List of usage examples for com.vaadin.ui Component setWidth
public void setWidth(String width);
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License:Apache License
/** * Similar to {@link #MessageBox(Window, String, Icon, String, Alignment, ButtonConfig...)}, * but the message component is defined explicitly. The component can be even a composite * of a layout manager and manager further Vaadin components. * //from ww w .jav a2s. c o m * @param messageComponent a Vaadin component */ public MessageBox(String dialogWidth, String dialogHeight, String dialogCaption, Icon dialogIcon, Component messageComponent, Alignment buttonsAlignment, ButtonConfig... buttonConfigs) { super(); setResizable(false); setClosable(false); setSizeUndefined(); setWidth(dialogWidth); //setHeight(dialogHeight); setCaption(dialogCaption); GridLayout mainLayout = new GridLayout(2, 2); mainLayout.setMargin(true); mainLayout.setSpacing(true); mainLayout.setSizeUndefined(); mainLayout.setWidth(GRID_DEFAULT_WIDTH1); // Add Content messageComponent.setSizeUndefined(); messageComponent.setWidth(GRID_DEFAULT_WIDTH2); if (dialogIcon == null || Icon.NONE.equals(dialogIcon)) { mainLayout.addComponent(messageComponent, 0, 0, 1, 0); mainLayout.setRowExpandRatio(0, 1.0f); mainLayout.setColumnExpandRatio(0, 1.0f); } else { mainLayout.addComponent(messageComponent, 1, 0); mainLayout.setRowExpandRatio(0, 1.0f); mainLayout.setColumnExpandRatio(1, 1.0f); Embedded icon = null; switch (dialogIcon) { case QUESTION: icon = new Embedded(null, new ThemeResource("images/question.png")); break; case INFO: icon = new Embedded(null, new ThemeResource("images/info.png")); break; case WARN: icon = new Embedded(null, new ThemeResource("images/warn.png")); break; case ERROR: icon = new Embedded(null, new ThemeResource("images/error.png")); break; } mainLayout.addComponent(icon, 0, 0); icon.setWidth(ICON_DEFAULT_SIZE); icon.setHeight(ICON_DEFAULT_SIZE); } // Add Buttons HorizontalLayout buttonLayout = new HorizontalLayout(); buttonLayout.setSpacing(true); mainLayout.addComponent(buttonLayout, 0, 1, 1, 1); mainLayout.setComponentAlignment(buttonLayout, buttonsAlignment); for (ButtonConfig buttonConfig : buttonConfigs) { Button button = new Button(buttonConfig.getCaption(), new ButtonClickListener(buttonConfig.getButtonType())); if (buttonConfig.getWidth() != null) { button.setWidth(buttonConfig.getWidth()); } if (buttonConfig.getOptionalResource() != null) { button.setIcon(buttonConfig.getOptionalResource()); } else { Resource icon = null; switch (buttonConfig.getButtonType()) { case ABORT: icon = new ThemeResource("images/famfamfam/cross.png"); break; case CANCEL: icon = new ThemeResource("images/famfamfam/cross.png"); break; case CLOSE: icon = new ThemeResource("images/famfamfam/door.png"); break; case HELP: icon = new ThemeResource("images/famfamfam/lightbulb.png"); break; case OK: icon = new ThemeResource("images/famfamfam/tick.png"); break; case YES: icon = new ThemeResource("images/famfamfam/tick.png"); break; case NO: icon = new ThemeResource("images/famfamfam/cross.png"); break; case SAVE: icon = new ThemeResource("images/famfamfam/disk.png"); break; case RETRY: icon = new ThemeResource("images/famfamfam/arrow_refresh.png"); break; case IGNORE: icon = new ThemeResource("images/famfamfam/lightning_go.png"); break; } button.setIcon(icon); } buttonLayout.addComponent(button); } setContent(mainLayout); }
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License:Apache License
/** * Similar to {@link #MessageBox(Window, String, Icon, String, Alignment, ButtonConfig...)}, * but the message component is defined explicitly. The component can be even a composite * of a layout manager and manager further Vaadin components. * // ww w. j a va 2 s. co m * @param messageComponent a Vaadin component */ public MessageBox(String dialogWidth, String dialogHeight, String dialogCaption, Icon dialogIcon, Component messageComponent, Alignment buttonsAlignment, ButtonConfig... buttonConfigs) { super(); setResizable(false); setClosable(false); setSizeUndefined(); setWidth(dialogWidth); //setHeight(dialogHeight); setCaption(dialogCaption); GridLayout mainLayout = new GridLayout(2, 2); mainLayout.setMargin(true); mainLayout.setSpacing(true); mainLayout.setSizeUndefined(); mainLayout.setWidth(GRID_DEFAULT_WIDTH1); // Add Content messageComponent.setSizeUndefined(); messageComponent.setWidth(GRID_DEFAULT_WIDTH2); if (dialogIcon == null || Icon.NONE.equals(dialogIcon)) { mainLayout.addComponent(messageComponent, 0, 0, 1, 0); mainLayout.setRowExpandRatio(0, 1.0f); mainLayout.setColumnExpandRatio(0, 1.0f); } else { mainLayout.addComponent(messageComponent, 1, 0); mainLayout.setRowExpandRatio(0, 1.0f); mainLayout.setColumnExpandRatio(1, 1.0f); Embedded