Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * QBiC Project Wizard enables users to create hierarchical experiments including different study * conditions using factorial design. Copyright (C) "2016" Andreas Friedrich * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the * GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without * even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If * not, see <>. *******************************************************************************/ package uicomponents; import io.DBVocabularies; import logging.Log4j2Logger; import main.ProjectwizardUI; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import uicomponents.Styles; import model.AOpenbisSample; import model.ExperimentModel; import model.MSExperimentModel; import model.OpenbisMSSample; import model.OpenbisTestSample; import properties.Property; import steps.MSAnalyteStep.AnalyteMultiplicationType; import; import; import; import com.vaadin.server.FontAwesome; import com.vaadin.shared.ui.combobox.FilteringMode; import com.vaadin.ui.Alignment; import com.vaadin.ui.Button; import com.vaadin.ui.CheckBox; import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickEvent; import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickListener; import com.vaadin.ui.themes.ValoTheme; import uicomponents.Styles.*; import com.vaadin.ui.ComboBox; import com.vaadin.ui.Component; import com.vaadin.ui.GridLayout; import com.vaadin.ui.HorizontalLayout; import com.vaadin.ui.Label; import com.vaadin.ui.Table; import com.vaadin.ui.TextField; import com.vaadin.ui.UI; import com.vaadin.ui.VerticalLayout; import com.vaadin.ui.Window; public class MSSampleMultiplicationTable extends VerticalLayout { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = -2282545855402710972L; private List<String> enzymes; private AnalyteMultiplicationType type; private boolean aboutPeptides; private Map<String, AOpenbisSample> tableIdToParent; private Map<Object, AOpenbisSample> tableIdToSample; private HashMap<String, List<String>> enzymeMap; private Table sampleTable; private CheckBox poolSamples; logging.Logger logger = new Log4j2Logger(MSSampleMultiplicationTable.class); private GeneralMSInfoPanel generalFractionMSInfo; public MSSampleMultiplicationTable(AnalyteMultiplicationType type, DBVocabularies vocabs, boolean peptides) { setSpacing(true); this.type = type; this.aboutPeptides = peptides; this.enzymes = vocabs.getEnzymes(); Collections.sort(enzymes); setSpacing(true); sampleTable = new Table(); sampleTable.setWidth("775px"); sampleTable.setCaption("Resulting " + type + "s"); sampleTable.setStyleName(Styles.tableTheme); sampleTable.addContainerProperty("Base Sample", Label.class, null); sampleTable.addContainerProperty(type, Label.class, null); sampleTable.addContainerProperty(type + " Name", TextField.class, null); sampleTable.addContainerProperty(type + " Lab ID", TextField.class, null); sampleTable.addContainerProperty("Process", Component.class, null); sampleTable.addContainerProperty("Enzyme", Component.class, null); sampleTable.setColumnWidth("Base Sample", 110); sampleTable.setColumnWidth(type, 65); sampleTable.setColumnWidth(type + " Name", 210); sampleTable.setColumnWidth(type + " Lab ID", 110); sampleTable.setColumnWidth("Process", 130); sampleTable.setColumnWidth("Enzyme", 135); if (peptides) { sampleTable.setColumnCollapsingAllowed(true); sampleTable.setColumnCollapsed("Process", true); sampleTable.setColumnCollapsed("Enzyme", true); } addComponent(sampleTable); generalFractionMSInfo = new GeneralMSInfoPanel(vocabs, type + " Measurement Details"); generalFractionMSInfo.setVisible(false); addComponent(generalFractionMSInfo); poolSamples = new CheckBox("Pool All " + type + "s"); String info = "Create one pool of all protein " + type + " per original sample. They will be digested using the enzyme selected for digestion of single " + type + "s (see selection below)."; if (peptides) info = "Create one pool of all peptide " + type + " per original sample. They will be measured