List of usage examples for com.vaadin.ui HorizontalLayout setWidth
@Override public void setWidth(String width)
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License:Apache License
/** * Update the layout. This method is either called internally when scrolling * or/* ww w . j a v a 2 s . c om*/ */ public final void update() { //remove all components (old result page and navigation) removeAllComponents(); //add current results renderPage(); //build pagination int pages = overallEntries / entriesPerPage; if (overallEntries % entriesPerPage > 0) { pages++; } final int overallPages = pages; HorizontalLayout navigation = new HorizontalLayout(); //add "JumpToFirstPage" button final NativeButton first = new NativeButton(); first.setIcon(firstIcon); if (firstIcon == null) { first.setCaption("<<"); } first.setDescription("First Page"); first.addClickListener(new Button.ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(Button.ClickEvent event) { currentPage = 0; update(); } }); //add "PreviousPage" button final NativeButton prev = new NativeButton(); prev.setIcon(prevIcon); if (prevIcon == null) { prev.setCaption("<"); } prev.setDescription("Previous Page"); prev.addClickListener(new Button.ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(Button.ClickEvent event) { if (currentPage > 0) { currentPage--; update(); } } }); //add "NextPage" button final NativeButton next = new NativeButton(); next.setIcon(nextIcon); if (nextIcon == null) { next.setCaption(">"); } next.setDescription("Next Page"); next.addClickListener(new Button.ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(Button.ClickEvent event) { if (currentPage + 1 < overallPages) { currentPage++; update(); } } }); //add "JumpToLastPage" button final NativeButton last = new NativeButton(); last.setIcon(endIcon); if (endIcon == null) { next.setCaption(">>"); } last.setDescription("Last Page"); last.addClickListener(new Button.ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(Button.ClickEvent event) { currentPage = overallPages - 1; update(); } }); //enable/disable buttons depending on the current page if (overallPages == 0) { first.setEnabled(false); prev.setEnabled(false); next.setEnabled(false); last.setEnabled(false); } else { first.setEnabled(!(currentPage == 0) || !(overallPages < 2)); prev.setEnabled(!(currentPage == 0) || !(overallPages < 2)); next.setEnabled(!(currentPage == overallPages - 1) || !(overallPages < 2)); last.setEnabled(!(currentPage == overallPages - 1) || !(overallPages < 2)); } //at first, put the page size selection box into the navigation final ComboBox entriesPerPageBox = new ComboBox(); entriesPerPageBox.setItemCaptionPropertyId("name"); entriesPerPageBox.addContainerProperty("name", String.class, null); entriesPerPageBox.addItem(5); entriesPerPageBox.getContainerProperty(5, "name").setValue("5 Entries / Page"); entriesPerPageBox.addItem(10); entriesPerPageBox.getContainerProperty(10, "name").setValue("10 Entries / Page"); entriesPerPageBox.addItem(15); entriesPerPageBox.getContainerProperty(15, "name").setValue("15 Entries / Page"); entriesPerPageBox.addItem(20); entriesPerPageBox.getContainerProperty(20, "name").setValue("20 Entries / Page"); entriesPerPageBox.setValue(entriesPerPage); entriesPerPageBox.setNullSelectionAllowed(false); entriesPerPageBox.setImmediate(true); entriesPerPageBox.addListener(new Property.ValueChangeListener() { public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) { entriesPerPage = (Integer) entriesPerPageBox.getValue(); update(); } }); navigation.addComponent(entriesPerPageBox); //filler labels are added to the beginning and to the end to keep the navigation in the middle Label leftFiller = new Label(); leftFiller.setWidth("25px"); navigation.addComponent(leftFiller); navigation.addComponent(first); navigation.addComponent(prev); //Show max. 10 pages at once for performance and layout reasons. //If there are more than 10 pages, "move" the to show 10 pages based on the current page. int start = currentPage - 5; start = (start < 0) ? 