List of usage examples for ChannelHandlerContext fireExceptionCaught
@Override ChannelHandlerContext fireExceptionCaught(Throwable cause);
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License:Apache License
@Override public void exceptionCaught(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Throwable e) throws Exception { for (final CompletableFuture<EslMessage> apiCall : apiCalls) { apiCall.completeExceptionally(e.getCause()); }/*from w w w. j a v a 2s . c om*/ for (final CompletableFuture<EslEvent> backgroundJob : backgroundJobs.values()) { backgroundJob.completeExceptionally(e.getCause()); } ctx.close(); ctx.fireExceptionCaught(e); }
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License:Apache License
protected void decodeErrorMessage(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ByteBuf in) { if (!in.isReadable()) { ctx.fireExceptionCaught(new ProtocolException("decode error message failed")); return;/*ww w. ja va 2 s .co m*/ } byte[] reason = new byte[actualReadableBytes()]; in.readBytes(reason); String error = new String(reason, ASCII); ctx.fireExceptionCaught(new ProtocolException(error.trim())); }
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License:Apache License
private void decodeErrorMessage(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ByteBuf in) { int length = in.readInt(); if (length == 0) { ctx.fireExceptionCaught(new ProtocolException("decode error message failed")); return;/*from www . ja v a2 s . co m*/ } byte[] text = new byte[length]; in.readBytes(text); ctx.fireExceptionCaught(new ProtocolException(new String(text, ASCII))); }
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License:Apache License
private void handleServerVersion(final ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ProtocolVersion version) { logger.debug("server version: {}", version); if (version.isGreaterThan(config.versionProperty().get())) { logger.debug("set client version: {}", config.versionProperty().get()); version = config.versionProperty().get(); }//from w ww. java 2 s .c o m RfbClientHandshakerFactory hsFactory = new RfbClientHandshakerFactory(); handshaker = hsFactory.newRfbClientHandshaker(version); handshaker.handshake( -> { if (!future.isSuccess()) { ctx.fireExceptionCaught(future.cause()); } else { ctx.pipeline().fireUserEventTriggered(ProtocolState.HANDSHAKE_STARTED); } }); }
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License:Apache License
private void handleSecurityTypes(final ChannelHandlerContext ctx, SecurityTypesEvent msg) { SecurityType[] supportTypes = msg.getSecurityTypes(); if (supportTypes.length == 0) { ctx.fireExceptionCaught(new ProtocolException("no security types supported")); return;/* ww w. j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ } SecurityType userSecType = config.securityProperty().get(); boolean isSupported = -> i == userSecType); if (!isSupported) { ctx.fireExceptionCaught(new ProtocolException( String.format("Authentication: '%s' is not supported. The server supports only (%s)", userSecType, Arrays.toString(supportTypes)))); return; } if (userSecType == SecurityType.NONE) { logger.debug("none security type available"); ctx.writeAndFlush(Unpooled.buffer(1).writeByte(userSecType.getType())); ctx.pipeline().fireUserEventTriggered(ProtocolState.SECURITY_COMPLETE); return; } RfbSecurityHandshakerFactory secFactory = new RfbSecurityHandshakerFactory(); secHandshaker = secFactory.newRfbSecurityHandshaker(userSecType); if (secHandshaker == null) { ctx.fireExceptionCaught( new ProtocolException(String.format("Authentication: '%s' is not supported yet", userSecType))); return; } secHandshaker.handshake(, msg.isResponse()).addListener((future) -> { if (future.isSuccess()) { ctx.pipeline().fireUserEventTriggered(ProtocolState.SECURITY_STARTED); } else { ctx.fireExceptionCaught(future.cause()); } }); }
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License:Apache License
private void handleSecurityMessage(final ChannelHandlerContext ctx, final RfbSecurityMessage msg) { msg.setCredentials(config);//from ww w . ja v a 2 s . c o m ctx.writeAndFlush(msg).addListener((future) -> { if (secHandshaker != null && !secHandshaker.isHandshakeComplete()) { secHandshaker.finishHandshake(, msg); } if (!future.isSuccess()) { ctx.fireExceptionCaught(future.cause()); } }); }
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License:Apache License
