List of usage examples for java.awt Graphics drawImage
public abstract boolean drawImage(Image img, int x, int y, ImageObserver observer);
From source
public static void drawChar(char c, int x, int y, Graphics g) { BufferedImage img = null;// w ww .ja v a 2 s . c om switch (c) { case ' ': img = GUI_GLYPH_CHARS[0]; break; case '\u0263': img = GUI_GLYPH_CHARS[1]; break; case '!': img = GUI_GLYPH_CHARS[33]; break; case '"': img = GUI_GLYPH_CHARS[34]; break; case '#': img = GUI_GLYPH_CHARS[35]; break; case '$': img = GUI_GLYPH_CHARS[36]; break; case '%': img = GUI_GLYPH_CHARS[37]; break; case '&': img = GUI_GLYPH_CHARS[38]; break; case '\'': img = GUI_GLYPH_CHARS[39]; break; case '(': img = GUI_GLYPH_CHARS[40]; break; case ')': img = GUI_GLYPH_CHARS[41]; break; case '*': img = GUI_GLYPH_CHARS[42]; break; case '+': img = GUI_GLYPH_CHARS[43]; break; case ',': img = GUI_GLYPH_CHARS[44]; break; case '-': img = GUI_GLYPH_CHARS[45]; break; case '.': img = GUI_GLYPH_CHARS[46]; break; case '/': img = GUI_GLYPH_CHARS[47]; break; case '0': img = GUI_GLYPH_CHARS[48]; break; case '1': img = GUI_GLYPH_CHARS[49]; break; case '2': img = GUI_GLYPH_CHARS[50]; break; case '3': img = GUI_GLYPH_CHARS[51]; break; case '4': img = GUI_GLYPH_CHARS[52]; break; case '5': img = GUI_GLYPH_CHARS[53]; break; case '6': img = GUI_GLYPH_CHARS[54]; break; case '7': img = GUI_GLYPH_CHARS[55]; break; case '8': img = GUI_GLYPH_CHARS[56]; break; case '9': img = GUI_GLYPH_CHARS[57]; break; case ':': img = GUI_GLYPH_CHARS[58]; break; } g.drawImage(img, x, y, null); }
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public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { if (window.clss == InputOnly) { super.paintComponent(g); return;//from w w w .ja va2 s . c om } if (offi == null) return; g.drawImage(offi, bw, bw, this); Rectangle r = g.getClip().getBounds(); if (bw > 0 && (r.x <= bw || r.y <= bw || (width + bw) <= (r.width + r.x) || (height + bw) <= (r.height + r.y))) { if (window.isBorderPixel()) { g.setColor(window.getColormap().getColor(window.border.pixel)); } else { g.setColor(; } for (int i = bw - 1; 0 <= i; i--) { g.drawRect(i, i, width + 2 * bw - i * 2 - 1, height + 2 * bw - i * 2 - 1); } } if (window.screen.windowmode == WeirdX.InBrowser || window == window.screen.root) { if (LogoImage.logoimage != null && window.x + r.x <= LogoImage.logoimagewidth && window.y + r.y <= LogoImage.logoimageheight) { g.drawImage(LogoImage.logoimage, 0, 0, LogoImage.logoimagewidth - (window.x - bw), LogoImage.logoimageheight - (window.y - bw), window.x - bw, window.y - bw, LogoImage.logoimagewidth, LogoImage.logoimageheight, this); } else { } } }
From source
public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { /* if(window.clss==InputOnly){ super.paintComponents(g);//from www . j av a2s . c om return; }*/ if (offi == null) return; g.drawImage(offi, bw, bw, this); if (window == null) return; Rectangle r = g.getClip().getBounds(); if (bw > 0 && (r.x <= bw || r.y <= bw || (width + bw) <= (r.width + r.x) || (height + bw) <= (r.height + r.y))) { if (window.isBorderPixel()) { g.setColor(window.getColormap().getColor(window.border.pixel)); } else { g.setColor(; } for (int i = bw - 1; 0 <= i; i--) { g.drawRect(i, i, width + 2 * bw - i * 2 - 1, height + 2 * bw - i * 2 - 1); } } if (window.screen.windowmode == WeirdX.InBrowser || window == window.screen.root) { if (LogoImage.logoimage != null && window.x + r.x <= LogoImage.logoimagewidth && window.y + r.y <= LogoImage.logoimageheight) { g.drawImage(LogoImage.logoimage, 0, 0, LogoImage.logoimagewidth - (window.x - bw), LogoImage.logoimageheight - (window.y - bw), window.x - bw, window.y - bw, LogoImage.logoimagewidth, LogoImage.logoimageheight, this); } else { } } }
