List of usage examples for com.vaadin.ui TextArea TextArea
public TextArea()
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License:Open Source License
private void showAddDialogOrCancel(final DoneListener lis) { dialog = new Window("Add to VIP list"); dialog.setModal(true);/*from ww w . j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ dialog.setWidth("400px"); dialog.setHeight("350px"); VerticalLayout layout = new VerticalLayout(); dialog.setContent(layout); layout.setMargin(true); layout.setSpacing(true); layout.setSizeFull(); List<String> rtypes = Arrays.asList(new String[] { EMAILTYPE, DOMAINTYPE }); radios = new OptionGroup("Select type", rtypes); radios.setNullSelectionAllowed(false); // user can not 'unselect'"Emails"); // select this by default radios.setImmediate(false); // don't send the change to the server at once layout.addComponent(radios); final TextArea ta = new TextArea(); //ta.setColumns(40); ta.setSizeFull(); ta.setInputPrompt( "Type or paste a tab-, comma- or space-separated list of emails or domains. For domains, " + "use forms such as \"\", \"\", \"\", \"gov\", etc."); layout.addComponent(ta); HorizontalLayout hl = new HorizontalLayout(); hl.setSpacing(true); @SuppressWarnings("serial") Button cancelButt = new Button("Cancel", new Button.ClickListener() { public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { dialog.close(); lis.continueOrCancel(null); } }); @SuppressWarnings("serial") Button addButt = new Button("Add", new Button.ClickListener() { public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { String[] returnArr = null; String result = ta.getValue().toString(); if (result == null || result.length() <= 0) returnArr = null; else if ((returnArr = parseIt(result)) == null) return; dialog.close(); lis.continueOrCancel(returnArr); } }); hl.addComponent(cancelButt); hl.addComponent(addButt); hl.setComponentAlignment(cancelButt, Alignment.MIDDLE_RIGHT); hl.setExpandRatio(cancelButt, 1.0f); // The components added to the window are actually added to the window's // layout; you can use either. Alignments are set using the layout layout.addComponent(hl); hl.setWidth("100%"); ta.setWidth("100%"); ta.setHeight("100%"); layout.setExpandRatio(ta, 1.0f); UI.getCurrent().addWindow(dialog);; }
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License:Open Source License
public EditCardTextWindow(String text, Integer charLim) { super("Edit card text"); if (charLim != null) characterLimit = charLim;/* w w w .j a v a 2s.c o m*/ setModal(true); VerticalLayout layout = new VerticalLayout(); setContent(layout); layout.setMargin(true); layout.setSpacing(true); ta = new TextArea(); ta.setRows(10); ta.setColumns(50); if (text != null) { ta.setValue(text); ta.selectAll(); } else ta.setInputPrompt("Type card text here"); layout.addComponent(ta); HorizontalLayout buttHL = new HorizontalLayout(); buttHL.setSpacing(true); WindowCloser closeListener = new WindowCloser(this); cancelButt = new Button("Cancel", closeListener); buttHL.addComponent(cancelButt); saveButt = new Button("Save", closeListener); saveButt.addClickListener(closeListener); buttHL.addComponent(saveButt); layout.addComponent(buttHL); layout.setSizeUndefined(); // does a "pack" UI.getCurrent().addWindow(this); ta.focus(); }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public void initGui() { setWidth("950px"); addStyleName("m-greyborder"); addStyleName("m-background-lightgrey"); addStyleName("m-marginleft-25"); setMargin(true);//ww w . j a v a 2 s .c o m setSpacing(false); buildTopInfo(this); pan = new Panel(); addComponent(pan); pan.setWidth("99%"); pan.setHeight(PANEL_HEIGHT); vLay = new VerticalLayout(); vLay.setMargin(true); pan.setContent(vLay); setComponentAlignment(pan, Alignment.TOP_CENTER); pan.addStyleName("m-greyborder"); NativeButton moreButt = new NativeButton("Get another page of prior events", this); addComponent(moreButt); setComponentAlignment(moreButt, Alignment.TOP_RIGHT); Label lab; addComponent(lab = new Label()); lab.setHeight("10px"); addComponent(new Label("Broadcast message to game masters")); messageTA = new TextArea(); messageTA.setRows(2); messageTA.setWidth("100%"); addComponent(messageTA); NativeButton sendButt = new NativeButton("Send", new SendListener()); addComponent(sendButt); loadEvents(); }
