fedora.server.access.dissemination.DisseminationService.java Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for fedora.server.access.dissemination.DisseminationService.java


 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * <p><b>License and Copyright: </b>The contents of this file are subject to the
 * Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use 
 * this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of 
 * the License at <a href="http://www.fedora-commons.org/licenses">
 * http://www.fedora-commons.org/licenses.</a></p>
 * <p>Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
 * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for
 * the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.</p>
 * <p>The entire file consists of original code.</p>
 * <p>Copyright &copy; 2008 Fedora Commons, Inc.<br />
 * <p>Copyright &copy; 2002-2007 The Rector and Visitors of the University of 
 * Virginia and Cornell University<br /> 
 * All rights reserved.</p>
 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

/* The contents of this file are subject to the license and copyright terms
 * detailed in the license directory at the root of the source tree (also 
 * available online at http://www.fedora.info/license/).

package fedora.server.access.dissemination;

import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;

import java.net.URLEncoder;

import java.sql.Timestamp;

import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import org.apache.commons.httpclient.Header;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

import fedora.common.Constants;
import fedora.common.http.HttpInputStream;
import fedora.common.http.WebClient;

import fedora.server.Context;
import fedora.server.Server;
import fedora.server.errors.DisseminationBindingInfoNotFoundException;
import fedora.server.errors.DisseminationException;
import fedora.server.errors.GeneralException;
import fedora.server.errors.HttpServiceNotFoundException;
import fedora.server.errors.InitializationException;
import fedora.server.errors.ServerException;
import fedora.server.errors.ServerInitializationException;
import fedora.server.security.Authorization;
import fedora.server.security.BackendPolicies;
import fedora.server.security.BackendSecurity;
import fedora.server.security.BackendSecuritySpec;
import fedora.server.storage.ServiceDeploymentReader;
import fedora.server.storage.DOManager;
import fedora.server.storage.DOReader;
import fedora.server.storage.types.DeploymentDSBindRule;
import fedora.server.storage.types.DeploymentDSBindSpec;
import fedora.server.storage.types.Datastream;
import fedora.server.storage.types.DatastreamMediation;
import fedora.server.storage.types.DisseminationBindingInfo;
import fedora.server.storage.types.MIMETypedStream;
import fedora.server.storage.types.MethodParmDef;
import fedora.server.storage.types.Property;
import fedora.server.utilities.DateUtility;
import fedora.server.utilities.ServerUtility;

 * A service for executing a dissemination given its binding information.
 * @author Ross Wayland
public class DisseminationService {

    /** Logger for this class. */
    private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(DisseminationService.class.getName());

    /** The Fedora Server instance */
    private static Server s_server;

    /** An instance of DO manager */
    private static DOManager m_manager;

     * Signifies the special type of address location known as LOCAL. An address
     * location of LOCAL implies that no remote host name is required for the
     * address location and that the contents of the operation location are
     * sufficient to execute the associated mechanism.
    private static final String LOCAL_ADDRESS_LOCATION = "LOCAL";

    /** The expiration limit in minutes for removing entries from the database. */
    private static int datastreamExpirationLimit = 0;

     * An incremental counter used to insure uniqueness of tempIDs used for
     * datastream mediation.
    private static int counter = 0;

    /** Datastream Mediation control flag. */
    private static boolean doDatastreamMediation;

    /** Configured Fedora server host */
    private static String fedoraServerHost = null;

    /** Configured Fedora server port */
    private static String fedoraServerPort = null;

    /** Configured Fedora redirect port */
    private static String fedoraServerRedirectPort = null;

    private static String fedoraHome = null;

    private static BackendSecuritySpec m_beSS = null;

    private static BackendSecurity m_beSecurity;

    private static WebClient s_http;

    /** Make sure we have a server instance for error logging purposes. */
    static {
        try {
            fedoraHome = Constants.FEDORA_HOME;
            if (fedoraHome == null) {
                throw new ServerInitializationException(
                        "[DisseminationService] Server failed to initialize: " + "FEDORA_HOME is undefined");
            } else {
                s_server = Server.getInstance(new File(fedoraHome), false);
                fedoraServerHost = s_server.getParameter("fedoraServerHost");
                fedoraServerPort = s_server.getParameter("fedoraServerPort");
                fedoraServerRedirectPort = s_server.getParameter("fedoraRedirectPort");
                m_manager = (DOManager) s_server.getModule("fedora.server.storage.DOManager");
                m_beSecurity = (BackendSecurity) s_server.getModule("fedora.server.security.BackendSecurity");
                m_beSS = m_beSecurity.getBackendSecuritySpec();
                String expireLimit = s_server.getParameter("datastreamExpirationLimit");
                if (expireLimit == null || expireLimit.equalsIgnoreCase("")) {
                    LOG.info("datastreamExpirationLimit unspecified; defaulting to " + "300 seconds");
                    datastreamExpirationLimit = 300;
                } else {
                    datastreamExpirationLimit = new Integer(expireLimit).intValue();
                    LOG.info("datastreamExpirationLimit=" + datastreamExpirationLimit);
                String dsMediation = s_server.getModule("fedora.server.access.Access")
                if (dsMediation == null || dsMediation.equalsIgnoreCase("")) {
                    LOG.info("doMediateDatastreams unspecified; defaulting to false");
                } else {
                    doDatastreamMediation = new Boolean(dsMediation).booleanValue();

                s_http = new WebClient();
                s_http.USER_AGENT = "Fedora";

