Example usage for java.awt.event MouseEvent getX

List of usage examples for java.awt.event MouseEvent getX


In this page you can find the example usage for java.awt.event MouseEvent getX.


public int getX() 

Source Link


Returns the horizontal x position of the event relative to the source component.


From source file:org.rdv.viz.chart.ChartPanel.java

 * Receives notification of mouse clicks on the panel. These are
 * translated and passed on to any registered {@link ChartMouseListener}s.
 * @param event  Information about the mouse event.
 *///  w  ww  .  j  av  a  2s  .  c om
public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent event) {

    Insets insets = getInsets();
    int x = (int) ((event.getX() - insets.left) / this.scaleX);
    int y = (int) ((event.getY() - insets.top) / this.scaleY);

    this.anchor = new Point2D.Double(x, y);
    if (this.chart == null) {
    this.chart.setNotify(true); // force a redraw
    // new entity code...
    Object[] listeners = this.chartMouseListeners.getListeners(ChartMouseListener.class);
    if (listeners.length == 0) {

    ChartEntity entity = null;
    if (this.info != null) {
        EntityCollection entities = this.info.getEntityCollection();
        if (entities != null) {
            entity = entities.getEntity(x, y);
    ChartMouseEvent chartEvent = new ChartMouseEvent(getChart(), event, entity);
    for (int i = listeners.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) {
        ((ChartMouseListener) listeners[i]).chartMouseClicked(chartEvent);


From source file:com.isti.traceview.common.TraceViewChartPanel.java

 * Returns a string for the tooltip./*w ww .  java  2s  .c  om*/
 * @param e
 *            the mouse event.
 * @return A tool tip or <code>null</code> if no tooltip is available.
public String getToolTipText(MouseEvent e) {
    String result = null;
    if (this.info != null) {
        EntityCollection entities = this.info.getEntityCollection();
        if (entities != null) {
            Insets insets = getInsets();
            ChartEntity entity = entities.getEntity((int) ((e.getX() - insets.left) / this.scaleX),
                    (int) ((e.getY() - insets.top) / this.scaleY));
            if (entity != null) {
                result = entity.getToolTipText();
    return result;

From source file:com.haulmont.cuba.desktop.sys.DesktopWindowManager.java

public void showTabPopup(MouseEvent e) {
    JComponent tabHeaderComponent = (JComponent) e.getComponent();
    int tabIndex = getTabIndex(tabHeaderComponent);
    JComponent tabContent = (JComponent) tabsPane.getComponentAt(tabIndex);
    WindowBreadCrumbs windowBreadCrumbs = tabs.get(tabContent);

    Window window = windowBreadCrumbs.getCurrentWindow();

    JPopupMenu popupMenu = createWindowPopupMenu(window);
    if (popupMenu.getComponentCount() > 0) {
        popupMenu.show(tabHeaderComponent, e.getX(), e.getY());
    }/*from ww w  .  j a  v  a  2s  .  c  o m*/

From source file:org.gumtree.vis.awt.JChartPanel.java

public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {
    if (selectedTextWrapper != null && getCursor() == Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.MOVE_CURSOR)) {
        Point2D screenXY = ChartMaskingUtilities.translateChartPoint(
                new Point2D.Double(selectedTextWrapper.getMinX(), selectedTextWrapper.getMinY()),
                getScreenDataArea(), getChart());
        Rectangle2D screenRect = new Rectangle2D.Double(screenXY.getX(), screenXY.getY() - 15,
                selectedTextWrapper.getWidth(), selectedTextWrapper.getHeight());
        if (screenRect.contains(e.getX(), e.getY())) {

            double screenX = ChartMaskingUtilities.translateScreenX(e.getX() / getScaleX(), getScreenDataArea(),
                    getChart());// ww w . j a  v a2s  . c  om
            double screenY = ChartMaskingUtilities.translateScreenY(e.getY(), getScreenDataArea(), getChart(),
            //         Point2D point = translateScreenToChart(translateScreenToJava2D(e.getPoint()));
            Point2D point = new Point2D.Double(screenX, screenY);
            if (point != null) {
                this.textMovePoint = point;
        } else {
            this.textMovePoint = null;
    } else {

