List of usage examples for io.netty.buffer ByteBufOutputStream ByteBufOutputStream
public ByteBufOutputStream(ByteBuf buffer)
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License:Open Source License
@Override public void writeSpawnData(ByteBuf data) { try {// w ww. j av a2 s. c o m DataOutputStream byteStream = new DataOutputStream(new ByteBufOutputStream(data)); DataTools.writeItemStack(getFilterItem(), byteStream); } catch (IOException ex) { } }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public void writeSpawnData(ByteBuf data) { try {//from w ww . java 2 s . c o m DataOutputStream byteStream = new DataOutputStream(new ByteBufOutputStream(data)); byteStream.writeUTF(func_95999_t() != null ? func_95999_t() : ""); byteStream.writeUTF(model); } catch (IOException ex) { } }
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License:Apache License
@Override public void channelRead(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object msg) throws IOException { if (msg instanceof HttpRequest) { HttpRequest req = (HttpRequest) msg; if (HttpHeaders.is100ContinueExpected(req)) { ctx.write(new DefaultFullHttpResponse(HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1, HttpResponseStatus.CONTINUE)); return; }//from w w w .ja va 2 s . c om //String passkey = req.headers().get("passkey"); // in case of large output this buffer will demand memory // writing directly to channel maybe more efficient... ByteBufOutputStream bufstream = new ByteBufOutputStream(Unpooled.buffer()); JsonGenerator json = new JsonFactory().createGenerator(bufstream); json.writeStartObject(); HttpResponseStatus status = HttpResponseStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; switch (req.getUri()) { case "/register": { User u = users.Register(); json.writeNumberField("id", u.getId()); json.writeBinaryField("key", u.getKey().asBinary()); status = HttpResponseStatus.OK; } break; case "/statistics": { String hashed_key_base64 = req.headers().get("key"); byte[] hashed_key = Base64.decodeBase64(hashed_key_base64); long salt = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000 / 30; User u = users.getBySaltedHash(hashed_key, salt); if (u != null) { u.requestHappen(); json.writeNumberField("id", u.getId()); json.writeNumberField("requests", u.getRequests()); status = HttpResponseStatus.OK; } else status = HttpResponseStatus.UNAUTHORIZED; } break; } json.writeEndObject(); json.close(); FullHttpResponse response = new DefaultFullHttpResponse(HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1, status, bufstream.buffer()); response.headers().set(HttpHeaders.Names.CONTENT_TYPE, "text/plain"); response.headers().set(HttpHeaders.Names.CONTENT_LENGTH, response.content().readableBytes()); if (!HttpHeaders.isKeepAlive(req)) { ctx.write(response).addListener(ChannelFutureListener.CLOSE); } else { response.headers().set(HttpHeaders.Names.CONNECTION, Values.KEEP_ALIVE); ctx.write(response); } } }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public void encode(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ClientFrame frame, ByteBuf out) throws Exception { LOGGER.trace("Encoding '{}'", frame); if (frame instanceof ClientConnectFrame) { final ClientConnectFrame connectFrame = (ClientConnectFrame) frame; out.writeBytes(CMD_CONNECT);/*from ww w . j a va2s.c o m*/ out.writeByte(' '); mapper.writeValue(new ByteBufOutputStream(out), connectFrame.getBody()); out.writeBytes(ByteBufUtil.CRLF); } else if (frame instanceof ClientPingFrame) { out.writeBytes(PING); } else if (frame instanceof ClientPongFrame) { out.writeBytes(PONG); } else if (frame instanceof ClientPublishFrame) { final ClientPublishFrame message = (ClientPublishFrame) frame; out.writeBytes(CMD_PUBLISH); out.writeByte(' '); out.writeBytes(message.getSubject().getBytes(UTF8)); out.writeByte(' '); final String replyTo = message.getReplyTo(); if (replyTo != null) { out.writeBytes(replyTo.getBytes(UTF8)); out.writeByte(' '); } final byte[] bodyBytes = message.getBody().getBytes(UTF8); ByteBufUtil.writeIntegerAsString(out, bodyBytes.length); out.writeBytes(ByteBufUtil.CRLF); out.writeBytes(bodyBytes); out.writeBytes(ByteBufUtil.CRLF); } else if (frame instanceof ClientSubscribeFrame) { final ClientSubscribeFrame message = (ClientSubscribeFrame) frame; out.writeBytes(CMD_SUBSCRIBE); out.writeByte(' '); out.writeBytes(message.getSubject().getBytes(UTF8)); out.writeByte(' '); final String queueGroup = message.getQueueGroup(); if (queueGroup != null) { out.writeBytes(queueGroup.getBytes(UTF8)); out.writeByte(' '); } out.writeBytes(message.getId().getBytes(UTF8)); out.writeBytes(ByteBufUtil.CRLF); } else if (frame instanceof ClientUnsubscribeFrame) { final ClientUnsubscribeFrame message = (ClientUnsubscribeFrame) frame; out.writeBytes(CMD_UNSUBSCRIBE); out.writeByte(' '); out.writeBytes(message.getId().getBytes(UTF8)); final Integer maxMessages = message.getMaxMessages(); if (maxMessages != null) { out.writeByte(' '); ByteBufUtil.writeIntegerAsString(out, maxMessages); } out.writeBytes(ByteBufUtil.CRLF); } else { throw new NatsException("Unable to encode client message of type " + frame.getClass().getName()); } }
