List of usage examples for io.netty.util HashedWheelTimer HashedWheelTimer
public HashedWheelTimer()
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License:Apache License
private void should_invoke_netty_options_hooks(int hosts, int coreConnections) throws Exception { NettyOptions nettyOptions = mock(NettyOptions.class, CALLS_REAL_METHODS.get()); EventLoopGroup eventLoopGroup = new NioEventLoopGroup(); Timer timer = new HashedWheelTimer(); doReturn(eventLoopGroup).when(nettyOptions).eventLoopGroup(any(ThreadFactory.class)); doReturn(timer).when(nettyOptions).timer(any(ThreadFactory.class)); final ChannelHandler handler = mock(ChannelHandler.class); doAnswer(new Answer() { @Override//from w w w. ja v a 2 s . c om public Object answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable { SocketChannel channel = (SocketChannel) invocation.getArguments()[0]; channel.pipeline().addLast("test-handler", handler); return null; } }).when(nettyOptions).afterChannelInitialized(any(SocketChannel.class)); Cluster cluster = register(Cluster.builder().addContactPoints(getContactPoints().get(0)) .withPort(ccm().getBinaryPort()).withPoolingOptions(new PoolingOptions() .setConnectionsPerHost(HostDistance.LOCAL, coreConnections, coreConnections)) .withNettyOptions(nettyOptions).build()); // when cluster.connect();// force session creation to populate pools int expectedNumberOfCalls = TestUtils.numberOfLocalCoreConnections(cluster) * hosts + 1; // If the driver supports a more recent protocol version than C*, the negotiation at startup // will open 1 extra connection. if (!ProtocolVersion.NEWEST_SUPPORTED.isSupportedBy(TestUtils.findHost(cluster, 1))) expectedNumberOfCalls += 1; cluster.close(); // then verify(nettyOptions, times(1)).eventLoopGroup(any(ThreadFactory.class)); verify(nettyOptions, times(1)).channelClass(); verify(nettyOptions, times(1)).timer(any(ThreadFactory.class)); // per-connection hooks will be called coreConnections * hosts + 1 times: // the extra call is for the control connection verify(nettyOptions, times(expectedNumberOfCalls)).afterBootstrapInitialized(any(Bootstrap.class)); verify(nettyOptions, times(expectedNumberOfCalls)).afterChannelInitialized(any(SocketChannel.class)); verify(handler, times(expectedNumberOfCalls)).handlerAdded(any(ChannelHandlerContext.class)); verify(handler, times(expectedNumberOfCalls)).handlerRemoved(any(ChannelHandlerContext.class)); verify(nettyOptions, times(1)).onClusterClose(eventLoopGroup); verify(nettyOptions, times(1)).onClusterClose(timer); verifyNoMoreInteractions(nettyOptions); }
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License:Open Source License
public JannelClient(final EventLoopGroup eventLoopGroup, final Class<? extends Channel> channelClass, final EventExecutorGroup eventExecutors) { this(new Bootstrap().group(eventLoopGroup).channel(channelClass), eventExecutors, new ChannelHandlerProvider(), new DefaultTranscoder(new TranscoderHelper()), new HashedWheelTimer()); }
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License:Apache License
private void createHttpClient(boolean useConnectionPool) { HashedWheelTimer cleanupTimer = new HashedWheelTimer(); SystemTimeProvider timeProvider = new SystemTimeProvider(); ChannelPool pool = new NoChannelPool(); if (useConnectionPool) { pool = new PoolingChannelPool(cleanupTimer, timeProvider, 15, mock(MetricCallback.class)); }//from w w w .j av a2 s . com NettyHttpClientBuilder nettyHttpClientBuilder = new NettyHttpClientBuilder().setNioThreads(2) .setHttpCallbackExecutorThreads(2).setRootEventBus(rootEventBus); nettyHttpClientBuilder.setChannelPool(pool); httpClient = nettyHttpClientBuilder.createHttpClient(); httpClient.setConf(ConfKeys.IDLE_TIMEOUT_MILLIS, 0); httpClient.setConf(ConfKeys.TOTAL_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_MILLIS, 0); httpClient.start(); }
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public TestingHttpClientFactory useChannelPool() { HashedWheelTimer cleanupTimer = new HashedWheelTimer(); SystemTimeProvider timeProvider = new SystemTimeProvider(); nettyHttpClientBuilder/*from w ww . j av a2 s. c om*/ .setChannelPool(new PoolingChannelPool(cleanupTimer, timeProvider, 15000, new MetricCallback() { @Override public void onClosedConnectionTo(String host) { } @Override public void onCreatedConnectionTo(String host) { } @Override public void onReusedConnectionTo(String host) { } @Override public void onError(String host, RecordedTimeStamps timeStampRecorder) { } @Override public void onCompletedRequest(String host, RecordedTimeStamps recordedTimeStamps) { } @Override public void onCreatedServerPool(String host) { } @Override public void onRemovedServerPool(String host) { } @Override public void onServerPoolClosedConnection(String host, int poolSize) { } @Override public void onServerPoolAddedConnection(String host, int poolSize) { } })); return this; }