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License:Open Source License
private TextArea makeTa(String val) { TextArea tf = new TextArea(); tf.setRows(2);/*from w w w. j a m*/ tf.setValue(val); tf.setWidth("100%"); return tf; }
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License:Open Source License
@HibernateSessionThreadLocalConstructor @HibernateUserRead// ww w. j a va 2 s . c o m public UserProfile3Top(Object uid) { this.uid = uid; User u = User.getTL(uid); User me = Mmowgli2UI.getGlobals().getUserTL(); itsSomebodyElse = (u.getId() != me.getId()); imGuestAccount = me.isViewOnly(); imAdmin = me.isAdministrator(); imAdminOrGameMaster = me.isAdministrator() || me.isGameMaster(); Game game = Game.getTL(); gameReadOnly = game.isReadonly(); scoresLab = new Label(); exploreScoreLab = new Label(); innovateScoreLab = new Label(); if (game.isActionPlansEnabled()) { scoresLab.addStyleName("m-userProfile3-scores-label"); exploreScoreLab.addStyleName("m-userProfile3-explorescore-label"); exploreScoreLab.setValue(formatFloat(u.getCombinedBasicScore())); // u.getBasicScore())); exploreScoreLab.setDescription("rounds combined"); innovateScoreLab.addStyleName("m-userProfile3-explorescore-label"); innovateScoreLab.setValue(formatFloat(u.getCombinedInnovScore())); // u.getInnovationScore())); innovateScoreLab.setDescription("rounds combined"); } else { scoresLab.addStyleName("m-userProfile3-exploreonlyscore-label"); exploreScoreLab.addStyleName("m-userProfile3-explorescorebig-label"); exploreScoreLab.setValue(formatFloat(u.getCombinedBasicScore())); // u.getBasicScore())); exploreScoreLab.setDescription("rounds combined"); } avatarButt = new NativeButton(); locationLab = new Label(); locationLab.setDescription("Where are you from?"); expertiseLab = new Label(); expertiseLab.setDescription("Enter a short description of your pertinent expertise."); affiliationLab = new Label("AFFILIATION"); affiliationLab.setDescription("Your professional affliation"); affiliationLab.addStyleName("m-userProfile3-learn-label"); coverUpChangePW = new Label(); nameLab = new Label(); nameLab.setValue(u.getUserName()); learnLab = new Label(); GameQuestion q = u.getQuestion(); String questSumm = null; if (q != null) questSumm = q.getSummary(); questSumm = questSumm == null ? "" : questSumm; learnLab.setValue(questSumm); String questDesc = null; if (q != null) questDesc = q.getQuestion(); questDesc = questDesc == null ? "" : questDesc; learnLab.setDescription(questDesc); levelLab = new Label(); Level lev = u.getLevel(); if (u.isGameMaster()) { Level l = Level.getLevelByOrdinalTL(Level.GAME_MASTER_ORDINAL); if (l != null) lev = l; } levelLab.setValue(lev.getDescription()); changePWButt = new NativeButton(); externMailCB = new CheckBox(); externMailCB.setValue(u.isOkEmail()); ingameMailCB = new CheckBox(); ingameMailCB.setValue(u.isOkGameMessages()); String s; locationTF = new TextField(); s = u.getLocation(); locationTF.setValue(s == null ? "" : s); expertiseTA = new TextArea(); s = u.getExpertise(); expertiseTA.setValue(s == null ? "" : s); affiliationTA = new TextArea(); affiliationTA.setInputPrompt("optional additional affiliations"); affiliationCombo = new BoundAffiliationCombo(); affiliationCombo.setInputPrompt("required"); // override "optional" affiliationCombo.setNewItemsAllowed(false); s = u.getAffiliation(); fillAffiliation(s); learnTA = new TextArea(); s = u.getAnswer(); learnTA.setValue(s == null ? "" : s); badgeButts = new NativeButton[8]; badgeLayout = new GridLayout(4, 3); //col,row if (itsSomebodyElse) { followCB = new CheckBox(); followCB.setValue(amIFollowing(me)); followCB.addValueChangeListener(new FollowListener()); } if (imAdmin) { manageAwardsButt = new NativeButton("manage awards"); manageAwardsButt.setDescription("<p>accessible to game administrators</p>"); manageAwardsButt.addClickListener(new ManageAwardsListener()); } }
