Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2014-2016 LIST (Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology), all right reserved. * Authorship : Olivier PARISOT, Yoanne DIDRY * Licensed under GNU General Public License version 3 */ package lu.lippmann.cdb.graph; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.geom.Point2D; import java.beans.*; import*; import java.util.*; import java.util.regex.*; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import lu.lippmann.cdb.command.*; import lu.lippmann.cdb.context.ApplicationContext; import lu.lippmann.cdb.dt.*; import lu.lippmann.cdb.event.*; import lu.lippmann.cdb.graph.GenericGraphView.ViewMode; import lu.lippmann.cdb.models.*; import lu.lippmann.cdb.models.CVariable.CadralType; import lu.lippmann.cdb.models.history.*; import org.apache.commons.collections15.functors.ConstantTransformer; import; import weka.core.*; import edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.layout.*; import edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.shortestpath.*; import edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.*; import edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.util.*; import edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.BasicVisualizationServer; /** * Utility class for graph management. * * @author the WP1 team */ public final class GraphUtil { // // Static fields // /** Max nodes count. */ private static final int MAX_NODES_COUNT = 20000; /** */ private static final Pattern NODE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("\n(N[0-9]+) \\[label=\"([^\"]+)\""); /** */ private static final Pattern REGRESSION_NODE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("\n(\\w+) \\[label=\"([^\"]+)\""); /** */ private static final Pattern EDGE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("(\\w+)\\->(\\w+) \\[label=\"(.+)\".*\\]"); /** */ private static final Pattern CONDITION_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("\\s+(.+)"); /** */ private static final Pattern CLEAN_VARIABLES_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("'([^']+)'"); // // Inner enums // /** operator used in expression inside the graph **/ public static enum Operator { TERNARY("?"), NE("!="), AND("&&"), OR("||"), GE(">="), LE("<="), GT(">"), LT("<"), EQ("="), ADD("+"), SUB( "-"), DIV("/"), REMAINDER("%"), MUL("*"), NEG("-"), ABS(" abs "), POW(" pow "), INT("int "); Operator(String label) { this.label = label; } String getLabel() { return label; } final String label; }; // // Constructors // /** * Private constructor. */ private GraphUtil() { throw new IllegalStateException(); } // // Static methods // public static String[] usedVariablesNamesInGraph(final CGraph graph) { final Set<CVariable> variables = getUsedVariablesInGraph(graph.getInternalGraph()); final String[] variablesNames = new String[variables.size()]; int i = 0; for (CVariable v : variables) variablesNames[i++] = v.getKey(); return variablesNames; } /** * Import decision tree in editor ! */ public static DecisionTree importDecisionTreeInEditor(final DecisionTreeFactory dtFactory, final Instances dataSet, final ApplicationContext applicationContext, final EventPublisher eventPublisher, final CommandDispatcher commandDispatcher) { try { final DecisionTree dt = dtFactory.buildDecisionTree(dataSet); return importDecisionTreeInEditor(dt, dataSet, applicationContext, eventPublisher, commandDispatcher); } catch (Exception e1) { eventPublisher.publish(new ErrorOccuredEvent("Error when trying to open model in editor!", e1)); } return null; } /** * Import decision tree in editor ! */ public static DecisionTree importDecisionTreeInEditor(final DecisionTree dt, final Instances dataSet, final ApplicationContext