icon = null; switch (dialogIcon) { case QUESTION: icon = new Embedded(null, new ThemeResource("./images/question.png")); break; case INFO: icon = new Embedded(null, new ThemeResource("./images/info.png")); break; case WARN: icon = new Embedded(null, new ThemeResource("./images/warn.png")); break; case ERROR: icon = new Embedded(null, new ThemeResource("./images/error.png")); break; } mainLayout.addComponent(icon, 0, 0); icon.setWidth(ICON_DEFAULT_SIZE); icon.setHeight(ICON_DEFAULT_SIZE); } // Add Buttons HorizontalLayout buttonLayout = new HorizontalLayout(); buttonLayout.setSpacing(true); mainLayout.addComponent(buttonLayout, 0, 1, 1, 1); mainLayout.setComponentAlignment(buttonLayout, buttonsAlignment); for (ButtonConfig buttonConfig : buttonConfigs) { Button button = new Button(buttonConfig.getCaption(), new ButtonClickListener(buttonConfig.getButtonType())); if (buttonConfig.getWidth() != null) { button.setWidth(buttonConfig.getWidth()); } if (buttonConfig.getOptionalResource() != null) { button.setIcon(buttonConfig.getOptionalResource()); } else { Resource icon = null; switch (buttonConfig.getButtonType()) { case ABORT: icon = new ThemeResource("images/famfamfam/cross.png"); break; case CANCEL: icon = new ThemeResource("images/famfamfam/cross.png"); break; case CLOSE: icon = new ThemeResource("images/famfamfam/door.png"); break; case HELP: icon = new ThemeResource("images/famfamfam/lightbulb.png"); break; case OK: icon = new ThemeResource("images/famfamfam/tick.png"); break; case YES: icon = new ThemeResource("images/famfamfam/tick.png"); break; case NO: icon = new ThemeResource("images/famfamfam/cross.png"); break; case SAVE: icon = new ThemeResource("images/famfamfam/disk.png"); break; case RETRY: icon = new ThemeResource("images/famfamfam/arrow_refresh.png"); break; case IGNORE: icon = new ThemeResource("images/famfamfam/lightning_go.png"); break; } button.setIcon(icon); } buttonLayout.addComponent(button); } setContent(mainLayout); }
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License:Apache License
/** * Sets an icon to the message dialog.//from www . j a v a 2 s. c o m * * @param icon An embedded resource * @param width The width i.e. "48px" * @param height The height i.e. "48px" * @return The {@link MessageBox} instance itself */ public MessageBox withIcon(Component icon, String width, String height) { if (this.icon != null) { contentLayout.removeComponent(this.icon); } this.icon = icon; if (icon != null) { contentLayout.addComponent(icon, 0); contentLayout.setComponentAlignment(icon, Alignment.MIDDLE_CENTER); icon.setWidth(width); icon.setHeight(height); } return this; }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public void initGui() { setSizeUndefined();/*from www. j a va2 s . com*/ VerticalLayout leftVL = this.getLeftLayout(); leftVL.setSpacing(true); Label missionLab = new Label("Authors, this is your team space."); leftVL.addComponent(missionLab); leftVL.setComponentAlignment(missionLab, Alignment.TOP_LEFT); missionLab.addStyleName("m-actionplan-mission-title-text"); ActionPlan ap = ActionPlan.getTL(apId); Label missionContentLab; Game g = Game.getTL(); if (!isMockup) missionContentLab = new HtmlLabel(ap.getTalkItOverInstructions()); else { missionContentLab = new HtmlLabel(g.getDefaultActionPlanTalkText()); } leftVL.addComponent(missionContentLab); leftVL.setComponentAlignment(missionContentLab, Alignment.TOP_LEFT); leftVL.addStyleName("m-actionplan-mission-content-text"); Label sp; leftVL.addComponent(sp = new Label()); sp.setHeight("1px"); leftVL.setExpandRatio(sp, 1.0f); VerticalLayout rightVL = getRightLayout(); rightVL.setSpacing(true); Label lab; rightVL.addComponent(lab = new Label()); lab.setHeight("15px"); rightVL.addComponent(nonAuthorLabel = new Label("This is a space for plan authors to communicate.")); nonAuthorLabel.setVisible(false); rightVL.addComponent(chatEntryComponent); chatEntryComponent.setWidth("100%"); if (isGameMasterOrAdmin) { HorizontalLayout hl = new HorizontalLayout(); rightVL.addComponent(hl); hl.setWidth("100%"); hl.addComponent(sp = new Label()); sp.setWidth("1px"); hl.setExpandRatio(sp, 1.0f); viewAllButt = new ToggleLinkButton("View all", "View unhidden only", "m-actionplan-comment-text"); viewAllButt.setToolTips("Temporarily show all messages, including those marked \"hidden\" (gm)", "Temporarily hide messages marked \"hidden\" (gm)"); viewAllButt.addStyleName("m-actionplan-comments-button"); viewAllButt.addOnListener(new ViewAllListener()); viewAllButt.addOffListener(new ViewUnhiddenOnlyListener()); hl.addComponent(viewAllButt); hl.addComponent(sp = new Label()); sp.setWidth("8px"); } Component comp = createChatScroller(rightVL); comp.setWidth("99%"); rightVL.setExpandRatio(comp, 1.0f); comp.setHeight("99%"); fillChatScrollerTL(); }
