List of usage examples for com.vaadin.ui TextField setValue
@Override public void setValue(String value)
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License:Mozilla Public License
@Override public Field createField(final String taskId, final String fieldId, String name, Long value, PropertyNode node, boolean archive) { final TextField textField = new LongField(); textField.setNullRepresentation(""); textField.addValidator(new LongValidator(" ?")); textField.setImmediate(true);/*from ww w.j a va 2s . c om*/ textField.setValue(value); if (node.isFieldWritable() && !archive && taskId != null) { textField.addListener(new Property.ValueChangeListener() { @Override public void valueChange(Property.ValueChangeEvent event) { Object newValue = event.getProperty().getValue(); if (!(newValue instanceof Long)) { newValue = null; } Flash.flash().getExecutorService().saveBuffer(taskId, fieldId, (Long) newValue); } }); } FieldHelper.setCommonFieldProperty(textField, node.isFieldWritable() && !archive, name, node.isFieldRequired()); return textField; }
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License:Open Source License
public void buildTable(List<String> permutations, String startAmount) { preview.removeAllItems();/*from w ww. j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ int i = 0; for (String s : permutations) { s = s.replace("###", " ; "); i++; Integer itemId = new Integer(i); TextField tf = new StandardTextField(); tf.setValue(startAmount); preview.addItem(new Object[] { s, tf }, itemId); } preview.setPageLength(preview.size()); previewFrame.setVisible(true); }
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/** * Muestra una amistad en concreto./*w ww . j a v a 2 s . c om*/ * @param p Participante */ private void mostrarParticipante(Participante p) { //FORMULARIO POR SI SE QUIERE EDITAR EL PARTICIPANTE TextField nombre = new TextField("Nombre"); nombre.setValue(p.getNombre()); final Button eliminar = new Button("Eliminar Participante"); final Button actualizar = new Button("Actualizar Participante"); //BOTN PARA ACTUALIZAR EL PARTICIPANTE actualizar.addClickListener(clickEvent -> { if (, usuario.getId()) == null) { ParticipanteDAO.update(p.getId(), nombre.getValue()); UsuarioDAO.updateAmigo(nombre.getValue(), p.getId(), usuario.getId()); Notification n = new Notification("Amigo actualizado", Notification.Type.ASSISTIVE_NOTIFICATION); n.setPosition(Position.TOP_CENTER);; removeAllComponents(); mostrarAmistades(); } else { Notification n = new Notification("Ya existe un amigo con el mismo nombre", Notification.Type.WARNING_MESSAGE); n.setPosition(Position.TOP_CENTER);; } }); //BOTN PARA ELIMINAR EL PARTICIPANTE eliminar.addClickListener(clickEvent -> { ParticipanteDAO.delete(p.getId()); UsuarioDAO.removeAmigo(nombre.getValue(), usuario.getId()); removeAllComponents(); mostrarAmistades(); }); //AADIMOS LOS COMPONENTES FormLayout form = new FormLayout(nombre, actualizar, eliminar); VerticalLayout l = new VerticalLayout(form); l.setMargin(true); setSecondComponent(l); }
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/** * Se muestra el evento en el vertical layout derecho del splitpanel. * * @param e Recoge el evento que se quiere mostrar. *//* w w w. j a va2 s. c o m*/ private void mostrarEvento(Evento e) { removeAllComponents(); //T?TULO CssLayout labels = new CssLayout(); labels.addStyleName("labels"); Label l = new Label("Evento " + e.getNombre()); l.setSizeUndefined(); l.addStyleName(ValoTheme.LABEL_H2); l.addStyleName(ValoTheme.LABEL_COLORED); //FORMULARIO POR SI SE QUIERE EDITAR EL EVENTO TextField nombre = new TextField("Nombre"); nombre.setValue(e.getNombre()); nombre.setRequired(true); ComboBox divisa = new ComboBox("Divisa"); divisa.setNullSelectionAllowed(false); divisa.setRequired(true); divisa.addItem(""); divisa.addItem("$"); HorizontalLayout layouth = new HorizontalLayout(); HorizontalLayout layouth2 = new HorizontalLayout(); layouth.setSpacing(true); layouth2.setSpacing(true); final Button actualizar = new Button("Actualizar Evento"); final Button eliminar = new Button("Eliminar Evento"); final Button addPago = new Button("Aadir Pago"); final Button addParticipante = new Button("Aadir Participante"); layouth.addComponents(actualizar, eliminar); layouth2.addComponents(addPago, addParticipante); final