List of usage examples for com.vaadin.ui TabSheet setSelectedTab
public void setSelectedTab(int index)
From source
public PreferencesWindow(User user) { //setHeight("480px"); //setWidth("720px"); VerticalLayout windowContent = new VerticalLayout(); windowContent.setWidth("100%"); windowContent.setHeight("100%"); windowContent.setMargin(new MarginInfo(true, false, false, false)); TabSheet preferencesCategories = new TabSheet(); preferencesCategories.setWidth("100%"); preferencesCategories.setHeight("100%"); preferencesCategories.addStyleName(ValoTheme.TABSHEET_PADDED_TABBAR); preferencesCategories.addStyleName(ValoTheme.TABSHEET_ICONS_ON_TOP); preferencesCategories.addStyleName(ValoTheme.TABSHEET_CENTERED_TABS); windowContent.addComponent(preferencesCategories); windowContent.setExpandRatio(preferencesCategories, 1f); preferencesCategories.addComponent(buildUserTab(user)); preferencesCategories.addComponent(buildClippingsTab(user)); preferencesCategories.addComponent(buildSupportTab(user)); preferencesCategories.setSelectedTab(0); windowContent.addComponent(buildFooter(user)); setContent(windowContent);// w w w . j av a 2 s . com setModal(true); addCloseShortcut(KeyCode.ENTER, null); setResizable(false); setClosable(false); setHeight("480px"); setWidth("720px"); }
From source
License:Open Source License
/** * adds all the listeners to the offer generator tab * @param db: database instance to query * @param managerTabs: TabSheet holding the three tabs (Offer Generator, Offer Manager and Package Manager) * @param selectedProjectComboBox: ComboBox for selecting the project for the offer to generate * @param completeButton: button to complete the offer * @param addPackLayout: vertical layout which holds the twin select for selecting the packages, the package * description panel and the button to complete the offer * @param selectPackagesTwinColSelect: TwinSelect to select the packages for the current offer * @param packageDescriptionPanel: panel holding the descriptions labels for the selected packages * @param packageDescriptionLabel: label holding the description for the packages * @param twinColSelectFilter: text field for filtering the left side of the TwinColSelect *///w ww . java 2s . com private static void addListeners(Database db, TabSheet managerTabs, ComboBox selectedProjectComboBox, Button completeButton, VerticalLayout addPackLayout, TwinColSelect selectPackagesTwinColSelect, Panel packageDescriptionPanel, Label packageDescriptionLabel, TextField twinColSelectFilter) { final float[] totalPrice = new float[1]; final String[] descriptionText = new String[1]; final String[][] offerGeneratorPackageNames = new String[1][1]; final String[][] offerGeneratorPackageIds = new String[1][1]; selectedProjectComboBox.addValueChangeListener(new Property.ValueChangeListener() { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 6871999698387032993L; @Override public void valueChange(Property.ValueChangeEvent event) { if (selectedProjectComboBox.getValue() == null) { displayNotification("oO! No project selected!", "Please select a project to proceed, otherwise we are going to have a situation here! ;)", "error"); } else { addPackLayout.addComponent(twinColSelectFilter); addPackLayout.addComponent(selectPackagesTwinColSelect); addPackLayout.addComponent(packageDescriptionPanel); addPackLayout.addComponent(completeButton); } } }); selectPackagesTwinColSelect.addValueChangeListener(new Property.ValueChangeListener() { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = -5813954665588509117L; @Override public void valueChange(Property.ValueChangeEvent event) { // get the packages (package_id: package_name) as comma separated string and remove the leading and trailing bracket String selectedPackages = selectPackagesTwinColSelect.getValue().toString().substring(1); selectedPackages = selectedPackages.substring(0, selectedPackages.length() - 1); // in case there