From source file:org.eurocarbdb.application.glycoworkbench.plugin.PeakListChartPanel.java

public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) {
    if (mouse_start_point != null && theDocument.size() > 0) {
        if (is_moving) {
            // moving
            double mz_delta = screenToDataX(mouse_start_point.getX() - e.getPoint().getX());
            if (mz_delta > 0.) {
                double old_upper_bound = thePlot.getDomainAxis().getUpperBound();
                double old_lower_bound = thePlot.getDomainAxis().getLowerBound();
                double new_upper_bound = Math.min(old_upper_bound + mz_delta, theDocument.getMaxMZ());
                double new_lower_bound = old_lower_bound + new_upper_bound - old_upper_bound;

                thePlot.getDomainAxis().setRange(new Range(new_lower_bound, new_upper_bound));
            } else {
                double old_upper_bound = thePlot.getDomainAxis().getUpperBound();
                double old_lower_bound = thePlot.getDomainAxis().getLowerBound();
                double new_lower_bound = Math.max(old_lower_bound + mz_delta, theDocument.getMinMZ());
                double new_upper_bound = old_upper_bound + new_lower_bound - old_lower_bound;

                thePlot.getDomainAxis().setRange(new Range(new_lower_bound, new_upper_bound));
            }//from w w w. jav a2  s.co m

            mouse_start_point = e.getPoint();
        } else {
            // zooming                
            Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) theChartPanel.getGraphics();

            // delete old rectangle
            if (zoom_rectangle != null)

            // create new rectangle
            double start_x = Math.min(e.getX(), mouse_start_point.getX());
            double end_x = Math.max(e.getX(), mouse_start_point.getX());

            Rectangle2D data_area = theChartPanel.getScreenDataArea((int) start_x,
                    (int) mouse_start_point.getY());
            double xmax = Math.min(end_x, data_area.getMaxX());
            zoom_rectangle = new Rectangle2D.Double(start_x, data_area.getMinY(), xmax - start_x,

            // draw new rectangle

From source file:org.rdv.viz.chart.ChartPanel.java

 * Returns a string for the tooltip.// w  w  w .j  av  a  2s.  c  om
 * @param e  the mouse event.
 * @return A tool tip or <code>null</code> if no tooltip is available.
public String getToolTipText(MouseEvent e) {

    String result = null;
    if (this.info != null) {
        EntityCollection entities = this.info.getEntityCollection();
        if (entities != null) {
            Insets insets = getInsets();
            ChartEntity entity = entities.getEntity((int) ((e.getX() - insets.left) / this.scaleX),
                    (int) ((e.getY() - insets.top) / this.scaleY));
            if (entity != null) {
                result = entity.getToolTipText();
    return result;


From source file:com.isti.traceview.common.TraceViewChartPanel.java

 * Handles a 'mouse released' event. On Windows, we need to check if this is a popup trigger,
 * but only if we haven't already been tracking a zoom rectangle.
 * /*w  w w.  j a  va 2 s.co m*/
 * @param e
 *            information about the event.
public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {
    if (this.zoomRectangle != null) {
        boolean hZoom = false;
        boolean vZoom = false;
        if (this.orientation == PlotOrientation.HORIZONTAL) {
            hZoom = this.rangeZoomable;
            vZoom = this.domainZoomable;
        } else {
            hZoom = this.domainZoomable;
            vZoom = this.rangeZoomable;

        boolean zoomTrigger1 = hZoom && Math.abs(e.getX() - this.zoomPoint.getX()) >= this.zoomTriggerDistance;
        boolean zoomTrigger2 = vZoom && Math.abs(e.getY() - this.zoomPoint.getY()) >= this.zoomTriggerDistance;
        if (zoomTrigger1 || zoomTrigger2) {
            if ((hZoom && (e.getX() < this.zoomPoint.getX()))
                    || (vZoom && (e.getY() < this.zoomPoint.getY()))) {
            } else {
                double x, y, w, h;
                Rectangle2D screenDataArea = getScreenDataArea((int) this.zoomPoint.getX(),
                        (int) this.zoomPoint.getY());
                // for mouseReleased event, (horizontalZoom || verticalZoom)
                // will be true, so we can just test for either being false;
                // otherwise both are true
                if (!vZoom) {
                    x = this.zoomPoint.getX();
                    y = screenDataArea.getMinY();
                    w = Math.min(this.zoomRectangle.getWidth(),
                            screenDataArea.getMaxX() - this.zoomPoint.getX());
                    h = screenDataArea.getHeight();
                } else if (!hZoom) {
                    x = screenDataArea.getMinX();
                    y = this.zoomPoint.getY();
                    w = screenDataArea.getWidth();
                    h = Math.min(this.zoomRectangle.getHeight(),
                            screenDataArea.getMaxY() - this.zoomPoint.getY());
                } else {
                    x = this.zoomPoint.getX();
                    y = this.zoomPoint.getY();
                    w = Math.min(this.zoomRectangle.getWidth(),
                            screenDataArea.getMaxX() - this.zoomPoint.getX());
                    h = Math.min(this.zoomRectangle.getHeight(),
                            screenDataArea.getMaxY() - this.zoomPoint.getY());
                Rectangle2D zoomArea = new Rectangle2D.Double(x, y, w, h);
            this.zoomPoint = null;
            this.zoomRectangle = null;
        } else {
            // Erase the zoom rectangle
            Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) getGraphics();
            this.zoomPoint = null;
            this.zoomRectangle = null;

    else if (e.isPopupTrigger()) {
        if (this.popup != null) {
            displayPopupMenu(e.getX(), e.getY());