Button hacerCuentas = new Button("Hacer las cuentas"); //BOTN PARA ACTUALIZAR EL EVENTO actualizar.addClickListener(clickEvent -> { try { nombre.validate(); divisa.validate(); if (EventoDAO.readDBObject(nombre.getValue(), usuario.getId()) == null) { EventoDAO.update(e.getId(), nombre.getValue(), divisa.getValue().toString()); Notification n = new Notification("Evento actualizado", Notification.Type.ASSISTIVE_NOTIFICATION); n.setPosition(Position.TOP_CENTER);; mostrarEventos(); } else { Notification n = new Notification("Ya existe un evento con ese nombre", Notification.Type.WARNING_MESSAGE); n.setPosition(Position.TOP_CENTER);; } } catch (Validator.InvalidValueException ex) { Notification n = new Notification("Error con los campos", Notification.Type.WARNING_MESSAGE); n.setPosition(Position.TOP_CENTER);; } }); //BOTN PARA QUE SALGA UNA VENTANA EMERGENTE PARA AADIR UN GASTO AL EVENTO addPago.addClickListener(clickEvent -> { mostrarFormularioAddGasto(e); }); //BOTN PARA ELIMINAR EL EVENTO eliminar.addClickListener(clickEvent -> { EventoDAO.delete(e.getId()); removeAllComponents(); mostrarEventos(); }); //BOTN PARA AADIR PARTICIPANTES addParticipante.addClickListener(clickEvent -> { mostrarFormularioAddParticipante(e); }); //BOTN PARA HACER LAS CUENTAS hacerCuentas.addClickListener(clickEvent -> { removeAllComponents(); VerticalLayout vl = new VerticalLayout(); Table tablaResumenPlusvalia = getTablaResumenPlusvalia(e); HorizontalLayout hl1 = new HorizontalLayout(tablaResumenPlusvalia); hl1.setMargin(true); hl1.setSpacing(true); vl.addComponent(hl1); for (Participante p : ParticipanteDAO.readAllFromEvento(e.getId())) { HorizontalLayout hl = new HorizontalLayout(getTablaResumenGastosPorPersona(e, p)); hl.setMargin(true); hl.setSpacing(true); vl.addComponent(hl); } setSplitPosition(100, Sizeable.UNITS_PERCENTAGE); setFirstComponent(vl); }); //TABLA CON TODOS LOS GASTOS DEL EVENTO Table tablaGastos = getTablaGastos(e); //TABLA CON TODOS LOS PARTICIPANTES DEL EVENTO Table tablaParticipantes = getTablaParticipantes(e); //AADIMOS LOS COMPONENTES FormLayout form = new FormLayout(nombre, divisa, layouth, layouth2, hacerCuentas); VerticalLayout vl = new VerticalLayout(l, form, tablaGastos, tablaParticipantes); vl.setMargin(true); setFirstComponent(vl); }
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/** * Se muestra un gasto para poder actualizarlo o eliminarlo. * * @param e Recoge el evento al que pertenece el gasto. *//*w ww. jav a 2 s .com*/ private void mostrarGasto(Gasto g, Evento e) { //T?TULO CssLayout labels = new CssLayout(); labels.addStyleName("labels"); Label l = new Label("Gasto " + g.getNombre()); l.setSizeUndefined(); l.addStyleName(ValoTheme.LABEL_H2); l.addStyleName(ValoTheme.LABEL_COLORED); //FORMULARIO POR SI SE QUIERE EDITAR EL GASTO TextField nombre = new TextField("Titulo"); nombre.setValue(g.getNombre()); nombre.setRequired(true); TextField precio = new TextField("Precio"); precio.setValue(g.getPrecio().toString()); precio.setRequired(true); final Button actualizar = new Button("Actualizar Gasto"); final Button eliminar = new Button("Eliminar Gasto"); //BOTN PARA ACTUALIZAR EL GASTO actualizar.addClickListener(clickEvent -> { try { nombre.validate(); precio.validate(); GastoDAO.update(g.getId(), nombre.getValue(), Double.valueOf(precio.getValue()), g.getIdEvento(), g.getIdPagador(), g.getDeudores()); Notification n = new Notification("Gasto actualizado", Notification.Type.ASSISTIVE_NOTIFICATION); n.setPosition(Position.TOP_CENTER);; setSecondComponent(null); mostrarEvento(e); } catch (Validator.InvalidValueException ex) { Notification n = new Notification("Error con los campos", Notification.Type.WARNING_MESSAGE); n.setPosition(Position.TOP_CENTER);; } }); //BOTN PARA ELIMINAR EL GASTO eliminar.addClickListener(clickEvent -> { GastoDAO.delete(g.getId()); removeAllComponents(); mostrarEvento(e); }); //AADIMOS LOS COMPONENTES FormLayout form = new FormLayout(nombre, precio, actualizar, eliminar); VerticalLayout vl = new VerticalLayout(l, form); vl.setMargin(true); setSecondComponent(vl); }