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License:Apache License
public EXMLExtended(LOD2DemoState state) { this();/*from www.j a v a 2 s.c o m*/ this.state = state; // The internal state and panel = new VerticalLayout(); panel.setSpacing(true); Label desc = new Label("This page aids the extraction of RDF out of an XML document.<br/>" + "This is done by defining an XSLT transformation which transforms the XML document into a set of RDF triples.<br/>" + "The resulting triples are uploaded in the share RDF store.", Label.CONTENT_XHTML); uploadXMLFile = new FileUpload("Upload the XML file here", "The XML file ", xmlFile); uploadXMLFile.setDebugId(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + "_uploadXMLFile"); uploadXSLTFile = new FileUpload("Upload the XLST file here", "The XSLT file ", xsltFile); uploadXSLTFile.setDebugId(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + "_uploadXSLTFile"); uploadCatalogFile = new FileUpload("Upload the XML Catalog file here", "The XML Catalog file ", catalogFile); uploadCatalogFile.setDebugId(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + "_uploadCatalogFile"); uploadXSLTFile.setDescription("This file must be named catalog.xml. " + "The references can be to files on the local system or web reachable resources."); errorMsg = new Label(""); exportGraph = new ExportSelector(state, true); exportGraph.setDebugId(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + "_exportGraph"); uploadButton = new Button("Upload result to RDF Store", (Button.ClickListener) this); uploadButton.setDebugId(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + "_uploadButton"); transformButton = new Button("transform XML to RDF", (Button.ClickListener) this); transformButton.setDebugId(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + "_transformButton"); panel.addComponent(desc); panel.addComponent(uploadXMLFile); panel.addComponent(uploadXSLTFile); panel.addComponent(uploadCatalogFile); panel.addComponent(exportGraph); panel.addComponent(uploadButton); panel.addComponent(transformButton); panel.addComponent(errorMsg); errorMsg.setVisible(false); t2f = new Form(); t2f.setDebugId(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + "_t2f"); t2f.setCaption(""); annotatedTextField = new Label("Extracted RDF", Label.CONTENT_XHTML); t2f.getLayout().addComponent(annotatedTextField); textToAnnotateField = new TextArea(); textToAnnotateField.setDebugId(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + "_textToAnnotateField"); textToAnnotateField.setImmediate(false); textToAnnotateField.setColumns(100); textToAnnotateField.setRows(25); t2f.getLayout().addComponent(textToAnnotateField); panel.addComponent(t2f); t2f.setVisible(false); downloadForm = new Form(); downloadForm.setDebugId(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + "_downloadForm"); downloadForm.setCaption("Download file."); dlFileName = new TextField(); dlFileName.setDebugId(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + "_dlFileName"); dlFileName.setRequired(true); //dlFileName.setCaption("Give a filename. (Required)"); downloadForm.getLayout().addComponent(new Label("Give a filename.")); downloadForm.getLayout().addComponent(dlFileName); dlPath = new TextField(); dlPath.setDebugId(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + "_dlPath"); dlPath.setRequired(true); //dlPath.setCaption("Specify a path. (Required for downloading)"); downloadForm.getLayout().addComponent(new Label("Specify a path.")); downloadForm.getLayout().addComponent(dlPath); downloadButton = new Button("Download file", (Button.ClickListener) this); downloadButton.setDebugId(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + "_downloadButton"); downloadForm.getLayout().addComponent(downloadButton); panel.addComponent(downloadForm); downloadForm.setVisible(false); // The composition root MUST be set setCompositionRoot(panel); }
