List of usage examples for io.vertx.core.json JsonArray JsonArray
public JsonArray()
From source
public JsonObject getProjectStructure(String projectId) { JsonObject projectStructure = new JsonObject(); JsonArray rootFolder = new JsonArray(); JsonArray rootFile = new JsonArray(); List<String> rootDirectorys = vertx.fileSystem().readDirBlocking("project/" + projectId); System.out.println(new JsonArray(rootDirectorys).toString()); SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); for (String directory : rootDirectorys) { System.out.println(directory + "directory"); FileProps something = vertx.fileSystem().lpropsBlocking(directory); if (something.isDirectory()) { JsonObject directoryJSON = new JsonObject(); String splitDirectory[] = directory.split("\\\\"); directoryJSON.put("name", splitDirectory[splitDirectory.length - 1]); // tinggal tambahkan encode menggunakan base 64 agar tidak terdeteksi titik. String id = splitDirectory[splitDirectory.length - 2]; String tmpId = new Base32().encodeAsString(splitDirectory[splitDirectory.length - 1].getBytes()) .replace("=", "0"); directoryJSON.put("id", tmpId); directoryJSON.put("create_date", dateFormat.format(new Date(something.creationTime()))); directoryJSON.put("modify_date", dateFormat.format(new Date(something.lastModifiedTime()))); rootFolder.add(directoryJSON); List<String> subDirectorysFiles = vertx.fileSystem().readDirBlocking(directory); JsonArray subFiles = new JsonArray(); for (String subDirectoryFile : subDirectorysFiles) { JsonObject fileJSON = new JsonObject(); String splitFile[] = subDirectoryFile.split("\\\\"); fileJSON.put("name", splitFile[splitFile.length - 1]); fileJSON.put("id", new Base32().encodeAsString( (splitFile[splitFile.length - 2] + "/" + splitFile[splitFile.length - 1]).getBytes()) .replace("=", "0")); fileJSON.put("create_date", dateFormat.format(new Date(something.creationTime()))); fileJSON.put("modify_date", dateFormat.format(new Date(something.lastModifiedTime()))); subFiles.add(fileJSON);/* w w w .ja v a2 s. com*/ } directoryJSON.put("files", subFiles); } else { JsonObject fileJSON = new JsonObject(); String splitFile[] = directory.split("\\\\"); fileJSON.put("name", splitFile[splitFile.length - 1]); fileJSON.put("id", new Base32().encodeAsString(splitFile[splitFile.length - 1].getBytes()).replace("=", "0")); fileJSON.put("create_date", dateFormat.format(new Date(something.creationTime()))); fileJSON.put("modify_date", dateFormat.format(new Date(something.lastModifiedTime()))); rootFile.add(fileJSON); } } projectStructure.put("folders", rootFolder); projectStructure.put("files", rootFile); System.out.println(projectStructure.toString()); return projectStructure; }
From source
private void handleListProducts(RoutingContext routingContext) { JsonArray arr = new JsonArray(); products.forEach((k, v) -> arr.add(v)); routingContext.response().putHeader("content-type", "application/json").end(arr.encodePrettily()); }
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License:Apache License
private Handler<AsyncResult<List<Character>>> createListCharHandler(Message msg) { return res -> { if (res.failed()) { if (res.cause() instanceof ServiceException) { msg.reply(res.cause());// w ww . j av a2 s.c o m } else { msg.reply(new ServiceException(-1, res.cause().getMessage())); } } else { JsonArray arr = new JsonArray(); for (Character chr : res.result()) { arr.add((int) chr); } msg.reply(arr); } }; }
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License:Apache License
private Handler<AsyncResult<Set<Character>>> createSetCharHandler(Message msg) { return res -> { if (res.failed()) { if (res.cause() instanceof ServiceException) { msg.reply(res.cause());/*from w ww. j av a 2 s. c o m*/ } else { msg.reply(new ServiceException(-1, res.cause().getMessage())); } } else { JsonArray arr = new JsonArray(); for (Character chr : res.result()) { arr.add((int) chr); } msg.reply(arr); } }; }
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License:Apache License
private Optional<JsonArray> toJsonObject(final List<Match> matches) { if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(matches)) { return Optional.empty(); }//from w w w . java 2 s . c om final JsonArray jsonArray = new JsonArray(); -> new JsonObject().put("value", match.getValue()).put("type", match.getType())) .forEach(jsonArray::add); return Optional.of(jsonArray); }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Returns a JsonObject populated with the information from this object * @return The JsonObject/*from w w w . j a v a 2s.c o m*/ */ public JsonObject toJson() { JsonObject json = new JsonObject(); if (this.getConfigurations() != null) { JsonArray array = new JsonArray(); this.getConfigurations().forEach(item -> array.add(item.toJson())); json.put("configurations", array); } return json; }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Returns a JsonObject populated with the information from this object * @return The JsonObject// www . j av a 2 s. com */ public JsonObject toJson() { JsonObject json = new JsonObject(); json.put("name", name); if (deploymentOptions != null) { JsonObject depOptJson = new JsonObject(); DeploymentOptionsConverter.toJson(deploymentOptions, depOptJson); json.put("deploymentOptions", depOptJson); } if (this.getDependents() != null) { JsonArray array = new JsonArray(); this.getDependents().forEach(item -> array.add(item.toJson())); json.put("dependents", array); } return json; }
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License:Apache License
