List of usage examples for com.vaadin.ui VerticalLayout setSizeUndefined
@Override public void setSizeUndefined()
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License:Open Source License
@SuppressWarnings("serial") public AddVideoDialog() { super("Add a Video"); addStyleName("m-greybackground"); setClosable(false); // no x in corner setWidth("530px"); setHeight("400px"); VerticalLayout mainVL = new VerticalLayout(); mainVL.setSpacing(true);//from w w w . j a va 2 s . c o m mainVL.setMargin(true); mainVL.setSizeUndefined(); // auto size mainVL.setWidth("100%"); setContent(mainVL); Label helpLab = new HtmlLabel("Add YouTube videos to your Action Plan this way:" + "<OL><LI>Find the video you want at <a href=\"\" target=\"" + PORTALTARGETWINDOWNAME + "\"></a>.</LI>" + "<LI>Click the \"share\" button below the video screen.</LI>" + "<LI>Copy the URL under \"Link to this video:\"</LI>" + "<LI>Paste the URL into the field below.</LI>" + "</OL>" + "If you have media that " + "has not been uploaded to YouTube, see <a href=\"\" target=\"" + PORTALTARGETWINDOWNAME + "\"></a> " + "for help with establishing a free account.<br/>"); helpLab.setWidth("100%"); mainVL.addComponent(helpLab); HorizontalLayout mainHL = new HorizontalLayout(); mainHL.setMargin(false); mainHL.setSpacing(true); mainVL.addComponent(mainHL); holder = new AbsoluteLayout(); mainHL.addComponent(holder); holder.addStyleName("m-darkgreyborder"); holder.setWidth("150px"); holder.setHeight("150px"); holder.addComponent(new Label("Test video display"), "top:0px;left:0px;"); VerticalLayout rightVL = new VerticalLayout(); mainHL.addComponent(rightVL); rightVL.setMargin(false); rightVL.setSpacing(true); rightVL.addComponent(new Label("YouTube video address")); HorizontalLayout tfHL = new HorizontalLayout(); tfHL.setSpacing(true); rightVL.addComponent(tfHL); addrTf = new TextField(); tfHL.addComponent(addrTf); addrTf.setColumns(21); tfHL.addComponent(testButt = new Button("Test")); rightVL.addComponent(new Label("Using the test button will set the")); rightVL.addComponent(new Label("default title and description.")); Label sp; rightVL.addComponent(sp = new Label()); sp.setHeight("15px"); HorizontalLayout bottomHL = new HorizontalLayout(); rightVL.addComponent(bottomHL); rightVL.setComponentAlignment(bottomHL, Alignment.TOP_RIGHT); bottomHL.setSpacing(true); bottomHL.setWidth("100%"); Label spacer; bottomHL.addComponent(spacer = new Label()); spacer.setWidth("100%"); bottomHL.setExpandRatio(spacer, 1.0f); bottomHL.addComponent(cancelButt = new Button("Cancel")); bottomHL.addComponent(submitButt = new Button("Add")); testButt.addClickListener(new TestVidHandler()); submitButt.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { UI.getCurrent().removeWindow(AddVideoDialog.this); if (closer != null) closer.windowClose(null); } }); cancelButt.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { media = null; UI.getCurrent().removeWindow(AddVideoDialog.this); if (closer != null) closer.windowClose(null); } }); }
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License:Open Source License
public AddCardClassDialog(CardClass cls, String title) { super(title); this.cls = cls; VerticalLayout vl = new VerticalLayout(); setContent(vl);// w ww . j av a 2 s . c o m vl.setSpacing(true); vl.setMargin(true); vl.setSizeUndefined(); vl.addComponent(titleTF = new TextField("Title")); titleTF.setValue("title goes here"); titleTF.setColumns(35); vl.addComponent(summTF = new TextField("Summary")); summTF.setValue("summary goes here"); summTF.setColumns(35); vl.addComponent(promptTF = new TextField("Prompt")); promptTF.setValue("prompt goes here"); promptTF.setColumns(35); vl.addComponent(colorCombo = new NativeSelect("Color")); fillCombo(); HorizontalLayout buttHL = new HorizontalLayout(); buttHL.setSpacing(true); buttHL.addComponent(cancelButt = new Button("Cancel")); cancelButt.addClickListener(new CancelListener()); buttHL.addComponent(saveButt = new Button("Save")); saveButt.addClickListener(new SaveListener()); vl.addComponent(buttHL); vl.setComponentAlignment(buttHL, Alignment.MIDDLE_RIGHT); }