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License:Open Source License
private void addNewDevice() { final Window subWindow = new Window("Add Device"); FormLayout form = new FormLayout(); form.setMargin(true);//from ww w . ja v a2s.c o m final TextField name = new TextField(); name.setImmediate(true); name.addValidator(new StringLengthValidator("The name must be 1-85 letters long (Was {0}).", 1, 85, true)); name.setCaption("Name of new device"); form.addComponent(name); final TextArea description = new TextArea(); description.setImmediate(true); description.addValidator( new StringLengthValidator("The name must be 1-255 letters long (Was {0}).", 1, 255, true)); description.setCaption("Description"); form.addComponent(description); final OptionGroup restricted = new OptionGroup("Is Device restricted by operators?"); restricted.addItem("yes"); restricted.setMultiSelect(true); form.addComponent(restricted); HorizontalLayout buttons = new HorizontalLayout(); Button save = new Button("save"); buttons.addComponent(save); Button discard = new Button("discard"); discard.setDescription("discarding will abort the process of adding a new device into the databse."); buttons.addComponent(discard); buttons.setSpacing(true); form.addComponent(buttons); subWindow.setContent(form); form.setMargin(true); form.setSpacing(true); buttons.setMargin(true); buttons.setSpacing(true); // Center it in the browser window; subWindow.setModal(true); subWindow.setWidth("50%"); // Open it in the UI UI.getCurrent().addWindow(subWindow); discard.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = -5808910314649620731L; @Override public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { subWindow.close(); } }); save.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 3748395242651585005L; @Override public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { if (name.isValid() && description.isValid()) { Set<String> restr = (Set<String>) restricted.getValue(); int deviceId = DBManager.getDatabaseInstance().addDevice(name.getValue(), description.getValue(), (restr.size() == 1)); DeviceBean bean = new DeviceBean(deviceId, name.getValue(), description.getValue(), (restr.size() == 1)); devicesGrid.addRow(bean); } else {"Failed to add device to database."); } } }); // DeviceBean db = new DeviceBean(0, "Device 1","some description1", false); // TODO // add to database /* * boolean added = false;//DBManager.getDatabaseInstance().addDevice(db); //TODO test //add to * grid if(added){ devicesGrid.addRow(db); }else{ //TODO log failed operation *"Failed to add device to database.", Type.ERROR_MESSAGE); } */ }
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License:Open Source License
@AutoGenerated private VerticalSplitPanel buildConsoleSplit() { // common part: create layout consoleSplit = new VerticalSplitPanel(); consoleSplit.setImmediate(false);/*from w ww . j av a2s . co m*/ consoleSplit.setWidth("100.0%"); consoleSplit.setHeight("100.0%"); consoleSplit.setMargin(false); // HorizontalSplitPanel HorizontalSplitPanel = buildHorizontalSplitPanel(); consoleSplit.addComponent(HorizontalSplitPanel); // consoleWindow consoleWindow = new TextArea(); consoleWindow.setImmediate(false); consoleWindow.setWidth("100.0%"); consoleWindow.setHeight("100.0%"); consoleSplit.addComponent(consoleWindow); return consoleSplit; }
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License:Apache License
