Example usage for java.awt Rectangle toString

List of usage examples for java.awt Rectangle toString


In this page you can find the example usage for java.awt Rectangle toString.


public String toString() 

Source Link


Returns a String representing this Rectangle and its values.


From source file:SampleSet.java

public static void main(String[] args) {
    Rectangle r = new Rectangle(100, 20);
    System.out.println("original: " + r.toString());
    modifyWidth(r, new Integer(300));
    System.out.println("modified: " + r.toString());

From source file:Main.java

public void paint(Graphics g) {
    Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g;

    Rectangle r = new Rectangle(100, 100, 200, 200);

    g2.fill(r);//  ww w  .  ja v a  2s.c  o m


From source file:com.joliciel.jochre.graphics.SegmenterImpl.java

List<RowOfShapes> groupShapesIntoRows(SourceImage sourceImage, List<Shape> shapes, List<Rectangle> whiteAreas,
        boolean useSlope) {
    LOG.debug("########## groupShapesIntoRows #########");
    LOG.debug("useSlope? " + useSlope);

    List<RowOfShapes> rows = new ArrayList<RowOfShapes>();
    for (Shape shape : shapes)
        shape.setRow(null);//from  w ww  .  j  av  a  2s  .co  m

    List<Shape> shapesToRemove = new ArrayList<Shape>();
    for (Shape shape : shapes) {
        for (Rectangle whiteArea : whiteAreas) {
            double whiteAreaRight = whiteArea.getRight();
            double whiteAreaLeft = whiteArea.getLeft();
            if (useSlope) {
                double xAdjustment = sourceImage.getXAdjustment(shape.getTop());

                whiteAreaRight += xAdjustment;
                whiteAreaLeft += xAdjustment;

            if (whiteAreaRight > shape.getRight() && whiteAreaLeft < shape.getLeft()
                    && whiteArea.getTop() < shape.getTop() && whiteArea.getBottom() > shape.getBottom()) {
                // shape is surrounded
                LOG.debug("Removing shape " + shape);
                LOG.debug("Surrounded by white area: " + whiteArea);

    // calculate the means
    // get average shape width & height
    DescriptiveStatistics shapeWidthStats = new DescriptiveStatistics();
    for (Shape shape : shapes) {
    double averageShapeWidth = shapeWidthStats.getPercentile(50);
    LOG.debug("averageShapeWidth: " + averageShapeWidth);

    // now, arrange the shapes in rows
    // we're guaranteed that no two shapes overlap at this point.
    // Now, it's possible that two shapes in the same line have no vertical overlap (e.g. a comma and an apostrophe)
    // so we have to go searching a bit further afield, say five shapes in each direction
    // but if we go too far, we may end up joining two lines together if the page isn't quite straight

    // let's begin with any old shape and find the shapes closest to it horizontally
    // e.g. up to 8 horizontal means to the right and left
    // as we find shapes that go with it, we add them to the same line
    int i = 0;
    int j = 0;
    int numberOfMeanWidthsForSearch = 8;
    LOG.debug("numberOfMeanWidthsForSearch: " + numberOfMeanWidthsForSearch);
    LOG.debug("search distance: " + averageShapeWidth * numberOfMeanWidthsForSearch);

    for (Shape shape : shapes) {
        if (shape.getRow() == null) {
            RowOfShapes row = graphicsService.getEmptyRow(sourceImage);
            LOG.trace("========= New row " + row.getIndex() + "============");
            LOG.trace("Adding " + shape + " to row " + row.getIndex());
        int searchLeft = (int) ((double) shape.getLeft() - (numberOfMeanWidthsForSearch * averageShapeWidth));
        int searchRight = (int) ((double) shape.getRight() + (numberOfMeanWidthsForSearch * averageShapeWidth));
        LOG.trace("Shape " + i++ + ": " + shape + "(row " + shape.getRow().getIndex() + ")");
        LOG.trace("searchLeft: " + searchLeft);
        LOG.trace("searchRight: " + searchRight);