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License:Open Source License
public AddCardTypeDialog(int descType, String title) { super(title); this.typ = descType; VerticalLayout vl = new VerticalLayout(); setContent(vl);/*from www. j ava2 s .c om*/ vl.setSizeUndefined(); vl.setMargin(true); vl.setSpacing(true); vl.addComponent(titleTF = new TextField("Title")); titleTF.setValue("title goes here"); titleTF.setColumns(35); vl.addComponent(summTF = new TextField("Summary")); summTF.setValue("summary goes here"); summTF.setColumns(35); vl.addComponent(promptTF = new TextField("Prompt")); promptTF.setValue("prompt goes here"); promptTF.setColumns(35); vl.addComponent(colorCombo = new NativeSelect("Color")); fillCombo(); HorizontalLayout buttHL = new HorizontalLayout(); buttHL.setSpacing(true); buttHL.addComponent(cancelButt = new Button("Cancel")); cancelButt.addClickListener(new CancelListener()); buttHL.addComponent(saveButt = new Button("Save")); saveButt.addClickListener(new SaveListener()); vl.addComponent(buttHL); vl.setComponentAlignment(buttHL, Alignment.MIDDLE_RIGHT); }
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License:Open Source License
public EditCardTextWindow(String text, Integer charLim) { super("Edit card text"); if (charLim != null) characterLimit = charLim;//from w w w. j a v a2 setModal(true); VerticalLayout layout = new VerticalLayout(); setContent(layout); layout.setMargin(true); layout.setSpacing(true); ta = new TextArea(); ta.setRows(10); ta.setColumns(50); if (text != null) { ta.setValue(text); ta.selectAll(); } else ta.setInputPrompt("Type card text here"); layout.addComponent(ta); HorizontalLayout buttHL = new HorizontalLayout(); buttHL.setSpacing(true); WindowCloser closeListener = new WindowCloser(this); cancelButt = new Button("Cancel", closeListener); buttHL.addComponent(cancelButt); saveButt = new Button("Save", closeListener); saveButt.addClickListener(closeListener); buttHL.addComponent(saveButt); layout.addComponent(buttHL); layout.setSizeUndefined(); // does a "pack" UI.getCurrent().addWindow(this); ta.focus(); }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public void initGui() { Label leftLabel = new Label("Super-active chains are sets of cards that have two or more authors " + "and four or more follow-on cards at two levels."); this.getLeftLayout().addComponent(leftLabel, "top:0px;left:0px"); Panel pan = new Panel(); getRightLayout().addComponent(pan, "top:0px;left:0px"); pan.setSizeUndefined();// www . j av a 2s.c o m pan.setStyleName(Reindeer.PANEL_LIGHT); VerticalLayout tableLay = new VerticalLayout(); pan.setContent(tableLay); tableLay.setMargin(false); // default comes back from panel w/ margins tableLay.setSizeUndefined(); tree = new CardChainTree(null, true); // no cards at first tree.setWidth("680px"); tree.setHeight("730px"); tree.addStyleName("m-greyborder"); tableLay.addComponent(tree); }
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License:Open Source License
private void makeResetAnnounceDialogTL_5(String email, ArrayList<User> aLis) { UI myUI = getUI();//from w ww. java 2s . com myUI.removeWindow(PasswordResetPopup.this); final Window resetAnnounceDialog = new Window("Password Reset Announcement"); resetAnnounceDialog.setModal(true); resetAnnounceDialog.setClosable(false); VerticalLayout vLay = new VerticalLayout(); resetAnnounceDialog.setContent(vLay); vLay.setMargin(true); vLay.setSpacing(true); vLay.setSizeUndefined(); vLay.setWidth("400px"); Label message = new HtmlLabel("An email has been sent to <b>" + email + "</b>."); vLay.addComponent(message); message = new Label( "Follow the link in the message to confirm your password reset request to enable login to your mmowgli player account."); vLay.addComponent(message); message = new Label( "Please be advised that you will only have three hours to complete this process, after which time " + "you will have to re-initiate a new password reset process from the game login page."); vLay.addComponent(message); message = new HtmlLabel( "Now, press <b>Homepage -- Return to login</b> after receiving a reset request confirmation email."); vLay.addComponent(message); @SuppressWarnings("serial") Button laterButt = new Button("Homepage -- Return to login", new Button.ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(Button.ClickEvent event) { HSess.init(); Mmowgli2UI.getAppUI().quitAndGoTo(GameLinks.getTL().getGameHomeUrl()); HSess.close(); } }); vLay.addComponent(laterButt); @SuppressWarnings("serial") Button troubleButt = new Button("Send trouble report", new Button.ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(Button.ClickEvent event) { HSess.init(); Mmowgli2UI.getAppUI().quitAndGoTo(GameLinks.getTL().getTroubleLink()); HSess.close(); } }); vLay.addComponent(troubleButt); myUI.addWindow(resetAnnounceDialog);; // This process generates unique uId for th3 reset process that will // need to be confirmed once the user receives a confirmation email and // click on the link containing the uId Iterator<User> itr = aLis.iterator(); // sends email to all user accounts (which are at the same email address) // if a game name was entered, only that account receives the email while (itr.hasNext()) { User usr =; PasswordReset pr = new PasswordReset(usr); PasswordReset.saveTL(pr); String confirmUrl = buildConfirmUrl(pr); AppMaster.instance().getMailManager().sendPasswordResetEmailTL(email, usr.getUserName(), confirmUrl); } }
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License:Open Source License
@SuppressWarnings("serial") private void wereInTL(User _usr) { Game g = Game.getTL();/*from w w w.ja va 2 s . co m*/ if (!g.isEmailConfirmation()/* && !g.isSMSConfirmation()*/) { _usr.setEmailConfirmed(true); // confirmation didn't happen, but they want to login wereInReallyTL(_usr); // will do update } /* else if(g.isSMSConfirmation()) { // if both are selected, only sms is done } */ else { List<String> sLis = VHibPii.getUserPiiEmails(_usr.getId()); String email = sLis.get(0); final Window emailDialog = new Window("Email Confirmation"); emailDialog.setModal(true); emailDialog.setClosable(false); VerticalLayout vLay = new VerticalLayout(); emailDialog.setContent(vLay); vLay.setMargin(true); vLay.setSpacing(true); vLay.setSizeUndefined(); vLay.setWidth("400px"); Label message = new HtmlLabel("A confirmation email has been sent to <b>" + email + "</b>."); vLay.addComponent(message); message = new Label("Follow the link in the message " + "to confirm your registration and unlock your mmowgli user account."); vLay.addComponent(message); message = new HtmlLabel("Press the <b>Am I confirmed yet?</b> button " + "to play if ready."); vLay.addComponent(message); message = new HtmlLabel( "Alternatively, press <b>Quit -- I'll come back later</b> to login at a future time."); vLay.addComponent(message); GridLayout grid = new GridLayout(); vLay.addComponent(grid); MSysOut.println(NEWUSER_CREATION_LOGS, "email confirmation dialog displayed, user " + _usr.getUserName()); final Button contButt = new Button("Am I confirmed yet?", new ClickListener() { boolean confirmed = false; @Override @HibernateUpdate @HibernateUserUpdate public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { MSysOut.println(DEBUG_LOGS, "\"Am I confirmed?\" button handler entered"); HSess.init(); User u = User.getTL(userId); MSysOut.println(NEWUSER_CREATION_LOGS, "\"Am I confirmed?\" clicked, user " + u.getUserName()); if (confirmed) { closePopup(emailDialog); wereInReallyTL(u); // @HibernateUserUpdate //@HibernateUserRead MSysOut.println(NEWUSER_CREATION_LOGS, "\"Am I confirmed?\", positive confirmation, user " + u.getUserName()); } else { MSysOut.println(DEBUG_LOGS, "User.getTL() in RegistrationPageBase.wereInTL()"); //User locUsr = User.getTL(userId); why necessary? //if(locUsr.isEmailConfirmed()) { if (u.isEmailConfirmed()) { confirmed = true; event.getButton().setCaption("I'm ready to play mmowgli!"); } else { MSysOut.println(NEWUSER_CREATION_LOGS, "\"Am I confirmed?