Java tutorial
/****************************************************************************** * * CoreWall / Corelyzer - An Initial Core Description Tool * Copyright (C) 2004, 2005 Arun Gangadhar Gudur Rao, Julian Yu-Chung Chen * Electronic Visualization Laboratory, University of Illinois at Chicago * * This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either Version 2.1 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public * License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser Public License along * with this software; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * Questions or comments about CoreWall should be directed to * * *****************************************************************************/ package corelyzer.ui; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Frame; import java.awt.GridLayout; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.awt.Toolkit; import java.awt.Window; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import java.awt.event.KeyListener; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.awt.event.MouseListener; import java.awt.event.MouseWheelEvent; import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter; import java.awt.event.WindowEvent; import java.awt.event.WindowFocusListener; import; import; import; import; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.prefs.Preferences; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import javax.swing.BorderFactory; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JList; import javax.swing.JMenu; import javax.swing.JMenuBar; import javax.swing.JMenuItem; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JPopupMenu; import javax.swing.JProgressBar; import javax.swing.JScrollPane; import javax.swing.KeyStroke; import javax.swing.ListSelectionModel; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import javax.swing.ToolTipManager; import javax.swing.WindowConstants; import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionEvent; import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionListener; import org.apache.http.NameValuePair; import com.brsanthu.googleanalytics.*; import com.install4j.api.launcher.StartupNotification; import corelyzer.controller.CRExperimentController; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import corelyzer.handlers.ProgressHandler; import corelyzer.helper.FilenameExtensionFilter; import; import corelyzer.plugin.CorelyzerPlugin; import corelyzer.plugin.CorelyzerPluginManager; import corelyzer.ui.annotation.CRNavigationSetupDialog; import corelyzer.ui.annotation.clast.ClastStatisticsDialog; import corelyzer.ui.annotation.freeform.FreeformAnnotationListDialog; import corelyzer.ui.annotation.sampling.SampleRequestListDialog; public class CorelyzerApp extends WindowAdapter implements MouseListener, StartupNotification.Listener { static boolean MAC_OS_X = System.getProperty("").toLowerCase().startsWith("mac os x"); final static int MENU_MASK = MAC_OS_X ? Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getMenuShortcutKeyMask() : ActionEvent.CTRL_MASK; public static boolean isOSX() { return MAC_OS_X; } private static void addAllPlugins(final File file, final java.util.List<String> plugins) { if (file.exists()) { String[] allJarFiles = file.list(new FilenameExtensionFilter("jar")); for (String filename : allJarFiles) { String pluginName = filename.substring(0, filename.length() - 4); plugins.add(pluginName); System.out.println("-- [Found Plugin] " + pluginName); } } } private static void doStartupChecks() { String javaVersion = System.getProperty("java.version"); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(javaVersion, "."); if (st.countTokens() >= 2) { final int majorVersion = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()); final int minorVersion = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()); if (!MAC_OS_X && majorVersion <= 1 && minorVersion <= 6) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Detected Java version " + javaVersion + ":\n" + "Java 1.7 or later is recommended for use with this version of Corelyzer."); } } } // ==================================================================== private static CRPreferences handlePreferences() { CRPreferences prefs = new CRPreferences(); boolean hasConfDir = false; boolean hasDirConf = false; boolean hasDirs = true; boolean hasDisplayConf = false; boolean hasUIConf = false; // Create Corelyzer config dir if there's none. String sp = System.getProperty("file.separator"); File conf_dir = new File(prefs.config_Directory); File data_dir = new File(prefs.datastore_Directory); File anno_dir = new File(prefs.annotation_Directory); if (!conf_dir.exists()) { conf_dir.mkdir(); } else { hasConfDir = true; } if (!data_dir.exists()) { data_dir.mkdir(); } if (!anno_dir.exists()) { anno_dir.mkdir(); } new File(prefs.annotation_Directory + sp + "attachments").mkdir(); // Load directory config if there is a config file available File dirs_config = new File(prefs.config_Directory + sp + CRPreferences.directoryConfigFileName); if (dirs_config.exists()) { hasDirConf = prefs.readDirectoryConfig(prefs.config_Directory); } else { // no dir setup, so create default ones File cache_dir = new File(prefs.cache_Directory); File imgb_dir = new File(prefs.texBlock_Directory); File down_dir = new File(prefs.download_Directory); File tmp_dir = new File(prefs.tmp_Directory); if (!cache_dir.exists()) { System.out.println("-- [INFO] Create cache dir: " + cache_dir); cache_dir.mkdir(); } if (!imgb_dir.exists()) { System.out.println("-- [INFO] Create imgblock dir: " + imgb_dir); imgb_dir.mkdir(); } if (!down_dir.exists()) { System.out.println("-- [INFO] Create download dir: " + down_dir); down_dir.mkdir(); } if (!tmp_dir.exists()) { System.out.println("-- [INFO] Create temp dir: " + tmp_dir); tmp_dir.mkdir(); } } // Load display config if there is a config file available File display_config = new File(prefs.config_Directory + "/display.conf"); if (display_config.exists()) { hasDisplayConf = prefs.readDisplayConfig(display_config); } // Load UI config if there is a config file available File ui_config = new File(prefs.config_Directory + "/ui.conf"); if (ui_config.exists()) { hasUIConf = prefs.readUIConfig(ui_config); } // Check what's missing & invoke preference dialog accordingly if (!hasConfDir || !(hasDirConf && hasDisplayConf && hasUIConf) || !hasDirs) { // 4/25/2012 brg: toolFrame doesn't exist at this point, leading to NullPointerException that // prevents launch: go with no parent instead. CRPreferencesDialog prefDialog = new CRPreferencesDialog(null, prefs); prefDialog.pack(); prefDialog.setSize(450, 750); Dimension scrnsize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize(); int loc_x = scrnsize.width / 2 - prefDialog.getSize().width / 2; int loc_y = scrnsize.height / 2 - prefDialog.getSize().height / 2; prefDialog.setLocation(loc_x, loc_y); prefDialog.setAlwaysOnTop(true); int mode = 0; if (!hasConfDir) { mode = 0; } else if (!hasDirConf || !hasDirs) { mode = 1; } else if (!hasDisplayConf) { mode = 2; } /* * else if (!hasUIConf) { mode = 3; } */ prefDialog.start(mode, prefs); prefDialog.setVisible(true); prefs = prefDialog.getPreferences(); prefDialog.dispose(); } else { prefs.isInited = true; } if (prefs != null) { prefs.isInited = true; } System.out.println(prefs.dumpDirectoryConfig()); return prefs; } private static String[] initPlugins() { Vector<String> plugins = new Vector<String>(); addAllPlugins(new File("plugins"), plugins); addAllPlugins(new File("../plugins"), plugins); return plugins.toArray(new String[plugins.size()]); } private String currentSessionFile = ""; String fileassociation = ""; // SceneGraph data strcture CRPreferences preferences; boolean isGLInited = false; private static CorelyzerApp app; private GLContext sharedContext; private Vector<CorelyzerGLCanvas> canvasVec; private