        // construct an array to represent where white areas overlap with the search area
        int[][] leftSearchArea = new int[shape.getLeft() - searchLeft][2];
        int[][] rightSearchArea = new int[searchRight - shape.getRight()][2];
        for (int k = 0; k < leftSearchArea.length; k++) {
            leftSearchArea[k][0] = shape.getTop();
            leftSearchArea[k][1] = shape.getBottom();
        for (int k = 0; k < rightSearchArea.length; k++) {
            rightSearchArea[k][0] = shape.getTop();
            rightSearchArea[k][1] = shape.getBottom();

        int newSearchLeft = searchLeft;
        int newSearchRight = searchRight;
        for (Rectangle whiteArea : whiteAreas) {
            double whiteAreaRight = whiteArea.getRight();
            double whiteAreaLeft = whiteArea.getLeft();
            if (useSlope) {
                double xAdjustment = sourceImage.getXAdjustment(shape.getTop());

                whiteAreaRight += xAdjustment;
                whiteAreaLeft += xAdjustment;
                LOG.trace(whiteArea + ", xAdjustment=" + xAdjustment + " , whiteAreaLeft=" + whiteAreaLeft
                        + " , whiteAreaRight=" + whiteAreaRight);

            if (whiteAreaRight > newSearchLeft && whiteAreaLeft < shape.getLeft()
                    && whiteArea.getTop() <= shape.getBottom() && whiteArea.getBottom() >= shape.getTop()) {

                LOG.trace("overlap on left with: " + whiteArea.toString());

                if (whiteArea.getTop() <= shape.getTop() && whiteArea.getBottom() >= shape.getBottom()
                        && whiteAreaRight > newSearchLeft) {
                    newSearchLeft = (int) Math.round(whiteAreaRight);
                    LOG.trace("Complete, newSearchLeft = " + newSearchLeft);
                } else {
                    LOG.trace("Partial, starting at " + whiteArea.getRight());
                    for (int k = whiteArea.getRight() - searchLeft; k >= 0; k--) {
                        if (k < leftSearchArea.length) {
                            if (whiteArea.getBottom() < shape.getBottom()
                                    && leftSearchArea[k][0] < whiteArea.getBottom())
                                leftSearchArea[k][0] = whiteArea.getBottom() + 1;
                            else if (whiteArea.getTop() > shape.getTop()
                                    && leftSearchArea[k][1] > whiteArea.getTop())
                                leftSearchArea[k][1] = whiteArea.getTop() - 1;

                            if (leftSearchArea[k][0] >= leftSearchArea[k][1]
                                    && searchLeft + k > newSearchLeft) {
                                newSearchLeft = searchLeft + k;
                                LOG.trace("Complete from " + newSearchLeft);
                    //                  if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
                    //                     StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                    //                     for (int k=0;k<leftSearchArea.length;k++) {
                    //                        String top = "" + (leftSearchArea[k][0]-shape.getTop());
                    //                        sb.append(String.format("%1$#" + 3 + "s", top)+ ",");
                    //                     }
                    //                     LOG.trace(sb.toString());
                    //                     sb = new StringBuilder();
                    //                     for (int k=0;k<leftSearchArea.length;k++) {
                    //                        String bottom = "" + (leftSearchArea[k][1]-shape.getTop());
                    //                        sb.append(String.format("%1$#" + 3 + "s", bottom)+ ",");
                    //                     }
                    //                     LOG.trace(sb.toString());
                    //                  }
            } else if (whiteAreaLeft < newSearchRight && whiteAreaRight > shape.getRight()
                    && whiteArea.getTop() <= shape.getBottom() && whiteArea.getBottom() >= shape.getTop()) {
                LOG.trace("overlap on right with: " + whiteArea.toString());

                if (whiteArea.getTop() <= shape.getTop() && whiteArea.getBottom() >= shape.getBottom()
                        && newSearchRight > whiteAreaLeft) {
                    newSearchRight = (int) Math.round(whiteAreaLeft);
                    LOG.trace("Complete, newSearchRight = " + newSearchRight);