        } catch (InitializationException ie) {
            LOG.error("Initialization error", ie);

    /** The hashtable containing information required for datastream mediation. */
    protected static Hashtable dsRegistry = new Hashtable(1000);

    protected static Hashtable beSecurityHash = new Hashtable();

     * <p>
     * Constructs an instance of DisseminationService. Initializes two class
     * variables that contain the IP address and port number of the Fedora
     * server. The port number is obtained from the Fedora server config file
     * and the IP address of the server is obtained dynamically. These variables
     * are needed to perform the datastream proxy service for datastream
     * requests.
     * </p>
    public DisseminationService() {

     * public void checkState(Context context, String state, String dsID, String
     * PID) throws ServerException { // Check Object State if (
     * state.equalsIgnoreCase("D") && ( context.get("canUseDeletedObject")==null ||
     * (!context.get("canUseDeletedObject").equals("true")) ) ) { throw new
     * GeneralException("The requested dissemination for data object \""+PID+"\"
     * is no " + "longer available. One of its datastreams (dsID=\""+dsID+"\")
     * has been flagged for DELETION " + "by the repository administrator. "); }
     * else if ( state.equalsIgnoreCase("I") && (
     * context.get("canUseInactiveObject")==null ||
     * (!context.get("canUseInactiveObject").equals("true")) ) ) { throw new
     * GeneralException("The requested dissemination for data object \""+PID+"\"
     * is no " + "longer available. One of its datastreams (dsID=\""+dsID+"\")
     * has been flagged as INACTIVE " + "by the repository administrator. "); } }

     * <p>
     * Assembles a dissemination given an instance of <code>
     * DisseminationBindingInfo</code>
     * which has the dissemination-related information from the digital object
     * and its associated Service Deployment object.
     * </p>
     * @param context
     *        The current context.
     * @param PID
     *        The persistent identifier of the digital object.
     * @param h_userParms
     *        A hashtable of user-supplied method parameters.
     * @param dissBindInfoArray
     *        The associated dissemination binding information.
     * @return A MIME-typed stream containing the result of the dissemination.
     * @throws ServerException
     *         If unable to assemble the dissemination for any reason.
    public MIMETypedStream assembleDissemination(Context context, String PID, Hashtable h_userParms,
            DisseminationBindingInfo[] dissBindInfoArray, String deploymentPID, ServiceDeploymentReader bmReader,
            String methodName) throws ServerException {

        LOG.debug("Started assembling dissemination");

        String dissURL = null;
        String protocolType = null;
        DisseminationBindingInfo dissBindInfo = null;
        MIMETypedStream dissemination = null;
        long initStartTime = new Date().getTime();
        boolean isRedirect = false;

        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {

        if (dissBindInfoArray != null && dissBindInfoArray.length > 0) {
            String replaceString = null;
            int numElements = dissBindInfoArray.length;

            // Get row(s) of binding info and perform string substitution
            // on DSBindingKey and method parameter values in WSDL
            // Note: In case where more than one datastream matches the
            // DSBindingKey or there are multiple DSBindingKeys for the
            // method, multiple rows will be present; otherwise there is only
            // a single row.
            for (int i = 0; i < dissBindInfoArray.length; i++) {
                ((Authorization) s_server.getModule("fedora.server.security.Authorization"))
                        .enforce_Internal_DSState(context, dissBindInfoArray[i].dsID, dissBindInfoArray[i].dsState);
                dissBindInfo = dissBindInfoArray[i];

                // Before doing anything, check whether we can replace any
                // placeholders in the datastream url with parameter values from
                // the request.  This supports the special case where a
                // datastream's URL is dependent on user parameters, such
                // as when the datastream is actually a dissemination that
                // takes parameters.
                if (dissBindInfo.dsLocation != null && (dissBindInfo.dsLocation.startsWith("http://")
                        || dissBindInfo.dsLocation.startsWith("https://"))) {
                    String[] parts = dissBindInfo.dsLocation.split("=\\("); // regex for =(
                    if (parts.length > 1) {
                        StringBuffer replaced = new StringBuffer();
                        for (int x = 1; x < parts.length; x++) {
                            int rightParenPos = parts[x].indexOf(")");
                            if (rightParenPos != -1 && rightParenPos > 0) {
                                String key = parts[x].substring(0, rightParenPos);
                                String val = (String) h_userParms.get(key);
                                if (val != null) {
                                    // We have a match... so insert the urlencoded value.
                                    try {
                                        replaced.append(URLEncoder.encode(val, "UTF-8"));
                                    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException uee) {
                                        // won't happen: java always supports UTF-8
                                    if (rightParenPos < parts[x].length()) {
                                        replaced.append(parts[x].substring(rightParenPos + 1));
                                } else {
                            } else {
                        dissBindInfo.dsLocation = replaced.toString();

