List of usage examples for io.netty.buffer ByteBuf getBytes
public abstract ByteBuf getBytes(int index, ByteBuffer dst);
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License:Open Source License
/** * Testing of {@link HealthCheckInputMessageFactory} for correct translation from POJO * @throws Exception// w w w . java 2 s .c om */ @Test public void testElementsSet() throws Exception { GetStateInputBuilder hib = new GetStateInputBuilder(); BufferHelper.setupHeader(hib, OcpMsgType.valueOf("GETSTATEREQ")); boolean testEvent = true; String testObjId = "exampleObj:0"; String testStateType = "ALL"; //set xid Method m2_t = hib.getClass().getMethod("setXid", Long.class); m2_t.invoke(hib, new Long(0)); //set eventDrivenReporting Method m3_t = hib.getClass().getMethod("setEventDrivenReporting", Boolean.class); m3_t.invoke(hib, new Boolean(testEvent)); //set ObjId Method m4_t = hib.getClass().getMethod("setObjId", ObjId.class); m4_t.invoke(hib, new ObjId(testObjId)); //set State Type Method m5_t = hib.getClass().getMethod("setStateType", StateAllType.class); m5_t.invoke(hib, StateAllType.valueOf(testStateType)); GetStateInput hi =; LOG.debug("GetStateInputFactoryTest - hi objId value = {}", hi.getObjId()); ByteBuf out = UnpooledByteBufAllocator.DEFAULT.buffer(); getStateInputFactory.serialize(hi, out); //Verify and check the bytebuf info LOG.debug("GetStateInputFactoryTest - out = {}", out.readableBytes()); byte[] bytes = new byte[out.readableBytes()]; int readerIndex = out.readerIndex(); out.getBytes(readerIndex, bytes); String buf = new String(bytes, "UTF-8"); StringBuilder seq = new StringBuilder(""); seq.append("<obj objID=\""); seq.append(testObjId); seq.append("\">"); boolean checkVal = buf.contains(seq); StringBuilder seq2 = new StringBuilder(""); seq2.append("<eventDrivenReporting>"); seq2.append(String.valueOf(testEvent)); seq2.append("</eventDrivenReporting>"); boolean checkVal2 = buf.contains(seq2); //Check and compare elements Assert.assertEquals("Wrong length", true, checkVal); Assert.assertEquals("Wrong length", true, checkVal2); }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Testing of {@link HealthCheckInputMessageFactory} for correct translation from POJO * @throws Exception/*from ww w. j a v a2 s .c o m*/ */ @Test public void testElementsSet() throws Exception { HealthCheckInputBuilder hib = new HealthCheckInputBuilder(); BufferHelper.setupHeader(hib, OcpMsgType.valueOf("HEALTHCHECKREQ")); int testTimeout = 16; //set tcpLinkMonTimeout Method m_t = hib.getClass().getMethod("setTcpLinkMonTimeout", XsdUnsignedShort.class); m_t.invoke(hib, new XsdUnsignedShort(testTimeout)); //set xid Method m2_t = hib.getClass().getMethod("setXid", Long.class); m2_t.invoke(hib, new Long(0)); HealthCheckInput hi =; LOG.debug("HealthCheckInputMessageFactoryTest - hi testTimeout value = {}", hi.getTcpLinkMonTimeout().getValue()); ByteBuf out = UnpooledByteBufAllocator.DEFAULT.buffer(); healthCheckFactory.serialize(hi, out); //Verify and check the bytebuf info LOG.debug("HealthCheckInputMessageFactoryTest - out = {}", out.readableBytes()); byte[] bytes = new byte[out.readableBytes()]; int readerIndex = out.readerIndex(); out.getBytes(readerIndex, bytes); StringBuilder seq = new StringBuilder(""); seq.append("<tcpLinkMonTimeout>"); seq.append(testTimeout); seq.append("</tcpLinkMonTimeout>"); String buf = new String(bytes, "UTF-8"); boolean checkVal = buf.contains(seq); //Check and compare elements Assert.assertEquals("Wrong length", true, checkVal); }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Testing of {@link HealthCheckInputMessageFactory} for correct translation from POJO * @throws Exception// w w w. ja v a 2s .com */ @Test public void testElementsSet() throws Exception { HelloInputBuilder hib = new HelloInputBuilder(); BufferHelper.setupHeader(hib, OcpMsgType.valueOf("HELLOACK")); String testResult = "FAILOCPVERSION"; //set result Method m_t = hib.getClass().getMethod("setResult", OriHelloAckRes.class); m_t.invoke(hib, OriHelloAckRes.valueOf(testResult)); //set xid Method m2_t = hib.getClass().getMethod("setXid", Long.class); m2_t.invoke(hib, new Long(0)); HelloInput hi =; LOG.debug("HealthCheckInputMessageFactoryTest - hi result value = {}", hi.getResult()); ByteBuf out = UnpooledByteBufAllocator.DEFAULT.buffer(); helloInputFactory.serialize(hi, out); //Verify and check the bytebuf info LOG.debug("HealthCheckInputMessageFactoryTest - out = {}", out.readableBytes()); byte[] bytes = new byte[out.readableBytes()]; int readerIndex = out.readerIndex(); out.getBytes(readerIndex, bytes); StringBuilder seq = new StringBuilder(""); seq.append("<result>"); seq.append(testResult); seq.append("</result>"); String buf = new String(bytes, "UTF-8"); boolean checkVal = buf.contains(seq); //Check and compare elements Assert.assertEquals("Wrong length", true, checkVal); }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Testing of {@link ModifyParamInputFactory} for correct translation from POJO * @throws Exception//w w w . ja v a 2s . co m */ @Test public void testElementsSet() throws Exception { ModifyParamInputBuilder hib = new ModifyParamInputBuilder(); BufferHelper.setupHeader(hib, OcpMsgType.valueOf("MODIFYPARAMREQ")); boolean testEvent = true; String testObjId = "ALL"; //set xid Method m_t = hib.getClass().getMethod("setXid", Long.class); m_t.invoke(hib, new Long(0)); //set ObjId Method m2_t = hib.getClass().getMethod("setObjId", ObjId.class); m2_t.invoke(hib, new ObjId(testObjId)); //set Params List<Param> plist = new ArrayList(); ParamBuilder parambuilder1 = new ParamBuilder(); parambuilder1.setName("parameter1"); parambuilder1.setValue("value1"); plist.add(; ParamBuilder parambuilder2 = new ParamBuilder(); parambuilder2.setName("parameter2"); parambuilder2.setValue("value2"); plist.add(; ParamBuilder parambuilder3 = new ParamBuilder(); parambuilder3.setName("parameter3"); parambuilder3.setValue("a wrong value"); plist.add(; Method m3_t = hib.getClass().getMethod("setParam", List.class); m3_t.invoke(hib, plist); ModifyParamInput hi =; LOG.debug("ModifyParamInputFactoryTest - hi objId value = {}", hi.getObjId()); ByteBuf out = UnpooledByteBufAllocator.DEFAULT.buffer(); modifyParamInputFactory.serialize(hi, out); //Verify and check the bytebuf info LOG.debug("ModifyParamInputFactoryTest - out = {}", out.readableBytes()); byte[] bytes = new byte[out.readableBytes()]; int readerIndex = out.readerIndex(); out.getBytes(readerIndex, bytes); String buf = new String(bytes, "UTF-8"); StringBuilder seq = new StringBuilder(""); seq.append("<obj objID=\""); seq.append(testObjId); seq.append("\">"); boolean checkVal = buf.contains(seq); //Check and compare elements Assert.assertEquals("Wrong length", true, checkVal); }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Testing of {@link HealthCheckInputMessageFactory} for correct translation from POJO * @throws Exception//from w ww .ja v a 2 s. c o m */ @Test public void testElementsSet() throws Exception { ModifyStateInputBuilder hib = new ModifyStateInputBuilder(); BufferHelper.setupHeader(hib, OcpMsgType.valueOf("MODIFYSTATEREQ")); boolean testEvent = true; String testObjId = "ALL"; String testType = "AST"; String testVal = "UNLOCKED"; //set xid Method m2_t = hib.getClass().getMethod("setXid", Long.class); m2_t.invoke(hib, new Long(0)); //set ObjId Method m3_t = hib.getClass().getMethod("setObjId", ObjId.class); m3_t.invoke(hib, new ObjId(testObjId)); //set stateType Method m4_t = hib.getClass().getMethod("setStateType", StateType.class); m4_t.invoke(hib, StateType.valueOf(testType)); //set stateValue Method m5_t = hib.getClass().getMethod("setStateValue", StateVal.class); m5_t.invoke(hib, StateVal.valueOf(testVal)); ModifyStateInput hi =; LOG.debug("ModifyStateInputFactoryTest - hi objId value = {}", hi.getObjId()); ByteBuf out = UnpooledByteBufAllocator.DEFAULT.buffer(); modifyStateInputFactory.serialize(hi, out); //Verify and check the bytebuf info LOG.debug("ModifyStateInputFactoryTest - out = {}", out.readableBytes()); byte[] bytes = new byte[out.readableBytes()]; int readerIndex = out.readerIndex(); out.getBytes(readerIndex, bytes); String buf = new String(bytes, "UTF-8"); StringBuilder seq = new StringBuilder(""); seq.append("<obj objID=\""); seq.append(testObjId); seq.append("\">"); boolean checkVal = buf.contains(seq); //Check and compare elements Assert.assertEquals("Wrong length", true, checkVal); }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Testing of {@link ReResetInputFactory} for correct translation from POJO * @throws Exception//from w w w . j a v a 2 s .c om */ @Test public void testElementsSet() throws Exception { ReResetInputBuilder hib = new ReResetInputBuilder(); BufferHelper.setupHeader(hib, OcpMsgType.valueOf("RESETREQ")); String msgTag = "resetReq"; //set xid Method m_t = hib.getClass().getMethod("setXid", Long.class); m_t.invoke(hib, new Long(0)); ReResetInput hi =; LOG.debug("ReResetInputFactoryTest - hi Xid value = {}", hi.getXid()); ByteBuf out = UnpooledByteBufAllocator.DEFAULT.buffer(); reResetFactory.serialize(hi, out); //Verify