List of usage examples for com.vaadin.ui TextArea TextArea
public TextArea()
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@Override public Window getViewer(File f) { BufferedReader br = null;//from w w w. jav a2s . c o m Window w = new VMWindow(f.getName()); w.setHeight(80, Sizeable.Unit.PERCENTAGE); w.setWidth(80, Sizeable.Unit.PERCENTAGE); //Just a plain panel will do TextArea text = new TextArea(); text.setSizeFull(); w.setContent(text); try { br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(f)); String line; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); try { while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { sb.append(line).append("\n"); } text.setValue(sb.toString()); text.setReadOnly(true); } catch (IOException ex) { Exceptions.printStackTrace(ex); } } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { Exceptions.printStackTrace(ex); } finally { try { if (br != null) { br.close(); } } catch (IOException ex) { Exceptions.printStackTrace(ex); } } return w; }
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private void showVersioningPrompt(Versionable ao, Runnable r) { VerticalLayout layout = new VerticalLayout(); TextArea message = new TextArea(); message.setValue(TRANSLATOR.translate("missing.reason.message")); message.setReadOnly(true);/*w ww . j a v a 2s . c o m*/ message.setSizeFull(); TextArea desc = new TextArea(TRANSLATOR.translate("general.reason")); desc.setSizeFull(); layout.addComponent(message); layout.addComponent(desc); //Prompt user with reason for change MessageBox prompt = MessageBox.createQuestion(); prompt.withCaption(TRANSLATOR.translate("missing.reason.title")).withMessage(layout).withYesButton(() -> { ao.setReason(desc.getValue()); if (r != null) {; } }, ButtonOption.focus(), ButtonOption.icon(VaadinIcons.CHECK), ButtonOption.disable()) .withNoButton(ButtonOption.icon(VaadinIcons.CLOSE)); prompt.getWindow().setIcon(ValidationManagerUI.SMALL_APP_ICON); desc.addTextChangeListener((TextChangeEvent event1) -> { //Enable if there is a description change. prompt.getButton(ButtonType.YES).setEnabled(!event1.getText().trim().isEmpty()); }); prompt.getWindow().setWidth(50, Unit.PERCENTAGE); prompt.getWindow().setHeight(50, Unit.PERCENTAGE);; }
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private Layout initRawPanel() { textArea = new TextArea(); textArea.setWidth("100%"); textArea.setHeight("100%"); textArea.setRows(MAX_NUMBER_OF_ROWS_FOR_RAW_PANEL); ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper(); try {// w ww. j a v a 2 s. c o m String rawMetadata = objectMapper.writerWithDefaultPrettyPrinter().writeValueAsString(metadata); textArea.setValue(rawMetadata); } catch (JsonProcessingException ex) { textArea.setEnabled(false); LOGGER.warn("Couldn't serialize metadata object", ex); } saveButton = new Button("Save"); saveButton.addClickListener(this); VerticalLayout panelContent = new VerticalLayout(); panelContent.setMargin(true); panelContent.setSpacing(true); panelContent.addComponent(textArea); panelContent.addComponent(saveButton); return panelContent; }
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@SuppressWarnings("serial") public void load(final WorkflowForm form) { ProcessDefinition processDefinition = form.getProcessDefinition(); String task = processDefinition.getTask(form.getProcessInstance().getTaskId()).toString(); ProcessDefinition ownerProcessDefinition = processDefinition; while (processDefinition != null) { ownerProcessDefinition = processDefinition; processDefinition = processDefinition.getOwnerProcess(); }//from w ww. jav a 2 s . com setCaption(m_messageSourceAccessor.getMessage("form.wizard.caption", new Object[] { new Long(form.getProcessInstance().getId()), ownerProcessDefinition.getName(), form.getProcessInstance().getReference(), ownerProcessDefinition.getDescription() })); formPanel.removeAllComponents(); formPanel.addComponent((VerticalLayout) form); ProcessInstance processInstance = form.getProcessInstance(); if (!form.isReadOnly()) { PermissionManager pm = m_maduraSessionManager.getPermissionManager(); processInstance = getWorkflowClient().lockProcessInstance(form.getProcessInstance(), pm.hasPermission(FixedPermissions.TECHSUPPORT), pm.getCurrentUser()); if (processInstance == null) {""), m_messageSourceAccessor.getMessage("message.noop"), com.vaadin.ui.Notification.Type.HUMANIZED_MESSAGE); return; } } form.setProcessInstance(processInstance); // This is binding the process instance associated with the form to the workflow validation session. // log.debug("Binding {} to Validation engine {}",processInstance.getClass().getSimpleName(),getMaduraSessionManager().getValidationEngine().getIdentifier()); getMaduraSessionManager().getValidationSession().bind(form.getProcessInstance()); ((VerticalLayout) form).addListener(new Listener() { @Override public void componentEvent(Event event) { close(); fireEvent(event); } }); formPanel.markAsDirty(); BeanItem<ProcessInstance> beanItem = new BeanItem<ProcessInstance>(form.getProcessInstance()); m_maduraFieldGroup = m_maduraSessionManager.createMaduraFieldGroup(); Button attachments = m_maduraFieldGroup.createButton("attachments", new ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { m_attachmentsPopup.load(form.getProcessInstance().getId()); } }); Map<String, Field<?>> fields = m_maduraFieldGroup.buildAndBind(new String[] { "queueName", "bundleName", "status", "reference", "lastUpdated", "lockedBy", "comment" }, beanItem); TextArea comment = (TextArea) fields.get("comment"); comment.setRows(2); comment.setWordwrap(true); comment.setWidth("700px"); TextArea taskField = new TextArea(); taskField.setRows(2); taskField.setWordwrap(true); taskField.setWidth("700px"); taskField.setValue(task); taskField.setReadOnly(true); processPanel.removeAllComponents(); processPanel.setMargin(true); processPanel.setSpacing(true); HorizontalLayout processPanelHorizontal = new HorizontalLayout(); processPanelHorizontal.setSpacing(true); processPanel.addComponent(processPanelHorizontal); VerticalLayout processPanelColumn1 = new VerticalLayout(); VerticalLayout processPanelColumn2 = new VerticalLayout(); VerticalLayout processPanelColumn3 = new VerticalLayout(); processPanelHorizontal.addComponent(processPanelColumn1); processPanelHorizontal.addComponent(processPanelColumn2); processPanelHorizontal.addComponent(processPanelColumn3); processPanelColumn1.addComponent(fields.get("queueName")); processPanelColumn1.addComponent(fields.get("bundleName")); processPanelColumn2.addComponent(fields.get("reference")); processPanelColumn2.addComponent(fields.get("lastUpdated")); processPanelColumn3.addComponent(fields.get("lockedBy")); processPanelColumn3.addComponent(fields.get("status")); processPanel.addComponent(comment); processPanel.addComponent(taskField); m_maduraSessionManager.updateOtherFields(null); m_maduraFieldGroup.setReadOnly(form.isReadOnly()); processPanel.addComponent(attachments); processPanel.markAsDirty(); auditPanel.removeAllComponents(); m_audits.setup(form.getProcessInstance()); auditPanel.addComponent(m_audits); if (getParent() == null) { UI.getCurrent().addWindow(this);; } }
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public AbstractField<?> getTextField(MaduraPropertyWrapper property) { AbstractTextField ret = null;//from w ww . j av a 2 s. co m if (property.isSecret()) { ret = new PasswordField(); } else { if ("comment".equals(property.getName())) { TextArea textArea = new TextArea(); textArea.setRows(5); textArea.setWordwrap(true); textArea.setWidth("400px"); ret = textArea; } else { ret = new TextField(); } } ret.setMaxLength(property.getMaxLength()); if (property.getValue() == null) { property.setValue(""); } return ret; }