From source
static void reqPutImage(Client c) throws IOException { int foo, n;/*from w w w . j a v a 2 s .c o m*/ InputOutput io = c.client; byte format; short width, height, dstx, dsty; byte depth; byte lpad; XPixmap pixmap = null; format = (byte); n = c.length; foo = io.readInt(); XDrawable d = c.lookupDrawable(foo); if (d == null) { c.errorValue = foo; c.errorReason = 9; // BadDrawable; } foo = io.readInt(); GC gc = c.lookupGC(foo); if (gc == null && c.errorReason == 0) { c.errorValue = foo; c.errorReason = 13; // GC } width = (short) io.readShort(); height = (short) io.readShort(); dstx = (short) io.readShort(); dsty = (short) io.readShort(); lpad = (byte) io.readByte(); depth = (byte) io.readByte(); io.readPad(2); c.length -= 6; n -= 6; if (c.errorReason != 0) { return; } if (dsty < 0) { // height+=dsty; dsty = 0; } if (dstx < 0) { // width+=dstx; dstx = 0; } int ddstx = dstx; int ddsty = dsty; synchronized (XPixmap.class) { if (d instanceof XPixmap) { pixmap = (XPixmap) d; if (pixmap.imageDirty) { pixmap.image2data(); } } else { if (!((XWindow) d).ddxwindow.isVisible()) { io.readPad(n * 4); return; } pixmap = null; XPixmap[] pixmaps = ((XWindow) d).screen.pixmaps; for (int i = 0; i < pixmaps.length; i++) { if (pixmaps[i].depth == d.depth) { pixmap = pixmaps[i]; break; } } if (pixmap == null) { } ((Resizable) pixmap).setSize(width, height); ((Resizable) pixmap).setColormap(d.getColormap()); pixmap.lpad = lpad; dstx = 0; dsty = 0; } byte[] data = null; data = pixmap.getData(); int ww = 0; int j = 0; int i = 0; j = dsty; if (depth == 1 && (pixmap.depth == 1 || pixmap.depth == 8)) { int www = 0; if (d instanceof XWindow) { www = ((Resizable) pixmap).getRealWidth(); } else { www = pixmap.width; } if (WeirdX.imageByteOrder == 1) { Pixmap1.putData(c, data, www, dstx, dsty, width, lpad); } else { Pixmap1.putData_LSB(c, data, www, dstx, dsty, width, lpad); } if (d.depth != 1) { byte f = (byte) gc.fgPixel; byte b = (byte) gc.bgPixel; for (i = dsty; i < height + dsty; i++) { for (j = dstx; j < width + dstx; j++) { if (data[i * www + j] == 0) { data[i * www + j] = b; } else { data[i * www + j] = f; } } } } } else if (depth == 8) { if (format == 2) { // ZPixmap int restw = width; int restww = width; int resth = height; if (d.width < dstx + width) { restw = (short) (d.width - dstx); } if (d.height < dsty + height) { resth = (short) (d.height - dsty); } int www = 0; if (d instanceof XWindow) { www = ((Resizable) pixmap).getRealWidth(); } else { www = pixmap.width; } j *= www; if (width < c.bbuffer.length) { int paddedwidthi = ((width + 3) / 4); int paddedwidth = paddedwidthi * 4; int padding = paddedwidth - restw; while (n != 0) { if (resth > 0) { io.readByte(data, j + dstx, restw); if (padding != 0) { io.readPad(padding); } } else { io.readPad(paddedwidth); } n -= paddedwidthi; j += www; resth--; } } else { while (n != 0) { restww = restw; ww = width; i = dstx; while (0 < ww) { io.readByte(c.bbuffer, 0, 4); n--; if (4 <= ww) { if (resth > 0) { if (restww >= 4) { System.arraycopy(c.bbuffer, 0, data, j + i, 4); restww -= 4; } else if (restww > 0) { System.arraycopy(c.bbuffer, 0, data, j + i, restww); restww = 0; } } i += 4; ww -= 4; } else { if (resth > 0) { if (restww >= ww) { System.arraycopy(c.bbuffer, 0, data, j + i, ww); restww -= ww; } else if (restww > 0) { System.arraycopy(c.bbuffer, 0, data, j + i, restww); restww = 0; } } i += ww; break; } } j += www; resth--; } } } else { int www = 0; if (d instanceof XWindow) { www = ((Resizable) pixmap).getRealWidth(); } else { www = pixmap.width; } n *= 4; while (n != 0) { ww = width; i = dstx; while (4 < ww) { foo = io.readInt(); n -= 4; data[j * www + i] = (byte) (foo & 0xff); i++; foo = foo >> 8; data[j * www + i] = (byte) (foo & 0xff); i++; foo = foo >> 8; data[j * www + i] = (byte) (foo & 0xff); i++; foo = foo >> 8; data[j * www + i] = (byte) (foo & 0xff); i++; ww -= 4; } if (ww != 0) { foo = io.readInt(); n -= 4; while (0 < ww) { data[j * www + i] = (byte) (foo & 0xff); i++; foo = foo >> 8; ww--; } } j++; } } } else if (pixmap.depth == 16) { ((Pixmap16) pixmap).putImage(c, gc, dstx, dsty, width, height, lpad, format, depth); } else { io.readPad(n * 4); } if (d instanceof XWindow) { Graphics g = ((XWindow) d).getGraphics(); pixmap.mis.newPixels(dstx, dsty, width, height); Image dataImg = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createImage(pixmap.mis); Image ii = dataImg; java.awt.Shape tmp = g.getClip(); g.clipRect(ddstx, ddsty, width, height); g.drawImage(ii, ddstx, ddsty, Screen.screen[0].root.ddxwindow); if (tmp == null) { g.setClip(0, 0, d.width, d.height); } else { g.setClip(tmp); } ((XWindow) d).draw(ddstx, ddsty, width, height); dataImg.flush(); } else { if (pixmap.time < pixmap.colormap.icmtime) { pixmap.mkMIS(); } pixmap.mis.newPixels(dstx, dsty, width, height); Image dataImg = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createImage(pixmap.mis); if (dstx != 0 || dsty != 0 || width != d.width || height != d.height) { java.awt.Shape tmp = pixmap.imgg.getClip(); pixmap.imgg.clipRect(dstx, dsty, width, height); pixmap.imgg.drawImage(dataImg, 0, 0, Screen.screen[0].root.ddxwindow); if (tmp == null) { pixmap.imgg.setClip(0, 0, d.width, d.height); } else { pixmap.imgg.setClip(tmp); } } else { pixmap.imgg.drawImage(dataImg, 0, 0, Screen.screen[0].root.ddxwindow); } dataImg.flush(); pixmap.reset(); pixmap.time = System.currentTimeMillis(); } } }
From source
/** * /*from w w w . j a v a 2 s . c om*/ * paint this type of border * * @see org.jimcat.gui.borders.RoundedBorder#paintBorder(java.awt.Component, * java.awt.Graphics, int, int, int, int) */ @Override public void paintBorder(Component c, Graphics g, int x, int y, int width, int height) { Color borderColor = c.getBackground(); // check if old image is still useable if (imageBuffer == null || width != lastWidth || height != lastHeight || !ObjectUtils.equals(borderColor, lastColor)) { // update image buffer imageBuffer = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB); lastHeight = height; lastWidth = width; lastColor = borderColor; int shadow_width = SHADOW_WIDTH * 2; int xb = Math.max(x + SHADOW_WIDTH - SHADOW_DISPLACEMENT.x, x); int yb = Math.max(y + SHADOW_WIDTH - SHADOW_DISPLACEMENT.y, y); int xs = Math.max(x, x + SHADOW_DISPLACEMENT.x); int ys = Math.max(y, y + SHADOW_DISPLACEMENT.y); BufferedImage border = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB); Graphics imgG = border.createGraphics(); super.paintBorder(c, imgG, xb, yb, width - shadow_width - Math.abs(SHADOW_DISPLACEMENT.x), height - shadow_width - Math.abs(SHADOW_DISPLACEMENT.y)); imgG.dispose(); BufferedImage shadow = shadowRenderer.createShadow(border); Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) imageBuffer.getGraphics(); g2.drawImage(shadow, xs, ys, null); g2.drawImage(border, xb, yb, null); g2.dispose(); } g.drawImage(imageBuffer, x, y, null); }
From source
