Example usage for java.io File toURL

List of usage examples for java.io File toURL


In this page you can find the example usage for java.io File toURL.


public URL toURL() throws MalformedURLException 

Source Link


Converts this abstract pathname into a file: URL.


From source file:org.ecoinformatics.seek.R.RExpression.java

public synchronized void fire() throws IllegalActionException {
    String newline = System.getProperty("line.separator");


    boolean graphicsOutputValue = ((BooleanToken) graphicsOutput.getToken()).booleanValue();

    boolean displayGraphicsOutputValue = ((BooleanToken) displayGraphicsOutput.getToken()).booleanValue();

    saveString = save_nosave.stringValue();
    // restoreString = restore_norestore.stringValue();

    String graphicsFormatString = graphicsFormat.stringValue();

    // following line insures that graphics is pdf if automatically
    // displayed//from w  w w. j  a  v  a 2  s. co  m
    // NOT going to automatically do this anymore. Do what the user asks.
    //if (displayGraphicsOutputValue)
    //   graphicsFormatString = "pdf";

    // force file format to 'pdf' is this is a Mac
    // NOT going to force PDF for Mac - not sure why this was in place (legacy?)
    //      String lcOSName = System.getProperty("os.name").toLowerCase();
    //      boolean MAC_OS_X = lcOSName.startsWith("mac os x");
    //      if (MAC_OS_X) {
    //         graphicsFormatString = "pdf";
    //      }

    String nxs = numXPixels.stringValue();
    try {
        (new Integer(nxs)).intValue();
    } catch (Exception w) {
        nxs = "480";

    String nys = numYPixels.stringValue();
    try {
        (new Integer(nys)).intValue();
    } catch (Exception w1) {
        nys = "480";

    String setCWD = "setwd('" + home + "')\n";
    graphicsOutputFile = _getUniqueFileName(graphicsFormatString);
    String graphicsDevice = "";

    if (graphicsOutputValue) {
        // Why not move this stuff up to the try statements for nxs and nys?
        // It looks like we're doing this twice. --Oliver
        int nxp = (new Integer(nxs)).intValue();
        double nxd = nxp / 72.0;
        int nyp = (new Integer(nys)).intValue();
        double nyd = nyp / 72.0;

        if (graphicsFormatString.equals("pdf")) {
            graphicsDevice = "pdf(file = '" + graphicsOutputFile + "'" + ", width = " + nxd + ", height = "
                    + nyd + ")";
        } else if (graphicsFormatString.equals("jpeg") || graphicsFormatString.equals("jpg")) {
            graphicsDevice = "jpeg(filename = '" + graphicsOutputFile + "'" + ", width = " + nxs + ", height = "
                    + nys + ")";
        } else if (graphicsFormatString.equals("png")) {
            graphicsDevice = "png(file = '" + graphicsOutputFile + "'" + ", width = " + nxs + ", height = "
                    + nys + ")";
        } else if (graphicsFormatString.equals("bmp")) {
            graphicsDevice = "bmp(filename = '" + graphicsOutputFile + "'" + ", width = " + nxs + ", height = "
                    + nys + ")";
        } else if (graphicsFormatString.equals("tiff") || graphicsFormatString.equals("tif")) {
            graphicsDevice = "tiff(filename = '" + graphicsOutputFile + "'" + ", width = " + nxs + ", height = "
                    + nys + ")";
        } else if (graphicsFormatString.equals("postscript") || graphicsFormatString.equals("ps")) {
            graphicsOutputFile = _getUniqueFileName("ps");
            graphicsDevice = "postscript(file = '" + graphicsOutputFile + "'" + ", width = " + nxd
                    + ", height = " + nyd + ")";
        } else if (graphicsFormatString.equals("eps")) {
            graphicsDevice = "setEPS()\n";
            graphicsDevice += "postscript(file = '" + graphicsOutputFile + "'" + ", width = " + nxd
                    + ", height = " + nyd + ")";
        } else if (graphicsFormatString.equals("win.metafile") || graphicsFormatString.equals("wmf")) {
            graphicsOutputFile = _getUniqueFileName("wmf");
            graphicsDevice = "win.metafile(filename = '" + graphicsOutputFile + "'" + ", width = " + nxd
                    + ", height = " + nyd + ")";
        } else if (graphicsFormatString.equals("svg")) {
            graphicsDevice = "svg(filename = '" + graphicsOutputFile + "'" + ", width = " + nxd + ", height = "
                    + nyd + ")";
        } else if (graphicsFormatString.equals("xfig") || graphicsFormatString.equals("fig")) {
            graphicsOutputFile = _getUniqueFileName("fig");
            graphicsDevice = "xfig(file = '" + graphicsOutputFile + "'" + ", width = " + nxd + ", height = "
                    + nyd + ")";
        } else if (graphicsFormatString.equals("ghostscript bitmap type pngalpha")) {
            graphicsDevice = "bitmap(file = '" + graphicsOutputFile + "', type = \"pngalpha\", width = " + nxd
                    + ", height = " + nyd + ")";
        } else if (graphicsFormatString.equals("ghostscript bitmap type png16m")) {
            graphicsDevice = "bitmap(file = '" + graphicsOutputFile + "', type = \"png16m\", width = " + nxd
                    + ", height = " + nyd + ")";
        } else if (graphicsFormatString.equals("ghostscript bitmap type png256")) {
            graphicsDevice = "bitmap(file = '" + graphicsOutputFile + "', type = \"png256\", width = " + nxd
                    + ", height = " + nyd + ")";
    List ipList = inputPortList();
    Iterator iter_i = ipList.iterator();
    opList = outputPortList();
    iter_o = opList.iterator();
    String RPortInfo = "";
    RPortInfo = setCWD + graphicsDevice + "\n";
    Token at;
    String temp1;
    while (iter_i.hasNext()) {
        TypedIOPort tiop = (TypedIOPort) iter_i.next();
        int multiPortSize = tiop.numberOfSources();
        List sourcePorts = tiop.sourcePortList();
        for (int i = 0; i < multiPortSize; i++) {
            try {
                if (tiop.hasToken(i)) {
                    String finalPortName = tiop.getName();
                    String sourcePortName = ((TypedIOPort) sourcePorts.get(i)).getName();
                    String tempPortName = tiop.getName();
                    String temp = tiop.getName();
                    Token token = tiop.get(i);
                    String token_type_string = token.getType().toString();
                    String token_class_name = token.getType().getTokenClass().getName();
                    // if this is a multiport, use the upstream source for
                    // the variable name
                    if (tiop.isMultiport()) {
                        temp = temp + i;
                        tempPortName = temp;
                    // log.debug("token_type_string - " +
                    // token_type_string);
                    // log.debug("token_class_name - " +
                    // token_class_name);
                    // check token type and convert to R appropriately
                    if (token_type_string.equals("string")) {
                        // check for special strings that indicate dataframe
                        // file reference
                        at = (Token) token;
                        temp1 = at.toString();
                        temp1 = temp1.substring(1, temp1.length() - 1); // remove
                        // quotes
                        if (temp1.startsWith("_dataframe_:")) {
                            // assume that the string for a dataframe file
                            // reference is of the form
                            // '_dataframe_:"+<filename>
                            temp1 = temp1.substring(12); // should be
                            // filename
                            // temp = "`" + temp + "` <- " +
                            // "read.table(file='"+temp1+"')";
                            // RPortInfo = RPortInfo + temp + "\n";
                            // use binary version that was serialized
                            RPortInfo = RPortInfo + "conn <- file('" + temp1 + "', 'rb');\n`" + temp
                                    + "` <- unserialize(conn);\n" + "close(conn);\n";

