List of usage examples for io.netty.util Attribute get
T get();
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License:Apache License
@Test public void testFilterFullHttpResponse() { PolicyManager policyManager = mock(PolicyManager.class); AppConfiguration appConfig = mock(AppConfiguration.class); when(appConfig.getBoolean(AppConfiguration.KEY_DEBUG_INFO)).thenReturn(true); NettyResponseProxyFilter filter = new NettyResponseProxyFilter(policyManager, Executors.newCachedThreadPool()); ChannelHandlerContext ctx = mock(ChannelHandlerContext.class); when(ctx.attr(any(AttributeKey.class))).thenReturn(mock(Attribute.class)); Attribute cachable = mock(Attribute.class); when(ctx.attr(NettyRequestProxyFilter.IS_CACHABLE)).thenReturn(cachable); when(cachable.get()).thenReturn(Boolean.FALSE); assertNull(filter.filterResponse(null, ctx)); when(cachable.get()).thenReturn(Boolean.TRUE); assertNull(filter.filterResponse(null, ctx)); HttpResponse resp = mock(HttpResponse.class); when(resp.getStatus()).thenReturn(HttpResponseStatus.OK); assertEquals(resp, filter.filterResponse(resp, ctx)); resp = new DefaultFullHttpResponse(HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1, HttpResponseStatus.NOT_FOUND); assertEquals(resp, filter.filterResponse(resp, ctx)); resp.setStatus(HttpResponseStatus.OK); assertEquals(resp, filter.filterResponse(resp, ctx)); Attribute cacheKey = mock(Attribute.class); when(ctx.attr(NettyRequestProxyFilter.CACHE_KEY)).thenReturn(cacheKey); when(cacheKey.getAndRemove()).thenReturn("key"); when(policyManager.getCacheManager()).thenReturn(mock(CacheManager.class)); assertEquals(resp, filter.filterResponse(resp, ctx)); when(cacheKey.get()).thenReturn("key"); assertEquals(resp, filter.filterResponse(resp, ctx)); }
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License:Apache License
@Test public void testFilterChunkeResponses() throws InterruptedException { PolicyManager policyManager = mock(PolicyManager.class); AppConfiguration appConfig = mock(AppConfiguration.class); when(appConfig.getBoolean(AppConfiguration.KEY_DEBUG_INFO)).thenReturn(true); ExecutorService tp = Executors.newCachedThreadPool(); NettyResponseProxyFilter filter = new NettyResponseProxyFilter(policyManager, tp); ChannelHandlerContext ctx = mock(ChannelHandlerContext.class); when(ctx.attr(any(AttributeKey.class))).thenReturn(mock(Attribute.class)); Attribute cachable = mock(Attribute.class); when(ctx.attr(NettyRequestProxyFilter.IS_CACHABLE)).thenReturn(cachable); when(cachable.get()).thenReturn(Boolean.TRUE); Attribute cacheKey = mock(Attribute.class); when(ctx.attr(NettyRequestProxyFilter.CACHE_KEY)).thenReturn(cacheKey); when(cacheKey.get()).thenReturn("key"); HttpResponse resp = mock(HttpResponse.class); when(resp.getStatus()).thenReturn(HttpResponseStatus.OK); filter.filterResponse(resp, ctx);//w ww . ja v a 2 s. co m HttpContent httpContent = mock(HttpContent.class); when(httpContent.duplicate()).thenReturn(mock(HttpContent.class)); filter.filterResponse(httpContent, ctx); LastHttpContent lastHttpContent = mock(LastHttpContent.class); when(lastHttpContent.duplicate()).thenReturn(mock(LastHttpContent.class)); filter.filterResponse(lastHttpContent, ctx); filter.filterResponse(resp, ctx); filter.filterResponse(lastHttpContent, ctx); tp.awaitTermination(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS); }
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License:Open Source License
@Test public void testBaseHeader_311() throws UnsupportedEncodingException { m_buff = Unpooled.buffer(12);//from w w w. jav a2 s . c o m initBaseHeader311(m_buff); List<Object> results = new ArrayList<Object>(); //Excercise m_msgdec.decode(this.attrMap, m_buff, results); //Verify assertFalse(results.isEmpty()); verifyBaseHeader311((ConnectMessage) results.get(0)); Attribute<Integer> attr = this.attrMap.attr(MQTTDecoder.PROTOCOL_VERSION); assertEquals(VERSION_3_1_1, attr.get().intValue()); }
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License:Open Source License
public static Object getAttribute(ChannelHandlerContext channel, AttributeKey<Object> key) { Attribute<Object> attr = channel.attr(key); return attr.get(); }
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License:Apache License