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License:Apache License
public NettyHttpClient createHttpClient() { if (httpCallbackExecutor == null) { if (httpCallbackExecutorThreads == 0) { httpCallbackExecutorThreads = 2; }/*from ww w . j av a2 s . com*/ httpCallbackExecutor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(httpCallbackExecutorThreads, newThreadFactory("HttpClient-HttpCallback")); } if (httpExecuteExecutor == null) { if (httpExecuteExecutorThreads == 0) { httpExecuteExecutorThreads = 2; } httpExecuteExecutor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(httpExecuteExecutorThreads, newThreadFactory("HttpClient-Executor")); } if (nioThreadFactory == null) { this.nioThreadFactory = newThreadFactory("HttpClient nio event loop"); } if (cleanupTimer == null) { cleanupTimer = new HashedWheelTimer(); } if (timeProvider == null) { timeProvider = new SystemTimeProvider(); } if (rootEventBus == null) { rootEventBus = new DefaultEventBus(); } if (metricCallback == null) { metricCallback = EMPTY_METRIC_CALLBACK; } else { new MetricCollector().wireMetricCallbackOnEventBus(metricCallback, rootEventBus); } if (channelPool == null) { channelPool = new PoolingChannelPool(cleanupTimer, timeProvider, 30, metricCallback); } if (executionBackPressure == null) { executionBackPressure = new NoBackPressure(); } return new NettyHttpClient(nioThreads, nioThreadFactory, httpCallbackExecutor, httpExecuteExecutor, cleanupTimer, timeProvider, executionBackPressure, rootEventBus, channelPool); }
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public EchoServer(int port, int timeout) { this.port = port; this.timeout = timeout; this.t = new HashedWheelTimer(); }
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License:Apache License
public void buildNetwork() throws ConfigurationException { // build transport Configuration transportConfigs = _config.subset(TRANSPORT_CONFIG_PREFIX); TransportClientConf conf = new TransportClientConf(); conf.init(transportConfigs);//from w w w .j a va 2 s . co m _registry = new MetricsRegistry(); MetricsHelper.initializeMetrics(_config.subset(METRICS_CONFIG_PREFIX)); MetricsHelper.registerMetricsRegistry(_registry); _brokerMetrics = new BrokerMetrics(_registry); _brokerMetrics.initializeGlobalMeters(); _state.set(State.INIT); _eventLoopGroup = new NioEventLoopGroup(); /** * Some of the client metrics uses histogram which is doing synchronous operation. * These are fixed overhead per request/response. * TODO: Measure the overhead of this. */ final NettyClientMetrics clientMetrics = new NettyClientMetrics(_registry, "client_"); // Setup Netty Connection Pool _resourceManager = new PooledNettyClientResourceManager(_eventLoopGroup, new HashedWheelTimer(), clientMetrics); _poolTimeoutExecutor = new ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(50); // _requestSenderPool = MoreExecutors.sameThreadExecutor(); final ConnectionPoolConfig cfg = conf.getConnPool(); _requestSenderPool = Executors.newCachedThreadPool(); ConnectionPoolConfig connPoolCfg = conf.getConnPool(); _connPool = new KeyedPoolImpl<ServerInstance, NettyClientConnection>( connPoolCfg.getMinConnectionsPerServer(), connPoolCfg.getMaxConnectionsPerServer(), connPoolCfg.getIdleTimeoutMs(), connPoolCfg.getMaxBacklogPerServer(), _resourceManager, _poolTimeoutExecutor, _requestSenderPool, _registry); // MoreExecutors.sameThreadExecutor(), _registry); _resourceManager.setPool(_connPool); // Setup Routing Table if (conf.getRoutingMode() == RoutingMode.CONFIG) { final CfgBasedRouting rt = new CfgBasedRouting(); rt.init(conf.getCfgBasedRouting()); _routingTable = rt; } else { // Helix based routing is already initialized. } // Setup ScatterGather _scatterGather = new ScatterGatherImpl(_connPool, _requestSenderPool); // Setup Broker Request Handler long brokerTimeOut = DEFAULT_BROKER_TIME_OUT; if (_config.containsKey(BROKER_TIME_OUT_CONFIG)) { try { brokerTimeOut = _config.getLong(BROKER_TIME_OUT_CONFIG); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.warn("Caught exception while reading broker timeout from config, using default value", e); } }"Broker timeout is - " + brokerTimeOut + " ms"); _requestHandler = new BrokerRequestHandler(_routingTable, _timeBoundaryService, _scatterGather, new DefaultReduceService(), _brokerMetrics, brokerTimeOut); //TODO: Start Broker Server : Code goes here. Broker Server part should use request handler to submit requests"Network initialized !!"); }
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License:Apache License
