List of usage examples for BufferedReader ready
public boolean ready() throws IOException
From source
private void loadList(InputStream input) throws IOException { BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(input, "ISO-8859-1")); try {//from w w w.ja v a 2 s . c o m while (in.ready()) { String line = in.readLine(); if (line != null && !line.startsWith("#")) { String[] parts = line.split(";"); if (parts.length < 2) { throw new IOException("Invalid glyph list entry: " + line); } String name = parts[0]; String[] unicodeList = parts[1].split(" "); if (nameToUnicode.containsKey(name)) { LOG.warn("duplicate value for " + name + " -> " + parts[1] + " " + nameToUnicode.get(name)); } int[] codePoints = new int[unicodeList.length]; int index = 0; for (String hex : unicodeList) { codePoints[index++] = Integer.parseInt(hex, 16); } String string = new String(codePoints, 0, codePoints.length); // forward mapping nameToUnicode.put(name, string); // reverse mapping if (!unicodeToName.containsKey(string)) { unicodeToName.put(string, name); } } } } finally { in.close(); } }
From source
private void doMain() throws SAXParseException, IOException { Normalizer normalizer = null; if (useTokenizer) { normalizer = Normalizer.getInstance(); }/*from w ww . j ava 2 s .co m*/ PrintWriter reversedWordsWriter = analysisPlacesOut != null ? new PrintWriter(new File(analysisPlacesOut, "reversedWords.txt")) : new PrintWriter(System.out); BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(placesIn)); int lineCount = 0; while (bufferedReader.ready()) { String nextLine = bufferedReader.readLine(); nextLine = nextLine.trim().toLowerCase(); if (nextLine.length() == 0) continue; lineCount++; if (lineCount % 5000 == 0) System.out.println("indexing line " + lineCount); placesCountCC.add(nextLine); totalPlacesCount++; String[] placeList = nextLine.split(SPLIT_REGEX); for (String place : placeList) { place = place.trim(); if (place.length() == 0) continue; if (NumberUtils.isNumber(place)) { numbersCountCC.add(place); totalNumbersCount++; } else { wordsCountCC.add(place); totalWordsCount++; } } int lastCommaIndx = nextLine.lastIndexOf(","); String lastWord = nextLine.substring(lastCommaIndx + 1).trim(); if (lastWord.length() > 0) { endingsOfPlacesCC.add(lastWord); endingsOfPlacesTotalCount++; } if (lineCount % REVERSE_EVERY_N == 0) { StringBuilder reversedWord = new StringBuilder(nextLine); reversedWordsWriter.println(reversedWord.reverse()); } if ((useTokenizer) && (lineCount % TOKENIZE_EVERY_N == 0)) { List<List<String>> levels = normalizer.tokenize(nextLine); for (List<String> levelWords : levels) { tokenizerPlacesCountCC.addAll(levelWords); totalTokenizerPlacesCount += levelWords.size(); } } } System.out.println("total number of lines in files " + lineCount); System.out.println("Indexed a total of " + totalPlacesCount + " places."); System.out.println("Found a total of " + getPlacesCountCC().size() + " unique places."); getPlacesCountCC().writeSorted(false, 1, analysisPlacesOut != null ? new PrintWriter(new File(analysisPlacesOut, "placesCount.txt")) : new PrintWriter(System.out)); System.out.println("Indexed a total of " + totalWordsCount + " words."); System.out.println("Found a total of " + getWordsCountCC().size() + " unique words."); getWordsCountCC().writeSorted(false, 1, analysisPlacesOut != null ? new PrintWriter(new File(analysisPlacesOut, "wordsCount.txt")) : new PrintWriter(System.out)); System.out.println("Indexed a total of " + totalNumbersCount + " numbers."); System.out.println("Found a total of " + getNumbersCountCC().size() + " unique numbers."); getNumbersCountCC().writeSorted(false, 1, analysisPlacesOut != null ? new PrintWriter(new File(analysisPlacesOut, "numbersCount.txt")) : new PrintWriter(System.out)); System.out.println("Indexed a total of " + endingsOfPlacesTotalCount + " endings."); System.out.println("Found a total of " + getEndingsOfPlacesCC().size() + " unique endings."); getEndingsOfPlacesCC().writeSorted(false, 1, analysisPlacesOut != null ? new PrintWriter(new File(analysisPlacesOut, "endingsCount.txt")) : new PrintWriter(System.out)); if (useTokenizer) { System.out.println("Indexed a total of " + totalTokenizerPlacesCount + " normalized words."); System.out.println("Found a total of " + getTokenizerPlacesCountCC().size() + " normalized words."); getTokenizerPlacesCountCC().writeSorted(false, 1, analysisPlacesOut != null ? new PrintWriter(new File(analysisPlacesOut, "normalizedWordsCount.txt")) : new PrintWriter(System.out)); } }
