Example usage for io.vertx.core.json JsonArray JsonArray

List of usage examples for io.vertx.core.json JsonArray JsonArray


In this page you can find the example usage for io.vertx.core.json JsonArray JsonArray.


public JsonArray() 

Source Link


Create an empty instance


From source file:io.github.jdocker.Machine.java

License:Apache License

public JsonObject toJSON() {
    JsonObject ob = new JsonObject().put("name", getName()).put("uri", getUri());
    JsonArray propsArray = new JsonArray();
    for (Map.Entry<String, String> en : properties.entrySet()) {
        propsArray.add(new JsonObject().put(en.getKey(), en.getValue()));
    }//from   w  ww  .  j  ava 2 s  .com
    ob.put("properties", propsArray);
    return ob;

From source file:io.github.jdocker.MachineConfig.java

License:Apache License

public JsonObject toJSON() {
    JsonObject o = new JsonObject().put("type", MachineConfig.class.getName()).put("name", getName())
            .put("driver", getDriver()).put("uri", installURL);
    if (unmanagedMachine != null) {
        o.put("unmanagedMachine", unmanagedMachine.toJSON());
    }//from  ww  w .j av a2  s.  c om
    if (swarmConfig != null) {
        o.put("swarmConfig", swarmConfig.toJson());
    // labelsl
    JsonArray array = new JsonArray();
    for (Map.Entry<String, String> en : labels.entrySet()) {
        if (en.getKey().equals(en.getValue())) {
        } else {
            array.add(en.getKey() + '=' + en.getValue());
    o.put("labels", array);
    array = new JsonArray();
    for (String env : machineEnvironment) {
    o.put("machineEnvironment", array);
    array = new JsonArray();
    for (String env : insecureRegistries) {
    o.put("insecureRegistries", array);
    array = new JsonArray();
    for (String env : engineOptions) {
    o.put("engineOptions", array);
    return o;

From source file:io.github.jdocker.SwarmConfig.java

License:Apache License

public JsonObject toJson() {
    JsonObject o = new JsonObject();
    o.put("dockerHost", dockerHost);
    o.put("swarmImage", swarmImage);
    o.put("swarmMaster", swarmMaster);
    o.put("swarmDiscoveryToken", swarmDiscoveryToken);
    o.put("swarmStrategy", swarmStrategy);
    o.put("swarmHostUri", swarmHostURI);
    o.put("swarmAdvertizeUri", swarmAdvertizeURI);
    JsonArray array = new JsonArray();
    for (String env : swarmEnvironment) {
        array.add(env);/*  w  w  w . j  a v a 2  s.  c  o  m*/
    o.put("swarmEnvironment", array);
    return o;

From source file:io.knotx.adapter.common.http.HttpAdapterConfiguration.java

License:Apache License

public HttpAdapterConfiguration(JsonObject config) {
    address = config.getString("address");
    services = config.getJsonArray("services").stream().map(item -> (JsonObject) item).map(item -> {
        ServiceMetadata metadata = new ServiceMetadata();
        metadata.path = item.getString("path");
        metadata.domain = item.getString("domain");
        metadata.port = item.getInteger("port");
        metadata.allowedRequestHeaderPatterns = item.getJsonArray("allowedRequestHeaders", new JsonArray())
                .stream().map(object -> (String) object).map(new StringToPatternFunction())
        return metadata;
    clientOptions = config.getJsonObject("clientOptions", new JsonObject());

From source file:io.knotx.knot.action.ActionKnotConfiguration.java

License:Apache License

public ActionKnotConfiguration(JsonObject config) {
    this.address = config.getString("address");
    this.formIdentifierName = config.getString("formIdentifierName");
    this.adapterMetadataList = config.getJsonArray("adapters").stream().map(item -> (JsonObject) item)
            .map(item -> {//w w  w.j  a v  a 2 s.  c o  m
                AdapterMetadata metadata = new AdapterMetadata();
                metadata.name = item.getString("name");
                metadata.address = item.getString("address");
                metadata.params = item.getJsonObject("params", new JsonObject()).getMap();
                metadata.allowedRequestHeaders = item.getJsonArray("allowedRequestHeaders", new JsonArray())
                        .stream().map(object -> (String) object).map(new StringToPatternFunction())
                metadata.allowedResponseHeaders = item.getJsonArray("allowedResponseHeaders", new JsonArray())
                        .stream().map(object -> (String) object).map(new StringToPatternFunction())
                return metadata;

From source file:io.knotx.repository.impl.RepositoryConnectorProxyImpl.java

License:Apache License

public RepositoryConnectorProxyImpl(Vertx vertx, JsonObject configuration) {
    clientOptions = configuration.getJsonObject("clientOptions", new JsonObject());
    clientDestination = configuration.getJsonObject("clientDestination");
    allowedRequestHeaders = configuration.getJsonArray("allowedRequestHeaders", new JsonArray()).stream()
            .map(object -> (String) object).map(new StringToPatternFunction()).collect(Collectors.toList());
    httpClient = createHttpClient(vertx);