applicationContext, final EventPublisher eventPublisher, final CommandDispatcher commandDispatcher) { final CGraph graph = buildNewCGraphWithFRLayout(dataSet, dt.getGraphWithOperations()); ((GraphWithOperations) graph.getInternalGraph()).setWorkingUser(applicationContext.getUser()); applicationContext.setCadralGraph(graph); System.out.println("Publishing graph : " + applicationContext.getCadralGraph()); SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { eventPublisher.publish(new GraphReloadedEvent(false)); commandDispatcher.dispatch(new EnableAllMenusCommand()); commandDispatcher.dispatch(new SelectAllCommand()); commandDispatcher.dispatch(new ClusterGraphCommand()); commandDispatcher.dispatch(new DeselectAllCommand()); commandDispatcher.dispatch(new AutoFitCommand()); commandDispatcher.dispatch(new ClickViewModeCommand(ViewMode.Edit)); } }); return dt; } /** * * @param dataSet * @param gr * @return */ private static CGraph buildNewCGraphWithFRLayout(final Instances dataSet, final GraphWithOperations gr) { final CGraph res = buildNewCGraphWithFRLayout(gr); if (dataSet != null) { updateVariables(dataSet, gr); } else throw new IllegalStateException(); return res; } public static void updateVariables(final Instances dataSet, final GraphWithOperations gr) { for (final CVariable var : gr.getVariables()) { final Attribute attribute = dataSet.attribute(var.getKey()); if (attribute == null) throw new IllegalStateException("Attribute '" + var.getKey() + "' not found in dataset!?"); if (attribute.isNominal()) { var.setType(CadralType.ENUMERATION); final List<String> values = new ArrayList<String>(); final Enumeration<?> eval = attribute.enumerateValues(); while (eval.hasMoreElements()) { values.add((String) eval.nextElement()); } var.setValues(values); } else if (attribute.isNumeric()) { var.setType(CadralType.NUMERIC); } else { var.setType(CadralType.UNKNOWN); } } } /** * * @return */ public static Set<CVariable> getUsedVariablesInGraph(final Graph<CNode, CEdge> graph) { if (graph instanceof GraphWithOperations) { return ((GraphWithOperations) graph).getVariables(); } else { throw new IllegalStateException(); } } /** * Method to remove undefined variables. */ public static String cleanVariables(final String expression) { String res = expression; Matcher m; while ((m = CLEAN_VARIABLES_PATTERN.matcher(res)).find()) { final String var = Pattern.quote(; res = res.replaceAll(var, "" +; } return res; } /** * * @param g * @return */ public static String saveGraphWithOperation(final GraphWithOperations g) { final ArrayList<GraphOperation> operations = new ArrayList<GraphOperation>(g.getOperations()); final ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); final XMLEncoder xmlEncoder = new XMLEncoder(baos); xmlEncoder.setExceptionListener(new ExceptionListener() { public void exceptionThrown(final Exception e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } }); xmlEncoder.writeObject(new GraphTO(g.getId(), operations, g.getUntitledVertexCount(), g.getUntitledEdgeCount(), g.getVariables())); xmlEncoder.close(); return baos.toString(); } /** * * @param xmlString * @return */ public static Layout<CNode, CEdge> getLayoutFromXML(final String xmlString) { final GraphWithOperations graph = new GraphWithOperations(); final XMLDecoder in = new XMLDecoder(new BufferedInputStream(new StringInputStream(xmlString))); final GraphTO gto = (GraphTO) in.readObject(); applyOperationsToGraph(graph, new ArrayList<GraphOperation>(gto.getOperations())); graph.setUntitledEdgeCount(gto.getUntitledEdgeCount()); graph.setUntitledVertexCount(gto.getUntitledVertexCount()); graph.setVariables(gto.getVariables()); return getLayoutFromGraphWithOperations(graph); } /** * * @param graph * @param operations */ public static void applyOperationsToGraph(final GraphWithOperations graph, final List<GraphOperation> operations) { Long lastIdGroup = null; for (final GraphOperation o : operations) { createGroupFlags(graph, lastIdGroup, o); graph.transform(true, false, o.getUser(), o.getOperation(), o.getParameters().toArray()); lastIdGroup = o.getIdGroup(); } } /** * * @param graph * @param lastIdGroup * @param o */ public static void createGroupFlags(final GraphWithOperations graph, Long lastIdGroup, GraphOperation o) { if (o.getIdGroup() != null) { if (lastIdGroup == null) { if (o.getIdGroup() >= 0) { graph.startGroupOperation(); } else { graph.startHistoryRevertOperation(); } } else if (!lastIdGroup.equals(o.getIdGroup())) { if (lastIdGroup >= 0) { graph.stopGroupOperation(); } else { graph.stopHistoryRevertOperation(); } if (o.getIdGroup() >= 0) { graph.startGroupOperation(); } else { graph.startHistoryRevertOperation(); } } } else { if (lastIdGroup != null && lastIdGroup >= 0) { graph.stopGroupOperation(); } else { graph.stopHistoryRevertOperation(); } } } /** * * @param graph * @return */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static Layout<CNode, CEdge> getLayoutFromGraphWithOperations(final GraphWithOperations graph) { final Layout<CNode, CEdge> layout = new StaticLayout<CNode, CEdge>(graph); for (GraphOperation o : graph.getOperations()) { if (o.getOperation().equals(Operation.NODE_ADDED)) { final CNode node = (CNode) o.getParameters().get(0); if (o.getParameters().size() != 3) { throw new IllegalStateException("Missing node position !"); } final Point2D point = new Point2D.Double((Double) o.getParameters().get(1), (Double) o.getParameters().get(2)); layout.setLocation(node, point); } else if (o.getOperation().equals(Operation.NODE_MOVED)) { final CNode node = (CNode) o.getParameters().get(0); if (o.getParameters().size() != 5) { throw new IllegalStateException("Missing node position !"); } final Point2D point = new Point2D.Double((Double) o.getParameters().get(3), (Double) o.getParameters().get(4)); layout.setLocation(node, point); } else if (o.getOperation().equals(Operation.LAYOUT_CHANGED)) { final Map<CNode, CPoint> newPos = (Map<CNode, CPoint>) o.getParameters().get(1); for (CNode node : newPos.keySet()) { final CPoint tmp = newPos.get(node); layout.setLocation(node, new Point2D.Double(tmp.getX(), tmp.getY())); } } } return layout; } /** * FIXME : 0,0 for counters and no variables * * @param g1 * @param g2 * @return */ public static List<GraphOperation> diff(final CUser user, final Graph<CNode, CEdge> g1, final Graph<CNode, CEdge> g2) { final List<GraphOperation> res = new ArrayList<GraphOperation>(); final Collection<CNode> nodes1 = g1.getVertices(); final Collection<CNode> toBeRemoved = new ArrayList<CNode>(nodes1); final Collection<CNode> nodes2 = g2.getVertices(); final Collection<CNode> toBeAdded = new ArrayList<CNode>(nodes2); final Collection<CEdge> edges1 = g1.getEdges(); final Collection<CEdge> edgesToBeRemoved = new ArrayList<CEdge>(g1.getEdges()); final Collection<CEdge> edges2 = g2.getEdges(); final Collection<CEdge> edgesToBeAdded = new ArrayList<CEdge>(g2.getEdges()); toBeRemoved.removeAll(nodes2); toBeAdded.removeAll(nodes1); /** removing useless nodes **/ for (CNode node : toBeRemoved) { res.add(new GraphOperation(0, 0, user, Operation.NODE_REMOVED, new ArrayList<Object>(Arrays.asList(node)))); } /** adding new nodes **/ for (CNode node : toBeAdded) { res.add(new GraphOperation(0, 0, user, Operation.NODE_ADDED, new ArrayList<Object>(Arrays.asList(node)))); } /** * removing edges in G1 that are in G2 (with the same id/name/condition) **/ for (CEdge edge : edges2) { final CEdge foundEdge = g1.findEdge(g2.getSource(edge), g2.getDest(edge)); if (foundEdge != null) { edgesToBeRemoved.remove(foundEdge); if (!edge.containsSameFieldsThat(foundEdge)) { res.add(new GraphOperation(0, 0, user, Operation.EDGE_DATA_UPDATED, new ArrayList<Object>(Arrays.asList(foundEdge, foundEdge.getName(), edge.getName(), foundEdge.getExpression(), edge.getExpression(), foundEdge.getTags(), edge.getTags())))); } } } /** * removing edges in G2 that are in G1 (with the same id/name/condition) **/ for (CEdge edge : edges1) { final CEdge foundEdge = g2.findEdge(g1.getSource(edge), g1.getDest(edge)); if (foundEdge != null) { edgesToBeAdded.remove(foundEdge); } } /** removing nodes edges **/ for (CEdge edge : edgesToBeRemoved) { res.add(new GraphOperation(0, 0, user, Operation.EDGE_REMOVED, new ArrayList<Object>(Arrays.asList(edge, g2.getSource(edge), g2.getDest(edge))))); } /** adding usefull edges **/ for (CEdge edge : edgesToBeAdded) { res.add(new GraphOperation(0, 0, user, Operation.EDGE_ADDED, new ArrayList<Object>(Arrays.asList(edge, g2.getSource(edge), g2.getDest(edge))))); } return res; } /** * * @param xmlString * @return */ public static CGraph getCGraphFrom(final String xmlString) { return buildNewCGraphFromLayout(getLayoutFromXML(xmlString)); } /** * @return */ public static CGraph buildNewLocalCGraph() { return buildNewCGraphWithFRLayout(new GraphWithOperations()); } /** * @return */ public static CGraph buildNewCGraphWithFRLayout(final Graph<CNode, CEdge> gr) { return buildNewCGraphFromLayout(new FRLayout<CNode, CEdge>(gr)); } public static <V, E> GenericCGraph<V, E> buildNewCGenericGraphWithFRLayout(final Graph<V, E> gr) { return buildNewCGraphFromGenericLayout(new FRLayout<V, E>(gr)); } private static <V, E> GenericCGraph<V, E> buildNewCGraphFromGenericLayout(final Layout<V, E> layout) { final GenericCGraph<V, E> cgraph = new GenericCGraph<V, E>(); cgraph.setInternalLayout(layout); return cgraph; } /** * * @param layout * @return */ private static CGraph buildNewCGraphFromLayout(final Layout<CNode, CEdge> layout) { final CGraph cgraph = new CGraph(); cgraph.setInternalLayout(layout); return cgraph; } /** * */ public static CGraph copyCGraph(final CGraph cgr) { final CGraph cgraph = buildNewLocalCGraph(); final List<GraphOperation> l = diff(CUser.ANONYMOUS, cgraph.getInternalGraph(), cgr.getInternalGraph()); applyOperationsToGraph((GraphWithOperations) cgraph.getInternalGraph(), l); return cgraph; } /** * */ public static GraphWithOperations copyGraph(final GraphWithOperations graph) { final GraphWithOperations newGraph = new GraphWithOperations(); final List<GraphOperation> l = graph.getOperations(); applyOperationsToGraph(newGraph, l); return newGraph; } /*** * * @param gwo * @param filterFinalState * @return * @throws Exception */ public static GraphWithOperations filterGraphWithFinalState(GraphWithOperations gwo, CNode filterFinalState) throws Exception { final GraphWithOperations res = new GraphWithOperations(); filterGraphWithFinalState(gwo, res, filterFinalState); return res; } /** * * @param gwo * @param filterFinalStates * @return * @throws Exception */ public static List<GraphWithOperations> filterGraphWithFinalStates(GraphWithOperations gwo, List<CNode> filterFinalStates) throws Exception { final List<GraphWithOperations> list = new ArrayList<GraphWithOperations>(); for (CNode filterFinalState : filterFinalStates) { list.add(filterGraphWithFinalState(gwo, new GraphWithOperations(), filterFinalState)); } return list; } /** * * @param gwo * @param res * @param node * @return * @throws Exception */ private static GraphWithOperations filterGraphWithFinalState(GraphWithOperations gwo, GraphWithOperations res, CNode node) throws Exception { // System.out.println("Entering with node : " + node); Collection<CNode> predecedors = gwo.getPredecessors(node); if (predecedors == null) return gwo; for (CNode predecedor : predecedors) { res.addVertex(predecedor); CEdge edge = gwo.findEdge(predecedor, node); res.addEdge(edge, predecedor, node); filterGraphWithFinalState(gwo, res, predecedor); } return res; } /** * */ public static GraphWithOperations buildGraphWithOperationsFromWekaStringLight(final String graphStr) throws Exception { final Matcher nodeMatch = NODE_PATTERN.matcher(graphStr); final Matcher edgeMatch = EDGE_PATTERN.matcher(graphStr); final GraphWithOperations gwo = new GraphWithOperations(); final Map<String, CNode> map = new HashMap<String, CNode>(); while (nodeMatch.find()) { final String id =; final String variableName =; final int pointCharIdx = variableName.indexOf('('); final CNode node = new CNode((long) id.hashCode(), pointCharIdx > 0 ? variableName.substring(0, pointCharIdx) : variableName); map.put(id, node); gwo.addVertex(node); } while (edgeMatch.find()) { final String from =; final String to =; final String condition =; final String fromNodeName = map.get(from).getName(); gwo.superAddEdge(new CEdge(from + " -> " + to, fromNodeName + condition), map.get(from), map.get(to)); } return gwo; } /** * */ public static GraphWithOperations buildGraphWithOperationsFromWekaRegressionString(final String graphStr) throws Exception { final Matcher nodeMatch = REGRESSION_NODE_PATTERN.matcher(graphStr); final Matcher edgeMatch = EDGE_PATTERN.matcher(graphStr); final GraphWithOperations gwo = new GraphWithOperations(); final Map<String, CNode> map = new HashMap<String, CNode>(); while (nodeMatch.find()) { final String id =; final String variableName =; final int pointCharIdx = variableName.indexOf('('); final CNode node = new CNode((long) id.hashCode(), pointCharIdx > 0 ? variableName.substring(0, pointCharIdx) : variableName); map.put(id, node); gwo.addVertex(node); } while (edgeMatch.find()) { final String from =; final String to =; final String condition =; final String fromNodeName = map.get(from).getName(); gwo.superAddEdge(new CEdge(from + " -> " + to, fromNodeName + condition), map.get(from), map.get(to)); } for (final CNode n : gwo.getVertices()) { n.setName(n.getName().substring(n.getName().indexOf(':') + 1)); } for (final CEdge e : gwo.getEdges()) { e.setExpression(e.getExpression().substring(e.getExpression().indexOf(':') + 1)); } return gwo; } public static int computeMinPathLength(final Graph<CNode, CEdge> graph) { final CNode startNode = GraphUtil.getFirstRoot(graph); return computeMinPathLength(graph, startNode, 1); } public static int computeMinPathLength(final Graph<CNode, CEdge> graph, final CNode node, final int currentDc) { final Collection<CEdge> ces = graph.getOutEdges(node); int res = 0; if (ces.size() == 0) res = currentDc; else { int min = Integer.MAX_VALUE; for (CEdge ce : ces) { final CNode nextNode = graph.getEndpoints(ce).getSecond(); final int dc = computeMinPathLength(graph, nextNode, currentDc + 1); if (dc < min) min = dc; } res = min; } return res; } public static int computeMaxPathLength(final Graph<CNode, CEdge> graph) { if (graph.getVertexCount() == 0) return 0; final CNode startNode = GraphUtil.getFirstRoot(graph); return computeMaxPathLength(graph, startNode, 1); } public static int computeMaxPathLength(final Graph<CNode, CEdge> graph, final CNode node, final int currentDc) { final Collection<CEdge> ces = graph.getOutEdges(node); int res = 0; if (ces.size() == 0) res = currentDc; else { int max = 0; for (CEdge ce : ces) { final CNode nextNode = graph.getEndpoints(ce).getSecond(); final int dc = computeMaxPathLength(graph, nextNode, currentDc + 1); if (dc > max) max = dc; } res = max; } return res; } /** * Get the (first) root of a given graph. */ public static