Example usage for io.netty.channel ChannelFuture ChannelFuture

List of usage examples for io.netty.channel ChannelFuture ChannelFuture


In this page you can find the example usage for io.netty.channel ChannelFuture ChannelFuture.



Source Link


From source file:org.acmsl.katas.antlr4netty.InterpreterServer.java

License:Open Source License

 * Wraps given {@link ChannelFuture} to ensure the event loops
 * shut down gracefully./*ww w .  ja  va 2 s .c  o m*/
 * @param target the original channel future.
 * @param bossGroup the boss group.
 * @param workerGroup the worker group.
 * @return the wrapped future.
protected ChannelFuture wrap(@NotNull final ChannelFuture target, @NotNull final NioEventLoopGroup bossGroup,
        @NotNull final NioEventLoopGroup workerGroup) {
    return new ChannelFuture() {
        public Channel channel() {
            return target.channel();

         * {@inheritDoc}
        public ChannelFuture addListener(
                @NotNull final GenericFutureListener<? extends Future<? super Void>> listener) {
            return target.addListener(listener);

         * {@inheritDoc}
        public ChannelFuture addListeners(
                @NotNull final GenericFutureListener<? extends Future<? super Void>>... listeners) {
            return target.addListeners(listeners);

         * {@inheritDoc}
        public ChannelFuture removeListener(
                @NotNull final GenericFutureListener<? extends Future<? super Void>> listener) {
            return target.removeListener(listener);

         * {@inheritDoc}
        public ChannelFuture removeListeners(
                @NotNull final GenericFutureListener<? extends Future<? super Void>>... listeners) {
            return target.removeListeners(listeners);

         * {@inheritDoc}
        public ChannelFuture sync() throws InterruptedException {
            ChannelFuture result = null;

            try {
                result = target.sync();
            } finally {

            return result;

         * {@inheritDoc}
        public ChannelFuture syncUninterruptibly() {
            return target.syncUninterruptibly();

         * {@inheritDoc}
        public ChannelFuture await() throws InterruptedException {
            return target.await();

         * {@inheritDoc}
        public ChannelFuture awaitUninterruptibly() {
            return target.awaitUninterruptibly();

         * {@inheritDoc}
        public boolean isSuccess() {
            return target.isSuccess();

         * {@inheritDoc}
        public boolean isCancellable() {
            return target.isCancellable();

         * {@inheritDoc}
        public Throwable cause() {
            return target.cause();

         * {@inheritDoc}
        public boolean await(final long timeout, @NotNull final TimeUnit unit) throws InterruptedException {
            return target.await(timeout, unit);

         * {@inheritDoc}
        public boolean await(final long timeoutMillis) throws InterruptedException {
            return target.await(timeoutMillis);

         * {@inheritDoc}
        public boolean awaitUninterruptibly(final long timeout, @NotNull final TimeUnit unit) {
            return target.awaitUninterruptibly(timeout, unit);

         * {@inheritDoc}
        public boolean awaitUninterruptibly(final long timeoutMillis) {
            return target.awaitUninterruptibly(timeoutMillis);

         * {@inheritDoc}
        public Void getNow() {
            return target.getNow();

         * {@inheritDoc}
        public boolean cancel(final boolean mayInterruptIfRunning) {
            return target.cancel(mayInterruptIfRunning);

         * {@inheritDoc}
        public boolean isCancelled() {
            return target.isCancelled();

         * {@inheritDoc}
        public boolean isDone() {
            return target.isDone();

         * {@inheritDoc}
        public Void get() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
            return target.get();

         * {@inheritDoc}
        public Void get(final long timeout, @NotNull final TimeUnit unit)
                throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, TimeoutException {
            return target.get(timeout, unit);