0 : start; int end = start + 10; end = (end > pages) ? pages : end; if (end - start < 10 && pages > 10) { start = end - 10; } if (overallPages == 0) { Label noEntryLabel = new Label("<i>No entries</i>", Label.CONTENT_XHTML); //noEntryLabel.setWidth("80px"); noEntryLabel.setSizeUndefined(); navigation.addComponent(noEntryLabel); navigation.setComponentAlignment(noEntryLabel, Alignment.MIDDLE_CENTER); } //build the actual page entries for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { if (i == currentPage) { //the current page is marked with a special style Label pageLink = new Label("<b>" + Integer.toString(i + 1) + "</b>", Label.CONTENT_XHTML); pageLink.setStyleName("currentpage"); pageLink.setWidth("15px"); navigation.addComponent(pageLink); navigation.setComponentAlignment(pageLink, Alignment.MIDDLE_CENTER); } else { //otherwise normal links are added, click-events are handled via LayoutClickListener Link pageLink = new Link(Integer.toString(i + 1), null); navigation.addComponent(pageLink); navigation.setComponentAlignment(pageLink, Alignment.MIDDLE_CENTER); } } //add right navigation buttons navigation.addComponent(next); navigation.addComponent(last); //...and fill the remaining space Label rightFiller = new Label(); navigation.addComponent(rightFiller); // navigation.setExpandRatio(leftFiller, 1.0f); navigation.setExpandRatio(rightFiller, 1.0f); navigation.setSpacing(true); //put everything ot the middle navigation.setComponentAlignment(first, Alignment.MIDDLE_CENTER); navigation.setComponentAlignment(prev, Alignment.MIDDLE_CENTER); navigation.setComponentAlignment(next, Alignment.MIDDLE_CENTER); navigation.setComponentAlignment(last, Alignment.MIDDLE_CENTER); //add layout click listener to be able to navigate by clicking the single pages navigation.addListener(new LayoutEvents.LayoutClickListener() { @Override public void layoutClick(LayoutEvents.LayoutClickEvent event) { // Get the child component which was clicked Component child = event.getChildComponent(); if (child == null) { // Not over any child component } else { // Over a child component if (child instanceof Link) { // Over a valid child element currentPage = Integer.parseInt(((Link) child).getCaption()) - 1; update(); } } } }); //finalize navigation.setWidth("100%"); navigation.setHeight("25px"); //add navigation and align it right below the result page addComponent(page); setExpandRatio(page, 1f); if (overallEntries > 0) { addComponent(navigation); setComponentAlignment(navigation, Alignment.BOTTOM_CENTER); setExpandRatio(navigation, .05f); } requestRepaint(); }
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License:Apache License
/** * Builds a customized subwindow <b>ConfirmationWindow</b> that allows the * user to confirm his previously requested action. * * @param pTitle The title of the window. * @param pMessage The message shown in the window. * @param pOptionType The type of the window (OK or YES_NO) which defines the * visible buttons./*from ww w .j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ * @param pMessageType The message type (INFORMATION, WARNING, ERROR) which * determines the icon. If pMessageType is null, no icon will be shown. * @param pListener The listener which receives the result if a button was * pressed or the window was closed. * */ ConfirmationWindow7(String pTitle, String pMessage, OPTION_TYPE pOptionType, MESSAGE_TYPE pMessageType, IConfirmationWindowListener7 pListener) { this.listener = pListener; //basic setup //set caption depending on type String caption = pTitle; if (caption == null) { if (pMessageType != null) { switch (pMessageType) { case QUESTION: caption = DEFAULT_TITLE; break; case INFORMATION: caption = "Information"; break; case WARNING: caption = "Warning"; break; case ERROR: caption = "Error"; break; } } else { //no type provided...use default title caption = DEFAULT_TITLE; } } setCaption(caption); setModal(true); center(); // Build line of buttons depending on pOptionType HorizontalLayout buttonLine = new HorizontalLayout(); buttonLine.setSpacing(true); buttonLine.setWidth("100%"); //add spacer Label spacer = new Label(); buttonLine.addComponent(spacer); //add buttons if (OPTION_TYPE.YES_NO_OPTION.equals(pOptionType)) { buttonLine.addComponent(buildYesButton("Yes")); buttonLine.addComponent(buildNoButton()); buttonLine.setComponentAlignment(yesButton, Alignment.MIDDLE_RIGHT); buttonLine.setComponentAlignment(noButton, Alignment.MIDDLE_RIGHT); //Assign ENTER to the YES button yesButton.setClickShortcut(ShortcutAction.KeyCode.ENTER, null); //Assign ESC to the NO button noButton.setClickShortcut(ShortcutAction.KeyCode.ESCAPE, null); } else { buttonLine.addComponent(buildYesButton("OK")); buttonLine.setComponentAlignment(yesButton, Alignment.MIDDLE_RIGHT); //Assign ENTER to the OK button yesButton.setClickShortcut(ShortcutAction.KeyCode.ENTER, null); //Assign ESC to close the dialog setCloseShortcut(ShortcutAction.KeyCode.ESCAPE, null); } buttonLine.setExpandRatio(spacer, 1.0f); //determine the icon depending on pMessageType ThemeResource icon = null; if (pMessageType != null) { switch (pMessageType) { case QUESTION: icon = new