                // Match DSBindingKey pattern in WSDL which is a string of the form:
                // (DSBindingKey). Rows in DisseminationBindingInfo are sorted
                // alphabetically on binding key.
                String bindingKeyPattern = "\\(" + dissBindInfo.DSBindKey + "\\)";
                if (i == 0) {
                    // If addressLocation has a value of "LOCAL", this indicates
                    // the associated operationLocation requires no addressLocation.
                    // i.e., the operationLocation contains all information necessary
                    // to perform the dissemination request. This is a special case
                    // used when the web services are generally mechanisms like cgi-scripts,
                    // java servlets, and simple HTTP GETs. Using the value of LOCAL
                    // in the address location also enables one to have different methods
                    // serviced by different hosts. In true web services like SOAP, the
                    // addressLocation specifies the host name of the service and all
                    // methods are served from that single host location.
                    if (dissBindInfo.AddressLocation.equalsIgnoreCase(LOCAL_ADDRESS_LOCATION)) {
                        dissURL = dissBindInfo.OperationLocation;
                    } else {
                        dissURL = dissBindInfo.AddressLocation + dissBindInfo.OperationLocation;
                    protocolType = dissBindInfo.ProtocolType;

                // Assess beSecurity for backend service and for datastreams that may be parameters for the
                // backend service.
                // dsMediatedCallbackHost - when dsMediation is in effect, all M, X, and E type datastreams
                //                          are encoded as callbacks to the Fedora server to obtain the
                //                          datastream's contents. dsMediatedCallbackHost contains protocol, 
                //                          host, and port used for this type of backendservice-to-fedora callback.
                //                          The specifics of protocol, host, and port are obtained from the
                //                          beSecurity configuration file.
                // dsMediatedServletPath - when dsMediation is in effect, all M, X, and E type datastreams
                //                         are encoded as callbacks to the Fedora server to obtain the
                //                         datastream's contents. dsMediatedServletPath contains the servlet
                //                         path info for this type of backendservice-to-fedora callback.
                //                         The specifics of servlet path are obtained from the beSecurity configuration
                //                         file and determines whether the backedservice-to-fedora callback
                //                         will use authentication or not.
                // callbackRole - contains the role of the backend service (the deploymentPID of the service).

                String callbackRole = deploymentPID;
                Hashtable beHash = m_beSS.getSecuritySpec(callbackRole, methodName);
                boolean callbackBasicAuth = new Boolean((String) beHash.get("callbackBasicAuth")).booleanValue();
                boolean callbackSSL = new Boolean((String) beHash.get("callbackSSL")).booleanValue();
                String dsMediatedServletPath = null;
                if (callbackBasicAuth) {
                    dsMediatedServletPath = "/fedora/getDSAuthenticated?id=";
                } else {
                    dsMediatedServletPath = "/fedora/getDS?id=";
                String dsMediatedCallbackHost = null;
                if (callbackSSL) {
                    dsMediatedCallbackHost = "https://" + fedoraServerHost + ":" + fedoraServerRedirectPort;
                } else {
                    dsMediatedCallbackHost = "http://" + fedoraServerHost + ":" + fedoraServerPort;
                String datastreamResolverServletURL = dsMediatedCallbackHost + dsMediatedServletPath;
                if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    LOG.debug("******************Checking backend service dsLocation: " + dissBindInfo.dsLocation);
                    LOG.debug("******************Checking backend service dsControlGroupType: "
                            + dissBindInfo.dsControlGroupType);
                    LOG.debug("******************Checking backend service callbackBasicAuth: " + callbackBasicAuth);
                    LOG.debug("******************Checking backend service callbackSSL: " + callbackSSL);
                    LOG.debug("******************Checking backend service callbackRole: " + callbackRole);
                    LOG.debug("******************DatastreamResolverServletURL: " + datastreamResolverServletURL);

                String currentKey = dissBindInfo.DSBindKey;
                String nextKey = "";
                if (i != numElements - 1) {
                    // Except for last row, get the value of the next binding key
                    // to compare with the value of the current binding key.
                    nextKey = dissBindInfoArray[i + 1].DSBindKey;
                LOG.debug("currentKey: '" + currentKey + "', nextKey: '" + nextKey + "'");
                // In most cases, there is only a single datastream that matches a
                // given DSBindingKey so the substitution process is to just replace
                // the occurence of (BINDING_KEY) with the value of the datastream
                // location. However, when multiple datastreams match the same
                // DSBindingKey, the occurrence of (BINDING_KEY) is replaced with the
                // value of the datastream location and the value +(BINDING_KEY) is
                // appended so that subsequent datastreams matching the binding key
                // will be substituted. The end result is that the binding key will
                // be replaced by a series of datastream locations separated by a
                // plus(+) sign. For example, in the case where 3 datastreams match
                // the binding key for PHOTO:
                // file=(PHOTO) becomes
                // file=dslocation1+dslocation2+dslocation3
                // It is the responsibility of the Service Deployment to know how to
                // handle an input parameter with multiple datastream locations.
                // In the case of a method containing multiple binding keys,
                // substitutions are performed on each binding key. For example, in
                // the case where there are 2 binding keys named PHOTO and WATERMARK
                // where each matches a single datastream:
                // image=(PHOTO)&watermark=(WATERMARK) becomes
                // image=dslocation1&watermark=dslocation2
                // In the case with mutliple binding keys and multiple datastreams,
                // the substitution might appear like the following:
                // image=(PHOTO)&watermark=(WATERMARK) becomes
                // image=dslocation1+dslocation2&watermark=dslocation3
                if (nextKey.equalsIgnoreCase(currentKey) & i != numElements) {
                    // Case where binding keys are equal which means that multiple
                    // datastreams matched the same binding key.
                    if (doDatastreamMediation && !dissBindInfo.dsControlGroupType.equalsIgnoreCase("R")) {
                        // Use Datastream Mediation (except for redirected datastreams).

