        // Note: In case where more than one datastream matches the
        // DSBindingKey or there are multiple DSBindingKeys for the
        // method, multiple rows will be present; otherwise there is only
        // a single row.
        for (int i = 0; i < dissBindInfoArray.length; i++) {
            ((Authorization) s_server.getModule("fedora.server.security.Authorization"))
                    .enforce_Internal_DSState(context, dissBindInfoArray[i].dsID, dissBindInfoArray[i].dsState);
            dissBindInfo = dissBindInfoArray[i];

            // Before doing anything, check whether we can replace any
            // placeholders in the datastream url with parameter values from
            // the request.  This supports the special case where a
            // datastream's URL is dependent on user parameters, such
            // as when the datastream is actually a dissemination that
            // takes parameters.
            if (dissBindInfo.dsLocation != null && (dissBindInfo.dsLocation.startsWith("http://")
                    || dissBindInfo.dsLocation.startsWith("https://"))) {
                String[] parts = dissBindInfo.dsLocation.split("=\\("); // regex for =(
                if (parts.length > 1) {
                    StringBuffer replaced = new StringBuffer();
                    for (int x = 1; x < parts.length; x++) {
                        int rightParenPos = parts[x].indexOf(")");
                        if (rightParenPos != -1 && rightParenPos > 0) {
                            String key = parts[x].substring(0, rightParenPos);
                            String val = (String) h_userParms.get(key);
                            if (val != null) {
                                // We have a match... so insert the urlencoded value.
                                try {
                                    replaced.append(URLEncoder.encode(val, "UTF-8"));
                                } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException uee) {
                                    // won't happen: java always supports UTF-8
                                if (rightParenPos < parts[x].length()) {
                                    replaced.append(parts[x].substring(rightParenPos + 1));
                            } else {
                        } else {
                    dissBindInfo.dsLocation = replaced.toString();

            // Match DSBindingKey pattern in WSDL which is a string of the form:
            // (DSBindingKey). Rows in DisseminationBindingInfo are sorted
            // alphabetically on binding key.
            String bindingKeyPattern = "\\(" + dissBindInfo.DSBindKey + "\\)";
            if (i == 0) {
                // If addressLocation has a value of "LOCAL", this indicates
                // the associated operationLocation requires no addressLocation.
                // i.e., the operationLocation contains all information necessary
                // to perform the dissemination request. This is a special case
                // used when the web services are generally mechanisms like cgi-scripts,
                // java servlets, and simple HTTP GETs. Using the value of LOCAL
                // in the address location also enables one to have different methods
                // serviced by different hosts. In true web services like SOAP, the
                // addressLocation specifies the host name of the service and all
                // methods are served from that single host location.
                if (dissBindInfo.AddressLocation.equalsIgnoreCase(LOCAL_ADDRESS_LOCATION)) {
                    dissURL = dissBindInfo.OperationLocation;
                } else {
                    dissURL = dissBindInfo.AddressLocation + dissBindInfo.OperationLocation;
                protocolType = dissBindInfo.ProtocolType;

            // Assess beSecurity for backend service and for datastreams that may be parameters for the
            // backend service.
            // dsMediatedCallbackHost - when dsMediation is in effect, all M, X, and E type datastreams
            //                          are encoded as callbacks to the Fedora server to obtain the
            //                          datastream's contents. dsMediatedCallbackHost contains protocol, 
            //                          host, and port used for this type of backendservice-to-fedora callback.
            //                          The specifics of protocol, host, and port are obtained from the
            //                          beSecurity configuration file.
            // dsMediatedServletPath - when dsMediation is in effect, all M, X, and E type datastreams
            //                         are encoded as callbacks to the Fedora server to obtain the
            //                         datastream's contents. dsMediatedServletPath contains the servlet
            //                         path info for this type of backendservice-to-fedora callback.
            //                         The specifics of servlet path are obtained from the beSecurity configuration
            //                         file and determines whether the backedservice-to-fedora callback
            //                         will use authentication or not.
            // callbackRole - contains the role of the backend service (the deploymentPID of the service).