CNode getFirstRoot(final Graph<CNode, CEdge> graph) { if (graph == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("graph null!"); CNode res = null; for (final CNode n : graph.getVertices()) { if (graph.getInEdges(n).isEmpty()) { res = n; break; } } return res; } /** * Get the roots of a given graph. */ public static List<CNode> getRoots(final Graph<CNode, CEdge> graph) { final List<CNode> res = new ArrayList<CNode>(); if (graph == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("graph null!"); for (final CNode n : graph.getVertices()) { if (graph.getInEdges(n).isEmpty()) { res.add(n); } } return res; } private static String getRulesFromGraph(final Graph<CNode, CEdge> graph, final CNode startNode) { final StringBuilder res = new StringBuilder(); final List<List<CEdge>> paths = new ArrayList<List<CEdge>>(); final CNode srcNode = getFirstRoot(graph); findNodes(srcNode, graph, paths, new ArrayList<CEdge>()); final int pathsSize = paths.size(); int i = 0; for (final List<CEdge> edgePath : paths) { final int pathElementSize = edgePath.size(); int j = 0; res.append("("); for (final CEdge pathElement : edgePath) { res.append(pathElement.getExpression()); if (j < pathElementSize - 1) res.append(" ").append(Operator.AND.getLabel()).append(" "); j++; } if (i < pathsSize - 1) res.append(")\n ").append(Operator.OR.getLabel()).append(" \n("); else res.append(")\n"); i++; } return res.toString(); } /** * * @param srcNode * @param graph * @param result * @param path */ private static void findNodes(final CNode srcNode, Graph<CNode, CEdge> graph, List<List<CEdge>> result, List<CEdge> path) { if (graph.getOutEdges(srcNode).isEmpty()) { Collections.sort(path, new Comparator<CEdge>() { @Override public int compare(CEdge o1, CEdge o2) { return o1.getExpression().compareTo(o2.getExpression()); } }); // alphabetic order for expression result.add(path); } else { for (final CEdge edge : graph.getOutEdges(srcNode)) { path.add(edge); findNodes(graph.getDest(edge), graph, result, path); } } } /** * * @param graph * @return */ public static String getRulesFromGraph(final Graph<CNode, CEdge> graph) { return getRulesFromGraph(graph, GraphUtil.getFirstRoot(graph)); } /** * * @param graph * @return */ public static final List<String> getFinalStates(final Graph<CNode, CEdge> graph) { final Set<String> s = new HashSet<String>(); for (final CNode n : graph.getVertices()) { if (graph.getSuccessorCount(n) == 0) { final int idx = n.getName().indexOf('('); if (idx >= 0) s.add(n.getName().substring(0, idx).trim()); else s.add(n.getName().trim()); } } return new ArrayList<String>(s); } public static final List<String> getFinalStates(final Graph<CNode, CEdge> graph, final CNode root) { final Set<String> s = new HashSet<String>(); for (final CNode n : graph.getSuccessors(root)) { if (graph.getSuccessorCount(n) == 0) { final int idx = n.getName().indexOf('('); if (idx >= 0) s.add(n.getName().substring(0, idx).trim()); else s.add(n.getName().trim()); } } return new ArrayList<String>(s); } /** * * @param graph * @return */ public static boolean isGraphCyclic(final Graph<CNode, CEdge> graph) { boolean cycle = false; ArrayList<CNode> alreadyVisited = new ArrayList<CNode>(); ArrayList<CNode> criticalList = new ArrayList<CNode>(); Iterator<CNode> e = graph.getVertices().iterator(); CNode tmpNode = null; while (e.hasNext() && !cycle) { tmpNode =; if (!alreadyVisited.contains(tmpNode)) { cycle = visit(graph, tmpNode, criticalList); } alreadyVisited.add(tmpNode); } return cycle; } /** * * @param id * @param critical * @return */ private static boolean visit(final Graph<CNode, CEdge> graph, CNode tmpNode, List<CNode> critical) { boolean cycle = false; if (critical.contains(tmpNode)) { return true; } else { final