List of usage examples for io.vertx.core.json JsonArray getJsonObject
public JsonObject getJsonObject(int pos)
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License:Apache License
private void initializeWorkers(Future<Void> startedResult) { final AtomicInteger count = new AtomicInteger(); processor = new MetricsProcessor(workers, options.getMaxBufferBytes(), vertx.eventBus()); JsonArray hosts = options.getHosts(); for (int i = 0; i < hosts.size(); i++) { JsonObject jsonHost = hosts.getJsonObject(i); // we setup one worker dedicated to each endpoint, the same worker always rights to the same outbound socket OpenTsDbClient worker = new OpenTsDbClient(jsonHost.getString("host"), jsonHost.getInteger("port"), vertx, success -> {// ww w . j a va2 s .c om if (!success) { String error = String.format("Failed to connect to host: %s", jsonHost.encode()); logger.error(error); vertx.close();; return; } count.incrementAndGet(); if (count.get() == hosts.size()) { flushTimerId = vertx.setPeriodic(options.getFlushInterval(), timerId -> processor.processMetrics(metrics));; startReporter(); startedResult.complete(); } }); workers.add(worker); } }
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License:Apache License
private void processMetricBatch(Message<JsonObject> message) { JsonArray metricsObjects = message.body().getJsonArray(MetricsParser.METRICS_FIELD); if (metricsObjects == null) { String errMsg = String.format("invalid batch message request no 'metrics' field supplied, msg: %s", message.body());//from w ww .java2s . c o m logger.warn(errMsg); sendError(message, errMsg); } // roll through and add all the metrics for (int i = 0; i < metricsObjects.size(); i++) { String metric = metricsParser.createMetricString(message, metricsObjects.getJsonObject(i)); if (metric != null) { if (!addMetric(null, metric)) { reportFullBacklog(message); break; } } else { // something is bad in the batch, the parsers error handler will reply to the message as failed return; } } message.reply(OK_REPLY); }
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License:Open Source License
private Location _getLocation(JsonObject jsonObject) { JsonArray resultsJsonArray = jsonObject.getJsonArray("results"); JsonObject resultJsonObject = resultsJsonArray.getJsonObject(0); JsonArray locationsJsonArray = resultJsonObject.getJsonArray("locations"); JsonObject locationJsonObject = locationsJsonArray.getJsonObject(0); JsonObject latLngJsonObject = locationJsonObject.getJsonObject("latLng"); double latitude = latLngJsonObject.getDouble("lat"); double longitude = latLngJsonObject.getDouble("lng"); String country = locationJsonObject.getString("adminArea1"); return new Location(latitude, longitude, country); }
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License:Open Source License
private void _handle(RoutingContext routingContext) { JsonObject requestJSON = routingContext.getBodyAsJson(); JsonArray inputsJSON = requestJSON.getJsonArray("inputs"); JsonObject inputJSON = inputsJSON.getJsonObject(0); String intent = inputJSON.getString("intent"); if (intent.equals(ConversationUtil.INTENT_MAIN)) { _handleMain(routingContext.response()); } else {/* w w w . j av a 2 s.c o m*/ _handleText(requestJSON, inputJSON, routingContext.response()); } }
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License:Open Source License
private void _handleText(JsonObject requestJSON, JsonObject inputJSON, HttpServerResponse httpServerResponse) { JsonArray rawInputsJSON = inputJSON.getJsonArray("raw_inputs"); JsonObject rawInputJSON = rawInputsJSON.getJsonObject(0); String query = rawInputJSON.getString("query"); JsonObject conversationJSON = requestJSON.getJsonObject("conversation"); int correctAnswer = Integer.parseInt(conversationJSON.getString("conversation_token")); int answer;/* ww w . ja va 2s .c om*/ try { answer = Integer.parseInt(query); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { ConversationUtil.ask(httpServerResponse, String.valueOf(correctAnswer), "That's not a number, say it again!", _NO_INPUT_PROMPTS); return; } String textToSpeech = "You're right, it is " + correctAnswer + "!"; if (answer != correctAnswer) { textToSpeech = "You're wrong, it was " + correctAnswer + "!"; } ConversationUtil.tell(httpServerResponse, textToSpeech); }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Revoke and grant permissions based on the specification. * Sequence - remove specified permissions, update specified permissions and then add specified permissions. * * @param vertex the node that represents a user or group vertex. * @param jsonObject JSON object representing the user or group permissions. *//*from ww w .j a v a 2s .c o m*/ protected void redoPermissions(Vertex vertex, JsonObject jsonObject) { // Remove permissions. JsonArray permissionsToRemove = jsonObject.getJsonArray(Permission.PERMISSIONS_TO_REMOVE); if (permissionsToRemove != null) { graph.traversal().V(vertex).outE(Schema.E_HAS_PERMISSION).as("e").inV() .has(, P.within(permissionsToRemove.getList().toArray())).<Edge>select("e").drop().toList(); } // Update permissions. JsonArray permissionsToUpdate = jsonObject.getJsonArray(Permission.PERMISSIONS_TO_UPDATE); if (permissionsToUpdate != null) { for (Object prm : permissionsToUpdate) { Permission permission = new Permission((JsonObject) prm); Long resourceVertexId = permission.getResourceVertexId(); graph.traversal().V(vertex).outE(Schema.E_HAS_PERMISSION).as("e").inV().has(, resourceVertexId) .<Edge>select("e").property(Schema.E_P_RWX, permission.getRWX()).toList(); } } // Add permissions. JsonArray permissionsToAdd = jsonObject.getJsonArray(Permission.PERMISSIONS_TO_ADD); if (permissionsToAdd != null) { Set<Long> existingIds = new HashSet<>(); Long[] idsToAdd = new Long[permissionsToAdd.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < permissionsToAdd.size(); i++) { idsToAdd[i] = permissionsToAdd.getJsonObject(i).getLong(Permission.RESOURCE_VERTEX_ID); } graph.traversal().V(vertex).outE(Schema.E_HAS_PERMISSION).inV().has(, P.within(idsToAdd)) .sideEffect(s -> { existingIds.add((Long) s.get().id()); }).toList(); grantPermissions(vertex, permissionsToAdd, existingIds); } }