/** * Batch up incoming SingleMetric messages. If the #minimumBatchSize is not yet reached, the messages are stored * locally. Otherwise the list of messages will be forwarded to the next handler. * This method will be called for each written message that can be handled * by this encoder.//from ww w . j a v a 2 s.c o m * * @param ctx the {@link ChannelHandlerContext} which this {@link MessageToMessageDecoder} belongs to * @param msg the SingleMetric to be batched up * @param out the {@link List} to which decoded messages should be added if the batch size is reached * @throws Exception is thrown if an error occurs */ @Override protected void decode(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, SingleMetric msg, List<Object> out) throws Exception { LOG.trace("Incoming metric for key '{}'",; Attribute<List<SingleMetric>> cache = ctx.attr(cacheKey); List<SingleMetric> batchList = cache.get(); if (batchList == null) { LOG.trace("Creating new batch list for key '{}'",; batchList = new ArrayList<>(minimumBatchSize); cache.set(batchList); } batchList.add(msg); if (batchList.size() >= minimumBatchSize) { LOG.trace("Batch size limit '{}' reached for key '{}'", minimumBatchSize,; cache.remove(); out.add(batchList); } }
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License:Open Source License
@Override void decode(AttributeMap ctx, ByteBuf in, List<Object> out) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { in.resetReaderIndex();// w ww. j a va 2 s . co m //Common decoding part ConnectPacket message = new ConnectPacket(); if (!decodeCommonHeader(message, 0x00, in)) { in.resetReaderIndex(); return; } int remainingLength = message.getRemainingLength(); int start = in.readerIndex(); int protocolNameLen = in.readUnsignedShort(); byte[] encProtoName; String protoName; Attribute<Integer> versionAttr = ctx.attr(MQTTDecoder.PROTOCOL_VERSION); switch (protocolNameLen) { case 6: //MQTT version 3.1 "MQIsdp" //ProtocolName 8 bytes or 6 bytes if (in.readableBytes() < 10) { in.resetReaderIndex(); return; } encProtoName = new byte[6]; in.readBytes(encProtoName); protoName = new String(encProtoName, "UTF-8"); if (!"MQIsdp".equals(protoName)) { in.resetReaderIndex(); throw new CorruptedFrameException("Invalid protoName: " + protoName); } message.setProtocolName(protoName); versionAttr.set((int) MqttUtils.VERSION_3_1); break; case 4: //MQTT version 3.1.1 "MQTT" //ProtocolName 6 bytes if (in.readableBytes() < 8) { in.resetReaderIndex(); return; } encProtoName = new byte[4]; in.readBytes(encProtoName); protoName = new String(encProtoName, "UTF-8"); if (!"MQTT".equals(protoName)) { in.resetReaderIndex(); throw new CorruptedFrameException("Invalid protoName: " + protoName); } message.setProtocolName(protoName); versionAttr.set((int) MqttUtils.VERSION_3_1_1); break; default: //protocol broken throw new CorruptedFrameException("Invalid protoName size: " + protocolNameLen); } //ProtocolVersion 1 byte (value 0x03 for 3.1, 0x04 for 3.1.1) message.setProtocolVersion(in.readByte()); if (message.getProtocolVersion() == MqttUtils.VERSION_3_1_1) { //if 3.1.1, check the flags (dup, retain and qos == 0) if (message.isDupFlag() || message.isRetainFlag() || message.getQos() != QosType.MOST_ONE) { throw new CorruptedFrameException("Received a CONNECT with fixed header flags != 0"); } //check if this is another connect from the same client on the same session Attribute<Boolean> connectAttr = ctx.attr(ConnectDecoder.CONNECT_STATUS); Boolean alreadyConnected = connectAttr.get(); if (alreadyConnected == null) { //never set connectAttr.set(true); } else if (alreadyConnected) { throw new CorruptedFrameException("Received a second CONNECT on the same network connection"); } } //Connection flag byte connFlags = in.readByte(); if (message.getProtocolVersion() == MqttUtils.VERSION_3_1_1) { if ((connFlags & 0x01) != 0) { //bit(0) of connection flags is != 0 throw new CorruptedFrameException("Received a CONNECT with connectionFlags[0(bit)] != 0"); } } boolean cleanSession = ((connFlags & 0x02) >> 1) == 1; boolean willFlag = ((connFlags & 0x04) >> 2) == 1; byte willQos = (byte) ((connFlags & 0x18) >> 3); if (willQos > 2) { in.resetReaderIndex(); throw new