and check the bytebuf info LOG.debug("ReResetInputFactoryTest - out = {}", out.readableBytes()); byte[] bytes = new byte[out.readableBytes()]; int readerIndex = out.readerIndex(); out.getBytes(readerIndex, bytes); StringBuilder seq = new StringBuilder(""); seq.append("resetReq"); String buf = new String(bytes, "UTF-8"); boolean checkVal = buf.contains(seq); //Check and compare elements Assert.assertEquals("Wrong length", true, checkVal); }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Testing of {@link SetTimeInputFactory} for correct translation from POJO * @throws Exception/*from w ww. j a v a 2s . co m*/ */ @Test public void testElementsSet() throws Exception { SetTimeInputBuilder hib = new SetTimeInputBuilder(); BufferHelper.setupHeader(hib, OcpMsgType.valueOf("SETTIMEREQ")); String testNewTime = "2016-04-26T10:23:00-05:00"; //set tcpLinkMonTimeout Method m_t = hib.getClass().getMethod("setNewTime", XsdDateTime.class); m_t.invoke(hib, new XsdDateTime(testNewTime)); //set xid Method m2_t = hib.getClass().getMethod("setXid", Long.class); m2_t.invoke(hib, new Long(0)); SetTimeInput hi =; LOG.debug("HealthCheckInputMessageFactoryTest - hi testNewTime value = {}", hi.getNewTime().getValue().toString()); ByteBuf out = UnpooledByteBufAllocator.DEFAULT.buffer(); setTimeInputFactory.serialize(hi, out); //Verify and check the bytebuf info LOG.debug("SetTimeInputFactoryTest - out = {}", out.readableBytes()); byte[] bytes = new byte[out.readableBytes()]; int readerIndex = out.readerIndex(); out.getBytes(readerIndex, bytes); StringBuilder seq = new StringBuilder(""); seq.append("<newTime>"); seq.append(testNewTime); seq.append("</newTime>"); String buf = new String(bytes, "UTF-8"); boolean checkVal = buf.contains(seq); //Check and compare elements Assert.assertEquals("Wrong length", true, checkVal); }
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License:Open Source License
@Override protected void decode(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ByteBuf buf, List<Object> out) throws Exception { logger.trace("readable bytes {}, records read {}, incomplete record bytes {}", buf.readableBytes(), recordsRead, lastRecordBytes); if (lastRecordBytes == 0) { if (buf.readableBytes() < 4) { return; //wait for more data }/* w w w.jav a2 s .c o m*/ skipSpaces(buf); byte[] buff = new byte[4]; buf.getBytes(buf.readerIndex(), buff); ByteSourceJsonBootstrapper strapper = new ByteSourceJsonBootstrapper(jacksonIOContext, buff, 0, 4); JsonEncoding jsonEncoding = strapper.detectEncoding(); if (!JsonEncoding.UTF8.equals(jsonEncoding)) { throw new InvalidEncodingException(jsonEncoding.getJavaName(), "currently only UTF-8 is supported"); } } int index = lastRecordBytes + buf.readerIndex(); for (; index < buf.writerIndex(); index++) { switch (buf.getByte(index)) { case '{': if (!inS) { leftCurlies++; } break; case '}': if (!inS) { rightCurlies++; } break; case '"': if (buf.getByte(index - 1) != '\\') { inS = !inS; } break; default: break; } if (leftCurlies != 0 && leftCurlies == rightCurlies && !inS) { ByteBuf slice = buf.readSlice(1 + index - buf.readerIndex()); JsonParser jp = jacksonJsonFactory.createParser(new ByteBufInputStream(slice)); JsonNode root = jp.readValueAsTree(); out.add(root); leftCurlies = rightCurlies = lastRecordBytes = 0; recordsRead++; break; } if (index - buf.readerIndex() >= maxFrameLength) { fail(ctx, index - buf.readerIndex()); } } // end of stream, save the incomplete record index to avoid reexamining the whole on next run if (index >= buf.writerIndex()) { lastRecordBytes = buf.readableBytes(); return; } }
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License:Open Source License
private void print(ByteBuf buf, int startPos, int chars, String message) { if (null == message) { message = ""; }/* ww w .j a v a 2s .c o m*/ if (startPos > buf.writerIndex()) { logger.trace("startPos out of bounds"); } byte[] bytes = new byte[startPos + chars <= buf.writerIndex() ? chars : buf.writerIndex() - startPos]; buf.getBytes(startPos, bytes); logger.trace("{} ={}", message, new String(bytes)); }
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License:Open Source License
private void backwardsParser(final int type, final ByteBuf buffer, final PathBindingBuilder builder) { builder.setBindingType((short) type); final byte[] value = new byte[buffer.readableBytes()]; //codec will do the reading from buffer buffer.getBytes(0, value); builder.setBindingValue(value);/*from w w w .ja va2 s. c o m*/ }