ThemeResource("img/24x24/question.png"); break; case INFORMATION: icon = new ThemeResource("img/24x24/information.png"); break; case WARNING: icon = new ThemeResource("img/24x24/warning.png"); break; case ERROR: icon = new ThemeResource("img/24x24/forbidden.png"); break; } } Component iconComponent = new Label(); if (icon != null) { //icon was set, overwrite icon component iconComponent = new Image(null, icon); } //build the message label Label message = new Label(pMessage, ContentMode.HTML); message.setSizeUndefined(); //build the main layout GridLayout mainLayout = new UIUtils7.GridLayoutBuilder(2, 2) .addComponent(iconComponent, Alignment.TOP_LEFT, 0, 0, 1, 1).addComponent(message, 1, 0, 1, 1) .addComponent(buttonLine, 0, 1, 2, 1).getLayout(); mainLayout.setMargin(true); mainLayout.setSpacing(true); mainLayout.setColumnExpandRatio(0, .05f); mainLayout.setColumnExpandRatio(1, 1f); mainLayout.setRowExpandRatio(0, 1f); mainLayout.setRowExpandRatio(1, .05f); setContent(mainLayout); //add the close listener addCloseListener(new CloseListener() { @Override public void windowClose(CloseEvent e) { fireCloseEvents(RESULT.CANCEL); } }); }
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License:Apache License
/** * Build the navigation layout including the appropriate buttons to navigate * through the pagination pages./*from ww w .java 2 s . c o m*/ * * @return The navigation layout component. */ private HorizontalLayout buildNavigationComponent() { HorizontalLayout result = new HorizontalLayout(); //add "JumpToFirstPage" button final NativeButton first = new NativeButton(); first.setIcon(new ThemeResource("img/16x16/beginning.png")); first.setDescription("First Page"); first.addClickListener(new Button.ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(Button.ClickEvent event) { currentPage = 0; updatePage(); } }); //add "PreviousPage" button final NativeButton prev = new NativeButton(); prev.setIcon(new ThemeResource("img/16x16/prev.png")); prev.setDescription("Previous Page"); prev.addClickListener(new Button.ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(Button.ClickEvent event) { if (currentPage > 0) { currentPage--; updatePage(); } } }); //add "NextPage" button final NativeButton next = new NativeButton(); next.setDescription("Next Page"); next.setIcon(new ThemeResource("img/16x16/next.png")); next.addClickListener(new Button.ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(Button.ClickEvent event) { if (currentPage + 1 < overallPages) { currentPage++; updatePage(); } } }); //add "JumpToLastPage" button final NativeButton last = new NativeButton(); last.setDescription("Last Page"); last.setIcon(new ThemeResource("img/16x16/end.png")); last.addClickListener(new Button.ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(Button.ClickEvent event) { currentPage = overallPages - 1; updatePage(); } }); //enable/disable buttons depending on the current page if (overallPages == 0) { first.setEnabled(false); prev.setEnabled(false); next.setEnabled(false); last.setEnabled(false); } else { first.setEnabled(!(currentPage == 0) || !(overallPages < 2)); prev.setEnabled(!(currentPage == 0) || !(overallPages < 2)); next.setEnabled(!(currentPage == overallPages - 1) || !(overallPages < 2)); last.setEnabled(!(currentPage == overallPages - 1) || !(overallPages < 2)); } Label leftFiller = new Label(); result.addComponent(leftFiller); result.setExpandRatio(leftFiller, 1.0f); result.addComponent(first); result.addComponent(prev); int start = currentPage - 5; start = (start < 0) ? 0 : start; int end = start + 10; end = (end > overallPages) ? overallPages : end; if (end - start < 10 && overallPages > 10) { start = end - 10; } if (overallPages == 0) { Label noEntryLabel = new Label("<i>No entries</i>", ContentMode.HTML); //noEntryLabel.setWidth("80px"); noEntryLabel.setSizeUndefined(); result.addComponent(noEntryLabel); result.setComponentAlignment(noEntryLabel, Alignment.MIDDLE_CENTER); } //build the actual page entries for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { if (i == currentPage) { //the current page is marked with a special style Label pageLink = new Label("<b>" + Integer.toString(i + 1) + "</b>", ContentMode.HTML); pageLink.setStyleName("currentpage"); pageLink.setWidth("15px"); result.addComponent(pageLink); result.setComponentAlignment(pageLink, Alignment.MIDDLE_CENTER); } else { //otherwise normal links are added, click-events are handled via LayoutClickListener Link pageLink = new Link(Integer.toString(i + 1), null); result.addComponent(pageLink); result.setComponentAlignment(pageLink, Alignment.MIDDLE_CENTER); } } //add