Example usage for Java io.netty.channel ChannelFuture fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass
The text is from its open source code.
ChannelFuture | addListener(GenericFutureListener extends Future super Void>> listener) |
ChannelFuture | addListeners(GenericFutureListener extends Future super Void>>... listeners) |
ChannelFuture | await() |
boolean | await(long timeoutMillis) Waits for this future to be completed within the specified time limit. |
boolean | await(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) Waits for this future to be completed within the specified time limit. |
ChannelFuture | awaitUninterruptibly() |
boolean | awaitUninterruptibly(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) Waits for this future to be completed within the specified time limit without interruption. |
boolean | awaitUninterruptibly(long timeoutMillis) Waits for this future to be completed within the specified time limit without interruption. |
boolean | cancel(boolean mayInterruptIfRunning) If the cancellation was successful it will fail the future with a CancellationException . |
Throwable | cause() Returns the cause of the failed I/O operation if the I/O operation has failed. |
Channel | channel() Returns a channel where the I/O operation associated with this future takes place. |
V | getNow() Return the result without blocking. |
boolean | isCancellable() returns true if and only if the operation can be cancelled via #cancel(boolean) . |
boolean | isSuccess() Returns true if and only if the I/O operation was completed successfully. |
ChannelFuture | removeListener(GenericFutureListener extends Future super Void>> listener) |
ChannelFuture | removeListeners(GenericFutureListener extends Future super Void>>... listeners) |
ChannelFuture | sync() |
ChannelFuture | syncUninterruptibly() |