Vector<Window> windowVec; Vector<JMenuItem> pluginMenuItemVec; // controller CorelyzerAppController controller; String[] plugins; // view // GUI components boolean usePluginUI = false; int pluginUIIndex = -1; JFrame mainFrame; String baseTitle; // mainFrame title i.e. "Corelyzer [version]" JPanel rootPanel; JList sessionList; JList trackList; JList sectionList; JList dataFileList; JList fieldList; JMenu friendsMenu; JMenu pluginMenu; JMenu recentSessionsMenu; JMenuBar menuBar; // File Menu JMenuItem createTrackMenuItem; JMenuItem loadDataMenuItem; JMenuItem loadStateFileMenuItem; JMenuItem loadImageMenuItem; // sessionList PopupMenu JPopupMenu sessionPopupMenu; // trackList PopupMenu JPopupMenu trackPopupMenu; JMenuItem trackPopupDeleteMenuItem; // dataSet PopupMenu JPopupMenu dataPopupMenu; JMenuItem dataPopupGraphMenuItem; CRToolPalette toolFrame; static final int APP_NORMAL_MODE = 0; static final int APP_MEASURE_MODE = 1; static final int APP_MARKER_MODE = 2; static final int APP_CLAST_MODE = 3; static final int APP_CUT_MODE = 4; // Returns the single instance of the CorelyzerApp class public static CorelyzerApp getApp() { return; } /** * Entry point of the application. Initialized the application, starts up * the corelyzer.helper.SceneGraph system, and setups up last known * settings. * * @param args * Plugin names and input session file, if there's any */ public static void main(final String[] args) { doStartupChecks(); CRPreferences prefs = handlePreferences(); // If somehow the user click on 'Cancel' in their first run, just quit. if (prefs == null) { System.exit(0); } // Test Quaqua Look and Feel /* * if (prefs.getUseQuaqua()) { * System.setProperty("Quaqua.tabLayoutPolicy", "wrap"); * * try { UIManager.setLookAndFeel( * "ch.randelshofer.quaqua.QuaquaLookAndFeel"); } catch (Exception e) { * System.err.println("Exception in setting LAF: " + e); } } */ String[] plugins = initPlugins(); CorelyzerApp myApp = new CorelyzerApp(plugins, prefs); // CRNotificationPrompt.notifyGrowl("Execution", "Status", // "Corelyzer Started"); if (prefs.getAutoCheckVersion()) { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { AboutDialog aboutDlg = new AboutDialog(CorelyzerApp.getApp().getMainFrame()); aboutDlg.checkUpdateAction(true); aboutDlg.dispose(); } }); } if (myApp.preferences.isInited) { myApp.startup(); myApp.pingLaunchTracker(); } // apply preferences SceneGraph.startUp(); SceneGraph.setTexBlockDirectory(myApp.preferences.texBlock_Directory); // apply ui preferences myApp.preferences.applyUIConfig(); // file association // on windows when app start with associated file boolean bOpenFile = false; if (myApp.fileassociation.length() == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { System.out.println("app args[" + i + "]:" + args[i]); if (args[i].toLowerCase().endsWith(".cml")) { myApp.fileassociation = args[i]; bOpenFile = true; } } } else { bOpenFile = true; } // load associated file if app start with it: windows only if (bOpenFile) { StateLoader stateLoader = new StateLoader(); stateLoader.loadState(myApp.fileassociation); myApp.updateGLWindows(); } myApp.installPaletteVisibilityManager(); // show tooltips for 10 seconds before dismissing - default time seems a bit too short ToolTipManager.sharedInstance().setDismissDelay(10000); } // Reuse helpAction in main frame and tool palette ActionListener helpActionListener = null; // Constructor. Accepts a listing of strings to plugin objects to // load up and incorporate into the system. This method, creates objects, // the base OpenGL context shared among contexts created later, // and brings up the display configuration dialog. public CorelyzerApp() { super(); canvasVec = new Vector<CorelyzerGLCanvas>(); windowVec = new Vector<Window>(); } public CorelyzerApp(final String[] plugins) { this(plugins, new CRPreferences()); } public CorelyzerApp(final String[] plugins, final CRPreferences prefs) { this(); this.plugins = plugins; controller = new CorelyzerAppController(this); // create UI components app = this; setPreferences(prefs); setupUI(); controller.startup(); controller.macOSXRegistration(); //StartupNotification startupNotify = new StartupNotification(); // noinspection AccessStaticViaInstance StartupNotification.registerStartupListener(this); } private PaletteVisibilityManager pvm = new PaletteVisibilityManager(); public void installPaletteVisibilityManager() { for (Window canvasWindow : windowVec) { canvasWindow.addWindowListener(pvm); } toolFrame.addWindowListener(pvm); getMainFrame().addWindowListener(pvm); } // Google Analytics launch tracking public void pingLaunchTracker() { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { // load or create unique user ID Preferences sysPrefs = Preferences.userNodeForPackage(CorelyzerApp.class); String uuid = sysPrefs.get("uuid", null); if (uuid == null) { uuid = java.util.UUID.randomUUID().toString(); sysPrefs.put("uuid", uuid); } // track launch GoogleAnalytics ga = new GoogleAnalytics("UA-88247383-1"); GoogleAnalyticsResponse response = ga .post(new PageViewHit("", "launch: UUID=" + uuid)); // for (NameValuePair kvp : response.getPostedParms()) { // System.out.println("key: " + kvp.getName() + ", value: "+ kvp.getValue()); // } } }); } public boolean containsDatasetName(final String aName) { return controller.containsTrackName(aName); } public boolean containsTrackName(final String aName) { return controller.containsTrackName(aName); } /** * Called by the DisplayConfiguration dialog class to begin the creation of * the OpenGL windows given previously set parameters of rows and columns of * monitors, and the properties of each monitor */ public void createGLWindows() { int nrows = preferences.numberOfRows; int ncols = preferences.numberOfColumns; int tileWidth = preferences.screenWidth; int tileHeight = preferences.screenHeight; float borderLeft = preferences.borderLeft; float borderRight = preferences.borderRight; float borderDown = preferences.borderDown; float borderUp = preferences.borderUp; float screenDpiX = preferences.dpix; float screenDpiY = preferences.dpiy; int row_offset, column_offset; try { row_offset = Integer.parseInt(preferences.getProperty("display.row_offset")); column_offset = Integer.parseInt(preferences.getProperty("display.column_offset")); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { row_offset = 0; column_offset = 0; } // brg 1/17/2012: In Windows Vista and 7, Z-order issues with tool windows and the main canvas // are abundant and beyond my abilities to fix. We discovered a workaround - reduce the // canvas size by a single row/column of pixels, and everything will work properly. Enforce // this programatically until we find a fix. final String osName = System.getProperty("").toLowerCase(); final boolean isWindowsCompositingOS = (osName.equals("windows 7") || osName.equals("windows vista")); if (isWindowsCompositingOS) tileHeight--; // remove one row SceneGraph.setCanvasRowcAndColumn(nrows, ncols); sharedContext = null; int r, c, canvasNum = 0; for (r = 0; r < nrows; r++) { for (c = 0; c < ncols; c++) { // Allow alpha GL context GLProfile profile = GLProfile.getDefault(); GLCapabilities cap = new GLCapabilities(profile);//GLProfile.getDefault() ); cap.setAlphaBits(8); // System.out.println("---> GL " + cap.toString()); /* * if(MAC_OS_X) { win = new JFrame(); ((JFrame) * win).setUndecorated(true); } else { win = new JWindow(); } */ Window win = new JFrame(); ((JFrame) win).setUndecorated(true); win.setLocation(c * tileWidth + column_offset, r * tileHeight + row_offset); // brg 3/16/2012: Once we have a shared context, it must be passed in the constructor. // The setContext() method doesn't work. (JOGL bug?) GLCanvas cvs = null; if (sharedContext != null) cvs = new GLCanvas(cap, null, sharedContext, null); else cvs = new GLCanvas(cap); win.add(cvs); win.addWindowFocusListener(new WindowFocusListener() { public