List of usage examples for io.netty.buffer ByteBuf getBytes
public abstract ByteBuf getBytes(int index, ByteBuffer dst);
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License:Apache License
/** * Check whether the encoding is valid.//from ww w.jav a 2s.c om * @param in input of bytes * @throws IOException this is an IO exception * @throws UnsupportedException this is an unsupported exception */ private static void checkEncoding(ByteBuf in) throws IOException { int inputStart = 0; int inputLength = 4; fliterCharaters(in); byte[] buff = new byte[4]; in.getBytes(in.readerIndex(), buff); ByteSourceJsonBootstrapper strapper = new ByteSourceJsonBootstrapper( new IOContext(new BufferRecycler(), null, false), buff, inputStart, inputLength); JsonEncoding jsonEncoding = strapper.detectEncoding(); if (!JsonEncoding.UTF8.equals(jsonEncoding)) { throw new UnsupportedException("Only UTF-8 encoding is supported."); } }
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License:Open Source License
@Test public void testChunkedFramingMechanismOnPipeline() throws Exception { EmbeddedChannel testChunkChannel = new EmbeddedChannel( FramingMechanismHandlerFactory.createHandler(FramingMechanism.CHUNK), new NetconfMessageToXMLEncoder(), new NetconfChunkAggregator(), new NetconfXMLToMessageDecoder()); testChunkChannel.writeOutbound(this.msg); Queue<Object> messages = testChunkChannel.outboundMessages(); assertFalse(messages.isEmpty());//from ww w . j ava 2 s. co m final NetconfMessageToXMLEncoder enc = new NetconfMessageToXMLEncoder(); final ByteBuf out = Unpooled.buffer(); enc.encode(null, msg, out); int msgLength = out.readableBytes(); int chunkCount = msgLength / ChunkedFramingMechanismEncoder.DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE; if ((msgLength % ChunkedFramingMechanismEncoder.DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE) != 0) { chunkCount++; } for (int i = 1; i <= chunkCount; i++) { ByteBuf recievedOutbound = (ByteBuf) messages.poll(); int exptHeaderLength = ChunkedFramingMechanismEncoder.DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE; if (i == chunkCount) { exptHeaderLength = msgLength - (ChunkedFramingMechanismEncoder.DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE * (i - 1)); byte[] eom = new byte[NetconfMessageConstants.END_OF_CHUNK.length]; recievedOutbound.getBytes( recievedOutbound.readableBytes() - NetconfMessageConstants.END_OF_CHUNK.length, eom); assertArrayEquals(NetconfMessageConstants.END_OF_CHUNK, eom); } byte[] header = new byte[String.valueOf(exptHeaderLength).length() + NetconfMessageConstants.MIN_HEADER_LENGTH - 1]; recievedOutbound.getBytes(0, header); NetconfMessageHeader messageHeader = NetconfMessageHeader.fromBytes(header); assertEquals(exptHeaderLength, messageHeader.getLength()); testChunkChannel.writeInbound(recievedOutbound); } assertTrue(messages.isEmpty()); NetconfMessage receivedMessage = (NetconfMessage) testChunkChannel.readInbound(); assertNotNull(receivedMessage); assertXMLEqual(this.msg.getDocument(), receivedMessage.getDocument()); }
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License:Open Source License
@Test public void testEOMFramingMechanismOnPipeline() throws Exception { EmbeddedChannel testChunkChannel = new EmbeddedChannel( FramingMechanismHandlerFactory.createHandler(FramingMechanism.EOM), new NetconfMessageToXMLEncoder(), new NetconfEOMAggregator(), new NetconfXMLToMessageDecoder()); testChunkChannel.writeOutbound(this.msg); ByteBuf recievedOutbound = (ByteBuf) testChunkChannel.readOutbound(); byte[] eom = new byte[NetconfMessageConstants.END_OF_MESSAGE.length]; recievedOutbound.getBytes(recievedOutbound.readableBytes() - NetconfMessageConstants.END_OF_MESSAGE.length, eom);//from ww w .j a v a 2 s . com assertArrayEquals(NetconfMessageConstants.END_OF_MESSAGE, eom); testChunkChannel.writeInbound(recievedOutbound); NetconfMessage receivedMessage = (NetconfMessage) testChunkChannel.readInbound(); assertNotNull(receivedMessage); assertXMLEqual(this.msg.getDocument(), receivedMessage.getDocument()); }
