Example usage for com.vaadin.ui TabSheet getSelectedTab

List of usage examples for com.vaadin.ui TabSheet getSelectedTab


In this page you can find the example usage for com.vaadin.ui TabSheet getSelectedTab.


public Component getSelectedTab() 

Source Link


Gets the selected tab content component.


From source file:org.lunifera.runtime.web.vaadin.databinding.component.internal.TabSheetSelectedTabProperty.java

License:Open Source License

protected Object doGetValue(Object source) {
    TabSheet component = (TabSheet) source;
    return component.getSelectedTab();

From source file:org.opennms.features.jmxconfiggenerator.webui.ui.UIHelper.java

License:Open Source License

private static int getSelectedTabPosition(final TabSheet tabSheet) {
    if (tabSheet == null)
        return 0;
    if (tabSheet.getSelectedTab() == null)
        return 0;
    if (tabSheet.getTab(tabSheet.getSelectedTab()) == null)
        return 0;
    return tabSheet.getTabPosition(tabSheet.getTab(tabSheet.getSelectedTab()));

From source file:org.opennms.features.topology.app.internal.TopologyUI.java

License:Open Source License

 * Gets a {@link TabSheet} view for all widgets in this manager.
 * //www.j a va  2s  .  c  o m
 * @return TabSheet
private Component getTabSheet(WidgetManager manager, WidgetContext widgetContext) {
    // Use an absolute layout for the bottom panel
    AbsoluteLayout bottomLayout = new AbsoluteLayout();

    tabSheet = new TabSheet();

    for (IViewContribution viewContrib : manager.getWidgets()) {
        // Create a new view instance
        final Component view = viewContrib.getView(m_applicationContext, widgetContext);
        try {
            m_graphContainer.getSelectionManager().addSelectionListener((SelectionListener) view);
        } catch (ClassCastException e) {
        try {
            ((SelectionNotifier) view).addSelectionListener(m_graphContainer.getSelectionManager());
        } catch (ClassCastException e) {

        // Icon can be null
        tabSheet.addTab(view, viewContrib.getTitle(), viewContrib.getIcon());

        // If the component supports the HasExtraComponents interface, then add the extra 
        // components to the tab bar
        try {
            Component[] extras = ((HasExtraComponents) view).getExtraComponents();
            if (extras != null && extras.length > 0) {
                // For any extra controls, add a horizontal layout that will float
                // on top of the right side of the tab panel
                final HorizontalLayout extraControls = new HorizontalLayout();
                extraControls.setHeight(32, Unit.PIXELS);

                // Add the extra controls to the layout
                for (Component component : extras) {
                    extraControls.setComponentAlignment(component, Alignment.MIDDLE_RIGHT);

                // Add a TabSheet.SelectedTabChangeListener to show or hide the extra controls
                tabSheet.addSelectedTabChangeListener(new SelectedTabChangeListener() {
                    private static final long serialVersionUID = 6370347645872323830L;

                    public void selectedTabChange(SelectedTabChangeEvent event) {
                        final TabSheet source = (TabSheet) event.getSource();
                        if (source == tabSheet) {
                            // Bizarrely enough, getSelectedTab() returns the contained
                            // Component, not the Tab itself.
                            // If the first tab was selected...
                            if (source.getSelectedTab() == view) {
                            } else {

                // Place the extra controls on the absolute layout
                bottomLayout.addComponent(extraControls, "top:0px;right:5px;z-index:100");
        } catch (ClassCastException e) {

    // Add the tabsheet to the layout
    bottomLayout.addComponent(tabSheet, "top: 0; left: 0; bottom: 0; right: 0;");

    return bottomLayout;

From source file:org.opennms.features.vaadin.datacollection.DataCollectionGroupPanel.java

License:Open Source License

public void selectedTabChange(SelectedTabChangeEvent event) {
    TabSheet tabsheet = event.getTabSheet();
    Tab tab = tabsheet.getTab(tabsheet.getSelectedTab());
    if (tab != null) {
        Notification.show("Selected tab: " + tab.getCaption());
    }/*from  ww  w  .  jav  a 2  s .c o m*/

From source file:org.opennms.features.vaadin.nodemaps.internal.NodeMapsApplication.java

License:Open Source License

 * Gets a {@link TabSheet} view for all widgets in this manager.
 * /*from   w w  w.j  av a2  s  .  c o m*/
 * @return TabSheet
private Component getTabSheet() {
    // Use an absolute layout for the bottom panel
    AbsoluteLayout bottomLayout = new AbsoluteLayout();

    final TabSheet tabSheet = new TabSheet();

    for (final SelectionAwareTable view : new SelectionAwareTable[] { m_alarmTable, m_nodeTable }) {
        // Icon can be null
        tabSheet.addTab(view, (view == m_alarmTable ? "Alarms" : "Nodes"), null);