From source file:com.SE.myPlayer.MusicPlayerGUI.java

private void songData_TableMouseClicked(java.awt.event.MouseEvent evt) {//GEN-FIRST:event_songData_TableMouseClicked
        try {//from w  ww .  j a  va  2  s  .  c om
            if (evt.getClickCount() == 2 | next == 1 | previous == 1 && SwingUtilities.isLeftMouseButton(evt)) {
                currentSongRow = songData_Table.getSelectedRow();
                songLocation = songData[currentSongRow];
                for (ObjectBean list1 : list) {
            } else if (SwingUtilities.isRightMouseButton(evt)) {
                Point point = evt.getPoint();
                int alreadySelectedRow = songData_Table.getSelectedRow();
                int currentRow = songData_Table.rowAtPoint(point);
                songData_Table.setRowSelectionInterval(alreadySelectedRow, currentRow);
                if (songData_Table.isRowSelected(currentRow)) {
                    songTable_PopUp.show(songData_Table, evt.getX(), evt.getY());
                } else {
                    songTable_PopUp.show(songTable_PopUp, evt.getX(), evt.getY());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            currentSongRow = songData_Table.getSelectedRow();
            songLocation = songData[currentSongRow];
            for (ObjectBean list1 : list) {

From source file:com.peterbochs.instrument.InstrumentPanel.java

public void updateCallGraph() {
    graph = new mxGraph() {
        public void drawState(mxICanvas canvas, mxCellState state, String label) {
            if (getModel().isVertex(state.getCell()) && canvas instanceof PeterSwingCanvas) {
                PeterSwingCanvas c = (PeterSwingCanvas) canvas;
                c.drawVertex(state, label);
            } else {
                // draw edge, at least
                //               super.drawState(canvas, state, label);
                super.drawState(canvas, state, true);
            }/*from w  w  w  . j  a v a 2s.com*/

        // Ports are not used as terminals for edges, they are
        // only used to compute the graphical connection point

        public boolean isPort(Object cell) {
            mxGeometry geo = getCellGeometry(cell);

            return (geo != null) ? geo.isRelative() : false;

        // Implements a tooltip that shows the actual
        // source and target of an edge
        public String getToolTipForCell(Object cell) {
            if (model.isEdge(cell)) {
                return convertValueToString(model.getTerminal(cell, true)) + " -> "
                        + convertValueToString(model.getTerminal(cell, false));

            return super.getToolTipForCell(cell);

        public boolean isCellFoldable(Object cell, boolean collapse) {
            return false;
    graphComponent = new CallGraphComponent(graph);
    Object parent = graph.getDefaultParent();


    graphComponent.getGraphControl().addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
        public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {
            Object cell = graphComponent.getCellAt(e.getX(), e.getY());

            if (cell != null) {
                String label = graph.getLabel(cell);
                if (label.contains("->")) {

    jPanel3.add(graphComponent, BorderLayout.CENTER);

    graphOutline = new mxGraphOutline(graphComponent);
    graphOutline.setBorder(new LineBorder(Color.LIGHT_GRAY));
    jCallGraphPreviewPanel.add(graphOutline, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    jCallGraphPreviewPanel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(100, 100));

From source file:com.rapidminer.gui.plotter.charts.AbstractChartPanel.java

 * Receives notification of mouse clicks on the panel. These are translated and passed on to any
 * registered {@link ChartMouseListener}s.
 * /* w w  w  . j  a  va  2s  .  co  m*/
 * @param event
 *            Information about the mouse event.

public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent event) {

    Insets insets = getInsets();
    int x = (int) ((event.getX() - insets.left) / this.scaleX);
    int y = (int) ((event.getY() - insets.top) / this.scaleY);

    this.anchor = new Point2D.Double(x, y);
    if (this.chart == null) {
    this.chart.setNotify(true); // force a redraw
    // new entity code...
    Object[] listeners = this.chartMouseListeners.getListeners(ChartMouseListener.class);
    if (listeners.length == 0) {

    ChartEntity entity = null;
    if (this.info != null) {
        EntityCollection entities = this.info.getEntityCollection();
        if (entities != null) {
            entity = entities.getEntity(x, y);
    ChartMouseEvent chartEvent = new ChartMouseEvent(getChart(), event, entity);
    for (int i = listeners.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) {
        ((ChartMouseListener) listeners[i]).chartMouseClicked(chartEvent);