void windowGainedFocus(final WindowEvent event) { // do nothing } public void windowLostFocus(final WindowEvent event) { String isCanvasAlwaysBelow = preferences.getProperty("ui.canvas.alwaysBelow"); boolean b; try { b = Boolean.parseBoolean(isCanvasAlwaysBelow); } catch (Exception e) { b = true; } if (b) { GLWindowsToBack(); } } }); canvasNum++; windowVec.add(win); final float px = tileWidth * c + (borderLeft + borderRight) * screenDpiX * c; final float py = tileHeight * r + (borderUp + borderDown) * screenDpiY * r; final int id = SceneGraph.genCanvas(px, py, tileWidth, tileHeight, screenDpiX, screenDpiY); CorelyzerGLCanvas cglc = new CorelyzerGLCanvas(cvs, tileWidth, tileHeight, px, py, id); canvasVec.add(cglc); // if it's the bottom most screen or the first column, // then mark to draw depth scale if (c == 0) { SceneGraph.setCanvasFirstColumn(cglc.getCanvasID(), true); } if (r == nrows - 1) { SceneGraph.setCanvasBottomRow(cglc.getCanvasID(), true); } win.pack(); win.setVisible(true); // brg 3/16/2012: In JOGL2, a GLCanvas's context is only usable after the // canvas has been made visible. Grab the context from the first canvas // and share with subsequent canvases at construction-time. if (sharedContext == null) sharedContext = cvs.getContext(); win.toBack(); } } createTrackMenuItem.setEnabled(true); loadDataMenuItem.setEnabled(true); loadStateFileMenuItem.setEnabled(true); isGLInited = true; } // Called by the PluginManager to create the menu items to // select which plugin window to pull up public void createPluginMenuItems(final Vector pluginNames) { JMenuItem pluginMenuItem; for (int k = 0; k < pluginNames.size(); k++) { pluginMenuItem = new JMenuItem((String) pluginNames.elementAt(k)); pluginMenuItem.addActionListener(controller); pluginMenu.add(pluginMenuItem); pluginMenuItemVec.add(pluginMenuItem); if (k == getPluginUIIndex()) { pluginMenuItem.setEnabled(false); } } } // delegate methods to controller public void createSession(final String aName) { controller.createSession(aName); } public int createTrack(final String aName) { return controller.createTrack(aName); } public void deleteSection(final int trackId, final int sectionId) { controller.deleteSection(trackId, sectionId); } public void deleteTrack(final String aName) { controller.deleteTrack(aName); } /** * Called withing the system to destroy the OpenGL windows. WARNING!!! * Should not be called by anyone. */ public void destroyGLWindows() { SceneGraph.destroyCanvases(); canvasVec.clear(); windowVec.clear(); isGLInited = false; } // Returns the thickness of lower part of each monitor in inches. public float getBorderDown() { return preferences.borderDown; } // Returns the thickness of left part of each monitor in inches. public float getBorderLeft() { return preferences.borderLeft; } // Returns the thickness of right part of each monitor in inches. public float getBorderRight() { return preferences.borderRight; } // Returns the thickness of upper part of each monitor in inches. public float getBorderUp() { return preferences.borderUp; } // Returns the Vector object holding references to the CorelyzerGLCanvases public Vector<CorelyzerGLCanvas> getCanvasVec() { return canvasVec; } public CorelyzerAppController getController() { return controller; } public String getCurrentSessionFile() { return currentSessionFile; } // Returns the JList object holding the datafile names public JList getDataFileList() { return dataFileList; } // Returns the DefaultListModel of the datafile list object public CRDefaultListModel getDataFileListModel() { return getListModel(CRListModels.DATASET); } public JFrame getDefaultMainFrame() { return mainFrame; } public String getDownloadDirectoryPath() { return controller.getDownloadDirectoryPath(); } // Returns the JList object holding the datafile's field names public JList getFieldList() { return fieldList; } // Returns the DatasetRepository object that helps to keep track of // the datasets loaded up // public DataSetRepository getDataSetRepo() { // return controller.datasetRepository; // } // Returns the DefaultListModel of the field list object public CRDefaultListModel getFieldListModel() { return getListModel(CRListModels.FIELD); } public ActionListener getHelpActionListener() { return helpActionListener; } public CRDefaultListModel getListModel(final String modelName) { return controller.listModels.getListModel(modelName); } // Returns the main user interface JFrame public JFrame getMainFrame() { return (usePluginUI ? getPluginFrame() : mainFrame); } public JMenuBar getMenuBar() { return menuBar; } // Returns the number of columns of monitors. public int getNumCols() { return preferences.numberOfColumns; } // Returns the number of rows of monitors. public int getNumRows() { return preferences.numberOfRows; } public JFrame getPluginFrame() { if (pluginUIIndex != -1) { CorelyzerPlugin p = getPluginManager().getPlugin(pluginUIIndex); return p.getFrame(); } return null; } public CorelyzerPluginManager getPluginManager() { return controller.pluginManager; } public int getPluginUIIndex() { return pluginUIIndex; } // Return appropriate parent for popup messages: mainFrame if it's in the // canvas, otherwise the canvas. Use to prevent popup messages from being // popped behind mainFrame entirely hidden and preventing clicks on canvas. // Workaround is to move mainFrame to reveal obscured popup, but many users // (understandably) just bail out, since Corelyzer behaves as if it's hung/frozen. public Component getPopupParent(CorelyzerGLCanvas srcCanvas) { if (srcCanvas == null) { return getMainFrame(); } Rectangle mfBounds = getMainFrame().getBounds(); Rectangle canvasBounds = srcCanvas.getCanvas().getParent().getBounds(); Point canvasLoc = srcCanvas.getCanvas().getParent().getLocationOnScreen(); canvasBounds.translate(canvasLoc.x, canvasLoc.y); if (mfBounds.intersects(canvasBounds)) { return getMainFrame(); } else { return srcCanvas.getCanvas(); } } public Component getPopupParent() { return getPopupParent(null); } public JProgressBar getProgressUI() { if (usePluginUI) { JFrame f = getPluginFrame(); if (f instanceof ProgressHandler) { ProgressHandler ph = (ProgressHandler) f; return (JProgressBar) ph.getProgressUI(); } } return new JProgressBar(); } // Returns the main user interface JPanel public JPanel getRootPanel() { return rootPanel; } // Returns the horizontal DPI of all the screens. public float getScreenDpiX() { return preferences.dpix; } /** * Returns the vertical DPI of all the screens. * * @return float */ public float getScreenDpiY() { return preferences.dpiy; } // -------------------------------------------------------------- // Returns the JList object holding the selected tracks's section names public JList getSectionList() { return sectionList; } // Returns the DefaultListModel of the section list object public CRDefaultListModel getSectionListModel() { return getListModel(CRListModels.SECTION); } public WellLogDataSet getSelectedDataset() { return (WellLogDataSet) dataFileList.getSelectedValue(); } public String getSelectedField() { return (String) fieldList.getSelectedValue(); } public CoreSection getSelectedSection() { return (CoreSection) sectionList.getSelectedValue(); } // accessor to selected items public Session getSelectedSession() { return (Session) sessionList.getSelectedValue(); } public TrackSceneNode getSelectedTrack() { return (TrackSceneNode) trackList.getSelectedValue(); } public int getSelectedTrackIndex() { return trackList.getSelectedIndex(); } public JList getSessionList() { return sessionList; } public CRDefaultListModel getSessionListModel() { return getListModel(CRListModels.SESSION); } // Returns the height of each monitor in pixels. public float getTileHeight() { return preferences.screenHeight; } // Returns the width of each monitor in pixels. public float getTileWidth() { return preferences.screenWidth; } // Returns