List<CNode> succ = new ArrayList<CNode>(graph.getSuccessors(tmpNode)); if (succ != null) { critical.add(tmpNode); for (int i = 0; i < succ.size() && !cycle; i++) { cycle = visit(graph, succ.get(i), critical); } critical.remove(tmpNode); } } return cycle; } /** * * @param layout * @return */ public static Point2D getCenter(Set<CNode> picked, Layout<CNode, CEdge> layout) { double minX = Integer.MAX_VALUE, maxX = Integer.MIN_VALUE, minY = Integer.MAX_VALUE, maxY = Integer.MIN_VALUE; for (final CNode n : picked) { final Point2D point = layout.transform(n); // center of the node if (point.getX() < minX) { minX = point.getX(); } if (point.getX() > maxX) { maxX = point.getX(); } if (point.getY() < minY) { minY = point.getY(); } if (point.getY() > maxY) { maxY = point.getY(); } } final int graphWidth = (int) (maxX - minX); final int graphHeigth = (int) (maxY - minY); return new Point2D.Double(minX + graphWidth / 2.0f, minY + graphHeigth / 2.0f); } /** * Get the sub-graph that includes node * * @param node * @return */ public static Graph<CNode, CEdge> getSubGraph(CNode node, Graph<CNode, CEdge> graph) { final GraphConnexity<CNode, CEdge> cn = new GraphConnexity<CNode, CEdge>(graph); return cn.getSubGraph(node); } /** * return if background of a node is dark or not * * @param v * @return */ public static boolean isDarkNode(final CNode v) { final Color c = v.getColor(); return ((c.getBlue() + c.getGreen() + c.getRed()) / 3 < 128); } /** * * @param layout * @param picked */ public static Layout<CNode, CEdge> reorganize(Layout<CNode, CEdge> layout, Set<CNode> picked) { Layout<CNode, CEdge> subLayout = null; //create map that copy the transformer of existing layout final HashMap<CNode, CPoint> mapTransform1 = new LinkedHashMap<CNode, CPoint>(); for (CNode v : layout.getGraph().getVertices()) { final Point2D tmp = layout.transform(v); mapTransform1.put(v, new CPoint(tmp.getX(), tmp.getY())); } // final Graph<CNode, CEdge> graph = layout.getGraph(); final AggregateLayout<CNode, CEdge> clusteringLayout = new AggregateLayout<CNode, CEdge>(layout); // put the picked vertices into a new sublayout //final Set<CNode> picked = vv.getPickedVertexState().getPicked(); if (picked != null && picked.size() >= 1) { final Point2D initCenter = GraphUtil.getCenter(picked, layout); final Graph<CNode, CEdge> subGraph = new DirectedSparseGraph<CNode, CEdge>(); try { for (CNode vertex : picked) { subGraph.addVertex(vertex); final Collection<CEdge> incidentEdges = graph.getIncidentEdges(vertex); if (incidentEdges != null) { for (final CEdge edge : incidentEdges) { final Pair<CNode> endpoints = graph.getEndpoints(edge); if (picked.containsAll(endpoints)) { subGraph.addEdge(edge, endpoints.getFirst(), endpoints.getSecond()); } } } } subLayout = buildMinimumSpanningForestLayout(subGraph); subLayout.setInitializer(layout); if (!(subLayout instanceof TreeLayout)) { subLayout.setSize(clusteringLayout.getSize()); } final Point2D subGraphCenter = GraphUtil.getCenter(picked, subLayout); final Point2D subLayoutCenter = new Point2D.Double(subLayout.getSize().getWidth() / 2, subLayout.getSize().getHeight() / 2); //System.out.println("Initial init center : " + initCenter); initCenter.setLocation(initCenter.getX() + (subLayoutCenter.getX() - subGraphCenter.getX()), initCenter.getY() + (subLayoutCenter.getY() - subGraphCenter.getY())); //System.out.println("Corrected init center : " + initCenter); clusteringLayout.put(subLayout, initCenter); //create map that copy the transformer of new layout final HashMap<CNode, CPoint> mapTransform2 = new LinkedHashMap<CNode, CPoint>(); for (CNode v : layout.getGraph().getVertices()) { final Point2D tmp = clusteringLayout.transform(v); mapTransform2.put(v, new CPoint(tmp.getX(), tmp.getY())); } // /** save