private void buildUI() { FormLayout vl = new FormLayout(); setContent(vl);/*from w w w. j a v a 2s.c o m*/ // Our id myId = new Label("Connecting..."); myId.setCaption("My id:"); vl.addComponent(myId); // Remote id final TextField remoteId = new TextField(); remoteId.setWidth("100%"); NativeButton connectToRemote = new NativeButton("Connect", new Button.ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(final ClickEvent event) { final RemoteChannel channel = peer.openChannel(remoteId.getValue()); channel.addConnectedListener(new ConnectedListener() { @Override public void connected(String channelId) { remoteId.setReadOnly(true); event.getButton().setVisible(false);"Connected to " + channelId, Type.TRAY_NOTIFICATION); } }); } }); HorizontalLayout hl = new HorizontalLayout(remoteId, connectToRemote); hl.setExpandRatio(remoteId, 1); hl.setWidth("100%"); hl.setCaption("Remote id: "); vl.addComponent(hl); // Message display where messages are displayed messages = new TextArea(); messages.setWidth("100%"); vl.addComponent(messages); // Message field final TextField message = new TextField(); message.setWidth("100%"); NativeButton send = new NativeButton("Send", new Button.ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { // Show message in message window messages.setValue( messages.getValue() + peer.getConfiguration().getId() + " >> " + message.getValue() + "\n"); // Broadcast the message to all connected peers peer.broadcast(message.getValue()); message.setValue(""); } }); hl = new HorizontalLayout(message, send); hl.setExpandRatio(message, 1); hl.setWidth("100%"); hl.setCaption("Send message: "); vl.addComponent(hl); }
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License:Open Source License
public static void editTextAndId(final Main main, String title, final Base container) { final Database database = main.getDatabase(); final Window subwindow = new Window(title, new VerticalLayout()); subwindow.setModal(true);//from w ww . j a va 2s . com subwindow.setWidth("400px"); subwindow.setHeight("500px"); subwindow.setResizable(false); VerticalLayout winLayout = (VerticalLayout) subwindow.getContent(); winLayout.setMargin(true); winLayout.setSpacing(true); final TextField tf = new TextField(); tf.setCaption("Lyhytnimi:"); tf.addStyleName(ValoTheme.TEXTFIELD_SMALL); tf.setValue(container.getId(database)); tf.setWidth("100%"); winLayout.addComponent(tf); final TextArea ta = new TextArea(); ta.setCaption("Teksti:"); ta.setValue(container.getText(database)); ta.setWidth("100%"); ta.setHeight("290px"); winLayout.addComponent(ta); Button save = new Button("Tallenna", new Button.ClickListener() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 6641880870005364983L; public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { String idValue = tf.getValue(); String value = ta.getValue(); main.removeWindow(subwindow); container.modifyId(main, idValue); container.modifyText(main, value); Collection<String> tags = Tag.extractTags(value); database.assertTags(tags); ArrayList<Tag> tagObjects = new ArrayList<Tag>(); for (String s : tags) tagObjects.add(database.getOrCreateTag(s)); container.assertRelatedTags(database, tagObjects); Updates.update(main, true); Property emails = Property.find(database, Property.EMAIL); String addr = emails.getPropertyValue(container); if (addr != null && !addr.isEmpty()) { String[] addrs = addr.split(","); if (addrs.length > 0) { try { Email.send(addrs, "Muutos strategiakartassa: " + container.getId(database), "Kyttj " + main.account.getId(database) + " on muuttanut strategiakarttaa.<br/><br/>Lyhytnimi: " + container.getId(database) + "<br/><br/>Teksti: " + container.getText(database)); } catch (MessagingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } }); Button discard = new Button("Peru muutokset", new Button.ClickListener() { private static final long serialVersionUID = -784522457615993823L; public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { Updates.update(main, true); main.removeWindow(subwindow); } }); HorizontalLayout hl2 = new HorizontalLayout(); hl2.setSpacing(true); hl2.addComponent(save); hl2.addComponent(discard); winLayout.addComponent(hl2); winLayout.setComponentAlignment(hl2, Alignment.MIDDLE_CENTER); main.addWindow(subwindow); ta.setCursorPosition(ta.getValue().length()); }