From source
protected void loadSQL(Connection aConnection, String aResource) throws IOException, SQLException { BufferedReader theReader = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(getClass().getResourceAsStream(aResource))); Statement theStatement = aConnection.createStatement(); while (theReader.ready()) { String theLine = theReader.readLine(); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(theLine)) { theLine = theLine.trim();/* w ww. j a v a 2 s . co m*/ } if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(theLine)) { System.out.println(theLine); theStatement.execute(theLine); } } theStatement.close(); theReader.close(); }
From source
/** * Read fully./* ww w .ja v a2s . c om*/ * * @param in * the in * @return the string * @throws IOException * Signals that an I/O exception has occurred. */ private String readFully(InputStream in) throws IOException { BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in)); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); while (reader.ready()) { sb.append(reader.readLine()); } return sb.toString(); }
From source
/** * Method to obtain the resource media types. * * @param configSystemRegistry a configuration system registry instance. * * @return a String of resource media types, in the format extension:type,extension:type,... * @throws RegistryException if the operation failed. *//* ww w . j a v a 2s . com*/ public static String getResourceMediaTypeMappings(Registry configSystemRegistry) throws RegistryException { RegistryContext registryContext = configSystemRegistry.getRegistryContext(); if (getResourceMediaTypeMappings(registryContext) != null) { return getResourceMediaTypeMappings(registryContext); } Resource resource; String mediaTypeString = null; String resourcePath = MIME_TYPE_COLLECTION + RegistryConstants.PATH_SEPARATOR + RESOURCE_MIME_TYPE_INDEX; if (!configSystemRegistry.resourceExists(resourcePath)) { resource = configSystemRegistry.newCollection(); } else { resource = configSystemRegistry.get(resourcePath); Properties properties = resource.getProperties(); if (properties.size() > 0) { Set<Object> keySet = properties.keySet(); for (Object key : keySet) { if (key instanceof String) { String ext = (String) key; if (RegistryUtils.isHiddenProperty(ext)) { continue; } String value = resource.getProperty(ext); String mediaTypeMapping = ext + ":" + value; if (mediaTypeString == null) { mediaTypeString = mediaTypeMapping; } else { mediaTypeString = mediaTypeString + "," + mediaTypeMapping; } } } } registryContext.setResourceMediaTypes(mediaTypeString); return mediaTypeString; } BufferedReader reader; try { File mimeFile = getMediaTypesFile(); reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(mimeFile))); } catch (Exception e) { String msg = "Failed to read the the media type definitions file. Only a limited " + "set of media type definitions will be populated. "; log.error(msg, e); mediaTypeString = "txt:text/plain,jpg:image/jpeg,gif:image/gif"; registryContext.setResourceMediaTypes(mediaTypeString); return mediaTypeString; } try { while (reader.ready()) { String mediaTypeData = reader.readLine().trim(); if (mediaTypeData.startsWith("#")) { // ignore the comments continue; } if (mediaTypeData.length() == 0) { // ignore the blank lines continue; } // mime.type file delimits media types:extensions by tabs. if there is no // extension associated with a media type, there are no tabs in the line. so we // don't need such lines. if (mediaTypeData.indexOf('\t') > 0) { String[] parts = mediaTypeData.split("\t+"); if (parts.length == 2 && parts[0].length() > 0 && parts[1].length() > 0) { // there can multiple extensions associated with a single media type. in // that case, extensions are delimited by a