Java io.netty.util HashedWheelTimer fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java io.netty.util HashedWheelTimer fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for io.netty.util HashedWheelTimer.

The text is from its open source code.


HashedWheelTimer(ThreadFactory threadFactory, long tickDuration, TimeUnit unit, int ticksPerWheel)
Creates a new timer.
HashedWheelTimer(ThreadFactory threadFactory)
Creates a new timer with the default tick duration and default number of ticks per wheel.
Creates a new timer with the default thread factory ( Executors#defaultThreadFactory() ), default tick duration, and default number of ticks per wheel.
HashedWheelTimer(long tickDuration, TimeUnit unit, int ticksPerWheel)
Creates a new timer with the default thread factory ( Executors#defaultThreadFactory() ).
HashedWheelTimer(ThreadFactory threadFactory, long tickDuration, TimeUnit unit)
Creates a new timer with the default number of ticks per wheel.
HashedWheelTimer(ThreadFactory threadFactory, long tickDuration, TimeUnit unit, int ticksPerWheel, boolean leakDetection)
Creates a new timer.
HashedWheelTimer(long tickDuration, TimeUnit unit)
Creates a new timer with the default thread factory ( Executors#defaultThreadFactory() ) and default number of ticks per wheel.


Starts the background thread explicitly.