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License:Open Source License
@Override protected void encode(ChannelHandlerContext channelHandlerContext, Packet packet, ByteBuf byteBuf) throws Exception { byte id = packetRegistry.getIdByPacket(packet.getClass()); byteBuf.writeByte(id);/*from w w w .j a v a2 s .c om*/ packet.write(new ByteBufOutputStream(byteBuf)); }
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License:MIT License
private static String encode(BufferedImage favicon) throws IOException { checkArgument(favicon.getWidth() == 64, "favicon must be 64 pixels wide"); checkArgument(favicon.getHeight() == 64, "favicon must be 64 pixels high"); ByteBuf buf = Unpooled.buffer();/* w w w.j a va 2 s.c o m*/ try { ImageIO.write(favicon, "PNG", new ByteBufOutputStream(buf)); ByteBuf base64 = Base64.encode(buf); try { return FAVICON_PREFIX + base64.toString(Charsets.UTF_8); } finally { base64.release(); } } finally { buf.release(); } }
From source
License:Apache License
@Override public void encode(Integer value, ByteBuf buf) { checkNotNull(value, "Can not encode a null integer value"); checkNotNull(buf, "Can not encode into a null output buffer"); ByteBufOutputStream output = new ByteBufOutputStream(buf); try {// w w w. j a v a 2 s .co m VarInt.encode(value.intValue(), output); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to encode integer '" + value + "' into the provided buffer", e); } }
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License:Apache License
static ByteBuf newCommandBuf(Command cmd) throws IOException { ByteBuf buf = PooledByteBufAllocator.DEFAULT.buffer(cmd.getSerializedSize()); try {//from ww w .ja v a 2 s .c o m cmd.writeTo(new ByteBufOutputStream(buf)); } catch (IOException e) { buf.release(); throw e; } return buf; }
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License:Apache License
public static ByteBuf newLogRecordBuf(Command command) { ByteBuf buf = Unpooled.buffer(command.getSerializedSize()); try {/*from w ww. j av a 2 s. c om*/ command.writeTo(new ByteBufOutputStream(buf)); } catch (IOException e) { throw new StateStoreRuntimeException("Invalid command : " + command, e); } return buf; }
From source
License:Apache License
@Override protected void encode(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, OutboundRpcMessage msg, List<Object> out) throws Exception { if (RpcConstants.EXTRA_DEBUGGING) { logger.debug("Rpc Encoder called with msg {}", msg); }/* w ww . j a v a 2 s . com*/ if (! { //output.add(ctx.alloc().buffer(0)); logger.debug("Channel closed, skipping encode."); msg.release(); return; } try { if (RpcConstants.EXTRA_DEBUGGING) { logger.debug("Encoding outbound message {}", msg); } // first we build the RpcHeader RpcHeader header = RpcHeader.newBuilder() // .setMode(msg.mode) // .setCoordinationId(msg.coordinationId) // .setRpcType(msg.rpcType).build(); // figure out the full length int headerLength = header.getSerializedSize(); int protoBodyLength = msg.pBody.getSerializedSize(); int rawBodyLength = msg.getRawBodySize(); int fullLength = // HEADER_TAG_LENGTH + getRawVarintSize(headerLength) + headerLength + // PROTOBUF_BODY_TAG_LENGTH + getRawVarintSize(protoBodyLength) + protoBodyLength; // if (rawBodyLength > 0) { fullLength += (RAW_BODY_TAG_LENGTH + getRawVarintSize(rawBodyLength) + rawBodyLength); } ByteBuf buf = ctx.alloc().buffer(); OutputStream os = new ByteBufOutputStream(buf); CodedOutputStream cos = CodedOutputStream.newInstance(os); // write full length first (this is length delimited stream). cos.writeRawVarint32(fullLength); // write header cos.writeRawVarint32(HEADER_TAG); cos.writeRawVarint32(headerLength); header.writeTo(cos); // write protobuf body length and body cos.writeRawVarint32(PROTOBUF_BODY_TAG); cos.writeRawVarint32(protoBodyLength); msg.pBody.writeTo(cos); // if exists, write data body and tag. if (msg.getRawBodySize() > 0) { if (RpcConstants.EXTRA_DEBUGGING) { logger.debug("Writing raw body of size {}", msg.getRawBodySize()); } cos.writeRawVarint32(RAW_BODY_TAG); cos.writeRawVarint32(rawBodyLength); cos.flush(); // need to flush so that dbody goes after if cos is caching. CompositeByteBuf cbb = new CompositeByteBuf(buf.alloc(), true, msg.dBodies.length + 1); cbb.addComponent(buf); int bufLength = buf.readableBytes(); for (ByteBuf b : msg.dBodies) { cbb.addComponent(b); bufLength += b.readableBytes(); } cbb.writerIndex(bufLength); out.add(cbb); } else { cos.flush(); out.add(buf); } if (RpcConstants.SOME_DEBUGGING) { logger.debug("Wrote message length {}:{} bytes (head:body). Message: " + msg, getRawVarintSize(fullLength), fullLength); } if (RpcConstants.EXTRA_DEBUGGING) { logger.debug("Sent message. Ending writer index was {}.", buf.writerIndex()); } } finally { // make sure to release Rpc Messages underlying byte buffers. //msg.release(); } }