the main tool interface JFrame public CRToolPalette getToolFrame() { return toolFrame; } // Returns the JList object holding the track names public JList getTrackList() { return trackList; } // Returns the DefaultListModel of the track list object public CRDefaultListModel getTrackListModel() { return getListModel(CRListModels.TRACK); } public String getCorelyzerVersion() { String defaultVersion = "2.0.4"; String implVersion = this.getClass().getPackage().getImplementationVersion(); return (implVersion == null ? defaultVersion : implVersion); } public void GLWindowsToBack() { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { for (final Window win : windowVec) { win.toBack(); } } }); } private boolean isEven(final int aNumber) { return aNumber % 2 == 0; } public boolean isUsePluginUI() { return usePluginUI; } public int loadData(final File aFile) { return controller.loadData(aFile, true); } public int loadData(final File aFile, final boolean useSAX) { return controller.loadData(aFile, useSAX); } public int loadImage(final File aFile, final String url) { return controller.loadImage(aFile, url); } public int loadImage(final File aFile, final String url, final String sectionName) { return controller.loadImage(aFile, url, sectionName); } public int loadImage(final File aFile, final String url, final String sectionName, final TrackSceneNode destTrack) { return controller.loadImage(aFile, url, sectionName, destTrack); } public void mouseClicked(final MouseEvent e) { if (e.getClickCount() == 2) { // double clicks Object actionSource = e.getSource(); if (actionSource.equals(sectionList)) { int selectedTrackIdx = trackList.getSelectedIndex(); int selectedSectionIdx = sectionList.getSelectedIndex(); if ((selectedTrackIdx < 0) || (selectedSectionIdx < 0)) { // System.out.println("" + selectedTrackIdx + ", " // + selectedSectionIdx); return; } CRDefaultListModel trackListModel = getTrackListModel(); CRDefaultListModel sectionsListModel = getSectionListModel(); if ((trackListModel.getSize() == 0) || (sectionsListModel.getSize() == 0)) { System.out.println("0 list models"); return; } TrackSceneNode t = (TrackSceneNode) trackListModel.getElementAt(selectedTrackIdx); String secname = ((CoreSection) sectionsListModel.getElementAt(selectedSectionIdx)).getName(); if (t == null) { System.out.println("- Null track list selection"); return; } CoreSection cs = t.getCoreSection(secname); if (cs == null) { System.out.println("- Null CoreSection list section"); return; } CRExperimentController.locateSection(t.getId(), cs.getId()); } else if (actionSource.equals(trackList)) { // if it's track, move to track's Y-pos TrackSceneNode t = (TrackSceneNode) trackList.getSelectedValue(); if (t != null) { int nativeTrackId = t.getId(); if (nativeTrackId < 0) { return; } float posX; float posY; SceneGraph.lock(); { if (SceneGraph.getDepthOrientation()) { posX = SceneGraph.getSceneCenterX(); posY = SceneGraph.getTrackYPos(nativeTrackId); } else { posX = -SceneGraph.getTrackYPos(nativeTrackId); posY = SceneGraph.getSceneCenterY(); } SceneGraph.positionScene(posX, posY); } SceneGraph.unlock(); updateGLWindows(); } } } } public void mouseEntered(final MouseEvent e) { } public void mouseExited(final MouseEvent e) { } public void mousePressed(final MouseEvent e) { // From JDK Doc // Note: Popup menus are triggered differently on different systems. // Therefore, isPopupTrigger should be checked in both mousePressed and // mouseReleased for proper cross-platform functionality. Point p = e.getPoint(); Object actionSource = e.getSource(); if (actionSource instanceof JList) { // find the index of the clicked item in the JList int index = ((JList) e.getSource()).locationToIndex(e.getPoint()); if (index < 0) { return; } // show our popup menu if it was a right/ctrl-click if (e.isPopupTrigger()) { if (actionSource.equals(sessionList)) { Session s = (Session) sessionList.getSelectedValue(); JMenuItem t; // Show label switching if (s == null) { return; } String l = s.isShow() ? "Hide" : "Show"; t = (JMenuItem) sessionPopupMenu.getComponent(0); t.setText(l);, p.x, p.y); } else if (actionSource.equals(trackList)) { ((JList) e.getSource()).setSelectedIndex(index); // Update context-aware show/hide TrackSceneNode t = (TrackSceneNode) trackList.getSelectedValue(); if ((t != null) && (t.getId() >= 0)) { boolean isShown = SceneGraph.getTrackShow(t.getId()); String label = isShown ? "Hide" : "Show"; ((JMenuItem) trackPopupMenu.getComponent(0)).setText(label); }, p.x, p.y); } else if (actionSource.equals(sectionList)) { int[] rows = getSectionList().getSelectedIndices(); JPopupMenu menu = sectionListPopupMenu(rows);, p.x, p.y); } else if (actionSource.equals(dataFileList)) { ((JList) e.getSource()).setSelectedIndex(index);, p.x, p.y); } } } } public void mouseReleased(final MouseEvent e) { // From JDK Doc // Note: Popup menus are triggered differently on different systems. // Therefore, isPopupTrigger should be checked in both mousePressed and // mouseReleased for proper cross-platform functionality. Point p = e.getPoint(); Object actionSource = e.getSource(); if (actionSource instanceof JList) { // find the index of the clicked item in the JList int index = ((JList) e.getSource()).locationToIndex(e.getPoint()); if (index < 0) { return; } // show our popup menu if it was a right/ctrl-click if (e.isPopupTrigger()) { if (actionSource.equals(sessionList)) { Session s = (Session) sessionList.getSelectedValue(); JMenuItem t; // Show label switching if (s == null) { return; } String l = s.isShow() ? "Hide" : "Show"; t = (JMenuItem) sessionPopupMenu.getComponent(0); t.setText(l);, p.x, p.y); } else if (actionSource.equals(trackList)) { ((JList) e.getSource()).setSelectedIndex(index); // Update context-aware show/hide TrackSceneNode t = (TrackSceneNode) trackList.getSelectedValue(); if ((t != null) && (t.getId() >= 0)) { boolean isShown = SceneGraph.getTrackShow(t.getId()); String label = isShown ? "Hide" : "Show"; ((JMenuItem) trackPopupMenu.getComponent(0)).setText(label); }, p.x, p.y); } else if (actionSource.equals(sectionList)) { int[] rows = getSectionList().getSelectedIndices(); JPopupMenu menu = sectionListPopupMenu(rows);, p.x, p.y); } else if (actionSource.equals(dataFileList)) { ((JList) e.getSource()).setSelectedIndex(index);, p.x, p.y); } } } } private void onDeleteSelectedSections(final int[] rows) { String mesg = "Are you sure you want to remove all\n" + "selected sections?"; Object[] options = { "Cancel", "Yes" }; int ans = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(app.getMainFrame(), mesg, "Confirmation", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, null, options, options[0]); if (ans == 1) { CoreGraph cg = CoreGraph.getInstance(); TrackSceneNode t = cg.getCurrentTrack(); if (t != null) { int tid = t.getId(); // delete in reverse order for (int i = rows.