right navigation buttons result.addComponent(next); result.addComponent(last); //...and fill the remaining space Label rightFiller = new Label(); result.addComponent(rightFiller); result.setExpandRatio(rightFiller, 1.0f); result.setSpacing(true); //put everything ot the middle result.setComponentAlignment(first, Alignment.MIDDLE_CENTER); result.setComponentAlignment(prev, Alignment.MIDDLE_CENTER); result.setComponentAlignment(next, Alignment.MIDDLE_CENTER); result.setComponentAlignment(last, Alignment.MIDDLE_CENTER); //add layout click listener to be able to navigate by clicking the single pages result.addLayoutClickListener(new LayoutEvents.LayoutClickListener() { @Override public void layoutClick(LayoutEvents.LayoutClickEvent event) { // Get the child component which was clicked Component child = event.getChildComponent(); if (child == null) { // Not over any child component } else // Over a child component { if (child instanceof Link) { } } } }); //finalize result.setWidth("100%"); result.setHeight("25px"); return result; }
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License:Apache License
/** * Build the overview tab including the list of all categories and der * overall status./*w w w . j av a 2s . c o m*/ * * @param pCategories A list of all categories. * * @return The tab component. */ private Component buildOverviewTab(String[] pCategories) { AbsoluteLayout abLay = new AbsoluteLayout(); UIUtils7.GridLayoutBuilder layoutBuilder = new UIUtils7.GridLayoutBuilder(4, pCategories.length + 1); updateButton = new Button("Update Status"); updateButton.addClickListener(this); Embedded logo = new Embedded(null, new ThemeResource("img/simon.png")); abLay.addComponent(logo, "top:30px;left:30px;"); Label simonSaysLabel = new Label("", ContentMode.HTML); simonSaysLabel.setHeight("150px"); setSimonSaysContent(simonSaysLabel, "Everything is fine."); abLay.addComponent(simonSaysLabel, "top:30px;left:250px;"); int row = 0; for (String category : pCategories) { HorizontalLayout rowLayout = new HorizontalLayout(); Label name = new Label(category); name.setWidth("200px"); name.setHeight("24px"); List<AbstractProbe> probes = probesByCategory.get(category); Collections.sort(probes, new Comparator<AbstractProbe>() { @Override public int compare(AbstractProbe o1, AbstractProbe o2) { return o1.getCurrentStatus().compareTo(o2.getCurrentStatus()); } }); int failed = 0; int unknown = 0; int unavailable = 0; int charactersPerProbe = 100; if (probes.size() > 0) { charactersPerProbe = (int) Math.rint((700.0 / probes.size()) / 8.0); } for (AbstractProbe probe : probes) { Label probeLabel = new Label(StringUtils.abbreviate(probe.getName(), charactersPerProbe)); probeLabel.setHeight("24px"); switch (probe.getCurrentStatus()) { case UNKNOWN: probeLabel.setDescription(probe.getName() + ": UNKNOWN"); probeLabel.addStyleName("probe-unknown"); unknown++; break; case UPDATING: probeLabel.setDescription(probe.getName() + ": UPDATING"); probeLabel.addStyleName("probe-updating"); break; case UNAVAILABLE: probeLabel.setDescription(probe.getName() + ": UNAVAILABLE"); probeLabel.addStyleName("probe-unavailable"); unavailable++; break; case FAILED: probeLabel.setDescription(probe.getName() + ": FAILED"); probeLabel.addStyleName("probe-failed"); failed++; break; default: probeLabel.setDescription(probe.getName() + ": SUCCESS"); probeLabel.addStyleName("probe-success"); } probeLabel.addStyleName("probe"); rowLayout.addComponent(probeLabel); } if (failed != 0) { setSimonSaysContent(simonSaysLabel, "There are errors!"); } else { if (unknown != 0) { setSimonSaysContent(simonSaysLabel, "There are unknown states. Please select 'Update Status'."); } else { if (unavailable != 0) { setSimonSaysContent(simonSaysLabel, "Some probes are unavailable. Please check their configuration."); } } } rowLayout.setWidth("700px"); layoutBuilder.addComponent(name, Alignment.TOP_LEFT, 0, row, 1, 1).addComponent(rowLayout, Alignment.TOP_LEFT, 1, row, 3, 1); row++; } layoutBuilder.addComponent(updateButton, Alignment.BOTTOM_RIGHT, 3, row, 1, 1); GridLayout tabLayout = layoutBuilder.getLayout(); tabLayout.setSpacing(true); tabLayout.setMargin(true); Panel p = new Panel(); p.setContent(tabLayout); p.setWidth("1024px"); p.setHeight("400px"); abLay.addComponent(p, "top:160px;left:30px;"); abLay.setSizeFull(); return abLay; }
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License:Open Source License