the new layout and historize it !! */ ((GraphWithOperations) layout.getGraph()).changeLayout(mapTransform1, mapTransform2); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return subLayout; } /** * Build Minimum Spanning Forest layout * @param graph * @return */ public static Layout<CNode, CEdge> buildMinimumSpanningForestLayout(final Graph<CNode, CEdge> graph) { final Graph<CNode, CEdge> copyGraph = new DirectedSparseGraph<CNode, CEdge>(); for (final CNode node : graph.getVertices()) { copyGraph.addVertex(node); } for (final CEdge edge : graph.getEdges()) { copyGraph.addEdge(edge, graph.getSource(edge), graph.getDest(edge)); } @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) final Layout<CNode, CEdge> subLayout = new TreeLayout<CNode, CEdge>( new MinimumSpanningForest2<CNode, CEdge>(copyGraph, new DelegateForest<CNode, CEdge>(), DelegateTree.<CNode, CEdge>getFactory(), new ConstantTransformer(1.0)).getForest(), 250, 250); return subLayout; } /** * * @param gwo * @return */ public static CGraph buildNewCGraphReorganizedLayout(GraphWithOperations gwo) { final CGraph cgraph = new CGraph(); final Layout<CNode, CEdge> def = new StaticLayout<CNode, CEdge>(gwo); final Layout<CNode, CEdge> layout = GraphUtil.reorganize(def, new HashSet<CNode>(gwo.getVertices())); for (CNode node : gwo.getVertices()) { def.setLocation(node, layout.transform(node)); } cgraph.setInternalLayout(def); return cgraph; } public static final CNode findNodeWithNameStartingWith(final GraphWithOperations gwo, final String name) { for (CNode cn : gwo.getVertices()) { if (cn.getName().startsWith(name)) return cn; } return null; } public static final int computeDistWithRoot(final GraphWithOperations gwo, final CNode cn) { final CNode root = GraphUtil.getFirstRoot(gwo); CNode visitor = cn; int i = 0; while (!visitor.equals(root)) { final Collection<CEdge> edges = gwo.getInEdges(visitor); if (edges.size() != 1) throw new IllegalStateException(); final CEdge edge = edges.iterator().next(); visitor = gwo.getSource(edge); i++; } return i; } public static final CNode findAncestorAtLevel(final GraphWithOperations gwo, final CNode cn, final int level) { CNode visitor = cn; while (computeDistWithRoot(gwo, visitor) > level) { final Collection<CEdge> edges = gwo.getInEdges(visitor); if (edges.size() != 1) throw new IllegalStateException(); final CEdge edge = edges.iterator().next(); visitor = gwo.getSource(edge); } return visitor; } public static List<CNode> getNodesAtLevel(final GraphWithOperations gwo, final int level) { final Collection<CNode> nodes = gwo.getVertices(); final List<CNode> l = new ArrayList<CNode>(); for (final CNode cn : nodes) { if (GraphUtil.computeDistWithRoot(gwo, cn) == level) l.add(cn); } return l; } public static boolean isNodeSimplifiable(final Graph<CNode, CEdge> graph, final CNode node) { boolean isBeforeFinalStates = (graph.getSuccessorCount(node) > 0); for (final CNode next : graph.getSuccessors(node)) { isBeforeFinalStates &= (graph.getSuccessorCount(next) == 0); } if (!isBeforeFinalStates) return false; final Set<String> s = new HashSet<String>(getFinalStates(graph, node)); return (s.size() == 1); } public static CNode getFirstNodeSimplifiable(final Graph<CNode, CEdge> graph) { for (final CNode n : graph.getVertices()) { if (isNodeSimplifiable(graph, n)) return n; } return null; } public static void simplify(final Graph<CNode, CEdge> graph) { CNode n = null; while ((n = getFirstNodeSimplifiable(graph)) != null) { final Collection<CEdge> toRemove = new ArrayList<CEdge>(graph.getOutEdges(n)); String newname = null; for (final CEdge ce : toRemove) { newname = graph.getDest(ce).getName(); graph.removeVertex(graph.getDest(ce)); graph.removeEdge(ce); } n.setName(newname); } } }