\", negative confirmation, user " + u.getUserName());"Your email is not yet confirmed"); } } HSess.close(); } }); grid.addComponent(contButt); contButt.setImmediate(true); Button laterButt = new Button("Quit -- I'll come back later", new ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { MSysOut.println(DEBUG_LOGS, "\"Quit -- I'll come back later\" button handler entered"); HSess.init(); Mmowgli2UI.getAppUI().quitAndGoTo(GameLinks.getTL().getThanksForInterestLink()); HSess.close(); } }); grid.addComponent(laterButt); Button troubleButt = new Button("Send trouble report", new ClickListener() { @Override @MmowgliCodeEntry @HibernateOpened @HibernateClosed public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) // no need for HSess { MSysOut.println(DEBUG_LOGS, "\"Send trouble report\" button handler entered"); HSess.init(); Mmowgli2UI.getAppUI().quitAndGoTo(GameLinks.getTL().getTroubleLink()); HSess.close(); } }); grid.addComponent(troubleButt); openPopupWindowInMainWindow(emailDialog, 500); EmailConfirmation ec = new EmailConfirmation(_usr); EmailConfirmation.saveTL(ec); String confirmUrl = buildConfirmUrl(ec); AppMaster.instance().getMailManager().sendEmailConfirmationTL(email, _usr.getUserName(), confirmUrl); } // else weren't confirmed }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public void initGui() { super.initGui(); String left = "Players can choose to receive messages in-game or externally (or both or neither).<br/><br/>Player messages are private and" + " actual email identities are hidden.<br/><br/>You can find another player's profile by clicking on their name or using the search" + " feature. Then you may send a message to that player by clicking on the " + "<i>Send player private email</i> link.<br/><br/>If this link is not present or is disabled, then the player has opted " + "to receive neither email nor in-game messages.<br/><br/>"; getLeftLabel().setValue(left);/*w w w.j av a 2 s. c om*/ if (!userIsMe) { User u = User.getTL(uid); if (u.isOkEmail() || u.isOkGameMessages()) { final NativeButton sendEmailButt = new NativeButton("Send private mail to this user"); sendEmailButt.addStyleName(BaseTheme.BUTTON_LINK); sendEmailButt.addStyleName("m-userProfile3-sendmail-button"); Label sp; VerticalLayout vl = getRightLayout(); vl.setSizeUndefined(); vl.setWidth("100%"); vl.addComponent(sp = new Label()); sp.setHeight("50px"); vl.addComponent(sendEmailButt); vl.setComponentAlignment(sendEmailButt, Alignment.MIDDLE_CENTER); vl.addComponent(sp = new Label()); sp.setHeight("1px"); vl.setExpandRatio(sp, 1.0f); sendEmailButt.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override @MmowgliCodeEntry @HibernateOpened @HibernateClosed public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { HSess.init(); User u = User.getTL(uid); if (u.isOkEmail() || u.isOkGameMessages()) // redundant here new SendMessageWindow(u, imAdminOrGameMaster); else"Sorry", "Player " + u.getUserName() + " does not receive mail.", Notification.Type.WARNING_MESSAGE); HSess.close(); } }); } return; } VerticalLayout rightVL = getRightLayout(); rightVL.setSizeUndefined(); rightVL.setWidth("100%"); getLeftAddedVerticalLayout() .addComponent(showButt = new ToggleLinkButton("View all", "View unhidden only", null)); //,ttArray)); showButt.addOnListener(new ViewAllListener()); showButt.addOffListener(new ViewUnhiddenOnlyListener()); showButt.setToolTips("Temporarily show all messages, including those marked \"hidden\"", "Temporarily hide messages marked \"hidden\""); Label sp; rightVL.addComponent(sp = new Label()); sp.setHeight("10px"); rightVL.addComponent(mailPanel); User me = Mmowgli2UI.getGlobals().getUserTL(); Set<Message> msgs = me.getGameMessages(); if (msgs.size() > 0) { Message[] msgsAr = new Message[msgs.size()]; msgsAr = msgs.toArray(msgsAr); // avoid concurrent mod int num = msgsAr.length;// .size(); int n = num; for (Message m : msgsAr) { addOneMessage(m, n--, num, null); } } }
From source
License:Apache License