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { int row = rows[i]; CoreSection cs = t.getCoreSection(row); if (cs != null) { int csid = cs.getId(); controller.deleteSection(tid, csid); } } } } } private void onLocateSelectedSection() { int selectedTrackIdx = trackList.getSelectedIndex(); int selectedSectionIdx = sectionList.getSelectedIndex(); if ((selectedTrackIdx < 0) || (selectedSectionIdx < 0)) { return; } CRDefaultListModel trackListModel = getTrackListModel(); CRDefaultListModel sectionsListModel = getSectionListModel(); if ((trackListModel.getSize() == 0) || (sectionsListModel.getSize() == 0)) { return; } TrackSceneNode t = (TrackSceneNode) trackListModel.getElementAt(selectedTrackIdx); String secname = ((CoreSection) sectionsListModel.getElementAt(selectedSectionIdx)).getName(); CoreSection cs = t.getCoreSection(secname); if (cs == null) { return; } CRExperimentController.locateSection(t.getId(), cs.getId()); } public CRPreferences preferences() { return preferences; } public void quit() { controller.quit(); } public void relocateToolMenu(final int id) { Point p; Window jf; jf = windowVec.elementAt(id); if ((jf != null) && jf.isVisible()) { p = jf.getLocationOnScreen(); // Dimension screenDim = // Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize(); int canvasWidth = preferences().screenWidth; Dimension toolFrameDim = toolFrame.getSize(); p.x += canvasWidth / 2 - toolFrameDim.width / 2; toolFrame.setLocation(p.x, p.y); } } public void scaleSceneCenter(final float scale) { // Find out which canvas covers the scene center int canvasIndex = getNumCols() * (getNumRows() / 2) + getNumCols() / 2; int mX, mY; if (!isEven(getNumRows()) && !isEven(getNumCols())) { mX = (int) getTileWidth() / 2; mY = (int) getTileHeight() / 2; } else { // X direction if (isEven(getNumCols())) { mX = 0; } else { mX = (int) (getTileWidth() + 1) / 2; } // Y direction if (isEven(getNumRows())) { mY = 0; } else { mY = (int) (getTileHeight() + 1) / 2; } } CorelyzerGLCanvas canvas = canvasVec.elementAt(canvasIndex); // MouseWheelEvent(Component source, int id, long when, int modifiers, // int x, int y, int clickCount, boolean popupTrigger, int scrollType, // int scrollAmount, int wheelRotation) MouseWheelEvent scrollEvent = new MouseWheelEvent(canvas.getCanvas(), MouseEvent.MOUSE_WHEEL, System.currentTimeMillis(), 0, mX, mY, 0, false, 0, (int) Math.abs(scale), (int) scale); Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemEventQueue().postEvent(scrollEvent); } private JPopupMenu sectionListPopupMenu(final int[] rows) { // section popup JPopupMenu menu = new JPopupMenu("Sections"); // Section/Image property JMenuItem propertiesMenuItem = new JMenuItem("Properties..."); propertiesMenuItem.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_I, MENU_MASK)); propertiesMenuItem.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) { controller.sectionProperties(rows); } }); JMenuItem splitMenuItem = new JMenuItem("Split..."); if (rows.length > 1) { splitMenuItem.setEnabled(false); } splitMenuItem.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) { controller.sectionSplit(); } }); JMenuItem deleteMenuItem = new JMenuItem("Delete"); deleteMenuItem.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) { onDeleteSelectedSections(rows); } }); JMenuItem locateMenuItem = new JMenuItem("Locate"); locateMenuItem.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) { onLocateSelectedSection(); } }); menu.add(locateMenuItem); menu.add(splitMenuItem); menu.add(propertiesMenuItem); menu.add(deleteMenuItem); return menu; } public void selectTrackByNativeTrackID(final int trackId) { controller.selectTrackByNativeTrackID(trackId); } public void setBorderDown(final float f) { preferences.borderDown = f; } public void setBorderLeft(final float f) { preferences.borderLeft = f; } public void setBorderRight(final float f) { preferences.borderRight = f; } public void setBorderUp(final float f) { preferences.borderUp = f; } public void setCollaborationMode(final boolean mode) { controller.isCollaborativeMode = mode; } public void setCurrentSessionFile(final String currentSessionFile) { this.currentSessionFile = currentSessionFile; // Update mainFrame title if (!currentSessionFile.equals("")) { File f = new File(currentSessionFile); String title = this.baseTitle + " (" + f.getName() + ")"; getMainFrame().setTitle(title); } else { getMainFrame().setTitle(this.baseTitle); } } public void setDisplayOffsets(final int column_offset, final int row_offset) { preferences.column_offset = column_offset; preferences.row_offset = row_offset; preferences.setProperty("display.column_offset", "" + column_offset); preferences.setProperty("display.row_offset", "" + row_offset); } public void setMode(final int mode) { // 0: normal, 1: measure, 2: marker_mod, 3: create_annotation, 4: // cut_section_to_new_track SceneGraph.setMode(mode); SceneGraph.setCoreSectionMarkerFocus(false); // set canvas mode for (int i = 0; i < canvasVec.size(); ++i) { canvasVec.elementAt(i).setMode(mode); } } public void setNumCols(final int i) { preferences.numberOfColumns = i; } public void setNumRows(final int i) { preferences.numberOfRows = i; } public void setPluginUIIndex(final int pluginUIIndex) { this.pluginUIIndex = pluginUIIndex; } public void setPreferences(final CRPreferences p) { preferences = p; } public void setScreenDpiX(final float f) { preferences.dpix = f; } public void setScreenDpiY(final float f) { preferences.dpiy = f; } public void setSelectedTrack(final int trackId) { controller.setSelectedTrack(trackId); } public void setTileHeight(final int i) { preferences.screenHeight = i; } public void setTileWidth(final int i) { preferences.screenWidth = i; } private void setupMenuStuff() { menuBar = new JMenuBar(); // Create File Menu JMenu fileMenu = new JMenu("File"); fileMenu.setMnemonic(KeyEvent.VK_F); JMenuItem createSessionMenuItem = new JMenuItem("Create a Session", KeyEvent.VK_N); createSessionMenuItem.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_N, MENU_MASK)); createSessionMenuItem.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent event) { controller.createSession(); } }); createSessionMenuItem.setEnabled(true); fileMenu.add(createSessionMenuItem); createTrackMenuItem = new JMenuItem("Create a Track", KeyEvent.VK_T); createTrackMenuItem.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_T, MENU_MASK)); createTrackMenuItem.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent event) { controller.createTrack(); } }); createTrackMenuItem.setEnabled(false); fileMenu.add(createTrackMenuItem); fileMenu.addSeparator(); // Images JMenu loadImageMenu = new JMenu("Load Images"); loadImageMenuItem = new JMenuItem("Open Local Image Files...", KeyEvent.VK_M); loadImageMenuItem.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_M, MENU_MASK)); loadImageMenuItem.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent event) { controller.loadImageAction(); } }); loadImageMenu.add(loadImageMenuItem); // "Auto-load" 4/25/2012 brg JMenuItem autoLoadImageMenuItem = new JMenuItem("Open Image Listing..."); autoLoadImageMenuItem.setEnabled(true); autoLoadImageMenuItem.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent event) { controller.loadImageListingAction(); } }); loadImageMenu.add(autoLoadImageMenuItem); // online image services JMenuItem chronosMenuItem = new JMenuItem("Online Image Services..."); loadImageMenu.add(chronosMenuItem); chronosMenuItem.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent event) { IODPListsDialog d = new IODPListsDialog(getMainFrame()); d.pack(); d.setSize(800, 600); d.setLocationRelativeTo(getMainFrame()); d.setVisibleTab(1); d.setVisible(true); } }); fileMenu.add(loadImageMenu); // Numbercal data (plots) JMenu loadDataMenu = new JMenu("Load Data"); loadDataMenuItem = new JMenuItem("Open Local Dataset Files", KeyEvent.VK_D); loadDataMenuItem.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_D, MENU_MASK)); loadDataMenuItem.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent event) { Runnable r = new Runnable() { public void run() { controller.loadData(); } }; new Thread(r).start(); } }); loadDataMenu.add(loadDataMenuItem); fileMenu.add(loadDataMenu); JMenuItem quickDataImportMenuItem = new JMenuItem("Quick Data Import..."); quickDataImportMenuItem.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent event) { controller.quickDataImport(); } }); loadDataMenu.add(quickDataImportMenuItem); JMenuItem importDataMenuItem = new JMenuItem("Custom Data Import..."); importDataMenuItem.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent event) { controller.importData(); } }); loadDataMenu.add(importDataMenuItem); // LoggingDB JMenuItem loggingDBMenuItem = new JMenuItem("LDEO logging DB..."); loggingDBMenuItem.