List of usage examples for com.vaadin.ui CheckBox CheckBox
public CheckBox(String caption)
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License:Open Source License
public MSOptionComponent(DBVocabularies vocabs) { this.setCaption("MS Experiment Options"); setSpacing(true);// ww w . j a va2 s .c o m proteinPooling = new CheckBox("Pool Before Protein Fractionation/Enrichment"); measurePeptides = new CheckBox("Measure Peptides"); shortGel = new CheckBox("Use Short Gel"); purification = new CheckBox("Protein Purification"); addComponent(purification); purificationMethods = new ComboBox("Purification Method"); purificationMethods.setNullSelectionAllowed(false); purificationMethods.setStyleName(Styles.boxTheme); purificationMethods.setVisible(false); List<String> methods = new ArrayList<String>(vocabs.getProteinPurificationMethodsMap().values()); Collections.sort(methods); purificationMethods.addItems(methods); addComponent(purificationMethods); purification.addValueChangeListener(new ValueChangeListener() { @Override public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) { purificationMethods.setVisible(purification.getValue()); } }); addComponent(shortGel); addComponent(proteinPooling); addComponent(measurePeptides); }
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License:Open Source License
public MSSampleMultiplicationTable(AnalyteMultiplicationType type, DBVocabularies vocabs, boolean peptides) { setSpacing(true);//from w w w. j a v a 2 s. co m this.type = type; this.aboutPeptides = peptides; this.enzymes = vocabs.getEnzymes(); Collections.sort(enzymes); setSpacing(true); sampleTable = new Table(); sampleTable.setWidth("775px"); sampleTable.setCaption("Resulting " + type + "s"); sampleTable.setStyleName(Styles.tableTheme); sampleTable.addContainerProperty("Base Sample", Label.class, null); sampleTable.addContainerProperty(type, Label.class, null); sampleTable.addContainerProperty(type + " Name", TextField.class, null); sampleTable.addContainerProperty(type + " Lab ID", TextField.class, null); sampleTable.addContainerProperty("Process", Component.class, null); sampleTable.addContainerProperty("Enzyme", Component.class, null); sampleTable.setColumnWidth("Base Sample", 110); sampleTable.setColumnWidth(type, 65); sampleTable.setColumnWidth(type + " Name", 210); sampleTable.setColumnWidth(type + " Lab ID", 110); sampleTable.setColumnWidth("Process", 130); sampleTable.setColumnWidth("Enzyme", 135); if (peptides) { sampleTable.setColumnCollapsingAllowed(true); sampleTable.setColumnCollapsed("Process", true); sampleTable.setColumnCollapsed("Enzyme", true); } addComponent(sampleTable); generalFractionMSInfo = new GeneralMSInfoPanel(vocabs, type + " Measurement Details"); generalFractionMSInfo.setVisible(false); addComponent(generalFractionMSInfo); poolSamples = new CheckBox("Pool All " + type + "s"); String info = "Create one pool of all protein " + type + " per original sample. They will be digested using the enzyme selected for digestion of single " + type + "s (see selection below)."; if (peptides) info = "Create one pool of all peptide " + type + " per original sample. They will be measured using the same MS properties used for each single " + type + " (see selection below)."; addComponent(Styles.questionize(poolSamples, info, "Pool All " + type + "s")); if (!peptides) { // add = new Button(); // remove = new Button(); // Styles.iconButton(add, FontAwesome.PLUS_SQUARE); // Styles.iconButton(remove, FontAwesome.MINUS_SQUARE); initListener(); // enzymePane = new VerticalLayout(); // enzymePane.setCaption(type + " Digestion Enzymes"); // enzymePane.addComponent(c); // enzymePane.setVisible(false); // addComponent(enzymePane); // buttonGrid = new GridLayout(2, 1); // buttonGrid.setSpacing(true); // buttonGrid.addComponent(add); // buttonGrid.addComponent(remove); // buttonGrid.setVisible(false); // addComponent(buttonGrid); } }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Creates a new condition chooser component * /*from www . j a v a 2 s. c o m*/ * @param options List of different possible conditions * @param other Name of the "other" condition, which when selected will enable an input field for * free text * @param special Name of a "special" condition like species for the entity input, which when * selected will disable the normal species input because there is more than one instance * @param nullSelectionAllowed true, if the conditions may be empty */ public TechChooser(List<String> options, Set<String> persons) { chooser = new ComboBox("Analyte", options); chooser.setStyleName(Styles.boxTheme); replicates = new OpenbisInfoTextField("Replicates", "", "50px", "1"); pool = new CheckBox("Pool/Multiplex Samples"); setSpacing(true); helpers = new ArrayList<HorizontalLayout>(); HorizontalLayout help1 = Styles.questionize(chooser, "Choose the analyte that is measured.", "Analytes"); addComponent(help1); HorizontalLayout help2 = Styles.questionize(replicates.getInnerComponent(), "Number of prepared replicates (1 means no replicates) of this analyte", "Replicates"); addComponent(help2); HorizontalLayout persBoxH = new HorizontalLayout(); persBoxH.setCaption("Contact Person"); person = new