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private void mostrarPerfil() { //T?TULO//w w w . java2 s . c o m CssLayout labels = new CssLayout(); labels.addStyleName("labels"); Label l = new Label("Perfil"); l.setSizeUndefined(); l.addStyleName(ValoTheme.LABEL_H2); l.addStyleName(ValoTheme.LABEL_COLORED); //FORMULARIO TextField nombre = new TextField("Nombre"); nombre.setValue(usuario.getNombre()); nombre.setRequired(true); TextField password = new TextField("Password"); password.setValue(usuario.getPassword()); password.setRequired(true); TextField email = new TextField("Email"); email.setValue(usuario.getEmail()); email.setEnabled(false); Button actualizar = new Button("Actualizar"); //BOTN ACTUALIZAR actualizar.addClickListener(clickEvent -> { UsuarioDAO.update(usuario.getId(), nombre.getValue(), password.getValue(), usuario.getEmail()); Notification n = new Notification("Usuario actualizado", Notification.Type.ASSISTIVE_NOTIFICATION); n.setPosition(Position.TOP_CENTER);; usuario.setNombre(nombre.getValue()); usuario.setPassword(password.getValue()); }); //AADIR COMPONENTES FormLayout form = new FormLayout(l, nombre, password, email, actualizar); form.setMargin(true); addComponents(form); }
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License:Open Source License
public void setAnalyteSamples(List<AOpenbisSample> proteins, HashMap<Integer, Integer> tableIdToFractions, boolean peptides) { sampleTable.removeAllItems();//from w w w . ja v a2 s .c o m tableIdToParent = new HashMap<String, AOpenbisSample>(); enzymeMap = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(); int i = 0; for (AOpenbisSample s : proteins) { i++; // multiply by number of fractions for (int j = 1; j <= tableIdToFractions.get(i); j++) { boolean complexRow = sampleTable.size() == 0; // the first row contains a combobox with // added // button to copy // its selection to the whole column String parentID = Integer.toString(i); String fractionID = Integer.toString(j); String id = parentID + "-" + fractionID; tableIdToParent.put(id, s); List<Object> row = new ArrayList<Object>(); Label sample = new Label(s.getQ_SECONDARY_NAME() + "<br>" + s.getQ_EXTERNALDB_ID(), Label.CONTENT_XHTML); row.add(sample); Label num = new Label(fractionID); row.add(num); TextField secNameInput = generateTableTextInput("200px"); secNameInput.setValue(s.getQ_SECONDARY_NAME() + " " + type + " #" + fractionID); row.add(secNameInput); TextField extIdInput = generateTableTextInput("95px"); row.add(extIdInput); ComboBox processBox = generateTableBox(new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList("None", "Measure")), "95px"); if (!peptides) { processBox.addItem("Digest"); processBox.addItem("Both"); } processBox.setNullSelectionAllowed(false);"None"); if (complexRow) row.add(createComplexCellComponent(processBox, "Process", id)); else row.add(processBox); processBox.addValueChangeListener(new ValueChangeListener() { @Override public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) { checkFractionMeasured(); } }); Collections.sort(enzymes); ComboBox enzymeBox = generateTableBox(enzymes, "105px"); enzymeBox.removeAllItems(); enzymeBox.addItem("[Multiple]"); enzymeBox.addItems(enzymes); enzymeBox.setEnabled(false); enzymeBox.setFilteringMode(FilteringMode.CONTAINS); if (complexRow) row.add(createComplexCellComponent(enzymeBox, "Enzyme", id)); else row.add(enzymeBox); final String rowNum = id; enzymeBox.addValueChangeListener(new ValueChangeListener() { @Override public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) { Object newVal = enzymeBox.getValue(); if (newVal.equals("[Multiple]")) createEnzymeSelectionWindow(rowNum); else if (!newVal.equals("Custom")) enzymeBox.removeItem("Custom"); } }); sampleTable.addItem(row.toArray(new Object[row.size()]), id); processBox.addValueChangeListener(new ValueChangeListener() { @Override public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) { String value = (String) processBox.getValue(); boolean enableEnzyme = value.equals("Digest") || value.equals("Both"); parseBoxRow(id, "Enzyme").setEnabled(enableEnzyme); // boolean enableMS = value.equals("Measure") || value.equals("Both"); // parseBoxRow(item, "Chr. Type").setEnabled(enableMS); // parseBoxRow(item, "LCMS Method").setEnabled(enableMS); // parseBoxRow(item, "MS Device").setEnabled(enableMS); } }); } } int pagelength = 0; for (int n : tableIdToFractions.values()) { pagelength += n; } sampleTable.setPageLength(pagelength); this.setVisible(pagelength > 0); checkFractionMeasured(); }