is no package selected, we do nothing if (selectedPackages.length() == 0) { return; } // init the arrays holding the package names and package ids offerGeneratorPackageNames[0] = selectedPackages.split(","); offerGeneratorPackageIds[0] = selectedPackages.split(","); // split the package id and the package name for (int i = 0; i < offerGeneratorPackageNames[0].length; i++) { offerGeneratorPackageIds[0][i] = offerGeneratorPackageIds[0][i].split(": ", 2)[0]; offerGeneratorPackageNames[0][i] = offerGeneratorPackageNames[0][i].split(": ", 2)[1]; } // TODO: value change listener does not trigger if the last element from the twin col select gets deselected System.out.println("packages in twin col select:"); System.out.println(selectPackagesTwinColSelect.getValue()); // there is a package for the current project, so we enable the complete offer button if (selectPackagesTwinColSelect.getValue() != null) { completeButton.setEnabled(true); } else { completeButton.setEnabled(false); } assert offerGeneratorPackageNames[0].length == offerGeneratorPackageIds[0].length; // iterate over all of the packages for the current offer and add their price and description to the view descriptionText[0] = ""; totalPrice[0] = 0; for (int i = 0; i < offerGeneratorPackageNames[0].length; i++) { int currentPackageId = Integer.valueOf(offerGeneratorPackageIds[0][i].trim()); // calculate the total offer price try { totalPrice[0] += Float.parseFloat(db.getPriceFromPackageId(currentPackageId, "internal")); } catch (NullPointerException e) { displayNotification("Package price is null!", "The package price of the package " + offerGeneratorPackageIds[0][i] + ": " + offerGeneratorPackageNames[0][i] + " is null. Please remove the " + "package from the offer or update the " + "package price on the package manager tab. Otherwise " + "bad stuff is expected to happen..", "error"); } // get the description for the current package descriptionText[0] = descriptionText[0] + "<tr><td><p><b>" + offerGeneratorPackageIds[0][i] + ": " + offerGeneratorPackageNames[0][i] + "</b><br>" + db.getPackageDescriptionFromPackageId(currentPackageId) + "</td><td align='right' valign='top'>" + db.getPriceFromPackageId(currentPackageId, "internal") + "</td>" + "</p></tr>"; // add the description and the total price to the view if (offerGeneratorPackageNames[0][i].length() != 0) packageDescriptionLabel.setValue( "<table width='100%'><tr><td><p style='color:red;'><b>Package Name and Description</b></p>" + "</td><td align='right'><p style='color:red;'><b>Price</b></p></td></tr><tr> </tr>" + descriptionText[0] + "<tr><td><p style='color:red;'><b>Grand Total</b> (excl. Taxes)</p></td><td align='right'>" + "<p style='color:red;'><b>" + totalPrice[0] + "</b></p></td></tr></table>"); else packageDescriptionLabel.setValue("No description available!"); } } }); completeButton.addClickListener(new Button.ClickListener() { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 8181926819540586585L; @Override public void buttonClick(Button.ClickEvent event) { // get some fields for the current offer String offerProjectReference = selectedProjectComboBox.getValue().toString(); String dateToday = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd").format(new Date()); String offerNumber = dateToday + "_" + offerProjectReference; String offerFacility = db.getPIFromProjectRef(offerProjectReference); String offerName = db.getShortTitleFromProjectRef(offerProjectReference); String offerDescription = db.getLongDescFromProjectRef(offerProjectReference); // register the new offer in the database; NOTE: internal has no functionality anymore, so we simply set it to // true int offerId = db.registerNewOffer(offerNumber, offerProjectReference, offerFacility, offerName, offerDescription, totalPrice[0], new Date(), "temp", true); // TODO: if a liferay instance is running uncomment this and remove the call to db.registerNewOffer above /* offerId = db.registerNewOffer(offerNumber, offerProjectReference, offerFacility, offerName, offerDescription, totalPrice, dNow, LiferayAndVaadinUtils.getUser().getScreenName(), externalPriceSelectedCheckBox.getValue()); */ // iterate over the packages from the current offer and insert them also in the database for (String packageId : offerGeneratorPackageIds[0]) { int currentPackageId = Integer.valueOf(packageId); float packageUnitPrice = Float.valueOf(db.getPriceFromPackageId(currentPackageId, "internal")); db.insertOrUpdateOffersPackages(offerId, currentPackageId, packageUnitPrice); } displayNotification("Perfect! Offer successfully saved in the Database!", "Next step is to modify, finalize and send it to the customer. Keep in mind that the " + "description of the offer is still missing. Please go ahead and complete it. Fingers crossed!", "success"); // change view to offer manager managerTabs.setSelectedTab(1); } }); }
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License:Open Source License
@Override protected void doSetValue(Object source, Object value) { TabSheet component = (TabSheet) source; component.setSelectedTab((Component) value); }
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License:Apache License
@Override public void menuSelected(MenuItem selectedItem) { if (windowComponent == null) windowComponent = windowFactory.createWindowComponent(window, application); final TabSheet tabSheet = application.getConcreteApplication().getMainTabSheet(); tabSheet.addListener(new ComponentContainer.ComponentDetachListener() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override// www . j av a2 s. c om public void componentDetachedFromContainer(ComponentDetachEvent event) { if (event.getDetachedComponent() == windowComponent) { windowComponent = null; tabSheet.removeListener(this); } } }); Tab tab = tabSheet.addTab(windowComponent, window.getName()); tab.setClosable(true); tab.setDescription(window.getDescription()); tabSheet.setSelectedTab(tab); }
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License:Open Source License
/** * This method enables or disables all tabs in a tabSheet. Therefore the * <code>ViewStatechangedEvent</code> is used. If the new view state is Edit * the method returns the last selected tab position. If the new view state * is not Edit the " <code>oldSelectedTabPosition</code>" is selected in the * given <code>tabSheet</code>. * //w w w .ja v a 2 s . c om * @param tabSheet * the tabsheet to enable or disable all tabs in * @param event * @param oldSelectedTabPosition * which tab was selected before view state was Edit * @return */ public static int enableTabs(final TabSheet tabSheet, final ViewStateChangedEvent event, final int oldSelectedTabPosition) { boolean editMode = event.getNewState().isEdit(); boolean enabled = !editMode; int newSelectedTabPosition = 0; // remember which tab was selected (before editing) if (editMode) newSelectedTabPosition = getSelectedTabPosition(tabSheet); // disable or enable for (int i = 0; i < tabSheet.getComponentCount(); i++) tabSheet.getTab(i).setEnabled(enabled); // select tab depending on selection (after editing) if (!editMode) tabSheet.setSelectedTab(tabSheet.getTab(oldSelectedTabPosition)); // return currently selected tab return editMode ? newSelectedTabPosition : getSelectedTabPosition(tabSheet); }
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License:Mozilla Public License