@Override protected void init(VaadinRequest request) { final VerticalLayout wrapper = new VerticalLayout(); wrapper.setSizeFull();/*from www. j a v a 2 s . c om*/ setContent(wrapper); // Show it in the middle of the screen final VerticalLayout layout = new VerticalLayout(); layout.setSpacing(true); layout.setSizeUndefined(); wrapper.addComponent(layout); wrapper.setComponentAlignment(layout, Alignment.MIDDLE_CENTER); final Label themeName = new Label(); themeName.setCaption("Current Theme:"); themeName.addStyleName("h1"); layout.addComponent(themeName); Label waring = new Label("<strong>Attention:</strong><br />\nChanging the theme may take a few seconds!"); waring.setContentMode(ContentMode.HTML); layout.addComponent(waring); getPage().addUriFragmentChangedListener(new UriFragmentChangedListener() { @Override public void uriFragmentChanged(UriFragmentChangedEvent event) { String fragment = event.getUriFragment().replace("!", ""); if (fragment.isEmpty()) { fragment = defaultTheme; } loadTheme(fragment); } }); themeSelect.setSizeFull(); themeSelect.setNullSelectionAllowed(false); themeSelect.addValueChangeListener(new ValueChangeListener() { @Override public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) { String fragment = "!" + themeSelect.getValue(); getPage().setUriFragment(fragment); } }); layout.addComponent(themeSelect); layout.setComponentAlignment(themeSelect, Alignment.BOTTOM_CENTER); final CheckBox useIcon = new CheckBox("Use icons"); useIcon.setValue(false); layout.addComponent(useIcon); final HorizontalLayout comparsionLayout = new HorizontalLayout(); comparsionLayout.setSpacing(true); layout.addComponent(comparsionLayout); layout.setComponentAlignment(comparsionLayout, Alignment.TOP_CENTER); final Button button = new Button("This is a \"normal\" Button", new Button.ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) {"Hello World!"); } }); comparsionLayout.addComponent(button); comparsionLayout.setComponentAlignment(button, Alignment.MIDDLE_RIGHT); // Initialize our new UI component final ButtonLink buttonLink = new ButtonLink("This is a ButtonLink", new ExternalResource("")); buttonLink.setTargetName("_blank"); buttonLink.setDescription("Visit in a new tab or window."); buttonLink.addStyleName("test-stylename"); comparsionLayout.addComponent(buttonLink); comparsionLayout.setComponentAlignment(buttonLink, Alignment.MIDDLE_LEFT); themeName.setPropertyDataSource(themeSelect); useIcon.addValueChangeListener(new ValueChangeListener() { @Override public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) { boolean b = (Boolean) event.getProperty().getValue(); if (b) { button.setIcon(vaadinIcon, "Vaadin Logo"); buttonLink.setIcon(vaadinIcon, "Vaadin Logo"); } else { button.setIcon(null); buttonLink.setIcon(null); } } }); String fragment = getPage().getUriFragment(); loadTheme( fragment == null || fragment.replace("!", "").isEmpty() ? defaultTheme : fragment.replace("!", "")); }
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License:Apache License
@Override protected Component getDemoContent() { HorizontalLayout hl = new HorizontalLayout(); hl.setSizeFull();//from w w w. j av a 2s . c o m // source-start // Create image Image image = new Image(null, new ThemeResource("graphics/bin.jpg")); // Enable dropping items on image DragAndDrop.enable(image, DragAndDropOperation.DROP) // Set custom drop handler .onDrop(new DropHandler<Image>() { @Override protected void onDrop(Component component) { // Restor trash bin getSource().setSource(new ThemeResource("graphics/bin.jpg")); // Remove item ((ComponentContainer) component.getParent()).removeComponent(component); } }) // Set custom over handler .onOver(new DragOverHandler<Image>() { @Override protected void onOver(Component component) { // Add color to trash bin getSource().setSource(new ThemeResource("graphics/bin2.jpg")); } }) // Set custom out handler .onOut(new DragOutHandler<Image>() { @Override protected void onOut(Component component) { // Restore trash bin getSource().setSource(new ThemeResource("graphics/bin.jpg")); } }); // source-end hl.addComponent(image); hl.setComponentAlignment(image, Alignment.TOP_CENTER); VerticalLayout vl = new VerticalLayout(); vl.setSizeUndefined(); vl.setSpacing(true); hl.addComponent(vl); hl.setComponentAlignment(vl, Alignment.TOP_CENTER); // source-start /* * Create item list to drag from */ for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { Label item = new Label("Item " + (i + 1)); item.setStyleName("item"); item.setSizeUndefined(); // Enable dragging the items DragAndDrop.enable(item, DragAndDropOperation.DRAG); vl.addComponent(item); } // source-end return hl; }