@Test /**/*from ww w. j av a 2s.c o m*/ * Client sends a request. Before Server generates the response, the client closes the channel (scenario:as the client is shutting down) */ public void testCloseClientChannel() throws Exception { NettyClientMetrics metric = new NettyClientMetrics(null, "abc"); Timer timer = new HashedWheelTimer(); String response = "dummy response"; int port = 9089; CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1); MyRequestHandler handler = new MyRequestHandler(response, latch); MyRequestHandlerFactory handlerFactory = new MyRequestHandlerFactory(handler); NettyTCPServer serverConn = new NettyTCPServer(port, handlerFactory, null); Thread serverThread = new Thread(serverConn, "ServerMain"); serverThread.start(); Thread.sleep(1000); ServerInstance server = new ServerInstance("localhost", port); EventLoopGroup eventLoopGroup = new NioEventLoopGroup(); NettyTCPClientConnection clientConn = new NettyTCPClientConnection(server, eventLoopGroup, timer, metric);"About to connect the client !!"); boolean connected = clientConn.connect();"Client connected !!"); Assert.assertTrue(connected, "connected"); Thread.sleep(1000); String request = "dummy request";"Sending the request !!"); ResponseFuture serverRespFuture = clientConn.sendRequest(Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(request.getBytes()), 1L, 5000L); //Close the client clientConn.close(); latch.countDown(); ByteBuf serverResp = serverRespFuture.getOne(); clientConn.close(); serverConn.shutdownGracefully(); Assert.assertNull(serverResp); Assert.assertFalse(serverRespFuture.isCancelled(), "Is Cancelled"); Assert.assertTrue(serverRespFuture.getError() != null, "Got Exception"); serverConn.shutdownGracefully(); System.out.println(metric); }
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License:Apache License
@Test /**// ww w .j a va2 s. c o m * Client sends a request. Server closes the channel ( scenario: as it is shutting down) */ public void testCloseServerChannel() throws Exception { NettyClientMetrics metric = new NettyClientMetrics(null, "abc"); Timer timer = new HashedWheelTimer(); int port = 9089; MyRequestHandler handler = new MyRequestHandler("empty", null); MyRequestHandlerFactory handlerFactory = new MyRequestHandlerFactory(handler); NettyTCPServer serverConn = new NettyCloseTCPServer(port, handlerFactory); Thread serverThread = new Thread(serverConn, "ServerMain"); serverThread.start(); Thread.sleep(1000); ServerInstance server = new ServerInstance("localhost", port); EventLoopGroup eventLoopGroup = new NioEventLoopGroup(); NettyTCPClientConnection clientConn = new NettyTCPClientConnection(server, eventLoopGroup, timer, metric);"About to connect the client !!"); boolean connected = clientConn.connect();"Client connected !!"); Assert.assertTrue(connected, "connected"); Thread.sleep(1000); String request = "dummy request";"Sending the request !!"); ResponseFuture serverRespFuture = clientConn.sendRequest(Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(request.getBytes()), 1L, 5000L); ByteBuf serverResp = serverRespFuture.getOne(); clientConn.close(); serverConn.shutdownGracefully(); Assert.assertNull(serverResp); Assert.assertFalse(serverRespFuture.isCancelled(), "Is Cancelled"); Assert.assertTrue(serverRespFuture.getError() != null, "Got Exception"); System.out.println(metric); }
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License:Apache License
@Test /**//from w w w . j ava 2 s. c om * Test Single small request response * @throws Exception */ public void testSingleSmallRequestResponse() throws Exception { NettyClientMetrics metric = new NettyClientMetrics(null, "abc"); Timer timer = new HashedWheelTimer(); String response = "dummy response"; int port = 9089; MyRequestHandler handler = new MyRequestHandler(response, null); MyRequestHandlerFactory handlerFactory = new MyRequestHandlerFactory(handler); NettyTCPServer serverConn = new NettyTCPServer(port, handlerFactory, null); Thread serverThread = new Thread(serverConn, "ServerMain"); serverThread.start(); Thread.sleep(1000); ServerInstance server = new ServerInstance("localhost", port); EventLoopGroup eventLoopGroup = new NioEventLoopGroup(); NettyTCPClientConnection clientConn = new NettyTCPClientConnection(server, eventLoopGroup, timer, metric); try {"About to connect the client !!"); boolean connected = clientConn.connect();"Client connected !!"); Assert.assertTrue(connected, "connected"); Thread.sleep(1000); String request = "dummy request";"Sending the request !!"); ResponseFuture serverRespFuture = clientConn.sendRequest(Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(request.getBytes()), 1L, 5000L);"Request sent !!"); ByteBuf serverResp = serverRespFuture.getOne(); byte[] b2 = new byte[serverResp.readableBytes()]; serverResp.readBytes(b2); String gotResponse = new String(b2); Assert.assertEquals(gotResponse, response, "Response Check at client"); Assert.assertEquals(handler.getRequest(), request, "Request Check at server"); System.out.println(metric); } finally { if (null != clientConn) { clientConn.close(); } if (null != serverConn) { serverConn.shutdownGracefully(); } } }