                            // remove the transfer file when we are done
                            // consuming it
                            // this is problematic when dataframes are
                            // output to multiple sinks!
                            // String removeCommand = "file.remove('" +
                            // temp1 + "')";
                            // RPortInfo = RPortInfo + removeCommand + "\n";
                            continue; // stop for this token and go to the
                                      // next
                        } else if (temp1.startsWith("_object_:")) {
                            // assume that the string for an object file
                            // reference is of the form
                            // '_object_:"+<filename>
                            temp1 = temp1.substring(9); // should be
                            // filename
                            // use binary version that was serialized
                            RPortInfo = RPortInfo + "conn <- file('" + temp1 + "', 'rb');\n`" + temp
                                    + "` <- unserialize(conn);\n" + "close(conn);\n";
                            // remove the transfer file when we are done
                            // consuming it
                            // this is problematic when objects are output
                            // to multiple sinks!
                            // String removeCommand = "file.remove('" +
                            // temp1 + "')";
                            // RPortInfo = RPortInfo + removeCommand + "\n";
                            continue; // stop for this token and go to the
                                      // next
                    if (token instanceof RecordToken) {
                        String Rcommands = _recordToDataFrame((RecordToken) token, temp);
                        Rcommands = _breakIntoLines(Rcommands);
                        RPortInfo = RPortInfo + Rcommands + "\n";

                    // convert Kepler matrices to R matrices
                    else if ((token_class_name.indexOf("IntMatrixToken") > -1)
                            || (token_class_name.indexOf("DoubleMatrixToken") > -1)
                            || (token_class_name.indexOf("BooleanMatrixToken") > -1)) {
                        int rows = ((MatrixToken) token).getRowCount();
                        int cols = ((MatrixToken) token).getColumnCount();
                        temp1 = token.toString();
                        temp1 = temp1.replace('\\', '/');
                        temp1 = temp1.replace('[', '(');
                        temp1 = temp1.replace(']', ')');
                        temp1 = temp1.replace(';', ',');
                        temp1 = temp1.replace('"', '\'');
                        // assume that the token's string value might be
                        // 'nil' for a missing value
                        temp1 = temp1.replaceAll("nil", "NA");
                        // TO DO:if string is long, should create a temp
                        // file for passing array data
                        temp = "`" + temp + "` <- matrix(c" + temp1 + ", nrow=" + rows + ",ncol=" + cols + ")";
                        temp = _breakIntoLines(temp);
                        RPortInfo = RPortInfo + temp + "\n";
                    } else if ((token_type_string.equals("double")) || (token_type_string.equals("int"))
                            || (token_type_string.equals("string"))) {