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protected void addFields() { formLayout = new GridLayout(2, 3); formLayout.setSpacing(true);//w w w.j av a 2 s. co m formLayout.addComponent(new Label(i18nManager.getMessage(Messages.TASK_NAME))); nameTextField = new TextField(); nameTextField.setWidth(25, Sizeable.UNITS_EM); nameTextField.focus(); formLayout.addComponent(nameTextField); formLayout.addComponent(new Label(i18nManager.getMessage(Messages.TASK_DESCRIPTION))); descriptionTextArea = new TextArea(); descriptionTextArea.setRows(8); descriptionTextArea.setWidth(25, Sizeable.UNITS_EM); descriptionTextArea.addStyleName(ExplorerLayout.STYLE_TEXTAREA_NO_RESIZE); formLayout.addComponent(descriptionTextArea); Label editorLabel = new Label(i18nManager.getMessage(Messages.PROCESS_EDITOR_CHOICE)); formLayout.addComponent(editorLabel); formLayout.setComponentAlignment(editorLabel, Alignment.MIDDLE_LEFT); selectEditorComponent = new SelectEditorComponent(); formLayout.addComponent(selectEditorComponent); addComponent(formLayout); // Some empty space Label emptySpace = new Label(" ", Label.CONTENT_XHTML); addComponent(emptySpace); }
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protected void initLayoutClickListener() { addListener(new LayoutClickListener() { public void layoutClick(LayoutClickEvent event) { if (event.getClickedComponent() != null && event.getClickedComponent().equals(descriptionLabel)) { // textarea final TextArea descriptionTextArea = new TextArea(); descriptionTextArea.setWidth(100, UNITS_PERCENTAGE); descriptionTextArea.setValue(task.getDescription()); editLayout.addComponent(descriptionTextArea); // ok button Button okButton = new Button(i18nManager.getMessage(Messages.BUTTON_OK)); editLayout.addComponent(okButton); editLayout.setComponentAlignment(okButton, Alignment.BOTTOM_RIGHT); // replace replaceComponent(descriptionLabel, editLayout); // When OK is clicked -> update task data + ui okButton.addListener(new ClickListener() { public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { // Update data task.setDescription(descriptionTextArea.getValue().toString()); taskService.saveTask(task); // Update UI descriptionLabel.setValue(task.getDescription()); replaceComponent(editLayout, descriptionLabel); }//ww w. j a va2s . com }); } } }); }
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protected void initDescription(HorizontalLayout layout) { final CssLayout descriptionLayout = new CssLayout(); descriptionLayout.setWidth(100, UNITS_PERCENTAGE); layout.addComponent(descriptionLayout); layout.setExpandRatio(descriptionLayout, 1.0f); layout.setComponentAlignment(descriptionLayout, Alignment.MIDDLE_LEFT); String descriptionText = null; if (task.getDescription() != null && !"".equals(task.getDescription())) { descriptionText = task.getDescription(); } else {/* w ww . ja v a2 s . c o m*/ descriptionText = i18nManager.getMessage(Messages.TASK_NO_DESCRIPTION); } final Label descriptionLabel = new Label(descriptionText); descriptionLabel.addStyleName(ExplorerLayout.STYLE_CLICKABLE); descriptionLayout.addComponent(descriptionLabel); descriptionLayout.addListener(new LayoutClickListener() { public void layoutClick(LayoutClickEvent event) { if (event.getClickedComponent() != null && event.getClickedComponent().equals(descriptionLabel)) { // layout for textarea + ok button final VerticalLayout editLayout = new VerticalLayout(); editLayout.setSpacing(true); // textarea final TextArea descriptionTextArea = new TextArea(); descriptionTextArea.setNullRepresentation(""); descriptionTextArea.setWidth(100, UNITS_PERCENTAGE); descriptionTextArea.setValue(task.getDescription()); editLayout.addComponent(descriptionTextArea); // ok button Button okButton = new Button(i18nManager.getMessage(Messages.BUTTON_OK)); editLayout.addComponent(okButton); editLayout.setComponentAlignment(okButton, Alignment.BOTTOM_RIGHT); // replace descriptionLayout.replaceComponent(descriptionLabel, editLayout); // When OK is clicked -> update task data + ui okButton.addListener(new ClickListener() { public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { // Update data task.setDescription(descriptionTextArea.getValue().toString()); taskService.saveTask(task); // Update UI descriptionLabel.setValue(task.getDescription()); descriptionLayout.replaceComponent(editLayout, descriptionLabel); } }); } } }); }
