Java tutorial
/* Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Modeling Virtual Environments and Simulation (MOVES) Institute at the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) and This file is part of Mmowgli. Mmowgli is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version. Mmowgli is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Mmowgli in the form of a file named COPYING. If not, see <> */ package edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.components; import static edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.MmowgliEvent.CARDAUTHORCLICK; import static edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.MmowgliEvent.CARDCLICK; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Set; import org.hibernate.Session; import com.vaadin.event.LayoutEvents.LayoutClickEvent; import com.vaadin.event.LayoutEvents.LayoutClickListener; import com.vaadin.server.Resource; import com.vaadin.ui.*; import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickEvent; import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickListener; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.AppEvent; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.Mmowgli2UI; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.MmowgliSessionGlobals; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.db.Card; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.db.Move; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.db.User; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.hibernate.HSess; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.markers.*; import; /** * * Created on Jan 24, 2011 * * MOVES Institute * Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, USA * * * @author Mike Bailey, * @version $Id$ */ public class CardSummary extends AbsoluteLayout implements MmowgliComponent//, Comparable<CardSummary> { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1683092723635952535L; public static CardSummary newCardSummary(Object cardId, Session sess, User me) { return newCardSummary(cardId, sess, me, false); } public static CardSummary newCardSummary(Object cardId, Session sess, User me, boolean mockupOnly) { return newCardSummary(cardId, sess, false, me, mockupOnly); } public static CardSummary newCardSummary_oobTL(Object cardId) { return newCardSummary(cardId, HSess.get(), false, null, false); } public static CardSummary newCardSummary(Object cardId, Session sess, boolean isFactCard, User me, boolean mockupOnly) { Card c = Card.get(cardId, sess); CardSummary summ = new CardSummary(cardId, isFactCard, sess, mockupOnly); MmowgliSessionGlobals globs = Mmowgli2UI.getGlobals(); if (c.getFollowOns().size() <= 0) summ.bckgrndResource = globs.mediaLocator().getCardSummaryBackground(cardId, sess); else summ.bckgrndResource = globs.mediaLocator().getCardSummaryBackgroundMultiple(cardId, sess); summ.starGreyResource = globs.mediaLocator().getCardSummaryGreyStar(); summ.starRedResource = globs.mediaLocator().getCardSummaryGoldStar(); return summ; } public static CardSummary newCardSummarySmallTL(Object cardId) { return newCardSummarySmallTL(cardId, null); } public static CardSummary newCardSummarySmallTL(Object cardId, Session sess) { if (sess == null) sess = HSess.get(); CardSummary summ = new CardSummary(cardId, false, sess); summ.widthStr = "145px";//"144px"; summ.heightStr = "95px"; //"80px"; summ.textPrefix = "<font size='-10'>"; // not used summ.textSuffix = "</font>"; summ.contentPositionStr = "top:27px;left:12px"; summ.contentWidthStr = "123px"; summ.contentHeightStr = "40px"; summ.contentStyle = "m-cardsummary-content-small"; summ.userDatePositionStr = "top:72px;left:12px"; summ.userDateWidthStr = "120px"; summ.userWidthStr = "55px"; summ.userHeightStr = "10px"; summ.userStyle = "m-cardsummary-user-small"; summ.bckgrndResource = Mmowgli2UI.getGlobals().mediaLocator().getCardSummaryBackgroundSmallTL(cardId); summ.headerStyleStr = "m-cardsummary-header-small"; summ.headerWidthStr = "100px"; summ.headerHeightStr = "10px"; summ.movePositionStr = "top:9px;left:20px"; //"top:19px;left:10px"; summ.moveWidthStr = "95px";//"100px"; summ.moveHeightStr = "8px"; summ.moveStyleStr = "m-cardsummary-movelabel-small"; summ.starGreyResource = null; summ.starRedResource = null; summ.idLabPositionStr = "top:12px;left:88px"; summ.idLabWidthStr = "25px"; summ.idLabHeightStr = "10px"; summ.idLabStyleStr = summ.contentStyle; summ.headerPositionStr = "top:12px;left:12px;"; summ.smallVersion = true; summ.hiddenStyle = "m-cardsummary-hidden-small"; return summ; } private Label content; private Label user; private Label dateLab; private Label header; private Label idLab; private NativeButton star; private SimpleDateFormat dateFormatter; private Object cardId; private Resource bckgrndResource; private Resource starGreyResource; private Resource starRedResource; private Embedded backImg; private Card card; private User me; //@formatter:off private String widthStr = "242px"; //CARDSUMMARY_W; private String heightStr = "166px"; //CARDSUMMARY_H; private String headerPositionStr = "top:20px;left:26px"; //CARDSUMMARY_HEADER_POS; private String headerWidthStr = "162px"; //CARDSUMMARY_HEADER_W; private String headerHeightStr = "15px"; //CARDSUMMARY_HEADER_H; private String headerStyleStr = "m-cardsummary-header"; private String textColorStyleStr; // set in constructor private String contentPositionStr = "top:50px;left:26px";//CARDSUMMARY_CONTENT_POS; private String contentWidthStr = "200px"; //CARDSUMMARY_CONTENT_W; private String contentHeightStr = "70px"; //CARDSUMMARY_CONTENT_H; private String contentStyle = "m-cardsummary-content"; private String userDatePositionStr = "top:130px;left:26px"; //CARDSUMMARY_USER_DATE_POS; private String userDateWidthStr = "200px"; //CARDSUMMARY_USER_DATE_W; private String userWidthStr = "105px"; //CARDSUMMARY_USER_W;; private String userHeightStr = "15px"; //CARDSUMMARY_USER_H; private String starPositionStr = "top:10px;left:195px"; //CARDSUMMARY_STAR_POS; private String userStyle = "m-cardsummary-user"; private String idLabWidthStr = "50px"; private String idLabHeightStr = "15px"; private String idLabPositionStr = "top:20px;left:135px"; private String idLabStyleStr = contentStyle; private String movePositionStr = "top:35px;left:26px"; private String moveWidthStr = "162px"; private String moveHeightStr = "12px"; private String moveStyleStr = "m-cardsummary-movelabel"; //@formatter:on private String textPrefix = ""; private String textSuffix = ""; private boolean smallVersion = false; private boolean isFactCard = false; private boolean mockupOnly = false; //private Session constructorSession; private String hiddenStyle = "m-cardsummary-hidden"; private CardSummary(Object cardId, boolean isFactCard, Session sess) { this(cardId, isFactCard, sess, false); } @HibernateSessionThreadLocalConstructor @HibernateRead private CardSummary(Object cardId, boolean isFactCard, Session sess, boolean mockupOnly) { this.cardId = cardId; this.isFactCard = isFactCard; this.mockupOnly = mockupOnly; // Assumption: the initGui() method below, where these 2 hib. objects are referenced, will be called in // the same thread/vaadin session so the hib. session passed in on the constructor will still be valid card = Card.getTL(cardId); me = Mmowgli2UI.getGlobals().getUserTL(); content = new HtmlLabel(); user = new Label(); dateLab = new Label(); header = new Label(); idLab = new Label(); star = new NativeButton(); dateFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd HH:mm z"); textColorStyleStr = CardStyler.getCardTextColorOverWhiteStyle(card.getCardType()); } public void initGui() { initGui(HSess.get()); } public void refreshContents(Card c) { content.removeStyleName(hiddenStyle); if (c.isHidden()) content.addStyleName(hiddenStyle); // red "HIDDEN" text background content.setValue(formatText(c.getText())); content.setDescription(c.getText()); user.setValue(c.getAuthorName()); //.getAuthor().getUserName()); } @SuppressWarnings("serial") public void initGui(Session sess) { setHeight(heightStr); setWidth(widthStr); addStyleName("m-cursor-pointer"); // pointer when over me, because I'm clickable if (bckgrndResource != null) { backImg = new Embedded(null, bckgrndResource); addComponent(backImg, "top:0px;left:0px"); } if (!isFactCard) { String hdrTxt = card.getCardType().getSummaryHeader(); header.setDescription(hdrTxt); if (hdrTxt != null && hdrTxt.length() > 0) { //if(hdrTxt.length()>=15) { // hdrTxt = hdrTxt.substring(0, 