private Component makeHL(String s, int num) { HorizontalLayout hl = new HorizontalLayout(); hl.setSpacing(true);//from w w w . j a va 2 s .c o m Label lab; hl.addComponent(lab = new HtmlLabel(s)); hl.setExpandRatio(lab, 1.0f); Label countTf = new HtmlLabel(); countTf.setWidth("50px"); countTf.setValue(" " + num); countTf.addStyleName("m-greyborder"); countTf.addStyleName("m-textalignright"); hl.addComponent(countTf); hl.setComponentAlignment(countTf, Alignment.TOP_RIGHT); hl.setWidth("100%"); return hl; }
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License:Open Source License
public void handleDumpEmailsTL() { final TextField tf; final Window dialog = new Window("Filter Player Email Dump"); dialog.setModal(true);//www . ja v a 2 s .com VerticalLayout layout = new VerticalLayout(); dialog.setContent(layout); layout.setMargin(true); layout.setSpacing(true); final OptionGroup radios = new OptionGroup(null, Arrays.asList(opts)); layout.addComponent(radios); layout.addComponent(tf = new MTextField().withWidth("50%")); tf.setCaption("value"); Label lab; layout.addComponent(lab = new Label()); lab.setHeight("10px"); radios.setNullSelectionAllowed(false); // user can not 'unselect'; // select this by default radios.setImmediate(false); // don't send the change to the server at once radios.setMultiSelect(false); HorizontalLayout hl = new HorizontalLayout(); hl.setSpacing(true); @SuppressWarnings("serial") Button cancelButt = new Button("Cancel", new Button.ClickListener() { public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { dialog.close(); } }); @SuppressWarnings("serial") Button addButt = new Button("Dump", new Button.ClickListener() { public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { Float val = null; String valS = ""; boolean parseError = false; try { val = Float.parseFloat(tf.getValue()); valS = formatter.valueToString(val); } catch (Exception ex) { parseError = true; } HSess.init(); Object sel = radios.getValue(); Criteria crit = null; String windowTitle = ""; boolean isExpl = true; if (sel == allp) { crit = HSess.get().createCriteria(User.class); windowTitle = new String("All users"); isExpl = true; if (parseError) {"Value ignored", Notification.Type.WARNING_MESSAGE); System.out.println("Tried to show a Notification"); } } else if (sel == grex) { crit = getExplorationGreaterThanTL(val); windowTitle = "Users with exploration points greater than " + valS; isExpl = true; } else if (sel == lsex) { crit = getExplorationLessThanTL(val); windowTitle = "Users with exploration points less than " + valS; isExpl = true; } else if (sel == grim) { crit = getImplementationGreaterThanTL(val); windowTitle = "Users with implementation points greater than " + valS; isExpl = false; } else if (sel == lsim) { crit = getImplementationLessThanTL(val); windowTitle = "Users with implementation points less than " + valS; isExpl = false; } if (crit != null) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<User> lis = (List<User>) crit.list(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); handleEmailListNoHeader(lis, sb, isExpl); String title = windowTitle + " - " + UUID.randomUUID(); BrowserWindowOpener.openWithInnerHTML(sb.toString(), title, "_blank"); } else {"Invalid value", Notification.Type.ERROR_MESSAGE); HSess.close(); return; } dialog.close(); HSess.close(); } }); hl.addComponent(cancelButt); hl.addComponent(addButt); hl.setComponentAlignment(cancelButt, Alignment.MIDDLE_RIGHT); hl.setExpandRatio(cancelButt, 1.0f); layout.addComponent(hl); hl.setWidth("100%"); layout.addComponent(lab = new Label()); layout.setExpandRatio(lab, 1.0f); UI.getCurrent().addWindow(dialog);; }
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License:Open Source License
@SuppressWarnings("serial") public void initGui(Session sess) { setHeight(heightStr);/*from ww w .ja v a2s. com*/ setWidth(widthStr); addStyleName("m-cursor-pointer"); // pointer when over me, because I'm clickable if (bckgrndResource != null) { backImg = new Embedded(null, bckgrndResource); addComponent(backImg, "top:0px;left:0px"); } if (!isFactCard) { String hdrTxt = card.getCardType().getSummaryHeader(); header.setDescription(hdrTxt); if (hdrTxt != null && hdrTxt.length() > 0) { //if(hdrTxt.length()>=15) { // hdrTxt = hdrTxt.substring(0, 15).trim()+"..."; // } header.setValue(hdrTxt); header.setWidth(headerWidthStr); header.setHeight(headerHeightStr); addComponent(header, headerPositionStr); header.addStyleName(headerStyleStr); header.addStyleName(textColorStyleStr); header.addStyleName("m-cursor-pointer"); } if (starGreyResource != null && starRedResource != null) { Set<Card> favs = me.getFavoriteCards(); if (favs != null && favs.contains(card)) { star.setIcon(starRedResource); } else { star.setIcon(starGreyResource); } addComponent(star, starPositionStr); if (!mockupOnly) star.addClickListener(new StarClick()); star.addStyleName("borderless"); star.setDescription("Mark or unmark as a favorite of yours"); } } idLab.setWidth(idLabWidthStr); idLab.setHeight(idLabHeightStr); idLab.setValue("" + card.getId()); idLab.addStyleName(idLabStyleStr); idLab.addStyleName("m-text-align-right"); addComponent(idLab, idLabPositionStr); content.setWidth(contentWidthStr); content.setHeight(contentHeightStr); addComponent(content, contentPositionStr); content.addStyleName(contentStyle); if (card.isHidden()) content.addStyleName(hiddenStyle); // red "HIDDEN" text background content.setValue(formatText(card.getText())); content.addStyleName("m-cursor-pointer"); content.setDescription(card.getText()); if (!isFactCard) { /* We shouldn't have to be setting widths on the components within this horizontal layout. The * fact that we do is, I think, related to the absolutelayout parent. Get rid of that and we might * be able to yank the .setwidth, setheight stuff. */ HorizontalLayout hLay = new HorizontalLayout(); hLay.setMargin(false); hLay.setHeight(userHeightStr); hLay.setWidth(userDateWidthStr); addComponent(hLay, userDatePositionStr); user.setValue(card.getAuthorName()); //.getAuthor().getUserName()); hLay.addComponent(user); user.setWidth(userWidthStr); user.setHeight(userHeightStr); user.addStyleName(userStyle); user.addStyleName("m-cursor-pointer"); Label sp; hLay.addComponent(sp = new Label()); sp.setWidth("1px"); hLay.setExpandRatio(sp, 1.0f); dateLab.setValue(dateFormatter.format(card.getCreationDate())); hLay.addComponent(dateLab); dateLab.setHeight(userHeightStr); dateLab.setWidth(null); //dateWidthStr); dateLab.addStyleName(userStyle); } if (card.getCreatedInMove().getId() != Move.getCurrentMove(sess).getId()) { Label lab = new Label(card.getCreatedInMove().getName()); lab.addStyleName(moveStyleStr); lab.setWidth(moveWidthStr); lab.setHeight(moveHeightStr); addComponent(lab, movePositionStr); } // Listen for layout click events if (!mockupOnly) this.addLayoutClickListener(new LayoutClickListener() { @MmowgliCodeEntry @HibernateOpened @HibernateRead public void layoutClick(LayoutClickEvent event) { HSess.init(); Component c = event.getChildComponent(); Card card = Card.getTL(cardId); if (c == star) { //Let the starlistener below handle it } else if (c == user) { AppEvent evt = new AppEvent(CARDAUTHORCLICK, CardSummary.this, card.getAuthor().getId()); Mmowgli2UI.getGlobals().getController().miscEventTL(evt); } else { //if (c == content) { AppEvent evt = new AppEvent(CARDCLICK, CardSummary.this, card.getId()); Mmowgli2UI.getGlobals().getController().miscEventTL(evt); } HSess.close(); } }); }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public void initGui() { setWidth(FOOTER_W);/* www . j av a 2 s .c o m*/ setHeight("130px"); //room for fouo butt//FOOTER_H); AbsoluteLayout mainAbsLay = new AbsoluteLayout(); // offset it from master mainAbsLay.setWidth(FOOTER_W); mainAbsLay.setHeight(FOOTER_H); addComponent(mainAbsLay, FOOTER_OFFSET_POS); MediaLocator medLoc = ((Mmowgli2UI) UI.getCurrent()).getMediaLocator(); Embedded back = new Embedded(null, medLoc.getFooterBackground()); mainAbsLay.addComponent(back, "top:0px;left:0px"); HorizontalLayout outerHorLay = new HorizontalLayout(); addComponent(outerHorLay, "top:45px;left:0px"); outerHorLay.setWidth(FOOTER_W); HorizontalLayout innerHorLay = new HorizontalLayout(); innerHorLay.setSpacing(true); outerHorLay.addComponent(innerHorLay); outerHorLay.setComponentAlignment(innerHorLay, Alignment.MIDDLE_CENTER); Label sp; innerHorLay.addComponent(aboutButt); innerHorLay.addComponent(pingPushLab = new HtmlLabel()); pingPushLab.setWidth("7px"); innerHorLay.addComponent(creditsButt); innerHorLay.addComponent(sp = new Label()); sp.setWidth("7px"); innerHorLay.addComponent(faqsButt); innerHorLay.addComponent(sp = new Label()); sp.setWidth("7px"); innerHorLay.addComponent(fixesButt); innerHorLay.addComponent(sp = new Label()); sp.setWidth("7px"); innerHorLay.addComponent(glossaryButt); innerHorLay.addComponent(sp = new Label()); sp.setWidth("7px"); innerHorLay.addComponent(reportsButt); innerHorLay.addComponent(sp = new Label()); sp.setWidth("7px"); innerHorLay.addComponent(termsButt); innerHorLay.addComponent(sp = new Label()); sp.setWidth("7px"); innerHorLay.addComponent(troubleButt); troubleButt.addStyleName("m-red-text"); innerHorLay.addComponent(sp = new Label()); sp.setWidth("7px"); innerHorLay.addComponent(twitterButt); innerHorLay.addComponent(sp = new