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License:Apache License
public void handle(Message msg) { String query = msg.matchedGroup(1); HttpClientRequest req = client.get(80, "", "/v1/gifs/search?q=" + query + "&api_key=" + "dc6zaTOxFJmzC", resp -> { if (resp.statusCode() == 200 && resp.getHeader("Content-Type").equals("application/json")) { System.out.println(resp.statusCode()); System.out.println(resp.statusMessage()); System.out.println(resp.getHeader("Content-Type")); resp.exceptionHandler(err -> { msg.reply("Error: " + err.getMessage()); });/*from ww w . ja va 2 s.c o m*/ Buffer buf = Buffer.buffer(); resp.handler(buf::appendBuffer); resp.endHandler(v -> { JsonObject json = new JsonObject(buf.toString()); JsonArray images = json.getJsonArray("data"); if (images.size() > 0) { JsonObject image = images.getJsonObject(0); // Should be random !!! String url = image.getJsonObject("images").getJsonObject("original") .getString("url"); msg.reply(url); } msg.reply("got response " + json); }); } else { msg.reply("Error"); } }); req.exceptionHandler(err -> { msg.reply("Error: " + err.getMessage()); }); req.end(); }
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License:Apache License
@Override public void start() throws Exception { super.start(); Router router = Router.router(vertx); bot.webRouter().mountSubRouter("/github", router); -> {/*from ww w. j a v a2 s. c om*/ HttpServerRequest req = ctx.request(); String event = req.getHeader("X-Github-Event"); if (!"push".equals(event)) { req.response().setStatusCode(400).end("X-Github-Event " + event + " not handled"); return; } String contentType = req.getHeader("Content-Type"); if (!"application/json".equals(contentType)) { req.response().setStatusCode(400).end("Content-Type " + contentType + " not handled"); return; } req.bodyHandler(body -> { JsonObject json = body.toJsonObject(); req.response().end(); String chatId = req.getParam("chat"); JsonArray commits = json.getJsonArray("commits"); if (chatId != null && commits != null && commits.size() > 0) { String commitWord = commits.size() > 1 ? "commits" : "commit"; bot.chatRouter().sendMessage(new SendOptions().setChatId(chatId), "Got " + commits.size() + " new " + commitWord + " from " + json.getJsonObject("pusher").getString("name") + " on " + json.getJsonObject("repository").getString("full_name")); for (int index = 0; index < commits.size(); index++) { JsonObject commit = commits.getJsonObject(index); bot.chatRouter().sendMessage(new SendOptions().setChatId(chatId), " * " + commit.getString("message") + " " + commit.getString("url")); } } }); }); }
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License:Open Source License
private void loadConfigurations(JsonArray backendConfs) throws ConfigurationException { // first validate the configuration object if (backendConfs == null || backendConfs.isEmpty()) { throw new ConfigurationException("No backend was configured."); }/*w w w .java 2s .com*/ if (backendConfs.size() > 1) { logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Only one backend configuration is supported at the moment. The rest is ignored."); } JsonObject firstConf = backendConfs.getJsonObject(0); if (firstConf == null) { throwInvalidConfiguration("It's not a valid JSON object."); } // Every backend needs a specific 'config' configuration map JsonObject backendSpecificConf = firstConf.getJsonObject("config"); if (backendSpecificConf == null) { throwInvalidConfiguration("Backend specific configuration is missing."); } _backendSpecificConfiguration = backendSpecificConf.getMap(); // The 'type' defines the subclass of BackendConnection that is the heart of the backend String backendType = firstConf.getString("type"); if (backendType == null) { throwInvalidConfiguration("No type specified."); } // Get the class from the class loader and verify it's a subclass of BackendConnection Class<?> uncastedBackendClass = null; try { uncastedBackendClass = Class.forName(backendType); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throwInvalidConfiguration("Class '" + backendType + "' specified as 'type' was not found."); } try { _backendClass = uncastedBackendClass.asSubclass(Backend.class); } catch (ClassCastException e) { throwInvalidConfiguration("Class '" + backendType + "' is not a valid Backend implementation."); } }
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License:Open Source License
private boolean containsValidSecretValue(final JsonObject credentials) { final Object obj = credentials.getValue(FIELD_SECRETS); if (JsonArray.class.isInstance(obj)) { JsonArray secrets = (JsonArray) obj; if (secrets.isEmpty()) { log.debug("credentials request contains empty {} object in payload - not supported", FIELD_SECRETS); return false; } else {/*from w w w.j av a2 s . co m*/ for (int i = 0; i < secrets.size(); i++) { JsonObject currentSecret = secrets.getJsonObject(i); if (!containsValidTimestampIfPresentForField(currentSecret, FIELD_SECRETS_NOT_BEFORE) || !containsValidTimestampIfPresentForField(currentSecret, FIELD_SECRETS_NOT_AFTER)) { log.debug("credentials request did contain invalid timestamp values in payload"); return false; } } return true; } } else { log.debug("credentials request does not contain a {} array in payload - not supported", FIELD_SECRETS); return false; } }