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License:Open Source License
@Override protected void decode(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ByteBuf buf, List<Object> out) throws Exception { logger.trace("readable bytes {}, records read {}, incomplete record bytes {}", buf.readableBytes(), recordsRead, lastRecordBytes); if (lastRecordBytes == 0) { if (buf.readableBytes() < 4) { return; //wait for more data }/*from w ww.j a va 2 s. c om*/ skipSpaces(buf); byte[] buff = new byte[4]; buf.getBytes(buf.readerIndex(), buff); ByteSourceJsonBootstrapper strapper = new ByteSourceJsonBootstrapper(jacksonIOContext, buff, 0, 4); JsonEncoding jsonEncoding = strapper.detectEncoding(); if (!JsonEncoding.UTF8.equals(jsonEncoding)) { throw new InvalidEncodingException(jsonEncoding.getJavaName(), "currently only UTF-8 is supported"); } } int i = lastRecordBytes + buf.readerIndex(); for (; i < buf.writerIndex(); i++) { switch (buf.getByte(i)) { case '{': if (!inS) leftCurlies++; break; case '}': if (!inS) rightCurlies++; break; case '"': { if (buf.getByte(i - 1) != '\\') inS = !inS; break; } default: break; } if (leftCurlies != 0 && leftCurlies == rightCurlies && !inS) { ByteBuf slice = buf.readSlice(1 + i - buf.readerIndex()); JsonParser jp = jacksonJsonFactory.createParser(new ByteBufInputStream(slice)); JsonNode root = jp.readValueAsTree(); out.add(root); leftCurlies = rightCurlies = lastRecordBytes = 0; recordsRead++; break; } if (i - buf.readerIndex() >= maxFrameLength) { fail(ctx, i - buf.readerIndex()); } } // end of stream, save the incomplete record index to avoid reexamining the whole on next run if (i >= buf.writerIndex()) { lastRecordBytes = buf.readableBytes(); return; } }
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License:Open Source License
@Test public void testChunkedFramingMechanismOnPipeline() throws Exception { EmbeddedChannel testChunkChannel = new EmbeddedChannel( FramingMechanismHandlerFactory.createHandler(FramingMechanism.CHUNK), new NetconfMessageToXMLEncoder(), new NetconfChunkAggregator(), new NetconfXMLToMessageDecoder()); testChunkChannel.writeOutbound(this.msg); Queue<Object> messages = testChunkChannel.outboundMessages(); assertFalse(messages.isEmpty());//w w w.j a v a 2 s . c o m final NetconfMessageToXMLEncoder enc = new NetconfMessageToXMLEncoder(); final ByteBuf out = Unpooled.buffer(); enc.encode(null, msg, out); int msgLength = out.readableBytes(); int chunkCount = msgLength / ChunkedFramingMechanismEncoder.DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE; if ((msgLength % ChunkedFramingMechanismEncoder.DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE) != 0) { chunkCount++; } for (int i = 1; i <= chunkCount; i++) { ByteBuf recievedOutbound = (ByteBuf) messages.poll(); int exptHeaderLength = ChunkedFramingMechanismEncoder.DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE; if (i == chunkCount) { exptHeaderLength = msgLength - (ChunkedFramingMechanismEncoder.DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE * (i - 1)); byte[] eom = new byte[NetconfMessageConstants.END_OF_CHUNK.length]; recievedOutbound.getBytes( recievedOutbound.readableBytes() - NetconfMessageConstants.END_OF_CHUNK.length, eom); assertArrayEquals(NetconfMessageConstants.END_OF_CHUNK, eom); } byte[] header = new byte[String.valueOf(exptHeaderLength).length() + NetconfMessageConstants.MIN_HEADER_LENGTH - 1]; recievedOutbound.getBytes(0, header); assertEquals(exptHeaderLength, getHeaderLength(header)); testChunkChannel.writeInbound(recievedOutbound); } assertTrue(messages.isEmpty()); NetconfMessage receivedMessage = (NetconfMessage) testChunkChannel.readInbound(); assertNotNull(receivedMessage); assertXMLEqual(this.msg.getDocument(), receivedMessage.getDocument()); }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public byte[] getPayload() { SerializerRegistry registry = new SerializerRegistryImpl(); registry.init();//from www .jav a 2 s . com SerializationFactory factory = new SerializationFactory(); factory.setSerializerTable(registry); ByteBuf output = UnpooledByteBufAllocator.DEFAULT.buffer(); factory.messageToBuffer(getOfVersion(), output, getOfMessage()); byte[] rawPayload = new byte[output.readableBytes()]; output.getBytes(0, rawPayload); return rawPayload; }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Testing of {@link CreateObjInputFactory} for correct translation from POJO * @throws Exception/*from w ww . j ava 2s .c om*/ */ @Test public void testElementsSet() throws Exception { CreateObjInputBuilder hib = new CreateObjInputBuilder(); BufferHelper.setupHeader(hib, OcpMsgType.valueOf("CREATEOBJREQ")); boolean testEvent = true; String testObjTypeId = "exampleObj"; //set xid Method m2_t = hib.getClass().getMethod("setXid", Long.class); m2_t.invoke(hib, new Long(0)); //set ObjType Method m3_t = hib.getClass().getMethod("setObjType", ObjType.class); m3_t.invoke(hib, new ObjType(testObjTypeId)); //set params ParamBuilder parambuilder1 = new ParamBuilder(); List<Param> plist = new ArrayList(); parambuilder1.setName("parameter1"); parambuilder1.setValue("value1"); plist.add(; ParamBuilder parambuilder2 = new ParamBuilder(); parambuilder2.setName("parameter2"); parambuilder2.setValue("value2"); plist.add(; Method m4_t = hib.getClass().getMethod("setParam", List.class); m4_t.invoke(hib, plist); CreateObjInput hi =; LOG.debug("CreateObjInputFactoryTest - hi objId value = {}", hi.getObjType()); ByteBuf out = UnpooledByteBufAllocator.DEFAULT.buffer(); createObjInputFactory.serialize(hi, out); //Verify and check the bytebuf info LOG.debug("HealthCheckInputMessageFactoryTest - out = {}", out.readableBytes()); byte[] bytes = new byte[out.readableBytes()]; int readerIndex = out.readerIndex(); out.getBytes(readerIndex, bytes); String buf = new String(bytes, "UTF-8"); StringBuilder seq = new StringBuilder(""); seq.append("<param name=\"parameter1\">value1</param>"); boolean checkVal = buf.contains(seq); StringBuilder seq2 = new StringBuilder(""); seq2.append("<objType objTypeID=\""); seq2.append(testObjTypeId); seq2.append("\">"); boolean checkVal2 = buf.contains(seq2); //Check and compare elements Assert.assertEquals("Wrong length", true, checkVal); Assert.assertEquals("Wrong length", true, checkVal2); }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Testing of {@link HealthCheckInputMessageFactory} for correct translation from POJO * @throws Exception//from w w w.j av a 2 s . c o m */ @Test public void testElementsSet() throws Exception { DeleteObjInputBuilder hib = new DeleteObjInputBuilder(); BufferHelper.setupHeader(hib, OcpMsgType.valueOf("DELETEOBJREQ")); boolean testEvent = true; String testObjId = "exampleObj:0"; //set xid Method m2_t = hib.getClass().getMethod("setXid", Long.class); m2_t.invoke(hib, new Long(0)); //set ObjId Method m4_t = hib.getClass().getMethod("setObjId", ObjId.class); m4_t.invoke(hib, new ObjId(testObjId)); DeleteObjInput hi =; LOG.debug("GetFaultInputFactoryTest - hi objId value = {}", hi.getObjId()); ByteBuf out = UnpooledByteBufAllocator.DEFAULT.buffer(); deleteObjInputFactory.serialize(hi, out); //Verify and