Label()); sp.setWidth("7px"); innerHorLay.addComponent(videosButt); GameLinks gl = GameLinks.getTL(); if (gl.getFixesLink().toLowerCase().contains("armyscitech") || gl.getGlossaryLink().toLowerCase().contains("armyscitech")) { ; // This is a hack, but I don't want to pollute the db with a bogus boolean...this is a special case just for these folks. } else { HorizontalLayout hl = new HorizontalLayout(); Label lab = null; hl.addComponent(lab = new HtmlLabel("Build " + MMOWGLI_BUILD_ID)); lab.addStyleName("m-footer-servername"); //small text lab.setDescription(Mmowgli2UI.getGlobals().getVaadinSessionCookie()); hl.addComponent(lab = new HtmlLabel(" Vaadin " + VAADIN_BUILD_VERSION)); lab.addStyleName("m-footer-servername"); //small text hl.addComponent(lab = new HtmlLabel(" " + AppMaster.instance().getServerName())); lab.addStyleName("m-footer-servername"); //small text hl.setSizeUndefined(); mainAbsLay.addComponent(hl, "bottom:3px;right:15px;"); } fouoLink = Footer.buildFouoNoticeTL(); addComponent(fouoLink, "top:92px;left:365px"); fouoLink.setVisible(Game.getTL().isShowFouo()); }
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License:Open Source License
@SuppressWarnings("serial") @Override//from w w w . j a v a 2 s. com public void initGui() { setWidth(HEADER_W); setHeight(HEADER_H); Game g = Game.getTL(); GameLinks gl = GameLinks.getTL(); Embedded embedded = new Embedded(null, mediaLoc.getHeaderBackground()); addComponent(embedded, "top:0px;left:0px"); if (g.isActionPlansEnabled()) { embedded = new Embedded(null, mediaLoc.getImage("scoretext200w50h.png")); addComponent(embedded, "top:52px;left:63px"); addComponent(explorPtsLab, "top:55px;left:260px"); addComponent(implPtsLab, "top:79px;left:247px"); } else { embedded = new Embedded(null, mediaLoc.getImage("scoretextoneline200w50h.png")); addComponent(embedded, "top:52px;left:73px"); addComponent(explorPtsLab, "top:65px;left:205px"); } Resource res = mediaLoc.getHeaderBanner(g); if (res != null) { embedded = new Embedded(null, res); addComponent(embedded, pos_banner); } HorizontalLayout buttHL = new HorizontalLayout(); buttHL.setSpacing(false); buttHL.setMargin(false); buttHL.setWidth("291px"); buttHL.setHeight("45px"); addComponent(buttHL, "top:1px;left:687px"); Label lab; boolean armyHack = gl.getFixesLink().toLowerCase().contains("armyscitech") || gl.getGlossaryLink().toLowerCase().contains("armyscitech"); if (armyHack) buttonChars = buttonChars - 3 + 9; // Replace "Map" with "Resources buttHL.addComponent(lab = new Label()); lab.setWidth("1px"); buttHL.setExpandRatio(lab, 0.5f); buttHL.addComponent(leaderBoardButt); buttHL.setComponentAlignment(leaderBoardButt, Alignment.MIDDLE_CENTER); addDivider(buttHL, buttonChars); // Hack if (armyHack) { //Hack Link resourceLink = makeSmallLink("Resources", "", ""); buttHL.addComponent(resourceLink); buttHL.setComponentAlignment(resourceLink, Alignment.MIDDLE_CENTER); } else { buttHL.addComponent(mapButt); buttHL.setComponentAlignment(mapButt, Alignment.MIDDLE_CENTER); } addDivider(buttHL, buttonChars); buttHL.addComponent(liveBlogButt); buttHL.setComponentAlignment(liveBlogButt, Alignment.MIDDLE_CENTER); addDivider(buttHL, buttonChars); buttHL.addComponent(learnMoreButt); buttHL.setComponentAlignment(learnMoreButt, Alignment.MIDDLE_CENTER); buttHL.addComponent(lab = new Label()); lab.setWidth("1px"); buttHL.setExpandRatio(lab, 0.5f); addComponent(playIdeaButt, pos_playIdeaButt); if (g.isActionPlansEnabled()) { addComponent(takeActionButt, pos_takeActionButt); toggleTakeActionButt(true); // everbody can click it me.isGameMaster()); } else if (armyHack) { embedded = new Embedded(null, mediaLoc.getImage("armylogoxpntbg80w80h.png")); addComponent(embedded, "top:54px;left:864px"); } Serializable uid = Mmowgli2UI.getGlobals().getUserID(); refreshUser(uid, HSess.get()); // assume in vaadin transaction here avatar.setWidth(HEADER_AVATAR_W); avatar.setHeight(HEADER_AVATAR_H); avatar.setDescription(user_profile_tt); avatar.addClickListener(new MouseEvents.ClickListener() { @Override public void click(com.vaadin.event.MouseEvents.ClickEvent event) { userNameButt.buttonClick(new ClickEvent(userNameButt)); } }); userNameButt.setDescription(user_profile_tt); addComponent(userNameButt, HEADER_USERNAME_POS); addComponent(avatar, "top:13px;left:6px"); //HEADER_AVATAR_POS); searchField.setWidth("240px"); // searchField.setHeight("18px"); // this causes a text _area_ to be used, giving me two lines, default height is good, style removes borders searchField.setInputPrompt("Search"); searchField.setImmediate(true); searchField.setTextChangeEventMode(TextChangeEventMode.LAZY); searchField.setTextChangeTimeout(5000); // ms