From source file:io.knotx.util.MultiMapConverter.java

License:Apache License

 * Converts MultiMap to JsonObject<br> It expects the MultiMap key, contains List of String
 * objects, so the result of conversion will look like below
 * <br>/*from w  ww  .j  ava  2  s  . c om*/
 * <pre>
 *   {
 *      "mapKey1": ["val1", "val2"],
 *      "mapKey2": ["val1"]
 *   }
 * </pre>
 * @param multiMap - {@link MultiMap} to convert
 * @return - {@link JsonObject} with {@link JsonArray} under each object key
public static JsonObject toJsonObject(MultiMap multiMap) {
    JsonObject json = new JsonObject();

    ((io.vertx.core.MultiMap) multiMap.getDelegate()).forEach(entry -> {
        JsonArray values;
        if (json.containsKey(entry.getKey())) {
            values = json.getJsonArray(entry.getKey());
        } else {
            values = new JsonArray();
            json.put(entry.getKey(), values);

    return json;

From source file:io.nitor.api.backend.NitorBackend.java

License:Apache License

private void setupServices(JsonObject configRoot, HttpServerOptions httpServerOptions, Router router,
        ServiceRouterBuilder routeBuilder, HttpClient httpClient, CookieSessionHandler sessionHandler,
        JsonObject adAuth, boolean isOrigReqHttps) {
    JsonArray services = configRoot.getJsonArray("services", new JsonArray());
    services.forEach(s -> {//from  w  ww. jav  a2s. com
        JsonObject service = (JsonObject) s;
        String type = service.getString("type", "<missing>");
        String logMsg = "Setting up service '" + type + "' on route '" + service.getString("route") + "'";
        switch (type) {
        case "proxy":
            setupProxy(service, routeBuilder, httpServerOptions, isOrigReqHttps);
        case "static":
            setupStaticFiles(service, routeBuilder);
        case "s3":
            setupS3(service, routeBuilder);
        case "lambda":
            setupLambda(service, routeBuilder);
        case "graph":
            setupGraph(service, routeBuilder, adAuth, sessionHandler, httpClient);
        case "virtualHost":
            String virtualHost = service.getString("host");
            logMsg += " for virtual host '" + virtualHost + "'";
            setupServices(service, httpServerOptions, null, routeBuilder.virtualHostHandler(virtualHost),
                    httpClient, sessionHandler, adAuth, isOrigReqHttps);
        case "cache":
            setupCache(service, routeBuilder);
        default: {
            RuntimeException ex = new RuntimeException("No support for service '" + type + "'");
            logger.fatal("service config failure", ex);
            throw ex;
    if (router != null) {

From source file:io.nitor.api.backend.s3.S3Handler.java

License:Apache License

public S3Handler(Vertx vertx, JsonObject conf, int routeLength) {
    this.routeLength = routeLength;

    indexFile = conf.getString("indexFile", "index.html");

    String staticPathConfig = conf.getString("staticPaths");
    staticPaths = staticPathConfig != null ? Pattern.compile(staticPathConfig) : null;

    String region = resolveRegion(conf).toString();
    this.s3Host = ("us-east-1".equals(region) ? "s3" : "s3-" + region) + ".amazonaws.com";

    String bucket = conf.getString("bucket");
    String basePath = '/' + bucket + '/' + conf.getString("path", "");
    basePathComponents = PathComponent.splitPath(basePath);

    AwsCredentialsProvider secretsProvider = resolveCredentialsProvider(conf);
    signer = new AWSRequestSigner(region, s3Host, secretsProvider);

    JsonArray operations = conf.getJsonArray("operations", new JsonArray().add("GET"));
    operations.forEach(op -> allowedMethods.add(HttpMethod.valueOf(op.toString())));

    http = vertx.createHttpClient(new HttpClientOptions()
            .setConnectTimeout((int) SECONDS.toMillis(conf.getInteger("connectTimeout", 5)))
            .setIdleTimeout((int) SECONDS.toSeconds(conf.getInteger("idleTimeout", 60)))
            .setMaxPoolSize(conf.getInteger("maxPoolSize", 100)).setPipelining(false).setMaxWaitQueueSize(100)

From source file:io.openshift.booster.CrudApplication.java

License:Apache License

private void retrieveAll(RoutingContext ctx) {
    HttpServerResponse response = ctx.response().putHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
    JsonArray res = new JsonArray();
    store.readAll().subscribe(res::add, err -> error(ctx, 400, err), () -> response.end(res.encodePrettily()));