                        at = (Token) token;
                        temp1 = at.toString();
                        // we need to check here if we are passing a string
                        // like '/t' (tab)
                        // Note that quotes are returned around string
                        // tokens
                        // The string "/t" is particularly meaningful when
                        // passed as a seperator
                        // for R expressions -- DFH April 19
                        // Note that previous versions of PTII returned
                        // slightly different format
                        // strings, so this was not necessary.
                        if (!temp1.equals("\"\\t\"")) {
                            temp1 = temp1.replace('\\', '/');
                            // assume that the token's string value might be
                            // 'nil' for a missing value
                            temp1 = temp1.replaceAll("nil", "NA");
                        temp = "`" + temp + "` <- " + temp1;
                        RPortInfo = RPortInfo + temp + "\n";
                    } else if ((token_type_string.equals("boolean"))) {
                        at = (Token) token;
                        temp1 = at.toString();
                        // ensure uppercase for boolean
                        temp1 = temp1.toUpperCase();
                        temp = "`" + temp + "` <- " + temp1;
                        RPortInfo = RPortInfo + temp + "\n";
                    } else if ((token_type_string.equals("float"))) {
                        FloatToken ft = (FloatToken) token;
                        DoubleToken dt = new DoubleToken(ft.doubleValue());
                        at = (Token) token;
                        temp1 = dt.toString();
                        // we need to check here if we are passing a string
                        // like '/t' (tab)
                        // Note that quotes are returned around string
                        // tokens
                        // The string "/t" is particularly meaningful when
                        // passed as a seperator
                        // for R expressions -- DFH April 19
                        // Note that previous versions of PTII returned
                        // slightly different format
                        // strings, so this was not necessary.
                        if (!temp1.equals("\"\\t\"")) {
                            temp1 = temp1.replace('\\', '/');
                            // assume that the token's string value might be
                            // 'nil' for a missing value
                            temp1 = temp1.replaceAll("nil", "NA");
                        temp = "`" + temp + "` <- " + temp1;
                        RPortInfo = RPortInfo + temp + "\n";
                    } else if ((token_type_string.equals("{double}")) || (token_type_string.equals("{int}"))
                            || (token_type_string.startsWith("arrayType(double"))
                            || (token_type_string.startsWith("arrayType(int"))
                            || (token_type_string.startsWith("arrayType(niltype"))
                            || (token_type_string.startsWith("arrayType(arrayType(double"))
                            || (token_type_string.startsWith("arrayType(arrayType(int"))) {
                        // token is an arrayToken !!!
                        at = (Token) token;
                        temp1 = at.toString();
                        temp1 = temp1.replace('\\', '/');
                        temp1 = temp1.replaceFirst("\\{", "(");
                        temp1 = temp1.replaceAll("\\{", "c(");
                        temp1 = temp1.replace('}', ')');
                        temp1 = temp1.replace('"', '\'');
                        // assume that the token's string value might be
                        // 'nil' for a missing value
                        temp1 = temp1.replaceAll("nil", "NA");
                        // if string is long, create a temp file for passing
                        // array data
                        if (temp1.length() > maxCommandLineLength
                                && (!token_type_string.startsWith("arrayType(arrayType(double"))
                                && (!token_type_string.startsWith("arrayType(arrayType(int"))) {
                            temp1 = temp1.replace('(', ' ');
                            temp1 = temp1.replace(')', ' ');
                            String filename = _writeDataFile(temp1);
                            temp = "`" + temp + "` <- scan('" + filename + "', sep=',')";
                            temp = temp + "\n" + "file.remove('" + filename + "')";
                            RPortInfo = RPortInfo + temp + "\n";
                        } else { // otherwise use the modified string
                            if (token_type_string.startsWith("arrayType(arrayType(int")
                                    || token_type_string.startsWith("arrayType(arrayType(double")) {
                                temp = "`" + temp + "` <- list" + temp1;
                            } else {
                                temp = "`" + temp + "` <- c" + temp1;
                            temp = _breakIntoLines(temp);
                            RPortInfo = RPortInfo + temp + "\n";
                    } else if ((token_type_string.equals("{float}"))
                            || (token_type_string.startsWith("arrayType(float"))
                            || token_type_string.startsWith("arrayType(arrayType(float")) {
                        // token is an arrayToken !!!
                        ArrayToken arrtok = (ArrayToken) token;
                        StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer("{");
                        for (int j = 0; j < arrtok.length(); j++) {
                            FloatToken ft = (FloatToken) arrtok.getElement(j);
                            buffer.append(new DoubleToken(ft.doubleValue()).toString());
                            if (j < (arrtok.length() - 1)) {
                                buffer.append(", ");

                        temp1 = buffer.toString();
                        temp1 = temp1.replace('\\', '/');
                        temp1 = temp1.replaceFirst("\\{", "(");
                        temp1 = temp1.replaceAll("\\{", "c(");
                        temp1 = temp1.replace('}', ')');
                        temp1 = temp1.replace('"', '\'');
                        // assume that the token's string value might be
                        // 'nil' for a missing value
                        temp1 = temp1.replaceAll("nil", "NA");
                        // if string is long, create a temp file for passing
                        // array data
                        if (temp1.length() > maxCommandLineLength
                                && (!token_type_string.startsWith("arrayType(arrayType(float"))) {
                            temp1 = temp1.replace('(', ' ');
                            temp1 = temp1.replace(')', ' ');
                            String filename = _writeDataFile(temp1);
                            temp = "`" + temp + "` <- scan('" + filename + "', sep=',')";
                            temp = temp + "\n" + "file.remove('" + filename + "')";
                            RPortInfo = RPortInfo + temp + "\n";
                        } else { // otherwise use the modified string
                            if (token_type_string.startsWith("arrayType(arrayType(float")) {
                                temp = "`" + temp + "` <- list" + temp1;
                            } else {
                                temp = "`" + temp + "` <- c" + temp1;
                            temp = _breakIntoLines(temp);
                            RPortInfo = RPortInfo + temp + "\n";
                    } else if ((token_type_string.equals("{string}"))
                            || (token_type_string.startsWith("arrayType(string")
                                    || (token_type_string.startsWith("arrayType(arrayType(string")))) {
                        // token is an arrayToken !!!
                        at = (Token) token;
                        temp1 = at.toString();
                        temp1 = temp1.replace('\\', '/');
                        temp1 = temp1.replaceFirst("\\{", "(");
                        temp1 = temp1.replaceAll("\\{", "c(");
                        temp1 = temp1.replace('}', ')');
                        temp1 = temp1.replace('"', '\'');
                        // assume that the token's string value might be
                        // 'nil' for a missing value
                        temp1 = temp1.replaceAll("nil", "NA");
                        // if string is long, create a temp file for passing
                        // array data ONLY
                        if ((temp1.length() > maxCommandLineLength)
                                && (!token_type_string.startsWith("arrayType(arrayType(string"))) {
                            temp1 = temp1.replace('(', ' ');
                            temp1 = temp1.replace(')', ' ');
                            String filename = _writeDataFile(temp1);
                            temp = "`" + temp + "` <- scan('" + filename
                                    + "', what='character', sep=',', strip.white=TRUE)";
                            temp = temp + "\n" + "file.remove('" + filename + "')";
                            RPortInfo = RPortInfo + temp + "\n";
                        } else { // otherwise use the modified string
                            //for arrays of arrays, use list()
                            if (token_type_string.startsWith("arrayType(arrayType(string")) {
                                temp = "`" + temp + "` <- list" + temp1;
                            } else {
                                temp = "`" + temp + "` <- c" + temp1;
                            temp = _breakIntoLines(temp);
                            RPortInfo = RPortInfo + temp + "\n";
                    } else if (token_type_string.equals("niltype")) {
                        at = token;
                        temp1 = at.toString();
                        temp1 = temp1.replaceAll("nil", "NA");
                        temp = "`" + temp + "` <- " + temp1;
                        RPortInfo = RPortInfo + temp + "\n";
                    // set metadata on the R objects
                    // String metadataCommand = null;
                    if (tiop.isMultiport()) {
                        // set the metadata on each list item
                        // ("tempPortName") before adding it to the list
                        /* metadataCommand = */_createMetadataCommand(tempPortName, "name", sourcePortName);
                    } else {
                        // just set the metadata attribute for the final
                        // variable name
                        /* metadataCommand = */_createMetadataCommand(finalPortName, "name", sourcePortName);
                    // add the metadata attribute to the R object
                    // leinfelder, 4/14/2008:
                    // do not include the metadata as it introduces
                    // incompatibility with
                    // certain R methods that expect attributeless objects
                    // (barplot(vector))
                    // RPortInfo = RPortInfo + metadataCommand + "\n";