                        replaceString = datastreamResolverServletURL
                                + registerDatastreamLocation(dissBindInfo.dsLocation,
                                        dissBindInfo.dsControlGroupType, callbackRole, methodName)
                                + "+(" + dissBindInfo.DSBindKey + ")";
                    } else {
                        // Bypass Datastream Mediation.
                        if (dissBindInfo.dsControlGroupType.equalsIgnoreCase("M")
                                || dissBindInfo.dsControlGroupType.equalsIgnoreCase("X")) {
                            // Use the Default Disseminator syntax to resolve the internal
                            // datastream location for Managed and XML datastreams.
                            replaceString = resolveInternalDSLocation(context, dissBindInfo.dsLocation, PID,
                                    dsMediatedCallbackHost) + "+(" + dissBindInfo.DSBindKey + ")";
                        } else {
                            replaceString = dissBindInfo.dsLocation + "+(" + dissBindInfo.DSBindKey + ")";
                        if (dissBindInfo.dsControlGroupType.equalsIgnoreCase("R")
                                && dissBindInfo.AddressLocation.equals(LOCAL_ADDRESS_LOCATION)) {
                            isRedirect = true;
                } else {
                    // Case where there are one or more binding keys.
                    if (doDatastreamMediation && !dissBindInfo.dsControlGroupType.equalsIgnoreCase("R")) {
                        // Use Datastream Mediation (except for Redirected datastreams)              
                        replaceString = datastreamResolverServletURL + registerDatastreamLocation(
                                dissBindInfo.dsLocation, dissBindInfo.dsControlGroupType, callbackRole, methodName); //this is generic, should be made specific per service                        
                    } else {
                        // Bypass Datastream Mediation.
                        if (dissBindInfo.dsControlGroupType.equalsIgnoreCase("M")
                                || dissBindInfo.dsControlGroupType.equalsIgnoreCase("X")) {
                            // Use the Default Disseminator syntax to resolve the internal
                            // datastream location for Managed and XML datastreams.
                            replaceString = resolveInternalDSLocation(context, dissBindInfo.dsLocation, PID,
                        } else {
                            replaceString = dissBindInfo.dsLocation;
                        if (dissBindInfo.dsControlGroupType.equalsIgnoreCase("R")
                                && dissBindInfo.AddressLocation.equals(LOCAL_ADDRESS_LOCATION)) {
                            isRedirect = true;
                try {
                    // If the operationLocation contains datastreamInputParms
                    // URLEncode each parameter before substitution. Otherwise, the
                    // operationLocation has no parameters (i.e., it is a simple URL )
                    // so bypass URLencoding.
                    if (dissURL.indexOf("=(") != -1) {
                        dissURL = substituteString(dissURL, bindingKeyPattern,
                                URLEncoder.encode(replaceString, "UTF-8"));
                    } else {
                        dissURL = substituteString(dissURL, bindingKeyPattern, replaceString);
                } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException uee) {
                    String message = "[DisseminationService] An error occured. The error " + "was \""
                            + uee.getClass().getName() + "\"  . The Reason was \"" + uee.getMessage()
                            + "\"  . String value: " + replaceString + "  . ";
                    throw new GeneralException(message);
                LOG.debug("Replaced dissURL: " + dissURL.toString() + " DissBindingInfo index: " + i);

            DeploymentDSBindSpec dsBindSpec = bmReader.getServiceDSInputSpec(null);
            DeploymentDSBindRule rules[] = dsBindSpec.dsBindRules;
            for (DeploymentDSBindRule element : rules) {
                String rulePattern = "(" + element.bindingKeyName + ")";
                if (dissURL.indexOf(rulePattern) != -1) {
                    throw new DisseminationException(null,
                            "Data Object " + PID + " missing required datastream: " + element.bindingKeyName, null,
                            null, null);