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protected void initializeTree(final boolean isAdmin) { ////from w w w . j a v a2 s .c o m // Set the data source // this.table.setContainerDataSource(this.container); // // Setup the GUI properties // this.table.setVisibleColumns("Name", "Description", "Status", "Default", "PDPs", "Policies", "PIP Configurations"); this.table.setColumnHeaders("Name", "Description", "Status", "Default", "PDP's", "Policies", "PIP Configurations"); // // The description should be a text area // this.table.addGeneratedColumn("Description", new ColumnGenerator() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public Object generateCell(Table source, Object itemId, Object columnId) { TextArea area = new TextArea(); area.setValue(((PDPGroup) itemId).getDescription()); area.setReadOnly(true); return area; } }); // // Generate a GUI element for the PDP's // this.table.addGeneratedColumn("PDPs", new ColumnGenerator() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public Object generateCell(Table source, Object itemId, Object columnId) { final Table table = new Table(); final PDPContainer container = new PDPContainer((PDPGroup) itemId); // // Setup the container data // table.setContainerDataSource(container); // // Save the group for easy access // table.setData(itemId); // // GUI properties // table.setPageLength(table.getContainerDataSource().size() + 2); table.setVisibleColumns("Name", "Status", "Description"); table.setColumnCollapsingAllowed(true); table.setColumnCollapsed("Description", true); table.setWidth("100%"); // // If an admin, then it is editable // if (isAdmin) { // // Set it as selectable // table.setSelectable(true); // // Add actions // table.addActionHandler(new Handler() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public Action[] getActions(Object target, Object sender) { if (target == null) { return new Action[] { CREATE_PDP }; } if (target instanceof PDP) { if (self.container.size() > 1) { return new Action[] { EDIT_PDP, GET_PDP_STATUS, MOVE_PDP, DELETE_PDP }; } else { return new Action[] { EDIT_PDP, GET_PDP_STATUS, DELETE_PDP }; } } return null; } @Override public void handleAction(Action action, Object sender, Object target) { if (action == CREATE_PDP) { self.editPDP(null, (PDPGroup) table.getData()); return; } if (action == EDIT_PDP) { assert target instanceof PDP; self.editPDP((PDP) target, (PDPGroup) table.getData()); return; } if (action == MOVE_PDP) { assert target instanceof PDP; self.movePDP((PDP) target, (PDPGroup) table.getData()); return; } if (action == DELETE_PDP) { assert target instanceof PDP; self.deletePDP((PDP) target, (PDPGroup) table.getData()); return; } if (action == GET_PDP_STATUS) { assert target instanceof PDP; self.getPDPStatus((PDP) target, (PDPGroup) table.getData()); } } }); // // Respond to events // table.addItemClickListener(new ItemClickListener() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public void itemClick(ItemClickEvent event) { if (event.isDoubleClick()) { self.editPDP((PDP) event.getItemId(), (PDPGroup) table.getData()); } } }); } return table; } }); // // Generate a GUI element for the policies // this.table.addGeneratedColumn("Policies", new ColumnGenerator() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public Object generateCell(Table source, Object itemId, Object columnId) { Table table = new Table(); table.setContainerDataSource(new PDPPolicyContainer((PDPGroup) itemId)); table.setPageLength(table.getContainerDataSource().size() + 2); table.setVisibleColumns("Root", "Name", "Version", "Description"); table.setColumnCollapsingAllowed(true); table.setColumnCollapsed("Description", true); table.setWidth("100%"); return table; } }); // // Generate a GUI element for the PIP configurations // this.table.addGeneratedColumn("PIP Configurations", new ColumnGenerator() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public Object generateCell(Table source, Object itemId, Object columnId) { Table table = new Table(); if (itemId instanceof PDPGroup) { table.setContainerDataSource(new PDPPIPContainer((PDPGroup) itemId)); table.setPageLength(table.getContainerDataSource().size() + 2); } if (itemId instanceof PDP) { table.setContainerDataSource(new PDPPIPContainer((PDP) itemId)); table.setVisible(false); table.setPageLength(0); } table.setVisibleColumns("Name", "Description"); table.setColumnCollapsingAllowed(true); table.setColumnCollapsed("Description", true); table.setWidth("100%"); return