                    // use lists for making multiport input available in R
                    if (tiop.isMultiport()) {
                        String commandList = null;
                        if (i == 0) {
                            // create list
                            commandList = "`" + finalPortName + "` <- list(" + tempPortName + ")";
                        } else if (i > 0) {
                            // append to list
                            commandList = "`" + finalPortName + "` <- c(" + finalPortName + ", list("
                                    + tempPortName + ") )";
                        RPortInfo = RPortInfo + commandList + "\n";
            } catch (IllegalActionException iae) {
                // just continue (port is probably not connected)
        } // for multiport
    // log.debug("RPortInfo: "+RPortInfo);
    // The following command casues R to output a series of 4 dashes which
    // are used as a marker
    // Any R output after this marker is used to construct information for
    // the actor output
    // ports. This information is removed from the R output text displayed
    // to the user.
    String r_out = "cat('----\\n')\n";

    // Ensure that output is echoed from this point on
    // We don't need to echo before cat('----\\n') because the cat statement forces output.
    // This way, the options(echo = TRUE) isn't sent to the "output" port
    r_out += "options(echo = TRUE)\n";
    // The following creates an R function called 'myput' to output port
    // info to output ports
    // r_out = r_out +
    // "if (class(x)=='data.frame') {write.table(x,file='"+df_fn+"');cat('_dataframe_:"+df_fn+"')}\n";
    r_out = r_out + "myput <- function(x, filename) {\n"
    // I'm wrapping the serialization into the doserialize function
    // because it's gotten big.  Unique filename generation is 
    // done here because this is where file creation is actually done.
    // This code relies on the replaceAll code and the added - in the
    // auto-generated .sav filename.  Remember that a \ in the regular 
    // expression is quadrupled for passing through both Java and R.
            + "  doserialize <- function(x, filename) {\n" + "    if (file.exists(filename)) {"
            + "      path <- dirname(filename); " + "      filename <- basename(filename); "
            + "      base <- sub('^(.*-)([0-9*])\\\\.(.*)$', '\\\\1', filename); "
            + "      ext <- sub('^(.*-)([0-9*])\\\\.(.*)$', '\\\\3', filename); "
            + "      dir_base_ext <- dir(pattern = paste(base, '[0-9]*\\\\.', ext, sep = '')); "
            + "      cnt <- max(as.numeric(sub('^(.*-)([0-9*])\\\\.(.*)$', '\\\\2', dir_base_ext)), na.rm = TRUE) + 1; "
            + "      filename <- file.path(path, paste(base, cnt, '.', ext, sep = ''))" + "    }\n"
            + "    conn <- file(filename, 'wb');" + "    serialize(x, conn);" + "    close(conn);"
            + "    filename" + "  }\n"
            // use a binary serialization for data frames
            + "  if (class(x)=='data.frame') {cat('_dataframe_:', doserialize(x, filename), '\\n', sep = '')}\n"
            + "  else if (class(x)=='matrix') {cat('_matrix_:',deparse(x, control=c('keepNA', 'showAttributes')), '\\n', sep = '') }\n"
            + "  else if (mode(x)=='numeric' && substr(deparse(x)[1], 1, 9) != \"structure\") {dput(as.double(x), control = NULL)}\n"
            + "  else if (mode(x)=='character' && substr(deparse(x)[1], 1, 9) != \"structure\") {dput(x)}\n"
            + "  else if (mode(x)=='logical' && substr(deparse(x)[1], 1, 9) != \"structure\") {dput(x)}\n"
            // use R serialization for other unknown objects
            + "  else {cat('_object_:', doserialize(x, filename), '\\n', sep = '')}" + "}\n";

    // Controlled newline test
    r_out = r_out + "cat(\"before newline\\nafter newline\\n\")\n";

    while (iter_o.hasNext()) {
        TypedIOPort tiop_o = (TypedIOPort) iter_o.next();
        String temp_o = tiop_o.getName();
        // now need to create an R script that returns info about an R
        // object with the
        // port name for use in creating Kepler output object
        if ((!temp_o.equals("output")) && (!temp_o.equals("graphicsFileName"))) {
            String df_fn = _getUniqueFileName(temp_o, "sav");
            String temp_o_escaped = temp_o;
            // Doing some basic escaping for the exists statement, 
            // although I'm not 100% sure all of these characters 
            // might occur. --Oliver
            temp_o_escaped = temp_o_escaped.replace("\\", "\\\\");
            temp_o_escaped = temp_o_escaped.replace("'", "\'");
            r_out = r_out + "if(exists('" + temp_o_escaped + "', .GlobalEnv)) {" + "cat(\"portName: " + temp_o
                    + "\\nvectorVal: \"); " + "myput(get(\"" + temp_o_escaped + "\", .GlobalEnv),'" + df_fn
                    + "'); " + "cat(\"endVectorVal\\n\")" + "}\n";

    String script = expression.getExpression();
    script = RPortInfo + script + "\n" + r_out + "\nquit()\n";
    try {
    } catch (Exception w) {
        log.error("Error in _exec()");

