Java tutorial
/* Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Modeling Virtual Environments and Simulation (MOVES) Institute at the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) and This file is part of Mmowgli. Mmowgli is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version. Mmowgli is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Mmowgli in the form of a file named COPYING. If not, see <> */ package edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.modules.userprofile; import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Set; import org.hibernate.Session; import com.vaadin.event.ItemClickEvent; import com.vaadin.event.ItemClickEvent.ItemClickListener; import com.vaadin.ui.*; import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickEvent; import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickListener; import com.vaadin.ui.themes.BaseTheme; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.Mmowgli2UI; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.components.SendMessageWindow; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.components.ToggleLinkButton; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.db.Message; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.db.User; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.hibernate.HSess; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.markers.*; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.messaging.WantsMessageUpdates; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.modules.actionplans.ActionPlanPageCommentPanel2.ActionPlanComment; /** * * Created on Mar 15, 2011 * * MOVES Institute * Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, USA * * * @author Mike Bailey, * @version $Id$ */ public class UserProfileMyMailPanel extends UserProfileTabPanel implements ItemClickListener, WantsMessageUpdates { private static final long serialVersionUID = 6712398487478286813L; private Panel mailPanel; private VerticalLayout panelVL; private boolean showingHiddenMsgs = false; private ToggleLinkButton showButt; @HibernateSessionThreadLocalConstructor public UserProfileMyMailPanel(Object uid) { super(uid); if (!userIsMe) return; mailPanel = new Panel(); mailPanel.setSizeFull(); mailPanel.setContent(panelVL = new VerticalLayout()); panelVL.setSpacing(false);//(true); } @Override public void initGui() { super.initGui(); String left = "Players can choose to receive messages in-game or externally (or both or neither).<br/><br/>Player messages are private and" + " actual email identities are hidden.<br/><br/>You can find another player's profile by clicking on their name or using the search" + " feature. Then you may send a message to that player by clicking on the " + "<i>Send player private email</i> link.<br/><br/>If this link is not present or is disabled, then the player has opted " + "to receive neither email nor in-game messages.<br/><br/>"; getLeftLabel().setValue(left); if (!userIsMe) { User u = User.getTL(uid); if (u.isOkEmail() || u.isOkGameMessages()) { final NativeButton sendEmailButt = new NativeButton("Send private mail to this user"); sendEmailButt.addStyleName(BaseTheme.BUTTON_LINK); sendEmailButt.addStyleName("m-userProfile3-sendmail-button"); Label sp; VerticalLayout vl = getRightLayout(); vl.setSizeUndefined(); vl.setWidth("100%"); vl.addComponent(sp = new Label()); sp.setHeight("50px"); vl.addComponent(sendEmailButt); vl.setComponentAlignment(sendEmailButt, Alignment.MIDDLE_CENTER); vl.addComponent(sp = new Label()); sp.setHeight("1px"); vl.setExpandRatio(sp, 1.0f); sendEmailButt.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override @MmowgliCodeEntry @HibernateOpened @HibernateClosed public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { HSess.init(); User u = User.getTL(uid); if (u.isOkEmail() || u.isOkGameMessages()) // redundant here new SendMessageWindow(u, imAdminOrGameMaster); else"Sorry", "Player " + u.getUserName() + " does not receive mail.", Notification.Type.WARNING_MESSAGE); HSess.close(); } }); } return; } VerticalLayout rightVL = getRightLayout(); rightVL.setSizeUndefined(); rightVL.setWidth("100%"); getLeftAddedVerticalLayout() .addComponent(showButt = new ToggleLinkButton("View all", "View unhidden only", null)); //,ttArray)); showButt.addOnListener(new ViewAllListener()); showButt.addOffListener(new ViewUnhiddenOnlyListener()); showButt.setToolTips("Temporarily show all messages, including those marked \"hidden\"", "Temporarily hide messages marked \"hidden\""); Label sp; rightVL.addComponent(sp = new Label()); sp.setHeight("10px"); rightVL.addComponent(mailPanel); User me = Mmowgli2UI.getGlobals().getUserTL(); Set<Message> msgs = me.getGameMessages(); if (msgs.size() > 0) { Message[] msgsAr = new Message[msgs.size()]; msgsAr = msgs.toArray(msgsAr); // avoid concurrent mod int num = msgsAr.length;// .size(); int n = num; for (Message m : msgsAr) { addOneMessage(m, n--, num, null); } } } @SuppressWarnings("serial") class MyActionPlanComment extends ActionPlanComment { public MyActionPlanComment(Integer order, Integer total, Message msg, boolean showHideButton) { super(order, total, msg, showHideButton, null, true); } @Override protected void hideClickedTL() { super.hideClickedTL(); handleVisible(this); } } private void addOneMessage(Message msg, int idx, int total, Integer position) { addOneMessageCommon(msg, idx, total, position, null); } private void addOneMessage_oobTL(Message msg, int idx, int total, Integer position) { addOneMessageCommon(msg, idx, total, position, HSess.get()); } private void addOneMessageCommon(Message msg, int idx, int total, Integer position, Session sess) { ActionPlanComment comment = new MyActionPlanComment(idx, total, msg, true); // show indiv show/hide button link if (position == null) panelVL.addComponent(comment); else panelVL.addComponent(comment, position); comment.initGui(sess); comment.setWidth("658px"); //"665px"); // same as above handleVisible(comment); } private void adjustTotals(ActionPlanComment apc, int newtotal) { apc.setTotal(newtotal); } @Override public boolean messageCreated_oobTL(Serializable uId) { Message msg = (Message) HSess.get().get(Message.class, (Serializable) uId); if (!userIsMe || msg.getToUser().getId() != (Long) Mmowgli2UI.getGlobals().getUserID()) // If I'm displaying some other user, or the message is not for me, bail return false; int oldtotal = panelVL.getComponentCount(); int newtotal = oldtotal + 1; for (int i = 0; i < oldtotal; i++) adjustTotals((ActionPlanComment) panelVL.getComponent(i), newtotal); addOneMessage_oobTL(msg, newtotal, newtotal, 0); return true; } @Override public void itemClick(ItemClickEvent event) { } private void handleVisible(ActionPlanComment apc) { apc.setVisible(showingHiddenMsgs || !apc.getMessageObject().isHidden()); } private void showMsgs() { Iterator<Component> itr = panelVL.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { handleVisible((ActionPlanComment); } } @SuppressWarnings("serial") class ViewAllListener implements ClickListener { @Override public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { showingHiddenMsgs = true; showMsgs(); } } @SuppressWarnings("serial") class ViewUnhiddenOnlyListener implements ClickListener { @Override public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { showingHiddenMsgs = false; showMsgs(); } } }