            // Substitute method parameter values in dissemination URL
            Enumeration e = h_userParms.keys();
            while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
                String name = null;
                String value = null;
                try {
                    name = URLEncoder.encode((String) e.nextElement(), "UTF-8");
                    value = URLEncoder.encode((String) h_userParms.get(name), "UTF-8");
                } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException uee) {
                    String message = "[DisseminationService] An error occured. The error " + "was \""
                            + uee.getClass().getName() + "\"  . The Reason was \"" + uee.getMessage()
                            + "\"  . Parameter name: " + name + "  . " + "Parameter value: " + value + "  .";
                    throw new GeneralException(message);
                String pattern = "\\(" + name + "\\)";
                dissURL = substituteString(dissURL, pattern, value);
                LOG.debug("User parm substituted in URL: " + dissURL);

            // FIXME Need a more elegant means of handling optional userInputParm
            // method parameters that are not supplied by the invoking client;
            // for now, any optional parms that were not supplied are removed from
            // the outgoing URL. This works because parms are validated in
            // DefaultAccess to insure all required parms are present and all parm
            // names match parm names defined for the specific method. The only
            // unsubstituted parms left in the operationLocation string at this point
            // are those for optional parameters that the client omitted in the
            // initial request so they can safely be removed from the outgoing
            // dissemination URL. This step is only needed when optional parameters
            // are not supplied by the client.
            if (dissURL.indexOf("(") != -1) {
                dissURL = stripParms(dissURL);
                LOG.debug("Non-supplied optional userInputParm values removed " + "from URL: " + dissURL);

            if (dissURL.indexOf("(") != -1) {
                String datastreamName = dissURL.substring(dissURL.indexOf("(") + 1, dissURL.indexOf(")"));
                throw new DisseminationException(null,
                        "Data Object " + PID + " missing required datastream: " + datastreamName, null, null, null);

            // Resolve content referenced by dissemination result.
            LOG.debug("ProtocolType: " + protocolType);
            if (protocolType.equalsIgnoreCase("http")) {

                if (isRedirect) {
                    // The dsControlGroupType of Redirect("R") is a special control type
                    // used primarily for streaming media. Datastreams of this type are
                    // not mediated (proxied by Fedora) and their physical dsLocation is
                    // simply redirected back to the client. Therefore, the contents
                    // of the MIMETypedStream returned for dissemination requests will
                    // contain the raw URL of the dsLocation and will be assigned a
                    // special fedora-specific MIME type to identify the stream as
                    // a MIMETypedStream whose contents contain a URL to which the client
                    // should be redirected.

                    InputStream is = null;
                    try {
                        is = new ByteArrayInputStream(dissURL.getBytes("UTF-8"));
                    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException uee) {
                        String message = "[DisseminationService] An error has occurred. " + "The error was a \""
                                + uee.getClass().getName() + "\"  . The " + "Reason was \"" + uee.getMessage()
                                + "\"  . String value: " + dissURL + "  . ";
                        throw new GeneralException(message);
                    LOG.debug("Finished assembling dissemination");
                    dissemination = new MIMETypedStream("application/fedora-redirect", is, null);
                } else {
                    // For all non-redirected disseminations, Fedora captures and returns
                    // the MIMETypedStream resulting from the dissemination request.
                    //ExternalContentManager externalContentManager = (ExternalContentManager)
                    //    s_server.getModule("fedora.server.storage.ExternalContentManager");
                    LOG.debug("Finished assembling dissemination");
                    LOG.debug("URL: " + dissURL);

                    // See if backend service reference is to fedora server itself or an external location.
                    // We must examine URL to see if this is referencing a remote backend service or is
                    // simply a callback to the fedora server. If the reference is remote, then use
                    // the role of backend service deployment PID. If the referenc is to the fedora server, 
                    // use the special role of "fedoraInternalCall-1" to denote that the callback will come from the 
                    // fedora server itself.          
                    String beServiceRole = null;
                    if (ServerUtility.isURLFedoraServer(dissURL)) {
                        beServiceRole = BackendPolicies.FEDORA_INTERNAL_CALL;
                    } else {
                        beServiceRole = deploymentPID;

                    // Get basicAuth and SSL info about the backend service and use this info to configure the
                    // "call" to the backend service.
                    Hashtable beHash = m_beSS.getSecuritySpec(beServiceRole, methodName);
                    boolean beServiceCallSSL = new Boolean((String) beHash.get("callSSL")).booleanValue();
                    String beServiceCallUsername = "";
                    String beServiceCallPassword = "";
                    boolean beServiceCallBasicAuth = new Boolean((String) beHash.get("callBasicAuth"))
                    if (beServiceCallBasicAuth) {
                        beServiceCallUsername = (String) beHash.get("callUsername");
                        beServiceCallPassword = (String) beHash.get("callPassword");