/** * Create a bulk metric object for sending to the OpenTsDb lib * * @param metric the first metric to put in the bulk requests * @return the properly constructed metric object *//*w w w . j a v a 2s. c o m*/ public static JsonObject createBulkMetric(JsonObject metric) { return new JsonObject().put(OpenTsDbService.ACTION_FIELD, OpenTsDbService.ADD_ALL_COMMAND) .put(MetricsParser.METRICS_FIELD, new JsonArray().add(metric)); }
From source
License:Apache License
@Override public void start(final Future<Void> startedResult) {"\n" + " ? \n" + " \n" + " ? \n" + " \n" + " \n" + " ? \n" + " \n" + " 1.0\n" + " \n"); config = config();/*from w ww .j ava 2 s . c o m*/ eb = vertx.eventBus(); // warn a brother! if (config.equals(new JsonObject())) { logger.warn("you have no config here!"); } else {"config: " + config); } // Start each class mentioned in services for (final Object serviceClassName : config.getJsonArray("services", new JsonArray())) {"deploying service: " + serviceClassName); // get the config for the named service JsonObject serviceConfigJson = config.getJsonObject(serviceClassName.toString(), new JsonObject());"serviceConfigJson: " + serviceConfigJson); // See DeploymentOptions.fromJson for all the possible configurables DeploymentOptions serviceConfig = new DeploymentOptions(serviceConfigJson); vertx.deployVerticle(serviceClassName.toString(), serviceConfig, res -> { if (res.succeeded()) {"successfully deployed service: " + serviceClassName); } else { logger.error("failure while deploying service: " + serviceClassName); res.cause().printStackTrace(); } }); } // for testing purposes, we need a litte delay since its less code than wait implement all verticles to boot. vertx.setTimer(1000, event -> { startedResult.complete();"startup complete"); }); }
From source
License:Apache License
/** * Start the verticle//from www . j a v a2 s.c o m * * @param startFuture * @throws Exception */ public void start(Future<Void> startFuture) throws Exception {"starup with config: " + config().toString()); // get expire_release in seconds int expire_timeout = config().getInteger("expire_timeout", 86000); // map of releases, should contain date events were fired in / updated also releasesData = new HashMap<>(); stateFile = config().getString("state_file", "/state.json"); // connect to the eventbus eb = vertx.eventBus(); // load the state file if exists vertx.fileSystem().exists(stateFile, h -> { if (h.succeeded()) { try { JsonArray history = Util.loadConfig(stateFile).getJsonArray("releases"); for (Object release : history) { JsonObject releaseJson = new JsonObject(release.toString());"loading release: " + releaseJson.getString("id")); releasesData.put(releaseJson.getString("id"), releaseJson.getJsonObject("data")); } } catch (IOException e) { logger.warn("unable to load state file, it will be created / overwritten"); e.printStackTrace(); } } }); /* * listen for release events from other verticles / clients * * example release-event published direct to the eventbus ( see ) * { "code": 205, "component": "maximus", "environment": "CI1", "status": "Deploy Succeeded", "version": "" } * * */ eb.consumer("release-event", event -> {; JsonObject body = null; // create a json object from the message try { body = new JsonObject(event.body().toString()); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("not a json object"); event.reply(new JsonObject().put("result", "failure").put("reason", "that wasn't json")); } // create check if a id is specified, else combine component and version body.put("id", body.getString("id", body.getValue("component") + "-" + body.getValue("version"))); // used for marking expired messages when time is not enough or too much body.put("expired", false); // add the date now body.put("date",; // pop the old matching JIRA release releasesData.remove(body.getString("id")); // put the updated one releasesData.put(body.getString("id"), body); event.reply(new JsonObject().put("result", "success")); }); // expire a release event and remove it from the map eb.consumer("expire-release-event", event -> { try {"delete event: " + event.body().toString()); JsonObject request = new JsonObject(event.body().toString()); releasesData.remove(request.getString("id")); // forulate the expire message JsonObject msg = new JsonObject().put("topic", "releases").put("action", "expire"); JsonArray arr = new JsonArray().add(request.getString("id")); msg.put("data", arr); eb.publish("releases", msg); event.reply(new JsonObject().put("result", "success")); } catch (Exception e) { event.reply(new JsonObject().put("result", "error")); } }); vertx.setPeriodic(10000, tid -> { JsonObject msg = new JsonObject(); msg.put("topic", "releases"); msg.put("action", "default"); JsonArray rel = new JsonArray(); Iterator<Map.Entry<String, JsonObject>> iter = releasesData.entrySet().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<String, JsonObject> entry =; rel.add(entry.getValue()); } msg.put("data", rel); eb.publish("releases", msg); }); // periodically expire old releases in the map vertx.setPeriodic(config().getInteger("check_expiry", 1000), res -> { // iterate over map, check dates for each, expire as needed Iterator<Map.Entry<String, JsonObject>> iter = releasesData.entrySet().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<String, JsonObject> entry =; logger.debug("checking expiry on " + entry.getKey() + " v " + entry.getValue()); // now LocalDateTime now =; // then LocalDateTime then = LocalDateTime.parse(entry.getValue().getString("date"), formatter); // delta Long delta = now.toEpochSecond(ZoneOffset.UTC) - then.toEpochSecond(ZoneOffset.UTC); if (delta >= expire_timeout) {"expiring stale release: " + entry.getValue() + " delta: " + delta.toString()); iter.remove(); } } }); // save the current pile of releases into a JSON periodically vertx.setPeriodic(config().getInteger("save_interval", 60000), t -> { saveState(); }); startFuture.complete(); }