15).trim()+"..."; // } header.setValue(hdrTxt); header.setWidth(headerWidthStr); header.setHeight(headerHeightStr); addComponent(header, headerPositionStr); header.addStyleName(headerStyleStr); header.addStyleName(textColorStyleStr); header.addStyleName("m-cursor-pointer"); } if (starGreyResource != null && starRedResource != null) { Set<Card> favs = me.getFavoriteCards(); if (favs != null && favs.contains(card)) { star.setIcon(starRedResource); } else { star.setIcon(starGreyResource); } addComponent(star, starPositionStr); if (!mockupOnly) star.addClickListener(new StarClick()); star.addStyleName("borderless"); star.setDescription("Mark or unmark as a favorite of yours"); } } idLab.setWidth(idLabWidthStr); idLab.setHeight(idLabHeightStr); idLab.setValue("" + card.getId()); idLab.addStyleName(idLabStyleStr); idLab.addStyleName("m-text-align-right"); addComponent(idLab, idLabPositionStr); content.setWidth(contentWidthStr); content.setHeight(contentHeightStr); addComponent(content, contentPositionStr); content.addStyleName(contentStyle); if (card.isHidden()) content.addStyleName(hiddenStyle); // red "HIDDEN" text background content.setValue(formatText(card.getText())); content.addStyleName("m-cursor-pointer"); content.setDescription(card.getText()); if (!isFactCard) { /* We shouldn't have to be setting widths on the components within this horizontal layout. The * fact that we do is, I think, related to the absolutelayout parent. Get rid of that and we might * be able to yank the .setwidth, setheight stuff. */ HorizontalLayout hLay = new HorizontalLayout(); hLay.setMargin(false); hLay.setHeight(userHeightStr); hLay.setWidth(userDateWidthStr); addComponent(hLay, userDatePositionStr); user.setValue(card.getAuthorName()); //.getAuthor().getUserName()); hLay.addComponent(user); user.setWidth(userWidthStr); user.setHeight(userHeightStr); user.addStyleName(userStyle); user.addStyleName("m-cursor-pointer"); Label sp; hLay.addComponent(sp = new Label()); sp.setWidth("1px"); hLay.setExpandRatio(sp, 1.0f); dateLab.setValue(dateFormatter.format(card.getCreationDate())); hLay.addComponent(dateLab); dateLab.setHeight(userHeightStr); dateLab.setWidth(null); //dateWidthStr); dateLab.addStyleName(userStyle); } if (card.getCreatedInMove().getId() != Move.getCurrentMove(sess).getId()) { Label lab = new Label(card.getCreatedInMove().getName()); lab.addStyleName(moveStyleStr); lab.setWidth(moveWidthStr); lab.setHeight(moveHeightStr); addComponent(lab, movePositionStr); } // Listen for layout click events if (!mockupOnly) this.addLayoutClickListener(new LayoutClickListener() { @MmowgliCodeEntry @HibernateOpened @HibernateRead public void layoutClick(LayoutClickEvent event) { HSess.init(); Component c = event.getChildComponent(); Card card = Card.getTL(cardId); if (c == star) { //Let the starlistener below handle it } else if (c == user) { AppEvent evt = new AppEvent(CARDAUTHORCLICK, CardSummary.this, card.getAuthor().getId()); Mmowgli2UI.getGlobals().getController().miscEventTL(evt); } else { //if (c == content) { AppEvent evt = new AppEvent(CARDCLICK, CardSummary.this, card.getId()); Mmowgli2UI.getGlobals().getController().miscEventTL(evt); } HSess.close(); } }); } class StarClick implements ClickListener { private static final long serialVersionUID = 7092717307047085740L; @Override @MmowgliCodeEntry @HibernateOpened @HibernateRead @HibernateUpdate @HibernateCommitted @HibernateUserUpdate public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { HSess.init(); User me = Mmowgli2UI.getGlobals().getUserTL(); Card card = Card.getTL(cardId); if (me.getFavoriteCards().contains(card)) { // remove it me.getFavoriteCards().remove(card); star.setIcon(starGreyResource); } else { me.getFavoriteCards().add(card); star.setIcon(starRedResource); } User.updateTL(me); HSess.close(); // commit } } private String formatText(String s) { if (smallVersion) return s; int spaceLoc = s.indexOf(' ', 25); if (spaceLoc == -1 || spaceLoc > 35) return s; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(textPrefix); sb.append("<b>"); sb.append(morphLinks(s.substring(0, spaceLoc))); sb.append("</b>"); sb.append(morphLinks(s.substring(spaceLoc))); sb.append(textSuffix); return sb.toString(); } private String morphLinks(String txt) { return txt; // Don't do this here, the layout listener will take us to the card, and we get confused...return MmowgliLinkInserter.insertLinks(txt); } public Object getCardId() { return cardId; } }