                     * //fixup: if
                     * (BackendPolicies.FEDORA_INTERNAL_CALL.equals(beServiceRole)) {
                     * if (beServiceCallSSL) { if (dissURL.startsWith("http:")) {
                     * dissURL = dissURL.replaceFirst("http:", "https:"); } if
                     * (dissURL.indexOf(":"+fedoraServerPort+"/") >= 0) {
                     * dissURL = dissURL.replaceFirst(":"+fedoraServerPort+"/",
                     * ":"+fedoraServerRedirectPort+"/"); } } else { if
                     * (dissURL.startsWith("https:")) { dissURL =
                     * dissURL.replaceFirst("https:", "http:"); } if
                     * (dissURL.indexOf(":"+fedoraServerRedirectPort+"/") >= 0) {
                     * dissURL =
                     * dissURL.replaceFirst(":"+fedoraServerRedirectPort+"/",
                     * ":"+fedoraServerPort+"/"); } } if
                     * (beServiceCallBasicAuth) { if (dissURL.indexOf("getDS?") >=
                     * 0) { dissURL = dissURL.replaceFirst("getDS\\?",
                     * "getDSAuthenticated\\?"); } } else { if
                     * (dissURL.indexOf("getDSAuthenticated?") >= 0) { dissURL =
                     * dissURL.replaceFirst("getDSAuthenticated\\?",
                     * "getDS\\?"); } } }

                    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        LOG.debug("******************getDisseminationContent beServiceRole: " + beServiceRole);
                        LOG.debug("******************getDisseminationContent beServiceCallBasicAuth: "
                                + beServiceCallBasicAuth);
                                "******************getDisseminationContent beServiceCallSSL: " + beServiceCallSSL);
                        LOG.debug("******************getDisseminationContent beServiceCallUsername: "
                                + beServiceCallUsername);
                        LOG.debug("******************getDisseminationContent beServiceCallPassword: "
                                + beServiceCallPassword);
                        LOG.debug("******************getDisseminationContent dissURL: " + dissURL);

                    // Dispatch backend service URL request authenticating as necessary based on beSecurity configuration
                    dissemination = getDisseminationContent(dissURL, context, beServiceCallUsername,

            } else if (protocolType.equalsIgnoreCase("soap")) {
                // FIXME!! future handling of soap bindings.
                String message = "[DisseminationService] Protocol type: " + protocolType + "NOT yet implemented";
                throw new DisseminationException(message);

            } else {
                String message = "[DisseminationService] Protocol type: " + protocolType + "NOT supported.";
                throw new DisseminationException(message);

        } else {
            // DisseminationBindingInfo was empty so there was no information
            // provided to construct a dissemination.
            String message = "[DisseminationService] Dissemination Binding " + "Info contained no data";
            throw new DisseminationBindingInfoNotFoundException(message);
        return dissemination;

     * <p>
     * Datastream locations are considered privileged information by the Fedora
     * repository. To prevent disclosing physical datastream locations to
     * external mechanism services, a proxy is used to disguise the datastream
     * locations. This method generates a temporary ID that maps to the physical
     * datastream location and registers this information in a memory resident
     * hashtable for subsequent resolution of the physical datastream location.
     * The servlet <code>DatastreamResolverServlet</code> provides the proxy
     * resolution service for datastreams.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * The format of the tempID is derived from <code>java.sql.Timestamp</code>
     * with an arbitrary counter appended to the end to insure uniqueness. The
     * syntax is of the form:
     * <ul>
     * <p>
     * YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss.mmm:dddddd where
     * </p>
     * <ul>
     * <li>YYYY - year (1900-8099)</li>
     * <li>MM - month (01-12)</li>
     * <li>DD - day (01-31)</li>
     * <li>hh - hours (0-23)</li>
     * <li>mm - minutes (0-59)</li>
     * <li>ss - seconds (0-59)</li>
     * <li>mmm - milliseconds (0-999)</li>
     * <li>dddddd - incremental counter (0-999999)</li>
     * </ul>
     * </ul>
     * @param dsLocation
     *        The physical location of the datastream.
     * @param dsControlGroupType
     *        The type of the datastream.
     * @return A temporary ID used to reference the physical location of the
     *         specified datastream
     * @throws ServerException
     *         If an error occurs in registering a datastream location.
    public String registerDatastreamLocation(String dsLocation, String dsControlGroupType,
            String beServiceCallbackRole, String methodName) throws ServerException {

        String tempID = null;
        Timestamp timeStamp = null;
        if (counter > 999999) {
            counter = 0;
        long currentTime = new Timestamp(new Date().getTime()).getTime();
        long expireLimit = currentTime - (long) datastreamExpirationLimit * 1000;
        String dsMediatedServletPath = null;
        String dsMediatedCallbackHost = null;

        try {

            // Remove any datastream registrations that have expired.
            // The expiration limit can be adjusted using the Fedora config parameter
            // named "datastreamExpirationLimit" which is in seconds.
            for (Enumeration e = dsRegistry.keys(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
                String key = (String) e.nextElement();
                timeStamp = Timestamp.valueOf(extractTimestamp(key));
                if (expireLimit > timeStamp.getTime()) {
                    LOG.debug("DatastreamMediationKey removed from Hash: " + key);

            // Register datastream.
            if (tempID == null) {
                timeStamp = new Timestamp(new Date().getTime());
                tempID = timeStamp.toString() + ":" + counter++;
                DatastreamMediation dm = new DatastreamMediation();
                dm.mediatedDatastreamID = tempID;
                dm.dsLocation = dsLocation;
                dm.dsControlGroupType = dsControlGroupType;
                dm.methodName = methodName;

