Java tutorial
/* Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Modeling Virtual Environments and Simulation (MOVES) Institute at the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) and This file is part of Mmowgli. Mmowgli is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version. Mmowgli is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Mmowgli in the form of a file named COPYING. If not, see <> */ package edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.modules.userprofile; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.*; import org.hibernate.Criteria; import org.hibernate.SessionFactory; import org.hibernate.criterion.*; import; import; import com.vaadin.server.Resource; import com.vaadin.ui.*; import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickEvent; import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickListener; import com.vaadin.ui.themes.BaseTheme; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.Mmowgli2UI; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.MmowgliEvent; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.components.CardTableSimple; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.components.HtmlLabel; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.db.*; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.hibernate.HSess; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.markers.*; import edu.nps.moves.mmowgli.utility.IDNativeButton; /** * * Created on Mar 15, 2011 * Updated on Mar 13, 2014 * * MOVES Institute * Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, USA * * * @author Mike Bailey, * @version $Id$ */ public class UserProfileMyIdeasPanel2 extends UserProfileTabPanel implements ClickListener { private static final long serialVersionUID = -3825584772452926275L; private Component lastTable; private Button allButt, buildsButt, favsButt, profileButt; private HorizontalLayout allRow, buildsRow, favsRow, profileRow; private SimpleDateFormat dateForm; @HibernateSessionThreadLocalConstructor public UserProfileMyIdeasPanel2(Object uid) { super(uid); dateForm = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd HH:mm z"); } @Override public void initGui() { super.initGui(); VerticalLayout leftLayout = getLeftLayout(); leftLayout.setSpacing(true); getLeftLabel().setValue(""); //"Click on the links below to display lists of cards in play."); int i = leftLayout.getComponentIndex(getLeftLabel()) + 1; // start adding from here Label sp; String possessive = "my"; String capPossessive = "My"; if (!userIsMe) possessive = capPossessive = userName + "'s"; leftLayout.addComponent(allRow = makeCheckRow(allButt = makeButt("All " + possessive + " ideas")), i++); setCheck(allRow, true); leftLayout.setComponentAlignment(allRow, Alignment.MIDDLE_LEFT); leftLayout.addComponent( buildsRow = makeCheckRow(buildsButt = makeButt("Builds on " + possessive + " ideas")), i++); setCheck(buildsRow, false); leftLayout.addComponent(favsRow = makeCheckRow(favsButt = makeButt(capPossessive + " favorite ideas")), i++); setCheck(favsRow, false); leftLayout.addComponent(profileRow = makeCheckRow(profileButt = makeButt(capPossessive + " idea profile")), i++); setCheck(profileRow, false); getRightLayout().addComponent(sp = new Label()); sp.setHeight("20px"); showAllMyIdeas(); } private Resource checkMarkRes = null; HorizontalLayout makeCheckRow(Button butt) { HorizontalLayout hl = new HorizontalLayout(); hl.setSizeUndefined(); hl.addStyleName("m-userprofile-linkbuttons"); hl.setMargin(false); hl.setSpacing(false); if (checkMarkRes == null) checkMarkRes = Mmowgli2UI.getGlobals().getMediaLocator().getCheckMark12px(); Embedded embedded = new Embedded(null, checkMarkRes); embedded.setWidth("12px"); if (butt == buildsButt) embedded.setVisible(false); hl.addComponent(embedded); hl.addComponent(butt); hl.setExpandRatio(butt, 1.0f); return hl; } private void setCheck(HorizontalLayout row, boolean show) { Component c = row.getComponent(1); // second Component check = row.getComponent(0); if (!show) { // want to hide if (c instanceof Label) return; // I'm already hiding check.setVisible(false); Label sp; row.addComponent(sp = new Label(), 1); sp.setWidth("12px"); } else { // want to show if (!