    String outputString = "";
    String errorString = "";
    String noRErrorMessage = "There has been a problem running the R script!\n"
            + "It may be due to an error in your script, it may be that R is not\n"
            + "installed on your system, or it may not be on your path and cannot\n"
            + "be located by Kepler.  Please make sure R is installed and the\n"
            + "R command line executable is in the path."
            + "For more information, see \n section 8.2.2 of the Kepler User Manual.";
    try {
    } catch (IOException ex) {
        log.error("IOException while executing R script.");
        // Commenting out this loop--this can cause an infinite loop on XP,
        // (when R is not on user's PATH), which keeps the noRErrorMessage 
        // from ever showing. See bugs #4985 and #5025.
        //while(outputString.equals("")) {
        //   outputString = _outputGobbler.getAndReset();
        //   errorString = _errorGobbler.getAndReset();
        //   log.debug("R standard output: " + newline + outputString);
        //   log.debug("R standard error: " + newline + errorString);
        throw new IllegalActionException(this, ex, "Problem writing input. " + noRErrorMessage);
    } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
        throw new IllegalActionException(this, npe, noRErrorMessage);
    try {
        int result = _process.waitFor();
        log.debug("Process complete: " + result);
        if (result != 0)
            throw new IllegalActionException(this, "R returned with value " + result + ", likely caused "
                    + newline + "by an error while executing the script.");
    } catch (IllegalActionException e) {
        while (outputString.equals("")) {
            outputString = _outputGobbler.getAndReset();
            errorString = _errorGobbler.getAndReset();
            log.debug("R standard output: " + newline + outputString);
            log.error("R standard error: " + newline + errorString);
        throw e;
    } catch (Exception www) {
        log.error("Exception waiting for _process to end!");

    while (outputString.equals("")) {
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.error("Error in TestApp while sleeping!");
        outputString = _outputGobbler.getAndReset();
        errorString = _errorGobbler.getAndReset();
        int loc = outputString.lastIndexOf("cat('----\\n')");
        int loc1 = outputString.lastIndexOf("----");
        String outputStringDisp = outputString;
        if (loc1 > -1) {
            if (loc < 0) {
                loc = loc1;
            outputStringDisp = outputString.substring(0, loc);
            String rem = outputString.substring(loc1, outputString.length());
        output.send(0, new StringToken(outputStringDisp + "\n" + errorString));
        if (displayGraphicsOutputValue && (!graphicsDevice.equals(""))) {
            try {
                File fout = new File(home + graphicsOutputFile);
                URL furl = fout.toURL();
            } catch (Exception e) {
                log.warn("problem launching browser:" + e);
        if (!graphicsDevice.equals(""))
            graphicsFileName.send(0, new StringToken(home + graphicsOutputFile));


From source file:org.talend.repository.ui.wizards.exportjob.scriptsmanager.JobJavaScriptsManager.java

protected void addSourceCode(ExportFileResource[] allResources, ProcessItem processItem, boolean needSource,
        ExportFileResource resource, String... selectedJobVersion) {
    // getItemResource(processItem, resource, basePath, selectedJobVersion);
    // super.addSource(processItem, needSource, resource, basePath, selectedJobVersion);
    // Get java src
    if (!needSource) {
        return;/*from w w  w .ja va  2s .co m*/
    try {
        String projectName = getCorrespondingProjectName(processItem);
        String jobName = processItem.getProperty().getLabel();
        String jobVersion = processItem.getProperty().getVersion();
        if (!isMultiNodes() && selectedJobVersion != null && selectedJobVersion.length == 1) {
            jobVersion = selectedJobVersion[0];

        String jobFolderName = JavaResourcesHelper.getJobFolderName(jobName, jobVersion);

        IPath path = getSrcRootLocation();
        path = path.append(projectName).append(jobFolderName);

        FilenameFilter filter = new FilenameFilter() {

            public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
                return name.toLowerCase().endsWith(".java"); //$NON-NLS-1$
        List<URL> javaFileUrls = new ArrayList<URL>();
        File file = path.toFile();
        if (file.exists() && file.isDirectory()) {
            for (File curFile : file.listFiles(filter)) {

                JOB_SOURCE_FOLDER_NAME + PATH_SEPARATOR + projectName + PATH_SEPARATOR + jobFolderName,

    } catch (Exception e) {

From source file:org.danann.cernunnos.io.FileIteratorTask.java

public void perform(TaskRequest req, TaskResponse res) {

    String d = (String) dir.evaluate(req, res);
    File baseDir = new File(d);

    if (!baseDir.exists()) {
        // We're going to assume this won't happen
        // except where something's really wrong...
        String msg = "The specified DIR does not exist:  " + d;
        log.error(msg);//from   w w  w . ja  v a  2 s .c om
        throw new RuntimeException(msg);

    String incl = (String) includes.evaluate(req, res);
    String[] inclTokens = LIST_DELIM.split(incl);
    List<String>[] inclStacks = new List[inclTokens.length];
    for (int i = 0; i < inclTokens.length; i++) {
        inclStacks[i] = Arrays.asList(PATH_DELIM.split(inclTokens[i]));

    String excl = "[Not Evaluated]";

    Set<File> fileSet = getMatchingDescendants(baseDir, inclStacks);

    if (excludes != null) {
        excl = (String) excludes.evaluate(req, res);
        String[] exclTokens = LIST_DELIM.split(excl);
        List<String>[] exclStacks = new List[exclTokens.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < exclTokens.length; i++) {
            exclStacks[i] = Arrays.asList(PATH_DELIM.split(exclTokens[i]));
        Set<File> exclSet = getMatchingDescendants(baseDir, exclStacks);

    // Report on the # of matched files...
    if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
        StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder();
        msg.append("FileIteratorTask details:").append("\n\t\tDIR=").append(d).append("\n\t\tINCLUDES=")
                .append(incl).append("\n\t\tEXCLUDES=").append(excl).append("\n\t\tfound ")
                .append(fileSet.size()).append(" matching files\n");

    // Set the default CONTEXT for subtasks...
    final URL contextUrl;
    try {
        contextUrl = baseDir.toURL();
    } catch (MalformedURLException mue) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Failed to convert dir attribute into URL: " + baseDir, mue);
    res.setAttribute(Attributes.CONTEXT, contextUrl.toString());

    // Iterate over the results, setting each one to the specified request attribute...
    String name = (String) attribute_name.evaluate(req, res);
    String mask;
    try {
        mask = baseDir.getCanonicalPath();
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Could not convert dir attribute into canonical path: " + baseDir, ioe);
    if (!mask.endsWith(File.separator)) {
        mask = mask + File.separator;
    for (File f : fileSet) {
        final String canonicalPath;
        try {
            canonicalPath = f.getCanonicalPath();
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Could not convert file into canonical path: " + f, ioe);

        String location = canonicalPath.substring(mask.length());
        res.setAttribute(name, location);
        super.performSubtasks(req, res);