CorruptedFrameException("Expected will QoS in range 0..2 but found: " + willQos); } boolean willRetain = ((connFlags & 0x20) >> 5) == 1; boolean passwordFlag = ((connFlags & 0x40) >> 6) == 1; boolean userFlag = ((connFlags & 0x80) >> 7) == 1; //a password is true iff user is true. if (!userFlag && passwordFlag) { in.resetReaderIndex(); throw new CorruptedFrameException( "Expected password flag to true if the user flag is true but was: " + passwordFlag); } message.setCleanSession(cleanSession); message.setWillFlag(willFlag); message.setWillQos(willQos); message.setWillRetain(willRetain); message.setPasswordFlag(passwordFlag); message.setUserFlag(userFlag); //Keep Alive timer 2 bytes //int keepAlive = MqttUtils.readWord(in); int keepAlive = in.readUnsignedShort(); message.setKeepAlive(keepAlive); if ((remainingLength == 12 && message.getProtocolVersion() == MqttUtils.VERSION_3_1) || (remainingLength == 10 && message.getProtocolVersion() == MqttUtils.VERSION_3_1_1)) { out.add(message); return; } //Decode the ClientID String clientID = MqttUtils.decodeString(in); if (clientID == null) { in.resetReaderIndex(); return; } message.setClientID(clientID); //Decode willTopic if (willFlag) { String willTopic = MqttUtils.decodeString(in); if (willTopic == null) { in.resetReaderIndex(); return; } message.setWillTopic(willTopic); } //Decode willMessage if (willFlag) { byte[] willMessage = MqttUtils.readFixedLengthContent(in); if (willMessage == null) { in.resetReaderIndex(); return; } message.setWillMessage(willMessage); } //Compatibility check with v3.0, remaining length has precedence over //the user and password flags int readed = in.readerIndex() - start; if (readed == remainingLength) { out.add(message); return; } //Decode username if (userFlag) { String userName = MqttUtils.decodeString(in); if (userName == null) { in.resetReaderIndex(); return; } message.setUsername(userName); } readed = in.readerIndex() - start; if (readed == remainingLength) { out.add(message); return; } //Decode password if (passwordFlag) { byte[] password = MqttUtils.readFixedLengthContent(in); if (password == null) { in.resetReaderIndex(); return; } message.setPassword(password); } out.add(message); }
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License:Open Source License
public static boolean isMQTT3_1_1(AttributeMap attrsMap) { Attribute<Integer> versionAttr = attrsMap.attr(MQTTDecoder.PROTOCOL_VERSION); Integer protocolVersion = versionAttr.get(); if (protocolVersion == null) { return true; }// w w w. j a va 2 s .com return protocolVersion == VERSION_3_1_1; }
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License:Apache License
@Override public void channelRead0(final ChannelHandlerContext ctx, final Object msg) { if (msg instanceof HttpRequest) {; HttpRequest req = (HttpRequest) msg; + " " + req.uri()); if (HttpUtil.is100ContinueExpected(req)) { ctx.write(new DefaultFullHttpResponse(HTTP_1_1, HttpResponseStatus.CONTINUE)); }//from www . j a va2 s .c o m boolean keepAlive = HttpUtil.isKeepAlive(req); try { String streamId = req.headers().get(STREAM_ID); handler.handle(new NettyRequest(ctx, req, tmpdir, wsMaxMessageSize), new NettyResponse(ctx, bufferSize, keepAlive, streamId)); } catch (Throwable ex) { exceptionCaught(ctx, ex); } } else if (msg instanceof WebSocketFrame) { Attribute<NettyWebSocket> ws =; ws.get().handle(msg); } }
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License:Apache License
@Override public void channelReadComplete(final ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws Exception { Attribute<Boolean> attr =; boolean needFlush = (attr == null || attr.get() == Boolean.TRUE); if (needFlush) { ctx.flush();/*from w ww. ja v a2 s . c o m*/ } }
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License:Apache License
@Override public void exceptionCaught(final ChannelHandlerContext ctx, final Throwable cause) { try {/*from ww w. java 2 s .c o m*/ if (ConnectionResetByPeer.test(cause)) { log.trace("execution of: " + + " resulted in error", cause); } else { Attribute<NettyWebSocket> ws =; if (ws != null && ws.get() != null) { ws.get().handle(cause); } else { log.debug("execution of: " + + " resulted in error", cause); } } } finally { ctx.close(); } }