Java com.vaadin.ui TabSheet fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java com.vaadin.ui TabSheet fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for com.vaadin.ui TabSheet.

The text is from its open source code.


com.vaadin.ui.TabSheet has subclasses.
Click this link to see all its subclasses.


com.vaadin.ui.TabSheet has the following implementations.
Click this link to see all its implementation.


Constructs a new TabSheet.


voidaddComponent(Component c)
Adds a new tab into TabSheet.
RegistrationaddListener(Component.Listener listener)
RegistrationaddSelectedTabChangeListener(SelectedTabChangeListener listener)
Adds a tab selection listener.
voidaddStyleName(String style)
TabaddTab(Component c)
Adds a new tab into TabSheet.
TabaddTab(Component c, String caption, Resource icon)
Adds a new tab into TabSheet.
TabaddTab(Component c, String caption)
Adds a new tab into TabSheet.
TabaddTab(Component component, int position)
Adds a new tab into TabSheet.
Gets the number of contained components (tabs).
Gets the selected tab content component.
TabgetTab(Component c)
Returns the Tab (metadata) for a component.
TabgetTab(int index)
Returns the Tab (metadata) with the given index.
intgetTabPosition(Tab tab)
Gets the position of the tab.
voidhideTabs(boolean tabsHidden)
Hides or shows the tab selection parts ("tabs").
Gets the component container iterator for going through all the components (tab contents).
Removes all components from the container.
voidremoveComponent(Component component)
Removes a component and its corresponding tab.
voidremoveListener(Component.Listener listener)
voidremoveTab(Tab tab)
Removes a Tab and the component associated with it, as previously added with #addTab(Component) , #addTab(Component,String,Resource) or #addComponent(Component) .
voidsetCaption(String caption)
voidsetCloseHandler(CloseHandler handler)
Provide a custom CloseHandler for this TabSheet if you wish to perform some additional tasks when a user clicks on a tabs close button, e.g.
voidsetDebugId(String id)
voidsetHeight(float height, Unit unit)
voidsetHeight(String height)
voidsetId(String id)
voidsetSelectedTab(Component component)
Sets the selected tab.
voidsetSelectedTab(Tab tab)
Sets the selected tab.
voidsetSelectedTab(int index)
Sets the selected tab, identified by its index.
voidsetStyleName(String style)
voidsetVisible(boolean visible)
voidsetWidth(float width, Unit unit)
voidsetWidth(String width)