From source file:org.talend.repository.ui.wizards.exportjob.scriptsmanager.JobJavaScriptsManager.java

protected List<URL> getLib(List<String> libs, Boolean needLib) {
    List<URL> list = new ArrayList<URL>();
    if (!needLib) {
        return list;
    }/*from w w  w .j a va2 s.  com*/

    try {
        // IWorkspaceRoot root = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot();
        // IProject prj = root.getProject(JavaUtils.JAVA_PROJECT_NAME);
        // IJavaProject project = JavaCore.create(prj);
        // IPath libPath = project.getResource().getLocation().append(JavaUtils.JAVA_LIB_DIRECTORY);
        // File file = libPath.toFile();
        // File[] files = file.listFiles(new FilenameFilter() {
        // public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
        //                    return name.toLowerCase().endsWith(".jar") || name.toLowerCase().endsWith(".properties") //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
        //                            || name.toLowerCase().endsWith(".zip") ? true : false; //$NON-NLS-1$
        // }
        // });
        // for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
        // File tempFile = files[i];
        // try {
        // if (libs.contains(tempFile.getName())) {
        // list.add(tempFile.toURL());
        // }
        // } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
        // ExceptionHandler.process(e);
        // }
        // }

        org.talend.core.model.general.Project projecdddt = ProjectManager.getInstance().getCurrentProject();
        IProject fsProject = null;
        try {
            fsProject = ResourceUtils.getProject(projecdddt);
        } catch (PersistenceException e2) {
        IPath temPath = fsProject.getLocation().append(File.separator + "temp"); //$NON-NLS-1$
        ILibraryManagerService repositoryBundleService = CorePlugin.getDefault().getRepositoryBundleService();
        if (repositoryBundleService != null) {
            repositoryBundleService.retrieve(libs, temPath.toString());
        File file = temPath.toFile();
        File[] files = file.listFiles(new FilenameFilter() {

            public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
                return name.toLowerCase().endsWith(FileConstants.JAR_FILE_SUFFIX)
                        || name.toLowerCase().endsWith(FileConstants.PROPERTIES_FILE_SUFFIX)
                        || name.toLowerCase().endsWith(FileConstants.ZIP_FILE_SUFFIX) ? true : false;

        for (File tempFile : files) {
            try {
                if (libs.contains(tempFile.getName())) {
            } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
    } catch (Exception e) {
    return list;

From source file:org.talend.repository.ui.wizards.exportjob.scriptsmanager.JobJavaScriptsManager.java

 * Gets required java jars.//from w  ww  .  j a  v a 2 s .co  m
 * @param process
 * @param boolean1
 * @return
protected List<URL> getExternalLibraries(boolean needLibraries, ExportFileResource[] process,
        final Set<String> neededLibraries) {
    List<URL> list = new ArrayList<URL>();
    if (!needLibraries) {
        return list;
    IFolder libFolder = null;
    if (GlobalServiceRegister.getDefault().isServiceRegistered(IRunProcessService.class)) {
        IRunProcessService processService = (IRunProcessService) GlobalServiceRegister.getDefault()
        ITalendProcessJavaProject talendProcessJavaProject = processService.getTalendProcessJavaProject();
        if (talendProcessJavaProject != null) {
            libFolder = talendProcessJavaProject.getLibFolder();
    if (libFolder == null) {
        return list;
    File file = libFolder.getLocation().toFile();
    File[] files = file.listFiles(FilesUtils.getAcceptModuleFilesFilter());
    // Lists all the needed jar files
    Set<String> listModulesReallyNeeded = new HashSet<String>();
    if (neededLibraries == null) {
        // in case export as been done with option "not recompile", then libraires can't be retrieved when build.
        IDesignerCoreService designerService = RepositoryPlugin.getDefault().getDesignerCoreService();
        for (ExportFileResource resource : process) {
            ProcessItem item = (ProcessItem) resource.getItem();
            String version = item.getProperty().getVersion();
            if (!isMultiNodes() && this.getSelectedJobVersion() != null) {
                version = this.getSelectedJobVersion();
            ProcessItem selectedProcessItem;
            if (resource.getNode() != null) {
                selectedProcessItem = ItemCacheManager.getProcessItem(resource.getNode().getRoot().getProject(),
                        item.getProperty().getId(), version);
            } else {
                // if no node given, take in the current project only
                selectedProcessItem = ItemCacheManager.getProcessItem(item.getProperty().getId(), version);
            IProcess iProcess = designerService.getProcessFromProcessItem(selectedProcessItem);
            Set<String> processNeededLibraries = iProcess.getNeededLibraries(true);
            if (processNeededLibraries != null) {
    } else {

    // jar from routines
    List<IRepositoryViewObject> collectRoutines = new ArrayList<IRepositoryViewObject>();
    boolean useBeans = false;
    if (GlobalServiceRegister.getDefault().isServiceRegistered(ICamelDesignerCoreService.class)) {
        ICamelDesignerCoreService camelService = (ICamelDesignerCoreService) GlobalServiceRegister.getDefault()
        if (camelService.isInstanceofCamel(process[0].getItem())) {
            useBeans = true;
    String include = null;
    if (useBeans) {
        include = USER_BEANS_PATH;
    } else {
        include = USER_ROUTINES_PATH;
    collectRoutines.addAll(collectRoutines(process, include));
    collectRoutines.addAll(collectRoutines(process, USER_PIGUDF_PATH));

    for (IRepositoryViewObject object : collectRoutines) {
        Item item = object.getProperty().getItem();
        if (item instanceof RoutineItem) {
            RoutineItem routine = (RoutineItem) item;
            EList imports = routine.getImports();
            for (Object o : imports) {
                IMPORTType type = (IMPORTType) o;
    if (Log4jPrefsSettingManager.getInstance().isLog4jEnable()) {
    for (File tempFile : files) {
        try {
            if (listModulesReallyNeeded.contains(tempFile.getName())) {
        } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
    return list;
    // List<URL> libraries = new ArrayList<URL>();
    // if (needLibraries) {
    // try {
    // ILibrariesService service = CorePlugin.getDefault().getLibrariesService();
    // libraries = service.getTalendRoutines();
    // } catch (Exception e) {
    // ExceptionHandler.process(e);
    // }
    // }
    // return libraries;

