List of usage examples for java.awt.geom Point2D getY
public abstract double getY();
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public void testTrafo() throws NoninvertibleTransformException { final Point2D x0 = new Point2D.Double(1.5, 2.5); // final Point2D x0 = new Point2D.Double(0, 0); final Point2D v0 = new Point2D.Double(2, 1); // build the trafo final AffineTransform rc2wc = new AffineTransform(); {/* w ww . j a v a 2 s . co m*/ rc2wc.rotate(-Math.acos((v0.getX() * 0 + v0.getY() * 1) / v0.distance(0, 0)), x0.getX(), x0.getY()); rc2wc.translate(x0.getX(), x0.getY()); } // check some points. // wc(x0) -> rc(0,0) Point2D tmp = rc2wc.inverseTransform(x0, null); assertEquals("", 0, tmp.getX(), 1e-9); assertEquals("", 0, tmp.getY(), 1e-9); // rc(0,1) -> wc(x0) tmp = rc2wc.transform(new Point2D.Double(0, 1), null); assertEquals("", x0.getX() + 0.8944271909999, tmp.getX(), 1e-6); assertEquals("", x0.getY() + 0.4472135954999, tmp.getY(), 1e-6); }
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@Override public double getQuality(Colormap colormap) { DescriptiveStatistics stats = new DescriptiveStatistics(); Iterator<Point2D> ptIt = strategy.getPoints().iterator(); while (ptIt.hasNext()) { Point2D p1 =; if (!ptIt.hasNext()) break; Point2D p2 =; double dist = p1.distance(p2); Color colorA = colormap.getColor(p1.getX(), p1.getY()); Color colorB = colormap.getColor(p2.getX(), p2.getY()); // roughly 0-100 double cdist = MedianDivergenceComputer.colorDiff(colorA, colorB); double ratio = cdist / dist; stats.addValue(ratio);/*from w w w .ja v a 2s. c o m*/ } return stats.getStandardDeviation(); }
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protected void updateBounds(int level, Point2D origin, Rectangle2D ref) {//cache in current version isn't a tree double y = origin.getY() + ref.getHeight() / 2 + ref.getMaxY() * (level - 1); Point2D childCenter, center;/*from w w w .j a v a2 s .com*/ double x0, x1; GraphicNode node, child; boolean hasChild; for (ListIterator i = cache.getIterator(); i.hasNext();) { node = (GraphicNode); if (node.getLevel() == level) { x0 = -1; x1 = -1; hasChild = false; while (i.hasNext()) { child = (GraphicNode); if (child.getLevel() <= level) { i.previous(); break; } else if (child.getLevel() == level + 1) { hasChild = true; childCenter = child.getXbsCenter(); if (x0 == -1 || childCenter.getX() < x0) x0 = childCenter.getX(); if (x1 == -1 || childCenter.getX() > x1) x1 = childCenter.getX(); dependencies.add(new GraphicDependency(node, child, null)); } } if (hasChild) setShape(node, ref, (x0 + x1) / 2, y); } } }
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@Override public void process(Operator operator, List<COSBase> operands) throws IOException { try {/* w w w . java 2 s.c o m*/ PDFPage pdfPage = (PDFPage) context; COSNumber x1 = (COSNumber) operands.get(0); COSNumber y1 = (COSNumber) operands.get(1); COSNumber x3 = (COSNumber) operands.get(2); COSNumber y3 = (COSNumber) operands.get(3); Point2D p1 = transform(x1.doubleValue(), y1.doubleValue()); Point2D p3 = transform(x3.doubleValue(), y3.doubleValue()); pdfPage.getCurrentPath().curveTo((float) p1.getX(), (float) p1.getY(), (float) p3.getX(), (float) p3.getY(), (float) p3.getX(), (float) p3.getY()); if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Appending cubic Bezier curve with x1:" + p1.getX() + ",y1:" + p1.getY() + ", x3:" + p3.getX() + ",y3:" + p3.getY()); } } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Error processing operator 'y'.", e); } }
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/** * Convert a Point2d into WKT Lat/Lon//from w w w . java2s . co m * * @param point2D * @return a String representation of a WKT Lat/Lon pair */ private String point2dToWkt(Point2D point2D) { return point2D.getX() + " " + point2D.getY(); }