ComboBox(); person.addItems(persons); person.setFilteringMode(FilteringMode.CONTAINS); person.setStyleName(Styles.boxTheme); reloadPeople = new Button(); Styles.iconButton(reloadPeople, FontAwesome.REFRESH); persBoxH.addComponent(person); persBoxH.addComponent(reloadPeople); HorizontalLayout help3 = Styles.questionize(persBoxH, "Person responsible for this part of the experiment", "Contact Person"); addComponent(help3); HorizontalLayout help4 = Styles.questionize(pool, "Select if multiple samples are pooled into a single " + "sample before measurement.", "Pooling"); chooser.addValueChangeListener(new ValueChangeListener() { @Override public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) { if (chooser.getValue() != null) { help4.setVisible(!chooser.getValue().equals("PROTEINS")); } } }); addComponent(help4); helpers.add(help1); helpers.add(help2); helpers.add(help3); helpers.add(help4); }
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License:Apache License
@Override public void doBuild() { super.doBuild(); groupInput = new TextField("Group"); groupInput.setWidth("100px"); messageInput = new TextField("Message"); sendButton = new Button("Send message"); sendButton.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { @Override/* w w w. j a v a 2 s .com*/ public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { broadcaster.broadcast(groupInput.getValue(), messageInput.getValue(), getRootComponent()); } }); inputLayout = new HorizontalLayout(groupInput, messageInput, sendButton); inputLayout.setComponentAlignment(sendButton, Alignment.BOTTOM_CENTER); pushEnabled = new CheckBox("Push enabled"); pushEnabled.addValueChangeListener(new HasValue.ValueChangeListener<Boolean>() { @Override public void valueChange(HasValue.ValueChangeEvent event) { // applicationConfiguration.setProperty(PushModule.SERVER_PUSH_ENABLED, event.getValue()); } }); pushEnabled.setValue(Boolean.TRUE); infoArea = new Label(); infoArea.setContentMode(ContentMode.HTML); infoArea.setSizeFull(); infoArea.setValue("Test using multiple browser tabs or instances"); setTopCentreCell(pushEnabled); setCentreCell(inputLayout); setTopLeftCell(infoArea); setBottomCentreCell(messageLog); setMiddleLeftCell(newTab); getGrid().setComponentAlignment(pushEnabled, Alignment.MIDDLE_CENTER); getGrid().setComponentAlignment(inputLayout, Alignment.MIDDLE_CENTER); prepareTabOpener(); }
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License:Open Source License
public PersonInput(List<String> titles, Map<String, Integer> affiliations, List<String> roles, AffiliationInput affiInput) {/* w w w .jav a2 s . c om*/ left = new FormLayout(); left.setMargin(true); affiliationMap = affiliations; this.affiInput = affiInput; this.affiInput.hideRegisterButton(); this.affiInput.setVisible(false); userName = new TextField("Username"); // userName.setRequired(true); userName.addValidator(new RegexpValidator(Helpers.VALID_USERNAME_REGEX, "Please input a valid username.")); left.addComponent(Styles.questionize(userName, "University Tbingen user name or user name provided by QBiC. If left empty a dummy user name is chosen " + "which cannot be used to log in until a real name is added. Person information can still be added to " + "projects or experiments in that case.", "User Name")); title = new ComboBox("Title", titles); title.setRequired(true); title.setStyleName(ValoTheme.COMBOBOX_SMALL); title.setNullSelectionAllowed(false); left.addComponent(title); first = new TextField("First Name"); first.setRequired(true); first.addValidator(new RegexpValidator(Helpers.VALID_NAME_REGEX, "Please input a valid name.")); left.addComponent(first); last = new TextField("Last Name"); last.setRequired(true); last.addValidator(new RegexpValidator(Helpers.VALID_NAME_REGEX, "Please input a valid name.")); left.addComponent(last); eMail = new TextField("E-Mail"); eMail.setRequired(true); eMail.addValidator( new RegexpValidator(Helpers.VALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS_REGEX, "Please input a valid e-mail address.")); left.addComponent(eMail); phone = new TextField("Phone"); left.addComponent(phone); affiliation = new ComboBox("Affiliation", affiliations.keySet()); // affiliation.setNullSelectionAllowed(false); affiliation.setRequired(true); affiliation.setFilteringMode(FilteringMode.CONTAINS); affiliation.setStyleName(ValoTheme.COMBOBOX_SMALL); left.addComponent(Styles.questionize(affiliation, "Work group or organization this person is part of. If it does not exist in the system " + "a \"New Affiliation\" has to be created first. Additional Affiliations and roles can be set in the next Tab.", "Affiliation")); newAffiliation = new CheckBox("New Affiliation"); left.addComponent(newAffiliation); newAffiliation.addValueChangeListener(new ValueChangeListener() { @Override public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) { enableAffiliationInput(newAffiliation.getValue());; affiliation.setEnabled(!newAffiliation.getValue()); } }); role = new ComboBox("Role", roles); role.setRequired(true); role.setStyleName(ValoTheme.COMBOBOX_SMALL); role.setNullSelectionAllowed(false); left.addComponent(role); commit = new Button("Save New User"); left.addComponent(commit); addComponent(left); addComponent(affiInput); }