From source file:org.apache.axis2.jaxws.description.impl.OperationDescriptionImpl.java

 * This method will drive the building of AttachmentDescription objects for the
 * operation input/output messages in the WSDL.
 *//*w w  w.  ja v a 2  s .c  om*/
private void buildAttachmentInformation() {
    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
        log.debug("Start buildAttachmentInformation");
    // Only building attachment info if we find a full WSDL
    if (this.getEndpointInterfaceDescriptionImpl().getEndpointDescriptionImpl().isWSDLFullySpecified()) {
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("A full WSDL is available.  Query the WSDL binding for the "
                    + "AttachmentDescription information.");
    } else {
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("The WSDL is not available.  Looking for @WebService wsdlLocation.");

        // Try getting a WSDL
        String wsdlLocation = this.getEndpointInterfaceDescriptionImpl().getEndpointDescriptionImpl()

        if (wsdlLocation == null || wsdlLocation.length() == 0) {
            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                log.debug("@WebService wsdlLocation is not specified.  "
                        + "Processing continues without AttachmentDescription information");
        } else {
            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                log.debug("@WebService wsdlLocation is " + wsdlLocation);

            Definition def = null;
            WSDL4JWrapper wsdl4j = null;
            try {
                File file = new File(wsdlLocation);
                URL url = file.toURL();
                wsdl4j = new WSDL4JWrapper(url, true, 2); // In this context, limit the wsdl memory
                def = wsdl4j.getDefinition();
            } catch (Throwable t) {
                if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    log.debug("Error occurred while loading WSDL.  "
                            + "Procesing continues without AttachmentDescription " + "information. " + t);
            if (def != null) {
                // Set the WSDL on the server
                if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    log.debug("WSDL Definition is loaded.  Get the WSDL Binding.");

                Binding binding = this.getEndpointInterfaceDescriptionImpl().getEndpointDescriptionImpl()

                if (binding == null) {
                    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        log.debug("WSDL Binding was not found for serviceName="
                                + this.getEndpointInterfaceDescription().getEndpointDescription()
                                + " and portName=" + this.getEndpointInterfaceDescription()
                } else {
                    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        log.debug("Query Binding for AttachmentDescription Information");
                    DescriptionUtils.getAttachmentFromBinding(this, binding);

    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
        log.debug("End buildAttachmentInformation");

From source file:org.talend.repository.ui.wizards.exportjob.scriptsmanager.JobJavaScriptsManager.java

 * User may delete some contexts after generating the context files. So we will only export those files that match
 * any existing context name. See bug 0003568: Three contexts file exported, while only two contexts in the job.
 * //from  w w w  .  ja  v a 2 s  .c  o m
 * @param listFiles The generated context files.
 * @param processItem The current process item that will be exported.
 * @return An url list of context files.
 * @throws MalformedURLException
private List<URL> getActiveContextFiles(File[] listFiles, ProcessItem processItem)
        throws MalformedURLException {
    List<URL> contextFileUrls = new ArrayList<URL>();
    try {
        // get all context name from process
        Set<String> contextNames = new HashSet<String>();
        for (String contextName : LastGenerationInfo.getInstance()
                .getContextPerJob(processItem.getProperty().getId(), processItem.getProperty().getVersion())) {
            contextNames.add(contextName.replace(" ", "")); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
        for (File file : listFiles) {
            String fileName = file.getName();
            // remove file extension
            fileName = fileName.substring(0, fileName.lastIndexOf('.'));
            if (contextNames.contains(fileName)) {
                // if the file match any existing context, add this file to list
    } catch (Exception e) {
    return contextFileUrls;

From source file:dalma.container.ClassLoaderImpl.java

 * Add a file to the path. This classloader reads the manifest, if
 * available, and adds any additional class path jars specified in the
 * manifest./*from   w  ww  .  jav a  2 s .  com*/
 * @param pathComponent the file which is to be added to the path for
 *                      this class loader
 * @throws IOException if data needed from the file cannot be read.
public void addPathFile(File pathComponent) throws IOException {

    if (pathComponent.isDirectory()) {

    String absPathPlusTimeAndLength = pathComponent.getAbsolutePath() + pathComponent.lastModified() + "-"
            + pathComponent.length();
    String classpath = pathMap.get(absPathPlusTimeAndLength);
    if (classpath == null) {
        ZipFile jarFile = null;
        InputStream manifestStream = null;
        try {
            jarFile = new ZipFile(pathComponent);
            manifestStream = jarFile.getInputStream(new ZipEntry("META-INF/MANIFEST.MF"));

            if (manifestStream == null) {
            Manifest manifest = new Manifest(manifestStream);
            classpath = manifest.getMainAttributes().getValue("Class-Path");

        } finally {
            if (manifestStream != null) {
            if (jarFile != null) {
        if (classpath == null) {
            classpath = "";
        pathMap.put(absPathPlusTimeAndLength, classpath);

    if (!"".equals(classpath)) {
        URL baseURL = pathComponent.toURL();
        StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(classpath);
        while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
            String classpathElement = st.nextToken();
            URL libraryURL = new URL(baseURL, classpathElement);
            if (!libraryURL.getProtocol().equals("file")) {
                logger.fine("Skipping jar library " + classpathElement
                        + " since only relative URLs are supported by this" + " loader");
            File libraryFile = new File(libraryURL.getFile());
            if (libraryFile.exists() && !isInPath(libraryFile)) {

From source file:org.smilec.smile.student.CourseList.java

private void getStoredFileURL() {

    // save URL for stored file
    File data_dir = getBaseContext().getFilesDir();

    try {//from w  w w .  j av a 2s . c o m

        URL url = data_dir.toURL();
        stored_file_url = url.toString();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        Log.d(APP_TAG, "URL ERROR");

From source file:org.openspaces.pu.container.standalone.StandaloneProcessingUnitContainerProvider.java