        // If the component supports the HasExtraComponents interface, then add the extra 
        // components to the tab bar
        try {
            final Component[] extras = ((HasExtraComponents) view).getExtraComponents();
            if (extras != null && extras.length > 0) {
                // For any extra controls, add a horizontal layout that will float
                // on top of the right side of the tab panel
                final HorizontalLayout extraControls = new HorizontalLayout();
                extraControls.setHeight(32, Unit.PIXELS);

                // Add the extra controls to the layout
                for (final Component component : extras) {
                    extraControls.setComponentAlignment(component, Alignment.MIDDLE_RIGHT);

                // Add a TabSheet.SelectedTabChangeListener to show or hide the extra controls
                tabSheet.addSelectedTabChangeListener(new SelectedTabChangeListener() {
                    public void selectedTabChange(final SelectedTabChangeEvent event) {
                        final TabSheet source = (TabSheet) event.getSource();
                        if (source == tabSheet) {
                            // Bizarrely enough, getSelectedTab() returns the contained
                            // Component, not the Tab itself.
                            // If the first tab was selected...
                            if (source.getSelectedTab() == view) {
                            } else {

                // Place the extra controls on the absolute layout
                bottomLayout.addComponent(extraControls, "top:0px;right:5px;z-index:100");
        } catch (ClassCastException e) {

    // Add the tabsheet to the layout
    bottomLayout.addComponent(tabSheet, "top: 0; left: 0; bottom: 0; right: 0;");

    return bottomLayout;

From source file:org.vaadin.addon.twitter.demo.DemoUI.java

License:Apache License

protected void init(VaadinRequest request) {
    CssLayout info = new CssLayout();
    info.addComponent(markdown.get(0));/*  w w  w . ja v a  2s  .  co m*/

    TabSheet tabSheet = new TabSheet();
    tabSheet.addTab(new TimelineDemo()).setCaption("Timeline");
    tabSheet.addTab(new TweetDemo()).setCaption("Single Tweet");
    tabSheet.addTab(new ButtonDemo(TweetButton.Type.Follow)).setCaption("Follow Button");
    tabSheet.addTab(new ButtonDemo(TweetButton.Type.Share)).setCaption("Share Button");
    tabSheet.addTab(new ButtonDemo(TweetButton.Type.Hashtag)).setCaption("Hashtag Button");
    tabSheet.addTab(new ButtonDemo(TweetButton.Type.Mention)).setCaption("Mention Button");
    tabSheet.addSelectedTabChangeListener(event -> {
        Component old = info.getComponent(0);
        Component newComp = markdown.get(tabSheet.getTabPosition(tabSheet.getTab(tabSheet.getSelectedTab())));
        info.replaceComponent(old, newComp);
    final MHorizontalLayout layout = new MHorizontalLayout(info, tabSheet).withExpand(info, 4)
            .withExpand(tabSheet, 6).withFullWidth().withFullHeight().withMargin(false).withSpacing(true);
    setContent(new MPanel(layout).withFullWidth().withFullHeight().withStyleName(ValoTheme.PANEL_WELL,


From source file:ro.zg.netcell.vaadin.action.UserActionListHandler.java

License:Apache License

public void handle(final ActionContext actionContext) throws Exception {
    ComponentContainer displayArea = actionContext.getTargetContainer();
    displayArea.removeAllComponents();/*ww  w.  java2  s . c  o m*/

    UserActionList ual = (UserActionList) actionContext.getUserAction();
    final OpenGroupsApplication app = actionContext.getApp();
    final Entity entity = actionContext.getEntity();

    final TabSheet actionsTabSheet = new TabSheet();
    //   actionsTabSheet.addStyleName(OpenGroupsStyles.USER_ACTION_CONTENT_PANE);
    //   final CssLayout contentArea = new CssLayout();
    //   contentArea.setWidth("100%");
    //   contentArea.setStyleName(OpenGroupsStyles.USER_ACTION_CONTENT_PANE);
    //   displayArea.addComponent(contentArea);

    /* add listener */
    actionsTabSheet.addListener(new SelectedTabChangeListener() {

        public void selectedTabChange(SelectedTabChangeEvent event) {
            TabSheet tabSheet = event.getTabSheet();

            AbstractComponentContainer selectedTabContent = (AbstractComponentContainer) tabSheet
            UserAction ua = (UserAction) selectedTabContent.getData();
            if (entity != null) {
                Deque<String> desiredActionsQueue = entity.getState().getDesiredActionTabsQueue();
                 * if a desired action exists, it will be set afterwards, otherwise allow the first action from the
                 * list to be selected by default
                if (desiredActionsQueue.size() != 0) {
                    String nextAction = desiredActionsQueue.peek();
                    if (nextAction.equals(ua.getActionName())) {
                        /* remove action from the queue */
                    } else {
                         * if this action does not match with the next desired action, do nothing
                } else {

            if (ua instanceof UserActionList) {
                //          selectedTabContent.removeStyleName(OpenGroupsStyles.USER_ACTION_CONTENT_PANE);
                //          contentArea.setWidth("100%");
                //          contentArea.setMargin(false);
                //          selectedTabContent.setMargin(false);

                ua.executeHandler(entity, app, selectedTabContent, false, actionContext);