check the bytebuf info LOG.debug("DeleteObjInputFactoryTest - out = {}", out.readableBytes()); byte[] bytes = new byte[out.readableBytes()]; int readerIndex = out.readerIndex(); out.getBytes(readerIndex, bytes); String buf = new String(bytes, "UTF-8"); StringBuilder seq = new StringBuilder(""); seq.append("<obj objID=\""); seq.append(testObjId); seq.append("\"/>"); boolean checkVal = buf.contains(seq); //Check and compare elements Assert.assertEquals("Wrong length", true, checkVal); }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Testing of {@link HealthCheckInputMessageFactory} for correct translation from POJO * @throws Exception//www. j av a2s . co m */ @Test public void testElementsSet() throws Exception { GetFaultInputBuilder hib = new GetFaultInputBuilder(); BufferHelper.setupHeader(hib, OcpMsgType.valueOf("GETFAULTREQ")); boolean testEvent = true; String testObjId = "ALL"; //set xid Method m2_t = hib.getClass().getMethod("setXid", Long.class); m2_t.invoke(hib, new Long(0)); //set ObjId Method m3_t = hib.getClass().getMethod("setObjId", ObjId.class); m3_t.invoke(hib, new ObjId(testObjId)); //set eventDrivenReporting Method m4_t = hib.getClass().getMethod("setEventDrivenReporting", Boolean.class); m4_t.invoke(hib, new Boolean(testEvent)); GetFaultInput hi =; LOG.debug("GetFaultInputFactoryTest - hi objId value = {}", hi.getObjId()); ByteBuf out = UnpooledByteBufAllocator.DEFAULT.buffer(); getFaultInputFactory.serialize(hi, out); //Verify and check the bytebuf info LOG.debug("HealthCheckInputMessageFactoryTest - out = {}", out.readableBytes()); byte[] bytes = new byte[out.readableBytes()]; int readerIndex = out.readerIndex(); out.getBytes(readerIndex, bytes); String buf = new String(bytes, "UTF-8"); StringBuilder seq = new StringBuilder(""); seq.append("<eventDrivenReporting>"); seq.append(String.valueOf(testEvent)); seq.append("</eventDrivenReporting>"); boolean checkVal = buf.contains(seq); StringBuilder seq2 = new StringBuilder(""); seq2.append("<obj objID=\""); seq2.append(testObjId); seq2.append("\"/>"); boolean checkVal2 = buf.contains(seq2); //Check and compare elements Assert.assertEquals("Wrong length", true, checkVal); Assert.assertEquals("Wrong length", true, checkVal2); }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Testing of {@link GetParamInputFactory} for correct translation from POJO * @throws Exception/*from w w w . j a va 2s . com*/ */ @Test public void testElementsSet() throws Exception { GetParamInputBuilder hib = new GetParamInputBuilder(); BufferHelper.setupHeader(hib, OcpMsgType.valueOf("GETPARAMREQ")); String testObjId = "RE:0"; //set xid Method m2_t = hib.getClass().getMethod("setXid", Long.class); m2_t.invoke(hib, new Long(0)); //set ObjId Method m3_t = hib.getClass().getMethod("setObjId", ObjId.class); m3_t.invoke(hib, new ObjId(testObjId)); //set paramName Method m4_t = hib.getClass().getMethod("setParamName", String.class); m4_t.invoke(hib, "vendorID"); GetParamInput hi =; LOG.debug("GetParamInputFactoryTest - hi objId = {}", hi.getObjId().getValue()); LOG.debug("GetParamInputFactoryTest - hi paramName = {}", hi.getParamName()); ByteBuf out = UnpooledByteBufAllocator.DEFAULT.buffer(); getParamInputFactory.serialize(hi, out); //Verify and check the bytebuf info LOG.debug("GetParamInputFactoryTest - out = {}", out.readableBytes()); byte[] bytes = new byte[out.readableBytes()]; int readerIndex = out.readerIndex(); out.getBytes(readerIndex, bytes); String buf = new String(bytes, "UTF-8"); StringBuilder seq = new StringBuilder(""); seq.append("<obj objID=\""); seq.append(testObjId); seq.append("\">"); boolean checkVal = buf.contains(seq); //Check and compare elements Assert.assertEquals("Wrong length", true, checkVal); }