                // See if datastream reference is to fedora server itself or an external location.
                // M and X type datastreams always reference fedora server. With E type datastreams
                // we must examine URL to see if this is referencing a remote datastream or is
                // simply a callback to the fedora server. If the reference is remote, then use
                // the role of the backend service that will make a callback for this datastream.
                // If the referenc s to the fedora server, use the special role of "fedoraInternalCall-1" to
                // denote that the callback will come from the fedora server itself.
                String beServiceRole = null;
                if (ServerUtility.isURLFedoraServer(dsLocation) || dsControlGroupType.equals("M")
                        || dsControlGroupType.equals("X")) {
                    beServiceRole = BackendPolicies.FEDORA_INTERNAL_CALL;
                } else {
                    beServiceRole = beServiceCallbackRole;

                // Store beSecurity info in hash 
                Hashtable beHash = m_beSS.getSecuritySpec(beServiceRole, methodName);
                boolean beServiceCallbackBasicAuth = new Boolean((String) beHash.get("callbackBasicAuth"))
                boolean beServiceCallBasicAuth = new Boolean((String) beHash.get("callBasicAuth")).booleanValue();
                boolean beServiceCallbackSSL = new Boolean((String) beHash.get("callbackSSL")).booleanValue();
                boolean beServiceCallSSL = new Boolean((String) beHash.get("callSSL")).booleanValue();
                String beServiceCallUsername = (String) beHash.get("callUsername");
                String beServiceCallPassword = (String) beHash.get("callPassword");
                if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    LOG.debug("******************Registering datastream dsLocation: " + dsLocation);
                    LOG.debug("******************Registering datastream dsControlGroupType: " + dsControlGroupType);
                    LOG.debug("******************Registering datastream beServiceRole: " + beServiceRole);
                    LOG.debug("******************Registering datastream beServiceCallbackBasicAuth: "
                            + beServiceCallbackBasicAuth);
                    LOG.debug("******************Registering datastream beServiceCallBasicAuth: "
                            + beServiceCallBasicAuth);
                    LOG.debug("******************Registering datastream beServiceCallbackSSL: "
                            + beServiceCallbackSSL);
                    LOG.debug("******************Registering datastream beServiceCallSSL: " + beServiceCallSSL);
                    LOG.debug("******************Registering datastream beServiceCallUsername: "
                            + beServiceCallUsername);
                    LOG.debug("******************Registering datastream beServiceCallPassword: "
                            + beServiceCallPassword);
                dm.callbackRole = beServiceRole;
                dm.callUsername = beServiceCallUsername;
                dm.callPassword = beServiceCallPassword;
                dm.callbackBasicAuth = beServiceCallbackBasicAuth;
                dm.callBasicAuth = beServiceCallBasicAuth;
                dm.callbackSSL = beServiceCallbackSSL;
                dm.callSSL = beServiceCallSSL;
                dsRegistry.put(tempID, dm);
                LOG.debug("DatastreammediationKey added to Hash: " + tempID);

        } catch (Throwable th) {
            throw new DisseminationException("[DisseminationService] register" + "DatastreamLocation: "
                    + "returned an error. The underlying error was a " + th.getClass().getName() + " The message "
                    + "was \"" + th.getMessage() + "\" .");

        // Replace the blank between date and time with the character "T".
        return tempID.replaceAll(" ", "T");

     * <p>
     * The tempID that is used for datastream mediation consists of a <code>
     * Timestamp</code>
     * plus a counter appended to the end to insure uniqueness. This method is a
     * utility method used to extract the Timestamp portion from the tempID by
     * stripping off the arbitrary counter at the end of the string.
     * </p>
     * @param tempID
     *        The tempID to be extracted.
     * @return The extracted Timestamp value as a string.
    public String extractTimestamp(String tempID) {
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        sb.replace(tempID.lastIndexOf(":"), tempID.length(), "");
        return sb.toString();

     * <p>
     * Performs simple string replacement using regular expressions. All
     * matching occurrences of the pattern string will be replaced in the input
     * string by the replacement string.
     * @param inputString
     *        The source string.
     * @param patternString
     *        The regular expression pattern.
     * @param replaceString
     *        The replacement string.
     * @return The source string with substitutions.
    private String substituteString(String inputString, String patternString, String replaceString) {
        Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(patternString);
        Matcher m = pattern.matcher(inputString);
        return m.replaceAll(replaceString);

     * <p>
     * Removes any optional userInputParms which remain in the dissemination
     * URL. This occurs when a method has optional parameters and the user does
     * not supply a value for one or more of the optional parameters. The result
     * is a syntax similar to "parm=(PARM_BIND_KEY)". This method removes these
     * non-supplied optional parameters from the string.
     * </p>
     * @param dissURL
     *        String to be processed.
     * @return An edited string with parameters removed where no value was
     *         specified for any optional parameters.
    private String stripParms(String dissURL) {
        // if no parameters, simply return passed in string.
        if (dissURL.indexOf("?") == -1) {
            return dissURL;
        String requestURI = dissURL.substring(0, dissURL.indexOf("?") + 1);
        String parmString = dissURL.substring(dissURL.indexOf("?") + 1, dissURL.length());
        String[] parms = parmString.split("&");
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        for (String element : parms) {
            int len = element.length() - 1;
            if (element.lastIndexOf(")") != len) {
                sb.append(element + "&");
        int index = sb.lastIndexOf("&");
        if (index != -1 && index + 1 == sb.length()) {
            sb.replace(index, sb.length(), "");
        return requestURI + sb.toString();