table; } }); // // Check the user's authorization level // if (((XacmlAdminUI) UI.getCurrent()).isAuthorized(XacmlAdminAuthorization.AdminAction.ACTION_ADMIN, XacmlAdminAuthorization.AdminResource.RESOURCE_PDP_ADMIN)) { this.table.setSelectable(true); } else { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("No admin access to pdp management"); } return; } // // Setup Action Handlers // this.table.addActionHandler(new Handler() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public Action[] getActions(Object target, Object sender) { if (target == null) { // // Nothing is selected, they right-clicked empty space. // Only one action. // return new Action[] { CREATE_GROUP }; } if (target instanceof PDPGroup) { List<Action> actions = new ArrayList<Action>(); PDPGroupStatus.Status status = ((PDPGroup) target).getStatus().getStatus(); if (status == PDPGroupStatus.Status.LOAD_ERRORS) { actions.add(REPAIR_GROUP); } if (((PDPGroup) target).isDefaultGroup() == false) { actions.add(MAKE_DEFAULT); } actions.add(EDIT_GROUP); if (status == PDPGroupStatus.Status.OUT_OF_SYNCH) { actions.add(SYNCHRONIZE); } if (((PDPGroup) target).isDefaultGroup() == false) { actions.add(DELETE_GROUP); } actions.add(CREATE_PDP); // Throws a class cast exception // return (Action[]) actions.toArray(); Action[] actions2 = new Action[actions.size()]; int index = 0; for (Action a : actions) { actions2[index++] = a; } return actions2; } return null; } @Override public void handleAction(Action action, Object sender, Object target) { if (action == CREATE_GROUP) { self.editPDPGroup(null); return; } if (action == EDIT_GROUP) { assert target instanceof PDPGroup; self.editPDPGroup((PDPGroup) target); return; } if (action == DELETE_GROUP) { self.deleteGroup((PDPGroup) target); return; } if (action == REPAIR_GROUP) { if (target instanceof PDPGroup) { ((PDPGroup) target).repair(); } else { String message = "Action '" + REPAIR_GROUP.getCaption() + "' called on non-group target '" + target + "'"; logger.error(message); AdminNotification.error(message); } return; } if (action == MAKE_DEFAULT) { if (target instanceof PDPGroup) { try { self.container.makeDefault((PDPGroup) target); } catch (Exception e) { AdminNotification.error("Make Default failed. Reason:\n" + e.getMessage()); } } else { String message = "Action '" + MAKE_DEFAULT.getCaption() + "' called on non-group target '" + target + "'"; logger.error(message); AdminNotification.error(message); } return; } if (action == SYNCHRONIZE) { if (target instanceof PDPGroup) { logger.error("SYNCHRONIZE NOT YET IMPLMENTED"); AdminNotification.error("Synchronize not yet implemented"); } else { String message = "Action '" + SYNCHRONIZE.getCaption() + "' called on non-group target '" + target + "'"; logger.error(message); AdminNotification.error(message); } return; } if (action == CREATE_PDP) { if (target instanceof PDPGroup) { self.editPDP(null, ((PDPGroup) target)); } else { String message = "Action '" + CREATE_PDP.getCaption() + "' called on non-group target '" + target + "'"; logger.error(message); AdminNotification.error(message); } return; } } }); // // Listen for item change notifications // this.table.addItemClickListener(new ItemClickListener() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public void itemClick(ItemClickEvent event) { if (event.isDoubleClick()) { assert event.getItemId() instanceof PDPGroup; self.editPDPGroup((PDPGroup) event.getItemId()); } } }); // // Respond to selection events // this.table.addValueChangeListener(new ValueChangeListener() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) { Object id = self.table.getValue(); if (id == null) { self.buttonRemove.setEnabled(false); } else { // // Make sure its not the default group // if (((PDPGroup) id).isDefaultGroup()) { self.buttonRemove.setEnabled(false); } else { self.buttonRemove.setEnabled(true); } } } }); // // Maximize the table // this.table.setSizeFull(); }