                } else {
                    LOG.trace("Partial, starting at " + whiteArea.getLeft());
                    for (int k = whiteArea.getLeft() - shape.getRight(); k < rightSearchArea.length; k++) {
                        if (k > 0 && k < leftSearchArea.length && k < rightSearchArea.length) {
                            if (whiteArea.getBottom() < shape.getBottom()
                                    && leftSearchArea[k][0] < whiteArea.getBottom())
                                rightSearchArea[k][0] = whiteArea.getBottom() + 1;
                            else if (whiteArea.getTop() > shape.getTop()
                                    && leftSearchArea[k][1] > whiteArea.getTop())
                                rightSearchArea[k][1] = whiteArea.getTop() - 1;

                            if (rightSearchArea[k][0] >= rightSearchArea[k][1]
                                    && newSearchRight > shape.getRight() + k) {
                                newSearchRight = shape.getRight() + k;
                                LOG.trace("Complete from " + newSearchRight);
                    //                  if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
                    //                     StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                    //                     for (int k=0;k<rightSearchArea.length;k++) {
                    //                        String top = "" + (rightSearchArea[k][0]-shape.getTop());
                    //                        sb.append(String.format("%1$#" + 3 + "s", top)+ ",");
                    //                     }
                    //                     LOG.trace(sb.toString());
                    //                     sb = new StringBuilder();
                    //                     for (int k=0;k<rightSearchArea.length;k++) {
                    //                        String bottom = "" + (rightSearchArea[k][1]-shape.getTop());
                    //                        sb.append(String.format("%1$#" + 3 + "s", bottom)+ ",");
                    //                     }
                    //                     LOG.trace(sb.toString());
                    //                  }
        LOG.trace("searchLeft adjusted for white columns: " + newSearchLeft);
        LOG.trace("searchRight adjusted for white columns: " + newSearchRight);

        // min 10% overlap to assume same row
        double minOverlap = 0.10;

        for (Shape otherShape : shapes) {
            boolean haveSomeOverlap = false;
            if (!shape.getRow().equals(otherShape.getRow()) && !otherShape.equals(shape)) {

                // shapes are arranged from the top down
                if (otherShape.getTop() > shape.getBottom()) {

                if (otherShape.getRight() > newSearchLeft && otherShape.getRight() < shape.getLeft()
                        && otherShape.getTop() <= shape.getBottom()
                        && otherShape.getBottom() >= shape.getTop()) {
                    int k = otherShape.getRight() - searchLeft;
                    if (otherShape.getTop() <= leftSearchArea[k][1]
                            && otherShape.getBottom() >= leftSearchArea[k][0])
                        haveSomeOverlap = true;
                } else if (otherShape.getLeft() < newSearchRight && otherShape.getLeft() > shape.getRight()
                        && otherShape.getTop() <= shape.getBottom()
                        && otherShape.getBottom() >= shape.getTop()) {
                    int k = otherShape.getLeft() - shape.getRight();
                    if (otherShape.getTop() <= rightSearchArea[k][1]
                            && otherShape.getBottom() >= rightSearchArea[k][0])
                        haveSomeOverlap = true;
                if (haveSomeOverlap) {
                    int overlap1 = shape.getBottom() - otherShape.getTop() + 1;
                    int overlap2 = otherShape.getBottom() - shape.getTop() + 1;
                    int overlap = overlap1 < overlap2 ? overlap1 : overlap2;
                    boolean addShapeToRow = false;
                    if ((((double) overlap / (double) shape.getHeight()) > minOverlap)
                            || (((double) overlap / (double) otherShape.getHeight()) > minOverlap)) {
                        addShapeToRow = true;

                    if (addShapeToRow) {
                        LOG.debug("Adding " + otherShape + " to row " + shape.getRow().getIndex());
                        if (otherShape.getRow() == null) {
                        } else {
                            // two rows need to be merged
                            LOG.debug("========= Merge rows " + shape.getRow().getIndex() + " with "
                                    + otherShape.getRow().getIndex() + "==========");
                            RowOfShapes otherRow = otherShape.getRow();
                } // add shape to row ?
            } // should shape be considered?
        } // next other shape
    } // next shape

    return rows;