space. String[] extensions = parts[1].trim().split(" "); for (String extension : extensions) { if (extension.length() > 0) { String mediaTypeMapping = extension + ":" + parts[0]; resource.setProperty(extension, parts[0]); if (mediaTypeString == null) { mediaTypeString = mediaTypeMapping; } else { mediaTypeString = mediaTypeString + "," + mediaTypeMapping; } } } } } } resource.setDescription("This collection contains the media Types available for " + "resources on the Registry. Add, Edit or Delete properties to Manage Media " + "Types."); Resource collection = configSystemRegistry.newCollection(); collection.setDescription("This collection lists the media types available on the " + "Registry Server. Before changing an existing media type, please make sure " + "to alter existing resources/collections and related configuration details."); configSystemRegistry.put(MIME_TYPE_COLLECTION, collection); configSystemRegistry.put(resourcePath, resource); } catch (IOException e) { String msg = "Could not read the media type mappings file from the location: "; throw new RegistryException(msg, e); } finally { try { reader.close(); } catch (IOException ignore) { } } registryContext.setResourceMediaTypes(mediaTypeString); return mediaTypeString; }
From source
@Test public void InstagramMediaFeedDataConverterITCase() throws Exception { InputStream is = InstagramMediaFeedDataConverterIT.class.getResourceAsStream("/testMediaFeedObjects.txt"); InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(is); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr); PrintStream outStream = new PrintStream(new BufferedOutputStream( new FileOutputStream("target/test-classes/InstagramMediaFeedDataConverterITCase.txt"))); try {// www . j a v a 2 s . co m while (br.ready()) { String line = br.readLine(); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(line)) {"raw: {}", line); MediaFeedData mediaFeedData = gson.fromJson(line, MediaFeedData.class); ActivityConverter<MediaFeedData> converter = new InstagramMediaFeedDataConverter(); Activity activity = converter.toActivityList(mediaFeedData).get(0);"activity: {}", activity.toString()); assertThat(activity, is(not(nullValue()))); assertThat(activity.getId(), is(not(nullValue()))); assertThat(activity.getActor(), is(not(nullValue()))); assertThat(activity.getActor().getId(), is(not(nullValue()))); assertThat(activity.getVerb(), is(not(nullValue()))); assertThat(activity.getProvider(), is(not(nullValue()))); outStream.println(mapper.writeValueAsString(activity)); } } outStream.flush(); } catch (Exception ex) { LOGGER.error("Exception: ", ex); outStream.flush();; } }
From source
public void loadURCTable() throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException { URCCatagoriesDAO dao = URCCatagoriesDAO.class .cast(DaoBeanFactory.create().getDaoBean(URCCatagoriesDAO.class)); // Read in the URC Codes. InputStream s = ClassLoader.getSystemResourceAsStream("me/crime/loader/CrimeData.txt"); if (s == null) { log_.error("unable to find me/crime/loader/CrimeData.txt"); } else {// w ww. j a v a 2s. c o m try { BufferedReader bf = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(s)); while (bf.ready()) { String word = bf.readLine().trim().toUpperCase(); if (!word.startsWith("#")) { if (word.length() > 0) { String[] info = word.split(","); URCCatagories urc = dao.findURCbyCatagory(info[0]); if (urc == null) { urc = new URCCatagories(); int rank = Integer.parseInt(info[1].trim()); if (rank == 1) { urc.setCatagorie(info[0].trim()); urc.setCrimeGroup(info[3].trim());; } } } } } bf.close(); } catch (IOException e) { log_.error(e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); } } }
From source