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License:Open Source License
private void removeColEntries(String colName) { for (Object id : table.getItemIds()) { TextField tf = (TextField) table.getItem(id).getItemProperty(colName).getValue(); if (!tf.getValue().equals("DELETED")) tf.setValue(""); }//from w w w . j ava2 s . c o m }
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License:Open Source License
public void initTable(List<AOpenbisSample> samples, LabelingMethod labelingMethod) { if (labelingMethod != null) { this.labelingMethod = labelingMethod; isotopes = true;/*from w w w . ja v a 2 s . c om*/ } table.setStyleName(Styles.tableTheme); // table.addContainerProperty("ID", String.class, null); // table.setColumnWidth("ID", 35); table.addContainerProperty("Secondary Name", TextField.class, null); table.addContainerProperty("External DB ID", TextField.class, null); table.setColumnWidth("External DB ID", 106); table.setImmediate(true); table.setCaption(samples.size() + " " + name); if (isotopes) table.addContainerProperty(labelingMethod.getName(), ComboBox.class, null); List<String> factorLabels = new ArrayList<String>(); int maxCols = 0; AOpenbisSample mostInformative = samples.get(0); for (AOpenbisSample s : samples) { int size = s.getFactors().size(); if (size > maxCols) { maxCols = size; mostInformative = s; } } List<Property> factors = mostInformative.getFactors(); for (int i = 0; i < factors.size(); i++) { String l = factors.get(i).getLabel(); int j = 2; while (factorLabels.contains(l)) { l = factors.get(i).getLabel() + " (" + Integer.toString(j) + ")"; j++; } factorLabels.add(l); table.addContainerProperty(l, String.class, null); } table.addContainerProperty("Customize", Button.class, null); table.setColumnWidth("Customize", 85); List<String> reagents = null; if (isotopes) reagents = labelingMethod.getReagents(); int i = -1; for (AOpenbisSample s : samples) { i++; // AOpenbisSample s = samples.get(i); // Obje id = Integer.toString(i); // map.put(id, s); // The Table item identifier for the row. // Integer itemId = new Integer(i); // Create a button and handle its click. Button delete = new Button(); Styles.iconButton(delete, FontAwesome.TRASH_O); // delete.setWidth("15px"); // delete.setHeight("30px"); delete.setData(s); delete.addClickListener(new Button.ClickListener() { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 5414603256990177472L; @Override public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { Button b = event.getButton(); Object iid = b.getData(); TextField secNameField = (TextField) table.getItem(iid).getItemProperty("Secondary Name") .getValue(); TextField extIDField = (TextField) table.getItem(iid).getItemProperty("External DB ID") .getValue(); if (secNameField.getValue().equals("DELETED")) { secNameField.setReadOnly(false); extIDField.setReadOnly(false); // String id = (String) table.getItem(iid).getItemProperty("ID").getValue(); secNameField.setValue(s.getQ_SECONDARY_NAME()); extIDField.setValue(s.getQ_EXTERNALDB_ID()); b.setIcon(FontAwesome.TRASH_O); } else { secNameField.setValue("DELETED"); secNameField.setReadOnly(true); extIDField.setValue("DELETED"); extIDField.setReadOnly(true); b.setIcon(FontAwesome.UNDO); } } }); // Create the table row. List<Object> row = new ArrayList<Object>(); TextField secNameField = new StandardTextField(); secNameField.setImmediate(true); String secName = ""; if (s.getQ_SECONDARY_NAME() != null) secName = s.getQ_SECONDARY_NAME(); secNameField.setValue(secName); row.add(secNameField); TextField extIDField = new StandardTextField(); extIDField.setWidth("95px"); extIDField.setImmediate(true); String extID = ""; if (s.getQ_EXTERNALDB_ID() != null) extID = s.getQ_EXTERNALDB_ID(); extIDField.setValue(extID); row.add(extIDField); if (isotopes) { ComboBox cb = new ComboBox(); cb.setImmediate(true); cb.addItems(reagents); % reagents.size())); row.add(cb); } int missing = maxCols - s.getFactors().size(); for (Property f : s.getFactors()) { String v = f.getValue(); if (f.hasUnit()) v += " " + f.getUnit(); row.add(v); } for (int j = 0; j < missing; j++) row.add(""); row.add(delete); table.addItem(row.toArray(new Object[row.size()]), s); } }