From source file:org.geotools.coverage.io.util.Utilities.java

 * Evaluates the requested envelope and builds a new adjusted version of it fitting this coverage envelope.
 * //w w  w  .  j  a  va2 s . c om
 * <p>
 * While adjusting the requested envelope this methods also compute the source region as a rectangle which is suitable for a successive read
 * operation with {@link ImageIO} to do crop-on-read.
 * @param originalGridToWorld
 * @param coordinateReferenceSystem
 * @param requestedEnvelope is the envelope we are requested to load.
 * @param sourceRegion represents the area to load in raster space. This parameter cannot be null since it gets filled with whatever the crop
 *        region is depending on the <code>requestedEnvelope</code>.
 * @param requestedDim is the requested region where to load data of the specified envelope.
 * @param readGridToWorld the Grid to world transformation to be used
 * @param wgs84BaseEnvelope2D
 * @return the adjusted requested envelope, empty if no requestedEnvelope has been specified, {@code null} in case the requested envelope does not
 *         intersect the coverage envelope or in case the adjusted requested envelope is covered by a too small raster region (an empty region).
 * @throws DataSourceException in case something bad occurs
public static GeneralEnvelope evaluateRequestedParams(GridEnvelope originalGridRange, Envelope2D baseEnvelope2D,
        CoordinateReferenceSystem spatialReferenceSystem2D, MathTransform originalGridToWorld,
        GeneralEnvelope requestedEnvelope, Rectangle sourceRegion, Rectangle requestedDim,
        MathTransform2D readGridToWorld, Envelope2D wgs84BaseEnvelope2D) throws DataSourceException {

    GeneralEnvelope adjustedRequestedEnvelope = new GeneralEnvelope(2);
    GeneralGridEnvelope baseGridRange = (GeneralGridEnvelope) originalGridRange;

    try {
        // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
        // Check if we have something to load by intersecting the
        // requested envelope with the bounds of this data set.
        // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
        if (requestedEnvelope != null) {
            final GeneralEnvelope requestedEnvelope2D = Utilities.getRequestedEnvelope2D(requestedEnvelope);

            // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
            // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
            adjustedRequestedEnvelope = Utilities.getIntersection(baseEnvelope2D, spatialReferenceSystem2D,
                    requestedEnvelope2D, requestedDim, readGridToWorld, wgs84BaseEnvelope2D);
            if (adjustedRequestedEnvelope == null)
                return null;

            // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
            // CROP SOURCE REGION
            // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
                    Utilities.getOriginalGridToWorld(originalGridToWorld, PixelInCell.CELL_CORNER)));
            if (sourceRegion.isEmpty()) {
                if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) {
                    LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Too small envelope resulting in empty cropped raster region");
                return null;
                // TODO: Future versions may define a 1x1 rectangle starting
                // from the lower coordinate
            if (!sourceRegion.intersects(baseGridRange.toRectangle()) || sourceRegion.isEmpty())
                throw new DataSourceException("The crop region is invalid.");

            if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Adjusted Requested Envelope = ")
                        .append("Requested raster dimension = ").append(requestedDim.toString()).append("\n")
                        .append("Corresponding raster source region = ").append(sourceRegion.toString());
                LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, sb.toString());

        } else {
            // don't use the source region. Set an empty one
            sourceRegion.setBounds(new Rectangle(0, 0, Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MIN_VALUE));
    } catch (TransformException e) {
        throw new DataSourceException("Unable to create a coverage for this source", e);
    } catch (FactoryException e) {
        throw new DataSourceException("Unable to create a coverage for this source", e);
    return adjustedRequestedEnvelope;

From source file:org.photovault.dcraw.AHDInterpolateOp.java

protected void computeRect(PlanarImage[] img, WritableRaster dst, Rectangle area) {
    log.debug("computeRect " + area.toString());
    if (downSample == 1) {
        computeRectAHD(img, dst, area);//from   ww w  . j  av  a 2  s . c  o  m
    } else {
        computeDownsample(img, dst, area);