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent event) { IODPListsDialog d = new IODPListsDialog(getMainFrame()); d.pack(); d.setSize(800, 600); d.setLocationRelativeTo(getMainFrame()); d.setVisibleTab(2); d.setVisible(true); } }); loadDataMenu.add(loggingDBMenuItem); fileMenu.addSeparator(); loadStateFileMenuItem = new JMenuItem("Open a Session File", KeyEvent.VK_O); loadStateFileMenuItem.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_O, MENU_MASK)); loadStateFileMenuItem.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent event) { controller.loadStateFile(); } }); loadStateFileMenuItem.setEnabled(false); fileMenu.add(loadStateFileMenuItem); JMenuItem saveMenuItem = new JMenuItem("Save Session", KeyEvent.VK_S); saveMenuItem.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_S, MENU_MASK)); saveMenuItem.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { controller.saveCurrentSession(); } }); fileMenu.add(saveMenuItem); JMenuItem saveStateToFileMenuItem = new JMenuItem("Save Session As...", KeyEvent.VK_S); saveStateToFileMenuItem.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_A, MENU_MASK)); saveStateToFileMenuItem.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent event) { controller.saveStateToFile(); } }); fileMenu.add(saveStateToFileMenuItem); // Session History recentSessionsMenu = new JMenu("Recent Sessions"); controller.refreshSessionHistoryMenu(); fileMenu.add(recentSessionsMenu); fileMenu.addSeparator(); JMenu packageMenu = new JMenu("Core Archive"); JMenuItem importMenuItem = new JMenuItem("Import..."); importMenuItem.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent event) { controller.importPackage(); } }); packageMenu.add(importMenuItem); JMenuItem exportMenuItem = new JMenuItem("Export..."); exportMenuItem.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent event) { controller.exportTheWholeScene(); } }); packageMenu.add(exportMenuItem); fileMenu.add(packageMenu); JMenu limsMenu = new JMenu("IODP"); JMenuItem allIODPLists = new JMenuItem("All IODP lists..."); allIODPLists.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) { IODPListsDialog d = new IODPListsDialog(getMainFrame()); d.pack(); d.setSize(800, 600); d.setLocationRelativeTo(getMainFrame()); d.setVisible(true); } }); limsMenu.add(allIODPLists); JMenuItem loadLIMSTables = new JMenuItem("Load a section list..."); loadLIMSTables.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) { IODPListsDialog d = new IODPListsDialog(getMainFrame()); d.loadLIMSTables(getMainFrame()); d.pack(); d.setSize(800, 600); d.setLocationRelativeTo(getMainFrame()); d.setVisibleTab(0); d.setVisible(true); } }); limsMenu.add(loadLIMSTables); JMenuItem loadAffineTable = new JMenuItem("Load an affine table..."); loadAffineTable.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) { IODPListsDialog d = new IODPListsDialog(getMainFrame()); d.loadAAffineTable(getMainFrame()); d.pack(); d.setSize(800, 600); d.setLocationRelativeTo(getMainFrame()); d.setVisibleTab(3); d.setVisible(true); } }); limsMenu.add(loadAffineTable); JMenuItem loadSpliceTable = new JMenuItem("Load a splice table..."); loadSpliceTable.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) { IODPListsDialog d = new IODPListsDialog(getMainFrame()); d.loadASpliceTable(getMainFrame()); d.pack(); d.setSize(800, 600); d.setLocationRelativeTo(getMainFrame()); d.setVisibleTab(4); d.setVisible(true); } }); limsMenu.add(loadSpliceTable); fileMenu.add(limsMenu); JMenu disMenu = new JMenu("DIS"); JMenuItem disListMenuItem = new JMenuItem("Accessing DIS..."); disListMenuItem.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) { DISListsDialog d = new DISListsDialog(getMainFrame()); d.pack(); d.setSize(800, 600); d.setLocationRelativeTo(getMainFrame()); d.setVisible(true); } }); JMenuItem disImport = new JMenuItem("Import..."); disImport.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent event) { controller.disImport(); } }); JMenuItem disExport = new JMenuItem("Export..."); disExport.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent event) { controller.disExport(); } }); JMenuItem disBatchDataLoad = new JMenuItem("Load Tab Delimited Data File..."); disBatchDataLoad.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent event) { controller.disBatchDataLoad(); } }); disMenu.add(disListMenuItem); disMenu.add(disImport); disMenu.add(disExport); disMenu.add(disBatchDataLoad); fileMenu.add(disMenu); JMenuItem saveOutputToFileMenuItem = new JMenuItem("Export Sheets...", KeyEvent.VK_A); saveOutputToFileMenuItem.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent event) { controller.saveOutputToFile(); } }); fileMenu.add(saveOutputToFileMenuItem); fileMenu.addSeparator(); JMenuItem quitMenuItem = new JMenuItem("Quit"); fileMenu.add(quitMenuItem); quitMenuItem.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_Q, MENU_MASK)); quitMenuItem.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent event) { controller.quit(); } }); menuBar.add(fileMenu); // Create Edit Menu JMenu editMenu = new JMenu("Edit"); editMenu.setMnemonic(KeyEvent.VK_E); JMenuItem clearImageCacheMenuItem = new JMenuItem("Clear Image Cache...", KeyEvent.VK_I); clearImageCacheMenuItem.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent event) { controller.clearImageCache(); } }); editMenu.add(clearImageCacheMenuItem); editMenu.addSeparator(); JMenuItem depthDirection = new JMenuItem("Switch Depth Direction", KeyEvent.VK_K); depthDirection.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_K, MENU_MASK)); depthDirection.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) { boolean b = SceneGraph.getDepthOrientation(); SceneGraph.setDepthOrientation(!b); CorelyzerApp.getApp().updateGLWindows(); } }); editMenu.add(depthDirection); JMenuItem tour = new JMenuItem("Tour..."); tour.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent event) { CRNavigationSetupDialog dlg = new CRNavigationSetupDialog(); dlg.pack(); dlg.setLocationRelativeTo(getApp().getMainFrame()); dlg.setAlwaysOnTop(true); dlg.setVisible(true); } }); editMenu.add(tour); editMenu.addSeparator(); JMenuItem preferencesMenuItem = new JMenuItem("Preferences..."); editMenu.add(preferencesMenuItem); preferencesMenuItem.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent event) { controller.doPreferences(); } }); menuBar.add(editMenu); // Create Share Menu JMenu shareMenu = new JMenu("Share"); JMenuItem publishMenuItem = new JMenuItem("Publish..."); publishMenuItem.setEnabled(true); publishMenuItem.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) { controller.publishASession(); } }); shareMenu.add(publishMenuItem); JMenuItem listMenuItem = new JMenuItem("List..."); listMenuItem.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) { controller.listSessions(); } }); shareMenu.add(listMenuItem); shareMenu.addSeparator(); friendsMenu = new JMenu("Friends"); shareMenu.add(friendsMenu); menuBar.add(shareMenu); // Create Debug Menu JMenu debugMenu = new JMenu("Debug"); debugMenu.setMnemonic(KeyEvent.VK_D); JMenuItem matchTestMenuItem = new JMenuItem("Match-Test", KeyEvent.VK_B); matchTestMenuItem.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent event) { controller.testAndMatch(); } }); debugMenu.add(matchTestMenuItem); if ((System.getenv("DEBUG") != null) && System.getenv("DEBUG").equals("YES")) { menuBar.add(shareMenu); } // Create the Plugin Menu pluginMenu = new JMenu("Plugins"); menuBar.add(pluginMenu); pluginMenuItemVec = new Vector<JMenuItem>(); // Lists JMenu listsMenu = new JMenu("Lists"); JMenuItem iodpLists = new JMenuItem("IODP lists..."); iodpLists.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) { IODPListsDialog d = new IODPListsDialog(getMainFrame()); d.pack(); d.setSize(800, 600); d.setLocationRelativeTo(getMainFrame()); d.setVisible(true); } }); listsMenu.add(iodpLists); JMenuItem disLists = new JMenuItem("DIS lists..."); disLists.