using the same MS properties used for each single " + type + " (see selection below)."; addComponent(Styles.questionize(poolSamples, info, "Pool All " + type + "s")); if (!peptides) { // add = new Button(); // remove = new Button(); // Styles.iconButton(add, FontAwesome.PLUS_SQUARE); // Styles.iconButton(remove, FontAwesome.MINUS_SQUARE); initListener(); // enzymePane = new VerticalLayout(); // enzymePane.setCaption(type + " Digestion Enzymes"); // enzymePane.addComponent(c); // enzymePane.setVisible(false); // addComponent(enzymePane); // buttonGrid = new GridLayout(2, 1); // buttonGrid.setSpacing(true); // buttonGrid.addComponent(add); // buttonGrid.addComponent(remove); // buttonGrid.setVisible(false); // addComponent(buttonGrid); } } private void pasteSelectionToColumn(String propertyName, Object selection) { for (Object id : sampleTable.getItemIds()) { // should always be ID = 1 ComboBox b = parseBoxRow(id, propertyName); if (selection != null && selection.equals("Custom") && propertyName.equals("Enzyme")) { String i = (String) id; enzymeMap.put(i, enzymeMap.get(1)); b.addItem("Custom"); } if (b.isEnabled())// check if this value should be set b.setValue(selection); } } public Table getTable() { return sampleTable; } private Object createComplexCellComponent(ComboBox contentBox, String propertyName, final Object i) { HorizontalLayout complexComponent = new HorizontalLayout(); complexComponent.setWidth(contentBox.getWidth() + 10, contentBox.getWidthUnits()); complexComponent.addComponent(contentBox); complexComponent.setExpandRatio(contentBox, 1); Button copy = new Button(); Styles.iconButton(copy, FontAwesome.ARROW_CIRCLE_O_DOWN); copy.setStyleName(ValoTheme.BUTTON_BORDERLESS_COLORED); VerticalLayout vBox = new VerticalLayout(); vBox.setWidth("15px"); vBox.addComponent(copy); complexComponent.addComponent(vBox); complexComponent.setComponentAlignment(vBox, Alignment.BOTTOM_RIGHT); copy.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { ComboBox b = parseBoxRow(i, propertyName); Object selection = b.getValue(); pasteSelectionToColumn(propertyName, selection); } }); return complexComponent; } private void initListener() { // buttonListener = new Button.ClickListener() { // // private static final long serialVersionUID = 2240224129259577437L; // // @Override // public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { // if (event.getButton().equals(add)) // add(); // else // remove(); // } // }; // add.addClickListener(buttonListener); // remove.addClickListener(buttonListener); } // public List<String> getEnzymes() { // List<String> res = new ArrayList<String>(); // for (EnzymeChooser c : choosers) { // if (c.isSet()) // res.add(c.getEnzyme()); // } // return res; // } // private void add() { // if (choosers.size() < 4) { // EnzymeChooser c = new EnzymeChooser(enzymes); // choosers.add(c); // // removeComponent(buttonGrid); //// enzymePane.addComponent(c); // addComponent(buttonGrid); // } // } // // private void remove() { // int size = choosers.size(); // if (size > 1) { // EnzymeChooser last = choosers.get(size - 1); // last.reset(); //// enzymePane.removeComponent(last); // choosers.remove(last); // } // } // public void resetInputs() { // for (EnzymeChooser c : choosers) { // c.reset(); // } // } private ComboBox generateTableBox(Collection<String> entries, String width) { ComboBox b = new ComboBox(); b.addItems(entries); b.setWidth(width); b.setFilteringMode(FilteringMode.CONTAINS); b.setStyleName(Styles.boxTheme); return b; } private TextField generateTableTextInput(String width) { TextField tf = new TextField(); tf.setStyleName(Styles.fieldTheme); tf.setImmediate(true); tf.setWidth(width); tf.setValidationVisible(true); return tf; } public void setAnalyteSamples(List<AOpenbisSample> proteins, HashMap<Integer, Integer> tableIdToFractions, boolean peptides) { sampleTable.removeAllItems(); tableIdToParent = new HashMap<String, AOpenbisSample>(); enzymeMap = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(); int i = 0; for (AOpenbisSample s : proteins) { i++; // multiply by number of fractions for (int j = 1; j <= tableIdToFractions.get(i); j++) { boolean complexRow = sampleTable.size() == 0; // the first row contains a combobox with // added // button to copy // its selection to the whole column String parentID = Integer.toString(i); String fractionID = Integer.toString(j); String id = parentID + "-" + fractionID; tableIdToParent.put(id, s); List<Object> row = new ArrayList<Object>(); Label sample = new Label(s.getQ_SECONDARY_NAME() + "<br>" + s.getQ_EXTERNALDB_ID(), Label.CONTENT_XHTML); row.add(sample); Label num = new Label(fractionID); row.add(num); TextField secNameInput = generateTableTextInput("200px"); secNameInput.setValue(s.getQ_SECONDARY_NAME() + " " + type + " #" + fractionID); row.add(secNameInput); TextField extIdInput = generateTableTextInput("95px"); row.add(extIdInput); ComboBox processBox = generateTableBox(new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList("None", "Measure")), "95px"); if (!peptides) { processBox.addItem("Digest"); processBox.addItem("Both"); } processBox.setNullSelectionAllowed(false);"None"); if (complexRow) row.add(createComplexCellComponent(processBox, "Process", id)); else row.add(processBox); processBox.addValueChangeListener(new ValueChangeListener() { @Override public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) { checkFractionMeasured(); } }); Collections.sort(enzymes); ComboBox enzymeBox = generateTableBox(enzymes, "105px"); enzymeBox.removeAllItems(); enzymeBox.addItem("[Multiple]"); enzymeBox.addItems(enzymes); enzymeBox.setEnabled(false); enzymeBox.setFilteringMode(FilteringMode.CONTAINS); if (complexRow) row.add(createComplexCellComponent(enzymeBox, "Enzyme", id)); else row.add(enzymeBox); final String rowNum = id; enzymeBox.addValueChangeListener(new ValueChangeListener() { @Override public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) { Object newVal = enzymeBox.getValue(); if (newVal.equals("[Multiple]")) createEnzymeSelectionWindow(rowNum); else if (!newVal.equals("Custom")) enzymeBox.removeItem("Custom"); } }); sampleTable.addItem(row.toArray(new Object[row.size()]), id); processBox.addValueChangeListener(new ValueChangeListener() { @Override public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) { String value = (String) processBox.getValue(); boolean enableEnzyme = value.equals("Digest") || value.equals("Both"); parseBoxRow(id, "Enzyme").setEnabled(enableEnzyme); // boolean enableMS = value.equals("Measure") || value.equals("Both"); // parseBoxRow(item, "Chr. Type").setEnabled(enableMS); // parseBoxRow(item, "LCMS Method").setEnabled(enableMS); // parseBoxRow(item, "MS Device").setEnabled(enableMS); } }); } } int pagelength = 0; for (int n : tableIdToFractions.values()) { pagelength += n; } sampleTable.setPageLength(pagelength); this.setVisible(pagelength > 0); checkFractionMeasured(); } protected void createEnzymeSelectionWindow(String row) { Window subWindow = new Window(" Enzyme selection"); subWindow.setWidth("400px"); VerticalLayout layout = new VerticalLayout(); layout.setSpacing(true); layout.setMargin(true); EnzymePanel pan = new EnzymePanel(enzymes); Button ok = new Button("Okay."); ok.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { List<String> enzymes = pan.getEnzymes(); ComboBox b = parseBoxRow(row, "Enzyme"); if (enzymes.isEmpty()) { Styles.notification("No enzymes selected", "Please select at least one enzyme!", NotificationType.ERROR); } else if (enzymes.size() == 1) { b.setValue(enzymes.get(0)); subWindow.close(); } else { b.addItem("Custom"); b.setValue("Custom"); enzymeMap.put(row, enzymes); subWindow.close(); } } }); layout.addComponent(pan); layout.addComponent(ok); subWindow.setContent(layout); // Center it in the browser window; subWindow.setModal(true); subWindow.setIcon(FontAwesome.FLASK); subWindow.setResizable(false); ProjectwizardUI ui = (ProjectwizardUI) UI.getCurrent(); ui.addWindow(subWindow); } protected void checkFractionMeasured() { // boolean digest = false; boolean measure = false; for (Object i : sampleTable.getItemIds()) { ComboBox processBox = parseBoxRow(i, "Process"); String process = processBox.getValue().toString(); // digest |= process.equals("Both") || process.equals("Digest"); measure |= process.equals("Both") || process.equals("Measure") || aboutPeptides; } // boolean hasSamples = sampleTable.size() > 0; // if (!aboutPeptides) { // enzymePane.setVisible(digest && hasSamples); // buttonGrid.setVisible(digest && hasSamples); // } generalFractionMSInfo.setVisible(measure); } private ComboBox parseBoxRow(Object id, String propertyName) { Item item = sampleTable.getItem(id); Object component = item.getItemProperty(propertyName).getValue(); if (component instanceof ComboBox) return (ComboBox) component; else { HorizontalLayout h = (HorizontalLayout) component; return (ComboBox) h.getComponent(0); } } private TextField parseTextRow(Object id, String propertyName) { Item item = sampleTable.getItem(id); TextField t = (TextField) item.getItemProperty(propertyName).getValue(); return t; } public boolean isValid() { boolean res = true; String error = ""; for (Iterator i = sampleTable.getItemIds().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { // Get the current item identifier, which is an integer. int iid = (Integer); // Now get the actual item from the table. // Item item = proteinExperiments.getItem(iid); error = "Please fill in the number of " + type + "s (or '0' for none)"; // TODO old? String fractions = parseTextRow(iid, type + "s").getValue(); if (!fractions.isEmpty()) { try { Integer.parseInt(fractions); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { res = false; } } else { res = false; } } if (!res) { Styles.notification("Missing Input", error, NotificationType.ERROR); return false; } else return true; } private List<String> getEnzymesFromSampleRow(Object i) { if (parseBoxRow(i, "Enzyme").getValue() == null) return null; else { String entry = parseBoxRow(i, "Enzyme").getValue().toString(); if (entry.equals("Custom")) return enzymeMap.get(i); else return new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(entry)); } } public MSExperimentModel getFractionsWithMSProperties(MSExperimentModel model, String sampleType, String method) { Map<String, ExperimentModel> fractHelper = new HashMap<String, ExperimentModel>(); List<ExperimentModel> fractionations = new ArrayList<ExperimentModel>(); List<ExperimentModel> msExperiments = new ArrayList<ExperimentModel>(); List<ExperimentModel> peptides = new ArrayList<ExperimentModel>(); Map<String, Object> props = generalFractionMSInfo.getExperimentalProperties(); // there can be one ms measurement experiment per protein/peptide sample measured (fractions) // new ms experiment ExperimentModel msExp = new ExperimentModel(0, new ArrayList<AOpenbisSample>()); msExp.setProperties(props); Map<String, List<AOpenbisSample>> peptidesPerDigestion = new HashMap<String, List<AOpenbisSample>>(); // collect samples tableIdToSample = new HashMap<Object, AOpenbisSample>(); for (Object i : sampleTable.getItemIds()) { String item = (String) i; String[] ids = item.split("-"); AOpenbisSample parent = tableIdToParent.get(item); // new fraction/enrichment cycled sample - this always exists if it's in the table String secondaryName = parseTextRow(i, type.toString() + " Name").getValue(); String extID = parseTextRow(i, type.toString() + " Lab ID").getValue(); OpenbisTestSample fractionSample = new OpenbisTestSample(-2, new ArrayList<AOpenbisSample>(Arrays.asList(parent)), sampleType, secondaryName, extID, new ArrayList<Property>(), ""); ComboBox selection = parseBoxRow(i, "Process"); String option = selection.getValue().toString(); if (option.equals("Both") || option.equals("Measure") || sampleType.equals("PEPTIDES")) { // new ms sample OpenbisMSSample msSample = new OpenbisMSSample(-1, new ArrayList<AOpenbisSample>(Arrays.asList(fractionSample)), secondaryName + " run", extID + " run", new ArrayList<Property>(), ""); msExp.addSample(msSample); // used to attach wash samples tableIdToSample.put(i, msSample); // if