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/** * Returns a regular <code>num_sides</code>-sided * <code>Polygon</code> whose bounding * box's width and height are defined by this instance's size and * aspect ratio functions for this vertex. * @param num_sides the number of sides of the polygon; must be >= 3. *//*from w w w. ja va2 s. c o m*/ public Shape getRegularPolygon(V v, int num_sides) { if (num_sides < 3) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Number of sides must be >= 3"); Rectangle2D frame = getRectangle(v); float width = (float) frame.getWidth(); float height = (float) frame.getHeight(); // generate coordinates double angle = 0; thePolygon.reset(); thePolygon.moveTo(0, 0); thePolygon.lineTo(width, 0); double theta = (2 * Math.PI) / num_sides; for (int i = 2; i < num_sides; i++) { angle -= theta; float delta_x = (float) (width * Math.cos(angle)); float delta_y = (float) (width * Math.sin(angle)); Point2D prev = thePolygon.getCurrentPoint(); thePolygon.lineTo((float) prev.getX() + delta_x, (float) prev.getY() + delta_y); } thePolygon.closePath(); // scale polygon to be right size, translate to center at (0,0) Rectangle2D r = thePolygon.getBounds2D(); double scale_x = width / r.getWidth(); double scale_y = height / r.getHeight(); float translationX = (float) (r.getMinX() + r.getWidth() / 2); float translationY = (float) (r.getMinY() + r.getHeight() / 2); AffineTransform at = AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(scale_x, scale_y); at.translate(-translationX, -translationY); Shape shape = at.createTransformedShape(thePolygon); return shape; }
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/** * Returns a regular <code>Polygon</code> of <code>num_points</code> * points whose bounding //from w w w .ja v a2 s . c om * box's width and height are defined by this instance's size and * aspect ratio functions for this vertex. * @param num_points the number of points of the polygon; must be >= 5. */ public Shape getRegularStar(V v, int num_points) { if (num_points < 5) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Number of sides must be >= 5"); Rectangle2D frame = getRectangle(v); float width = (float) frame.getWidth(); float height = (float) frame.getHeight(); // generate coordinates double theta = (2 * Math.PI) / num_points; double angle = -theta / 2; thePolygon.reset(); thePolygon.moveTo(0, 0); float delta_x = width * (float) Math.cos(angle); float delta_y = width * (float) Math.sin(angle); Point2D prev = thePolygon.getCurrentPoint(); thePolygon.lineTo((float) prev.getX() + delta_x, (float) prev.getY() + delta_y); for (int i = 1; i < num_points; i++) { angle += theta; delta_x = width * (float) Math.cos(angle); delta_y = width * (float) Math.sin(angle); prev = thePolygon.getCurrentPoint(); thePolygon.lineTo((float) prev.getX() + delta_x, (float) prev.getY() + delta_y); angle -= theta * 2; delta_x = width * (float) Math.cos(angle); delta_y = width * (float) Math.sin(angle); prev = thePolygon.getCurrentPoint(); thePolygon.lineTo((float) prev.getX() + delta_x, (float) prev.getY() + delta_y); } thePolygon.closePath(); // scale polygon to be right size, translate to center at (0,0) Rectangle2D r = thePolygon.getBounds2D(); double scale_x = width / r.getWidth(); double scale_y = height / r.getHeight(); float translationX = (float) (r.getMinX() + r.getWidth() / 2); float translationY = (float) (r.getMinY() + r.getHeight() / 2); AffineTransform at = AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(scale_x, scale_y); at.translate(-translationX, -translationY); Shape shape = at.createTransformedShape(thePolygon); return shape; }