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) { DISListsDialog d = new DISListsDialog(getMainFrame()); d.pack(); d.setSize(800, 600); d.setLocationRelativeTo(getMainFrame()); d.setVisible(true); } }); listsMenu.add(disLists); JMenu annotLists = new JMenu("Annotation"); JMenuItem freeformsItem = new JMenuItem("Default"); freeformsItem.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) { FreeformAnnotationListDialog dlg = new FreeformAnnotationListDialog(getApp().getMainFrame()); dlg.pack(); dlg.setLocationRelativeTo(getApp().getMainFrame()); dlg.onRefresh(); dlg.setAlwaysOnTop(true); dlg.setVisible(true); } }); annotLists.add(freeformsItem); JMenuItem clastListItem = new JMenuItem("Clast"); clastListItem.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) { ClastStatisticsDialog dlg = new ClastStatisticsDialog(getApp().getMainFrame()); dlg.pack(); dlg.setLocationRelativeTo(getApp().getMainFrame()); dlg.onRefresh(); dlg.setAlwaysOnTop(true); dlg.setVisible(true); } }); annotLists.add(clastListItem); JMenuItem sampleReqsItem = new JMenuItem("Sample"); sampleReqsItem.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) { SampleRequestListDialog dlg = new SampleRequestListDialog(getApp().getMainFrame()); dlg.pack(); dlg.setLocationRelativeTo(getApp().getMainFrame()); dlg.onRefresh(); dlg.setAlwaysOnTop(true); dlg.setVisible(true); } }); annotLists.add(sampleReqsItem); listsMenu.add(annotLists); menuBar.add(listsMenu); // Create Tools Menu JMenu toolsMenu = new JMenu("Tools"); JMenuItem wholeCoreViewerMenuItem = new JMenuItem("Get 3D Whole Core Imagery Viewer..."); wholeCoreViewerMenuItem.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent event) { try { String app; String url = ""; if (System.getProperty("").toLowerCase().contains("windows")) { app = "cmd.exe /c explorer " + url; Runtime.getRuntime().exec(app); } else { app = "open"; String[] cmd = { app, url }; Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd); } } catch (IOException ex) { System.err.println("IOException in opening SciVizCore link"); } } }); toolsMenu.add(wholeCoreViewerMenuItem); // DEBUG String debug = System.getProperty("DEBUG"); if ((debug != null) && System.getProperty("DEBUG").equals("true")) { JMenuItem gcItem = new JMenuItem("GC"); gcItem.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent event) { long mem0 = Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory() - Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory(); System.out.println("- B4 mem:\t" + mem0 / 1000000.0f); int trials = 10000; for (int i = 0; i < trials; i++) { updateGLWindows(); } long mem1 = Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory() - Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory(); System.out.println("- " + trials + " mem:\t" + mem1 / 1000000.0f); System.gc(); System.gc(); System.gc(); long mem2 = Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory() - Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory(); System.out.println("- AferGC mem:\t" + mem2 / 1000000.0f); } }); toolsMenu.add(gcItem); } menuBar.add(toolsMenu); // Create Help Menu // Create JavaHelp hooks File helpSet = new File("help/jhelpset.hs"); HelpSet hs = null; try { URL hsURL = helpSet.toURI().toURL(); hs = new HelpSet(null, hsURL); } catch (HelpSetException e) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(getMainFrame(), "Cannot find help: format error."); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(getMainFrame(), "Cannot find help: malformed URL."); e.printStackTrace(); } // Help UI JMenu helpMenu = new JMenu("Help"); JMenuItem helpMenuItem = new JMenuItem("Help", KeyEvent.VK_H); if (hs != null) { HelpBroker hb = hs.createHelpBroker(); helpActionListener = new CSH.DisplayHelpFromSource(hb); helpMenuItem.addActionListener(helpActionListener); } else { helpMenuItem.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent event) { controller.helpAction(); } }); } helpMenu.add(helpMenuItem); helpMenu.addSeparator(); JMenuItem aboutMenuItem = new JMenuItem("About Corelyzer"); helpMenu.add(aboutMenuItem); aboutMenuItem.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent event) { controller.about(); } }); menuBar.add(helpMenu); mainFrame.setJMenuBar(menuBar); } private void setupPopupMenu() { // session popup sessionPopupMenu = new JPopupMenu("Sessions"); JMenuItem hideSession = new JMenuItem("Hide"); hideSession.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) { JMenuItem m = (JMenuItem) e.getSource(); Session s = (Session) sessionList.getSelectedValue(); String l = s.isShow() ? "Show" : "Hide"; controller.setSessionVisible(!s.isShow()); m.setText(l); } }); sessionPopupMenu.add(hideSession); JMenuItem renameSession = new JMenuItem("Rename..."); renameSession.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) { controller.renameSession(); } }); sessionPopupMenu.add(renameSession); JMenuItem removeSession = new JMenuItem("Close"); removeSession.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) { Session s = (Session) sessionList.getSelectedValue(); controller.removeSession(s); } }); sessionPopupMenu.add(removeSession); // track popup trackPopupMenu = new JPopupMenu("Tracks"); JMenuItem hide = new JMenuItem("Hide"); hide.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) { controller.setTrackVisible(); } }); trackPopupMenu.add(hide); JMenuItem rename = new JMenuItem("Rename..."); rename.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) { controller.renameTrack(); } }); trackPopupMenu.add(rename); trackPopupDeleteMenuItem = new JMenuItem("Delete"); trackPopupDeleteMenuItem.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent event) { controller.deleteTrack(); } }); trackPopupMenu.add(trackPopupDeleteMenuItem); // data popup dataPopupMenu = new JPopupMenu("Datasets"); dataPopupGraphMenuItem = new JMenuItem("Graph..."); dataPopupGraphMenuItem.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent event) { controller.showGraphDialog(); } }); JMenuItem dataPopupDeleteMenuItem = new JMenuItem("Delete"); dataPopupDeleteMenuItem.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent event) { controller.deleteDataset(); } }); dataPopupMenu.add(dataPopupGraphMenuItem); dataPopupMenu.add(dataPopupDeleteMenuItem); } private void setupUI() { String versionNumber = CorelyzerApp.getApp().getCorelyzerVersion(); if ((versionNumber == null) || versionNumber.equals("")) { versionNumber = "undetermined"; } this.baseTitle = "Corelyzer " + versionNumber; mainFrame = new JFrame(baseTitle); mainFrame.setDefaultCloseOperation(WindowConstants.DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE); mainFrame.setSize(320, 100); mainFrame.setLocation(600, 100); mainFrame.addWindowListener(this); GridLayout layout = new GridLayout(1, 1); mainFrame.getContentPane().setLayout(layout); rootPanel = new JPanel(new GridLayout(1, 5)); rootPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Main Panel")); // add lists/panels JPanel sessionPanel = new JPanel(new GridLayout(1, 1)); sessionPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Session")); sessionList = new JList(getSessionListModel()); sessionList.setName("SessionList"); sessionList.setSelectionMode(ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION); sessionList.addListSelectionListener(new ListSelectionListener() { public void valueChanged(final ListSelectionEvent event) { int idx = sessionList.getSelectedIndex(); if (idx >= 0) { CoreGraph cg = CoreGraph.getInstance(); cg.setCurrentSessionIdx(idx); } } }); sessionList.addMouseListener(this); JScrollPane sessionScrollPane = new JScrollPane(sessionList); sessionPanel.add(sessionScrollPane); rootPanel.add(sessionPanel); JPanel trackPanel = new JPanel(new GridLayout(1, 1)); trackPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Track")); trackList = new JList(getTrackListModel()); trackList.setName("TrackList"); trackList.setSelectionMode(ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION); trackList.addListSelectionListener(new