searchField.addStyleName("m-header-searchfield"); searchField.addValueChangeListener(new Property.ValueChangeListener() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override @MmowgliCodeEntry @HibernateOpened @HibernateClosed public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) { HSess.init(); handleSearchClickTL(); HSess.close(); /* searchButt.focus(); // make the white go away String s = event.getProperty().getValue().toString(); if (s.length() > 0) { MmowgliController controller = Mmowgli2UI.getGlobals().getController(); controller.handleEvent(SEARCHCLICK, s, searchField); } */ } }); searchButt.enableAction(false); // want a local listener searchButt.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { @Override @MmowgliCodeEntry @HibernateOpened @HibernateClosed public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { HSess.init(); handleSearchClickTL(); HSess.close(); } }); addComponent(searchField, "top:107px;left:74px"); //"top:110px;left:74px"); addComponent(signOutButt, "top:25px;left:250px"); //"top:18px;left:250px"); addComponent(searchButt, "top:105px;left:30px"); //"top:100px;left:180px"); MessageUrl mu = MessageUrl.getLastTL(); if (mu != null) decorateBlogHeadlinesLink(mu); addBlogHeadlinesLink("top:147px;left:20px"); String headline = blogHeadlinesLink.getCaption(); if (headline != null && headline.length() > 0) { // Add Window.Notification relaying the same info as the BlogHeadLinesLink Notification note = new Notification("Today's News", "<br/>" + headline, Notification.Type.WARNING_MESSAGE, true); note.setPosition(Position.TOP_CENTER); note.setDelayMsec(5 * 1000); // Yellow is more an attention getter note.setStyleName("m-blue");; } addComponent(callToActionButt, "top:0px;left:333px"); /* The css has a height, width and even a background, but stupid IE will only properly size the button if an image is * used. Therefore we use an a transparent png of the proper size */ MediaLocator medLoc = Mmowgli2UI.getGlobals().getMediaLocator(); callToActionButt.setIcon(medLoc.getEmpty353w135h()); Move move = g.getCurrentMove(); if (g.isShowHeaderBranding()) { Media brand = g.getHeaderBranding(); if (brand != null) { Embedded bremb = new Embedded(null, mediaLoc.locate(brand)); addComponent(bremb, "top:0px;left:333px"); } else { brandingLab.setHeight("30px"); setBrandingLabelText(move, g); addComponent(brandingLab, "top:0px;left:333px"); //HEADER_MOVETITLE_POS); //"top:151px;left:476px"; } } if (move.isShowMoveBranding()) { moveNumLab.setValue(move.getName()); addComponent(moveNumLab, "top:103px;left:333px"); } /* if(user != null && (user.isAdministrator() || user.isGameMaster() || user.isDesigner() )) { // has a menu // fouoLink.addStyleName("m-absolutePositioning"); addComponent(fouoLink,"top:-10px;left:400px"); } else addComponent(fouoLink,"top:0px;left:400px"); fouoLink.setVisible(g.isShowFouo()); */ }
From source
License:Open Source License
public void initGuiTL() { setSizeUndefined();/*from w w w.j a v a2 s .c om*/ setWidth(APPLICATION_SCREEN_WIDTH); setSpacing(false); MmowgliSessionGlobals globs = Mmowgli2UI.getGlobals(); Label sp; HorizontalLayout titleHL = new HorizontalLayout(); addComponent(titleHL); titleHL.setMargin(new MarginInfo(false, true, false, true)); //sides only titleHL.setWidth("100%"); Component c; titleHL.addComponent(c = globs.getMediaLocator().getLeaderboardTitle()); titleHL.setComponentAlignment(c, Alignment.MIDDLE_LEFT); titleHL.setExpandRatio(c, .5f); maybeShowMoveSelector(titleHL); tips.setStyleName(BaseTheme.BUTTON_LINK); tips.addStyleName("m-link-button"); titleHL.addComponent(tips); titleHL.setComponentAlignment(tips, Alignment.MIDDLE_RIGHT); titleHL.setExpandRatio(tips, 0.5f); tableVLayout = new VerticalLayout(); tableVLayout.setSizeUndefined(); tableVLayout.setWidth(APPLICATION_SCREEN_WIDTH); tableVLayout.setSpacing(true); tableVLayout.setMargin(true); tableVLayout.addStyleName("m-whitepage-header"); addComponent(tableVLayout); tableVLayout.addComponent(sp = new Label()); sp.setHeight("20px"); // to fit top of background tableVLayout.addComponent(table = createTableTL()); tableVLayout.setComponentAlignment(table, Alignment.TOP_CENTER); table.setValue(globs.getUserID()); tableVLayout.setExpandRatio(table, 1.0f); /* I can't get this to properly refresh, todo refreshButt = new Button("Refresh"); mainVLayout.addComponent(refreshButt); mainVLayout.setComponentAlignment(refreshButt, Alignment.TOP_CENTER); refreshButt.addListener(new RefreshListener()); refreshButt.setEnabled(false); */ }