Example usage for java.io OutputStream subclass-usage

List of usage examples for java.io OutputStream subclass-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for java.io OutputStream subclass-usage.


From source file jenkins.branch.RewindableFileOutputStream.java

 * Copy of hudson.util.io.RewindableFileOutputStream that supports an initial append mode.
// TODO replace with hudson.util.io.RewindableFileOutputStream once baseline core has version supporting initial append
class RewindableFileOutputStream extends OutputStream {
    protected final File out;

From source file org.gridgain.grid.kernal.ggfs.hadoop.GridGgfsHadoopOutputStream.java

 * GGFS Hadoop output stream implementation.
public class GridGgfsHadoopOutputStream extends OutputStream implements GridGgfsHadoopStreamEventListener {
    /** Log instance. */
    private Log log;

From source file org.apache.hadoop.io.BufferedByteOutputStream.java

 * BufferedByteOutputStream uses an underlying in-memory buffer for
 * writing bytes to the underlying output stream. The actual writing is done
 * by a separate thread.
public class BufferedByteOutputStream extends OutputStream {

From source file org.jenkins.ci.plugins.jobloglogger.AbstractBuildJULOutputStream.java

 * An {@link java.io.OutputStream} implementation which actually just writes to
 * a {@link java.util.logger.Logger}, and where messages are prefixed by the
 * specified {@link hudson.model.AbstractBuild#toString()}.
 * TODO: it would probably be nice if we used per-

From source file com.bradmcevoy.io.BufferingOutputStream.java

 * An output stream which will buffer data, initially using memory up to
 * maxMemorySize, and then overflowing to a temporary file.
 * To use this class you will write to it, and then close it, and then
 * call getInputStream to read the data.

From source file org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.qjournal.client.HttpImageUploadStream.java

 * Output stream for uploading image to journal nodes. The stream maintains
 * http-based channels to each of the nodes. It extends OutputStream, so it can
 * be directly used for writing the image.
public class HttpImageUploadStream extends OutputStream {

From source file com.apporiented.hermesftp.streams.RafOutputStream.java

 * Wrapper class for writing to a RandomAccessFile through the OutputStream abstraction.
 * @author Lars Behnke
public class RafOutputStream extends OutputStream implements RecordWriteSupport {

From source file com.sshtools.j2ssh.subsystem.SubsystemOutputStream.java

 * The SubsystemOutputStream is actually used to process
 * incoming messages. The SSH server will write incoming
 * bytes to it, which it will send off to the contained
 * SubsystemMessageStore as new messages. Thus, this object
 * would be given the store for incoming messages.

From source file org.paxle.parser.iotools.ParserDocOutputStream.java

 * This class is a wrapper around a {@link FileOutputStream} to save the written
 * data to a temp file. When the writing finishes, the resulting file on the disk
 * is being parsed and the resulting {@link IParserDocument} is added to the provided
 * one. Finally the temporary file is being deleted.

From source file com.norconex.commons.lang.io.CachedOutputStream.java

 * {@link OutputStream} wrapper that caches the output so it can be retrieved
 * once as a {@link CachedInputStream}. Invoking {@link #getInputStream()}
 * effectively {@link #close()} this stream and it can no longer be written
 * to.  Obtaining an input stream before or instead of calling the close
 * method will not delete the cache content, but rather pass the reference