            String callbackRole = deploymentPID;
            Hashtable beHash = m_beSS.getSecuritySpec(callbackRole, methodName);
            boolean callbackBasicAuth = new Boolean((String) beHash.get("callbackBasicAuth")).booleanValue();
            boolean callbackSSL = new Boolean((String) beHash.get("callbackSSL")).booleanValue();
            String dsMediatedServletPath = null;
            if (callbackBasicAuth) {
                dsMediatedServletPath = "/fedora/getDSAuthenticated?id=";
            } else {
                dsMediatedServletPath = "/fedora/getDS?id=";
            String dsMediatedCallbackHost = null;
            if (callbackSSL) {
                dsMediatedCallbackHost = "https://" + fedoraServerHost + ":" + fedoraServerRedirectPort;
            } else {
                dsMediatedCallbackHost = "http://" + fedoraServerHost + ":" + fedoraServerPort;
            String datastreamResolverServletURL = dsMediatedCallbackHost + dsMediatedServletPath;
            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                LOG.debug("******************Checking backend service dsLocation: " + dissBindInfo.dsLocation);
                LOG.debug("******************Checking backend service dsControlGroupType: "
                        + dissBindInfo.dsControlGroupType);
                LOG.debug("******************Checking backend service callbackBasicAuth: " + callbackBasicAuth);
                LOG.debug("******************Checking backend service callbackSSL: " + callbackSSL);
                LOG.debug("******************Checking backend service callbackRole: " + callbackRole);
                LOG.debug("******************DatastreamResolverServletURL: " + datastreamResolverServletURL);

            String currentKey = dissBindInfo.DSBindKey;
            String nextKey = "";
            if (i != numElements - 1) {
                // Except for last row, get the value of the next binding key
                // to compare with the value of the current binding key.
                nextKey = dissBindInfoArray[i + 1].DSBindKey;
            LOG.debug("currentKey: '" + currentKey + "', nextKey: '" + nextKey + "'");
            // In most cases, there is only a single datastream that matches a
            // given DSBindingKey so the substitution process is to just replace
            // the occurence of (BINDING_KEY) with the value of the datastream
            // location. However, when multiple datastreams match the same
            // DSBindingKey, the occurrence of (BINDING_KEY) is replaced with the
            // value of the datastream location and the value +(BINDING_KEY) is
            // appended so that subsequent datastreams matching the binding key
            // will be substituted. The end result is that the binding key will
            // be replaced by a series of datastream locations separated by a
            // plus(+) sign. For example, in the case where 3 datastreams match
            // the binding key for PHOTO:
            // file=(PHOTO) becomes
            // file=dslocation1+dslocation2+dslocation3
            // It is the responsibility of the Service Deployment to know how to
            // handle an input parameter with multiple datastream locations.
            // In the case of a method containing multiple binding keys,
            // substitutions are performed on each binding key. For example, in
            // the case where there are 2 binding keys named PHOTO and WATERMARK
            // where each matches a single datastream:
            // image=(PHOTO)&watermark=(WATERMARK) becomes
            // image=dslocation1&watermark=dslocation2
            // In the case with mutliple binding keys and multiple datastreams,
            // the substitution might appear like the following:
            // image=(PHOTO)&watermark=(WATERMARK) becomes
            // image=dslocation1+dslocation2&watermark=dslocation3
            if (nextKey.equalsIgnoreCase(currentKey) & i != numElements) {
                // Case where binding keys are equal which means that multiple
                // datastreams matched the same binding key.
                if (doDatastreamMediation && !dissBindInfo.dsControlGroupType.equalsIgnoreCase("R")) {
                    // Use Datastream Mediation (except for redirected datastreams).

                    replaceString = datastreamResolverServletURL
                            + registerDatastreamLocation(dissBindInfo.dsLocation,
                                    dissBindInfo.dsControlGroupType, callbackRole, methodName)
                            + "+(" + dissBindInfo.DSBindKey + ")";
                } else {
                    // Bypass Datastream Mediation.
                    if (dissBindInfo.dsControlGroupType.equalsIgnoreCase("M")
                            || dissBindInfo.dsControlGroupType.equalsIgnoreCase("X")) {
                        // Use the Default Disseminator syntax to resolve the internal
                        // datastream location for Managed and XML datastreams.
                        replaceString = resolveInternalDSLocation(context, dissBindInfo.dsLocation, PID,
                                dsMediatedCallbackHost) + "+(" + dissBindInfo.DSBindKey + ")";
                    } else {
                        replaceString = dissBindInfo.dsLocation + "+(" + dissBindInfo.DSBindKey + ")";
                    if (dissBindInfo.dsControlGroupType.equalsIgnoreCase("R")
                            && dissBindInfo.AddressLocation.equals(LOCAL_ADDRESS_LOCATION)) {
                        isRedirect = true;
            } else {
                // Case where there are one or more binding keys.
                if (doDatastreamMediation && !dissBindInfo.dsControlGroupType.equalsIgnoreCase("R")) {
                    // Use Datastream Mediation (except for Redirected datastreams)              
                    replaceString = datastreamResolverServletURL + registerDatastreamLocation(
                            dissBindInfo.dsLocation, dissBindInfo.dsControlGroupType, callbackRole, methodName); //this is generic, should be made specific per service                        
                } else {
                    // Bypass Datastream Mediation.
                    if (dissBindInfo.dsControlGroupType.equalsIgnoreCase("M")
                            || dissBindInfo.dsControlGroupType.equalsIgnoreCase("X")) {
                        // Use the Default Disseminator syntax to resolve the internal
                        // datastream location for Managed and XML datastreams.
                        replaceString = resolveInternalDSLocation(context, dissBindInfo.dsLocation, PID,
                    } else {
                        replaceString = dissBindInfo.dsLocation;
                    if (dissBindInfo.dsControlGroupType.equalsIgnoreCase("R")
                            && dissBindInfo.AddressLocation.equals(LOCAL_ADDRESS_LOCATION)) {
                        isRedirect = true;
            try {
                // If the operationLocation contains datastreamInputParms
                // URLEncode each parameter before substitution. Otherwise, the
                // operationLocation has no parameters (i.e., it is a simple URL )
                // so bypass URLencoding.
                if (dissURL.indexOf("=(") != -1) {
                    dissURL = substituteString(dissURL, bindingKeyPattern,
                            URLEncoder.encode(replaceString, "UTF-8"));
                } else {
                    dissURL = substituteString(dissURL, bindingKeyPattern, replaceString);
            } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException uee) {
                String message = "[DisseminationService] An error occured. The error " + "was \""
                        + uee.getClass().getName() + "\"  . The Reason was \"" + uee.getMessage()
                        + "\"  . String value: " + replaceString + "  . ";
                throw new GeneralException(message);
            LOG.debug("Replaced dissURL: " + dissURL.toString() + " DissBindingInfo index: " + i);