protected Component buildTabs(final String propId, final ContainerProperty prop, final FieldGroup fieldGroup) { GridLayout layout = new GridLayout(); layout.setWidth(100.0f, Unit.PERCENTAGE); // title bar/*w w w . j a va 2 s .co m*/ HorizontalLayout titleBar = new HorizontalLayout(); titleBar.setMargin(new MarginInfo(true, false, false, false)); titleBar.setSpacing(true); String label = prop.getLabel(); if (label == null) label = DisplayUtils.getPrettyName((String) propId); Label sectionLabel = new Label(label); sectionLabel.setDescription(prop.getDescription()); sectionLabel.addStyleName(STYLE_H3); sectionLabel.addStyleName(STYLE_COLORED); titleBar.addComponent(sectionLabel); layout.addComponent(titleBar); // create one tab per item in container final MyBeanItemContainer<Object> container = prop.getValue(); final TabSheet tabs = new TabSheet(); tabs.setSizeFull(); int i = 1; for (Object itemId : container.getItemIds()) { MyBeanItem<Object> childBeanItem = (MyBeanItem<Object>) container.getItem(itemId); IModuleConfigForm subform = AdminUI.getInstance().generateForm(childBeanItem.getBean().getClass());, childBeanItem); ((MarginHandler) subform).setMargin(new MarginInfo(true, false, true, false)); allForms.add(subform); Tab tab = tabs.addTab(subform, "Item #" + (i++)); tab.setClosable(true); // store item id so we can map a tab with the corresponding bean item ((AbstractComponent) subform).setData(itemId); } // draw icon on last tab to add new items tabs.addTab(new VerticalLayout(), "", UIConstants.ADD_ICON); // catch close event to delete item tabs.setCloseHandler(new CloseHandler() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public void onTabClose(TabSheet tabsheet, Component tabContent) { final Tab tab = tabs.getTab(tabContent); final ConfirmDialog popup = new ConfirmDialog( "Are you sure you want to delete " + tab.getCaption() + "?</br>All settings will be lost."); popup.addCloseListener(new CloseListener() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public void windowClose(CloseEvent e) { if (popup.isConfirmed()) { // retrieve id of item shown on tab AbstractComponent tabContent = (AbstractComponent) tab.getComponent(); Object itemId = tabContent.getData(); // remove from UI int deletedTabPos = tabs.getTabPosition(tab); tabs.removeTab(tab); tabs.setSelectedTab(deletedTabPos - 1); // remove from container container.removeItem(itemId); } } }); popup.setModal(true); AdminUI.getInstance().addWindow(popup); } }); // catch select event on '+' tab to add new item tabs.addSelectedTabChangeListener(new SelectedTabChangeListener() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public void selectedTabChange(SelectedTabChangeEvent event) { Component selectedTab = event.getTabSheet().getSelectedTab(); final Tab tab = tabs.getTab(selectedTab); final int selectedTabPos = tabs.getTabPosition(tab); // case of + tab to add new item if (tab.getCaption().equals("")) { tabs.setSelectedTab(selectedTabPos - 1); try { // show popup to select among available module types String title = "Please select the desired option"; Map<String, Class<?>> typeList = GenericConfigForm.this.getPossibleTypes(propId); ObjectTypeSelectionPopup popup = new ObjectTypeSelectionPopup(title, typeList, new ObjectTypeSelectionCallback() { public void typeSelected(Class<?> objectType) { try { // add new item to container MyBeanItem<Object> childBeanItem = container.addBean( objectType.newInstance(), ((String) propId) + PROP_SEP); // generate form for new item IModuleConfigForm subform = AdminUI.getInstance() .generateForm(childBeanItem.getBean().getClass());, childBeanItem); ((MarginHandler) subform) .setMargin(new MarginInfo(true, false, true, false)); allForms.add(subform); // add new tab and select it Tab newTab = tabs.addTab(subform, "Item #" + (selectedTabPos + 1), null, selectedTabPos); newTab.setClosable(true); tabs.setSelectedTab(newTab); } catch (Exception e) {"Error", e.getMessage(), Notification.Type.ERROR_MESSAGE); } } }); popup.setModal(true); AdminUI.getInstance().addWindow(popup); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } }); // also register commit handler fieldGroup.addCommitHandler(new CommitHandler() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public void preCommit(CommitEvent commitEvent) throws CommitException { } @Override public void postCommit(CommitEvent commitEvent) throws CommitException { // make sure new items are transfered to model prop.setValue(prop.getValue()); } }); layout.addComponent(tabs); return layout; }