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License:Open Source License
private void showFavoritesOrBuilds2(Component c) { //getRightLayout().setSizeUndefined(); // if layout is full size, content goes in center, we want top getRightLayout().addComponent(c);// w w w.java2s . c om getRightLayout().setComponentAlignment(c, Alignment.TOP_CENTER); c.setWidth("670px"); c.setHeight("720px"); lastTable = c; }
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License:Open Source License
public TextAreaStretcher() { registerRpc(new TextAreaStretcherServerRpc() { @Override//from w w w .j a v a 2 s .c o m public void toggle(int initialWidth, int initialHeight) { getState().isCollapsed = !getState().isCollapsed; final Component parent = (Component) getParent(); if (getState().isCollapsed) { // Restore size info from the state. parent.setWidth(getState().collapsedStateWidth); parent.setHeight(getState().collapsedStateHeight); } else { // We save the initial dimensions and clear size info from the state. getState().collapsedStateHeight = parent.getHeight() + parent.getHeightUnits().toString(); getState().collapsedStateWidth = parent.getWidth() + parent.getWidthUnits().toString(); parent.setWidth(""); parent.setHeight(""); } } }); }
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License:Apache License
protected void loadPicture() { Component pictureComponent = null; final Picture userPicture = identityService.getUserPicture(user.getId()); if (userPicture != null) { StreamResource imageresource = new StreamResource(new StreamSource() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public InputStream getStream() { return userPicture.getInputStream(); }/* w w w .ja v a 2 s .c o m*/ }, user.getId() + "." + Constants.MIMETYPE_EXTENSION_MAPPING.get(userPicture.getMimeType()), ExplorerApp.get()); pictureComponent = new Embedded(null, imageresource); } else { pictureComponent = new Label(""); } pictureComponent.setHeight("200px"); pictureComponent.setWidth("200px"); pictureComponent.addStyleName(ExplorerLayout.STYLE_PROFILE_PICTURE); userDetailsLayout.addComponent(pictureComponent); userDetailsLayout.setComponentAlignment(pictureComponent, Alignment.MIDDLE_CENTER); }
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License:Apache License
private void addForm() { FormLayout loginForm = new FormLayout(); MessageProvider mp = ServiceContextManager.getServiceContext().getService(MessageProvider.class); username = new TextField(mp.getMessage("default.label.username")); password = new PasswordField(mp.getMessage("default.label.password")); loginForm.addComponents(username, password); addComponent(loginForm);// w w w . j ava 2 s. c om loginForm.setSpacing(true); for (Component component : loginForm) { component.setWidth("100%"); } username.focus(); }
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License:Open Source License
/** Constructor * * @param inDownloads {@link QueryResult} the existing download files to display * @param inTask {@link IBibliographyTask} * @throws VException/*ww w .java 2 s . c om*/ * @throws SQLException */ public UploadComponent(final QueryResult inDownloads, final IBibliographyTask inTask) throws VException, SQLException { super(); hasDownloads = false; dialog = createDialog(inTask); layout = createLayout(); setCompositionRoot(layout); layout.setStyleName("vif-upload"); //$NON-NLS-1$ dropBox = createDropBox(inTask); layout.addComponent(dropBox); upload = createUpload(inTask); layout.addComponent(upload); Component lLast = upload; downloadDelete = createDeleteFileButton(inTask); if (inDownloads.hasMoreElements()) { // add button to delete file and download link to download layout hasDownloads = true; final GeneralDomainObject lDownload =; final DownloadFileLink lDownloadLink = new DownloadFileLink( BeanWrapperHelper.getString(DownloadTextHome.KEY_LABEL, lDownload), BeanWrapperHelper.getLong(DownloadTextHome.KEY_ID, lDownload)); layout.addComponent(downloadDelete); layout.addComponent(lDownloadLink); lLast = lDownloadLink; } else { final Component lSpace = RiplaViewHelper.createSpacer(); layout.addComponent(lSpace); lLast = lSpace; } lLast.setWidth("100%"); //$NON-NLS-1$ layout.setExpandRatio(lLast, 1); layout.setComponentAlignment(lLast, Alignment.MIDDLE_LEFT); }
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License:Open Source License
private void addComponents(final Component... inComponents) { // NOPMD for (final Component lComponent : inComponents) { layout.addComponent(lComponent); }//from ww w . j a v a2 s.c o m final Component lLast = inComponents[inComponents.length - 1]; lLast.setWidth("100%"); //$NON-NLS-1$ layout.setExpandRatio(lLast, 1); layout.setComponentAlignment(lLast, Alignment.MIDDLE_LEFT); }