we have at least one ms measurement, the experiment gets added to the experiment list if (msExperiments.isEmpty()) msExperiments.add(msExp); } if (option.equals("Both") || option.equals("Digest")) { OpenbisTestSample pepSample = new OpenbisTestSample(-1, new ArrayList<AOpenbisSample>(Arrays.asList(fractionSample)), "PEPTIDES", fractionSample.getQ_SECONDARY_NAME() + " digested", fractionSample.getQ_EXTERNALDB_ID(), new ArrayList<Property>(), ""); List<String> enzymes = getEnzymesFromSampleRow(i); String digestion = StringUtils.join(enzymes, ", "); if (peptidesPerDigestion.containsKey(digestion)) peptidesPerDigestion.get(digestion).add(pepSample); else peptidesPerDigestion.put(digestion, new ArrayList<AOpenbisSample>(Arrays.asList(pepSample))); } if (fractHelper.containsKey(ids[0])) { fractHelper.get(ids[0]).addSample(fractionSample); } else { // there is only one fractionation experiment per fractionation containing all of the // resulting samples ExperimentModel fractionExp = new ExperimentModel(item, new ArrayList<AOpenbisSample>(Arrays.asList(fractionSample))); switch (type) { case Fraction: fractionExp.addProperty("Q_MS_FRACTIONATION_METHOD", method); break; case Cycle: fractionExp.addProperty("Q_MS_ENRICHMENT_METHOD", method); break; default: logger.error("Unknown AnalyteMultiplicationType: " + type); break; } fractHelper.put(ids[0], fractionExp); if (sampleType.equals("PEPTIDES")) peptides.add(fractionExp); else fractionations.add(fractionExp); } } // one digestion experiment per unique enzyme set used for (String digestion : peptidesPerDigestion.keySet()) { ExperimentModel peptideExp = new ExperimentModel("", peptidesPerDigestion.get(digestion)); peptideExp.addProperty("Q_ADDITIONAL_INFO", "Digestion: " + digestion); peptides.add(peptideExp); } if (fractionations.size() > 0) model.addAnalyteStepExperiments(fractionations); if (msExperiments.size() > 0) model.addMSRunStepExperiments(msExperiments); if (peptides.size() > 0) model.addDigestionExperiment(peptides); if (poolSamples.getValue()) { List<AOpenbisSample> pools = new ArrayList<AOpenbisSample>(); int i = 0; for (String id : fractHelper.keySet()) { i++; List<AOpenbisSample> fractions = fractHelper.get(id).getSamples(); AOpenbisSample pool = new OpenbisTestSample(1, fractions, sampleType, sampleType.toLowerCase() + " pool " + Integer.toString(i), "", new ArrayList<Property>(), ""); pools.add(pool); if (sampleType.equals("PEPTIDES")) { ExperimentModel msExpPool = new ExperimentModel(2, new ArrayList<AOpenbisSample>(Arrays.asList(pool))); msExp.setProperties(props); model.getLastStepMsRuns().add(msExpPool); } else { OpenbisTestSample pepSample = new OpenbisTestSample(-1, new ArrayList<AOpenbisSample>(Arrays.asList(pool)), "PEPTIDES", pool.getQ_SECONDARY_NAME() + " digested", pool.getQ_EXTERNALDB_ID(), new ArrayList<Property>(), ""); ExperimentModel peptideExpPool = new ExperimentModel(1, new ArrayList<AOpenbisSample>(Arrays.asList(pepSample))); model.getPeptideExperiments().add(peptideExpPool); } } if (sampleType.equals("PEPTIDES")) { model.getPeptideExperiments().add(new ExperimentModel(3, pools)); } else { model.getLastStepAnalytes().add(new ExperimentModel(3, pools)); } } return model; } public boolean hasDigestions() { for (Object i : sampleTable.getItemIds()) { ComboBox selection = parseBoxRow(i, "Process"); String option = selection.getValue().toString(); if (option.equals("Both") || option.equals("Digest")) return true; } return false; } public void filterDictionariesByPrefix(String prefix, List<String> dontFilter) { generalFractionMSInfo.filterDictionariesByPrefix(prefix, dontFilter); } public AOpenbisSample getSampleFromRow(Object id) { AOpenbisSample s = tableIdToSample.get(id); return s; } public boolean rowIsMeasuredAndNotNull(Object id) { if (id == null) return false; if (aboutPeptides) return true; ComboBox box = parseBoxRow(id, "Process"); if (box.getValue() != null) { String option = (String) box.getValue(); return option.equals("Both") || option.equals("Measure"); } else return false; } }