private boolean editStoreConfig(String externalLogoutPage) { String serverRoot = System.getProperty(ServerConstants.CARBON_HOME); String deploymentPath = serverRoot + getStoreSiteConfPath(); File file = new File(deploymentPath); StringBuilder content = new StringBuilder(); try {//w w w. ja v a 2 s.c o m if (file.exists()) { BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(file), "UTF-8")); try { while (reader.ready()) { content.append(reader.readLine() + "\r\n"); } } finally { reader.close(); } int ssoConfigIndex = content.indexOf("ssoConfiguration"); if (ssoConfigIndex > -1) { String ssoConfigElement = content.substring(ssoConfigIndex); log.debug("SSO Configuration before editing : " + ssoConfigElement); int originalLength = ssoConfigElement.length(); ssoConfigElement = ssoConfigElement .replaceFirst("\"enabled\" : \"false\"", "\"enabled\" : \"true\"") .replaceAll("\"keyStorePassword\" : \"[a-zA-Z0-9]*\"", "\"keyStorePassword\" : \"\""); ssoConfigElement.concat("\"externalLogoutPage\" : " + externalLogoutPage); content.replace(ssoConfigIndex, originalLength, ssoConfigElement); String jsonConfig = content.toString(); log.debug("SSO Configuration after editing : " + jsonConfig); OutputStreamWriter writer = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(file), "UTF-8"); try { writer.write(jsonConfig); } finally { writer.close(); } return true; } } } catch (IOException ex) { log.error("Exception occurred while file reading or writing " + ex); } return false; }
From source
/** * Executes the webserver script.<p> * * @throws IOException if something goes wrong * @throws InterruptedException if something goes wrong *//*from www . j av a2s . c o m*/ private void executeScript() throws IOException, InterruptedException { File script = new File(m_scriptPath); List<String> params = new LinkedList<String>(); params.add(script.getAbsolutePath()); params.addAll(m_writtenFiles); ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(params.toArray(new String[params.size()])); File(script.getParent())); Process pr = pb.start(); pr.waitFor(); BufferedReader buf = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(pr.getInputStream())); while (buf.ready()) { String line = buf.readLine(); if (CmsStringUtil.isNotEmptyOrWhitespaceOnly(line)) { getReport().println(Messages.get().container(Messages.RPT_OUTPUT_WEBSERVER_1, buf.readLine()), I_CmsReport.FORMAT_OK); } } }
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private void processSWANTabFile(final FileObject swanResOutTabFile, final FileObject swanResShiftFile) { final GM_Position lShiftPosition = SWANDataConverterHelper.readCoordinateShiftValues(swanResShiftFile); if (lShiftPosition == null) return;/*w w w. j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ try { // FIXME: why?! should never happen...! if (swanResOutTabFile.isContentOpen()) swanResOutTabFile.close(); final FileObject swanResOutTabFileBackUp = swanResOutTabFile.getParent() .resolveFile(swanResOutTabFile.getName().getBaseName() + ".bck"); //$NON-NLS-1$ swanResOutTabFile.moveTo(swanResOutTabFileBackUp); final OutputStream lOutStream = swanResOutTabFile.getContent().getOutputStream(); final Formatter lFormatter = new Formatter(lOutStream, Charset.defaultCharset().name(), Locale.US); final BufferedReader lInDataStream = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(swanResOutTabFileBackUp.getContent().getInputStream())); while (lInDataStream.ready()) { final String lStrTmpLine = lInDataStream.readLine().trim(); if (lStrTmpLine.startsWith("%")) //$NON-NLS-1$ { lFormatter.format("%s\n", lStrTmpLine); //$NON-NLS-1$ continue; } final StringTokenizer lStrTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(lStrTmpLine, " "); //$NON-NLS-1$ int lIntTokenCounter = 0; String lStrNewLine = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$ while (lStrTokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { final String lStrToken = lStrTokenizer.nextToken(); if (lIntTokenCounter == 1) { lStrNewLine += String.format(Locale.US, "%.5f\t", //$NON-NLS-1$ NumberUtils.parseQuietDouble(lStrToken) + lShiftPosition.getX()); } else if (lIntTokenCounter == 2) { lStrNewLine += String.format(Locale.US, "%.5f\t", //$NON-NLS-1$ NumberUtils.parseQuietDouble(lStrToken) + lShiftPosition.getY()); } else { lStrNewLine += lStrToken + "\t"; //$NON-NLS-1$ } lIntTokenCounter++; } lFormatter.format("%s\n", lStrNewLine); //$NON-NLS-1$ } // FIXME: not closed in a save way! lFormatter.close(); lInDataStream.close(); lOutStream.close(); } catch (final Exception e) { // FIXME: this is no way to handle an error ! } }