            } else {
                //          selectedTabContent.addStyleName(OpenGroupsStyles.USER_ACTION_CONTENT_PANE);
                //          contentArea.setWidth("99.5%");
                //          contentArea.setMargin(true);
                //          selectedTabContent.setMargin(true);
                //          selectedTabContent.setWidth("100%");
                if (entity != null) {
                    //         entity.getState().getDesiredActionTabsQueue().clear();
                    //         entity.getState().resetPageInfoForCurrentAction();
                ua.executeHandler(entity, app, selectedTabContent, false, actionContext);


    /* add the tabsheet to the target component */

    //   List<String> currentUserTypes = getCurrentUserTypes(entity, app);
    Map<String, ComponentContainer> actionPathContainers = new HashMap<String, ComponentContainer>();
    List<UserAction> actionsList = new ArrayList<UserAction>(ual.getActions().values());
    for (UserAction cua : actionsList) {

        /* display only the actions that the user is allowed to see */
        //       if (!cua.allowRead(currentUserTypes)) {
        if (!cua.isVisible(actionContext)) {

        CssLayout tabContent = new CssLayout();
        if (cua instanceof UserActionList) {
            //      tabContent.setMargin(false);
            //      contentArea.setMargin(false);
            //      tabContent.addStyleName(OpenGroupsStyles.USER_ACTION_CONTENT_PANE);
            //      tabContent.setWidth("100%");

        } else {
            //      tabContent.addStyleName(OpenGroupsStyles.USER_ACTION_CONTENT_PANE);
            //      contentArea.addStyleName(OpenGroupsStyles.USER_ACTION_CONTENT_PANE);
            //      contentArea.setMargin(true);
        actionPathContainers.put(cua.getActionName(), tabContent);
        actionsTabSheet.addTab(tabContent, cua.getDisplayName(), null);

    if (entity != null) {
        Deque<String> desiredActionsQueue = entity.getState().getDesiredActionTabsQueue();

        if (desiredActionsQueue.size() != 0) {
            // System.out.println("desired actions: " +
            // entity.getState().getDesiredActionsPath());
            // System.out.println("full url: "+app.getFullUrl());
            /* select the tab specified by the next desired action */

From source file:ru.codeinside.adm.ui.AdminApp.java

License:Mozilla Public License

private Component createEmployeeWidget() {
    final TabSheet tabSheet = new TabSheet();
    tabSheet.setSizeFull();//from  w  ww  . j ava 2s . com
    tabSheet.addTab(new EmployeeWidget(false, table), "?");
    tabSheet.addTab(new EmployeeWidget(true, table), "");
    tabSheet.addListener(new TabSheet.SelectedTabChangeListener() {

        public void selectedTabChange(TabSheet.SelectedTabChangeEvent event) {
            EmployeeWidget currentTab = (EmployeeWidget) tabSheet.getSelectedTab();
    return tabSheet;

From source file:ru.codeinside.gses.webui.executor.ExecutorFactory.java

License:Mozilla Public License

static private void showForm(final TabSheet tabs, final String taskId) {
    // ?   //from ww  w . j  av  a 2  s  . c  o m
    for (int i = tabs.getComponentCount(); i > 0; i--) {
        final Tab tab = tabs.getTab(i - 1);
        if (tab.getComponent() instanceof WithTaskId) {
            if (taskId.equals(((WithTaskId) tab.getComponent()).getTaskId())) {
    DataAccumulator accumulator = new DataAccumulator();
    ExecutorService executorService = Flash.flash().getExecutorService();
    final FormDescription formDescription = Functions
            .withEngine(new FormDescriptionBuilder(FormID.byTaskId(taskId), executorService, accumulator));
    final TaskForm taskForm = new TaskForm(formDescription, new TaskForm.CloseListener() {

        private static final long serialVersionUID = 3726145663843346543L;

        public void onFormClose(final TaskForm form) {
            final TabSheet.Tab tab = tabs.getTab(tabs.getSelectedTab());
            int pos = tabs.getTabPosition(tab);
            int count = tabs.getComponentCount();
            tabs.setSelectedTab(count == pos ? pos - 1 : pos);
    }, accumulator);
    final Tab tab = tabs.addTab(taskForm, formDescription.task.getName());
    tab.setDescription("? \"" + formDescription.processDefinition.getName() + "\"");