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protected void initializeTree(boolean isReadOnly) { ///*from w ww.j av a 2 s . com*/ // Initialize GUI properties // this.tablePIP.setImmediate(true); this.tablePIP.setContainerDataSource(this.container); this.tablePIP.setItemCaptionMode(ItemCaptionMode.PROPERTY); this.tablePIP.setItemCaptionPropertyId("name"); this.tablePIP.setVisibleColumns(visibleColumns); this.tablePIP.setColumnHeaders(columnHeaders); this.tablePIP.setSizeFull(); // // Access? // if (isReadOnly) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("read only pip access"); } return; } this.tablePIP.setSelectable(true); // // Setup click handler // this.tablePIP.addItemClickListener(new ItemClickListener() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public void itemClick(ItemClickEvent event) { if (event.isDoubleClick()) { PIPManagement.editConfiguration(self.container.getItem(event.getItemId())); } } }); // // Setup action handler // this.tablePIP.addActionHandler(new Handler() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public Action[] getActions(Object target, Object sender) { if (target == null) { return new Action[] { ADD_CONFIGURATION }; } // // Target is an Object ID // EntityItem<PIPConfiguration> config = self.container.getItem(target); if (config != null && config.getEntity().isReadOnly() == false) { if (config.getEntity().requiresResolvers()) { return new Action[] { EDIT_CONFIGURATION, CLONE_CONFIGURATION, REMOVE_CONFIGURATION, PUBLISH_CONFIGURATION, ADD_RESOLVER }; } else { return new Action[] { EDIT_CONFIGURATION, CLONE_CONFIGURATION, REMOVE_CONFIGURATION, PUBLISH_CONFIGURATION }; } } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Could not find item: " + target); } return null; } @Override public void handleAction(Action action, Object sender, Object target) { EntityItem<PIPConfiguration> config = self.container.getItem(target); if (config == null) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Could not find item: " + target); } return; } if (action == ADD_CONFIGURATION) { PIPManagement.editConfiguration(self.container.createEntityItem(new PIPConfiguration())); return; } if (action == EDIT_CONFIGURATION) { PIPManagement.editConfiguration(config); return; } if (action == CLONE_CONFIGURATION) { self.cloneConfiguration(config); return; } if (action == REMOVE_CONFIGURATION) { self.removeConfiguration(config); return; } if (action == ADD_RESOLVER) { PIPResolverComponent.addResolver(config.getEntity(), null); return; } if (action == PUBLISH_CONFIGURATION) { PIPResolverComponent.publishConfiguration(config); return; } } }); // // When a selection changes listener // this.tablePIP.addValueChangeListener(new ValueChangeListener() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) { self.setupButtons(); } }); this.tablePIP.addGeneratedColumn("description", new ColumnGenerator() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public Object generateCell(Table source, Object itemId, Object columnId) { EntityItem<PIPConfiguration> entity = self.container.getItem(itemId); if (entity != null && entity.getEntity() != null) { TextArea area = new TextArea(); area.setValue(entity.getEntity().getDescription()); area.setNullRepresentation(""); area.setSizeFull(); area.setReadOnly(true); return area; } return null; } }); this.tablePIP.addGeneratedColumn("piptype", new ColumnGenerator() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public Object generateCell(Table source, Object itemId, Object columnId) { EntityItem<PIPConfiguration> entity = self.container.getItem(itemId); if (entity != null && entity.getEntity() != null) { return entity.getEntity().getPiptype().getType(); } return null; } }); // // Customize the resolver column // this.tablePIP.addGeneratedColumn("Resolvers", new ColumnGenerator() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public Object generateCell(Table source, Object itemId, Object columnId) { EntityItem<PIPConfiguration> entity = self.container.getItem(itemId); if (entity != null && entity.getEntity() != null && entity.getEntity().requiresResolvers()) { PIPResolverComponent component = new PIPResolverComponent(entity.getEntity()); return component; } return null; } }); }