     * <p>
     * Converts the internal dsLocation used by managed and XML type datastreams
     * to the corresponding Default Dissemination request that will return the
     * datastream contents.
     * </p>
     * @param internalDSLocation -
     *        dsLocation of the Managed or XML type datastream.
     * @param PID -
     *        the persistent identifier of the digital object.
     * @return - A URL corresponding to the Default Dissemination request for
     *         the specified datastream.
     * @throws ServerException -
     *         If anything goes wrong during the conversion attempt.
    private String resolveInternalDSLocation(Context context, String internalDSLocation, String PID,
            String callbackHost) throws ServerException {

        if (callbackHost == null || callbackHost.equals("")) {
            throw new DisseminationException("[DisseminationService] was unable to "
                    + "resolve the base URL of the Fedora Server. The URL specified was: \"" + callbackHost
                    + "\". This information is required by the Dissemination Service.");

        String[] s = internalDSLocation.split("\\+");
        String dsLocation = null;
        if (s.length == 3) {
            DOReader doReader = m_manager.getReader(Server.GLOBAL_CHOICE, context, PID);
            Datastream d = (Datastream) doReader.getDatastream(s[1], s[2]);
            dsLocation = callbackHost + "/fedora/get/" + s[0] + "/" + s[1] + "/"
                    + DateUtility.convertDateToString(d.DSCreateDT);

        } else {
            String message = "[DisseminationService] An error has occurred. " + "The internal dsLocation: \""
                    + internalDSLocation + "\" is " + "not in the required format of: "
                    + "\"doPID+DSID+DSVERSIONID\" .";
            throw new GeneralException(message);
        LOG.debug("********** Resolving Internal Datastream dsLocation: " + dsLocation);
        return dsLocation;

    public static void printBindingInfo(DisseminationBindingInfo[] info) {
        for (int i = 0; i < info.length; i++) {
            LOG.debug("DisseminationBindingInfo[" + i + "]:");
            LOG.debug("  DSBindKey          : " + info[i].DSBindKey);
            LOG.debug("  dsLocation         : " + info[i].dsLocation);
            LOG.debug("  dsControlGroupType : " + info[i].dsControlGroupType);
            LOG.debug("  dsID               : " + info[i].dsID);
            LOG.debug("  dsVersionID        : " + info[i].dsVersionID);
            LOG.debug("  AddressLocation    : " + info[i].AddressLocation);
            LOG.debug("  OperationLocation  : " + info[i].OperationLocation);
            LOG.debug("  ProtocolType       : " + info[i].ProtocolType);
            LOG.debug("  dsState            : " + info[i].dsState);
            for (int j = 0; j < info[i].methodParms.length; j++) {
                MethodParmDef def = info[i].methodParms[j];
                LOG.debug("  MethodParamDef[" + j + "]:");
                LOG.debug("    parmName         : " + def.parmName);
                LOG.debug("    parmDefaultValue : " + def.parmDefaultValue);
                LOG.debug("    parmRequired     : " + def.parmRequired);
                LOG.debug("    parmLabel        : " + def.parmLabel);
                LOG.debug("    parmPassBy       : " + def.parmPassBy);
                for (String element : def.parmDomainValues) {
                    LOG.debug("    parmDomainValue  : " + element);

     * Get a MIMETypedStream for the given URL. If user or password are
     * <code>null</code>, basic authentication will not be attempted.
    private static MIMETypedStream get(String url, String user, String pass) throws GeneralException {
        LOG.debug("DisseminationService.get(" + url + ")");
        try {
            HttpInputStream response = s_http.get(url, true, user, pass);
            String mimeType = response.getResponseHeaderValue("Content-Type", "text/plain");
            Property[] headerArray = toPropertyArray(response.getResponseHeaders());
            return new MIMETypedStream(mimeType, response, headerArray);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new GeneralException("Error getting " + url, e);

     * Convert the given HTTP <code>Headers</code> to an array of
     * <code>Property</code> objects.
    private static Property[] toPropertyArray(Header[] headers) {

        Property[] props = new Property[headers.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < headers.length; i++) {
            props[i] = new Property();
            props[i].name = headers[i].getName();
            props[i].value = headers[i].getValue();
        return props;

     * A method that reads the contents of the specified URL and returns the
     * result as a MIMETypedStream
     * @param url
     *        The URL of the external content.
     * @return A MIME-typed stream.
     * @throws HttpServiceNotFoundException
     *         If the URL connection could not be established.
    public MIMETypedStream getDisseminationContent(String url, Context context, String user, String pass)
            throws GeneralException, HttpServiceNotFoundException {
        return get(url, user, pass);