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/** * Constructor./*from w w w. j a va 2 s.c om*/ * @param component the component whose hierarchy must be displayed * @param ancestors its ancestors * @param children its children * @param maxPerLine the maximum number of vertices per line */ public HierarchicalTransformer(Component component, Collection<AbstractType> ancestors, Collection<AbstractType> children, int maxPerLine) { // Store fields this.component = component; this.maxPerLine = maxPerLine; this.typeToLocation = new HashMap<AbstractType, Point2D>(); this.aloneOnRow = new ArrayList<AbstractType>(); // Compute the effective horizontal margin for this graph this.hMargin = computeHMargin(component); for (AbstractType t : ancestors) this.hMargin = Math.max(this.hMargin, computeHMargin(t)); for (AbstractType t : children) this.hMargin = Math.max(this.hMargin, computeHMargin(t)); // Builds the graph this.graph = new DirectedOrderedSparseMultigraph<AbstractType, String>(); int cpt = 1; for (AbstractType t : ancestors) this.graph.addVertex(t); this.graph.addVertex(component); for (AbstractType t : ancestors) this.graph.addEdge("can contain" + cpt++, t, component); for (AbstractType t : children) { this.graph.addVertex(t); this.graph.addEdge("can contain" + cpt++, component, t); } // In these first steps, vertices are aligned on the left if (!ancestors.isEmpty()) { dealWithOthers(ancestors); this.currentHeigth += V_PADDING; } dealWithMainComponent(); if (!children.isEmpty()) { this.currentHeigth += V_PADDING; dealWithOthers(children); } this.currentHeigth += V_MARGIN; // Center alone vertices for (AbstractType t : this.aloneOnRow) { int width = GraphUtils.computeShapeWidth(t); int newX = (this.maxRowWidth - width) / 2; if (newX > this.hMargin) { Point2D p = transform(t); p.setLocation(newX, p.getY()); } } }
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@Override public void draw(Graphics2D g2, Rectangle2D area) { area = trimMargin(area);//from ww w . j a v a2s .c om drawBorder(g2, area); area = trimBorder(area); area = trimPadding(area); if (isLineVisible()) { Point2D location = RectangleAnchor.coordinates(area, getShapeLocation()); Shape aLine = ShapeUtilities.createTranslatedShape(getLine(), getShapeAnchor(), location.getX(), location.getY()); g2.setPaint(getLinePaint()); g2.setStroke(getLineStroke()); g2.draw(aLine); } if (isShapeVisible()) { Point2D location = RectangleAnchor.coordinates(area, getShapeLocation()); Shape s = ShapeUtilities.createTranslatedShape(getShape(), getShapeAnchor(), location.getX(), location.getY()); if (isShapeFilled()) { Paint p = getFillPaint(); if (p instanceof GradientPaint) { GradientPaint gp = (GradientPaint) getFillPaint(); p = getFillPaintTransformer().transform(gp, s); } else if (p instanceof LinearGradientPaint) { LinearGradientPaint gradient = (LinearGradientPaint) p; Rectangle2D bounds = s.getBounds2D(); p = getTranslatedLinearGradientPaint(gradient, new Point2D.Double(bounds.getMinX(), bounds.getMinY()), new Point2D.Double(bounds.getMaxX(), bounds.getMaxY()), false); } g2.setPaint(p); g2.fill(s); } if (isShapeOutlineVisible()) { g2.setPaint(getOutlinePaint()); g2.setStroke(getOutlineStroke()); g2.draw(s); } } }
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/** * /*from ww w . ja v a2 s .c o m*/ * @param layout * @return */ public static Point2D getCenter(Set<CNode> picked, Layout<CNode, CEdge> layout) { double minX = Integer.MAX_VALUE, maxX = Integer.MIN_VALUE, minY = Integer.MAX_VALUE, maxY = Integer.MIN_VALUE; for (final CNode n : picked) { final Point2D point = layout.transform(n); // center of the node if (point.getX() < minX) { minX = point.getX(); } if (point.getX() > maxX) { maxX = point.getX(); } if (point.getY() < minY) { minY = point.getY(); } if (point.getY() > maxY) { maxY = point.getY(); } } final int graphWidth = (int) (maxX - minX); final int graphHeigth = (int) (maxY - minY); return new Point2D.Double(minX + graphWidth / 2.0f, minY + graphHeigth / 2.0f); }