(c instanceof Label)) return; //I'm already showing check.setVisible(true); row.removeComponent(c); } } Button makeButt(String s) { NativeButton b = new NativeButton(s); b.setStyleName(BaseTheme.BUTTON_LINK); b.addStyleName("m-link-button"); b.addStyleName("borderless"); b.addClickListener(this); return b; } @Override @MmowgliCodeEntry @HibernateOpened @HibernateClosed public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { HSess.init(); Button clickee = event.getButton(); if (clickee == allButt) showAllMyIdeas(); else if (clickee == buildsButt) showBuilds(); else if (clickee == favsButt) showFavorites(); else if (clickee == profileButt) showProfile(); flipChecks(clickee); HSess.close(); } private void flipChecks(Button b) { setCheck(allRow, false); setCheck(buildsRow, false); setCheck(favsRow, false); setCheck(profileRow, false); if (b == allButt) setCheck(allRow, true); else if (b == buildsButt) setCheck(buildsRow, true); else if (b == favsButt) setCheck(favsRow, true); else if (b == profileButt) setCheck(profileRow, true); } private Component allIdeasTab; public void showAllMyIdeas() { if (lastTable != null) { getRightLayout().removeComponent(lastTable); lastTable = null; } if (allIdeasTab == null) { allIdeasTab = createAllIdeasTable(); } getRightLayout().setSizeUndefined(); // if layout is full size, content goes in center, we want top getRightLayout().addComponent(allIdeasTab); getRightLayout().setComponentAlignment(allIdeasTab, Alignment.TOP_CENTER); allIdeasTab.setHeight("720px"); allIdeasTab.setWidth("670px"); lastTable = allIdeasTab; } private Component buildsTable; public void showBuilds() { showFavoritesOrBuilds1(); if (buildsTable == null) buildsTable = createBuildsTable(); showFavoritesOrBuilds2(buildsTable); } private Component favoritesTable; public void showFavorites() { showFavoritesOrBuilds1(); if (favoritesTable == null) favoritesTable = createFavoritesTable(); showFavoritesOrBuilds2(favoritesTable); } private void showFavoritesOrBuilds1() { if (lastTable != null) { getRightLayout().removeComponent(lastTable); lastTable = null; } } private void showFavoritesOrBuilds2(Component c) { //getRightLayout().setSizeUndefined(); // if layout is full size, content goes in center, we want top getRightLayout().addComponent(c); getRightLayout().setComponentAlignment(c, Alignment.TOP_CENTER); c.setWidth("670px"); c.setHeight("720px"); lastTable = c; } Component profile; public void showProfile() { if (lastTable != null) { getRightLayout().removeComponent(lastTable); lastTable = null; } if (profile == null) profile = createProfileTL(); getRightLayout().setSizeUndefined(); // if layout is full size, content goes in center, we want top getRightLayout().addComponent(profile); getRightLayout().setComponentAlignment(profile, Alignment.TOP_CENTER); lastTable = profile; } private Criteria commonCriteria() { User usr = User.getTL(uid); Criteria crit = HSess.get().createCriteria(Card.class).add(Restrictions.eq("author", usr)) .add(Restrictions.eq("factCard", false)); if (me.isGameMaster() || me.isAdministrator()) ; else crit.add(Restrictions.eq("hidden", false)); return crit; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private Component createProfileTL() { VerticalLayout lay = new VerticalLayout(); lay.setWidth("670px"); Label lab; lay.addComponent(lab = new Label()); lab.setHeight("10px"); VerticalLayout innerVL = new VerticalLayout(); innerVL.setSpacing(true); innerVL.setMargin(true); innerVL.setWidth("100%"); //"90%"); innerVL.addStyleName("m-myideaprofile-table"); lay.addComponent(innerVL); GridLayout gridL = new GridLayout(); gridL.setColumns(2); gridL.addStyleName("m-userprofile-text"); gridL.setSpacing(true); CardType ct; int count = 0; int largest = -1; List<Card> lisPos = commonCriteria() .add(Restrictions.eq("cardType", ct = CardType .getCurrentPositiveIdeaCardTypeTL()/*CardTypeManager.getPositiveIdeaCardTypeTL()*/)) .list(); count += lisPos.size(); largest = Math.max(largest, lisPos.size()); List<Card> lisNeg = commonCriteria() .add(Restrictions.eq("cardType", ct = CardType.getCurrentNegativeIdeaCardTypeTL())).list(); //CardTypeManager.getNegativeIdeaCardTypeTL())).list(); count += lisNeg.size(); largest = Math.max(largest, lisNeg.size()); List<Card> lisExpand = commonCriteria().add(Restrictions.eq("cardType", ct = CardType.getExpandTypeTL())) .list();//CardTypeManager.getExpandTypeTL())).list(); count += lisExpand.size(); largest = Math.max(largest, lisExpand.size()); List<Card> lisAdapt = commonCriteria().add(Restrictions.eq("cardType", ct = CardType.getAdaptTypeTL())) .list();//CardTypeManager.getAdaptTypeTL())).list(); count += lisAdapt.size(); largest = Math.max(largest, lisAdapt.size()); List<Card> lisCounter = commonCriteria().add(Restrictions.eq("cardType", ct = CardType.getCounterTypeTL())) .list();//CardTypeManager.getCounterTypeTL())).list(); count += lisCounter.size(); largest = Math.max(largest, lisCounter.size()); List<Card> lisExplore = commonCriteria().add(Restrictions.eq("cardType", ct = CardType.getExploreTypeTL())) .list();//CardTypeManager.getExploreTypeTL())).list(); count += lisExplore.size(); largest = Math.max(largest, lisExplore.size()); ct = CardType.getCurrentPositiveIdeaCardTypeTL(); //CardTypeManager.getPositiveIdeaCardTypeTL(); row(ct.getSummaryHeader(), largest, lisPos.size(), ct, gridL); ct = CardType.getCurrentNegativeIdeaCardTypeTL(); //CardTypeManager.getNegativeIdeaCardTypeTL(); row(ct.getSummaryHeader(), largest, lisNeg.size(), ct, gridL); ct = CardType.getExpandTypeTL(); //CardTypeManager.getExpandTypeTL(); row(ct.getSummaryHeader(), largest, lisExpand.size(), ct, gridL); ct = CardType.getAdaptTypeTL(); //CardTypeManager.getAdaptTypeTL(); row(ct.getSummaryHeader(), largest, lisAdapt.size(), ct, gridL); ct = CardType.getCounterTypeTL(); //CardTypeManager.getCounterTypeTL(); row(ct.getSummaryHeader(), largest, lisCounter.size(), ct, gridL); ct = CardType.getExploreTypeTL(); //CardTypeManager.getExploreTypeTL(); row(ct.getSummaryHeader(), largest, lisExplore.size(), ct, gridL); gridL.addComponent(new Label("")); gridL.addComponent(new Label("")); gridL.addComponent(new Label("TOTAL")); gridL.addComponent(new Label("" + count)); innerVL.addComponent(gridL); lay.addComponent(lab = new Label()); lab.setHeight("1px"); lay.setExpandRatio(lab, 1.0f); return lay; } private final int MAXBARWIDTH = 420; private void row(String s, int largest, int sz, CardType ct, GridLayout grid) { float pct = (float) sz / (float) largest; float wd = pct * MAXBARWIDTH; int width = Math.max(Math.round(wd), 1); Label lab; grid.addComponent(lab = new Label(s)); lab.setWidth("160"); lab.setDescription(s); HorizontalLayout hLay = new HorizontalLayout(); hLay.setSpacing(true); hLay.setMargin(false); hLay.addComponent(lab = new HtmlLabel(" ")); ; lab.addStyleName(CardType.getColorStyle(ct)); //CardTypeManager.getColorStyle(ct)); lab.setWidth("" + width + "px"); hLay.addComponent(lab = new Label("" + sz)); grid.addComponent(hLay); } private Component buildNoIdeasYet() { if (!userIsMe) { Label lab = new Label("No idea cards yet"); lab.addStyleName("m-userprofile-tabpanel-font"); return lab; } HorizontalLayout hl = new HorizontalLayout(); hl.setSpacing(true); hl.setMargin(true); hl.setWidth("100%"); Label lab; hl.addComponent(lab = new Label("No idea cards yet")); lab.addStyleName("m-userprofile-tabpanel-font"); lab.setSizeUndefined(); hl.setExpandRatio(lab, 0.5f); hl.setComponentAlignment(lab, Alignment.TOP_RIGHT); hl.addComponent(lab = new Label()); lab.setWidth("30px"); IDNativeButton butt = new IDNativeButton("Play a card now", MmowgliEvent.PLAYIDEACLICK); butt.setStyleName(BaseTheme.BUTTON_LINK); butt.addStyleName("m-link-button-18"); hl.addComponent(butt); hl.setExpandRatio(butt, 0.5f); hl.setComponentAlignment(butt, Alignment.TOP_LEFT); return hl; } private Component createAllIdeasTable() { return createTable(new MyCardsContainer<Card>(), buildNoIdeasYet()); } public Component createBuildsTable() { return createTable(new MyBuildsContainer<Card>(), "No builds yet"); } public Component createFavoritesTable() { return createTable(new MyFavoritesContainer<Card>(), "No favorites yet"); } private Component createTable(HbnContainer<Card> cntnr, Object nullComponent) { Collection<?