ListSelectionListener() { public void valueChanged(final ListSelectionEvent event) { int idx = trackList.getSelectedIndex(); if (idx >= 0) { CoreGraph cg = CoreGraph.getInstance(); cg.setCurrentTrackIdx(idx); updateHighlightedSections(); } } }); trackList.addMouseListener(this); JScrollPane trackScrollPane = new JScrollPane(trackList); trackPanel.add(trackScrollPane); rootPanel.add(trackPanel); JPanel sectionsPanel = new JPanel(new GridLayout(1, 1)); sectionsPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Sections")); sectionList = new JList(getSectionListModel()); sectionList.setName("SectionList"); sectionList.addListSelectionListener(new ListSelectionListener() { public void valueChanged(final ListSelectionEvent event) { if (event.getValueIsAdjusting()) return; updateHighlightedSections(); } }); sectionList.addMouseListener(this); JScrollPane sectionsScrollPane = new JScrollPane(sectionList); sectionsPanel.add(sectionsScrollPane); rootPanel.add(sectionsPanel); JPanel dataFilesPanel = new JPanel(new GridLayout(1, 1)); dataFilesPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Data Files")); dataFileList = new JList(getDataFileListModel()); dataFileList.setName("DatafileList"); dataFileList.setSelectionMode(ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION); dataFileList.addListSelectionListener(new ListSelectionListener() { public void valueChanged(final ListSelectionEvent event) { int idx = dataFileList.getSelectedIndex(); if (idx >= 0) { CoreGraph cg = CoreGraph.getInstance(); cg.setCurrentDatasetIdx(idx); } } }); dataFileList.addMouseListener(this); JScrollPane dataFilesScrollPane = new JScrollPane(dataFileList); dataFilesPanel.add(dataFilesScrollPane); rootPanel.add(dataFilesPanel); JPanel fieldsPanel = new JPanel(new GridLayout(1, 1)); fieldsPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Fields")); fieldList = new JList(getFieldListModel()); fieldList.setName("FieldList"); fieldList.setSelectionMode(ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION); fieldList.addListSelectionListener(new ListSelectionListener() { public void valueChanged(final ListSelectionEvent event) { int idx = fieldList.getSelectedIndex(); if (idx >= 0) { CoreGraph cg = CoreGraph.getInstance(); cg.setCurrentFieldIdx(idx); } } }); JScrollPane fieldsScrollPane = new JScrollPane(fieldList); fieldsPanel.add(fieldsScrollPane); rootPanel.add(fieldsPanel); mainFrame.getContentPane().add(rootPanel); setupMenuStuff(); setupPopupMenu(); // init new mode tool frame toolFrame = new CRToolPalette(); toolFrame.pack(); int canvasWidth = preferences().screenWidth; Dimension mydim = toolFrame.getSize(); int myLocX = canvasWidth / 2 - mydim.width / 2; toolFrame.setLocation(myLocX, 0); toolFrame.setVisible(true); // delete key listener on track and section list KeyListener listKeyListener = new KeyListener() { public void keyPressed(final KeyEvent keyEvent) { } public void keyReleased(final KeyEvent keyEvent) { int keyCode = keyEvent.getKeyCode(); if (keyCode == KeyEvent.VK_DELETE) { Object actionSource = keyEvent.getSource(); if (actionSource.equals(trackList)) { controller.deleteSelectedTrack(); } else if (actionSource.equals(sectionList)) { int[] rows = getSectionList().getSelectedIndices(); onDeleteSelectedSections(rows); } } } public void keyTyped(final KeyEvent keyEvent) { } }; trackList.addKeyListener(listKeyListener); sectionList.addKeyListener(listKeyListener); } public void setUsePluginUI(final boolean usePluginUI) { this.usePluginUI = usePluginUI; } private void startup() { destroyGLWindows(); setNumRows(preferences.numberOfRows); setNumCols(preferences.numberOfColumns); setTileWidth(preferences.screenWidth); setTileHeight(preferences.screenHeight); setScreenDpiX(preferences.dpix); setScreenDpiY(preferences.dpiy); setBorderLeft(preferences.borderLeft); setBorderRight(preferences.borderRight); setBorderDown(preferences.borderDown); setBorderUp(preferences.borderUp); createGLWindows(); isGLInited = true; getToolFrame().setVisible(true); getMainFrame().setVisible(true); // 4/8/2012 brg: When a plugin's frame is used in place of the default main frame on Mac, // the z-order is incorrect at startup. Clicking on the canvas causes the main frame to // fall behind the canvas. I discovered that opening/closing a modal dialog solved the // problem, apparently due to the enclosing getMainFrame().setAlwaysOnTop(false) and // getMainFrame().setAlwaysOnTop(true) calls. Still can't figure out why this is necessary, // as iCores calls setAlwaysOnTop(true) on itself...does OSX only respect such calls from // the main application and not a plugin? Whatever the case, these calls make everything // correct at startup. getMainFrame().setAlwaysOnTop(false); getMainFrame().setAlwaysOnTop(true); } /** * install4j launcher extended api // Mac case: invoked when app start with * associate file // Win case: invoked when app is already running and user * exec another app // or double cliked on associate file. */ public void startupPerformed(final String parameters) { // parameter passes file name with quatation: "filename" System.out.println("got startup parameter: " + parameters); // check length of filename if (parameters.length() == 0) { return; } // remove quatation String filename = parameters.replaceAll("\"", ""); // load session file StateLoader stateLoader = new StateLoader(); stateLoader.loadState(filename); app.updateGLWindows(); } private void updateHighlightedSections() { // gather native section IDs from selected CoreSections Object[] sections = sectionList.getSelectedValues(); int[] secids = new int[sections.length]; for (int i = 0; i < sections.length; i++) { CoreSection cs = (CoreSection) sections[i]; secids[i] = (cs != null ? cs.getId() : -1); } CoreGraph.getInstance().setCurrentSectionIndices(secids); final int trackId = getSelectedTrack().getId(); SceneGraph.highlightSections(trackId, secids); updateGLWindows(); } /** * Called to indicate that the OpenGL windows should be repainted */ public void updateGLWindows() { for (final CorelyzerGLCanvas canvas : canvasVec) { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { canvas.getCanvas().repaint(); } }); } } public void suspendPaletteVisibilityManager(final boolean suspend) { pvm.setSuspended(suspend); } // Handles when the main frame closes so that the application and // corelyzer.helper.SceneGraph system can close down properly @Override public void windowClosing(final WindowEvent e) { controller.quit(); } @Override public void windowDeiconified(final WindowEvent e) { // resume the GL windows for (int i = 0; i < windowVec.size(); i++) { Window jf; jf = windowVec.elementAt(i); if (jf != null) { jf.setVisible(true); } } // resume the tool window toolFrame.setVisible(true); // resume all plugin frame controller.deiconifyAllPlugins(); // 2/28/2012 brg: Unclear why this works, but it does. Possibly because // plug-in mainFrame is associated with another thread? // to restore workaround in iconifying window if (!MAC_OS_X && usePluginUI) { getDefaultMainFrame().setVisible(false); getMainFrame().setExtendedState(Frame.NORMAL); } getMainFrame().setVisible(toolFrame.isAppFrameSelected()); CorelyzerApp.getApp().suspendPaletteVisibilityManager(false); } @Override public void windowIconified(final WindowEvent e) { // minimize the GL windows for (int i = 0; i < windowVec.size(); i++) { Window jf; jf = windowVec.elementAt(i); if (jf != null) { jf.setVisible(false); } } // minimize the tool window toolFrame.setVisible(false); // iconify all plugin frames controller.iconifyAllPlugins(); // 2/28/2012 brg: Unclear why this works, but it does. Possibly because // plug-in frame is associated with another thread? // to avoid missing application in taskbar under Windows if (!MAC_OS_X && usePluginUI) { getDefaultMainFrame().setVisible(true); getDefaultMainFrame().setExtendedState(Frame.ICONIFIED); } } }