Example usage for Java com.vaadin.ui TabSheet fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass
The text is from its open source code.
TabSheet() Constructs a new TabSheet. |
void | addComponent(Component c) Adds a new tab into TabSheet. |
Registration | addListener(Component.Listener listener) |
Registration | addSelectedTabChangeListener(SelectedTabChangeListener listener) Adds a tab selection listener. |
void | addStyleName(String style) |
Tab | addTab(Component c) Adds a new tab into TabSheet. |
Tab | addTab(Component c, String caption, Resource icon) Adds a new tab into TabSheet. |
Tab | addTab(Component c, String caption) Adds a new tab into TabSheet. |
Tab | addTab(Component component, int position) Adds a new tab into TabSheet. |
String | getCaption() |
int | getComponentCount() Gets the number of contained components (tabs). |
Iterator | getComponentIterator() |
HasComponents | getParent() |
Component | getSelectedTab() Gets the selected tab content component. |
Tab | getTab(Component c) Returns the Tab (metadata) for a component. |
Tab | getTab(int index) Returns the Tab (metadata) with the given index. |
int | getTabPosition(Tab tab) Gets the position of the tab. |
void | hideTabs(boolean tabsHidden) Hides or shows the tab selection parts ("tabs"). |
Iterator | iterator() Gets the component container iterator for going through all the components (tab contents). |
void | removeAllComponents() Removes all components from the container. |
void | removeComponent(Component component) Removes a component and its corresponding tab. |
void | removeListener(Component.Listener listener) |
void | removeTab(Tab tab) Removes a Tab and the component associated with it, as previously added with #addTab(Component) , #addTab(Component,String,Resource) or #addComponent(Component) . |
void | setCaption(String caption) |
void | setCloseHandler(CloseHandler handler) Provide a custom CloseHandler for this TabSheet if you wish to perform some additional tasks when a user clicks on a tabs close button, e.g. |
void | setDebugId(String id) |
void | setHeight(float height, Unit unit) |
void | setHeight(String height) |
void | setId(String id) |
void | setSelectedTab(Component component) Sets the selected tab. |
void | setSelectedTab(Tab tab) Sets the selected tab. |
void | setSelectedTab(int index) Sets the selected tab, identified by its index. |
void | setSizeFull() |
void | setStyleName(String style) |
void | setVisible(boolean visible) |
void | setWidth(float width, Unit unit) |
void | setWidth(String width) |