        DeploymentDSBindSpec dsBindSpec = bmReader.getServiceDSInputSpec(null);
        DeploymentDSBindRule rules[] = dsBindSpec.dsBindRules;
        for (DeploymentDSBindRule element : rules) {
            String rulePattern = "(" + element.bindingKeyName + ")";
            if (dissURL.indexOf(rulePattern) != -1) {
                throw new DisseminationException(null,
                        "Data Object " + PID + " missing required datastream: " + element.bindingKeyName, null,
                        null, null);

        // Substitute method parameter values in dissemination URL
        Enumeration e = h_userParms.keys();
        while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
            String name = null;
            String value = null;
            try {
                name = URLEncoder.encode((String) e.nextElement(), "UTF-8");
                value = URLEncoder.encode((String) h_userParms.get(name), "UTF-8");
            } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException uee) {
                String message = "[DisseminationService] An error occured. The error " + "was \""
                        + uee.getClass().getName() + "\"  . The Reason was \"" + uee.getMessage()
                        + "\"  . Parameter name: " + name + "  . " + "Parameter value: " + value + "  .";
                throw new GeneralException(message);
            String pattern = "\\(" + name + "\\)";
            dissURL = substituteString(dissURL, pattern, value);
            LOG.debug("User parm substituted in URL: " + dissURL);

        // FIXME Need a more elegant means of handling optional userInputParm
        // method parameters that are not supplied by the invoking client;
        // for now, any optional parms that were not supplied are removed from
        // the outgoing URL. This works because parms are validated in
        // DefaultAccess to insure all required parms are present and all parm
        // names match parm names defined for the specific method. The only
        // unsubstituted parms left in the operationLocation string at this point
        // are those for optional parameters that the client omitted in the
        // initial request so they can safely be removed from the outgoing
        // dissemination URL. This step is only needed when optional parameters
        // are not supplied by the client.
        if (dissURL.indexOf("(") != -1) {
            dissURL = stripParms(dissURL);
            LOG.debug("Non-supplied optional userInputParm values removed " + "from URL: " + dissURL);

        if (dissURL.indexOf("(") != -1) {
            String datastreamName = dissURL.substring(dissURL.indexOf("(") + 1, dissURL.indexOf(")"));
            throw new DisseminationException(null,
                    "Data Object " + PID + " missing required datastream: " + datastreamName, null, null, null);

        // Resolve content referenced by dissemination result.
        LOG.debug("ProtocolType: " + protocolType);
        if (protocolType.equalsIgnoreCase("http")) {

            if (isRedirect) {
                // The dsControlGroupType of Redirect("R") is a special control type
                // used primarily for streaming media. Datastreams of this type are
                // not mediated (proxied by Fedora) and their physical dsLocation is
                // simply redirected back to the client. Therefore, the contents
                // of the MIMETypedStream returned for dissemination requests will
                // contain the raw URL of the dsLocation and will be assigned a
                // special fedora-specific MIME type to identify the stream as
                // a MIMETypedStream whose contents contain a URL to which the client
                // should be redirected.