@Override public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { super.paintComponent(g); Dimension dim = getSize();//ww w.j av a 2s .com FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics(); int strW = fm.stringWidth(name); int x = (dim.width - strW) / 2; Insets ins = getBorder().getBorderInsets(this); int y = 2 + fm.getAscent(); int lineW = dim.width - ins.left - ins.right; x = ins.left; int txtY = y; y += 3; g.setColor(Color.LIGHT_GRAY); g.drawLine(x, y, x + lineW, y); y++; minHeight = y; x++; g.setColor(Color.LIGHT_GRAY.darker()); g.drawLine(x, y, x + lineW, y); ((Graphics2D) g).setRenderingHints(UIHelper.createTextRenderingHints()); g.setColor(Color.BLUE.darker()); g.drawString(name, x, txtY); if (collapsableIconOpen != null) { if (iconRect == null) { iconRect = getBounds(); iconRect.x = iconRect.width - collapsableIconOpen.getIconWidth(); iconRect.y = 0; } g.drawImage(icon.getImage(), iconRect.x, iconRect.y, null); } }
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/** * Builds a combined image layer of all the layers in a saved map. * /*from w w w . jav a 2 s.c om*/ * @mapWidth * @mapHeight * @orderedLayers * @mapBounds - expects json object {"bottom":"VALUE", "top":"VALUE", "left":"VALUE", "right":"VALUE"} */ public BufferedImage getLayersExportCanvas(int mapWidth, int mapHeight, DashboardLayer[] orderedLayers, String mapBounds) { String bottom; String top; String right; String left; String processingFormat = "png"; // needed to allow transparency on each overlay before combining to a single // map/format Graphics mapBaseGraphic = null; BufferedImage base = null; try { base = new BufferedImage(mapWidth, mapHeight, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB); mapBaseGraphic = base.getGraphics(); mapBaseGraphic.drawImage(base, 0, 0, null); // Get bounds of the map try { JSONObject mapBoundsObj = new JSONObject(mapBounds); bottom = mapBoundsObj.getString("bottom"); top = mapBoundsObj.getString("top"); right = mapBoundsObj.getString("right"); left = mapBoundsObj.getString("left"); } catch (JSONException e) { String error = "Could not parse map bounds."; throw new ProgrammingErrorException(error, e); } // Generates map overlays and combines them into a single map image for (DashboardLayer layer : orderedLayers) { // if (layer instanceof DashboardThematicLayer) // { Graphics2D newOverlayBaseGraphic = null; Graphics2D mapLayerGraphic2d = null; String layersString = GeoserverProperties.getWorkspace() + ":" + layer.getViewName(); StringBuffer requestURL = new StringBuffer(); requestURL.append(GeoserverProperties.getLocalPath() + "/wms?"); requestURL.append("LAYERS=" + layersString); requestURL.append("&"); requestURL.append("STYLES="); // there are no geoserver styles being added. sld's are used instead requestURL.append("&"); requestURL.append("SRS=EPSG%3A4326"); requestURL.append("&"); requestURL.append("TRANSPARENT=true"); requestURL.append("&"); requestURL.append("ISBASELAYER=false"); // in the browser the baselayer prop is set for the 1st layer in the // map. requestURL.append("&"); requestURL.append( "SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.1.1&REQUEST=GetMap&EXCEPTIONS=application%2Fvnd.ogc.se_inimage"); requestURL.append("&"); requestURL.append("FORMAT=image%2F" + processingFormat); requestURL.append("&"); requestURL.append("BBOX=" + left + "," + bottom + "," + right + "," + top); requestURL.append("&"); requestURL.append("WIDTH=" + Integer.toString(mapWidth)); requestURL.append("&"); requestURL.append("HEIGHT=" + Integer.toString(mapHeight)); try { BufferedImage layerImg = this.getImageFromGeoserver(requestURL.toString()); BufferedImage newOverlayBase = new BufferedImage(mapWidth, mapHeight, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB); newOverlayBaseGraphic = newOverlayBase.createGraphics(); // Add transparency to the layerGraphic // This is set in JavaScript in the app so we are replicating browser side transparency settings that are // applied to the whole layer AlphaComposite thisLayerComposite = AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER, this.getLayerOpacity(layer)); mapLayerGraphic2d = layerImg.createGraphics(); newOverlayBaseGraphic.setComposite(thisLayerComposite); // Add the current layerGraphic to the base image newOverlayBaseGraphic.drawImage(layerImg, 0, 0, null); mapBaseGraphic.drawImage(newOverlayBase, 0, 0, null); } finally { if (newOverlayBaseGraphic != null) { newOverlayBaseGraphic.dispose(); } if (mapLayerGraphic2d != null) { mapLayerGraphic2d.dispose(); } } // } } } finally { mapBaseGraphic.dispose(); } return base; }
From source
public void paint(Graphics g) { super.paint(g); int start = getStartPositionInDocument(); int end = getEndPositionInDocument(); // end pos in doc // translate offsets to lines Document doc = pane.getDocument(); int startline = doc.getDefaultRootElement().getElementIndex(start) + 1; int endline = doc.getDefaultRootElement().getElementIndex(end) + 1; int fontHeight = g.getFontMetrics(pane.getFont()).getHeight(); int fontDesc = g.getFontMetrics(pane.getFont()).getDescent(); int starting_y = -1; try {//from w ww . j a va 2 s. co m if (pane.modelToView(start) == null) { starting_y = -1; } else { starting_y = pane.modelToView(start).y - scrollPane.getViewport().getViewPosition().y + fontHeight - fontDesc; } } catch (Exception e1) { logObj.warn("Error: ", e1); } for (int line = startline, y = starting_y; line <= endline; y += fontHeight, line++) { Color color = g.getColor(); if (line - 1 == doc.getDefaultRootElement().getElementIndex(pane.getCaretPosition())) { g.setColor(new Color(224, 224, 255)); g.fillRect(0, y - fontHeight + 3, 30, fontHeight + 1); } if (imageError) { Image img = ModelerUtil.buildIcon("error.gif").getImage(); g.drawImage(img, 0, endYPositionToolTip, this); } g.setColor(color); } }
From source
public static BufferedImage toBufferedImage(Image image) { if (image instanceof BufferedImage) { return (BufferedImage) image; }//from ww 2 s .co m // This code ensures that all the pixels in the image are loaded image = new ImageIcon(image).getImage(); // Determine if the image has transparent pixels; for this method's // implementation, see e661 Determining If an Image Has Transparent Pixels boolean hasAlpha = hasAlpha(image); // Create a buffered image with a format that's compatible with the screen BufferedImage bimage = null; GraphicsEnvironment ge = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment(); try { // Determine the type of transparency of the new buffered image int transparency = Transparency.OPAQUE; if (hasAlpha) { transparency = Transparency.BITMASK; } // Create the buffered image GraphicsDevice gs = ge.getDefaultScreenDevice(); GraphicsConfiguration gc = gs.getDefaultConfiguration(); bimage = gc.createCompatibleImage(image.getWidth(null), image.getHeight(null), transparency); } catch (HeadlessException e) { // The system does not have a screen } if (bimage == null) { // Create a buffered image using the default color model int type = BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB; if (hasAlpha) { type = BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB; } bimage = new BufferedImage(image.getWidth(null), image.getHeight(null), type); } // Copy image to buffered image Graphics g = bimage.createGraphics(); // Paint the image onto the buffered image g.drawImage(image, 0, 0, null); g.dispose(); return bimage; }