From source
License:Apache License
@Override public void handle(final ActionContext actionContext) throws Exception { ComponentContainer displayArea = actionContext.getTargetContainer(); displayArea.removeAllComponents();//w w w. j a v a 2 s. co m UserActionList ual = (UserActionList) actionContext.getUserAction(); final OpenGroupsApplication app = actionContext.getApp(); final Entity entity = actionContext.getEntity(); final TabSheet actionsTabSheet = new TabSheet(); actionsTabSheet.addStyleName(Reindeer.TABSHEET_MINIMAL); // actionsTabSheet.addStyleName(OpenGroupsStyles.USER_ACTION_CONTENT_PANE); actionsTabSheet.addStyleName(OpenGroupsStyles.USER_ACTIONS_TABSHEET); // final CssLayout contentArea = new CssLayout(); // contentArea.setWidth("100%"); // contentArea.setStyleName(OpenGroupsStyles.USER_ACTION_CONTENT_PANE); // displayArea.addComponent(contentArea); /* add listener */ actionsTabSheet.addListener(new SelectedTabChangeListener() { @Override public void selectedTabChange(SelectedTabChangeEvent event) { TabSheet tabSheet = event.getTabSheet(); AbstractComponentContainer selectedTabContent = (AbstractComponentContainer) tabSheet .getSelectedTab(); UserAction ua = (UserAction) selectedTabContent.getData(); if (entity != null) { Deque<String> desiredActionsQueue = entity.getState().getDesiredActionTabsQueue(); /* * if a desired action exists, it will be set afterwards, otherwise allow the first action from the * list to be selected by default */ if (desiredActionsQueue.size() != 0) { String nextAction = desiredActionsQueue.peek(); if (nextAction.equals(ua.getActionName())) { /* remove action from the queue */ desiredActionsQueue.remove(); } else { /* * if this action does not match with the next desired action, do nothing */ return; } } else { entity.getState().resetPageInfo(); } } if (ua instanceof UserActionList) { // selectedTabContent.removeStyleName(OpenGroupsStyles.USER_ACTION_CONTENT_PANE); // contentArea.setWidth("100%"); // contentArea.setMargin(false); // selectedTabContent.setMargin(false); ua.executeHandler(entity, app, selectedTabContent, false, actionContext); } else { // selectedTabContent.addStyleName(OpenGroupsStyles.USER_ACTION_CONTENT_PANE); // contentArea.setWidth("99.5%"); // contentArea.setMargin(true); // selectedTabContent.setMargin(true); // selectedTabContent.setWidth("100%"); if (entity != null) { entity.getState().setCurrentTabAction(ua); entity.getState().setCurrentTabActionContainer(selectedTabContent); entity.getState().setCurrentActionsPath(ua.getFullActionPath()); // entity.getState().getDesiredActionTabsQueue().clear(); // entity.getState().resetPageInfoForCurrentAction(); actionContext.getWindow().setFragmentToEntity(entity); } ua.executeHandler(entity, app, selectedTabContent, false, actionContext); } } }); /* add the tabsheet to the target component */ // List<String> currentUserTypes = getCurrentUserTypes(entity, app); Map<String, ComponentContainer> actionPathContainers = new HashMap<String, ComponentContainer>(); List<UserAction> actionsList = new ArrayList<UserAction>(ual.getActions().values()); for (UserAction cua : actionsList) { /* display only the actions that the user is allowed to see */ // if (!cua.allowRead(currentUserTypes)) { if (!cua.isVisible(actionContext)) { continue; } CssLayout tabContent = new CssLayout(); if (cua instanceof UserActionList) { // tabContent.setMargin(false); // contentArea.setMargin(false); // tabContent.addStyleName(OpenGroupsStyles.USER_ACTION_CONTENT_PANE); // tabContent.setWidth("100%"); } else { // tabContent.addStyleName(OpenGroupsStyles.USER_ACTION_CONTENT_PANE); tabContent.setMargin(true); // contentArea.addStyleName(OpenGroupsStyles.USER_ACTION_CONTENT_PANE); // contentArea.setMargin(true); } tabContent.addStyleName(OpenGroupsStyles.USER_ACTION_CONTENT_PANE); actionPathContainers.put(cua.getActionName(), tabContent); tabContent.setData(cua); actionsTabSheet.addTab(tabContent, cua.getDisplayName(), null); } displayArea.addComponent(actionsTabSheet); if (entity != null) { Deque<String> desiredActionsQueue = entity.getState().getDesiredActionTabsQueue(); if (desiredActionsQueue.size() != 0) { // System.out.println("desired actions: " + // entity.getState().getDesiredActionsPath()); // System.out.println("full url: "+app.getFullUrl()); /* select the tab specified by the next desired action */ actionsTabSheet.setSelectedTab(actionPathContainers.get(desiredActionsQueue.peek())); } } }
From source
License:Mozilla Public License
@Override public void init() { setUser(Flash.login());/*from www .j a v a 2 s . co m*/ setTheme("custom"); TabSheet t = new TabSheet(); t.addStyleName(Reindeer.TABSHEET_MINIMAL); t.setSizeFull(); t.setCloseHandler(new DelegateCloseHandler()); UserInfoPanel.addClosableToTabSheet(t, getUser().toString()); TreeTableOrganization treeTableOrganization = new TreeTableOrganization(); CrudNews showNews = new CrudNews(); table = treeTableOrganization.getTreeTable(); Tab orgsTab = t.addTab(treeTableOrganization, ""); t.setSelectedTab(orgsTab); t.addTab(new GroupTab(), ""); GwsSystemTab systemTab = new GwsSystemTab(); t.addTab(systemTab, " ??"); t.addListener(systemTab); GwsLazyTab gwsLazyTab = new GwsLazyTab(); t.addTab(gwsLazyTab, "? ??"); t.addListener(gwsLazyTab); t.addTab(createEmployeeWidget(), ""); RefreshableTab settings = createSettings(); t.addTab(settings, "??"); t.addListener(settings); Component businessCalendar = createBusinessCalendar(); t.addTab(businessCalendar, "? "); LogTab logTab = new LogTab(); t.addListener(logTab); t.addTab(logTab, ""); t.addTab(showNews, "??"); t.addTab(registryTab(), "?"); setMainWindow(new Window( getUser() + " | | -" + Activator.getContext().getBundle().getVersion(), t)); AdminServiceProvider.get().createLog(Flash.getActor(), "Admin application", (String) getUser(), "login", null, true); }
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License:Mozilla Public License
static private void showForm(final TabSheet tabs, final String taskId) { // ? /*ww w . j av a 2s. c o m*/ for (int i = tabs.getComponentCount(); i > 0; i--) { final Tab tab = tabs.getTab(i - 1); if (tab.getComponent() instanceof WithTaskId) { if (taskId.equals(((WithTaskId) tab.getComponent()).getTaskId())) { tabs.setSelectedTab(tab); return; } } } DataAccumulator accumulator = new DataAccumulator(); ExecutorService executorService = Flash.flash().getExecutorService(); final FormDescription formDescription = Functions .withEngine(new FormDescriptionBuilder(FormID.byTaskId(taskId), executorService, accumulator)); final TaskForm taskForm = new TaskForm(formDescription, new TaskForm.CloseListener() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 3726145663843346543L; @Override public void onFormClose(final TaskForm form) { final TabSheet.Tab tab = tabs.getTab(tabs.getSelectedTab()); int pos = tabs.getTabPosition(tab); tabs.removeTab(tab); int count = tabs.getComponentCount(); tabs.setSelectedTab(count == pos ? pos - 1 : pos); } }, accumulator); final Tab tab = tabs.addTab(taskForm, formDescription.task.getName()); tab.setDescription("? \"" + formDescription.processDefinition.getName() + "\""); tabs.setSelectedTab(tab); }
From source
License:Open Source License
public void itemClick(ItemClickEvent event) { TabSheet tabs = (TabSheet) getParent(); Object iid = event.getItemId(); if (iid instanceof ObjectId) { // find existing tab int count = tabs.getComponentCount(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { Component x = tabs.getTab(i).getComponent(); if (x instanceof ReviewTab && ((ReviewTab) x).reviewId.equals(iid)) { tabs.setSelectedTab(x); return; }//from w w w .j a v a 2s. c om } Tab t = tabs.addTab(new ReviewTab((ObjectId) iid)); t.setClosable(true); tabs.setSelectedTab(t.getComponent()); } }