> ids = cntnr.getItemIds(); if (ids.size() <= 0) { if (nullComponent instanceof String) { VerticalLayout vl = new VerticalLayout(); vl.setWidth("670px"); Label lab; vl.addComponent(lab = new Label((String) nullComponent)); lab.addStyleName("m-userprofile-tabpanel-font"); lab.setSizeUndefined(); // prevents 100% w vl.setComponentAlignment(lab, Alignment.TOP_CENTER); vl.addComponent(lab = new Label()); vl.setExpandRatio(lab, 1.0f); return vl; } return buildNoIdeasYet(); } Table tab = new CardTableSimple(null, cntnr); tab.setPageLength(40); tab.addStyleName("m-greyborder"); return tab; } class MyColumnCustomizer implements Table.ColumnGenerator { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1938821794468835620L; @Override public Component generateCell(Table table, Object itemId, Object columnId) { @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") EntityItem ei = (EntityItem) table.getItem(itemId); Card card = (Card) ei.getPojo(); String hidden = card.isHidden() ? "<color='red'>(Hidden)</color>" : ""; if ("chainroot".equals(columnId)) { boolean tf = card.getParentCard() == null; return new Label(tf ? "yes" : ""); } if ("followons".equals(columnId)) { Set<Card> set = card.getFollowOns(); if (set != null && set.size() <= 0) set = null; return new Label((set != null) ? "" + set.size() : ""); } if ("gencardtype".equals(columnId)) { CardType ct = card.getCardType(); return new Label((ct == null) ? "" : ct.getTitle()); } if ("genauthor".equals(columnId)) { return new Label(card.getAuthorName()); //card.getAuthor().getUserName()); } if ("gendate".equals(columnId)) { return new Label(dateForm.format(card.getCreationDate())); } if ("gentext".equals(columnId)) { Label lab = new HtmlLabel(card.getText()); lab.addStyleName("m-nowrap"); // has no effect lab.setDescription(hidden + card.getText()); // tooltip has no effect return lab; } return new Label("Program error in"); } } @SuppressWarnings({ "serial", "unchecked" }) class MyCardsContainer<T> extends HbnContainer<T> { public MyCardsContainer() { this(HSess.getSessionFactory()); //threadlocal ok } public MyCardsContainer(SessionFactory fact) { super((Class<T>) Card.class, fact); } @MmowgliCodeEntry // from HbnContainer @Override protected Criteria getBaseCriteriaTL() { Criteria crit = super.getBaseCriteriaTL(); // gets all cards crit.add(Restrictions.eq("author", User.getTL(uid))); // written by me crit.add(Restrictions.eq("factCard", false)); // which aren't fact cards crit.addOrder(Order.desc("creationDate")); // newest first if (me.isGameMaster() || me.isAdministrator()) ; else crit.add(Restrictions.eq("hidden", false)); Card.adjustCriteriaToOmitCardsTL(crit, me); return crit; } } @SuppressWarnings({ "serial", "unchecked" }) class MyBuildsContainer<T> extends HbnContainer<T> { public MyBuildsContainer() { this(HSess.getSessionFactory()); //thread local ok } public MyBuildsContainer(SessionFactory fact) { super((Class<T>) Card.class, fact); } @Override protected Criteria getBaseCriteriaTL() { User moi = User.getTL(uid); Criteria crit = super.getBaseCriteriaTL(); // gets all cards //crit.add("author", moi)); // that are not written by me crit.createAlias("parentCard", "parent"); // who have parent cards crit.add(Restrictions.eq("", moi)); // whose author is me crit.addOrder(Order.desc("creationDate")); // newest first if (me.isGameMaster() || me.isAdministrator()) ; else crit.add(Restrictions.eq("hidden", false)); Card.adjustCriteriaToOmitCardsTL(crit, me); return crit; } } @SuppressWarnings({ "serial", "unchecked" }) class MyFavoritesContainer<T> extends HbnContainer<T> { public MyFavoritesContainer() { this(HSess.getSessionFactory()); //Thread local ok } public MyFavoritesContainer(SessionFactory fact) { super((Class<T>) Card.class, fact); } @Override protected Criteria getBaseCriteriaTL() { Criteria crit = super.getBaseCriteriaTL(); // gets all cards crit.addOrder(Order.desc("creationDate")); // newest first Disjunction disj; crit.add(disj = Restrictions.disjunction()); User usr = User.getTL(uid); Set<Card> favs = usr.getFavoriteCards(); if (favs != null && favs.size() > 0) { for (Card c : favs) { disj.add(Restrictions.idEq(c.getId())); // which is eq to this, or that... } } else disj.add(Restrictions.idEq(0xffffff00l)); // bogus card id, because an empty disjunction finds everything if (me.isGameMaster() || me.isAdministrator()) ; else crit.add(Restrictions.eq("hidden", false)); Card.adjustCriteriaToOmitCardsTL(crit, me); return crit; } } }