Example usage for java.awt.event WindowAdapter subclass-usage

List of usage examples for java.awt.event WindowAdapter subclass-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for java.awt.event WindowAdapter subclass-usage.


From source file Framework.java

public class Framework extends WindowAdapter {
    public int numWindows = 0;
    private Point lastLocation = null;
    private int maxX = 500;
    private int maxY = 500;

From source file components.FrameDemo2.java

public class FrameDemo2 extends WindowAdapter implements ActionListener {
    private Point lastLocation = null;
    private int maxX = 500;
    private int maxY = 500;

    //the main frame's default button

From source file com.alvermont.terraj.util.ui.LookAndFeelWatcher.java

 * Class that reacts to look and feel change events and gets a window to
 * update its look and feel.
 * @author  martin
 * @version $Id: LookAndFeelWatcher.java,v 1.5 2006/07/06 06:58:34 martin Exp $

From source file FrameDemo2.java

public class FrameDemo2 extends WindowAdapter implements ActionListener {
    private Point lastLocation = null;

    private int maxX = 500;

    private int maxY = 500;

From source file FrameDemo2.java

public class FrameDemo2 extends WindowAdapter implements ActionListener {
    private Point lastLocation = null;
    private int maxX = 500;
    private int maxY = 500;

    // the main frame's default button

From source file org.fhaes.fhfilechecker.FrameViewHelp.java

class Frame_HelpView_this_windowAdapter extends WindowAdapter {
    private FrameViewHelp adaptee;

    Frame_HelpView_this_windowAdapter(FrameViewHelp adaptee) {
        this.adaptee = adaptee;

From source file org.fhaes.fhfilechecker.FrameViewOutput.java

class Frame_OutputView_this_windowAdapter extends WindowAdapter {

    private final FrameViewOutput adaptee;

    Frame_OutputView_this_windowAdapter(FrameViewOutput adaptee) {

From source file es.emergya.ui.base.BasicWindow.java

class RemoveClientesConectadosListener extends WindowAdapter {

     * Elimina de ClientesConectados el cliente correspondiente a esta estacin
     * fija.

From source file fi.hoski.remote.ui.Admin.java

 * @author Timo Vesalainen
public class Admin extends WindowAdapter {
    public static final int MAXMEMBER = 90000;
    public static URL SPREADSHEET_FEED_URL;

From source file corelyzer.ui.CorelyzerApp.java

public class CorelyzerApp extends WindowAdapter implements MouseListener, StartupNotification.Listener {
    static boolean MAC_OS_X = System.getProperty("os.name").toLowerCase().startsWith("mac os x");

    final static int MENU_MASK = MAC_OS_X ? Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getMenuShortcutKeyMask()
            : ActionEvent.CTRL_MASK;