                InputStream is = null;
                try {
                    is = new ByteArrayInputStream(dissURL.getBytes("UTF-8"));
                } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException uee) {
                    String message = "[DisseminationService] An error has occurred. " + "The error was a \""
                            + uee.getClass().getName() + "\"  . The " + "Reason was \"" + uee.getMessage()
                            + "\"  . String value: " + dissURL + "  . ";
                    throw new GeneralException(message);
                LOG.debug("Finished assembling dissemination");
                dissemination = new MIMETypedStream("application/fedora-redirect", is, null);
            } else {
                // For all non-redirected disseminations, Fedora captures and returns
                // the MIMETypedStream resulting from the dissemination request.
                //ExternalContentManager externalContentManager = (ExternalContentManager)
                //    s_server.getModule("fedora.server.storage.ExternalContentManager");
                LOG.debug("Finished assembling dissemination");
                LOG.debug("URL: " + dissURL);

                // See if backend service reference is to fedora server itself or an external location.
                // We must examine URL to see if this is referencing a remote backend service or is
                // simply a callback to the fedora server. If the reference is remote, then use
                // the role of backend service deployment PID. If the referenc is to the fedora server, 
                // use the special role of "fedoraInternalCall-1" to denote that the callback will come from the 
                // fedora server itself.          
                String beServiceRole = null;
                if (ServerUtility.isURLFedoraServer(dissURL)) {
                    beServiceRole = BackendPolicies.FEDORA_INTERNAL_CALL;
                } else {
                    beServiceRole = deploymentPID;

                // Get basicAuth and SSL info about the backend service and use this info to configure the
                // "call" to the backend service.
                Hashtable beHash = m_beSS.getSecuritySpec(beServiceRole, methodName);
                boolean beServiceCallSSL = new Boolean((String) beHash.get("callSSL")).booleanValue();
                String beServiceCallUsername = "";
                String beServiceCallPassword = "";
                boolean beServiceCallBasicAuth = new Boolean((String) beHash.get("callBasicAuth"))
                if (beServiceCallBasicAuth) {
                    beServiceCallUsername = (String) beHash.get("callUsername");
                    beServiceCallPassword = (String) beHash.get("callPassword");

                 * //fixup: if
                 * (BackendPolicies.FEDORA_INTERNAL_CALL.equals(beServiceRole)) {
                 * if (beServiceCallSSL) { if (dissURL.startsWith("http:")) {
                 * dissURL = dissURL.replaceFirst("http:", "https:"); } if
                 * (dissURL.indexOf(":"+fedoraServerPort+"/") >= 0) {
                 * dissURL = dissURL.replaceFirst(":"+fedoraServerPort+"/",
                 * ":"+fedoraServerRedirectPort+"/"); } } else { if
                 * (dissURL.startsWith("https:")) { dissURL =
                 * dissURL.replaceFirst("https:", "http:"); } if
                 * (dissURL.indexOf(":"+fedoraServerRedirectPort+"/") >= 0) {
                 * dissURL =
                 * dissURL.replaceFirst(":"+fedoraServerRedirectPort+"/",
                 * ":"+fedoraServerPort+"/"); } } if
                 * (beServiceCallBasicAuth) { if (dissURL.indexOf("getDS?") >=
                 * 0) { dissURL = dissURL.replaceFirst("getDS\\?",
                 * "getDSAuthenticated\\?"); } } else { if
                 * (dissURL.indexOf("getDSAuthenticated?") >= 0) { dissURL =
                 * dissURL.replaceFirst("getDSAuthenticated\\?",
                 * "getDS\\?"); } } }

                if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    LOG.debug("******************getDisseminationContent beServiceRole: " + beServiceRole);
                    LOG.debug("******************getDisseminationContent beServiceCallBasicAuth: "
                            + beServiceCallBasicAuth);
                            "******************getDisseminationContent beServiceCallSSL: " + beServiceCallSSL);
                    LOG.debug("******************getDisseminationContent beServiceCallUsername: "
                            + beServiceCallUsername);
                    LOG.debug("******************getDisseminationContent beServiceCallPassword: "
                            + beServiceCallPassword);
                    LOG.debug("******************getDisseminationContent dissURL: " + dissURL);

                // Dispatch backend service URL request authenticating as necessary based on beSecurity configuration
                dissemination = getDisseminationContent(dissURL, context, beServiceCallUsername,

        } else if (protocolType.equalsIgnoreCase("soap")) {
            // FIXME!! future handling of soap bindings.
            String message = "[DisseminationService] Protocol type: " + protocolType + "NOT yet implemented";
            throw new DisseminationException(message);

        } else {
            String message = "[DisseminationService] Protocol type: " + protocolType + "NOT supported.";
            throw new DisseminationException(message);

    } else {
        // DisseminationBindingInfo was empty so there was no information
        // provided to construct a dissemination.
        String message = "[DisseminationService] Dissemination Binding " + "Info contained no data";
        throw new DisseminationBindingInfoNotFoundException(message);
    return dissemination;