 * <p> Creates a new {@link StandaloneProcessingUnitContainer} based on the configured
 * parameters. A standalone processing unit container is a container that understands a
 * processing unit archive structure (both when working with an "exploded" directory and when
 * working with a zip/jar archive of it). It is provided with the location of the processing
 * unit using {@link org.openspaces.pu.container.standalone.StandaloneProcessingUnitContainerProvider#StandaloneProcessingUnitContainerProvider(String)}.
 * The location itself follows Spring resource loader syntax.
 * <p> If {@link #addConfigLocation(String)} is used, the Spring xml context will be read based
 * on the provided locations. If no config location was provided the default config location
 * will be <code>classpath*:/META-INF/spring/pu.xml</code>.
 * <p> If {@link #setBeanLevelProperties(org.openspaces.core.properties.BeanLevelProperties)} is
 * set will use the configured bean level properties in order to configure the application
 * context and specific beans within it based on properties. This is done by adding {@link
 * org.openspaces.core.properties.BeanLevelPropertyBeanPostProcessor} and {@link
 * org.openspaces.core.properties.BeanLevelPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer} to the application
 * context./* w ww . ja v  a2  s.co m*/
 * <p> If {@link #setClusterInfo(org.openspaces.core.cluster.ClusterInfo)} is set will use it to
 * inject {@link org.openspaces.core.cluster.ClusterInfo} into beans that implement {@link
 * org.openspaces.core.cluster.ClusterInfoAware}.
 * @return An {@link StandaloneProcessingUnitContainer} instance
public ProcessingUnitContainer createContainer() throws CannotCreateContainerException {
    File fileLocation = new File(location);
    if (!fileLocation.exists()) {
        throw new CannotCreateContainerException("Failed to locate pu location [" + location + "]");

    // in case we don't have a cluster info specific members
    final ClusterInfo clusterInfo = getClusterInfo();
    if (clusterInfo != null && clusterInfo.getInstanceId() == null) {
        ClusterInfo origClusterInfo = clusterInfo;
        List<ProcessingUnitContainer> containers = new ArrayList<ProcessingUnitContainer>();
        for (int i = 0; i < clusterInfo.getNumberOfInstances(); i++) {
            ClusterInfo containerClusterInfo = clusterInfo.copy();
            containerClusterInfo.setInstanceId(i + 1);
            if (clusterInfo.getNumberOfBackups() != null) {
                for (int j = 0; j < clusterInfo.getNumberOfBackups(); j++) {
                    containerClusterInfo = containerClusterInfo.copy();
                    containerClusterInfo.setBackupId(j + 1);
        return new CompoundProcessingUnitContainer(
                containers.toArray(new ProcessingUnitContainer[containers.size()]));

    if (clusterInfo != null) {

    if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
        logger.info("Starting a Standalone processing unit container "
                + (clusterInfo != null ? "with " + clusterInfo : ""));

    List<URL> urls = new ArrayList<URL>();
    List<URL> sharedUrls = new ArrayList<URL>();
    if (fileLocation.isDirectory()) {
        if (fileLocation.exists()) {
            if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                logger.debug("Adding pu directory location [" + location + "] to classpath");
            try {
            } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
                throw new CannotCreateContainerException(
                        "Failed to add classes to class loader with location [" + location + "]", e);
        addJarsLocation(fileLocation, urls, "lib");
        addJarsLocation(fileLocation, sharedUrls, "shared-lib");
    } else {
        JarFile jarFile;
        try {
            jarFile = new JarFile(fileLocation);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new CannotCreateContainerException("Failed to open pu file [" + location + "]", e);
        // add the root to the classpath
        try {
            urls.add(new URL("jar:" + fileLocation.toURL() + "!/"));
        } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
            throw new CannotCreateContainerException(
                    "Failed to add pu location [" + location + "] to classpath", e);
        // add jars in lib and shared-lib to the classpath
        for (Enumeration<JarEntry> entries = jarFile.entries(); entries.hasMoreElements();) {
            JarEntry jarEntry = entries.nextElement();
            if (isWithinDir(jarEntry, "lib") || isWithinDir(jarEntry, "shared-lib")) {
                // extract the jar into a temp location
                if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    logger.debug("Adding jar [" + jarEntry.getName() + "] with pu location [" + location + "]");
                File tempLocation = new File(System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir") + "/openspaces");
                File tempJar;
                String tempJarName = jarEntry.getName();
                if (tempJarName.indexOf('/') != -1) {
                    tempJarName = tempJarName.substring(tempJarName.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
                try {
                    tempJar = File.createTempFile(tempJarName, ".jar", tempLocation);
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    throw new CannotCreateContainerException("Failed to create temp jar at location ["
                            + tempLocation + "] with name [" + tempJarName + "]", e);
                if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
                    logger.trace("Extracting jar [" + jarEntry.getName() + "] to temporary jar ["
                            + tempJar.getAbsolutePath() + "]");

                FileOutputStream fos;
                try {
                    fos = new FileOutputStream(tempJar);
                } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
                    throw new CannotCreateContainerException(
                            "Failed to find temp jar [" + tempJar.getAbsolutePath() + "]", e);
                InputStream is = null;
                try {
                    is = jarFile.getInputStream(jarEntry);
                    FileCopyUtils.copy(is, fos);
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    throw new CannotCreateContainerException(
                            "Failed to create temp jar [" + tempJar.getAbsolutePath() + "]");
                } finally {
                    if (is != null) {
                        try {
                        } catch (IOException e1) {
                            // do nothing
                    try {
                    } catch (IOException e1) {
                        // do nothing

                try {
                    if (isWithinDir(jarEntry, "lib")) {
                    } else if (isWithinDir(jarEntry, "shared-lib")) {
                } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
                    throw new CannotCreateContainerException("Failed to add pu entry [" + jarEntry.getName()
                            + "] with location [" + location + "]", e);

    List<URL> allUrls = new ArrayList<URL>();

    addUrlsToContextClassLoader(allUrls.toArray(new URL[allUrls.size()]));

    StandaloneContainerRunnable containerRunnable = new StandaloneContainerRunnable(getBeanLevelProperties(),
            clusterInfo, configLocations);
    Thread standaloneContainerThread = new Thread(containerRunnable, "Standalone Container Thread");

    while (!containerRunnable.isInitialized()) {
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            logger.warn("Interrupted while waiting for standalone container to initialize");

    if (containerRunnable.hasException()) {
        throw new CannotCreateContainerException("Failed to start container", containerRunnable.getException());

    return new StandaloneProcessingUnitContainer(containerRunnable);