private void handleSecurityResult(final ChannelHandlerContext ctx, final SecurityResultEvent msg) { if (msg.isPassed()) {"security passed: {}", msg); boolean sharedFlag = config.sharedProperty().get(); ctx.writeAndFlush(new SharedEvent(sharedFlag)).addListener((future) -> { if (!future.isSuccess()) { ctx.fireExceptionCaught(future.cause()); } else { ctx.pipeline().fireUserEventTriggered(ProtocolState.SECURITY_COMPLETE); }//from www . j a va 2 s .co m }); return; } ctx.pipeline().fireUserEventTriggered(ProtocolState.SECURITY_FAILED); if (msg.getThrowable() != null) { ctx.fireExceptionCaught(msg.getThrowable()); } }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public void channelRead(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object message) { AbstractPacket msg = (AbstractPacket) message;"Received a message of type {}", MqttUtils.msgType2String(msg.getMessageType())); try {//from w w w.j av a 2 s. c o m switch (msg.getMessageType()) { case CONNECT: processor.processConnect(, (ConnectPacket) msg); break; case PUBLISH: processor.processPublish(, (PublishPacket) msg); break; case PUBACK: processor.processPubAck(, (PubAckPacket) msg); break; case PUBREC: processor.processPubRec(, (PubRecPacket) msg); break; case PUBREL: processor.processPubRel(, (PubRelPacket) msg); break; case PUBCOMP: processor.processPubComp(, (PubCompPacket) msg); break; case SUBSCRIBE: processor.processSubscribe(, (SubscribePacket) msg); break; case UNSUBSCRIBE: processor.processUnsubscribe(, (UnsubscribePacket) msg); break; case PINGREQ: PingRespPacket pingResp = new PingRespPacket(); ctx.writeAndFlush(pingResp); break; case DISCONNECT: processor.processDisconnect(; break; } } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.error("Bad error in processing the message", ex); ctx.fireExceptionCaught(ex); } }
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License:Apache License
@Override protected void channelRead0(final ChannelHandlerContext ctx, final AbstractCommand msg) throws Exception { Callable<AbstractCommand> callable = msg; final Future<AbstractCommand> future = executor.submit(callable); future.addListener(new GenericFutureListener<Future<Object>>() { @Override//from w w w. ja va 2 m public void operationComplete(final Future<Object> future) throws Exception { LOG.trace("DefaultHandler().operationComplete..."); if (future.isSuccess()) { ctx.writeAndFlush(future.get()); } else { ctx.fireExceptionCaught(future.cause()); } } }); }
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License:Apache License
@Override protected void channelRead0(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object msg) throws Exception { if (msg instanceof WebSocketFrame) { websocketHandler.handleWebSocketFrame(ctx, (WebSocketFrame) msg); return;//from ww w. j a v a 2s . c o m } if (msg instanceof HttpRequest) { if (is100ContinueExpected((HttpRequest) msg)) { ctx.writeAndFlush(CONTINUE).addListener(future -> { if (!future.isSuccess()) { ctx.fireExceptionCaught(future.cause()); } }); } this.request = (HttpRequest) msg; this.qsd = new QueryStringDecoder(request.getUri()); this.routing = router.find(request.getMethod(), qsd.path()); this.bodyParser = newBodyParser(routing, request); this.bodyParser.initialize(ctx, request); } if (msg instanceof HttpContent) { HttpContent chunk = (HttpContent) msg; if (bodyParser != null) { bodyParser.offer(chunk); } if (chunk instanceof LastHttpContent) { Map<String, CookieParam> cookies = Optional.ofNullable(request.headers().get(COOKIE)) .map(CookieDecoder::decode) .map(s -> .collect(toMap(io.netty.handler.codec.http.Cookie::getName, CookieParam::new))) .orElseGet(Collections::emptyMap); request.headers().set(HttpHeaders.Names.CONTENT_LENGTH, bodyParser.size()); Request req = new Request(secure, Method.valueOf(request.getMethod().name()), qsd.path(), new HeaderParams(request), new CookieParams(cookies), new PathParams(routing.pathParams()), new QueryParams(qsd.parameters()), bodyParser.body()); if (bodyParser.isMaximumExceeded()) { requestEntityTooLarge().apply(request, websocketHandler, isKeepAlive(request), req, ctx); } else { completedFuture(req).thenCompose(r -> routing.handler().apply(r)).whenComplete((resp, ex) -> { releaseBodyParser(); Response response = resp; if (ex != null) { if (ex instanceof CompletionException) { ex = lookupCause(ex); } if (ex instanceof InternalRuntimeException) { ex = lookupCause(ex); } if (ex instanceof HttpServerException) { response = ((HttpServerException) ex).getResponse(); if (response.status() >= 500) { Titanite.LOG.error("error processing request", ex); } } else { Titanite.LOG.error("error processing request", ex); response = internalServerError(); } } response.apply(request, websocketHandler, isKeepAlive(request), req, ctx); }); } } } }